
主要知识点列举1.掌握单词:square, star, shape, circle, rectangle, triangle, diamond

2.进一步巩固掌握句型:What shape is the…? It’s a…

Show us how to …




T: Hello, boys and girls. Last lesson we learned about shapes. Do you remember them? 同学们,上节课我们一起认识了一些图形。你还记得吗?First, let’s play a guessing

game.首先,请你动动脑,猜猜老师带来的东西是什么形状的。Listen carefully.

T: I have a nice plate. What shape is the plate? 你可以回答:It’s a circle. It’s a square.

(PPT出示:It’s a … ?) Now guess, please.

T: Look, it’s a rectangle. How lovely!(出示实物)你猜对了吗?

T: I have a new towel. What shape is the towel? (稍停)

Oh, it’s a square. It’s nice.(出示实物)

T: I have a pencil sharpener. 如果你想知道它的形状,你可以问我:(稍停)

(引导学生提问): What shape is the pencil sharpener? (PPT出示问句)

Let me tell you. It’s a circle. (出示实物)你猜对了吧!

T: Next game. Magic eyes. 下一个游戏,我们来比比谁的眼力最好?(镜头对PPT)


How many circles can you see? ( rectangles / squares)

T: Oh, you have magic eyes.


1: T: 今天,老师来给你们变个魔术Look, this is a square. (展示一张正方形纸片,对折) What shape is it? (稍停)

It’s a triangle. (出示单词卡片,带读)

T: (拿出准备好的一些三角形实物提问) What shape is the ruler? ( rubber)

(引导学生回答) It’s a triangle.

2. T: Look at the paper. It’s a triangle. Now look carefully. (展示一张三角形纸片,展开)

Is this a triangle? (稍停) No, it’s a diamond. (出示单词卡片,带读)

T: I can make a diamond with fingers.老师会用手指做出一个菱形。Look, this is a

diamond. Now, follow me. 跟着老师边做边说。


T: OK. You did very well.

T: (出示一张扑克牌) Now look at the card. How many diamonds can you see? (稍停) (引导学生回答) I can see … diamonds.

T: Yes, we can see … diamonds.

3. T: I have a box. It’s not a circle. It’s not a square. What shape is it?

(展示盒子) Look, it’s a star. (出示单词卡片,带读)

4. T: (PPT出示B部分) Oh, we have learned six shapes. 我们已经学习了六种图形。

Now let’s listen and repeat. 跟录音来读一读吧!

5. T: Next, let’s play a game. 接下来我们玩一个游戏。这个游戏的名字叫“少了什么”。

What’s missing? 怎么玩呢?老师来说这六个图形,你仔细听和看,哪一个老师



T: Good. You are very clever. 课后你也可以和同学一起玩这个游戏。

6.T: The shapes are very useful. I often draw pictures with shapes. 图形真有用,老师常用图形来画画。

(PPT出示图形) Look, what’s that? (稍停) Yes, it’s a chicken.多可爱的小鸡啊!
