


This is not gonna be easy for you to hear,but it needs to be said. I don’t give a damn who slept with your wife,neither do you,really. You don’t love her,this is an ego thing. She’s a trophy girl, something for your friends to admire. Maybe you should be flatter ed. Well,here’s a flash for you. We are all desperate to be relevant.

※trophy [tro?fi] 战利品,奖杯; 提高身价的. flatter[fl?t?r] 奉承,谄媚,使满意,使高兴.relevant [rel?v?nt]有关的;适当的,中肯的.

Sometime you’re a little brisk. 有时你稍稍的活力充沛。

※brisk [br?sk]adj. 活泼的; 轻快的; 生气勃勃的; 清新的; 兴旺的v. 使活泼; 使活跃; 使兴旺; 活泼起来; 兴旺起来

I think it’s good business practice,not to mention good business ethics. We charge by the hour. Our clients pay for the time that we spend talking. As attorneys,we have an obligation not to overbill our clients. So if I talk so fast,it’s just because I feel ethically bound.

※business practice.商业惯例;business ethics.商业道德;charge [t?ɑrd?]n. 电荷; 费用; 充电; 管理; 责任v. 收费; 充; 装; 冲锋; attorneys [?’t?rni]n. 代理人; 辩护律师; 代言人; 事务律师; obligation [ɑbl?’ɡe??(?)n]n. 义务; 责任; 债务; 职责; 负担;

bound [ba?nd]adj. 准备; 打算; 被束缚的; 受约束的; 装订的v. 限制; 限; 跳跃; 邻接; 弹起n. 边界; 范围; 界限;

who are we overbilling? 我们多收了谁的钱

The board will question you directly. It’s entirely possible they’ll try to provoke you.

Yes,in addition to not flying off,you need to show contrition. They like to see that you’re sorry.

※the board 1.董事会2.委员会; entirely [?n’ta?rli] adv. 完全地; 彻底地;provoke [pr?’vo?k]v. 引起; 激发; 激怒; 成为…的原因; 驱使; contrition.n. 悔恨; 悔罪; 悔悟;in addition to 1.加之; 除…外又.2.另外,除了

You were in love with a man who was unworthy of you,who made you doubt everything that you had a right to count on,who perhaps even toy ed with your sanity.

※be worthy of 值得;count on指望;toyed [t??]n. 玩具; v. 玩弄; 戏弄;adj. 玩具的; 模型的; 玩具一样的

sanity [s?n?ti]n. 明智; 合乎情理; 稳健; 神志清楚; 头脑清楚

Why is it we agreed to bifurcate the trial? 为什么我们要同意分开审判

※bifurcate [‘ba?f?r’ke?t]v. 分叉; 成叉状; 使分叉adj. 成叉的; 两叉的; 分为二枝的

That was pretty awesome today.

He was some sort of device for you to look despicable in my eyes. It’s your pattern with women. 他只是个被你利用的工具好让我觉得你卑鄙。你就是这么对付女人的。

※despicable [d i’sp i k?b(?)l]恶劣的; 卑鄙的;

pattern [‘p?t?rn]n. 模式; 格局; 方式; 型; 图案v. 用图案装饰; 给…加花样; 照图样做; 仿造; 摹制

You just so happen to encounter him. ※encounter [?n’ka?nt?r]n. 遭遇; 冲突; v. 遭遇; 遇见; 冲突; 偶然遇见;

The plaintiff thinks he’s getting bilke d for drugs and supplies. His evidence is we charged hospitals and clinics less for those very drugs and supplies.


We had the Satchik deposition at 9:00 . I called you three or four times. Where were you?


deposition [dip?’z??(?)n]n. 淤积; 口供; 证言; 口供书; 免职

New shampoo? Your hair smells a little different. I’m always on the lookout for a new conditioner, so I’m a bit of a serial hair sniffer.

换洗发水了?你头发的味道跟原来不太一样。每出来一种新洗发水我都会留意,所以我能分辨出不同种类。shampoo [??m’pu?]n. 洗头水; v. 洗头发;on the lookout 留意,注意;sniffer . n/v 嗅,闻

conditioner [k?n’d??(?)n?r]n. 调节器; 空气调节装置; 软化剂; 教练员; 检查1.护发素2.空调3.润丝精

serial [‘s?ri?l]n. 连载小说; 连续电视; 定期刊物adj. 连续的;一系列的; 连载的; 串联的


With every sun comes a new day. 每每旭日东升 A new beginning. 都是崭新的开始 A hope that things will be better today than they were yesterday. 总是期冀今日之美远胜昨日But not for me. My name's Eep. 但不属于我我叫小伊 And this is my family. The Croods. 这是我的家人克鲁德一家 If you weren't clued already, by animal skin 如果你看到我们的兽皮和倾斜的额头 and sloping forehead, we are cavemen. 还不明白我们是原始人 Most days we spend in our cave, 我们整日在洞穴中度日 in the dark. 藏于黑暗 Night after night, day after day. 日复一日年复一年 Yep. Home sweet home. 真是甜蜜的家啊 When we did go out, we struggled to find food 难得出洞还得在残酷的大自然里 in a harsh and hostile world. 拼命找食物 And I struggled to survive my family. 我还得拼命保护家人 We were the last ones around. 我们是仅存的一家了 There used to be neighbors. 曾经有很多邻居 The Gorts, smashed by a mammoth. 高茨一家被猛犸象踩扁了 The Horks, swallowed by a sand snake. 霍克一家被沙蛇吞了 The Erfs, mosquito bite. 厄夫一家被蚊子叮死了 The Throgs, common cold. 斯洛格一家感个冒就挂了 And the Croods... That's us. 还有克鲁德一家就是我们 The Croods made it, because of my dad. 我们活下来了全靠我老爸 He was strong, and he followed the rules, 他不但强壮而且遵守规则 the ones painted on our cave walls: 规矩都刻在洞穴的墙上了 Anything new is bad. Curiosity is bad. 新鲜事物都很危险好奇心也很危险 Going out at night is bad. 夜晚出门更是危险


Funding for this program is provided by: 本节目的赞助来自...... Additi onal funding provided by: 另外的赞助来自…… Last time, we argued about 上次,我们谈到 the case of The Quee n v. Dudley & Stephe ns, 女王诉Dudley和Stephens案件, the lifeboat case, the case of cann ibalism at sea. 那个救生艇上,海上吃人的案件. And with the argume nts about the lifeboat in mind, 带着针对这个案件所展开的一些讨论 the argume nts for and aga inst what Dudley and Stephe ns did in mind, 带着支持和反对Dudley和Stephens所做的吃人行为的讨论 let's turn back to the philosophy, the utilitaria n philosophy of Jeremy Ben tham. 让我们回头来看看Bentham的功利主义哲学. Ben tham was born in En gla nd in 1748. At the age of 12, he went to Oxford. Bentham于1748年出生于英国.12岁那年,他去了牛津大学 At 15, he went to law school. He was admitted to the Bar at age 19 15岁时,他去了法学院.19岁就取得了律师资格 but he n ever practiced law. 但他没有从事于律师行业.


律师题材的电视剧电影 A 《爱情魔戒》 B《波士顿法律》《柏林大审判》《被告山杠爷》《包青天》《别对我说谎》 C《刺激1995》(《肖申克的救赎》)《沉默的羔羊》《刺杀肯尼迪》《潮爆大状》 D 《得克萨斯的公正》《大话王》《第三类法庭》《叮当神探》《栋笃神探》《状王宋世杰》《大话神探》《刁蛮女律师》(大韩民国律师)《东方大律师》《道可道》 E《法政先锋》、 F《法外情》刘德华《法网神鹰》《法庭风云》(中韩两个版本)《费城故事》《疯狂陪审团》《方谬神探》《非常大状》郑少秋《法律有情》刘德华《法律无情》何家劲《法政英雄》《法网伊人》《法网柔情》《法网边缘》《法网群英》《法律最前线》《法庭内外》 G《古惑大律师》梁家辉《公安局长》《光头神探》《鬼律师》 H《好人寥寥》《哈特战争》《伙伴》 J《将军的女儿》《金牌律师》(美国及香港两个版本)《佳人当道》《金牌冰人》《军人机密》《京都地检女》《飓风》《棘手神探》《狙击神探》《绝对权利》《极度重罪》 K《控辩双方》 L《律政新人王》《律政狂鲨》《律师情人》《律政佳人》《律政红颜》《律政俏佳人》《洛城机密》《律师事务所》《流氓律师》《律师风云》《律师新手》《律师本色》《律师》《律师们》《绿林奇迹》(绿色奇迹大审判)《烈血的规条》《离婚女律师》《纽伦堡大审判》《垃圾律师》《老婆大人》 M《魔鬼代言人》《魔王》《魔法灰姑娘》《民事诉讼》《麦克阿瑟将军》《幕后陪审团》《法网柔情》《麻辣律师》《马背上的法庭》《摩登神探》《麻辣神探》 N《纽伦堡大审判》 O P 《破绽》《破戒》

Q《七宗罪》《秋菊打官司》《七个女律师》 R 《热血律师》 S《三茬口》《失控的陪审团》《杀死知更鸟》《杀戮时刻》《神奇律师》《十二怒汉》《审死官》周星驰《伸张正义》《识法代言人》《少年林肯》《神探》《神探李奇》《神探狄仁杰》《神探朱古力》《神探马如龙》《神探干湿楼》《少年包青天》《诉讼风暴》《生命火花》《谁为我作证》 T《铁嘴银牙》《铁律柔情》《桃色谋杀案》《糖衣陷阱》《塘鹅暗杀令》《通天神探》 W《我的表兄维尼》 X《性书大亨》 Y《永不妥协》《一级恐惧》《一级谋杀》《因父之名》《律师事务所》《义海雄风》《一号法庭》《远山》 Z《真情假爱》《造雨人》《终极证人》《芝加哥》《佐佐木夫妻之战》《走过斑马线》《仗义执言》《最后的律师》

疯狂原始人经典台词 中英文对照

For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use 《疯狂原始人》讲述的是在史前一场地震过后,山洞人部落失去了自己的家园,族长Crug带领着族人在危险的野外跋涉,寻找新的家园。路上他们遇到了一个游牧部落落单的族人,后者凭借自己超前的思维和前卫的行为受到了山洞人的追捧并和Crug的长女暗生情愫。以下是谜语网小编为大家整理的有关疯狂原始人的经典台词,让我们一起在欢乐、诙谐、有寓意的对白中一起重温电影吧! Guy: This is called a brain. I think that's where ideas go. T h u n k:D a d,I d o n't h a v e a b r a i n. 小盖:这是大脑,我想的很多点子都来自这里。(傻蛋)坦克:老爸!我没有大脑! G r u g:A c a v e!E v e r y o n e i n s i d e! G r a n:I t l o o k s t h e c a v e h a v e a t o n g u e!V e r y m a g i c a l! 爸爸:是洞穴!大家快进去! 奶奶:这洞穴还有舌头,真神奇! E a p:W h a t i s t h a t G u y:f i r e T h u n k: F i r e i s b i t t i n g m e! 小伊:这是什么? 小盖:是火。(傻蛋)坦克:火怎么会咬人啦! G u y:I c a l l t h e m s h o e s.


Eep(白): With every sun comes new day. A new beginning. A hope that things will be better today than they were yesterday. But not for me. My name is Eep. And this is my family. The Groods. If you weren’t clued already, by animal skin, and sloping forehead, we are cave man. Most days we spend in our cave. In the dark. Night after night, day after day. Yep, home sweet home. When we did go out, we struggled to find food. In a harsh and hostile world. And I struggled to survise my family. We are the last ones around. The Gorts, smashed by a mammoth. The Horks, swallowed by a sand snake. The Erfs, mosquito bite. The Throgs, common cold. And the Groods……That’s us. The Groods made it, because of my dad. He was strong, and he followed the rules. The ones painted on our cave walls: Anything new is bad, curiosity is bad, going out at night is bad……Basically, anything fun is bad. Welcome to my world! But this is a story about how all that changed in a instant. Because what we didn’t know, was that our world was about to come to an end. And there were no rules on our cave walls to prepare us for that. Grug: You’re supposed to wait for my signal, Eep. Eep? Eep: We’ve been in that cave forever. Grug: Three days is not forever. Eep: It is with this family. Grug: Eep, will you come down here? You been so ……so dramatic. Grug: No, no, no, Sandy, come back here! Remember the signal, good girls wait for the signal. Ugga…… Ugga: As soon as I getSandy, I’ll go back in, and you can give the signal. Grug: No, but you’re already out now. Thunk: I’m waiting for the signal, dad! Grug: Never mind, Thunk. Just come out. Thunk: Yep……But if you don’t give me the signal, how do I know you’re my dad? Grug: The signal isn’t so you know it’s me. It’s so you know I wasn’t eaten by an animal. Thunk: Wait, then why is the signal an animal noise? I mean, doesn’t that just confuse things? I……I’m still waiting for the signal. Ugga: Mum, we’re ready to leave! Mum? Ugga’s mum: Still alive! Grug: It’s still early. Ugga’s mum: And you’re still fat! Grug: Breakfast formation! I want to see some real caveman action out here! We do this fast, we do this loud, we do this as a family! And never! not! be! afraid! Thunk: Yay! Breakfast…… Grug: Who’s up? We’ll flip for it. Call her in the air. Eep: Heads! (Ugga’s mum: Ah!!!!!!) Grug: Tails. Thunk’s in. Positions! Ok, Thunk, go! Come on, Thunk. Way to go! Take it to the cave! (Thunk was fallen on the ground.) Oh. Release the baby! Ugga: Get’em, Sandy, go! Ugga: Get them, mum! Ugga’s mum: Old lady down! Eep, avenge me! Eep: Thanks!


co-production 联合拍摄 production摄制 Consultant 策划 project supervisor专案主管 executive producer执行监制 senior producer总监制 assiatant producer助理监制 Post-Production Supervisor 后期制片监制人P roducer 制片人 Production Controller 制片总监P roduction Director 监制人 Production Supervisor 制片监制C o-Producer 联合制片人 Associate Producer 助理制片人E xecutive Producer 执行制片 Produced by制作人production co-ordinator/continuity外联制片/场记 location manager 外联制片 production administration 行政制作 administration supervisor行政主管 marketing producer制片主任 production manager制片 production secreary制作秘书 production accountant制作会计 unit manager 项目经理c lapper 场记板 Chief Director 总导演 Director 导演A ssistant Director 助理导演Associate Director 副导演 Shooting Script 分镜头剧本O riginal Story 原著A dapted by 改编B ased on X’s Y (电影)根据X(作家)的Y(小说)改编W riter编剧 Written by / Scripted by 编剧 screenplay by 编剧 script translation 剧本翻译 english subtitles by英文字幕翻译 Conducted by 指挥 Director of Photography 总摄影C inematography摄影C inematography by 摄影A ssociate Director of Photography 副摄影师C utter 剪辑师M ontage 剪辑(蒙太奇 Film Editing剪辑first cameta assistant 副摄影师 camera assistant摄影助理 Fireworks 烟火Lighting 灯光,照明lighting assistant 灯光助理


疯狂原始人中英对照字幕1 太阳升起又是新的一天 With every sun comes a new day. 2 一个崭新的开始 A new beginning. 3 人们总是希望今天比昨天强 A hope that things will be better today than they were yesterday. 4 对我来说无所谓我是伊普 But not for me. My name's Eep. 5 这是我的家族克鲁德一家 And this is my family. The Croods. 6 注意到没? 从我们穿的兽皮 If you weren't clued already, by animal skin 7 和倾斜的前额就能猜出我们是原始人。 and sloping forehead, we are cavemen.

8 大多时候我们呆在 Most days we spend in our cave, 9 黑暗的洞穴里 in the dark. 10 日复一日夜复一夜 Night after night, day after day. 11 多可爱的家啊 Yep. Home sweet home. 12 我们出去的时候为了寻找食物而奔波在 When we did go out, we struggled to find food 13 这个严酷而又冷漠的世界上。 in a harsh and hostile world. 14 而我还得拼命忍受我的家人。 And I struggled to survive my family. 15 我们是周围最后的遗民


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经典的法律美剧 1. Boston Legal《波士顿法律》 Boston Legal is an American created by and produced in association with for . The series aired from October 3, 2004, to December 8, 2008. 《波士顿法律》讲述的是美国波士顿市一家律师事务所的故事,主要是两位活宝Alan(James Spader)扮演,曾凭该剧三夺艾美奖最佳男主角奖)和 Denny (William Shatner扮演),每集一般有两个官司要打,穿插办公室和个人生活的趣事,每集最后Alan和Denny在阳台夜话的是粉丝的一大爱好,只有这一刻,得一知己,把酒言欢,足以。 《波士顿法律》可以算是一朵奇葩,把不同律师辩护的若干个独立的案子剪切成碎片,用一些生活琐事连接在一起,浇上一些重口味幽默,就做成了这道口味独特的律师剧大餐。 抛开那些长篇累牍的传统庭审环节,《波士顿法律》把更多的焦点放在了律师本人上面,你不需要去关注案件的结果,无罪还是有罪无关重要,甚至案件结束你都无法确定。所以这是一部“律师剧”,还不是“法律剧”。 2. The Practice《律师本色》 The Practice is an American created by centering on the partners and associates at a firm. Running for eight seasons on ABC from 1997 to 2004, the show won the in 1998 and 1999 for Best Drama Series, and spawned the successful and lighter series , which ran for five more seasons, from 2004 to 2008. The Practice, Bobby Donnell带领下的波士顿律师事务所以维护社会道德,种族平等为宗旨,在很多案件中成功为当事人争取应有的权力。在故事的发展中,Jimmy, Eugene, Ellenor和Lindsay等一众年轻律师逐渐积累了一定的经验,在以地方检察官为对手的诉讼中明争暗斗,大放异彩。里面有大量的法庭辩论。以交叉询问为主,精彩的美国法庭戏。此剧是完全仿真的以法律调查为主题的系列剧。这是一家充满激情的律师事务所。对他们来说,每一个案子都是重要的,也会为每一个客户的利益争取到底。运用合法的策略是他们的工作方式,他们更依靠科学,把最受质疑的论点变得具有说服性。并且仍把追求正义放在首位,直到最终的结果被宣布……有时也会在宣判之后。然而追求正义,也常常使他们要面对伦理道德的是非问题。

电影英语 疯狂原始人单词

Struggle 奋斗努力 Hostile 敌方的敌对 Harsh 严厉的 Basically 基本上 Instant 立即的紧急的 Dramatic 引人注目的 Dream magic Avenge 报仇 Vent 通风口发泄Position 位置职位 Avenge 为报仇Vindication 为辩护 Convince 使信任 Victor 胜利者 Win Knock 敲 Knuckle 关节指节 Fuss 小题大做忙乱焦急啰嗦 Fess Cozy 保温罩蒙骗抚慰 Ledge 壁架暗礁矿层Ridge 山脊山脉 Edge 边缘 Routine 程序 Sharpen 削尖尖锐 Teeth 牙齿 Pile 推大量 Clarify 澄清阐明Practical 实际的实用的Actually 实际的 slope 斜坡斜面slippery 滑的

primary 最初的主要的基本的prime 首要的第一流的primitive 原始的粗糙的简单的 Pretend 伪装假装 Protend 伸出延长 Mission 使命任务 Hope 希望 Hunch 预感 Blame 责任 Stomach 胃 Hunt 打猎亨特 Ton 大量 Skinny 瘦小的 Flavor 风味 despair 绝望失望desperate 不顾一切的绝望的Spire 呼吸 Lead Lean 倾斜倚靠倾向 Laugh 笑 Loud 大声 Split 分离分开 Gatherer 采集者 Count 计算 Quant - 计算 quite 十分完整 Spire 呼吸 Desperate 不顾绝望的 collapse 倒塌崩溃破产lapse 失误流逝丧失 slipper 便鞋拖鞋 slip


Funding for this program is provided by……Additional funding provided by……Last time,we argued aboutthe case ofThe Queen v. Dudley & Stephens,the lifeboat case,the case of cannibalism at sea.And with the arguments about the lifeboat in mind,the arguments for and against what Dudley and Stephens did in mind,let's turn back to the philosophy,the utilitarian philosophy of Jeremy Bentham.Bentham was born in England in 1748.At the age of 12, he went to Oxford.At 15, he went to law school.He was admitted to the Bar at age 19 but he never practiced law.Instead, he devoted his life to jurisprudence and moral https://www.360docs.net/doc/9316239749.html,st time, we began to considerBentham's version of utilitarianism.The main idea is simply stated and it's this:The highest principle of morality,whether personal or political morality,is to maximize the general welfare,or the collective happiness,or the overall balance of pleasure over pain;in a phrase, maximize utility.Bentham arrives at this principle by the following line of reasoning:We're all governed by pain and pleasure,they are our sovereign masters,and so any moral system has to take account of them.How best to take account?By maximizing.And this leads to the principle of the greatest good for the greatest number.What exactly should we maximize?Bentham tells us happiness,or more precisely, utility -maximizing utility as a principle not only for individuals but also for

美剧Boston Legal波士顿法律第2季第10集剧本(英语)

Boston Legal Legal Deficits Season 2, Episode 10 Written by David E. Kelley 2005 David E. Kelley Productions. All Rights Reserved. Broadcast: December 13, 2005 Transcribed by Imamess Melissa Hughes is standing behind bars. In the jail cell with her are about half a dozen other people. Melissa looks forlorn as the others with her are laughing and giggling. Alan Shore comes in and peruses the cell. Alan Shore:To an officer standing next to him. I’ll take the blonde. He walks up to Melissa. Melissa. What are we doing in jail? Melissa Hughes: They’re saying I tried to rob a bank. I didn’t. I just smashed a window. Alan Shore: Ah! Liz: And they say I’m a prostitute. Ha. Which is ridiculous. Melissa Hughes: Back off, Ho. Liz: What did you say? Come on. Alan Shore: Liz? Liz: Alan? Alan laughs heartily. Oh my God! You just dropped off the side of the earth Alan Shore: I was in a relationship. But now I’m not. You still at 1 800- LIZZIE? Melissa Hughes: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa. Hey! Remember me? I’m in trouble here. They arrested me? At Crane, Poole and Schmidt Brad Chase is being handcuffed. Brad Chase: You’re arresting me? Detective Perry Vale: Please put your hands behind your back, sir. Brad Chase: You gotta be kidding. Detective Perry Vale: You have the right to remain silent. Brad Chase: I know my rights. Denny Crane: He comes up. What’s going on? Brad Chase: They’re arresting me for assaulting the priest. Detective Perry Vale: And kidnapping and false imprisonment. Now you have the right to an attorney… Denny Crane: Son. Son. This is the United States of America. We don’t really believe in Miranda anymore. Detective Perry Vale: Let’s go. Denny Crane: Hey, hey, hey, hey! Ah, Denny Crane. I’ll handle this internally. Detective Perry Vale: Sir? This man’s being charged with three felonies. Denny Crane: Understood, but… Denny Crane. Detective Perry Vale: Come on. Denny Crane: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Come on! With all that’s going on in the world today, who among us hasn’t at least once wanted to take an axe to a priest? Detective Perry Vale: Come on. The detective leads Brad away. Paul Lewiston:He comes up. They’re arresting him? Denny Crane: And I gave it my best shot. Alan holds the door as Melissa comes into his office. Alan Shore: So. They’re not pressing charges. Melissa Hughes: They’re not pressing charges? Alan Shore: If you make restitution for the window, they’ve agreed not pursue an… Melissa Hughes: No.


疯狂原始人 每一轮太阳的升起都会开启新的一天一个全新的开端With every sun comes a new day. A new beginning. 一份希望相信今天会比昨天更美好 A hope that things will be better today than they were yesterday. 但对我来说不是这样我叫小伊But not for me. My name is Eep. 这是我的家人咕噜一家And this is my family, the Croods. 要是你看到我们身上披的动物皮毛和我们倾斜的额头If you weren't clued in already by the animal skins 还是一头雾水的话我就直说了我们是山洞人and sloping foreheads, we're cavemen. 我们大多时间都住在山洞里一片漆黑NMost days we spend in our cave, in the dark. 夜复一夜日复一日Night after night, day after day. 再怎么样也是家嘛Yep, home sweet home. 实在不得已外出时我们要在这个残酷的敌对世界中拼命觅食When we did go out, we struggled to find food in a harsh and hostile world. 而我负责拼命保护我的家人And I struggled to survive my family. 我们是这里最后剩下来的原始人了本来是有邻居的NWe were the last ones around. There used to be neighbors. 高特一家惨死在一只猛犸脚下NThe Gorts, smashed by a


制作人:心舟 QQ:1129441083 第一讲《杀人的道德侧面》 这是一门讨论公正的课程This is a course about justice 我们以一则故事作为引子and we begin with a story. 假设你是一名电车司机\Suppose you're the driver of a trolley car 你的电车以60英里小时的速度\and your trolley car is hurtling down the track 在轨道上飞驰\at 60 miles an hour. 突然发现在轨道的尽头\And at the end of the track you notice 有五名工人正在施工\five workers working on the track. 你无法让电车停下来\You try to stop but you can't 因为刹车坏了\your brakes don't work. 你此时极度绝望\You feel desperate 因为你深知\because you know 如果电车撞向那五名工人\that if you crash into these five workers 他们全都会死\they will all die. 假设你对此确信无疑\Let's assume you know that for sure. 你极为无助\And so you feel helpless 直到你发现在轨道的右侧until you notice that there is off to the right 有一条侧轨\ a side track 而在侧轨的尽头\and at the end of that track 只有一名工人在那施工\there is one worker working on the track. 而你的方向盘还没坏\Your steering wheel works 只要你想\so you can turn the trolley car 就可以把电车转到侧轨上去\if you want to onto the side track 牺牲一人挽救五人性命\killing the one but sparing the five. 下面是我们的第一个问题:\Here's our first question: 何为正确的选择\what's the right thing to do? 换了你会怎么做\What would you do? 我们来做个调查\Let's take a poll. 有多少人会把电车开到侧轨上去\How many would turn the trolley car onto the side track? 请举手\Raise your hands. 有多少人会让电车继续往前开\How many wouldn't? How many would go straight ahead? 选择往前开的请不要把手放下\Keep your hands up those of you who would go straight ahead. 只有少数人选择往前开\A handful of people would 绝大多数都选择转弯\the vast majority would turn. 我们先来听听大家的说法\Let's hear first 探究一下为何\now we need to begin to investigate the reasons 你们会认为这是正确的选择\why you think it's the right thing to do. 先从大多数选择了转向侧轨的同学开始\Let's begin with those in the majority who


THE MORAL SIDE OF MURDER This is a course about justice and we begin with a story. Suppose you're the driver of a trolley car, and your trolley car is hurtling down the track at 60 miles an hour. And at the end of the track you notice five workers working on the track. You try to stop but you can't, your brakes don't work. You feel desperate because you know that if you crash into these five workers, they will all die. Let's assume you know that for sure. And so you feel helpless until you notice that there is, off to the right, a side track and at the end of that track, there is one worker working on the track. Your steering wheel works, so you can turn the trolley car, if you want to, onto the side track killing the one but sparing the five. Here's our first question: what's the right thing to do? What would you do? Let's take a poll. How many would turn the trolley car onto the side track? Raise your hands. How many wouldn't? How many would go straight ahead? Keep your hands up those of you who would go straight ahead. A handful of people would, the vast majority would turn. Let's hear first, now we need to begin to investigate the reasons why you think it's the right thing to do. Let's begin with those in the majority who would turn to go onto the side track. Why would you do it? What would be your reason? Who's willing to volunteer a reason? Go ahead. Stand up. Because it can't be right to kill five people when you can only kill one person instead. It wouldn't be right to kill five if you could kill one person instead. That's a good reason. That's a good reason. Who else? Does everybody agree with that reason? Go ahead. Well I was thinking it's the same reason on 9/11 with regard to the people who flew the plane into the Pennsylvania field as heroes because they chose to kill the people on the plane and not kill more people in big buildings. So the principle there was the same on 9/11. It's a tragic circumstance but better to kill one so that five can live, is that the reason most of you had, those of you
