波士顿法律 剧本1

波士顿法律  剧本1
波士顿法律  剧本1


Original Airdate: September 29, 2002

Written by David E. Kelley. Directed by Dennis Smith ? Courtesy of The Practice 2000 Homepage. Transcribed by WhyDee

Transcriber's Notes - I do not own the characters in this story, nor do I own any rights to the television show 'The Practice'. They were created by David E. Kelley and belong to him and David E. Kelley Productions.

Eugene's office. Eugene is at his desk staring out into space. Ellenor walks in

Ellenor: They're bringing her in.



Judge: Mr. Walsh.

Walsh: I have nothing your honor, other than to remind the court that the crime Miss Dole was convicted of is murder. Taking a human life is not only a crime against that life, but a crime against law, humanity, the common wealth, and we feel the statutory sentence is appropriate.

Judge: Mr. Young.

Eugene: Your honor, we would ask the court at this time to convert Miss Dole's conviction from first degree murder to voluntary manslaughter.

Walsh: Commonwealth opposes.

Eugene: You have before you the psychological examinations done by both the commonwealth and the defense, which all conclude that Miss Dole's state of mind was severely compromised at the time she committed this crime. The court can also take judicial notice of the facts. Miss Dole did not act with any aforethought, there was no premeditation, her own husband was in the line

of fire. Now while the jury was certainly free to reject the defense of legal insanity, Miss Dole's actions just as certainly fall within the scope of heated passion. A killer came to her door, threatened her, and she reacted. Your honor can and should find that Miss Dole committed her acts while under the influence of extreme mental and emotional disturbance, for which there was a reasonable excuse. This was the classic definition of manslaughter, not murder one, not murder two, but voluntary manslaughter. This verdict is contrary to the evidence, it is contrary to the law, and I would respectfully request that you adjust the verdict to the appropriate degree.

Walsh: The jury heard testimony of how Miss Dole threatened to kill the victim the very day of the shooting. Those were her words. The jury heard Miss Dole's voice on the phone, evidencing a calm demeanor, no passion whatsoever, seconds before the shooting. Personally, I've never even seen manslaughter with a gun. Manslaughter is usually a fist, a vehical, a fight, sometimes a stabbing, but when a woman retrieves her purse, retrieves her handgun from the purse, shoots the man who is standing by the door, that's not manslaughter, and I will remind the court of something you already know. You are not entitled to just simply substitute your judgement for that of the jury's, you can only override the first degree conviction if you find there's no reasonable basis for it. Here, you cannot make such a finding. As such, I respectfully request that you allow the jury's verdict to stand.

Judge: Miss Dole, do you have anything you would like to say?

Lindsay: I would like to express my condolences to the family of Lawrence Mandle. I would also like to assure the court... the lack of remorse I seemingly demonstrated in my phone call to the police that night... was more product of my shock than the person I think and hope I am. I took a human life. I had the opportunity to retreat, I didn't do so. I accept responsibility for a homicide conviction, I committed a homicide, but given my shock and my fear and the underline trauma I

experienced in past assaults against me, my state of mind was severely compromised, and my crime is more consistent with voluntary manslaughter. Thank you.


DYDF room. Rebecca, Ellenor, Bobby, Eugene, and Jimmy are sitting down at a table.

Rebecca: Did he say when he would rule?

Bobby: No.

Jimmy: It's good he took it under advisement.

Bobby: But bad he wouldn't let us call witnesses. Ugh, what is with the heat?

I thought you said it was getting fixed.

Rebecca: It is, it should.

Ellenor: What the hell is wrong with this.

Rebecca: What, do I look like a plumber?

Ellenor: A plumber fixes water Rebecca, tell me you didn't know that. Rebecca: You want to get off my back?

Ellenor: What happens when your toilet clogs, do you call an electrician? Rebecca: My toilet never clogs Ellenor, do you have that problem? Ellenor: What is that supposed to mean?!

Rebecca: Not a thing.

Ellenor: Not a thing?

Rebecca: Only you seem a little edgy.

Bobby: Ellenor, you do seem a little on edge.

Ellenor: I'm hot!

Bobby: Fine, it'll all be fixed today.

Lucy walks in

Lucy: We got a walkup. Anybody?

Bobby: Jimmy.

Jimmy: I took the last one.

Rebecca: No, I did.

Jimmy: What about you, Ellenor?

Ellenor: I have Jaime Stringer at 8:00, who by the way, you called back.

Jimmy: Not just me, Eugene liked her.

Bobby: Just take the walkup.

Jimmy: It's always me.


Jimmy gets up and goes to another room with Lucy, Melissa Halpert, and Joey Halpert

Lucy: Jimmy Berluti, Melissa Halpert.

Jimmy: Hi

Melissa: Hello, this is my daughter Joey.

Jimmy: Nice to meet you.

Joey: Nice to meet you.

Melissa: Is there a place we can speak privately?

Jimmy: Of course.


In another room.

Melissa: I told my daughter that this was about insurance and so forth, but... that isn't it. First I need to know that what I tell you will remain confidential.

Jimmy: Absolutely.

Melissa: I wanted you to meet my daughter for I guess... some perspective.

16 years ago... I kidnapped her. I was into drugs, and I got this insane notion that having to take care of a child would be kind of a lifeline... I just grabbed her out of a hospital when she was a newborn, and I've been raising her ever since.

Jimmy: Does your daughter know?

Melissa: No, and it's imperative that she never find out, it would destroy her. I also have two small children, a family, if this ever got out many lives would be destroyed.

Jimmy: So... why are you here?

Melissa: Um.. I was looking at a magazine article (hands Jimmy a magazine article) about two lives that have been destroyed. The birth mother and the woman they accused of stealing Joey.

Jimmy: Another woman was convicted?

Melissa: No, they never pressed charges due to lack of evidence, not evidently a cloud of suspicion followed her and the irony is she went into the same drug problems that I was looking to escape.... I don't want to turn myself in. It isn't an option, but two things in this article; the birthmother, she says the horror lives on everyday of not knowing what happened,

whether the daughter is dead or... she said that if she could just know that her daughter was alive somewhere, just happy, and for the woman was accused, she said if just one person could know she was innocent, even one.... I would like you to go to the birth mother and tell her how happy and safe her daughter is... and then I would like you to go to the woman that was accused and tell her you know she's innocent. I have two money orders (pulls out two envelopes) each in the amount of

$70,000, if I had more, I would pay more. Can you do this for me, Mr. Berluti?

(Jimmy stares)


DYDF, Ellenor is interviewing Jaime

Ellenor: Obviously your academic credentials are superb.

Jaime: Thank you.

Ellenor: But I have to say, I'm curious, with the offers you're getting... why here?

Jaime: Those offers are all civil. The only thing I've ever wanted to do is criminal, and this firm is criminal. I've been court bucking your guys for

two years. I was at the Lindsay Dole trial every day, I almost cut a final.

Ellenor: Really? Any tips, we could use some pointers on that one.

Jaime: Are you serious?

Ellenor: Well... sure!

Jaime: Well I'm sure I couldn't say anything you haven't already thought about.

Ellenor: Just for fun, why don't you throw it out.

Jaime: Hehe... feels like a test. Um... I thought it was a mistake to go with battered woman. It may be a viable theory technically, but jurys pretty much reject the abuse excuse, it seems desperate. I felt you cut your legs off at the top.

Ellenor: What else were we supposed to argue?

Jaime: Straight self defense. Wink wink. It would've amounted to jury nullification, but here's where I thought you really dropped the ball...

(notices Ellenor looking pissed off)

I'm sorry, I-I don't mean to

Ellenor: No, go ahead.

Jaime: What you did was characterize Lindsay as crazy, you know, she snapped, she was outside of herself, she lost control. The problem is, juries don't like to free nutsos. Instead of depicting her as aberrant, you should've portrayed her as every woman, you know who wouldn't have pulled the trigger if a guy comes to her house!

Ellenor: We sort of did that.

Jaime: Not enough, you didn't. You basically argued, we can't know what it was like to be her, she was in a different place, but what I would've done is put the jury in her shoes, right in that place! the worst you get is a hung jury.

(Ellenor's look makes Jaime nervous)

My eyesight's always 20/20... I-I know....


Jimmy is in front of the house of Sally Burnes. He rings the doorbell. Sally answers.

Sally: Hi.

Jimmy: I'm looking for Sally Burnes.

Sally: I'm Sally.

Jimmy: My name is James Berluti.

(Speaking slowly)

I uh... represent the individual who kidnapped your daughter 16 years ago. I'm not at liberty to divulge this individuals name, but this person hired me to communicate to you that your daughter is safe and happy. This individual continues to parent your daughter. The individual feels great remorse for all the pain

caused to you, and sends to you this money order in the amount of $70,000. The individual wants you to know that he or she is very sorry for hurting you.

(Jimmy hands Sally the envelope and walks away, Sally just stands there, shocked.)


DYDF room. Ellenor, Eugene, Jimmy, and Rebecca are in.

Eugene: What didn't you like about her?

Ellenor: I don't know. I just didn't.

Eugene: Did you see the transcript?

Ellenor: Yeah, her grades were great, that's why we interviewed her, but the purpose of the interview is to see if we liked her, and I didn't.

Eugene: Rebecca, I want you to interview her.

Ellenor: Why? Hiring is supposed to be unanimous, if I didn't like her-

Eugene: We're also supposed to have a group discussion, Rebecca is part of the group, she needs to interview her.

Jimmy: I thought she was great.

Ellenor: Yes, all the men think she's swell.

Eugene: Why are you so testy?

Helen walks in

Helen: Hey.

Eugene: What's wrong?

Helen: What, I can't just pop in to say hi?

Eugene: What's wrong?

Helen: Jimmy, police got a call from a woman named Sally Burnes last night.


Helen and Jimmy another office room

Helen: You had to know she'd go to the police.

Jimmy: So what? It's attorney-client.

Helen: Not necessarily, the crime is ongoing.

Jimmy: What crime?

Helen: The kidnapping, the individual still has her, the crime is ongoing Jimmy, which means you can reveal.

Jimmy: Helen, I'm not going to tell. You know I'm not going to tell. Helen hands him some papers.

Jimmy: What?

Helen: I'm going to get a judge to force you to tell.

Jimmy: No judge is ever-

Helen: I think you're wrong. We already know who she is. Bernice White, 56 years old, works as a waitress at the King

Street cafe, we'll get her one way or another. If she comes forward and cooperates, I'll give her three years. You have 24 hours.

Helen leaves--

Office room with Jimmy, Eugene, and Melissa

Melissa: You can't tell, you gave me your word!

Jimmy: Melissa.

Melissa: I didn't even want you to tell him!

Jimmy: He's a lawyer here, the privilege extends to lawyers.

Melissa: And now you're breaking the privilege!

Eugene: Nobody's revealing your secret.

Melissa: What are you telling me?

Eugene: The DA is trying to force us to reveal your identity, if she is successful-

Melissa: Oh my God.. oh my God!

Eugene: Melissa, you need to calm down here.

Melissa: I just wanted to help those people, I did not want to risk jail!

Eugene: I can leave the room and come back later, or you can calm down and listen to me now. We are not going to give up, you need to be aware... Melissa, I need your full attention now. You asked Mr. Berluti to contact the woman accused of the kidnapping.

Jimmy: Which I've been trying to do, but I haven't got her yet.

Eugene: It is our opinion that we should no longer try to contact her, and here's why. They still think she's it. If we contact her, we'd affectively be telling the police, it's not her, could be anybody. For your protection,

it's best that she remains a suspect. I know you wanted to help, but there's too much risk involved.

Melissa: Okay.

Eugene: I also wanted to open up a bogus file for you, on the chance that the police are watching this building to see who goes in and out, and the chances are good they are. I want a file explaining your presence here, we can create something under a state plan.

Melissa: I have small children, I cannot go to jail!

Eugene: Melissa, we are not going to let that happen.


Lucy in DYDF office. Jaime walks in.

Jaime: Hi.

Lucy: Hi, Rebecca will be right with you.

Jaime: Thanks! I can't believe I even got called back.

Lucy: What happened?

Jaime: Well, my mouth tends to disclose what I think sometimes, and, well I may have offended Miss Frutt.

Lucy: Ah, don't worry about it. I offended them when I walked in the door and I didn't think I'd last a week. That was four years ago.

Rebecca walks in

Rebecca: Hi, Jaime?

Jaime: Yes.

Rebecca: Rebecca Washington.

Jaime: Very nice to meet you.

Rebecca: You too, we can go in here.

Ellenor walks by.

Jaime: Miss Frutt, hello!

Ellenor: (coldly) Hi.Jimmy walks by

Lucy: Oh Jimmy, this is Bernice White, she says that you've been calling her.

Jimmy: (shocked) Yes... yes.. James Berluti, thanks for coming.

Bernice: What's this about, did I inherit something?

Jimmy: Actually, we thought you did, but it was another Bernice White. I'm very sorry.

Bernice: What'd she get?

Jimmy: I'm sorry?

Bernice: This other Bernice white, what'd she inherit?

Jimmy: Oh nothing, just a few hundred dollars.

Bernice: You made it sound like a lot more than a few hundred dollars.

Jimmy: Again, I'm sorry.


Ellenor sitting down with her head in her hand in a room. Bobby walks in.

Bobby: What's wrong?

Ellenor: Nothing. What's wrong with you?

Bobby: (sits) Nothing.

Ellenor: So here we are. Two people with nothing wrong. (pause) Did I blow it?

Bobby: Blow what?

Ellenor: Lindsay's trial.

Bobby: Ellenor...

Ellenor: That stuff with you never should've come in.

Bobby: You objected.

Ellenor: I objected once, for the record I should've shut it down!

Bobby: Look

Ellenor: Abuse defenses statistically are losers.

Bobby: We had to have something.

Ellenor: Battered woman syndrome is desperate, even a third year law student knows that.

Bobby: This was a team defense.

Ellenor: But I tried it! I was the one up there. Come on! A serial killer with a restraining order, how could I not win? We

have all won with much, much less!

Bobby: Where is this coming from?

Ellenor: That little slut Rebecca is interviewing... she picked me to pieces... and she was right. We focused the jury on Lindsay being crazy when we should've argued how reasonable she was... how could I have not seen it?

Bobby: None of us saw it.

Ellenor: Why? How could we all-

Bobby: I think Lindsay was desperate to believe she snapped, she was desperate to believe she was crazy, Ellenor... so we became desperate to help her believe it. You didn't pull the trigger, Ellenor.

Ellenor: It's good talking to you Bobby. You remember, years ago, we used to come here at the end of the day, and... we'd just talk.

Bobby: What happened?

Ellenor: I don't know. You have become a bit of an island, Bobby. You don't turn to others, even in times you need it.

Bobby: I try to be there. For her. For all of you.

Ellenor: That's not it Bobby. You're there when we need you, but sometimes we get desperate from time to time... for you to need us.


Sally and Helen in Helen's office.

Helen: It's a very tough thing we're asking for, attorney-client privilege-

Sally: He knows where she is, she's alive Miss Gamble, and he knows-

Helen: Sally, you have to understand. Legal Ethics and morality are two different things, sometimes they fly into absolute face of each other.

Bobby walks in

Bobby: Helen... I'm sorry, can I talk to you for a second?

Helen: I'm kind of in the middle of something.

Bobby: Please.

Helen: (to Sally) Could you give me a minute?

Sally leaves.

Bobby: Look, I'm not going to try to fight you on the merits of what you're trying to do here.

Helen: Good

Bobby: But I'm asking to hold off. If it gets out our firm is helping a kidnapper... Helen, you know the fallout. It might not necessarily affect Lindsay's disposition, but we do not need Judge West getting angry at us about something else.

Helen: I doubt this will have any bearing on Lindsay's fate.

Bobby: But the possibility it could. Please.

Helen: When's he supposed to rule?

Bobby: 11:00.

Helen: I'll push my motion to this afternoon.

Bobby: Thank you... thank you.


Ellenor, Eugene, Rebecca, Jimmy in DYDF office.

Eugene: Bobby liked her, as do I, and Rebecca and Jimmy. What exactly bothered you about her?

Ellenor: I don't know. She seemed perky, suck-uppy, arrogant.

Rebecca: Perky, suck-uppy, arrogant.

Ellenor: Maybe it's that Harvard thing.

Rebecca: Look, given our current state of things, the Harvard grads aren't exactly flooding us with their resumes

Ellenor: You didn't find her a little slutty?

Rebecca: Slutty?!

Ellenor: Yeah, she's got that giggly flirty thing.

Rebecca: So now she's a perky, suck-uppy, arrogant slut?

Ellenor: Look, I'm sure she's a great person, she's obviously very smart, I just didn't get a great hit, that's all.

Eugene: Well, seeing as the rest of us did, and we need to hire... I vote we extend an offer.

Rebecca: Me too.

Jimmy: Me too.

Ellenor: (pause) Okay.

Lucy walks in

Lucy: Quarter to 11:00.


Courtroom for Lindsay's sentence. In the back shows Lucy, Rebecca, Jimmy, and Helen.

Judge: First let me state for the record my disfavor for the legal games we play. For the defendant to argue diminished capacity, then to lose, then to march into sentencing claiming it was manslaughter, it strikes me as a disingenuous attempt to have two bites at the legal apple. That having been said, I am required to consider this second bite. And as I view the evidence, this case was a finding of voluntary manslaughter more than murder one. Had I been sitting on the jury, I most certainly would've voted that way. But I am not a juror in this case. I'm the judge. And as the prosecution correctly points out, a judge can only overturn a verdict if he find no reasonable basis for it. I can't make that leap. I therefore uphold the verdict. Miss Dole, you have been convicted of murder in the first degree. I am bound by the statue to send you to the framing ham correction facility for the remainder of your natural life. (chatter goes around) We are adjourned.

Eugene: We have strong issues, Lindsay, we have strong grounds. We go before the state supreme next week. We are going

to get you out. Everyone looks unhappy.


Rebecca, Ellenor, Jimmy, Eugene, and Lucy in DYDF room at their desks. Phone rings, Lucy picks it and hangs it up. Bobby walks in.

Bobby: She's holding out. She's going to be transferred tomorrow night, I'm going to be with her until then. Ellenor and I were talking last night... and she thought it would be a good idea for me to lean on all of you a little more... personally. I think I'll probably be doing that.

(leaves in another room)

Eugene: Jimmy, we better go.


Bobby in another room, Rebecca walks in.

Rebecca: We will survive this. You'll survive this, and Lindsay will survive this.

Bobby: I know.

Rebecca: Bobby, I know you know. Factuals and legals aside, the emotional undercurrance of a case play a part, the jurors, the judge, even supreme court justices, you know that better than anybody, right? Bobby look at me.

(Bobby looks at her)

Give me this appeal. I'll bring your wife home. (They hold hands)


Helen and Jimmy in a courtroom

Helen: The identity of the client has never been privileged, your honor.

Jimmy: It has, when the discloser of the identity would incriminate the person criminally.

Judge: Hold on a second, Mr. Berluti, assuming your client enjours privilege, so what? We've got a crime here, a person has

been kidnapped, she could be in severe physical danger.

Jimmy: She's not in danger.

Judge: Says who, the kidnapper?

Jimmy: I've seen her, she's healthy-

Judge: Careful, council, you're about to make yourself a witness.

Helen: Your honor, as you correctly imply, this is an ongoing crime. Mr. Berluti has knowledge as to who has the victim.

Jimmy: This is a past crime, it happened 16 years ago.

Helen: It happens every day, the girl is still being held.

Jimmy: She's not being held, she doesn't even know she's kidnapped. My client has been her parent-

Helen: Oh come on! If a kidnapper went to a lawyer for the purpose of eluding capture, there is no doubt we would consider that an on-going crime.

Jimmy: That's not what's going on.

Helen: Are you sure? She says she wants to help the victim, maybe she's clever. Maybe she's using you to check the status of the investigation.

Jimmy: She's not doing that.

Helen: You say so, we don't know. The point is, it shouldn't matter. Sally Burnes' daughter is still out there, in the hands of the person who took her. That's present tense, you're honor. This is an on-going case, attorney-client privilege-

Jimmy: Even if she's right, that would give me the choice to break privilege, it would not incure an obligation on my part to do so.

Helen: If a person is in danger-

Jimmy: I have no knowledge or belief that any bodily harm would ensure. I don't have to break privilege, and I won't. And I submit to this court, in closed cases, and this would be one, the doubt has to be resolved in favor of the client. If not, what are we left with? We can't have clients thinking privilege is vulnerable. Murderers get that privilege. Rapists, hijackers, they all get that privileged. Kidnappers do too.

Helen: Your honor, I prefer to focus on the rights of the kidnapped victim here, who is still suffering-

Jimmy: She's not suffering.

Helen gives Jimmy a dirty look.

Judge: Alright. Miss Gamble, from a moral stand point, I'm with you. Miss Burnes, speaking as a mother, I can certainly feel for you. But as a judge, I have to side with Mr. Berluti. Attorney-client privilege is sacrosanct and is paramot to our system of justice. The commonwealth's petition is denied. We're adjourned.

Sally: How can you do this?

Eugene: Ma'am.

Sally: She has my daughter, how can you do this?

Eugene: Miss Burnes.

Sally: You have no conscience!

Helen: Okay, Sally.

Sally: I want my daughter back!

Helen: Sally.

Sally: I want my daughter!

Jimmy looks uncertain.


Jaime and Sally in an empty hallway

Jaime: I would've thought they'd be open by 9:00.

(Sally says nothing)

Are you a client?

Sally: No. Are you?

Jaime: Oh no, I'm a lawyer. Actually, hoping to get a job here. They keep bringing me in for all these callbacks, I'm about to pull my hair out!

Sally: Is this considered a good place to work?

Jaime: Oh excellent, it's one of the top three criminal practices in the state.

Sally: This is the place to come if you're a criminal, huh?

Jaime: ...well that's one way of looking at it I guess.

Jimmy walks in, Sally walks to him

Sally: I'm a pretty good judge of character, Mr. Berluti, and you strike me as a decent man.

Jimmy: I can't have this conversation.

Sally: Do you believe in God, Mr, Berluti?

Jimmy: I represent a person with interests contrarily to yours. It would be unethical for me to have any conversation with you.

Sally: Can you tell me... what my daughter looks like?

Jimmy: No.

Sally: (about to cry) Can you tell me... if she's a good person?

Jimmy: I don't really know her, but she struck me as an excellent person. Sally leaves, Jimmy

and Jaime look disturbed.


Bobby and Lindsay in Lindsay's cell

Lindsay: Rebecca?

Bobby: Eugene and I talked about it, we both agree. She probably exempts the most moral, integrity, I think passion too. Our grounds are good, but we're not going to get it unless the justices for some reason want us to, so I think Rebecca's passion is our best strength.

Lindsay: Okay.

Bobby: Listen I thought about... bringing Bobby here to say goodbye, but I didn't want him to see you all shackled ....

Lindsay: Yeah. When?

Bobby: Two. After his nap.

Lindsay: Okay. (Panicking) I'm never going to get out am I Bobby?

Bobby: Of course you will.


Eugene, Jimmy, Rebecca, Ellenor, Lucy, and Jaime are in DYDF office

Jaime: I got the job?!

Rebecca: Congratulations.

Jaime: Oh, I don't believe it! (to Ellenor) I was so sure I offended you. Ellenor: Me? Get out of town.

Jaime: When should I start?

Eugene: When can you start?

Jaime: Hello, how about yesterday, does yesterday work for you? (laughs) Lucy: I think she's excited.

Jaime: Oh God, I need to call my parents!

Jaime walks off, Burnice walks in

Burnice: What's going on?

Jimmy: Miss. White

Burnice: No, never mind that.

Jimmy: What's wrong?

Burnice: What's wrong? First you call me saying it's really important that we meet, and then I see you on television concerning the crime I've been suspected of for 16 years, so I'm asking you again Mr. Berluti, what the hell is going on?

Helen, Mike, and two policemen walk in...

Mike: Miss. White, place your hands behind your back.

Bernice: What?

Mike: You're under arrest for kidnapping.

Jimmy: Hold on a second.


律师题材的电视剧电影 A 《爱情魔戒》 B《波士顿法律》《柏林大审判》《被告山杠爷》《包青天》《别对我说谎》 C《刺激1995》(《肖申克的救赎》)《沉默的羔羊》《刺杀肯尼迪》《潮爆大状》 D 《得克萨斯的公正》《大话王》《第三类法庭》《叮当神探》《栋笃神探》《状王宋世杰》《大话神探》《刁蛮女律师》(大韩民国律师)《东方大律师》《道可道》 E《法政先锋》、 F《法外情》刘德华《法网神鹰》《法庭风云》(中韩两个版本)《费城故事》《疯狂陪审团》《方谬神探》《非常大状》郑少秋《法律有情》刘德华《法律无情》何家劲《法政英雄》《法网伊人》《法网柔情》《法网边缘》《法网群英》《法律最前线》《法庭内外》 G《古惑大律师》梁家辉《公安局长》《光头神探》《鬼律师》 H《好人寥寥》《哈特战争》《伙伴》 J《将军的女儿》《金牌律师》(美国及香港两个版本)《佳人当道》《金牌冰人》《军人机密》《京都地检女》《飓风》《棘手神探》《狙击神探》《绝对权利》《极度重罪》 K《控辩双方》 L《律政新人王》《律政狂鲨》《律师情人》《律政佳人》《律政红颜》《律政俏佳人》《洛城机密》《律师事务所》《流氓律师》《律师风云》《律师新手》《律师本色》《律师》《律师们》《绿林奇迹》(绿色奇迹大审判)《烈血的规条》《离婚女律师》《纽伦堡大审判》《垃圾律师》《老婆大人》 M《魔鬼代言人》《魔王》《魔法灰姑娘》《民事诉讼》《麦克阿瑟将军》《幕后陪审团》《法网柔情》《麻辣律师》《马背上的法庭》《摩登神探》《麻辣神探》 N《纽伦堡大审判》 O P 《破绽》《破戒》

Q《七宗罪》《秋菊打官司》《七个女律师》 R 《热血律师》 S《三茬口》《失控的陪审团》《杀死知更鸟》《杀戮时刻》《神奇律师》《十二怒汉》《审死官》周星驰《伸张正义》《识法代言人》《少年林肯》《神探》《神探李奇》《神探狄仁杰》《神探朱古力》《神探马如龙》《神探干湿楼》《少年包青天》《诉讼风暴》《生命火花》《谁为我作证》 T《铁嘴银牙》《铁律柔情》《桃色谋杀案》《糖衣陷阱》《塘鹅暗杀令》《通天神探》 W《我的表兄维尼》 X《性书大亨》 Y《永不妥协》《一级恐惧》《一级谋杀》《因父之名》《律师事务所》《义海雄风》《一号法庭》《远山》 Z《真情假爱》《造雨人》《终极证人》《芝加哥》《佐佐木夫妻之战》《走过斑马线》《仗义执言》《最后的律师》


二年级语文上7断织劝学教案作业题 (语文S版) 本资料为woRD文档,请点击下载地址下载全文下载地址www.5y https://www.360docs.net/doc/f36136269.html, 7断织劝学 【教学目标】 (一)知识目标: .认识“孟、断、织、推、今、呢、堂、呆、念、逃、眼、泪、改”等13生字,会写“改、就、机、泪、呆、今、怎、念”8个字及本课的词语。 2.分角色朗读课文,并能演一演。 3.使学生懂得学习、做事都要持之以恒,否则将一事无成的道理。 (二)能力目标: .能正确书写生字。 2.正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文。 (三)情感态度目标: 通过学习课文使学生懂得学习、做事都要持之以恒,否则将一事无成的道理。 【教学重点】 学习生字词语,分角色朗读课文。 【教学难点】

表演课文,在情景表演中明白做事要持之以恒的道理。 【教学课时】两课时 第一课时 课时目标:初读课文,学习生字,掌握生字、词语。 教具准备:生字卡 收集关于孟轲的资料以及孟母教子的故事 教学过程: 一、故事导入,激发兴趣 .老师给大家讲个故事:(出示1)战国的时候,有一个很伟大的大学问家孟子。孟子小的时候非常调皮,他的妈妈为了让他受好的教育,花了好多的心血呢!他四岁的时候,父亲就去世了,母亲由于思念父亲,就住在墓地附近。孟子就和邻居的小孩一起学着大人跪拜、哭嚎的样子,玩起办丧事的游戏。孟子的妈妈看到了,就皱起眉头:“不行!我不能让我的孩子住在这里了!”孟子的妈妈就带着孟子搬到集市旁边去住。到了集市,孟子又和邻居的小孩,学起商人做生意的样子。一会儿鞠躬欢迎客人、一会儿和客人讨价还价,表演得像极了!孟子的妈妈知道了,又皱皱眉头:“这个地方也不适合我的孩子居住!”于是,他们又搬家了。这一次,他们搬到了学校附近。这里,孟子天天看到先生教学生念书,也跟着他们学了起来。有一天,孟子对妈妈说:“妈妈,我要读书,你把我送进学堂里去吧。”孟母终于发出了舒心的


李解扮演孔子,大姐扮演孟母 道具:课桌1套、书1本。 人物:孟母、孟轲、戏子、拉拉 新孟母三剧(原创) 众:昔孟母,择邻处。子不学,断机杼。 昔孟母,择邻处。子不学,断机杼。 旁白:话说在孟子还很小的时候,他的父亲就去世了,孟母为了使他拥有一个良好的学习环境,不得不一个人带着孟子搬到新的地方生活,他们现住在墓地旁边。 孟母:(看看四周皱起眉)“丧葬之地,岂能久留,我们搬家吧”(低头叹气拉起孟子的手往前走) 孟子:“嗯,搬就搬呐” 旁白:由于墓地经常举行些丧葬活动,使得孟子不能安心的学习,因此孟母进行了第一次乔迁,他们来到了——(响京剧)霸王别姬戏剧学院 戏子:“歌曲《one night in 北京》 人说百花地深处,住着老情人,缝着绣花鞋,面容安详的老人,依旧等待着那出征的归人”

孟子也摇头晃脑地跟着手舞足蹈地唱着“缝着绣花鞋”,还模仿戏子的表演。 孟母(捂住耳朵表现得很不耐烦,拍着孟子的脑袋,揪着孟子的耳朵):珂儿,你爹去得早,娘一把屎一把尿地把你拉扯大,我容易吗?你看你这都学了些啥啊? 孟子:你最会忽悠了,接着忽悠。 孟母:我能把正的忽悠斜了,能把好腿忽悠瘸了,能把孩子忽悠的不上学了。这都是哪跟哪啊,不行,歌舞之地,焉能安居,我们还是继续搬呐! 旁白:孟母认为歌舞之地难成大器,于是又开始了第二次的乔迁,这一次她们来到了——孔子大学……. 大学里一人(拉拉)在摇着头说:“子在川上曰过:(停一下,苦思冥想状)哦,‘床前明月光,疑是地上霜。举头望明月,低头思故乡。’ 孟母:(听了作崇拜状,很是高兴点点头,拍拍孟子的头)“哇噻,不错不错,就是这里了,此真可以居住也,这里真是学习居家的好地方啊,看那白面书生手捧经卷,举手投足之间,散发着一副饱读诗书,受过高等教育的气质,嗯,孩子就是这里了,不要犹豫了。。。” 孟子:你又要忽悠我了,我就是不喜欢每天都手捧经卷,天天读诗词歌赋,这样会把人读傻的, 孟母:孩子,你要相信妈妈的安排是没错的。。。


经典的法律美剧 1. Boston Legal《波士顿法律》 Boston Legal is an American created by and produced in association with for . The series aired from October 3, 2004, to December 8, 2008. 《波士顿法律》讲述的是美国波士顿市一家律师事务所的故事,主要是两位活宝Alan(James Spader)扮演,曾凭该剧三夺艾美奖最佳男主角奖)和 Denny (William Shatner扮演),每集一般有两个官司要打,穿插办公室和个人生活的趣事,每集最后Alan和Denny在阳台夜话的是粉丝的一大爱好,只有这一刻,得一知己,把酒言欢,足以。 《波士顿法律》可以算是一朵奇葩,把不同律师辩护的若干个独立的案子剪切成碎片,用一些生活琐事连接在一起,浇上一些重口味幽默,就做成了这道口味独特的律师剧大餐。 抛开那些长篇累牍的传统庭审环节,《波士顿法律》把更多的焦点放在了律师本人上面,你不需要去关注案件的结果,无罪还是有罪无关重要,甚至案件结束你都无法确定。所以这是一部“律师剧”,还不是“法律剧”。 2. The Practice《律师本色》 The Practice is an American created by centering on the partners and associates at a firm. Running for eight seasons on ABC from 1997 to 2004, the show won the in 1998 and 1999 for Best Drama Series, and spawned the successful and lighter series , which ran for five more seasons, from 2004 to 2008. The Practice, Bobby Donnell带领下的波士顿律师事务所以维护社会道德,种族平等为宗旨,在很多案件中成功为当事人争取应有的权力。在故事的发展中,Jimmy, Eugene, Ellenor和Lindsay等一众年轻律师逐渐积累了一定的经验,在以地方检察官为对手的诉讼中明争暗斗,大放异彩。里面有大量的法庭辩论。以交叉询问为主,精彩的美国法庭戏。此剧是完全仿真的以法律调查为主题的系列剧。这是一家充满激情的律师事务所。对他们来说,每一个案子都是重要的,也会为每一个客户的利益争取到底。运用合法的策略是他们的工作方式,他们更依靠科学,把最受质疑的论点变得具有说服性。并且仍把追求正义放在首位,直到最终的结果被宣布……有时也会在宣判之后。然而追求正义,也常常使他们要面对伦理道德的是非问题。

美剧Boston Legal波士顿法律第2季第10集剧本(英语)

Boston Legal Legal Deficits Season 2, Episode 10 Written by David E. Kelley 2005 David E. Kelley Productions. All Rights Reserved. Broadcast: December 13, 2005 Transcribed by Imamess Melissa Hughes is standing behind bars. In the jail cell with her are about half a dozen other people. Melissa looks forlorn as the others with her are laughing and giggling. Alan Shore comes in and peruses the cell. Alan Shore:To an officer standing next to him. I’ll take the blonde. He walks up to Melissa. Melissa. What are we doing in jail? Melissa Hughes: They’re saying I tried to rob a bank. I didn’t. I just smashed a window. Alan Shore: Ah! Liz: And they say I’m a prostitute. Ha. Which is ridiculous. Melissa Hughes: Back off, Ho. Liz: What did you say? Come on. Alan Shore: Liz? Liz: Alan? Alan laughs heartily. Oh my God! You just dropped off the side of the earth Alan Shore: I was in a relationship. But now I’m not. You still at 1 800- LIZZIE? Melissa Hughes: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa. Hey! Remember me? I’m in trouble here. They arrested me? At Crane, Poole and Schmidt Brad Chase is being handcuffed. Brad Chase: You’re arresting me? Detective Perry Vale: Please put your hands behind your back, sir. Brad Chase: You gotta be kidding. Detective Perry Vale: You have the right to remain silent. Brad Chase: I know my rights. Denny Crane: He comes up. What’s going on? Brad Chase: They’re arresting me for assaulting the priest. Detective Perry Vale: And kidnapping and false imprisonment. Now you have the right to an attorney… Denny Crane: Son. Son. This is the United States of America. We don’t really believe in Miranda anymore. Detective Perry Vale: Let’s go. Denny Crane: Hey, hey, hey, hey! Ah, Denny Crane. I’ll handle this internally. Detective Perry Vale: Sir? This man’s being charged with three felonies. Denny Crane: Understood, but… Denny Crane. Detective Perry Vale: Come on. Denny Crane: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Come on! With all that’s going on in the world today, who among us hasn’t at least once wanted to take an axe to a priest? Detective Perry Vale: Come on. The detective leads Brad away. Paul Lewiston:He comes up. They’re arresting him? Denny Crane: And I gave it my best shot. Alan holds the door as Melissa comes into his office. Alan Shore: So. They’re not pressing charges. Melissa Hughes: They’re not pressing charges? Alan Shore: If you make restitution for the window, they’ve agreed not pursue an… Melissa Hughes: No.

小学英文小剧本_孟母三迁《Three- times resettlement by Meng's Mother》(改编)

Three- times resettlement by Meng's Mother 孟母三迁 孟母:孟柯: 学生A: 学生B: 学生C: 学生D: 学生T:孟母:Hello,boys and girls . I’m a mother-----Mengzi’s mother. I like my son.But he is very naughty. I want to teach my son how to be a helpful man. 孟柯:I’m Meng Zi. I like my mum,too. I am going to my school! 蹦蹦跳跳,歌曲起来:小呀嘛小儿郎呀,背着了书包上学堂,不怕太阳晒也不怕那风雨狂..... 一迁第一幕 Ken:Look,what are they doing now? 一群孩子围在一个桌子打牌 A: 老K B: 2王C: 小王D: 我的是大王!哈哈,I’m a winner! Haha Children A: Hey! Are you new here? I've never seen you here before. Ken: Yeah. Mm...My mom and I have just moved here yesterday. My name is Ken. Children B: I am ______.Welcome you! A: You can call me Danny. B:We are playing an interesting game, do you want to join us? Ken: What kind of game? Children:Play cards!Please join us!Come here,come here! Ken:OK! 起牌后说:三带一,B:5炸!C: 我8炸!D: 我王炸~!Haha,give me your money! Ken: Oh,It’s time to go home! Mom: Ken, why your classes over so late? Ken: Oh, We leave school very early . I went to play games. It's really fun. Mom: Oh? Is it? What did you play? Ken: Mom, I am so hungry, let me have something to eat, then, I will tell you. Mom: Ok, Ok, Ok, meal first~ 母端饭上。孟轲狼吞虎咽吃饭。 Ken: I am full. Mom: So can you tell me now? Ken: Well, we play cards! I’m the winner.This is my money!haha Mom: There is so many kinds of game, why do you prefer this? Ken: My friends like to play this game together ,so I like it,too. 室外。三个男童欢快上。一齐呼喊孟轲。 A:Ken,let's play cards! B:Year~Let's have fun. Ken: I am coming. I am coming~ Mom: Hey! Ken! Don't play that game. Come back! 四个儿童欢快下。


孟母三迁 1 1 孟母三迁 主要角色 仉氏:老旦 孟轲:娃娃生 情节 战国时,名贤孟轲幼年丧父,孟母仉氏教育有方。孟轲十岁时,邻近屠户,孟轲亦效杀牛宰羊为戏。孟母 恐共相习成性,故迁至荒村居住。孟轲日见乱冢荒丘,顿思亡父,终日悲感,孟母恐其颓然废志或抑郁成 疾,又复择善邻而居。 根据《京剧汇编》第二十集:孙甫亭藏本整理 【第一场】 (仉氏上。) 仉氏 (引子) 玉洁冰清,抚孤儿,昼夜辛勤。 (念) 岁寒松柏抱坚贞,茅舍竹篱伴此身。留待孤葵承雨露,不使冰操负初心。 (白) 老身仉氏。先夫孟公宜,不幸中年亡故。留下一子名唤孟轲,年方十岁。只 为家业萧条,纺织度日。居住在临街小巷,与那些屠户为邻。怎奈我那孟轲 孩儿,不知务正,也学那屠牛宰马,教我放心不下。今日趁我纺织余暇,不 免唤他出来教训一番。正是: (念) 欲培佳子弟,须种好心田。 (唱) 恨苍天太无情月圆难久, 怅离群悲寂处蹙损眉头。 勤纺织改变了纤纤素手, 为孤儿荒学业日夜担忧。 访邻居常使我劳心费口, 看起来这长街不可停留。 (白) 待我将姣儿唤出,教训一番。 孟轲哪里? 孟轲 (内白) 来了! (孟轲上。) 孟轲 (唱)

过屠门只见些剔骨剜肉, 倒使我豪侠气陡上心头。 莫道我年幼小狠心辣手, 要宰那普天下无道的诸侯。 (白) 母亲在上,孩儿拜揖! 仉氏 (白) 罢了。 孟轲 (白) 将孩儿唤将出来,有何训教? 仉氏 (白) 你每日在街巷与那些邻舍儿童,玩耍些什么? 孟轲 (白) 孩儿在外,不喜与那些儿童玩耍;最喜的是那些杀猪宰羊的营生。 仉氏 (白) 哎呀儿呀,你这小小的年纪,不学长进,怎么学起那杀猪宰羊的营生来了?孟轲 (白) 母亲,岂不闻古人有云:“乱臣贼子,人人得而诛之”。孩儿学那宰割猪羊,就如同杀那乱臣贼子。想那些乱臣贼子,被孩儿杀尽,岂不痛哉!岂不快哉! 仉氏 (白) 哎呀儿呀,你不要满口乱道。听为娘教导于你。 (唱) 叫孟轲我的儿听娘指授, 待为娘对吾儿细说从头: 儿的父遭不幸中年夭寿, 抛下了母子们苦度春秋; 为娘我勤纺织把光阴来度, 皆因是儿年小、家业空、盼只盼、数年之后、教子成名、好对我那孟氏坟丘。 我的儿呀! 孟轲 (唱) 母亲教训儿谨受, 走近膝前说从头: 儿虽然年幼小心思浅陋, 怎学那市井之徒无赖之尤!


学校宣传册设计中的图片运用 图片对于学校宣传册设计是至关重要的,一个学校环境至关重要,孟母三迁,只为孟子。在宣传策划一本学校画册前,我们要先提取素材,体现学校的优势,下面就来看看方寸设计是如何来为学校宣传册提取素材的。 关键词:学校宣传册设计、画册设计排版 文章结构:1、首先阐述下图片在一本画册中的重要性 2、图片在画册设计中起到的作用 3、用对比的手法举1-2个例子 一本好的学校宣传册离开精美的图片就是有再好的文字,有再好的创意那都不可能称之为好,画册中有精美的图片是前提,任何东西都替代不了图片在画册中的地位这个观点毋庸置疑的。 那么我们怎么才能在画册中有精美的图片呢,首先我个人觉得企业主和设计公司要重视图片

的采集和拍摄工作,不要什么都想通过网上的素材免费下载来解决,个人非常不赞成这样的做法,原因有二点,第一点网上的素材就算再好看那也不是你企业专有的图片,你能下载别人同样能下载使用,大家用的都是一样的肯定会降低客户对该企业的认同感没有差异化,第二点网上下载的图片从主体和图片的匹配度肯定没有自己专门拍的好,图片精度也不够高,再有就是有版权风险,买版权费用也高,有这个费用完全可以委托专门的摄影公司来拍几组专门针对自己学校特点的专有高清图片。 我们如何才能拍几组自己的专有图片呢,首先是要先和学校沟通好拍摄时间,一些集体活动,如早操、课间、体育课、文艺科等,都要提前协商好,统一着装,才能体现学校的正规,学生的朝气。 以上准备好以后就是来规划照片怎么拍的问题了,这就要提到画册的策划上来了,如果是学校宣传册重点永远是围绕学校的环境、师生间的活跃氛围、同学间的配合展开拍摄,应该先构思好画册图片的布局才开始拍摄,而不是先把图片排好再来设计画册,这个顺序尤为重要,是先策

美剧Boston Legal波士顿法律第1季第5集剧本(英文)

Boston Legal An Eye For An Eye Season 1, Episode 5 Written by Jeff Rake & David E. Kelley ? 2004 David E. Kelley Productions. All Rights Reserved. Broadcast: Oct 31, 2004 Transcribed by SueB for https://www.360docs.net/doc/f36136269.html, It’s Halloween in night court, which is filled with people in various costumes awaiting appearances in front of the judge. Beat Cop: Suspects were first observed at approximately 10:30 pm across the street from the station house. Robin and Catwoman stood guard as Batman soaped an unoccupied police vehicle. Alan Shore (as Batman): S.U.V. Your Honor. An egregious gas guzzler, and filthy, by the way. Night Court Judge: Continue, Officer. Beat Cop: Officer Brody and I approached. An altercation ensued. Tara Wilson (as Robin): We thought they were hooligans dressed in costume. Alan Shore: As the Village People perhaps. Tara Wilson: Hmm. Beat Cop: Suspects then attempted to evade apprehension by discharging one or more eggs in our direction. Charges are vandalism, resisting arrest and pandering. Alan Shore: Pandering? Our only tricks were in conjunction with our treating. And I do not look like a pimp. Beat Cop: You look like an idiot. The cat’s a known prostitute, your honor. Hooker (as Catwoman): I object to that! Night Court Judge: All right. Masks off now. (the three comply). I know you. Alan Shore. Alan Shore: Good to see you, Judge. My colleague, Tara Wilson. Tara Wilson: Hello. Night Court Judge: Would you care to explain to me why two attorneys are out cavorting with a prostitute? Tara Wilson: We needed somebody to be Catwoman. Alan Shore: Someone with a whip. Night Court Judge: Mr. Shore, while you are a gifted attorney, you bring embarrassment and shame to the legal community. Alan Shore. You’re very kind, sir. Night Court Judge: Case dismissed. Morning staff meeting in a conference room at Crane, Poole & Schmidt. Paul Lewiston: What’s this with the Markham settlement? Brad Chase: He refuses to sign. He keeps redlining us on language. We think that he’s postponing until after the new year for tax reasons. I’ll keep pushing him as best I can. On a personal aside, I’d like to remind everyone to vote. It’s our civic duty. Whatever our politics, at the end of the day, we’re Americans. We bleed red, white and blue. Paul Lewiston: Morgan versus Rayburn. Alan Shore: Still in trial. Client survived his testimony barely. Tara and I are pushing a settlement. And on a personal aside, I’m bored. Paul Lewiston: I beg your pardon. Alan Shore: You people keep assigning me these boring cases. At my old firm, I got murderers. I had clients who would touch themselves in public restrooms. These were people you could root for, not to mention relate to. Paul Lewiston: Is there some other place you’d rather be, Mr. Shore? Alan Shore: Yes, I want to be on cable. That’s where all the best work is being done. A paralegal enters and whispers a message to Paul. Paul Lewiston: Who’s doing the Holcomb case? Tara Wilson: Uh, that’s Edwin Poole. Paul Lewiston (to Lori Colson): Aren’t you - Lori Colson: I just handled the decert motion. I didn’t prep the trial. Paul Lewiston: Surely, Edwin assigned it to somebody. Lori Colson: Well, um - actually…. (she glances at a vacant-looking Denny Crane). Paul Lewiston: Denny? Are you handling the Holcomb Pharmaceuticals trial? Denny Crane: I am.

美剧Boston Legal波士顿法律第1季10第集剧本(英文)

Boston Legal Hired Guns Season 1, Episode 10 Airdate: December 19, 2004 Written by David E. Kelley ? 2004 David E. Kelley Productions. All Rights Reserved Transcribed by Sheri for https://www.360docs.net/doc/f36136269.html, [version updated June 19, 2006] The Annual Crane Poole & Schmidt Christmas Party Camera pans around the reception area to a man wearing a Santa hat picking up a drink from a bar set up in front of the signage; to Alan Shore, complete with a branch of mistletoe rigged to hang over his head, dancing with Tara Wilson; to Catherine Piper dancing with an older gentleman as: Denny Crane:singing with a 3-woman back-up group behind him “Bells will be ringing, their sad, sad blues. Oh, what a Christmas to have the blues! My baby’s gone. I have no friends, to wish me greetings once again. Choirs will be singing Silent Night. Christmas carols . . .” sees someone and leaves the group to finish without him Tara Wilson: So, do I get my kiss or not? Alan Shore: Tara, the way mistletoe works is the one standing under it is the one to receive. Tara Wilson: Well, I prefer to meet in the middle. Alan Shore: Well, I do enjoy your middle tremendously, but a kiss really is more traditional. They both lean a bit toward each other Ah, the anticipation is pure . . . Sally. Sally Heep: Hi. The last thing I want to do is come between all that collagen, but, Alan, we have a little problem, and, like it or not, you’re probably the best man to fix it. Ah, this is Carmen Flores. She works in housekeeping here. Her ex-husband kidnapped her two children. This is the third Christmas he’s done so. He brings them to Peru, when it’s Carmen who has legal custody of them for the holidays. Tara Wilson: Can’t you just go to the judge? Sally Heep: She did that last year. And it cost her a fortune. The judge held him in contempt for a day. He said it’s worth it to spend Christmas with his kids in Peru. H—his flight leaves tomorrow night. I—I thought maybe you could think of something. Tara Wilson: Didn’t you used to be a lawyer, Sally? Oh, I apologize. There go my lips again. Must be all that collagen. Alan Shore: Ladies? Tips his head forward so the mistletoe hangs between them Perhaps you tow should kiss in the name of Christmas. Sally Heep:gasps as Lori Colson falls into her Lori Colson: Oh, sorry, Sally. Incredible dress, by the way. Hate you. turns to Alan Shore Ah, Alan. Mistletoe. takes his face between both hands and kisses him hard. Mwah. smiles, then whispers Whatever. [credits] Courtroom Camera pans over rather graphic pictures of 2 gunshot murder victims—alive and dead. ADA John Shubert: She came home that evening at 9:30, catching an early flight to surprise her husband. But it was the defendant who was surprised. Susan May discovered her husband Ralph making love to a business associate, Marie Holcomb—and it was more than she could bear. The evidence will show that the defendant retrieved a handgun from the kitchen, returned to the bedroom and fired six shots—three into her husband, three into Marie Holcomb. This is the holiday season. You people should be home with your families right now. I apologize for that. Marie Holcomb’s mother and father fly here every December from the West Coast. This time, it’s to attend the trial of their daughter’s killer. Susan May destroyed a lot of happy plans with that gun. Brad Chase: Get in Christmas. Lori Colson: Sorry? Brad Chase: Christmas is ours and Susan’s. Don’t let him claim it. Lori Colson: I, too, would like to apologize for taking you away from your families during this holiday season. That’s Susan’s family seated over there. They would dearly love to be home with her. She would dearly love to be home with them. Imagine, if you can as you prepare for your Christmas, having a loved one murdered.

孟母三迁剧本 (1)

破晓 组长:徐卫梅 组员:陈家欣、邝琰翔 胡冬莉、黄革 陈科芸、赖妍 孟 母 三 迁

演员表 孟母:陈家欣孟子:邝琰翔 商人甲:胡冬莉商人乙:李丽林先生:黄革 学生:陈科芸邻居:赖妍 旁白:徐卫梅

孟子三迁 人物:孟母、孟子、商人2个、先生、学生1个、邻居1个、旁白。 旁白:孟子也叫孟轲,孟子小的时候,父亲早早地过世了,母亲不得不一个人带着孟子搬到新的地方生活,他们俩住在墓地旁边,有一天,孟母正在家里刺绣。 孟母:轲儿去哪了?轲儿······轲儿······(奇怪加急切) 孟子:(入场)母亲,我在这里呢。 孟母:(近身问)你去哪里了? 孟子:我在外面呢。 孟母:轲儿,你的眼睛怎么红了,谁欺负你了?告诉我,我找他评理去。 孟子:母亲,没有人欺负我,刚才我跟着送葬的队伍,大家都在哭,我也跟着哭,一哭就止不住,太好玩了。(跑出去) 孟母:轲儿整天在这种环境下玩耍,不会对他有什么益处,不行,我不能让我的孩子住在这里了。 旁白:于是第二天孟子的母亲就带着孟子搬到集市附近去住了。 商人甲:冰糖葫芦,卖冰糖葫芦啦,一文钱一串。(重复) 孟子:(孟子在一旁看着,也有模有样的学起来)冰糖葫芦啦,卖冰糖葫芦啦,一文钱一串。 商人乙:快看一看,瞧一瞧咯,新鲜的水果,快来买啊。(重复)

孟子: 快看一看,瞧一瞧咯,新鲜的水果,快来买啊。南来的北往的快来看一看,瞧一瞧咯,天上飞的,地上走的,水里游的,我这里都有,不买也看看。 旁白:当孟轲和小伙伴们正玩得起劲时他们所做的一切被邻居看到了。 邻居:轲儿他妈,你们家孟轲有出息了(兴奋之情溢于言表),刚才我到集市上看到你们家孟轲正和其他孩子在模仿小贩卖东西呢,将来肯定是富商大贾! 孟母:(皱皱眉头、心中忧虑)这个地方也不适合我的孩子居住!轲儿我们明天搬家。 旁白:这一次,他们搬到了学堂附近。孟子跑到学堂,站在教室外面看先生在教学生行礼读书。 先生:这样行礼。 学生:(作揖)先生好。 先生:(开始上课)知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。 学生:(跟读)知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。 先生:学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。 学生:(跟读)学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。 旁白:时间过得很快,晚上,孟子回到家门口。 孟子:母亲我回来了,能进去吗? 孟母:为什么不能,快进来吧。(温和) 孟子:母亲,孩儿给你请安。(行礼)


学英语最好的10部美剧排行 来源:转载文章作者:匿名2009-12-04 09:41:46 [标签:排行英语] 这个排行包括了美国本世纪2000年以来观看人数最多收视率最高的10集剧集,其中没有一集是在2007年之后播出的,而本世纪美国收视最高的就是《六人行Friends》大结局,现在收视率最高的节目《美国偶像American Idol 这个排行包括了美国本世纪2000年以来观看人数最多收视率最高的10集剧集,其中没有一集是在2007年之后播出的,而本世纪美国收视最高的就是《六人行Friends》大结局,现在收视率最高的节目《美国偶像American Idol》在此名单中名列第5。 1. 六人行Friends 播出时间: 2004年5月6日 收视人数: 5250万 《Friends》结束了电视喜剧的黄金时代,从此没有了“必须要看的电视节目”,这个收视记录到现在还没有被打破。 2. 幸存者Survivor:Borneo 播出时间: 2000年8月23日 收视人数: 5170万 作为一部新剧,《幸存者Survivor:Borneo》的首季大结局也算创下了奇迹,从此电视节目多了个新类型:真人秀。 3. Joe Millionaire 播出时间: 2003年2月17日 收视人数: 4000万 百万富翁选老婆类型节目,因为节目中的百万富翁“作假”也导致该节目未能长久。 4. 急诊室ER 播出时间: 2000年2月17日 收视人数: 3940万 此剧和《六人行Friends》同年开播一起引起轰动,剧中主角在上一集中遭遇了车祸,此集将揭晓角色的命运。 5. 美国偶像American Idol 播出时间: 2007年1月16日 收视人数: 3810万
