





奥朗德试图对委员会的评论置若罔闻。新年晚会的电视讲话上,他说道,最高税率将会重新调整,但不会改变它的目标。我们将要求最富的人缴纳更多的税率。总理埃侯(Jean-Marc Ayrault)补充道,这个富有争议的75%所得税会重修修订,并提交议会,仅在一年后实施。




委员会的裁定促使左翼党派的人高呼被欺骗了,他们担心富人会“出逃”,并且法国的香烟税、啤酒税以及其他基本物品的税收将会上涨。他们不需要担心。不管75%的富人税会不会实施,政府将向公司、资本收益、创造的财富、收入征收新的比例更高的税收。正是这些政策共同的影响促使法国影星杰拉尔·德帕迪约(Gerard Depardieu)离开法国,企业家们纷纷谴责政府是创造财富的梦魇。奥朗德75%富人税可能现在不会实施,但是这个象征性的危害已经造成了




米尔顿凯恩斯(MILTON KEYNES)这个新兴小镇,离伦敦只有50米,拥有249,000人口,其美国风格的道路布局,明亮超级摩登的购物商场,用混泥土和玻璃纤维做的不吉利的牛群雕塑,在英国人中很有名。但是这些愉快,沉闷的郊区已不再是过去五颜六色的美景了。现在有许多商店与商场里








过去的10年内总移民量飞速上升,可能是导致移民变得如此有争议的原因之一。在许多郊区地方移民者涌入,白种英国人第一次看到这么多的外国人。现有居民通常反感新来者,他们会抢夺学校名额,医生的预约,公共住房。政客们都纷纷呼吁减少移民。12月12日,保守党内阁大臣特雷莎·梅(Theresa May)谴责“不受控制的、大量的移民”,这取代了英国人的工作,迫使他们依赖救济金生活,并压抑了低收入者的薪水。

但是其它证据表明大部分移民人及其子女有效的聚集在一起。自称是混合种族的人数几乎翻了一番,从2001年的661,000增长到现在的120万。智囊团英国未来的秘书长德·卡特瓦拉(Sunder Katwala)认为,英国的跨种族结婚的夫妻比世界上任何地方都多,包括美国。尽管种族多样性不断上升,但91%的人在填写人口普查表时声称多少有些英国国籍,把自己叫做英国人,威尔士人,苏格兰人,北爱尔兰人,或者真正地英国人,有时加上民族。




[2009.11.17]How to feed the world 如何养活世界 Nov 19th 2009 From The Economist print edition Business as usual will not do it 一切照旧已不再可行 IN 1974 Henry Kissinger, then America’s secretary of state, told the first world food conference in Rome that no child would go to bed hungry within ten years. Just over 35 years later, in the week of another United Nations food summit in Rome, 1 billion people will go to bed hungry. 1974年,在罗马举行的第一届世界粮食会议上,当时的美国国务卿亨利?基辛格宣称10年内将没有小孩再饿着肚子入睡。而35年之后的罗马,在又一届联合国粮食峰会在罗马召开的这一周内,仍有10亿人饿着肚子上床睡觉。 This failure, already dreadful, may soon get worse. None of the underlying agricultural problems which produced a spike in food prices in 2007-08 and increased the number of hungry people has gone away. Between now and 2050 the world’s populat ion will rise by a third, but demand for agricultural goods will rise by 70% and demand for meat will double. These increases are in a sense good news in that they are a result of rising wealth in poor and middle-income countries. But they will have to happen without farmers clearing large amounts of new land (there is some scope for expansion, but not much) or using up lots more water (in parts of the world, water supplies are stretched to their limit or beyond). Moreover, they will take place while farmers also wrestle with the consequences of climate change, which, on balance, will do more harm than good to farmland round the world. 这样的失败虽已甚为可怕,但很快将会变得更糟。现存的农业问题推动了2007-08年粮食价格的上涨,使饥饿人数有所增加,而这些问题无一得到解决。现在至2050年间,世界人口将增长1/3,但农产品需求将上涨70%,而肉类需求更将翻番。这些增长在一定意义上是个好消息,因为这是中低收入国家财富增长的结果。但是伴随这些增长的却是一些不容乐观的景象:农民无法清理出大量的新地(可耕地有扩大的空间,但并不多),更多的水资源会被耗尽(在世界某些地方,供水量已至其极限甚至超过了极限)。此外,与此同时农民还需应对气候变化造成的影响。总的来说,气候变化对其全球的耕地来说将是弊大于利的。 It may be too late to avoid another bout of price rises. Despite a global recession and the largest grain harvest on record in 2008, food prices are heading up again. Still, countries have a brief window of opportunity in which to set long-term policy goals without being distracted by panic measures. They need to do two things: invest in the productive capacity of agriculture and improve the operation of food markets. 或许想避免下一轮的价格上涨为时已晚。尽管全球经济衰退,而2008年收获了有记录以来


18Bitcoin’s future比特币的未来 Hidden flipside另一面;反面隐藏的另一面 How the crypto-currency could become the internet of money 加密货币是怎样变成互联网货币的 Mar 15th 2014 | From the print edition Bitcoin: the original 比特币的由来 1.THE father has been found in time for 及时赶上his child’s funeral. That would appear to be 似乎是,仿佛,显示为the sorry 遗憾的state of affairs 事态,状态,情况好坏in the land of Bitcoin, a crypto-currency, if recent press coverage 新闻报道is to be believed. On March 6th Newsweek新闻周刊(美国一杂志)reported that it had足迹,踪迹tracked down 追踪Satoshi Nakamoto,中本聪Bitcoin’s elusive [?'l(j)u?s?v]难以捉摸的creator. And on March 11th Mt Gox, the Japanese online exchange 交易所,交换,交流,兑换that had long dominated控制;支配;占优势;在…中占主要地位the trade in the currency before losing $490m of customers’Bitcoins at today’s prices, once more再一次,重新filed 提出for 再一次申请bankruptcy protection, this time in America. “父亲奔赴孩子的葬礼。”如果最近的新闻报道属实的话,那似乎会是比特币领域很遗憾的情况。3月6日,据《新闻周刊》报道,业已追踪到比特币发明人中本聪的踪迹,此人难以捉摸。日本的在线交易所Mt Gox长期以来一直是比特币行业的佼佼者,而如今,这一平台4.9亿客户的比特币被盗,于是,3月11日Mt Gox又在向美国申请破产保护。 2.In reality, things are rather different. Evidence证据,证明;迹象;明显is mounting 增加;爬上that Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto, whom Newsweek identified as Bitcoin’s father, is not the relevant Satoshi. More importantly, Bitcoin’s best days 得意时代;全盛时代may still be ahead of优于,超过it—if not as a fully fledged成熟的;快会飞的;羽毛丰满的currency, then as a platform for financial innovation金融创新. Much as虽然,尽管(表让步);非常像,和…几乎一样the internet is a foundation for digital services数字化服务, the technology behind Bitcoin could support a revolution革命in the way people own and pay for things. Geeks极客,专业人士of all sorts各种各样的are getting excited—including a growing number of 越来越多的venture capitalists,风险投资家,风险资本家who know a new platform when they see one. 事实上,一切都是迥然不同的。不断增加的证据表明《新闻周刊》的报道是错的,多利安-蒲伦蒂斯-中本聪(Dorian Prentice Satoshi Nakamoto)和比特币之父中本聪并不是同一个人。更重要的是,如果比特币没有作为一种完全成熟的货币,而是作为金融创新的平台,那么达到比特币的全盛时代依然任重而道远。如同互联网是数字化服务的基石一样,比特币背后的科技可以引领一场革命,而这场革命可以改变买方和卖方的交易方式。各路极客们都异常兴奋,其中不乏渐多大批风险资本家,一旦一个新平台出现,这些人就会对其了如指掌。 3.To understand the enthusiasm in this modern currency, it helps to think about a very old one. Until the early 20th century the people on Yap,[j?p]雅浦岛an island in the Pacific Ocean,太平洋used large stone disks 圆盘,磁盘(pictured) as money货币,钱,钱币for big expenses, 开支;消费;损失,代价such as a daughter’s dowry.嫁妆,陪嫁,天资Being very heavy, they were rarely 很少地;难得;罕有地moved when spent. Instead, they simply changed owners. Every


Disney Star Wars, Disney and myth-making How one company came to master the business of storytelling FROM a galaxy far, far away to a cinema just down the road: “The Force Awakens”, the newest instalment of the Star Wars saga, is inescapable this Christmas. The first Star Wars title since Lucasfilm, the owner of the franchise, was acquired by Disney in 2012 for $4.1 billion, it represents more than just the revival of a beloved science-fiction series. It is the latest example of the way Disney has prospered over the past decade from a series of shrewd acquisitions (see article). Having bought Pixar, Marvel and Lucasfilm, Disney has skilfullycapitalised on their intellectual property—and in so doing, cemented its position as the market leader in the industrialisation of mythology. Its success rests on its mastery of the three elements of modern myth-making: tropes, technology and toys. From Homer to Han Solo Start with the tropes. Disney properties, which include everything from “Thor” to “Toy Story”, draw on well-worn devices of mythic structure to give their stories cultural resonance. Walt Disney himself had an intuitive grasp of the power of fables. George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars, is an avid student of the work of Joseph Campbell, an American comparative mythologist who outlined the “monomyth” structure in which a hero answers a call, is assisted by a mentor figure, voyages to another world, survives various trials and emerges triumphant. Both film-makers merrily plundered ancient mythology and folklore. The Marvel universe goes even further, directly appropriating chunks of Greco-Roman and Norse mythology. (This makes Disney's enthusiasm for fierce enforcement of intellectual-property laws, and the seemingly perpetual extension of copyright, somewhat ironic.) The internal mechanics of myths may not have changed much over the ages, but the technology used to impart them certainly has. That highlights Disney's second area of expertise. In Homer's day, legends were passed on in the form of dactylic hexameters; modern myth-makers prefer computer graphics, special effects, 3D projection, surround sound and internet video distribution,


CONVIVIAL, and not averse to a drink, Nancy Wake could often be found cheering up a cocktail bar. In the late 1940s, and again towards the end of her life, it might have been the American Bar of the Stafford Hotel, just across the road from The Economist’s offices in London. In 1940, when she was living as a newlywed in Vichy France, it could have been another American Bar, this one in the H?tel du Louvre et de la Paix in Marseilles. It was a chance encounter here with an English officer, interned by the French authorities but that day on parole, which led to her membership of the resistance, and then to her role as an agent of the British Special Operations Executive in occupied France. Of the 39 SOE women infiltrated into France, 11 of whom would die in concentration camps, she was perhaps the most redoubtable. 南希?维克性格开朗,能喝善饮,鸡尾酒吧经常可以看到她惬意的身影。上世纪40年代末和生命最后的时光里她常光顾的可能是斯塔福德旅馆里的美国酒吧,这家酒吧就和伦敦《经济学人》办公楼隔路相望。而1940年时,新婚燕尔的维克居住在维希法国,那时候她可能是巴黎卢浮旅馆和马赛和平旅馆内另一家美国酒吧的常客。在这家酒吧,机缘巧合,她和一位被法国当局拘留恰巧在当天假释的英国军官相遇。正是这段偶遇让她加入了反法西斯抵抗组织,后来成为法国占领区内英国特种作战执行队的一名间谍。所有39名渗透到法国境内的间谍中,11名险些死在集中营里。维克恐怕是39名间谍中最厉害的角色了。 From her earliest days, Miss Wake combined opposing qualities. She was disciplined, but at the same time a free spirit. In Sydney, to which her large family had moved after leaving her birthplace in New Zealand, she twice ran away from home. As soon as she could, she made her way to London, then to Paris to work as a freelance journalist. There it was her cheerful independence as much as her good looks that caught the eye of the rich French industrialist, Henri Fiocca, who would take her to Marseilles as his wife. 打从很小起,维克性格中就充满了对立。她一方面严于律己,另一方面却叛逆不羁。一大家人从维克出生地新西兰搬至悉尼后,她曾两度离家出走。条件一允许她就去了伦敦,然后到巴黎当起了自由记者。在巴黎,凭着快乐的天性、独立的精神和美丽的容貌她吸引了腰缠万贯的法国企业家亨利?菲奥卡,随后,两人在马赛市结了婚。 She enjoyed her new life of luxury while it lasted, but she was no flibbertigibbet. Soon after meeting the interned British officer, she was helping to get similar Allied airmen, refugees and escaped prisoners-of-war out of occupied France and into Britain. She took a flat, ostensibly for a lover, in fact for the resistance, sheltered men on the run and became a crucial part of the southern escape line to Spain, travelling all over southern France from Nice to N?mes to Perpignan, with clothing, money and false documents. 虽然尽情享受着豪华奢侈的新生活,但她绝不是那种只贪图享受的轻浮女人。和那位英国军官认识后不久,她就开始为盟军空军、避难人员和从法国被占区逃往英国的战俘提供协助。她租下一幢公寓,以养情人作掩护,供抵抗组织活动所需,为逃难人员提供庇护;她带着衣物、钱和假造的公文,从尼斯到尼姆再到佩里皮昂在法国南部来回奔走,成为法国南部向西班牙逃亡路线的一个关键人物。


2018考研英语:阅读经济学人文章(一) German politics 德国政治 Gone boy on the right 消失的极右领袖 How an anti-foreigner, anti-establishment group ischanging German politics 一个反移民、反伊斯兰化组织如何改变德国政治 Bachmann: only joking, honest 巴赫曼:真的只是玩笑罢了 THE march on January 19th in Dresden by Pegida, or “Patriotic Europeans against theIslamisation of the Occident”, would have been its 13th. But it was cancelled because the policehad “concrete”information of plans to assassinate its organiser, Lutz Bachmann. On January21st Mr Bachmann was exposed in German tabloids for posing as Hitler on his Facebook page.He called it a joke, but later resigned his position. Pegida plans to resume its marches nextweek. 1月19日,在德累斯顿爆发了一场由Pegida(或者称作“爱国欧洲人反对西方的伊斯兰化”)发起的游行。本来这次游行应该在13号举行,但是由于警方获知了刺杀该运动领袖卢茨巴赫曼行动的“详细”信息而被取消。1月21日,巴赫曼因为在“脸书”(Facebook)上传其模仿希特勒的照片而被德国小报争相报道。他声称这只是一个玩笑,但是随后他宣布辞职。Pegida计划下周恢复游行。 Among its followers, despite Mr Bachmann's antics, neo-Nazis are a small minority. The typicalmarcher is a middle-aged, middle-class Saxon man who, says Hans V orl?nder at the TechnicalUniversity of Dresden, is alienated from politics and the liberal media, and yearns for ahomogenous fatherland. The marches may have “passed the peak”, adds Dieter Rucht at theBerlin Social Science Centre. Yet there will be political fallout. Nine-tenths of Pegida supportersback the Alternative for Germany (AfD), founded only in 2013 and represented in three easternstate parliaments. 在该运动众多的追随者中,除了巴赫曼这种滑稽行为的人,新纳粹仍是少数。据来自德尔德累斯顿技术大学的汉斯?福尔兰德尔讲,其中有一位的游行示威者是较为典型,他是一个来自于萨克森州的中年中产阶级男性,他对政治和自由媒体漠不关心,却呼唤一个同文同种的父国。柏林社会科学研究中心的Dieter Rucht说到,这支游行队伍可能已经“越过底线”。也许会带来某些政治后果。Pegida运动中有十分之九的支持者拥护德国新选项党(AfD),该党于2013年刚刚成立,享有东部三个州的议会席位。


Women managers in Asia. 女性高管在亚洲。 Untapped talent. 尚待开发的人才。 Sexism is rife in Asia. That creates an opportunity for non-chauvinist firms. 性别歧视在亚洲"大行其道"。这为非大男子主义至上的企业创造了机遇。 IN THE West, women typically make up 10-20% of upper management and company boards. They are relatively lucky. A report from McKinsey, a consultancy, shows that Asian women lag far behind. 在西方,女性通常占据10-20%的公司高层和董事会职位。相比之下,她们是幸运的。来自麦肯锡咨询机构(McKinsey)的报告显示在此方面,亚洲女性大大落后了。 There are exceptions. In Australia women's share of board and executive-committee jobs is roughly on a par with that in America and parts of Europe. Singapore too has a large number of women in senior management (see chart). But elsewhere the picture is mostly dire, and not necessarily because the countries concerned are poor. In Japan and South Korea, both rich, women are about as likely to sit on boards as men are to serve tea. 例外也是有的。在澳大利亚,女性在董事会和执行领导层所占份额与美国和欧洲部分水平一致。新加坡也有大量女性工作在高级经理职位上。但在其他地方,女高管的境地就多半是岌岌可危的了,也不一定,都因为相关国家很穷。在日本和韩国这两个富裕国家,女子就很可能只是给坐在董事会里的男人们倒茶端水,而不是一起议事。 One reason why so few women in Asia get plum jobs is that in most countries far fewer of them are in the workforce than in the West, where their labour-force participation rate is usually around 60-70%. In India only about one woman in three has a formal job, though millions sweat on farms and in family businesses. Education is unequal, too. In 2009-10 only 10-15% of students entering the elite Indian Institutes of Management were female. But even in Asian countries where plenty of women leap from college onto the corporate ladder, they do not climb as high as men. 很少有亚细亚女性会得到称心如意的工作,一个原因是多数亚洲国家里,在职场中仅有极少数的女子,而在西方女性参与劳动(工作)率一般大致在60-70%。在印度,三个女子中大约只有一个有正式工作,虽然有数百万的女性在农场和家庭事务上挥洒汗水。教育也是不平等的。09到10年度,进入印度精英管理学院的学生中仅有10-15%是女性。但即使是在那些有众多女性能从大学走上职业之路的国家,她们也没攀登到男性所能达到的高度。The most common reasons given are much the same as in Europe: the double burden of work and domestic responsibilities; the requirement in many senior jobs to be always available and free to travel; women's reluctance to blow their own trumpet; and the scarcity of female role models. In Asia, an additional hurdle is the lack of public services to support families, such as child care. 与在欧洲一样,最为普遍也是肯定的原因是:职场与家庭责任的双重重担;高管职位随时随地的出差要求(受家庭牵连,女性做不到这点);女性对自卖自夸的不情愿;以及女性榜样的稀缺。而在亚洲,另一个障碍是缺乏诸如孩童看护(Child Care)一类的,援助家庭的公共服务。 So is it just a question of waiting until Asia catches up with the West? The McKinsey report's authors, Claudia Süssmuth-Dyckerhoff, Jin Wang and Josephine Chen, think it is not as simple as that. Having studied 744 large companies and quizzed 1,500 executives in ten Asian countries, they conclude that, unlike their Western counterparts, Asian senior managers are not very interested in the subject. Some 70% of them did not see "gender diversity" as a strategic priority.

2017考研备考英语阅读题源经济学人文章:Black Friday

2017考研备考英语阅读题源经济学人文 章:Black Friday Black Friday 黑色星期五 The long weekend 漫长的周末 A new, earlier discount frenzy grips Christmasshoppers 新一轮提前促销打折狂潮吸引了众多圣诞购物者 THE rhythms of Christmas used to be so simple. Buypresents in December, eat and drink too much, return unwanted gifts, then hunt bargains inthe January sales. Such habits may now be altered by the arrival on British shores of BlackFriday, an American retail phenomenon. 圣诞的节奏一直都很单一。在12月买礼物,尽情吃喝,再退还那些不中意的礼物,然后在一月大减价之际狂购便宜货到手软。而如今这样的习惯,很可能随着“黑色星期五”—美版“双十一”—登陆不列颠海岸而悄然改变。 Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving. This year it falls on November 28th. As Thanksgivingday revolves around the eating, so Black Friday revolves around the shopping. It has becomethe biggest day of the year for American retailers as they discount thousands of products,kick-starting the Christmas shopping season. According to one story the name thus refers toshops doing such booming trade that they go from the red into the black. It might equally benamed because of the casualty rate. Shoppers get hurt in the stampede for bargains. Somehave even died. “黑色星期五”就是每年感恩节之后的第一天。今年就是11月28日。像感恩节的主题是美食一样,“黑色星期五”的主题便是购物。因在“黑色星期五”商家们会给成千上万的商品大打折扣开启圣诞购物季,由此这一天成了美国零售商们每年最盛大的一天,有一种说法是,这个名字正说明了那些在这天生意异常兴隆的商家大额进账,转亏为盈(红色记录赤字,黑色记录盈利)。还有一种说法是因为在这天的伤亡率。顾客们会在争抢折扣商品的拥堵人群中受伤。有些人甚至会为此丧命。 Since they do not celebrate Thanksgiving, Brits had never taken to Black Friday, until last year.Then, some British retailers joined American-owned companies like Amazon to introduce bigsavings. This year many more have embraced it. Visa Europe predicts that shoppers will spend6,000 per second on the day. John Lewis, a big London department store, is opening for itslongest day ever, from 8am to 10pm. 因为从来不过感恩节,所以去年之前英国人对黑色星期五一直无感。而其后,部分英国零售商加盟了类似亚马逊这种美国公司来引进各种省钱方式。在今年,已有更多的零售商投入到这些公司的怀抱。据维信欧洲(VisaEurope,信用卡集团)预测,在黑色星期五这一天,购物者们将每秒消费6000英镑。英国一家大型零售商店约翰·路易斯,在这天也会迎来其

economist 经济学人词汇整理一

A Bad Week for Mexico: Of Prisons and Petroleum 1.petroleum : n.石油,原油 2.bust : ( bust sb /sth for sth ) (of the police 警方) to suddenly enter a place and search it or arrest sb 突击搜查(或逮捕) 3.sabotage : n. 阻碍,妨碍(为防止敌方利用或为表示抗议而进行的)蓄意破坏,阴谋破坏 4.fling : ( flung flung ) to throw sb /sth with somewhere force, especially because you are angry (尤指生气地)扔,掷,抛,丢 eg. The door was suddenly flung open. 门突然被推开了。 5.oil-exploration right : 石油勘探权 6.in tow : (tow:用绳索拖,拉,牵引,拽) eg. with much of his government in tow 在多名政府官员的陪同下 ①if you have sb. in tow, they are with you and following closely behind 紧随着,陪伴着 ②if a ship is taken in tow, it is pulled by another ship (船)被拖着走 7.monopoly : 垄断,专营服务,被垄断的商品(或服务) 8.flop:n. (a film / movie, play, party, etc that is not successful ) (电影,戏剧,聚会等)失败,不成功 9.consortium: a group of people, countries, companies, etc who are working together on a particular project (合作进行某项工程的)财团,银团,联营企业 10.inflated: ①(尤指价格)过高的,高的不合理的 ②(思想,主张等)夸张的,言过其实的 11.block : a large area of land 一片土地 12.the odds are that ( it is likely that...) 可能 13.with luck如果一切顺利 eg. With (any) luck, we will be home before duck. 如果一切顺利的话,我们可在天黑前回到家。 14.in time (for sth/ to do sth):not late, with enough time to be able to do sth 来得及,及时eg. Will we be in time for the six o’clock train? 我们来得及赶上六点钟的那趟火车吗? 15.spectacular : adj 令人惊叹的,壮观的 16.ventilate : v. 使(房间,建筑物等)通风,使通气 eg. a well-ventilated room 通风良好的房间 17.stylish:adj 时髦的,新潮的,高雅的,雅致的 18.extradite:引渡(嫌犯或罪犯) 19.recapture : 抓回,再次捕获;回忆,再体验,重温 20.slip away消失,消亡,死去 21.interior : ①the inside part of sth 内部 eg. the interior of a building 楼房内部 ②内陆,内地,腹地 ③(国家的)内政,内务 eg. the Department /Minister of the Interior 内政部/内政大臣 22.manhunt : n.(对罪犯或逃犯的)追捕,搜捕 https://www.360docs.net/doc/971825981.html,munications-blocking technology通信拦截技术 24.a no-fly zone禁飞区

10.3期 经济学人翻译参考-L1 the World Economy-中国高翻团队

Leaders 1 The world economy 世界经济 Dominant and dangerous 统治与危机 As America’s economic supremacy fades, the primacy of the dollar looks unsustainable 随着美国经济霸权的衰落,美元的主导地位似乎难以为继 IF HEGEMONS are good for anything, it is for conferring stability on the systems they dominate. For 70 years the dollar has been the superpower of the financial and monetary system. Despite talk of the yuan’s rise, the primacy of the greenback is unchallenged. As a means of payment, a store of value and a reserve asset, nothing can touch it. Yet the dollar’s rule has brittle foundations, and the system it underpins is unstable. Worse, the alternative reserve currencies are flawed. A transition to a more secure order will be devilishly hard. 霸权的好处,在于能够维持霸权本身主导体系的稳定。过去70年间,美元一直是金融及货币体系中的主导力量。即使有人民币崛起一说,但美元的主导地位还未受挑战。无论作为付酬方式、贮藏手段还是储备资产,美元的地位都无可撼动。然而,美元的主导力薄弱,美元主导的体系也缺乏稳定性。更糟糕的是,目前可取代其储备地位的他国货币都存在缺陷。要使全球市场向一个更为安全的金融秩序过渡极为困难。 When the buck stops 当美元无力维系霸权 For decades, America’s economic might legitimised the dollar’s claims to reign supreme. But, as our special report this week explains, a faultline has opened between America’s economic clout and its financial muscle. The United Stat es accounts for 23% of global GDP and 12% of merchandise trade. Yet about 60% of the world’s output, and a similar share of the planet’s people, lie within a de facto dollar zone, in which currencies are pegged to the dollar or move in some sympathy with it. American firms’ share of the stock of international corporate investment has fallen from 39% in 1999 to 24% today. But Wall Street sets the rhythm of markets globally more than it ever did. American fund managers run 55% of the world’s assets under management, up from 44% a decade ago. 几十年来,美国的经济实力保障着美元的霸权地位。但本刊也在这周的“特别报道”一栏中指出,美国的经济影响力与财政实力已出现脱节。目前,美国在全球GDP总量中占23%,在商品贸易总量中占12%,而实际上,全球约60%的经济产量及人口都位于美元区内——区域内的货币要么直接与美元挂钩,要么与
