


Rizhao is praised as “the south in North China and the north in South China”. Located in the warm temperate zone, the city enjoys a continental climate with semi-humid monsoon. With four distinct seasons, it is neither cold in winter nor hot in summer. With warm and pleasant climate, the city has no typhoon record. The annual average temperature is 12.6℃ and that of winter and summer is 0.5℃ and 23.9℃ respectively. The annual average precipitation is 813 mm and the frost-free period is as long as 213 days History

Rizhao is a young yet old city with many prehistoric cultural relics such as the Dawenkou Culture and the Longshan Culture. Liangcheng town of Rizhao was the earliest city in Asia between 3500B.C and 2000B.C. Rizhao belonged to Dongyi in the Xia (2070 B.C-1600 B.C) and Shang (1600 B.C-1046 B.C) Dynasty, Ju State and Yue State in the Spring and Autumn Period (770 B.C-476 B.C) and the Warring States Period (476 B.C-221 B.C) respectively and Langya Prefecture in the Qin Dynasty (221 B.C-206 B.C). Rizhao was named Haiqu County in the Western Han Dynasty (206 B.C-25 A.D) and Xihai County in the Eastern Han Dynasty (25 A.D-220 A.D). In the Tang Dynasty (618 A.D-907 A.D), together with Ju County, Rizhao belonged to Mizhou District of Henan Prefecture. In the second year (1087 A.D) of the Yuanyou Period of the Song Dynasty, Rizhao Township was established with the name meaning “the first to get the sunshine”. In the 24th year of the Dading Period of the Jin Dynasty, Rizhao County was established. In 1989, Rizhao became a prefecture-level city.

Population and Jurisdiction

Rizhao now has Donggang District, Lanshan District, Ju County, Wulian County, Rizhao Economic Development Area and Shanhaitian Tourism and V ocation Zone under its jurisdiction. Covering a land area of 5,310 square kilometers, Rizhao has a 168.5-kilometer-long coastline and a population of 2.8792 million.

City Brands

Eastern Bridgehead of the New Eurasian Continental Bridge

UN Habitat Scroll of Honor

100 Cities in China with Best Investment Environment

China Top Tourist City

China Human Habitat Award

Innovation Award of Scientific Development of City

Top Ten Green City of China

National Sustainable Development Experimental Zone

National Clean City

National Model City for Environmental Protection

National Garden City

China Model Green City

National Financial Ecological City

City of Water Sports

World Clean Energy Award

Population and Jurisdiction

Rizhao now has Donggang District, Lanshan District, Ju County, Wulian County, Rizhao Economic Development Area and Shanhaitian Tourism and V ocation Zone under its jurisdiction. Covering a land area of 5,310 square kilometers, Rizhao has a 168.5-kilometer-long coastline and a population of 2.8792 million.

Ecological City

With superior natural environment, Rizhao attaches great importance to ecological protection. Air quality in urban area is 100% up to the standard. The quality of potable water and sea water in offshore area keeps at national first class standard. The forestation rate of Rizhao is up to 36.2%, and the greening rate is up to 40.61% in the urban built-up area. Rizhao has been successively awarded the following honorable titles such as National Model City for Environmental Protection, National Clean City, National Garden City, China Fascinating City, 100 Cities in China with Best Investment Environment, National Model Green City, and National Pilot City for Circular Economy, National Ecological Demonstration Zone, winner of the China Human Habitat Award, the Top Ten Green City of China and the winner of the UN Habitat Scroll of Honor.


布什在911事件后的演讲 Good evening. 晚上好, Today, our fellow citizens, our way of life, our very freedom came under attack in a series of deliberate and deadly terrorist acts. The victims were in airplanes or in their offices. Secretaries, business men and women, military and federal workers. Moms and dads. Friends and neighbors. Thousands of lives were suddenly ended by evil, despicable acts of terror. 今天,我们的同胞、我们的生活及我们珍视的自由受到了恐怖主义分子的蓄意攻击。许多被劫持的乘客、正在办公的工作人员都不幸遇难,他们可能是:秘书文员、商人、妇女、军方或联邦政府工作人员、为人父母、你们的亲朋好友或邻居。数千人在恐怖分子的卑劣和罪恶行径下突然间失掉了宝贵的生命。 The pictures of airplanes flying into buildings, fires burning, huge structures collapsing, have filled us with disbelief, terrible sadness and a quiet, unyielding anger. These acts of mass murder were intended to frighten our nation into chaos and retreat. But they have failed. Our country is strong. 面对飞机撞毁、熊熊大火、楼房倒塌等图片,我们无法相信眼前的惨状,感到无比的悲哀和愤怒。恐怖分子的大屠戮的行为旨在将我们的国家引向混乱和倒退。但他们的阴谋不会得逞,我们的国家依然强大。 A great people has been moved to defend a great nation. Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve. 伟大的美国人民已被动员起来保卫自己的国家。恐怖主义分子的袭击可以震撼我们的建筑,但他们无法动摇我们牢固的国家基础。这些行径可以粉碎钢铁,但它们无法挫伤美国人民捍卫国家的决心。 America was targeted for attack because we're the brightest beacon for freedom and


日照市奥格美柯【液体有机钾肥】Rizhao Orga nic In ternatio nal Co., Ltd. Organic Liquid Potassium Fertilizer The orga nic liquid potassium is made of sugar cane and duria n shell with a series of physical manufacturing procedures and without any chemical additives. It is light brown liquid with pH6-8. It does not contain any harmful substance and is efficient liquid fertilizer used in the product ion of gree n, orga nic, polluti on-free agricultural products. The organic matter is extracted from pure plants as the main element to syn thesize ami no acids, sugars, starch and other nu trie nts by photos yn thesis. It can effectively promote the photos yn thesis of the pla nts; improve the ability for pla nts to uptake n itroge n, phosphorus, potassium and other nu trie nts from the soil. Potassium is one of the major elements that plants required and is known as assuranceelement of crops "quality. Organic potassium fertilizer has revolutionary effect on easing the lack of current international potassium resources,the rising of potassium fertilizers prices, and the raising of fertilization cost and can greatly improve the fertilizer utilization rate. The main types of organic potassium fertilizer contain the following: universal type, fruit trees type, vegetables type, cotton type and etc.


南京市情简介 南京是江苏省省会,古老而又充满活力,历史文化名城和现代都市重合交融。曾被联合国授予“人居环境特别奖”,获全国十佳卫生城市、全国城市环境综合整治十佳城市、全国园林城市、优秀旅游城市、环保模范城市等荣誉称号。 Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu Province, the ancient and vibrant, historical and cultural city and a modern metropolis blend coincide. The United Nations has been awarded the "Habitat Environment Special Award", won the honorary title of National Top Ten Health City, the comprehensive improvement of urban environment ten cities nationwide, the National Garden City, outstanding tourist city, environmental protection model city and so on. 地理环境 南京地处长江三角洲,距入海口380公里,为我国东西水运大动脉长江与南北陆运大动脉京沪铁路的交汇点,素有“东南门户,南北咽喉”之称。南京处三面环山, 一面临水山环水绕的河谷盆地,境内山峦环抱,湖川偎依,自然条件优越,物产丰富,属于北亚热带季风气候区,日照充分,雨量充沛。气候温和湿润是四季分明的旅游城市。 孙中山先生就曾经这样赞誉南京:“其位置乃在一美善之地区,其地有高山,有深水,有平原,此三种天工,钟毓一处,在世界中之大都市诚难觅此佳境也”。 Geographical environment Nanjing Yangtze River Delta, 380 km away from the estuary, to the intersection of the main artery of the Yangtze River waterway stuff and north-south Beijing-Shanghai railway land aorta, known as the "gateway to the southeast, north and south of the throat," said. Nanjing place surrounded by mountains, facing the water mountain water ring around the valley basin, surrounded by the territory of mountains, lakes River snuggled superior natural conditions, rich, belonging to north subtropical monsoon climate, sunshine and abundant rainfall. It is mild and humid climate with four distinct seasons tourist city. Sun Yat-sen in Nanjing once this praise: "The position is a goodness in the region, which places high mountains, deep water, plains, three works of nature, a bell Yu, Cheng metropolis in the world of hard to find this nirvana too. "


我的家乡日照作文 日照是美丽的,小编很喜欢日照,那个暖暖的日照光,照的人可真舒服。以下是小编搜索整理的我的家乡日照作文,供参考借鉴! 我的家乡日照作文1 我的家乡是日照,她是一座美丽的海滨城市,因“日出初光先照”而得名,享有“东方太阳城”的美誉。 日照旅游资源丰富,概括的说为“一海、一林、三山、三古”。一海--日照海近海水质好,有近百公里沙滩;一林--有沿海林带及鲁南国家海滨森林公园。三山--五莲山,宋代大文豪苏东坡曾赞叹“奇秀不减天台、雁荡”;九仙山,传说是八仙过海的时候在此和当地的山神联合战败了欺压村民的恶魔,人们为了纪念他们故取名九仙山;浮来山,“天下银杏第一树”仍冠如华盖;三古—最古老的摩崖石刻,河山镌刻“日照”二字系汉字摩崖石刻世界之最,还有两城镇遗址、东海峪遗址都具有悠久的历史。 日照风景优美,气候宜人。每当夏天来临,全国各地的游客都从四面八方来日照旅游。风景秀丽的五莲山奇峰怪石,山上山下都长满了茂盛的树木,山上开满了五颜六色的杜鹃花和不知名的小野花。五莲山不但风景优美还有丰富土特产:如苹果、大枣、栗子、柿子…… 日照的大海更是美丽神奇,金色的沙滩,深蓝色的大海,美丽的帆船,海面上飞着白色的海鸥,这些构成了一幅美丽的图画。游客们有的在沙滩上晒太阳,有的在追跑,有的在堆金子塔,还有的在大海里洗澡,他们高兴极了。 日照是有山有水的好地方,我爱我的家乡——日照! 我的家乡日照作文2 我的家乡是日出曙光先照的地方——日照。 这里景色迷人,吸引着远方的游客,朋友,你可有兴趣来这里旅游观光? 清晨,一缕缕阳光悄悄的走进房间,一阵开眼,便感到它的温柔,你不得不爬起床来去一睹她的芳容。 太阳真慢慢的升起,柔和的阳光照在柔软的沙滩上,坐在上


【六年级作文】我的家乡日照 我的家乡坐落在山东省的东南部,是一个美丽的海滨城市,有着“蓝天碧海金沙滩” 的美誉,它就是“日出初光先照”的日照。 日照的景区有很多,其中,最著名的还是万平口风景区。万平口的沙滩很有特色:色 泽金黄,砂质细腻,抓起一把,撒出去,就像下了一场牛毛细雨。沙滩上铺满了大大小小、五颜六色的贝壳,白色、红色、紫色、灰色…… 万平口景区让人目不暇接的除了金灿灿的沙滩、五颜六色的贝壳,最让人动心的,还 是那破晓的日出。太阳从海面上冉冉升起,阳光把海水照得红彤彤的;悠闲的白云在天上 飘动;灵巧的海鸥把翅膀划过海面,自由自在的飞翔,真是美极了!起风了,蔚蓝的大海 变得波涛汹涌,雪白的浪花一个接着一个朝着岸边涌来,几条渔船荡漾在海天相接处。还 有许多游客穿着泳衣,在海水里游泳、冲浪,似乎是那笑声溅起了浪花朵朵。 日照有海,当然有海鲜了。在海鲜市场,各式各样的海鲜全都有。威武的梭子蟹挥舞 着两只又大又厉害的钳子;营养丰富的海参在透明的水缸里蠕动着;活蹦乱跳的对虾摆弄 着它那对扎人的虾须;生有坚硬外壳的扇贝一开一合,就像一把小扇子;肥硕的黄花鱼游 来游去,鳞片在阳光下闪闪发光……海产品真是琳琅满目、应有尽有。海鲜市场里熙熙攘攘、门庭若市,人们都在嘈杂的声音里奔忙着,进行着各自的交易,到处呈现一派热闹的 景象。 感谢您的阅读,希望文章能帮助到您。 日照的黑陶是汉族的艺术珍品。作为一项古老的制陶技艺,它有着“色如墨,声如钟,薄如纸,亮如镜,硬如瓷”的美誉。传统黑陶的制作方法包括练泥——造型——打磨—— 烧制这四个基本工艺。直到今天,仍然有很多热爱黑陶的人去按照传统的工艺制作黑陶, 多亏了他们,老祖宗流传下来的黑陶艺术才得以保留,流传至今。 听完我的介绍,您是不是也很想来日照看一看呢? 感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。


概况 “9.11事件”(又称“911”、“美国911事件”等)指的是2001年9月11日恐怖分子劫持的飞机撞击美国纽约世贸中心和华盛顿五角大楼的历史事件。2001年9月11日,四架民航客机在美国的上空飞翔,然而这四架飞机却被劫机犯无声无息地劫持。当美国人刚刚准备开始一天的工作之时,纽约世贸中心,连续发生撞机事件,世贸中心的摩天大楼,轰然倒塌,化为一片废墟,造成了3000多人丧生。 过程 8:45 :波音767-B-223ER在飞离波士顿洛根国际机场不久后就被劫持,撞毁在世贸中心北楼,大楼随后坍塌。机上人员:92,遇难: 92。 9:03:波音B-767-222同样地在飞离波士顿洛根国际机场不久后就被劫持,撞毁在世贸中心南楼,大楼随后坍塌。机上人员:65,遇难: 65。 9:45 :波音757-223飞离杜勒斯国际机场后不久被劫持,随后撞向五角大楼一角。机上人员:64,遇难: 64。 10:20:波音B-757-222飞离纽华克国际机场后不久被劫持,直向华盛顿飞去。随后高速坠毁在宾夕法尼亚乡间,据猜测是乘客与劫机者搏斗阻止了这架飞机撞向目标。机上人员:45,遇难: 45。 整个美国都为之震惊,人们陷入了极度恐慌之中引起了全世界的震惊,这是美国历史上遭遇的最为严重的灾难之一。 影响 1、〖对美国〗 “美国911事件”发生后,美国经济一度处于瘫痪状态,对一些产业造成了直接经济损失和影响。地处纽约曼哈顿岛的世界贸易中心是20世纪70年代初建起来的摩天大楼,造价高达11亿美元,是世界商业力量的会聚之地,来自世界各地的企业共计1200家之多,平时有5万人上班,每天来往办事的业务人员和游客约有15万人。两座直冲云霄的大楼一下子化为乌有,五角大楼的修复工作至少在几亿美元之上,人才损失难以用数字估量。而且交通运输和旅游业造成严重损失。美国国内航班一天被劫持了四架,并造成巨大的人员伤亡和财产损失,确实是历史罕见。 无论对美国总统布什,对美国民众或者对美国政坛人士来说,9月11日所遭遇的恐怖分子攻击事件都是一次历史性的震撼。在两小时之内,造成美国本土遭遇数以千计的伤亡,连白宫、总统的空军一号座机、国防部大楼、金融财务中心的世界贸易大楼,都成了恐怖分子攻击的目标。


2016年山东省日照市中考英语答案解析 一、听力测试 1—5 CBACA 6—10 ABBCB 11—15 BACBA 16—20 ABCCB 二、单项选择 21. D 名词辨析。way 方法,道路;traffic 交通;notice通知;sign指示牌。 根据句意,---对不起,打扰了,请问去单子河机场怎么走?---去上海路,按着指示牌,就不会错过它了。故选D. sign 指示牌。 22. C 形容词辨析。bored 无聊的;great 伟大的;nervous 紧张的;serious 严肃的。根据答语“Just take it esay.”可知这里说话人是感到紧张。 23. D 代词辨析。anything任何事;something某事;everything一切;nothing 没什么。根据but前后表转折,but后接much表示多,因此前面应该用nothing, 表示没有什么。 24. A 动词辨析。last持续;continue 继续;count数数;keep保留。根据”from August 5th to August 21st . ”可知这里是“持续”continue。 25. B 形容词用法。better更好的;worse更差的;further更远的;worst 最差的。根据”I was late again.”我又迟到了,可知这是更糟糕的事。 26. B 动词短语辨析。give up 放弃;take up 占用;look up 仰望,查阅;put up 举起。这里要表达的意思是“不要让作业占用太多的时间”,故选B take up。27. B 情态动词。may 可能,表示没有把握的推测;can 可以,表示允许;must 必须,表示要求;could 可能,用于肯定句中没有把握的推测。”Could I ...?”表示

英语演讲原文:奥巴马演讲 共同来悼念911事件

奥巴马演讲共同来悼念911事件 In just two weeks, we’ll come together, as a nation, to mark the 10th anniversary of the September 11th attacks. We’ll remember the innocent lives we lost. We’ll stand with the families who loved them. We’ll honor the heroic first responders who rushed to the scene and saved so many. And we’ll pay tribute to our troops and military families, and all those who have served over the past ten years, to keep us safe and strong. We’ll also recall how the worst terrorist attack in American history brought out the best in the American people. How Americans lined up to give blood. How volunteers drove across the country to lend a hand. How schoolchildren donated their savings 1 . How communities, faith groups and businesses collected food and clothing. We were united, and the outpouring(流露) of generosity 2 and compassion 3 reminded us that in times of challenge, we Americans move forward together, as one people. This September 11th, Michelle and I will join the commemorations at Ground Zero, in Shanksville, and at the Pentagon. But even if you can’t be in New York,


日照的导游词 导读:朋友们,大家好!既然大家来到我们日照,就要对我们日照有个简单的了解,下面呢我就给大家介绍一下我们美丽的海滨城市水上运动之都—日照。 日照呢,它是一座新兴的沿海港口城市,地处我国大陆沿海中部山东半岛南翼,东临黄海,西靠沂蒙,北连青岛和潍坊,南接江苏连云港,隔海与日本韩国相望,全市总面积5310平方公里,其中山区、丘陵、平原各占三分之一,海岸线100公里,全市总人口289万。那么日照呢,他又拥有独具魅力的生态环境优势,也就是说日照生态环境非常宜人,是咱们各位朋友夏日休闲度假的绝佳去处,所以说朋友们你们来日照算是来对了。日照这里地处我国南北气候的过渡地带,属于暖温带半湿润季风区大陆性气候,冬无严寒夏无酷暑,降水充沛光照充足,既有南方空气湿润的特点又有北方四季鲜明地特征,因此呢被誉为“南方的北方,北方的南方”,日照是长江以北最大的绿茶产区和毛竹林生长带。说到日照绿茶简单的给大家讲一下我们日照绿茶,为什么要说日照绿茶呢因为他是我们日照的三宝之一。我们日照是世界茶学家公认的三大海绿茶城市之一(另两个分别为韩国宝城和日本静冈)。日照绿茶具有汤色黄绿明亮、栗香浓郁、回味甘醇、叶片厚、香气高、耐冲泡独特优良品质,被誉为“中国绿茶新贵”。那么日照绿茶和江南茶有什么区别呢在接下来的旅途中我会带大家去 免费品尝我们日照绿茶的。那么去品尝日照绿茶的时候我会详细的告

诉大家。刚才也提到了日照境内有百余公里的海岸线,在这百余公里的海岸线上又有绵延64公里的优质沙滩,所以说我们日照又可以用“蓝天、碧海、金沙滩”来形容。 在我们旅游界有这么一句话说:北京看墙头,西安看坟头,上海看人头,杭州看丫头,苏州看桥头,天津看码头,广州看车头,西藏看佛头。不知道各位朋友来到我们日照想看什么呢?我告诉大家,来看我们的大海,来看日照的浪头。对不对? 各位真聪明,对也说对,不对也对,不过这次是真对了。那么咱们今天的第一站我就带大家去看大海看日照的浪头,好不好? 好,看来各位朋友精神振奋,热血沸腾,玩劲十足啊,对吗,咱们出来玩就要有这样一种精神,丢掉工作的压力丢掉生活的烦恼丢掉一切不顺心,尽情尽力的玩,到最后我希望咱们各位朋友把所有的烦恼和忧愁统统抛到大海里,让它们见鬼去吧! 好了咱们的.第一站是灯塔风景区,日照灯塔风景区因区内设有灯塔而得名。景区北面与万平口海滨风景区、世界帆船锦标赛基地、水上运动基地相连;南边是中国第二大煤炭输出码头日照港。那么大家出来玩就要玩得开心玩得尽兴,那么灯塔风景区有什么好玩的呢?说实话灯塔风景区没什么可玩的,你只要看就好了,他只是我们在日照游玩的一个热身场地,灯塔风景区有两个广场一个是观石广场,一个是观涛广场。观石广场主要以自然礁石群为主题,涨潮时海水会把这些礁石完全淹没,等到落潮以后,露出海面的礁石又可达到8万平


“9. 11”事件前后泰-摩西 As the ruins of the World Trade Towers smoldered at the southern end of Manhattan and the breez e stirred the ashes of thousands of human beings, a new age of anxiety was born. If someone had s lept through September 11 and awakened, Rip Van Winkle-like today, he would open his eyes on a n astonishing new landscape. 1.世贸大厦双塔的废墟还在曼哈顿区南端闷燃,微风将几千人的身躯化成的灰烬吹起,一个新的焦虑时代由此开始。如果有人在9月11日那天像瑞普?凡?温克尔那样恰好睡去,一觉醒来,眼前的这一派景象定让他瞠日结舌。 Guardsmen toting M-16s are stationed at our airports. The president of the United States attends a World Series game and the airspace over Yankee Stadium is closed, a line of snipers positioned on the stadium rooftop. The vice-president's safekeepers whisk him from place to place, just as his ar ch-nemesis Osama bin Laden is presumably moved from cave to cave halfway across the world. A nthrax panic sends Congress running from its chambers. 2.机场里驻进了背着V-16自动步枪的国民警卫队员。纽约扬基体育场上空的空域因美国总统亲临美国两大职业棒球联赛的决赛而关闭,禁止飞机通过。体育场的屋顶之上还部署了一排狙击手。副总统的保卫员们忙不迭地将他不断转移,正如他那难以对付的仇敌奥萨马?本?拉丹一样,据推测他此刻也在世界另一头从一个山洞转移到另一个山洞。议员们在炭疽病的恐慌中弃岗而逃。 The events of September 11 divided our world into two radically different eras. We watch wistfull y as the pre-9/11 world drifts away on its raft of memory, cast in Technicolor shades of nostalgia. We will remember that assassinated world as idyllic, secure (never mind that it was neither), we will speak of it in the reverent tones reserved for the dead. (In our memory, the pre-9/11 world was peaceful,happy and safe and we will talk abt those days with deep respect and love which can only be found in talking abt dead people.) 3.“9?11”事件将我们的世界划为截然不同的两个时代。我们带着惆怅,目送“9?11”之前的世界在怀旧的暗淡色彩中随记忆的小筏渐渐漂走远去。在我们的记忆中,这个突遭袭击的世界永远如诗如面,牢不可破(虽然实际并非如此)。谈到它时,我们总是像在谈论亡灵,语气异常恭敬。 Meanwhile, the post 9/11 era looms like an unmapped wilderness. As with other unclaimed territor ies throughout history, a fierce battle is being waged for its psychic, political and material capital. Former president Bill Clinton has called this conflict "the struggle for the soul of the 21st century" , and the spoils of war include some of our most cherished values and liberties.(In order to win this war,we might have to give up some of our basic values and liberties we treasure most. )Leading the charge are the warriors of the Bush Administration, a battalion of securitycrats and generals who are attempting to colonize the future with their own repressive agenda.(...who are planning to carry out the plan to extend American domination into areas originally beyond American reach, hence, the colonization of the future.) 4.与此同时,“9?11”之后的日子就像没有标志的荒地呈现在人们面前。与历史上前几次拓荒一样,这场激烈的精神、政治和物质的资本战正在打响。前总统比尔?克林顿称这次较量是“争夺21世纪灵魂的战争”,最后的战利品还包括我们最珍视的价值观和自由。在这场战争中,布什政府的将士们首当其冲,这些视国家安全重于民众自由的官员们准备把他们一贯实行的镇压政策带入未来。 But there is a brighter side, a growing chorus of dissenting voices who reject paranoia and hubris a nd question the rush toward becoming a security state. There is a dialectic afoot in the country, a st


中考英语作文万能模板及英语写作技巧 中考英语作文万能模板 教给大家十个字,搞定初中英语写作,帮你拿到一等文。 问:“哪十字?” 允泽老师答:“结构+要点+逻辑+语法+亮点!” 结构:中考最流行的结构就是三段式,深受各地区中考英语写作阅卷老师的喜爱。为什么尼?因为这种结构十分清晰。“观点——要点——总结”让人一目了然。三段式的第一段:简单明了,开门见山,不超过2句话,如,我们想表达小强很强壮,第一段直接说 XQ is extremely strong. 观点明确,这一句足矣。第二段:分2-3点说为什么他强壮。1. 每天吃10顿饭,He has ten meals everyday! 详举吃的是什么。2. 每天运动2小时,He does exercise 2 hours a day! 详举做了什么运动。第三段:经过第二段的论证,可以得出结论。但请注意,不能完全照抄第一段,要有升华。也可以提出希望和建议等。如,How strong and robust XQ is! I hope to be him one day! 要点:实际上中考英语写作就等于两个字,翻译!因为中考英语写作一般会给出几个要点,要求必须在文章中有所体现。文章写的再好,只要缺少要点就会扣分。所以要点,也就是文章的第二段内容,要做到全,围绕中心。 逻辑:这里的逻辑实际指的就是逻辑词。最常用的就是表示递进的,转折的,总结的逻辑词等。递进:除了first, second, third, finally 等还可以使用高级点的,如first of all(首先),in addition, what's more, moreover(都是另外的意思),in a word, all in all(表示总结的)。转折:but, yet, however等。真正有经验的阅卷老师会很注意这些逻辑连接词,因为这些词体现了这个文章的思路。 语法:其他几点都不是硬性的要求,不那样做不能说是错,只能说是不好,但是语法却是硬性的。如,单词的使用,时态等。 亮点:当我们将前八个字都做得很完美的时候也只能得到一个二等文的上。要想得到一等文,最后两个字,亮点至关重要。大家设想如果我们是阅卷老师。有两篇写人美丽的作文摆在我们面前,都是结构清晰的三段式,要点都很全,都用了一些逻辑词,都没有语法错误,但是A篇只用了beautiful,good- looking,B篇却用到了attractive,charming,catching等,我坚信正常人都会给B篇高分的。这些高级一点的词汇,词组,句型便是我们得到一等文的最有力的绝招。所以,以后写英语作文要养成一般词汇限量用的好习惯。 只要把这十个字都搞定了,那么初中英语写作就一定能搞定! 英语高分作文必备杀手锏—三段四步法 中考英语阅卷老师看写作主要有三个标准: 1)结构2)内容要点 3)语言(词组搭配、句型、句式变化、过渡词)看结构和内容要点定分数档,看语言给成绩。这是中考英语阅卷的潜规则。 三段四步法——中考英语满分杀手锏 知己知彼,方能百战不殆,既然中考阅卷流程和内部标准已经明朗化,相对的策略也就顺利成章的形成了。现在和大家分享,笔者教学和阅卷过程中总结创立的写作满分秘诀。 1 “三段”(三个段落)——针对的阅卷老师先看文章结构和内容要点,让阅卷老师不得不给你定位一类文。 中高考情景是作文,无论是那种文体,都可以用三段法来表示。这个方法的起源是来自美国的“高考”SAT考试,(SAT 是美国或它国学生想要申请美国大学必须参加的考试,故被叫过美国的高考)。 我们管这样的文章叫做Hamburger Writing(汉堡写作) 顾名思义,就是无论是记叙文、还是议论文、或者08年中考以及09一模西城的夹叙夹议文章,都可以通用。简单解释如下: 第一段记叙文议论文 开篇背景介绍(时间、地点、人物、事件) 发表观点 第二段


有一个美丽的地方——日照_800字 “有一个美丽的地方……”每当听到这首歌,我就想起了我的家乡——日照。日照是一座新兴的海滨小城,这儿可真是一个美丽的地方。 日照,以日出先照而得名。这里有碧蓝的大海,有灵秀的大山,城市街道整洁,花木繁茂,就像一个美丽的大花园。走进我们的家园,你可以感觉到空气无比的清新,环境是那样的优美。如果你到日照来旅游,不到万平口旅游生态保护区去玩一玩,那就等于白来了。听我来跟你描述一下万平口的美景吧! 早上,太阳从东方的海平面冉冉升起,银白色的军舰早已行驶在海天相接的水平线上了。白色、灰色的海鸥在海面上自由地翱翔着,火红的太阳把大海照的通红通红的,好像大海也被太阳的热度给烧起来了。慢慢地,太阳越升越高,海水在不停地变换着颜色,先是火红的,接着是红的,再是浅蓝色的,最后才是湛蓝色的。当你踩在沙滩上,你会感到脚底痒痒的,好像有东西在蠕动,可是你把脚抬起来的时候,你一定会发出惊叹的声音:啊!是一条又细又长的小鱼。当你伸出手想要抓它的时候,它便会毫不费劲地逃脱了。一眨眼的工夫便消失在沙滩中了,就好像《哪咤传奇》中的“土行孙”一样,一钻就不见了。而这种又细又长的小鱼终年生

活在沙滩里,在沙滩里爬行,在沙滩里睡觉。 傍晚,灯塔里的灯早早地打开了,远远望去,那灯塔真像是天上的星星。人们站在灯塔上的窗口看涨潮时的景观。许多鱼、虾被潮水顽皮地抛到了沙滩上。这时,人们走过来,把它们放回了大海。 晚上,各种灯都亮起来了,五颜六色好看极了!把原来只有一种金黄色的沙滩装点得五颜六色:红色的,金黄色的,墨绿色的,宝蓝色的……远远望去,像一串串珍珠项链装点着美丽的城市,又像一颗颗闪亮的星星从天上的银河落到了人间。这时,威风凛凛的大螃蟹带着一家子出来,在沙滩上例行晚饭后的散步了。你看,小螃蟹可能觉得自己长大了,老是想溜到别的地方找其它的小螃蟹玩,可是爸爸妈妈不让,它就只好乖乖地跟在爸爸妈妈身后了…… 日照不仅有万平口旅游生态保护区,还有桃花岛、五莲山、浮来山、森林公园等风景区,都是你留连忘返的好地方。 我爱日照的海,我爱日照的天,我爱日照的山山水水。相信到过日照的人都会喜欢上这里的,我希望把日照建设的比北京还要好,让全世界的人都知道日照这个灿烂、光辉的名字。 我爱这个美丽的地方——日照!


美丽的日照-描写家乡的作文600字 我的家乡在日照,这里是中国十大滨海城市,有着“蓝天、碧海、金沙滩”。日照的旅游景点真不少,万平口海水浴场、灯塔广场、海滨森林公园,还有浮来山、五莲山、九仙山、李崮寨,等等。 在众多的景点中,我最喜欢九仙山,那里风光秀丽,风景如画,那里有峡谷、峭壁、栈道、悬泉、飞瀑,植被茂密,鸟语花香。 最让我难忘的是在九仙山上露营。2012年9月的一天下午,我和朋友们一起驱车来到九仙山脚下,沿着盘山公路慢慢向上。这条盘山路简直就是“绝壁天路”,一边是高耸的山峰,一边是陡峭的悬崖,我坐在车子里紧张得不敢往外看。车子开到木栈道附近停下来,我们决定就在这里“安营扎寨”了。我和朋友们,还有爸爸妈妈们,有的给枕头和床垫充气,有的搭帐篷,经过大家的努力,我们终于在天黑之前把所有帐篷搭好了。夜幕降临,我们都饿了,晚饭开始了。朋友们把各自在家里准备好的饭菜摆出来,一起分享,寿司、卤豆干、酱炒肉条、辣腌白菜、牛肉干、香肠……好多好多,真美味啊!晚饭后,大家聚在一起聊天、做游戏,一个叔叔带来了天文望远镜,可惜,我们没有看到星星,但是能和朋友们在一起我们觉得很开心。我们依依不舍得道了晚安,回到各自的帐篷睡觉,躺在帐篷里睡觉真不容易,不如家里的床舒服,但是我们可以听到身下小溪潺潺水流的声音,还可以听到树叶沙沙的声音。 第二天清晨,我们在小鸟的叫声中醒来,沿着木栈道向山顶进发。



George W. Bush 9/11 Address to the Nation Good evening. Today, our fellow citizens, our way of life, our very freedom came under attack in a series of deliberate and deadly terrorist acts. The victims were in airplanes or in their offices: secretaries, business men and women, military and federal workers, moms and dads, friends and neighbors. Thousands of lives were suddenly ended by evil, despicable acts of terror. The pictures of airplanes flying into buildings, fires burning, huge -- huge structures collapsing have filled us with disbelief, terrible sadness, and a quiet, unyielding anger. These acts of mass murder were intended to frighten our nation into chaos and retreat. But they have failed. Our country is strong. A great people has been moved to defend a great nation. Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve. America was targeted for attack because we're the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world. And no one will keep that light from shining. Today, our nation saw evil -- the very worst of human nature -- and we responded with the best of America. With the daring of our rescue workers, with the caring for strangers and neighbors who came to give blood and help in any way they could.

英语介绍 山东

Shandong Province Shandong province, with abbreviated name ”Lu”, is an important coastal province in East China. Located on the lower reaches of the Yellow River, it borders on the bohai sea and yellow sea. The province has a total area of 156,000 square miles and a total population of over 90 million. Beautiful Scenery Shandong is one of the important birthplace of Chinese culture. It relics numerous, mountains and beautiful sceneries which form a unique landscape of tourism. One Mountain One mountain refers to Mount tai, which located in the city of Taian. It’s also known as Dongyue. Mount tai is the first of the "Five Sacred Mountains" in China, which also has the reputation of “the mountain of China “and “the world mountain“. One River One river refers to our “Mother River” —yellow river. It flows through Shandong province and enter the Bohai Sea finally. Yellow River and coastal watersheds had a huge impact to the human civilization in Chinese history. One Saint 孔府孔庙 孔林 One saint refers to Confucius, who was the founder of Confucianism. He was voted by the United Nations as the head of world's top ten cultural celebrities. Therefore there’re famous interest ”three Kong”. University As the hometown of Confucius, the education of shandong province has excellent traditional culture. We have famous universities like Shandong University , Ocean University of China and so on. Jinan Jinan, the capital city of Shandong Province, has famous interests like Baotu spring, Qianfo mountain, Daming Lake and so on. Qingdao, the important regional economic center, has many famous brands
