

1,If he __________ (drive) more carefully, he ____________(have) the car accident yesterday.

2.If I __(know ) how to swim, I _____(be) trapped in this island.

3. If I were you, I ____ (buy) the house right now.

4. If the captain _____(be) more careful, his ship would not have sunk.

5. If he ____(call) me tomorrow, I would let him know

6. The volleyball match will be put off if it _____(rain).

7. We suggested that Tom_________________(rest)

8, The king ordered that the prisoners________(kill) the next day.

9.They requested that we______(send) them to work there.

10. If you _____(ask) him yesterday, you _____(know) what to do now.

11. What would have happened, if Bob _____(walk) farther as far as the river bank?

12. How I wish every family _____(had) a large house with a beautiful garden! (02 上海)

13. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it ____(break).

14. It’s half past eleven. It’s high time _____(go) home

15. - Do you mind if I leave the window open?

- Well, I’d rather you _____(do) .


1.had driven wouldn’t have had

2. had known wouldn’t have been

3. would buy

4. had been

5. should call/ were to call/ called

6. rains

7. Should rest

8. should be killed

9, should send

10. had asked would know

11. had walked

12. had

13. were broken

14. should go / went

15. didn’t


虚拟语气详解 虚拟语气表示说话人的主观愿望(往往与客观事实相反),或是表示假象和猜测。虚拟语气无论从形式上还是时态上都比较复杂,需要归类记忆。 虚拟语气大体分为三类:(1) be型虚拟(2) were型虚拟(3) if 条件句及主句虚拟下面会详细说每种虚拟形式的特征和规律,考试时先判断属于哪种虚拟类型,剩下的皆是套路~ (1)be型虚拟(基本是套路) 形式:should + 动词原形,should可以省略 用法:1)表示“命令、建议、要求”等意义词语之后的宾语从句用be型虚拟,常见的词如下: demand, desire, insist, order, ask, command, propose, recommend, suggest, prefer, require, request等 最常见的形式是这类动词后面接着一个宾语从句,则宾语从句的谓语部分要用(should)+ 动词原形来虚拟 例: We demand that the meeting(should)be postponed. The manager suggested that we (should) work together. 注意:有时候你所见到不一定是上述动词引导的宾语从句,而是由上述词变体后所引导主语从句(it做形式主语,如:it is advised/ suggested/ requested/ ordered/ proposed that…)、表语从句或同位语从句 例如:It is required that the students (should) learn a foreign language. (主语从句) The requirement is that all the equipment in the meeting room (should) be checked twice before. (表语从句) We didn’t stand for his proposal that the meeting (should)be postponed. (同位语从句) 只要看到句中有上述动词或其变体,不管词性怎么变、句型怎么变,都用be型虚拟! 特例:suggest和insist这两个比较特殊,当suggest作“暗示、表明、说明”讲,insist 作“坚持说”讲,后面一般跟的是客观事实,不需要虚拟~这是一个比较重要的考点,体会下面两组句子: We all suggest that a lab (should) be built. 我们都建议建一个实验室。 Her expression suggests that she is angry. 她的表情说明她生气了。 She insisted that we should find the source of the river. 她坚持主张我们应该找到河的源头。 She insisted that she had done nothing wrong. 她坚持说自己没做错事。 suggest 的区别很明显,但insist有点难辨别,一般来说如果insist后面跟的是某种主张,或是坚持要做一件事,那么用虚拟。 2)表示主观看法,常表示“某事是必要的、重要的。。。怎么怎么样的”,尤其是在“ it is +名词/形容词+ that从句”结构中,常见的形容词包括:advisable, desirable, essential, imperative, important, necessary, obligatory, proper, dispensable, impossible, natural, surprising等 例如:It is advisable that you (should) leave now. It is necessary that teenagers (should) take part in outside activities. It is of great importance that smoking (should) be banned in public area.


虚拟语气 1.虚拟语气在条件句中的应用 e.g. He would be alive today if the doctor had come sooner last night. If it were not for… / If it had not been for… = but for 3) 特殊结构的条件句but for without (with no) e.g. If it were not for his, help, I could never go to college. e.g. But for air and water, nothing could live. e.g. Without electricity, there would be no modern industry. 4) 条件句的省略 a.省if,用倒装,限于谓动为were, had, should e.g. Were I you, is shouldn’t so it like that. Had you not helped me, I should have failed. 如果没有你的帮助我就失败了。 b.省主句的虚拟结构(表愿望) e.g. If only I could help you! 如果我能帮助你就好了。 If only I had more money! 要是我有更多的钱就好了。 If only you had not told him what I said! 要是你没有把我的话告诉他就好了。 2. 虚拟语气在主语从句中的应用 1)It is + adj. + that …+ (should) v.: 表愿望,要求,建议等 necessary, important, essential, imperative, natural, impossible, strange, vital, obligatory, resolved, desirable, advisable, preferable, urgent, etc. e.g. It is strange that she (should) have left with the light still on. 2) It is + p.p. + that…+ (should) v.: 表愿望,要求,建议等 suggested, required, demanded, urged, ordered, desired, advised requested, urged, proposed, recommended, etc. e.g. it is suggested that the automobile be oiled every day. 3) It is (high / about) time + (that)…+ 一般过去式(be →were) e.g. It is high time that we were off to London. 3. 虚拟语气在宾语从句中的应用 1) suggest, require, order, demand, propose, advise, insist, maintain, recommend, urge, prefer, request, command, desire, ask, object, direct, pray, propose等后的宾从宾从谓动(should) v. 2) wish后的宾从 a. 表无能为力的过去愿望 sb. wish + (that)…+ had ved. / could (would, might) have ved.


2021届高中英语新高考语法基础版一轮复习讲义if非真实条件句中的虚拟语气知识点整理总结 虚拟语气是一个很不讨人喜欢的语法知识,因为它不仅晦涩难懂,而且还容易混淆。笔者将分三期带大家轻松掌握虚拟语气的全部知识,今天我们首先来看i f非真实条件句。 01 两个最基本的概念 在开始本文之前,我们先得搞清楚两个概念。 何为非真实条件句? 答案:在第二讲中,笔者将条件句分成真实条件句和虚拟条件句,其中的虚拟条件句就指的是非真实条件句。它是指说话者假设了一种和客观事实相反的情况。 何为虚拟语气? 答案:虚拟语气是指说话人的某种与客观事实或规律不符的愿望、猜测、假设、主张、建议等。 02 非真实条件句中的虚拟语气 非真实条件句中的虚拟语气,也即if引导的虚拟条件句的三个句型,详情见下面的表格。 注意:其中的虚拟对象分别指和现在、和未来、和过去相反。

如: If I were you, I would dump her. 如果我是你,我会甩了她。 If I were to do it, I would do it in another way. 如果让我做,我会采取不同的办法。 If I had been there, I would have helped him. 如果我在那里,我肯定会帮助他。 03 if三个句型的时态逻辑 对于if的三个虚拟语气句型,很多同学都不知道为什么这么用,只是死记硬背下来了。今天笔者就试着为大家简单解读一下噢。 上述句型中从句的本质是:从句带了i f,是一种假设情况,相对于虚拟对象往后退了一个时态位。 上述句型中主句的本质是:主句是站在已经退后的时态位上向将来看。其中,和现在、将来相反,都用过去将来时;和过去相反,由于主句的动作判断已完成,要用过去将来完成时。


知识点一: 德语语法中最容易迷惑人的大概就是虚拟式了。为了帮助大家更好的理解虚拟语气,我们讲分成两部分讲解虚拟式。 虚拟式分为第一虚拟式和第二虚拟式。由于平常第二虚拟式用得较频繁,且常用第二虚拟式代替第一虚拟式,我们先来谈一谈第二虚拟式到底是何方神圣?到底要怎么用? 一,虚拟式构成形式及与一般式对比 对比直陈式: 如大家所见,第二虚拟式只有两个时态:现在时,过去式。直陈式过去时有三种时态,而第二虚拟式只有一种。 二,时态 ?现在时:

①弱变化动词 弱变化动词的第二虚拟式形式上比较容易掌握的,与直陈式过去时相似: ②强变化动词 动词变化基本形式是动词过去时词根加上一下词尾: ③ 如: ④强变化动词词干元音为 a, o, u 时,须变为 ?,?,ü:

⑤助动词haben, sein, werden 第二虚拟式 ⑥ ⑦情态动词第二虚拟式

⑧特例:一些强变化动词和混合变化动词在构成第二虚拟式时元音和直陈式 过去时元音不一样,如: 但是这种形式现在用的比较少,常使用Würden+不定式。 ⑨特例:混合动词 senden 和 wenden 在第二虚拟式中一般用弱变化形式, 如: ⑩ ?过去时: 第二虚拟式过去时结构如下: 助动词haben/sein第二虚拟式形式+过去分词 需要注意的是: ?所有表示过去的直陈式形式改为虚拟式时,都用这种形式。

?sein第二人称形式du w?r e st 中间的e可以省略,即du w?rst. 三,被动态 四,第二虚拟式的代替形式 würde + 不定式 ?口语中,大部分动词的第二虚拟式由würden+不定式的形式来代替,如 Ich würde dich gern einladen. ?haben和sein的第二虚拟式形式很少用würde 形式来代替,情态动词几乎不用该形式代替。 ?但是,要避免住从句中都用würden形式。 Wenn ich dort eine Arbeit finden würde, würde ich an der See bleiben.(X) 五,第二虚拟式的用法 第二虚拟式主要表示一种非现实的情况。也常用于客套句中,表示婉转的请求、提问、谦虚的态度或者礼节性对话。 ①礼貌表达(客套句) ?K?nnten Sie mir bitte Handtaschen zeigen? ?K?nnte ich bitte mal das Salz haben? ?Würden so freundlich sein und mir helfen?

高中英语 第二册 语法总结 虚拟语气

新概念英语第二册语法总结:虚拟语气 虚拟语气分三种情况来掌握: 1、虚拟条件句。 2、名词性虚拟语气。 3、虚拟语气的其他用语。 一、虚拟条件句: 条件状语从句是非真实情况,在这种情况下要用虚拟语气。 1、条件从句与现在事实不一致,其句型为: If 主语+过去时,主语+should(could, would, 或might)+动词原形,如: If I were you, I would study hard. If it rained, I would not be here now. 2、条件从句与过去事实不一致,句型为: If 主语+had+过去分词,主语+should(could, would, 或might)+have+过去分词,如:If the doctor had come last night, the boy would have saved. If I had not studied hard, I would have failed in the exam last term. 3、条件从句与将来事实不一致,句型为: If 主语+should(were to, 过去时)+do,主语+should(could...)+原形do,如: If it should rain tomorrow, we would stay at home. If I were to go to the moon one day, I could see it with my own eyes. If you missed the film to night, you would feel sorry. 注意问题: 1、If条件句中绝对不可出现"would"。 2、根据句中的时间状语,有时可能出现“混合虚拟”的情况,即主句可能是现在的情况,条件句也许是发生在过去的情况,但都是遵守上述句型。 3、在条件句中如果出现were, had, should可省去if,将主语与这些词倒装,例如: Had the doctor come last night, the boy would have saved. Were I to go to the moon one day, I would see it with my own eyes. Should it rain tomorrow, we would stay at home.

虚拟语气用法详解 (2)

虚拟语气用法详解 一、条件句中的虚拟语气 1. 条件句中虚拟语气的形式 从句中提出一种与客观现实不相符或根本不可能存在的条件,主句会产生的一种不可能获得的结果。条件句中的 (1) 将来时的条件句中的虚拟语气。如: If he should go to Qing Hua University, he would make full use of his time. 如果他要上清华大学的话,他就会充分利用他的时间了。 If he were to come here, he would tell us about it. 如果他要来的话,他会通知我们一声。 (2) 现在时的条件句中的虚拟语气。如: If he were free, he would help us. 要是他有空的话,它会帮助我们的。 If he studied at this school, he would know you well. 如果他在这所学校学习的话,它会对你很熟悉。 (3)过去时的条件句中的虚拟语气。如: If I had seen the film, I would have told you about it. 我如果看过这场电影,我会把电影内容告诉你了。 If I had got there earlier, I would have met Mr. Li. 如果我早点到那儿,我就会会到了李先生。 3. 运用条件句中的虚拟语气时,须注意的几个问题 (1)当从句的主语为第三人称单数时,谓语动词若是系动词be时,可用was 代替were。但在倒装虚拟结构及if I were you, as it were 中,只能用were。如: Were I ten years younger, I would study abroad. 要是我还年轻十岁的话,我会去国外学习。 If I were you, I would try my best to grasp the chance. 要是我是你的话,我要尽力抓住这次机会。 (2) 有时,虚拟条件句中,主、从句的动作若不是同时发生时,须区别对待。 ①从句的动作与过去事实相反,而主句的动作与现在或现在正在发生的事实不符。如: If I had worked hard at school, I would be an engineer, too. 如果我在学校学习刻苦的话,我现在也会使工程师了If they had informed us, we would not come here now. 如果他们通知过我们的话,我们现在就不会来这里了。 ②从句的动作与现在事实相反,而主句的动作与过去事实不符。如:

虚拟语气教案 (2)

Subjunctive mood 一. Teaching aims: 1、Knowledge and ability 1). Know what the subjunctive mood refers to 2). Know the different forms of the subjunctive mood 3). Master the structure of the subjunctive mood about “if …” and the structures of the different forms of the subjunctive mood. 4). Do some exercises about the grammar and flexible to use it in specific language environment. 2、Process and method goals : Combine guidance of teachers and student self-learning;combine to grammar explanations and grammar exercises enable students to master the subjunctive mood in use. 3、Emotional attitudes and values objectives: To develop students' independent learning and the exploring ability, increase their awareness of cooperation, to improve students' language skills and the ability to express their views. 二、teaching difficult point Can use this rules of grammar to complete various training exercises and use in the actual language. 三.、Teaching important points 1) The subjunctive mood is often found in a clause be ginning with the word “if”. 2) Get students to learn the proper forms of verbs in subjunctive mood. 四、Teaching methods: 1) Multi-media teaching 2) Cooperative learning-for example: group discussion 3)Inductive method 五、Teaching aids:PPT,video


英语虚拟语气解题技巧讲解及练习题(含答案)及解析 一、初中英语虚拟语气 1.I’ m so busy. If I time, I travel around. A.have; would B.have; could C.had; would D.had; will 【答案】C 【解析】 试题分析:虚拟语气是一种特殊的动词形式,用来表示说话人所说的话并不是事实,而是一种假设、愿望、怀疑或推测。其主要有三种结构: 1、与现在事实相反 若与现在事实相反,条件从句的谓语用过去式(be通常用were),主句谓语用“should (would, could, might)+动词原形” 2、与过去事实相反 若与过去事实相反,条件从句的谓语用过去完成时(had+过去分词),主句谓语用“should (would, could, might)+have+过去分词” 3、与将来事实相反 若与将来事实相反,条件从句的谓语用过去式(be通常用were),主句谓语用“should (would, could, might)+动词原形”。 句意:我是那么忙。如果我有时间我会周游世界。与现在事实相反故选C。 考点:考查虚拟语气。 2.If I _______ you, I would say another student could do it better. A.was B.were C.were D.are 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 句意:如果我是你,我会说另一个学生可以把它做得更好。 考查虚拟语气。根据句意可知“现在事实”相反,此句是虚拟语气,be动词使用were;故选A。 3. If I ____Alice, I _____them the truth. A. was , would tell B. were ,would tell C. am, will tell D.is , will tell 【答案】B 【解析】 试题分析:本题的含义是如果我是你,我将告诉他们真相,本题if引导的是一个虚拟的条件句,在虚拟句中,be用were,主句通常用过去的一种,will应该用would,故本题选B。 考点:if引导的虚拟条件句。 点评:在英文中条件句有两种,一种是真实的条件句,if后遇到将来时用一般现在时,一


If it were Sunday tomorrow, I would go and see my friends. 明天要是星期天的话,我就去看望我的朋友。 If I were you, I should go and try. 我要是你,我就去试试。 If wishes were horses, beggars might ride. 如果幻想能成为马匹,叫花子都有了坐骑 I would go if they treated me like a slave. 要是他们把我当奴隶对待,我就走。 If I had known your telephone number yesterday, I would have telephoned you. 如果昨天我知道你的电话号码,我就给你打电话了。 If it had not rained this morning, I should have gone shopping. 今天早上要是没下雨,我就去买东西了。 The flood might have caused great damages to the people if we had not built so many reservoirs. 倘若我们没有修建这么多的水库,洪水就会使人民遭受巨大的损失。 If he were here tomorrow, I would speak to him. 明天如果他在这里的话,我就和他谈谈。 If you dropped the glass, it would break. 你要是把杯子掉下来,会打碎的。 If she had time, she could help me. 她要是有时间,就会帮我了。 If I were to do the work, I should do it in a different way. 要是我做这项工作,我就会以不同的方式去做。 If the headmaster were to come, what would we say to him 假如校长来了,我们对他说什么呢? Were it necessary, I might go without delay. 如果需要的话,我可以立即去。(= If it were necessary......) Had you taken my advice, you wouldn't have failed in the exam. 你要是听了我的建议,就不会考试不及格了。(= If you had taken my advice......) Should I have time, I would call on her. 要是有时间,我就去看她。(= If I should have time......) If you hadn't watched TV yesterday, you wouldn't be so sleepy now. 如果你昨天不看电视,你现在也就不会这么困了。(从句yesterday说明过去,主句now说明现在)If they had left home early this morning, they would arrive in half an hour. 如果他们今天一早就离开家的话,再过半小时他们就该到了。(从句说明过去,主句说明将来。) If you hesitated this moment, you might suffer in the future. 如果你此刻犹豫不决,你将来会吃苦头的。(从句说明现在,主句说明将来) He would not get such a result without your help. 没有你的帮助,他就不会有今天的成果。(条件暗含在介词短语without your help中) But for you, I could not be recovered so soon. 要不是有你,我就不会恢复得这么快。(条件暗含在But for you中) This same thing, happening in the past, would lead to a disaster.


虚拟语气归纳和练习 虚拟语气的重点是: 1.一些常见的虚拟语气的句型或结构。 2.虚拟语气的特殊形式,即用来表示要求、建议、命令、提议、意愿等的主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句中的虚拟形式。3.主从句表示不同的时间概念、事实或假设情况,从而交错成为复合虚拟语气。 4.含蓄条件句中的虚拟语气的表示愿望的虚拟形式。 上述四个要点往往在完形填空或者阅读理解里面存在,尤其是每年完形填空都至少有一道直接考这方面的知识的题目,而在阅读理解里,我们掌握上述四个重点对于我们理解文章的大意和作者态度很有帮助,了解哪些观点是作者假设的、虚拟的,哪些是真实的,这样对于我们回答关于作者态度观点题很有帮助。 下面我们将主要从上述四个方面来重点论述在考试中应该注意的问题。 一、虚拟语气的常见类型和句型 (1)由wish引起的表示愿望的虚拟语气 A.用wish表示对现在的愿望时,它所引起的宾语从句中谓语动词形式为:过去式(be动词用were)。 B.用wish表示对将来的愿望时,它所引起的宾语从句中谓语动词形式为:would, could, might+ 动词原形。 C.wish用于对过去的事实表示一种不可能实现的愿望时,宾语从句中的谓语动词形式为:had+动词过去分词或could, would + have +动词过去分词。 The picture exhibition bored me to death; I wish I had not gone to it. ---“I let Joe borrow our radio for the afternoon.” ---“That’s all right, but I wish he would buy one of his own.” I wish that he weren’t so lazy. (2)had hoped引起的宾语从句中备用语动词形式为would+动词原形,表示一种过去未实现的愿望或令人失望的事。 His father had hoped that his son would go to business with him, but his son became an artist later. (3)would (had) rather, would as soon, would sooner和would prefer所引起的从句中要求用过去式表示当时或将来的情况,用过去完成时表示过去的情况,表示希望或婉转的责备。例如: I’d rather you posted the letter right away. 我倒希望你把这封信立刻寄出去。 I would prefer he didn’t stay there too long.我倒希望他不要在那儿可得太


第2讲情态动词和虚拟语气 情态动词和虚拟语气在高考的语法填空和短文改错中鲜有考查,但在写作中却经常使用,恰 当运用此语法能够成为得分的亮点,因此在二轮备考中考生对此语法也应做到足够重视。 考点感悟 语法填空 语法填空中对虚拟语气和情态动词的考查并不难,主要是一些常见的基本用法。 感1.(2018·天津高考)I can't find my purse.I________have left it in the supermarket yesterday,but I'm not sure. 答案:might/could此处表示对过去情况“有可能”的推测。 2.(2018·江苏高考)There is a good social life in the village,and I wish I ________(have)a second chance to become more involved. 答案:had根据语意语境可知wish在此表达现在的一个愿望,其后的宾语从句应用虚 拟语气,谓语动词要用过去式。 3.(2017·北京高考)If the new safety system________(put)to use,the accident would never have happened. 答案:had been put根据语意及句中的would never have happened可知,if从句表 示对过去情况的假设,故应用过去完成时。且主语system与put之间为被动关系,应用被动 语态。 悟1.wish后接虚拟句如果表示对现在的虚拟,从句用一般过去时。如果表示对过去 的虚拟从句,用过去完成时。 2.虚拟语气的基本用法对现在的虚拟if从句中动词用过去式,主句用 might/could/should/would+动词原形;对过去的虚拟,从句用过去完成时,主句用 would/should/could/might+have done。 短文改错 短文改错中对虚拟语气和情态动词的考查并不多见,涉及时也是以基本用法为主。 感1.(2016·全国卷Ⅱ)We can chose between staying at home and taking a trip. _____________________ 答案:chose→choose情态动词后应跟动词原形。 2.(2016·全国卷Ⅲ)I should available any time after school next week. _____________________ 答案:should后加be句子缺少系动词且在should后应用be。 3.(2019·东北三校联盟)Most citizens in Hong Kong strongly insisted that those who attacked the police with violence were put into prison. _____________________


虚拟语气 虚拟语气(Subjunctive Mood)这一语法项目是各类英语考试中心测 试的重点之一。虚拟语气是一种特殊的动词形式,用来表示说话人所说 的话并不是事实,而是一种假设、愿望、怀疑或推测。 Ⅰ用以表示虚拟条件的虚拟语气 虚拟条件句的三种基本类型: 1.与现在事实相反。若与现在事实相反,条件从句的谓语用过去式(be通常用were),主句谓语用“should (would, could, might)+动词原形”: If you took a taxi,you’d get there quicker.如果你坐出租车去,你可以快一点到那里。(但你不坐) If I knew her number I could ring her up. 要是我知道她的电话号码,我就可以给她打电话了。(可惜我不知道) 2.与过去事实相反。若与过去事实相反,条件从句的谓语用过去完成时(had+过去分词),主句谓语用“should (would, could, might)+have+过去分词”:If I’d left sooner,I’d have been on time.要是我早点动身,我就准时到了。(但我动身太迟了) If we had found him earlier we could have saved his life. 要是我们当时早点找到他的话,我们就可以救活他。(可惜我们找到他太晚了) 3.与将来事实相反。若与将来事实相反,条件从句的谓语用过去式(be通常用were),主句谓语用“should (would, could, might)+动词原形”: If he went,would you go too? 如果他去,你也去吗?(大概他不会去) If I asked him,I’m sure he’d help us. 如果我向他提出要求,肯定他会帮助我们。(不过我不打算这样做) 大多数的虚拟条件句属于上面三种情况的一种,但并不排除存在条件和 后果中,一个和现在情况相反,另一个和过去情况相反,例如:If you had followed what the doctor said, you would not have been so painful now. 这个句子在高中出现频率颇高。 但是,如果后果用了虚拟语气,而条件却用陈述语气,这种用法是错的。 2. 除了表示虚假条件外,if从句还可以表示对将来的推测,由于是 将来还没有发生的,所以谈不上是真实的还是虚假的,只能说这个事情 发生的可能性有多大。一般情况下,可以用陈述语气的if从句来表示对


一、概念 中文译作"虚拟语气"。它是一种动词形式,表示说话人的某种假设、愿望、怀疑、猜测、建议等含义。 二、语法结构 1.if结构(非真实条件句——表示的是假设的或实际可能性不大的情况) 与..事实相反If从句主句 过去Had done Would* have done 现在Were/did Would* do 将来Should do/were/were to do Would* do 例句:If there hadn’t been much rain in spring, we would have had a good harvest now. [过去] If he smoked less, his cough might be well soon. [现在] If the lecturer should be late, you would have to make a speech first. [将来] 备注: (1)上表中’*’,would都可转换为should、could、might。 (2) 如果为时间错综句的话,左右两栏可互相搭配,排列组合。 例句: He would still be alive today if he hadn’t taken that drug. [与现在事实相反] [与过去事实相反] (3) if可转换为其他形式 例句:Without your advice, our meeting wouldn’t have been so successfully. [过去] (=>可转换为:If there hadn’t been your advice, we …) Your notes are almost illegible (难以辨认的). Notes typed out would be a lot easier to read. [将来] (=> 可转换为:If the notes had been typed out, it would be a lot easier to read.) I should have gone to see Dr. Smith and he might have cured me of the disease.[过去] (=> 可转换为:If he have gone to see Dr. Smith, he ..) 2、wish结构 与..事实相反 过去Had done 现在Were/did


虚拟语气 一、考点聚焦 1、虚拟语气用于条件状语从句中 (1)表示与现在事实相反的假设,条件状语从句中的谓语动词用“过去式(be动词的过去式用were)”,而主句中的谓语动词用“would / should/ could / might + 动词原形”。如:If I were a boy, I would join the army. If the had time, she should go with you. (2)表示与过去的事实相反,条件状语从句中的谓语动词用过去完成时,主句中的谓语动词则用“would / should / might / could + have +过去分词”。如: If he had taken my advice, he would have succeeded in the competition. (3)表示与将来事实相反,条件状语从句中的谓语动词一般过去时或should(were to) + 动词原形,而主句中的谓语动词则用would / should/ could might + 动词原形。如; If it were to rain tomorrow, the football match would be put off. (4)当条件状语从句表示的行为和主句表示的行为所发生的时间不一致时,动词的形式要根据它所表示的时间作相应调整。如: If they had worked hard, they would be very tired.(从句说的是过去,主句指的是现在) Were I a boy, I would join the army. Had he taken my advice, he would have succeeded. Were it not for the expense, I would go to Britain. 2、虚拟语气用于名词性从句 (1)虚拟语气在宾语从句中的运用。 ①“wish + 宾语从句”表示不能实现的愿望,译为“要是……就好了”等。表示现在不能实现的愿望,从句中的谓语动词用一般过去时;表示将来不能实现的愿望,从句中的谓语动词用“would/could + 动词原形”;表示过去不能实现的愿望,从句中的谓语动词用“had + 过去分词”或“could(should) + have + 过去分词”。如: I wish it were spring all the year round. I wish I had known the answer. I wish I could fly like a bird. ②在表示建议、要求、命令等的动词suggest、advise、propose、demand、require、insist request、command、order等后的宾语从句中,谓语动词用should + 动词原形或是动词原形。如: She suggested we (should)leave here at once. The doctor ordered she should be operated. (2)虚拟语气在同位语从句和表语从句中的运用。


一、主句和从句 主句是句子的主干,是句子表达的主要意思,从句的意义从属于主句。 如:麻雀虽小,五脏俱全。这句话要说明的主要意思是麻雀五脏俱全,后一句是句子的主句,前面是从句。 二:关于虚拟语气 第一节:宾语从句(Subordinate Clasue)中的虚拟语气 一、在动词wish后的宾语从句中的虚拟语气 在动词wish后的宾语从句中的虚拟语气,常省去宾语从句的引导词that。 一)、对现在情况的虚拟(与现在的事实相反): 从句用过去式或过去进行式(时间上是同时的)。其句子结构为:宾语从句的谓语be和were(was),实义动词用过去式。例: 1. I wish (that可省略,下同)I knew the answer to the question.(wish, 动词过去式knew)我希望知道这个答案。(事实上是不知道) 2. I wish it were spring in my hometown all the year around.(wish, were)但愿我的家乡四季如春。(事实上不可能) 3. I wish I were a bird.(wish, were)但愿我是只小鸟。(事实上不可能) 4. When she was at the party,she wished she were at home.(wished,过去虚拟动词were)(事实上并不在家) 5. Now that he is in China, he wishes he understood Chinese.(wishes,过去虚拟动词understood) 现在他在中国,他希望能懂得中文。(事实上并不懂) 6. When we begin the trip, they will wish they were with us.(will wish,过去虚拟动词were)(事实上并不和我们在一起) 二)、对过去情况的虚拟(和过去的事实相反): 用wish表示对过去事情的遗憾。其句子结构为:宾语从句的谓语用过去完成时,或would, could, might+现在完成时。例: 1. I wish (that可省略,下同)I hadn't wasted so much time. 我后悔不该浪费这么多时间。(事实上已浪费了) 2. He wishes he hadn't lost the chance. 他真希望没有失去机会。(其实已失去) 3. We wished he had spoken to us. (wished,had + spoken)(事实上他并没同我们讲) 4. I wish you had called earlier. (wish, had + called)(事实上已迟了) 5. They will wish they had listened to us sooner. (will wish,had + listened)(事实上并不如此) 例题分析:I wish I ______ longer this morning, but I had to get up and come to class. A. could have slept B. slept C. might have slept D. have slept 动词wish后面接从句,表达不可能实现或与事实相反的情况时,谓语动词要用虚拟语气,即用过去式(表示现在发生的动作)或过去完成式(表示过去发生的动作)。本题后半句谓语动词have用的是过去时had
