


借一事物的名称指代另一事物, 称为借喻或借代法(metonymy), 如以the Crown喻指“皇室事务”, Hungary喻指“匈牙利事件”。

以局部代表全体, 或以全体喻指部分, 这称为提喻或举隅法(synecdoche), 在现代报刊中用得比较普遍, 例如:London年代表英国, Kremlin(克里姆林宫)代表前苏联, (现)俄罗斯, Washington代表美国, 还可代表东部, 如Washington mafia既可指华盛顿帮或圈子,

也可指东部权势集团, cutthroat代表assassin(暗杀)或murder。

人们看问题的角度不同而对有些词是提喻还是借喻词各执一词, 如Washington喻美国、联邦政府或美国政府时, 有人认为这既可被视为借喻, 也被视为提喻。严格地说, 属提喻法更合适。不过这里的目的不是让读者探讨修辞法, 而在于知道这些词的词义理据(semantic motivation)和喻义。

为避免用词重复、使读者产生联想等原因, 作者常使用这两种修辞手段。在报刊文章中, 这两种喻义词尤其多。如Foggy Bottom(雾谷), 是美国首都华盛顿一地名, 国务院所在地, 因其外交政策常像雾蒙蒙的深山低谷一样模糊不清, 令人难以捉摸, 颇像“…雾?底洞”, 因而常被用来喻“国务院或其政策”。再如bear(熊)的特征是体形大而迟钝, 被激怒时反应强烈, 因而用来喻前苏联或现俄罗斯。现将报刊中常见的这两种喻词列举如下:


Bald eagle 白头鹫秃头政治领导人

Boll weevil 棉铃象甲虫 (美国南方)民主党温和派

Broadway 百老汇大街(纽约一街名) 纽约戏剧业, 美国戏剧业

capitol 美国州议会或政府大厦 (美国)州议会, 州政府

Capitol (美国)国会大厦, 州议会大厦美国国会, 州议会

Capitol Hill 国会山(国会大厦所在地) 美国国会

Coonskin 浣熊皮战利品

Donkey 驴美国民主党

Dove 鸽鸽派, 主和派, 持温和路线者

Elephant 象美国共和党

ends of Pennsyl- 宾夕法尼亚大街(首都华美国国会和行政当局, 白宫和

vania Street 盛顿一街名)两端国会大厦, 美国行政和立法部门

fat cat 肥猫大腹便便的有钱阶级;竞选运动的主要资助人floo-floo bird 向后飞的鸟保守派

green berets 绿色贝雷帽 (美国)特种部队

gypsy moth 舞毒蛾 (美国东北部)共和党温和派

hawk 鹰鹰派, 好战派, 持强硬路线者

Hill =Capitol Hill 美国国会

Hollywood 好莱坞(洛杉矶一地名) 美国电影业、电影界或娱乐业John 约翰(美国人常用名) 美国人

Langley 兰利(弗吉尼亚州一地名) 中央情报局

Madison, Avenue 麦迪大街(纽约一街名) 美国广告业

Oval Office 椭圆形办公室美国总统办公室, 总统(职务), 权力中心Pentagon 五角大楼美国国防部

Silicon Valley 硅谷(美国加州一地名) 美国高科技集中地

stalking horse 掩护马打掩护的候选人

1600 Pennsylva- 宾夕法尼亚大街 (美国)白宫, 总统府, 行政当局

nia Street (华盛顿一街名)

Uncle Sam 山姆大叔美国政府, 美国人

Wall Street 华尔街(纽约一街名) 美国金融界

War horse 战马老练的政客

Washington 华盛顿(美国首都) (美国)联邦政府, 美国政府

White House 白宫总统府, 行政当局, 总统职位

wheel horse 驾辕的马忠实可靠的党员

Buckingham (英国)白金汉宫英国王宫, 英国王室


Carey Street 凯里街(伦敦一街名) 破产

City 伦敦城英国金融界;英国商业界

Downing Street 唐宁街(伦敦一街名) 英国首相府;英国首相;英国政府;英国内阁

Fleet Street 舰队街(伦敦一街名) 英国新闻界, 英国报业

Lion 狮英国

London 伦敦英国;英国政府

Scotland Yard 苏格兰场(伦敦一地名) 伦敦警方, 伦敦警察局, 该局刑


Ulster 阿尔斯特(在爱尔岛北部) 北爱尔兰

Westminster 威斯敏斯特(伦敦西部一英国议会, 英国政府


Windsor 温莎(英格兰东南部一城英国王室


Whitehall 白厅(伦敦一街名) 英国政府及其政策

Brussels 布鲁塞尔(比利时首都) 前欧洲共同体;欧洲联盟;北大西洋公约组织

East 东方以前苏联为首的东欧集团;东

方国家, 亚洲

West 西方西方国家

North 地球北半球工业发达国家

South 地球南半球工业不发达涸家

Andes 安第斯山脉拉丁美洲

Blue helmets 蓝盔帽蓝盔部队, 联合国维和部队

Horn of Africa 非洲之角索马里和埃塞俄比亚

Elysee Palace 爱丽舍宫法国总统府, 法国总统职位

Quai d?Orsay凯道赛(巴黎一码头名) 法国外交部

Kremlin 克里姆林宫前苏联;前苏联政府;俄罗斯;


Moscow 莫斯科前苏联;俄罗斯;俄罗斯政府Gulag 古拉格群岛 (前苏联)劳改营, 劳动改造


Evan 伊凡(前苏联和俄罗斯人前苏联人;俄罗斯人


Zhongnanhai 中南海中国;中国政府

Beijing 北京中国;中国政府


《英美报刊选读》 一、教学目的 通过本课程的学习,使学员对英美报刊有一个清晰的了解,认识英美报刊语言、文体、词汇、语法等基本特点,掌握英美报刊阅读的基本知识及技巧,为独立阅读英美报刊打下良好的基础。 二、教材特点 与该课程旧教材(第1版)相比,本教材具有以下特点: 1.为使学生改变以往依赖教师和英汉词典的学习习惯,培养他们独自排解疑难词语的能力,编者不但向他们推荐工具书,并教授他们使用方法;为使他们能加深对词汇的记忆,还介绍词法和重要词根及词缀。 2.为使学生掌握必要的新闻词语和扩大词汇量,本书在“新闻词语解说”中尽量结合课文,讲透疑难词语。此外还列出一些与这些词语或课文内容有关的课外词汇。 3.为使学生掌握必要的读报知识,本书在“背景知识”中尽量结合课文,介绍重要的并时常见诸报端的人物、党派和组织机构等,并举例说明其重要性。 4.为使学生对新闻写作有一个大致的认识,加深对课文的理解,编者较系统地说明标题的若干特点,对新闻体裁的分类、导语和写作特点及常语等做了简介。 三、教学内容 《英美报刊选读》为省开课程。 1.授课内容:重点为第1、3、4、5、6、8、13、15、17、19、20、21、24、28、30课(共15课),其它内容主要供自学。 2.课时安排: a) 学员自学:2学时/周,共30学时学完15课。 b)面授辅导:4学时/次,共4次。每学时辅导一课,最后一学时复习。 3.作业:共四次,在湖北电大网站英语本科网页上下载,课后完成,交辅导教师批改,评分,作为平时成绩的主要依据。学员完成作业后,可浏览网页上的“答案及详解”,以加深理解,检查自己掌握的情况 四、教学建议 教师授课时应以学生为中心,鼓励学生自己去探索和获取知识。在上课时,可要求学生先回答每课后的练习题——Questions,使他们基本了解课文的主要内容。然后,再逐段或跳跃式选段对学生需要掌握的内容、新闻词语和背景知识进行阅读和问答式方式讲解。如果备课充分,学生的英语水平又高,教员可采用美英教员教授母语的方法,抛开课本或讲义,只讲有关课文的重点词语、背景知识和写作手法等。这样,学生除预习外,课后还要结合教员


美英报刊选读课程期末考试 课程名称:美英报刊文章选读 考察性质:考查课 考查内容:论文撰写 试题 Based on what we have learned during the whole semester, choose one among the following 7 topics and write an essay about 1000 words. Your essay shall be scored grounded on your understanding of the topic, your writing skills, your insightful analysis, etc. 1. Parenting Types Directions: What are the factors that have made such big differences between the American way and Chinese way of parenting? Which one do you prefer and why? 2. Higher Education—To be or not to be? Directions: During Lesson 4, American high education systems are discussed. Please think over merits and demerits of private colleges and public colleges and write an essay. 3. The “New” War Directions: During Lesson 6, we have learned deep relations among American’s politics, economy and religion. How would you comment on their relations and how do they influence American society. 4. “Change” Can Be “Forward”. Directions: In 2012, Barack Obama wins second term as U.S. president. Combining his success, please state the factors to his victory and your opinion on the American democracy. 5. Terrorized by “War on Terror” Directions: The War on Terror is the campaign launched by United States in response to the 9/11 attacks against organizations designated terrorism. Please analyze the causes of terrorism and the results of this war. 6. The Road To Come Directions: Which system do you think is better for Britain, republic or monarchy? 7. Religion and Politics Directions: What is the relation between religion and politics in U.S.A.?


英美报刊选读常用缩略词 ABC: American Broadcasting Company 美国广播公司 AMA: American Medical Association 美国医药协会 AP: Associated Press 美联社、联合通讯社APEC : Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 亚洲和太平洋经济合作组织 asap: as soon as possible 尽快 ASEAN: Association of South-East Asian Nations 东南亚国家联盟、东盟 ATM: automatic teller machine 自动取款机Ave.: Avenue 大街 BA: Bachelor of Arts 学士学位 CBS: Columbia Broadcasting System 哥伦比亚广播公司 CEO: chief executive officer 执行总裁、首席执行官 CIA: (US) Central Intelligence Agency (美国)中央情报局 COD: cash on delivery (商)货到付款 EPA: Environmental Protection Agency 美国环保署 FBI: Federal Bureau of Investigation (美国)联邦调查局 GDP: gross domestic product 国内生产总值GMT: Greenwich Mean Time 格林尼治标准时间GNP: gross national product 国民生产总值Hon.: the Honorable 尊称 IAEA: International Atomic Energy Agency 国际原子能组织 IMF: International Monetary Fund (联合国)国际货币基金组织 IOC: International Olympic Committee 国际奥林匹克委员会 IRA: Irish Republican Army (英)爱尔兰共和军; individual retirement account (美)个人退休账户 IRS: Internal Revenue Service 美国国税局ISBN: International Standard Book Number 国际标准图书编号 MA/M.A.: Master of Arts 文学硕士 MVP: most valuable player 最优秀选手NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (美国)国家航空和宇宙航行局NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization北大西洋公约组织 NBC: National Broadcasting Company (美国)国家广播公司 NHK: Japan Broadcasting Corporation 日本广播协会 OAS: Organization of American States 美洲国家组织 OAU: Organization of African Unity 非洲统一组织 OECD: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development 经济合作与发展组织 OPEC: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 欧佩克、石油输出国组织 PLO: Palestine Liberation Organization 巴勒斯坦解放组织、巴解组织 SALT: Strategic Arms Limitation Talks 限制战略武器会谈 SEATO: South-East Asia Treaty Organization 东南亚条约组织 UNCTAD: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 联合国贸易与发展会议 UNDP: United Nations Development Program 联合国开发计划署 UNESCO: United Nations Educational,Scientific,and Cultural Organization 联合国教科文 组织 UNICEF: United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund 联合国儿童基金会UNSC: United Nations Security Council 联合国安全理事会、安理会 UPC: Universal Product Code 通用产品代码UPI: United Press International 合众国际社USIS: United States Information Service 美国新闻社 VCR: video cassette recorder 录像机 WHO: World Health Organization 世界卫生组织WTO: World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织


《英美报刊选读》答 案

《英美报刊选读》 一、教学目的 通过本课程的学习,使学员对英美报刊有一个清晰的了解,认识英美报刊语言、文体、词汇、语法等基本特点,掌握英美报刊阅读的基本知识及技巧,为独立阅读英美报刊打下良好的基础。 二、教材特点 与该课程旧教材(第1版)相比,本教材具有以下特点: 1.为使学生改变以往依赖教师和英汉词典的学习习惯,培养他们独自排解疑难词语的能力,编者不但向他们推荐工具书,并教授他们使用方法;为使他们能加深对词汇的记忆,还介绍词法和重要词根及词缀。 2.为使学生掌握必要的新闻词语和扩大词汇量,本书在“新闻词语解说”中尽量结合课文,讲透疑难词语。此外还列出一些与这些词语或课文内容有关的课外词汇。 3.为使学生掌握必要的读报知识,本书在“背景知识”中尽量结合课文,介绍重要的并时常见诸报端的人物、党派和组织机构等,并举例说明其重要性。 4.为使学生对新闻写作有一个大致的认识,加深对课文的理解,编者较系统地说明标题的若干特点,对新闻体裁的分类、导语和写作特点及常语等做了简介。 三、教学内容 《英美报刊选读》为省开课程。 1.授课内容:重点为第1、3、4、5、6、8、13、15、17、19、20、21、24、28、30课(共15课),其它内容主要供自学。 2.课时安排: a) 学员自学:2学时/周,共30学时学完15课。 b)面授辅导:4学时/次,共4次。每学时辅导一课,最后一学时复习。 3.作业:共四次,在湖北电大网站英语本科网页上下载,课后完成,交辅导教师批改,评分,作为平时成绩的主要依据。学员完成作业后,可浏览网页上的“答案及详解”,以加深理解,检查自己掌握的情况


最全的英美词汇差异对比 美国英语单词大全与英式英语单词对比词汇大全,美国英语单词和英国英语单词在拼写和发音方面有许多区别,下面的词汇列表,列举出了英国英语和美国英语单词中的差别,具有差别的英语单词大全。 汉/英/美 飞机aeroplane/airplane 航空邮件air-post/air-mail 对……(人)生气angrywith/ angry at 垃圾箱ash-bin(dust-bin) /ashcan 秋autumn/fall 面包店bakery/bakehouse 纸币(bank-)note/ (bank-)bill 理发厅barber"s shop/ barber shop 浴盆bath/bathtub 浴室bathroom/bath 寝具bedclothes/covers 饼干biscuit/cracker 百叶窗blind/shade 公寓block offlats /apartment house 宿舍boardinghouse/ dormitory

预约booking/reservation 售票处booking-office/ ticket-office 长筒鞋boot/shoe 圆顶黑色高帽bowler/derby 裤子的吊带braces/suspenders 小憩时间break/recess 中途下车breakone"s journey /stop over 白洋布、印花布calico/ printed cloth 旅行队,篷车caravan/ trailer 客车carriage/coach 游览车charabanc/sightseeing bus 药局chemist"s shop /drugstore 支票cheque/check 衣柜chest-drawers/ bureau 教名Christianname/ first name 电影院cinema/picture house 寄物处,衣帽间cloakroom /checkroom 光头close crop/crew out 衣夹clothes-peg/ clothes-pin


英美報刊文章閱讀 外國語學院英語師範三班何宇20104033023 1.The inverted pyramid should put the most important point at the top of the article, followed by your next most important point, and so on, in diminishing order of importance. The lead includes the five “W”( what where why when and who).that made the readers read the article immediately.The writer then provides the rest of the information and supporting contextual details in descending order of importance, leaving the least essential material for the very end. This gives the completed story the form of an inverted pyramid, with the most important elements, or the 'base' of the story, on top.For example, if I write, 'Two children were injured when fire swept through the First Community Church, Detroit, Michigan, on May 10. The fire is believed to have started from unattended candles.' That's complete, but a lot of details can be added in succeeding paragraphs. If space is tight, an editor can cut from the bottom and still save the essential elements." 2.To create an inverted pyramid structure, follow these guidelines: 1, Use clear, meaningful headings or lists at the beginning of a topic. 2. Create separate paragraphs or topics to emphasize important points. 3, Do not bury your main point in the middle of a paragraph or topic.. 3.the journalist English has three important features :firstly-the reporters are sammilar to the article of the report content ,so the reporters can apply to appropriate words and express the relative contents which including some professional words. second :the news usually used the short and active voice sentence third , the structure of news is always loose, at the same time, there is closely among the paragraphs. 4.- A museum commemorating the Flying Tigers, a US air squadron that helped the Chinese fight the Japanese in World War II, opened to the public in central China's Hunan Province on Tuesday. The Flying Tigers Museum, located at the Shining Airport in Shining County, houses 1,387 pieces of historical artifacts from the Flying Tigers, which are on public display for the first time. The Shining Airport was an important base for the Flying Tigers under the leadership of Claire Lee Chennai, a retired US Army Air Corps officer who started working in China in 1937. Construction of the museum took five years. During this time, the museum received precious items from living members of the Flying Tigers and their families, including Anna Chan Chennault, wife of Claire Lee Chennault, said Wu Jonahing, curator of the museum. The cultural relics in the museum will help younger generations remember the glorious history of the Flying Tigers and


英语新闻中常用高频词汇大全新闻词汇精选 1.Academy Awards 学院奖(奥斯卡金像奖) 2. Apollo Program 阿波罗计划 3. Mr Bean 豆子先生 4. Beat Generation 垮了的一代 5. Bible 《圣经》 6. Black Monday 黑色星期一 7. Broadway(New York) 百老会 8. Central Park 中央公园 9. Charlie Chaplin 查利·卓别林 10. Chinatown 唐人街 11.Civil rights movement 民权运动 12.Bill Clinton 比尔·克林顿 13.Coca-cola 可口可乐 14.Cookbooks 烹饪书 15.Cosmopolitan 大都 16.Cowboy 牛仔 17.Credit Card 信用卡 18.Disneyland 迪斯尼乐园 19.First lady 第一夫人 20.ghost towns 鬼城 21.the God father 教父 22.Grammy Awards 格来米奖 23.Great Depressions 大萧条 24.Great Salt lake 大盐湖 25.Gulf War 海湾战争

26.Halloween 万圣节(节) 27.Hariem 哈雷特(黑人区) 28.Harvard University 哈佛大学 29.Oxford University 牛津大学 30.Camoridge University 剑桥大学 31.Holiday Inn 假日酒店 32.Hollywood 好来坞 33.home computer 家用电脑 34.home video 家用录像 35.hot dog 热狗 36.Independence Day 独立日 37.Michael Jordan 麦克尔·乔丹 38.Michael Jackson 麦克尔·杰克逊 39.Helen Keller 海伦·凯莉 40.Kennedy Assasination 肯尼迪暗杀案 41.Kentucky Fried 肯德鸡 42.Bill Jean 比尔·金 43.Martin Luther King 马丁·路德金 44.Kodak 科达 45.Korean War 朝鲜战争 46.Lincoln Memorial 林肯纪念碑 47.Little Rock 小万城 48.Los Angeles 洛杉机 49.Bruce Lee 李小龙 50.McDonalds 麦当劳 51.Madonna 麦当娜 52.Marijuana 大麻 53.Marlboro Man 万宝路人 54.Mickey Mouse 米老鼠

英美报刊选读 passage 13 the decline of neatness (含翻译)

The Decline of Neatness 行为标准的蜕化 By Norman Cou s ins Anyone with a passion for hanging labels on people or things should have little difficulty in recognizing that an apt tag for our time is the “Unkempt Generation”. 任何一个喜欢给别人或事物贴标签的人应该不难发现我们这个时代合适的标签是“邋遢的一代”。 I am not referring solely to college kids. The sloppiness virus has spread to all sectors of society," People go to all sorts of trouble and expense to look uncombed, unshaved. unpressed.3 我说这话不仅仅是针对大学生。邋遢这种病毒已经蔓延到社会各个部分。人们刻意呈现一幅蓬头散发、边幅不修、衣着不整的形象。 The symbol of the times is blue jeans—not just blue jeans in good condition but jeans that are frayed, torn, discolored. They don't get that way naturally. No one wants blue jeans that are crisply clean or spanking new. 如今时代潮流的象征是穿蓝色牛仔裤--不是完好的牛仔裤,而是打磨过的,撕裂开的,和褪色了的牛仔裤。正常穿着磨损很难达到上述效果。没有人喜欢穿干净崭新的牛仔裤。 Manufacturers recognize a big market when they see it, and they compete with one another to offer jeans(that are made to look as though they've just been discarded by clumsy house painters after ten years of wear. )生产商意识到这将是个潜力巨大的市场,于是展开了激烈地竞争,生产出的


I.Read the following short passages and choose the best answer. (20 % ) Passage 1 GENEVA-A 38-year-old Spanish man briefly hijacked 抢劫a French airliner on Majorca Sunday and threatened to blow it up to protest 抗议France's plans to resume nuclear testing, then surrendered in投降放弃Geneva without a struggle after releasing 298 passengers and crew. An official at Geneva's Cointrin Airport described the man as unbalanced. a .A Spanish man hijacked a French airline to protest France's nuclear testing. b. A Spanish man who had threatened to blow up a French airline surrendered in Geneva. c. A Spanish man who had hijacked a French airline surrendered in Geneva. Passage 2 TOKYO-When Compaq Computers康帕电脑and Dell Computer invaded 进入the Japanese market three years age with personal computers selling for half the price of the local varieties当地品种, rival竞争对手Japanese companies braced for trouble准备应付动乱. But instead of killing the Japanese personal computer industry, the American onslaught猛攻liberated 放纵it. Proceed by what is known as the “Compaq Shock康帕冲击,” Japanese manufacturers have become fiercer competitors, cutting their prices drastically. The result has been a boom in sales that is benefiting the Japanese manufacturers as much as the Americans. a. American and Japanese computer companies compete to win the Japanese market. b. “Compaq Shock,” has benefited Japanese market. c. Fierce competition between American and Japanese computer companies has helped the computer sales boom in Japan. Passage 3 PARIS-A bomb 炸弹exploded at a crowded street market in Paris near the Place de la Bastille Sunday morning, leaving four people slightly hurt. The police said that the bomb, packed into a pressure cooker and hidden in a bag under a vegetable stand, did not cause greater damage because of a malfunction.功能失常But the incident clearly left a deep impact on Government


《美英报刊文章阅读》课程期末复习指导 一、课程说明:本课程采用的文字教材为《美英报刊文章阅读》,由9个单 元,30课书组成。考虑到该课程教学时数的限制和教材本身所含的信息量大,学生学习负担可能偏重等因素,特规定以下15课为必学内容。这15课内容在18周内完成,平均每周1课,余下的三周用作期末复习. 15课必学内容为:Lessons1,3,4,5,6,8,13, 15, 17,19,20,21,24,28,30。其余内容供学生自学. 二、课程性质:本课程属于中央电大的统设课,省管选修课. 三、阅读美英报刊必须打好下列两项基本功: 1、新闻词语: 新闻语言与我国学生在中学和大学低年级所学课文的规范语言不完全相同。学生们以前所学的内容大多是关于学习和人生哲理的一些小故事,对新闻语言很陌生,词义面也窄,一见到run, race, juice, measure, Speaker, gunship, establishment, take a walk, go fishing, high profile, dry, wet, He blinked和I’m a family man就容易本能地分别认为是“跑”、“竞赛”、 “汁”、“措施”、“发言人”、“炮舰”、“建立”、“散步”、“去钓鱼”、“高姿 态”、“干”、“湿”、“他眨眼睛了”和“我是一个有家室的人”;而在时事英文中,这些词语很可能分别为“竞选”、“竞选”、“神通”、“议案”、“议长”、“武装直升机”、“权势集团”、“退党”、“与党离心离德”、“引人注目或公开的”、英国保守党中的“强硬派”、“温和派”、“他顶不住而退让了”和“我是一个治家有方、治国(或治州、治市)有道的人”等词义。由此可见,初学者必须拓宽词义,逐渐掌握一定数量的新闻词语,尤其要注意一词多义,不能一见到culture, challenge, resources story等就想当然认为只是“文化”、“挑战”、“资源”和“故事”的词义。 2、国际知识: 学英语不能仅仅局限于学语言,还要注意积累各方面的知识,有了比较广泛的知识,才能收到更好的学习效果。美英报刊涉及的面极广,政治、


常见缩略 ABC: American Broadcasting Company 美国广播公司 AMA: American Medical Association 美国医药协会 AP: Associated Press 美联社、联合通讯社 APEC: Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 亚洲和太平洋经济合作组织 asap: as soon as possible 尽快 ATM: automatic teller machine 自动取款机 Ave.: Avenue 大街 AFP:Agency France Press (法国)法新社 AIDS:acquired immune deficiency syndrome 艾滋病 BBC:British Broadcasting Corporation 英国广播公司 CPC:the Communist Party of China 中国共产党 DVD:digital versatile disc or digital video disc 数码多用途光盘GPS:global positioning system 全球定位系统 HKSAR:the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港特别行政区 ISO international standard organization 国际标准化组织 HIV:Human Immunodeficiency Virus 人体免疫缺损病毒,艾滋病病毒 UFO:unidentified flying object 不明飞行物 WB:World Bank,世界银行


Note: This exam should be completed in ENGLISH. Part I: Explain the following phrases. (20 points, 2 for each) Oprah Winfrey: American Dream: Filibuster: Host Culture: Stolen Nation: Sooner: Exit Polls: Op-Ed Article: Abramoff Effect: Watergate: Part II: Give answers to the following questions. (30 points, 10 for each) 1.Explain features of English newspaper headlines.

2.List at least eight types of compound adjective. (two examples for each type) 3.List at least ten types of journalistic leads and explain their functions respectively. Part III: Re-organize the order of the following paragraphs according to the logical sequence of the story structure. Attention: all you need to do is to write in the box below the numbers for the corresponding paragraph. (20 points, 2 for each) Program endorsed to develop shanghai (1) ―But more important, it should rely on the support and efforts of the people of Shanghai.‖ (2) ―Developing Pudong is an event of im portant strategic significance both to Shanghai and the whole country. The central government will provide necessary support and the whole country should give active support,‖ Wen said. (3) ―I hope the comrades in Shanghai will do a better job in developin g Pudong and gaining new momentum for Shanghai,‖ Wen said. (4) ―This is another important plan for us to deepen the country’s reform and expand its opening to the outside world, ‖said Wen at a celebration for the fifth anniversary of the Shanghai V olkswagen Automotive Co. Ltd. yesterday morning. (5) He said that the achievements of the two projects are the outcome of reform and open policy. (6) In Shanghai, Wen also attended the celebrations for the start of production of the 300,000-ton ethylene project in the Shanghai Petro-chemical Complex and the start of cold-rolling mill in Baoshan Iron and Steel Complex.


一,who we are now 1.But the president was openly ambivalent, too. 2.Because who we are now-a country in which traditional barriers of race, age and gender are crumbling-flows in many ways from what LBJ did then. 3.Why exhume the long-dead Johnson on the occasion of one of the most engaging inaugural since George Washington took the oath at Federal Hall… 4.His conflicting language underscores the nation’s occasionally wary view of the changes wrought by immigration. 5.There is something quintessentially American about a lumbering white man from Texas… 6.In the understandable thrill of the inaugural season, all eyes are turned to this single man, all ears attuned to his voice. 7.Whatever your politics, the election of the 44th president represents a kind of redemption from the long and tragic history of blacks… 8.If you count a generation as roughly 21 years, he was off the mark, since the rapidly inspired backlash shaped politics for more than 40 years 9.In 1909,…proposed a literary test to restrict the influx of the “Italians, Russians,Poles,Hungarians”… 10.Then,in1952,Congress passed the…Act,which essentially made naturalization colorblind.(平等的对待不同肤色的人) 11.The tension between assimilation and separation is eternal, but there is no doubt that this flood of immigration and the breaking down of barriers between previously estranged (疏远的,隔离的)groups within the country has created a much more fluid culture than… 12.The key cohort is the 75 million-strong generation known as the millennials(1980-2000) 13.perennial:lasting for a long time or forever 14.The disparity between older and younger voters was greater in 2008 than at any other time… 15.The younger cohort is more diverse than the general population, more female, more secular, less socially conservative and more willing to describe themselves as liberals. 16.In the wake of a possible terrorist attack, fear could easily lead to tension, resent and discord.
