




Unit1: The Language of Music 音乐的语言

Unit2: Schooling and Education 上学与受教育

Unit3: The Definition of Price "价格"的定义

Unit4: Electricity 电

Unit5: The Beginning of Drama 戏剧的起源

Unit6: Television 电视

Unit7: Andrew Carnegie 安德鲁?卡内基

Unit8: American Revolution 美国革命

Unit9: Suburbanization 郊区的发展

Unit10: Types of Speech 语言的类型

Unit1: The Language of Music

A painter hangs his or her finished pictures on a wall, and everyone can see it. A composer writes a work, but no one can hear it until it is performed. Professional singers and players have great responsibilities, for the composer is utterly dependent on them. A student of music needs as long and as arduous a training to become a performer as a medical student needs to become a doctor. Most training is concerned with technique, for musicians have to have the muscular proficiency of an athlete or a ballet dancer. Singers practice breathing every day, as their vocal chords would be inadequate without controlled muscular support. String players practice moving the fingers of the left hand up and down, while drawing the bow to and fro with the right arm—two entirely different movements.

Singers and instruments have to be able to get every note perfectly in tune. Pianists are spared this particular anxiety, for the notes are already there, waiting for them, and it is the piano tuner’s responsibility to tune the instrument for them. But they have their own difficulties; the hammers that hit the string have to be coaxed not to sound like percussion, and each overlapping tone has to sound clear.

This problem of getting clear texture is one that confronts student conductors: they have to learn to know every note of the music and how it should sound, and they have to aim at controlling these sound with fanatical but selfless authority.

Technique is of no use unless it is combined with musical knowledge and understanding. Great artists are those who are so thoroughly at home in the language of music that they can enjoy performing works written in any century.

01 音乐的语言



Passage 1 There are some very good things about open education. This way of teaching allows the students to grow as people develop their own interests in many subjects. Open education allows students to be responsible for their own education, as they are responsible for what they do in life. Some students do badly in a traditional classroom. The open classroom may allow them to enjoy learning. Some students will be happier in an open education school. They will not have to worry about grades or rules. For students who worry about these things a lot, it is a good idea to be in an open classroom. But many students will not do well in an open classroom. For some students, there are too few rules. These students will do little in school. They will not make good use of open education. Because open education is so different from traditional education, these students may have a problem getting used to making so many choices. For many students it is important to have some rules in the classroom. They worry about the rules even when there are no rules. Even a few rules will help this kind of student. The last point about open education is that some traditional teachers do not like it. Many teachers do not believe in open education. Teachers who want to have an open classroom may have many problems at their schools. You now know what open education is. Some of its good points and bad points have been explained. You may have your own opinion about open education. The writer thinks that open education is a good idea, but only in theory. In actual fact, it may not work very well in a real class or school. The writer believes that most students, but of course not all students, want some structure in their classes. They want to have rules. In some cases, they must be made to study some subjects. Many students are pleased to find subjects they have to study interesting. They would not study those subjects if they did not have to. 1.Open education allows the students to ____. A.grow as the educated B.be responsible for their future C.develop their own interests D.discover subjects outside class 2. Open education may be a good idea for the students who ____. A.enjoy learning B.worry about grades C.do well in a traditional classroom D.are responsible for what they do in life 3. Some students will do little in an open classroom because ____. A.there are too few rules B.they hate activities C.open education is similar to the traditional education D.they worry about the rules 4. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?____ A.Some traditional teachers do not like it.


1、花瓣飘香 我家门前有一丛月季,上面开满了红艳艳的花朵。 一天清晨,我看到有个小女孩俯在花前,从花丛中小心地摘下了一片带露水的花瓣,双手捧着,然后飞快地穿过田野,跑远了。 几天后的一个清晨,我又见到了那个小女孩在摘花瓣,就叫住了她。她拿着花瓣,有些不知所措,惶恐地望着我。 “为什么只摘花瓣呢?”我轻轻地问。 她低着头不好意思地说:“我舍不得把整朵花都摘了……” “摘花瓣做什么呀?” 小女孩说:“妈妈生病了,我摘片花瓣送给她。花瓣摸上去像绒布一样,闻起来有淡淡的清香,妈妈会高兴的。” “你爸爸呢?” “爸爸在南沙当解放军。他常常来信叫我听妈妈的话,不要惹妈妈生气。”小女孩眼眶里闪动着泪花。 真是个懂事的好孩子。 第二天早晨,我从集市上买了两盆带着露水的月季花,一盆送给了小女孩,另一盆放在我母亲的阳台上。 阅读训练: 1、看拼音,写词语。 zhāi huāhuánɡkǒnɡpěnɡqǐfǔshēn ()()()()

2、选字填空。 瓣辩辨辫 ①她的小()子真好看! ②这朵花的花()多美啊! ③你一定要分()清楚哪一个才是正确的。 ④因为评选班长的事,大家争()个不停。 3、文章一共有个自然段,请你用一句话来概括全文。 4、你们想一想,妈妈摸着这绒布一样柔软的花瓣,闻着这淡淡的清香,会说些什么呀? 5、读课文最后一段话,完成练习。 ①我送给小女孩的月季花中,包含着什么?我放在母亲阳台上地月季花中,又包含着什么? ②当我把花送给小女孩时,我会对这个小女孩说些什么呢? 6、你能说说文章的标题“花瓣飘香”有哪两层含义?

2、李广射虎 唐代诗人卢纶写过一组以《塞下曲》为题的诗,其中有一首是这样的:林暗草惊风,将军夜引弓。平明寻白羽,没在石棱中。 这位“夜引弓”的“将军”,便是被人们称为“飞将军”的李广。李广是西汉时期一位神勇无比的将领。诗中描述的,就是他在镇守北方边境时发生的一件事。 一天夜晚,月色朦胧,李广带兵外出巡逻,路过一片松林。一阵疾风吹来,树木野草发出“沙沙”的声音。李广想到这一带常有猛虎出没,便用警惕的目光四处搜寻着。猛然间,李广发现前方的草丛中,影影绰绰蹲着一只老虎,便连忙拈弓搭箭,运足气力,拉开硬弓。“嗖”的一声,一枝白羽箭射了出去。 第二天,天刚蒙蒙亮,李广的随从便去射虎的现场寻找猎物。呀!大家全都惊呆了,原来李将军射中的不是老虎,而是一块巨石!那白羽箭深深地扎进了石头里,任将士们怎么拔也拔不出来。 阅读训练: 1、ménglóng xúnluójǐngtìyǐngyǐngchuòchuò ()()()() zhènshǒu sōuxún zhājìn nīangōngdājiàn ()()()() 2、我会查字典。 ①“疾”字用音序查字法,先查字母,用部首查字法,先查,再查画。


神奇的“洛书”幻方 幻方也叫纵横图,是具有如下奇特性质的数字方阵:把从1开始的若干个连续的自然数放在棋盘状方阵的每个方格中.在一定放法下,能正好形成各行、各列以及两条主对角线上各数字之和都相等的奇妙结果,这样的数字方阵就叫纵横图或幻方.如果棋盘有n×n个方格,就叫n阶幻方. 幻方的发现及对它的研究,是人类智慧和文明的一个重要标志.因此,当1977年美国发射旅行者1号、2号宇宙飞船时,为了寻找外星文明,与“外星人”沟通和建立信息,搭载了一些代表人类和人类文明的金属画面,其中,代表人类在数学上的成就的,除了勾股弦外,就是一个四阶幻方. 幻方的发现是中国古代文明的象征,是值得中国人骄傲的.据古书记载,大约公元前 2200年,在夏禹治水时,洛水(今陕西洛河)里浮出一只大神龟,此龟神在背上有黑白小圆圈45个,排列如图1.后人把此图称为“洛书”,把图中这些小圆圈依序用数字排列起来,就是图2所示三阶幻方. “洛书”的传说始于北宋,当时,把“洛书”奉为天授神物,玄之又玄(传说中还有“河图”之说).这显然是把数学神秘化的一种故弄玄虚的手段.据考证,这个三阶幻方最早见于公元前500年左右春秋时期的《大戴礼记》中.汉朝徐岳把它叫“九宫算”,其注解是“九宫者,即二、四为肩,六、八为足,左三、右七,戴九、履一,五居其中”.后又有民间歌诀“四海三山八洞仙,九龙五子一枝莲,二七六郎赏月半,周围十五月团圆”均指这个三阶幻方.也指出了“洛书”在数学方面的奇迹,神妙地排列了一至九这九个数,它的横三行、竖三列,两条对角线共八条直线的三个数之和均为十五.如果我们把经过旋转和反射(镜象映射)以后所产生的幻方,看作完全相同的幻方,那么,三阶幻方的排列方法只有一种,就是“洛书”. 欧洲人知道幻方的存在已经是 15 世纪的事了,比中国人晚了3000多年.据说是由一个印度僧人首先带去的. 幻方在15世纪从中国经由亚洲其他国家传入欧洲以后,引起欧洲人的极大兴趣.许多数学家致力于构造各式各样的幻方,其盛况甚至被反映到美术作品中来.1514年,著名的画家兼文艺理论家丢勒在他创作的一幅铜版画“忧伤”中,就有一个4阶幻方.尤其有趣的是,这个幻方底下一排的中间两个方格中的数字合在一起,正好就是丢勒创作这幅版画的年份.这究竟是丢勒巧妙的有意安排,还是偶然的巧合就不得而知了. 幻方貌似简单,其实蕴含着无穷的奥秘,大数学家欧拉、发明家富兰克林都曾深入地研究过它.香港业余数学家黄志华先生发现了下面有趣的现象: 用幻方中的1,3,9,7顺时针构造四个两位数:97,71,13,39,以及逆时针构造四个两位数:31,17,79,93.他用计算器验算出 97+71+13+39=31+17+79+93, 972+712+132+392=312+172+792+932, 973+713+133+393=313+173+793+933. 顺着黄先生的思路,我们构造两个三位数组:139,397,971,713及179,793,931,317.计算机验算,同样发现 139+397+971+713=179+793+931+317, 1392+3972+9712+7132=1792+7932+9312+3172, 1393+3973+9713+7133=1793+7933+9313+3173. 这是何等的神奇! 不仅如此,幻方还与体育比赛、人工智能、建筑设计有关.表明人类的智慧是何等的深邃、广博.一个3×3幻方竟出现在古代西藏人印玺的中央,这是数学思想没有国家和地区疆界的例证. 如果我们仔细分析,可以发现“洛书”还有许多奇妙之处. 一、横三行(或竖三列)的三个三位数(或三个二位数)构成回码等式(等号右边各数,是对照等号左边的各数,把数码颠倒过来): (1)492+357+816=294+753+618=1665


第一单元 Part 1 Section B Following is the script of the video clip: (M= Michael B= Bill S= Shelley) M: Bill, do you know Shelley? B: I don?t think we?ve met before. M: Then let me introduce you to her. Hi, Shelley! S: Hi, Michael! How are you? M: Not bad. Shelley, this is my new roommate, Bill. S: Hi, Bill! Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you, too. S: Michael has told me a lot about you. B: Only good things, I hope. M: You bet. Shall we sit down somewhere and talk? B & S: Sure. M: Let?s sit over there. Mrs. Green: Good afternoon, Michael. Michael: Good afternoon. Maggie, I?d like to introduce a friend of mine, Linda Wilson. Linda, this is Maggie Green. Linda: How do you do, Mrs. Green? Pleased to meet you. Mrs. Green: Pleased to meet you, too. I?ve heard so much about you, Miss Wilson. Please do come in. David, come and meet a friend of Michael?s. Mr. Green: Oh, hello, Michael. I?m so glad you could come. Michael: Hello, David. It was nice of you to invite us. This is my friend, Linda. Linda: Very glad to meet you, Mr. Green. Mr. Green: Me, too. Just call me David. Everybody does. Mrs. Green: Please sit down and I?ll make some coffee for you. Part 2 Section A Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany, in Eighteen-Seventy-Nine. From the time he was a boy, Albert Einstein had performed what he called “thought experiments” to test his ideas. He used his mind as a laboratory. By Nineteen-Oh-Five, he had formed his ideas into theories that he published. The most important of Albert Einstein?s theories published that year became known as his “Special Theory of Relativity.” He said the speed of light is always the same —almost three-hundred-thousand kilometers a second. Where the light is coming from or who is measuring it does not change the speed. In Nineteen-Twenty-One, he won the Nobel Prize in Physics. Albert Einstein taught in Switzerland and Germany. He left Germany when Adolph Hitler came to power in Nineteen-Thirty-Three. He moved to the United States to continue his research. He worked at theInstitute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey. Einstein became a citizen of the United States in Nineteen-Forty. Einstein was a famous man, but you would not have known that by looking at him. His white hair was long and wild. He wore old clothes. He showed an inner joy when he was playing his violin or talking about his work. Students and friends said he had a way of explaining difficult ideas using images that were easy to understand. Albert Einstein


最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程:https://www.360docs.net/doc/ab5898702.html,/wenkxd.htm(报名网址)Passage 14 Attention to detail is something everyone can and should do-especially in a tight job market. Bob Crossley, a human-resources expert notices this in the job applications that come cross his desk every day. “It’s amazing how many candidates eliminate themselves,”he says. “Resumes arrive with stains. Some candidates don’t bother to spell the company’s name correctly. Once I see a mistake, I eliminate the candidate, ”Crossley concludes. If they cannot take of these details. “Why should we trust them with a job?” Can we pay too much attention to detail? Perfectionists struggle over little things at the cost of something larger they work toward. “To keep from losing the forest for the trees,”says Charles Garfield, associate professor at the University of California, San Francisco, “we must constantly ask ourselves how the details we’re working on fit into the larger picture they don’t, we should drop them and move to something else.” Garfield compares this process to his work as a computer scientist at NASA. “The Apollo II moon launch was slightly off-course 90 percent of the time,”says Garfield. “But a successful landing was still likely because we knew the exact coordinates of our goal. This allowed us to landing was still likely because we knew the exact coordinates of our goal. This allowed us to make adjustments as necessary.”Knowing where we want to go helps us judge the importance of every task we undertake. Too often we believe what accounts for other’s success is some special secret or a lucky break. But rarely is success so mysterious. Again and again, we see that by doing little things within our grasp well, large rewards follow. 66. According to the passage, some job applicants were rejected________ A) because of their carelessness as shown in their failure to present a clean copy of a resume B) because of their inadequate education as shown in their poor spelling in writing a resume C) because they failed to give a detailed description of their background in their applications D) because they eliminated their names from the applicants list themselves 67. The word “perfectionists”(Line 1, Para 3)refers to those who________ A) demand others to get everything absolutely right B) know how to adjust their goals according to the circumstances C) pay too much attention to details only to lose their major objectives D) are capable of achieving perfect results in whatever they do 68. Which of the following is the author’s advice to the reader? A) Although too much attention to details may be costly, they should not be overlooked B) Don’t forget details when drawing pictures


二轮复习阅读材料(一) 一、中国古代政治 1、宗法制 材料一:别子为祖,继别为宗,继祢①者为小宗。有百世不迁之宗,有五世则迁之宗。百世不迁者,别子之后也。宗其继别子之所自出者,百世不迁者也。宗其继高祖者,五世则迁者也。尊祖故敬宗,敬宗尊祖之义也。 ──《礼记·大传》 材料二:宗者,何谓也?宗者,尊也,为先祖主③也,宗人之所尊也。《礼》曰:宗人将有事,族人皆侍。古者所以必有宗,何也?所以长和睦也。大宗能率小宗,小宗能率群弟,通其有无,所以纪理族人者也。宗其为始祖后者,为大宗。此百世之所宗也。宗其为高祖后者,五世而迁者也。高祖迁于上,宗则易于下。宗其为曾祖后者,为曾祖宗。宗其为祖后者,为祖宗。宗其为父后者,为父宗。以上至高祖宗,皆为小宗。以其转迁别于大宗也。别子者,自为其子孙为祖,继别也,各自为宗。 ──[西汉]班固《白虎通义》卷上《德论》【解读】材料一、材料二是东汉班固对宗法制度的解释。 周朝,天子这一系统(周文王、武王及其嫡长子、嫡长孙……)自然是“大宗”,是百世不迁之宗。同母弟及其他庶子就是“小宗”,“小宗”只能祭祀高祖以下(即父、祖、曾祖、高祖),高祖以上,按规定无权祭祀。其神位也就随之拿走,这就叫做小宗五世则迁。但这都是对周王室(大宗)来说的。别子(嫡长子之外的其他嫡子、庶子),也可能受封(封为王或卿大夫),别子受封后,对于他的后裔来说,他又是“祖”;他的嫡长子、嫡长孙这一支又是“大宗”,也是“百世不迁之宗”,而其他的旁支,则是“小宗”,“小宗”又是“五世而迁”。 从上述资料可以看出:①“大宗”与“小宗”往往是相对的。②宗法制度与分封制度密切相关。③西周政权与族权密切结合。 【注释】①祢(nǐ):宗庙中称亡父为祢。②禘(dì):宗庙祭祀的一种祭名。③先祖主:此指神主。 2.元代的地方行政区划


阅读对话,选择正确答案。 Amy:Hello,I’m Amy.What’s your name? John:My name’s John.Goodbye. Amy:Bye,John. 1、They are (他们是).( ) A、Amy and John B、John 2、What’s your name? __________( ) A、My name’s John. B、、My name John. 3、----Goodbye. -----______ .( ) A、Bye B、Hello

阅读对话,判断对错,正确写T,错误写F。 Zhang Peng: Hello, Sarah Sarah : Hello, Zhang Peng.I have a new(新的)pen ,an eraser and two pencils. Zhang Peng: Wow,I have a new pen,too. 1、Zhang Peng has a new pen.() 2、Sarah has a new pen,too. ( ) 3、Zhang Peng has a pencil. ( ) 4、Sarah has two pencils. ( ) 5、Zhang Peng has an eraser. ( )

阅读短文,选择正确答案。 Hello,I’m Zoom.I’m a student(学生).I have a pen. I have a ruler. I have an eraser. I have two crayons.I have many(许多)books,too. 1、I’m ______. A、Zoom B、Zip 2、I have______pen. A、two B、a 3、I have an ______. A、eraser B、ruler 4、I have two______. A、crayon B、crayons 5、I have many ______. A、bags B、books


Passage 1 Exchange a glance with someone, then look away. Do you realize that you have made a statement? This type of stare often produces hostile feelings. 1. It can be inferred from the first paragraph that___. A) every glance has its significance 2. If you want to be left alone on an elevator, the best thing to do is___. B) to avoid eye contact with other passengers 3. By "a dimming of the lights" (Line 13,Para.1 )Erving Goffman means___. C) ceasing to glance at others 4. If one is looked at by a stranger for too long, he tends to feel___. B) uneasy 5. The passage mainly discusses___. D) the role of eye contact in interpersonal communication. Passage 2 Geraldo Rivera is well known for his compassionate investigative reports on WABC-TV Eyewitness News. But I’m not just in the business of making people cry. I’m in the business of chang e.” 6. Geraldo Rivera is working as a(n)______. B. investigative reporter for a special TV program 7. How many awards did Rivera receive for his work? D. Five 8. Rivera’s inves tigation and expose on the conditions at WillowbrookStateSchool led to _____. D. all of the above


I f you had lived in America before the Revolutionary War, your money might have consisted primarily of Spanish doubloons (silver coins that were also called pieces of eight ). Before the Civil War, the principal forms of money in the United States were gold and silver coins and paper notes, called banknotes , issued by private banks. Today , you use not only coins and dollar bills issued by the government as money , but also checks written on accounts held at banks. Money has been different things at dif- ferent times, but it has always been important to people and to the economy . To understand the effects of money on the economy , we must understand exactly what money is. In this chapter, we develop precise definitions by exploring the func- tions of money , looking at why and how it promotes economic efficiency , tracing how its forms have evolved over time, and examining how money is currently measured. MeanIng of Money As the word money is used in everyday conversation, it can mean many things, but to economists, it has a very specific meaning. To avoid confusion, we must clarify how economists’ use of the word money differs from conventional usage. Economists define money (also referred to as the money supply ) as anything that is generally accepted in payment for goods or services or in the repayment of debts. Cur-rency , consisting of dollar bills and coins, clearly fits this definition and is one type of money . When most people talk about money , they’re talking about ncy (paper currency money and coins). If, for example, someone comes up to you and says, “Your money or your life,” you should quickly hand over all your currency rather than ask, “What exactly do you mean by ‘money’?” To define money merely as currency is much too narrow for economists. Because checks are also accepted as payment for purchases, checking account deposits are con- sidered money as well. An even broader definition of money is often needed, because other items such as savings deposits can, in effect, function as money if they can be quickly and easily converted into currency or checking account deposits. As you can see, no single, precise definition of money or the money supply is possible, even for economists. To complicate matters further, the word money is frequently used synonymously with wealth . When people say , “Joe is rich—he has an awful lot of money ,” they prob- ably mean that Joe not only has a lot of currency and a high balance in his checking account but also has stocks, bonds, four cars, three houses, and a yacht. Thus, while What Is Money?Preview 3 94


五年级英语阅读材料 1,The Tiger and The Fox One day, a tiger was looking for something to eat. Suddenly he met a fox and caught him. The tiger said ―I’m hungry. I will eat you up.” The fox said ―No, you can’t. Because I am the king of the animals. ―Really?I don’t think so.” Said the tiger. ―You don’t believe me? Let’s go and try.” Said the fox. Then they went for a walk in the forest. All the animals ran away when they saw the tiger and the fox. ―Oh, you are right. You are really the king of the animals. All the animals are afraid of you. “Said the tiger. Then he went away. The fox laughed. ―The tiger is so stupid. In fact, the animals are afraid of him, not me!” suddenly[s?dn:l?]突然caught[k?t]抓住really[ri?li,真的 stupid [stup?d笨的 believe[b?liv]相信 2,A Greedy Lion A hungry lion discovered a sleeping rabbit under a tree. Suddenly a deer appeared when he wanted to eat the rabbit. He thought a deer was much delicious than a rabbit. Then he chased the deer, but the deer ran too fast. The hungry lion was tired. At last the lion gave up. He went back to look for the sleeping rabbit. But it was already gone. suddenly[s?dn:l?]greedy贪婪的 appeared 出


材料阅读训练及答案 材料一 ①生活中人们的衣食住行样样都离不开高分子化合物我们吃的米、面、水果、蔬菜、鱼、肉;穿的棉、麻、丝、毛等都是天然高分子化合物而用的合成塑料、合成橡胶、合成纤维则都是人工合成的高分子化合物 ②高分子的特点是个头大每个分子由几万、几十万个原子组成分子量可达几千、几万甚至几百万而一般的低分子化合物如水、盐、酒精等分子量却不过几十、几百怪不得人们称高分子化合物是微观世界的“巨人”呢 ③相比于低分子高分子的结构要复杂得多它们由许许多多结构相同的所谓“单体”构成这些‘单体’手拉手地连接在一起形成一条蜷曲的长链有的长链之间连着短链有的还有支链 ④人造卫星围绕地球飞行时面对太阳的一面温度很高背向太阳的一面温度很低怎样才能保证不因温度过高或者过低而影响卫星内 部仪器的工作呢科学家想到了一个好办法即依靠一种特种高分子来 帮忙用它做成“温控涂料”涂在卫星表面 ⑤当卫星面向太阳时高分子涂料可以助其散发热量背对太阳时还能起到绝热保温作用这样就能保证卫星仪器的正常工作使其源源 不断地为人们收集和提供情报 ⑥此外导弹、飞船重返大气层时也碰到了难题:当飞行速度高达音速的3倍时空气的剧烈摩擦可使导弹、飞船表面的温度升高到

5000℃以上要知道普通钢温度达1000多度会溶化成液体合金钢最多 只能耐300℃的温度用什么材料来做它们的保护层和隔热罩呢 ⑦科学家找到了一种高分子烧蚀材料将它涂在导弹、飞船的表 面但它燃烧汽化成小分子时会带走大量的热尽管外面烈火熊熊里面 却安然无恙这就起到了保护层和隔热罩的作用 ⑧电子工业已经进入了黄金时代几乎没有一样现代科学和工业 技术少得了它但是当我们津津乐道电子工业的赫赫战果时却不能忘 掉高分子在此领域立下的汗马功劳 ⑨作为绝缘材料高分子的独到之处是具有良好的高频和超高频 绝缘性能陶瓷、云母之类都远远赶不上它现代电子技术中的遥控、遥测、雷达、卫星通讯等都要用到频率极高的微波所以也就少不了优质的高频、超高频绝缘材料可以说没有高分子材料就没有现代电子技术的发展 材料二 高分子体态苗条彼此纠缠在一起吸引力大不易分开即使加热也 不会一下子变成液体所以具有较好的弹性、塑性和强度 但是化学家们还不满足他们甚至干涉高分子的“内政”:或改变链的结构形式或在链上加几个特殊的“基团”结果新的高分子就具备了耐高温、抗低温、耐腐蚀、抗氧化以及电、磁、光、生理、催化等一系列特殊的新功能 1.选出下列说法中不是两个材料主要说明内容的一项()(2分)
