


2010-01-28 18:41:58来自: dabao

1.阿甘正传“FORREST GUMP” 主演:Tom Hanks 汤姆·汉克斯

2.电子情书“YOU’VE GOT MAIL” 主演:Tom Hanks 汤姆·汉克斯Meg Ryan 梅格·瑞安

3.关于一个男孩/单身插班生“About a Boy” 主演:Hugn Grant 休·格兰特Nicholas Hoult 尼古拉斯·霍尔特

4.公主日记I.II. “THE PRINCESS DIARIES I II” 主演:Julie Andrews 朱丽·安德鲁斯Anne Hatthaway 安妮·海瑟薇

5.逃跑新娘“THE RUNAWAY BRIDE” 主演:Juliet Roberts 朱丽叶·罗伯茨Richard Gere 理查·基尔

6.新岳父大人“FATHER OF THE BRIDE” 主演:Steve Martin 斯蒂夫·马丁Diane Keaton 戴安·基顿

7.BJ单身日记“BRIDGET JONES’ DIARY I II” 主演:Renee Zellweger 雷尼·奇维格Hugh Grant 休·格兰特

8.奔腾年代“SEA BISCUIT” 主演:Toby McQuaire 托比·迈奎尔

9.蒙娜丽莎的微笑“Mona Lisa’s Smile” 主演:Julia Roberts朱丽叶·罗伯茨Julia Stiles 朱丽亚·斯蒂尔斯Kristen Dunst 克里斯滕·邓斯特

10.甜心先生“Jerry Maguaire” 主演:Tom Cruise 汤姆·克鲁斯Renee Zelleweger 雷尼·奇维格11.光辉岁月“Remember the Titans” 主演:Danzel Washington 丹泽尔·华盛顿

12.铁血教练“Coach Carter” 主演:Samuel Jackson 萨姆尔·杰克逊

13.重建人生“Life As a House” 主演:Kevin Cline 凯文·克莱恩Kristin Scott Thomas 克里斯丁·斯科特-托马斯Hayden Christensen 海登·克里斯滕森

14.海上钢琴师“The Legend of 1900” 主演:Tim Roth 蒂姆·罗斯

15.大话王“Liar Liar” 主演:Jim Carrie 金·凯利

16. 居家男人“THE FAMILY MAN” 主演:Nicolas Cage 尼科拉斯·凯奇Tea Leoni 蒂·里奥尼

17. 风流奇男子/阿尔菲“Alfie” 主演:Jude Law 裘德·洛

18. 妙手情真“Patch Adams” 主演:Robin Williams 罗宾·威廉斯

19.机器管家“Bicentennial Man” 主演:Robin Williams 罗宾·威廉斯

20. 猫屎先生“As good as it gets” 主演:Jack NIckelson 杰克·尼科尔森Helen Hunt 海伦·亨特21.完美男人“The Perfect Man” 主演:Hilary Duff 希拉里·荙芙Chris Noth 克里斯·诺斯

22.结婚纪念日“The Wedding Date” 主演:Debra Messing 戴博拉·梅西Dermot Mulroney 德莫特·麦隆尼

23.男人百分百“What Women Want” 主演:Mel Gibson 梅尔吉普森Helen Hunt 海伦亨特

24. 老爸向前冲/冒牌老爸“Big Daddy” 主演:Adam Sandler 亚当桑德勒

25.大鱼“Big Fish” 主演:Evan McGregor 伊万麦克格

想在短时间内练好英语口语,可听听英语口语900句(MP3 下载)里面还有其它英语学习的分类:)







NO.1 人生的智慧



NO.2 哲学简史(彩色插图版)


NO.3 康德三大批判——纯粹理性批判



全书约有40余万字,除了序言和一个总的导言外,分为“先验要素论”和“先验方法论” 。中译本是直接从德文原本由邓晓芒翻译、杨祖陶校订,其译文精良,堪称佳作。书后还附有德汉术语索引、汉德术语对照以及人名索引,方便使用。

NO.4 西方的没落(全译本)(全二册)中文世界第一部全译本。






NO.5 经典通读-西方哲学史《经典通读》一套将经典学术巨著进行全新通俗化编译的丛书,旨在引领读者轻松快速阅读学术经典,从而普及对人类影响深远的社会科学、自然科学的名家名著。本书为该丛书之一,是畅销世界的西方哲


NO.6 存在主义是一种人道主义




NO.7 尼采生存哲学(哲人咖啡厅)



趣味英语口语:跟脸面有关的口语 1. It's so cold. I can even see my breath. 天气好冷啊, 我甚至可以看到我呼出来的空气。 记得去年冬天时我陪一个美国小女生去参观校园, 刚好那天天气特别地冷, 结果呢, 她一 出门就作了一个很可爱的动作, 她呼出了一道白色的空气说, "Wow, it's so cold. I ca n even see my breath!" 相信这种可爱动作有不少人一定也常做吧? 所以大家要知道, breath 不但指“呼吸”而言, 在日常生活中还常常拿来指你呼出的空气。 有时候像我们吃东西完不是会在嘴巴留下味道吗? 这时候如果别人问你刚才吃了些什么东西? "What did you eat?" 你就可以张开嘴巴呼一口气说, "Smell my breath." (闻闻我的口气), 让他自已去猜猜看. 所以如果有人有口臭的话, 你就可以用"Your breath stinks" 来形容. 电影Shrek 的预告片里也有一句类似的台词, "You need a Tic Ta c because your breath stinks." (你需要一颗Tic Tac 薄荷糖, 因为你的口气很难闻。) 2. You just spit on me. 你刚喷口水在我身上. Spit 这个动词就是指吐口水或吐痰中那个“吐”的意思. 例如你要写一个牌子说, “请勿随 地吐痰”, 就可以写道"No spitting here." 不过正常人会去吐别人口水或吐人家痰的人应该不多吧? 所以一般spit on someone 指的是在谈话时“喷”口水在别人身上. 例如" Could you stop spitting on me?" 就是能不能请你别继续喷口水在我身上? 不过有些人别的不会, 就是特别会喷口水, 对付这种人老美还有一句顺口溜, "Say it, don't spra y it." (说出来, 不要喷出来) 是不是还挺溜的? 3. You're drooling all over the table. 你的口水流的满桌都是. 英文里的drool这个字不但能够当成名词“口水”, 还能当作动词“流口水”解释. 由drool 而衍生出来的片语很多, 例如有人流出来的口水把你写的字给涂掉了. 这时候可以这么说,


2020年高考英语口语提高:看电影学精选台词 勇敢直面"南方野兽" 在孩子纯真的眼中,世界总是截然不同,何不在电影《南方的野兽》中一起探索另一个世界! [剧情简介] 6岁的小玉米饼与父亲相依为命,生活在与世隔绝的河口地区,那里自然灾害肆虐,可人们始终坚守家园。父亲总是千方百计地教她生存技能,以防万一有一天他无法再保护女儿时,她也能够独自生存下去。一场来势凶猛的暴风雨彻底摧毁了他们赖以生存的一切,也让小玉米饼认清了这个残酷的世界。为了告慰父亲,她不得不学会如何独自生存。 [影片背景] 本片获得了第85届奥斯卡金像奖的四项提名,女主角的扮演者、9岁的奎文赞妮-瓦利斯由此成为奥斯卡历获得影后提名的最年轻的女演员。 [精选台词] 1. Father: I got to worry about you all the damn time! You killing me! You killing me!我总得时时刻刻替你操心!你快把我给烦死了!烦死了! Hushpuppy:I hope you die. And after you die, I’ll go to your grave and eat birthday cake all by myself.我希望你死掉。等你死了,我就去你的坟墓前,在那儿一个人吃生日蛋糕。 [点津] kill使生气、烦恼

2. Hushpuppy: You gonna be dead?你会死吗? Father: No.不会。 Hushpuppy: You gonna leave me alone?你会把我一个人丢下吗? Father:No. I ain’t gonna leave you alone.不,我不会丢 下你的。 Hushpuppy: Because if you be gone, I be gone too.如果你 死了,我也会死的。 3. Father: Everybody daddies die.每个人的爸爸都会死。 Hushpuppy: Not my daddy.我的爸爸不会。 Father:Yeah, your daddy. I didn’t want you to watch that, okay? You understand?会的,你的爸爸也会死。我不想让你看 着我死好吗?你明白吗? 4. Life is some big old feast, but you ain’t nothing but a stupid little waitress. One day, everything on your plate gonna fall on the floor. And nobody gonna be there to pick it up for you.人生就是一场古老的盛宴,而你不过是穿梭其中的一个傻 乎乎的小服务员罢了。总有一天,你端着的盘子里的东西会掉到地上,没人会替你把它捡起来。


My favorite movie My favorite movie is 《The Pursuit of Happiness》, which is played by Will Smith and his son Jaden Smith. This movie has no pretty actors, no touching music, but good enough story, plain but not mediocre! It touched my mind deeply. A single father (Will Smith plays) , lost his job and his wife chose to leave him. His life was very bad and difficult, but he never gave up and worked hard and took care of his son very well. Through his effort, at last he succeeded. His life changed better and better. I like the movie, which is made me thinking a lot. What is happiness? How can we get happiness? In my eyes, the most important is the family. As long as the family together, no matter where, no matter what time, we are happy. Secondly, if we work hard enough today, happiness will come tomorrow. In addition, happiness depends on oneself. No matter other people think of you, as long as you do happy.


趣味英语口语对话练习 情景对话一: I'm repairing a car 我正在修车 Jinny: Hey, Tommy. Tommy: Hi, Jinny. Jinny: What are you doing? Tommy: I'm repairing a car. Jinny: Can you do that by yourself? Tommy: Of course,I can handle the small repairs. Jinny: You're great. Tommy: Forget it. This is routine. 翻译: 金尼:嘿,汤米。 汤姆:嗨,金尼。 金尼:你在做什么? 汤米:我正在修理一辆汽车。 金尼:你自己会修理那个吗? 汤米:当然,我能处理这些小修理。 金尼:你太厉害了。

汤米:算了吧。这是家常便饭。 情景对话二: You are late every time 你每次都迟到 Student: Are you upset to me? Teacher: Don't talk to me. Student: I'm really sorry,please accept my apology. Teacher: You are late every time. Student: I'll never be late again. Teacher: Come on. You already said that about 100 times. Student: This is the last time, please forgive me. Teacher: Ok. If you are late again,it will be over. 翻译: 学生:我若怒你了吗? 老师:不要跟我说话。 学生:我真的很抱歉,请接受我的道歉。 老师:你每次都迟到。 学生:我以后不会再迟到了。 老师:行了吧。你已经说饿了一百多次了。 学生:这是最后一次,请原谅我。 老师:好吧。如果你再迟到,它也就结束了。


10句电影英语口语搞定面试官 一句精彩的引用可以让你的面试加分不少哦!下面是一些从电影中选出来的经典语录,你面试的时候不妨引用一下。不过首先还是要记住应该察言观色,在合适的时候说出来。 1、“There is no certainty, only opportunity.”V for Vendetta (2005) - V (Hugo Weaving) 没有一定会怎样,只有可能会怎样。--《V字仇杀队》,V(雨果-威明) 2、“A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow.” Wag the Dog (1997) - Conrad Brean (Robert De Niro) 今天的好计划胜过明天的完美计划。--《摇尾狗》,康拉德-布瑞恩(罗伯特-德-尼罗) 3、“Failure is never quite so frightening as regret.” The Dish (2000) - Cliff Buxton (Sam Neill) 比失败更令人恐惧的是懊悔。--《天线》,克里夫-巴克顿(山姆-内尔) 4、“It's what you do right now that makes a difference.” Black Hawk Down (2001) - Jeff Struecker (Brian Van Holt) 你现在所做的是改变现状的关键。--《黑鹰降落》,杰夫-(布莱恩-范-霍尔特 5、“No point in punching things you can't see.” Cinderella Man (2005) - James Braddock (Russell Crowe) 打击那些你看不到的东西没有意义。--《铁拳男人》,詹姆斯-布拉德克(拉塞尔-克劳) 6、“Constantly talking isn't necessarily communicating.”Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) - Joel Barrish (Jim Carrey) 说个不停不一定是交流。--《美丽心灵的永恒阳光》,乔尔-巴瑞士(金-凯瑞) 7、“It's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that d efines you.”Batman Begins (2005) - Rachel Dawes (Katie Holmes) 你真正是谁并不重要,重要的是你的所做所为。--《蝙蝠侠:开战时刻》,雷切尔-道斯(凯蒂-赫尔姆斯) 8、“Men don't follow titles, they follow courage.” Braveheart (1995) - William Wallace (Mel Gibson) 人们追随勇敢者,而不是位高者。--《勇敢的心》,威廉-华莱士(梅尔-吉布森) 9、“If work has no intention, it's not work at all. It's an empty motion.”The Razor's Edge (1984) - Raaz (Saeed Jaffrey)


邀请去看电影英语口语对话 【篇一】邀请去看电影英语口语对话 A:Hi, Annie. I was wondering if you were free tomorrow night.你好,安妮。我想知道你今晚是否有空。 B:Well, George, I guess I am. Why do you ask?呃,乔治,我想我有空。你为什么这样问呢? A:I've just got a pair of presale"Star Wars"movie tickets from a friend.我刚刚从朋友那里得到两张“星球大战”的预售电影票。 B:And I'm thinking of inviting you along for the opening premiere. Are you interested?我想邀请你一起去看首映礼。你有兴趣吗? A:Yes, definitely. Thanks for inviting me.是的,当然有。谢谢你的邀请。 B:My pleasure.我很乐意。 A:I really want to watch"Star Wars"on the opening day. But the presale tickets were sold out.我真的很想在首映那天看“星球大战”。但是预售门票已经卖光了。 B:How did you manage to get hold of them?你是怎样得到票的? A:A friend of mine works in the corporate headquarters of Pepsi, which is the major sponsor of the movie.我的一个朋友在百事公司的总部工作,百事是这部电影的主要赞助商。


My favorite movie Titanic This movie is well known to every one,and it moved many people, I am no exception. Its name stirs the imagination Titanic. The unsinkable ship. The unimaginable catastrophe. The untold stories that lay in mystery two and a half miles beneath the waves of the North Atlantic. What buried tale of love, bravery, treasure and treachery, hidden by time and tragedy, waits here to be discovered? A beautiful socialite. A penniless artist. A priceless diamond. A romance so passionate that nothing on earth could stop it. A destiny so incredible that no one could have imagined it. A collision of lives that could only have happened on Titanic, the ship of dreams. The secrets are about to unfold... I like it because three reasons. First ,the story tell us to respect life in every situation. Shipbuilding people disregard the safety of the passengers, only the pursuit of fame and interest, so leaded to big disaster occurred. Second, people should be survival plight. When ship start sinking, many people only knew crying, but Jack and Rose are trying to survival. Even they fall into the sea, they still try their best to find ways to stay long. Third , the best love people way is better living. When Jack dead, Rose still live beautiful. In the movie end, show Rose’s photo


幽默趣味搞笑英语口语 趣味翻译 集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-

幽默趣味搞笑英语口语大全 ●Behind every successful man, there is a woman. And behind ev ery unsuccessful man, there are two. 每个成功男人的背后, 都有一个女人. 每个不成功男人的背后, 都有两个。 ●Money is not everything. There's Mastercard & Visa. 钞票不是万能的,有时还需要信用卡。 ● One should love animals. They are so tasty. 每个人都应该热爱动物,因为它们很好吃。 ● Save water. Shower with your girlfriend. 要节约用水,尽量和女友一起洗澡。 ●Every man should marry. After all, happiness is not the only thing in life. 再快乐的单身汉迟早也会结婚,幸福不是永久的嘛。 ●The wise never marry, And when they marry they become otherwise. 聪明人都是未婚的,结婚的人很难再聪明起来。 ●Success is a relative term. It brings so many relatives. 成功是一个相关名词,他会给你带来很多不相关的亲戚(联系)。 ●Love is photogenic. It needs darkness to develop. 爱情就象照片,需要大量的暗房时间来培养。


日常英语口语练习:最喜欢的电影 13. Favorite Movie 13.最喜欢的电影 A: What's your favorite movie? A:你最喜欢的电影是什么? B: "The Grand Budapest Hotel." Why do you ask? B:“布达佩斯大饭店”。你为什么这样问? A: I was wondering what types of movies you liked. A:我想知道你喜欢什么类型的电影。 B: Well, that's my favorite movie, but I like all sorts of movies. B:嗯,那是我最喜欢的电影,但我喜欢各种类型的电影。 A: Oh, okay, but why do you like that movie so much? A:哦,好的,但你为什么那么喜欢那部电影? B: Because it has action, adventure, comedy, and wonderful acting. B:因为它有动作、冒险、喜剧和精彩的表演。 A: How many times would you say you have seen it? A:你会说你看过这部电影几次了? B: Too many to say. I watch it at least twice a month. B:太多次了。我至少两个月看一次。

A: Really, you like it that much? A:真的吗,你那么喜欢它? B: It's a really good movie. You should watch it. B:这真是一部好电影。你应该看看。 A: Could I borrow it? I don't have money to buy it. A:我能够借它看看嘛?我没有钱买。 B: Yes, I could lend you the movie, but be careful with it. B:是的,我能够把这部电影借给你,但是要小心。


电影院的英语日常口语词汇 随着英语的广泛使用,在很多场合我们都会用到英语。相信大家去电影院是每周末的踩点,那么关于电影院的日常口语的词汇都有哪些呢 ?以下是小编给大家整理的电影院的英语日常口语词汇,希望可以帮到大家 电影院 场景词汇 cinema 电影院 cinema box office 电影院售票处 cinema ticket 电影票 screen 银幕 aisle 走道 poster 海报 popcorn 爆米花 fries 薯条 pretzel 椒盐卷饼 gum 口香糖 ketchup 番茄酱 hamburger 汉堡

paper cup 纸杯 junk food 垃圾食品 munchies 零嘴,小吃 你一定要会说的Top 10场景句 1. Let's go to the cinema tonight. 我们今晚去看电影吧。 2. I have three cinema tickets for the new movie.我有三张这部新电影的电影票。 3. He always sits in the aisle seat. 他总是坐在走道的座位上。 4. Can you grab me some popcorn? 你能帮我拿点爆米花吗? 5. This pretzel is so delicious. 这个椒盐卷饼真好吃。 6. Would you like some gum? 你要口香糖吗? 7. I want more ketchup on my fries. 我的薯条多来点番茄酱。 8. I just ate a couple of hamburgers. 我刚吃了两个汉堡。 9. Did you bring any paper cups? 你带纸杯了吗? 10. What junk food can we pig out on? 我们要吃什么零食呢?


关于我喜欢的电影初中英语作文你喜欢看电影吗?你最喜欢的电影是哪一部?下面,橙子帮你整理了关于我喜欢的电影初中英语作文,希望你喜欢! 关于我喜欢的电影初中英语作文篇1 Hello,boys and girls!My name is Jenny.I'm 14-year-old.My birthday is on October 31st.I'm a movie fan.I like action movie and science movie. My favorite actor is Jackie Chan.He is a great action actor. He has many movies . For example.The Around the World is 80 Days,Rob-B-hood and Rush Hour.These movies are very exciting. I really like Rob-B-hood very much, because they are exciting.I like action movie movies very much. 大家好,我叫珍妮,我14岁。我的生日是10月31日。我是一个电影迷。我喜欢动作片和科幻片。我最喜欢的男演员是成龙。他是一个很伟大的动作演员。他演过很多电影。比如,环游世界80天,宝贝计划和尖峰时刻。这些电影都非常的刺激。我真的很喜欢宝贝计划,因为他们是很激动人心的。我非常喜欢动作片。 关于我喜欢的电影初中英语作文篇2 My favorite movie is Mr. & Mrs. Smith, which is played by Julie and Pitt. I appreciate the beauty, the dance with music, and the humorous and so on. 1 / 4


趣味英语口语选修课 随着海南国际旅游岛建设步伐的加快,海南对于掌握基本英语会话人才的需求越来越大。高一阶段是学习操练英语口语,提高口语技能的最佳时段。此阶段,学生充满活力,对于英语学习热情似火。从作者所在学校开设的两个英语口语教学课堂上学生的参与人数和参与态度上大致可以看出学生学习英语口语的高昂情绪。 本选修课的目的在于激发学生英语学习兴趣,培养学生实际语言技能和运用能力。 一、结合实际,自编教材 第一课时:Introduce yourself 开学的第一节课作者一般都会通过自我介绍引导学生学习向他人介绍自己的个人信息、就读学校、兴趣爱好等句型和对话。这一课活动的安排首先是通过教师通过PPT展示自己的个人信息卡片,卡片可以是名片的形式,也可以是一幅色彩斑斓的画。画上的学士帽代表教师的教育,图书和跑道代表教师的兴趣爱好,小人头代表教师的个人信息。教师可以让学生边看图边猜测教师的兴趣爱好,个人信息。然后,教师手指图片内容进行自我介绍师范,并在黑板上板书出使用到的句型。例如:介绍个人信息的句型有, 1 姓名:My name is____. You can call me____. My nickname is____. 2.年龄:I am ___years old. I am___ this year. Ah...It's a secret.

教师带领学生朗读这些句型,并教会学生使用。然后,学生动手绘制自己的个人信息图或填写个人信息卡。完成后,学生通过图画和卡片对自己进行自我介绍。其余同学听并提问。提问过后,进入小组活动环节。学生在组内或与其他小组成员交换个人信息图(卡),并询问他人信息,这时,句型主语换成第二或第三人称。最后,请个别同学上台汇报介绍他们认识的新同学信息,并让其余学生猜测是教室里的哪一位同学,教师根据学生的语音语调,口语流畅程度和反应程度进行打分,评出课堂之星。 二、根据进度,选择内容 第二课时:Festivals in China 选取这一课时的内容时,考虑到学生刚放完寒假回来,对在传统的春节期间的经历仍记忆犹新。选取该话题提起了学生的兴趣。 在学习这一话题的前五分钟,通过头脑风暴的方式帮助学生回顾中西方的传统节日名称。然后通过图片导入中国的传统节日:春节、端午节、中秋节。


low key 低调 I've been back and forth.我犹豫不定。 squeezed juice 鲜榨的果汁 juice with pulp 带果肉的果汁 side effect 副作用 he can't come to the phone now.他现在不能接电话 herbal tea 花草茶 ready for a refill?我再给你倒一杯吧? I love what u have done with this place.我喜欢这里的布置。what was tonight?今晚本来要做什么? I can't feel my hands.我手麻了。 have an affair 外遇 will anyone miss me if i weren't here?我在不在这里有什么区别吗? I saw a lot of stuff.我大开眼界了 call security 通知警卫 dog walker 遛狗的人 does sth. mean squat to u?对你来说sth狗屁不是吗? what's up with the greedy?怎么这么贪啊? work an extra shift 多轮一班 go on, i dare u!有种你就去! u r a freak!你这个**! I sensed it was u.我感觉到是你了 I apologize on behalf of him.我替他道歉。 why are u changing the subject?为什么要转移话题? this is so meant to be!这就是天意! there's no need to place blame.没有指责的必要。 curling iron 卷发机 it's gonna leave a stain。这要留印子的。 I have part of the fault.我也有责任。 distract her with a doll 拿娃娃哄她开心 they are all well received 收到的反响都很好 talk u up 说你的好话 stand firm to 努力坚持 I was just leering 我只是用余光看看 organize my thoughts 整理思绪 get a little preoccupied 事先有事 no way to recover 没有掩饰的机会了 bouncy 活泼 Intern 实习生 mug抢劫 drug dealer 毒贩子 admire your candor你还真胆大

英语口语话题 -topic-movies-电影

Topic-Movies Dec.26 Describe the type of film you most enjoy watching. You should say: what this type is what the characteristics of this type are when you last watched this type and explain why you like this type. Reasons: for fun learn something best way to kill time Type literary film musicals documentary horror movie action animation detective film ethical film western movies Thriller Characteristics comedy 喜剧 tragedy 悲剧 romantic浪漫的 realistic现实的 Heroism英雄主义 adventurous冒险的 inspiring 励志的 mysterious神秘的 Sample response: I have watched an Disney animation called …Tangled? last week. The transcript is adapted by a fairy tale written by Green brothers. This time the 3D version of the story amazed me and reminded me of my childhood fantasy. I like animation because I can find the feeling of …dreams come true? in it. When I was a little child I was na?ve and believed in dreams but now as a grown up I could only realize my childhood dreams by watching animations. Animation can offer me a way to escape from complicated adulthood for a while. 1. What types of film are most popular in China? There's no one type of film which is the most popular in China actually. Chinese audiences like all kinds of film: comedy, tragedy, detective film.etc. I guess new year films are most popular. They're kind of domestic-made big budget films. It has somehow become a cultural phenomenon in China for audiences to cram into the cinema to watch those films specially made for the new year season.


Speaking and listening - Elementary Let’s talk about MOVIES Conversation cards How often do you go to the cinema? Who do you go with? Who’s your favourite actor or actress? Why do you like them? What kind of movies do you like? Why? (e.g. action, horror, sci-fi) What’s the name of the last film you saw? What was it about? What’s the best movie you have ever seen? Explain why. Do you like horror movies? Why (not)? Do you prefer to watch movies at home or in the cinema? Why? Have you ever bought a pirated movie? Do you think it is OK to copy movies? Do you ever rent DVDs? If so, where do you rent them? What is the worst movie you have ever seen? Why was it so bad? Do you watch movies in English or your language? Which do you prefer? Have you ever watched the Academy Awards (Oscars)? If so, did you like it? Why? When you watch an English movie, do you prefer it dubbed or subtitled? Why? Give as many ‘movie words’ as you know. (e.g. film, director, set) Movie stars are often paid millions of dollars. Do you think they deserve this? Explain. Do you ever watch reality TV shows? Do you like them? Why (not)? Would you like to be a famous film star? Why or why not? What kind of snacks or drinks do you have when you go to the movies? Match the titles with the genres 1.Pirates of the Carribean a. animated cartoon 2.Star Trek: The Movie b. horror movie 3.Kung Fu Panda c. war movie 4.Zombies Nightmare d. romantic comedy 5.The Battle of the Bulge e. musical 6.Fatal Attraction f. science fiction 7.Shakespeare in Love g. thriller 8.The Sound of Music h. adventure 9.Die Hard i. action Interview another student Have you ever … ? Y/N (see) a horror movie (eat) popcorn in the cinema (leave) the theatre before the end (rent) a DVD (watch) the Academy Awards (meet) a film star (ask) for an autograph Example: Q: Have you ever seen a horror movie? A: Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.Action !

My favorite movie英语作文-我最喜欢的电影

My favorite movie英语作文-我最喜欢的电影 We should have seen the movie "Nuanchun"! "Grandpa, this is" Nuanchun "left me". "Grandpa, leave me". This is the "spring" in the movie shout touch one deeply in the heart. The flowers grew up a life of life. When she was two years old, her father and mother died, and the little flower became an orphan. A family of people adopted her, but often beat her, scold her, not to eat her meals. In the case of no alternative, the little flower escaped. She ran out of the straw, and was adopted by a good grandfather. In the new family, grandpa is very fond of her, but little aunt but despise her, she wanted to go over and over. But the flowers never said ill aunt. In an unintentionally, listen to aunt said to eat one hundred small grasshopper can have little brother. So, while the flowers every day after school time to catch the grasshopper. She went to the side of the mountain all the mountains, the hand cut, the foot wear swollen, but she still continue to catch. Twenty bottles were used up, to catch one hundred grasshopper. When the front one hundred grasshopper get aunt, aunt Speechless. She held her close to the flower and accepted the flower. From now on, the family had a happy day.


Unit1 Greetings and self-introduction(问候语和自我介绍) Words and expressions(所需掌握的单词和短语) (1)中文名Chinese name(2)英文名English name (3)姓氏Family name(4)名Given name(5)小学primary school(6)中学middle school(7)男孩boy(8)女孩girl(9)成为become(10)水果fruit(11)运动sport (12)街道street(13)爱好hobby(14)梦想dream(15)家庭family(16)家home(17)最喜欢的favourite (18)科目subject(19)颜色colour(20)人们people(21)父母parents(22)将来future(23)绘画drawing (24)唱歌singing(25)跳舞dancing(26)聪明的smart/clever(27)可爱的lovely/cute(28)漂亮的beautiful/pretty (29)好看的good-looking(30)帅气的handsome(31)每件事everything(32)怎样how(33)高兴的glad/pleased (34)生活life(35)介绍introduction Main sentences(主要句型及常用表达) (一)Greetings问候语 A组:双方用语相同 Good morning 早上好/afternoon 下午好/evening晚上好(正午后即为下午,一般没有问候中午好的习惯) Hello./Hi! How do you do ? 用于首次见面,正式场合。 注意:Good night(or Goodnight) 表示晚安, 非问候语 B组:双方一问一答 1.Nice to meet you 很高兴见到你。 ---- Nice to meet you, too见到你我也很高兴。 2. How are you today? 你今天怎样? ----I’m great/fine/not bad/terrible.我好极了/还好/还可以/糟透了。 Thank you,And you?我很好,你呢? 3. How is (your mother)? 你妈妈好吗? ----She is great/very well/fine/not bad, thank you. 她非常好/很好/还好/还可以,谢谢你。 4.Good bye.Goodnight (Good night).See you later/tomorrow/tonight/next week. 再见/晚安/待会儿见/明天见/今晚见/下周见。 ----Good bye. See you. 再见。 5. How are things? 你近来如何? How have you been? 你一直都好吧? What’s the latest? 最近如何? How is everything going? 一切还顺利吗? How is life? 生活过得怎样? ----Much better. 好多了。 Just fine . 还好。 All right.还可以。 Bearing up. 马马虎虎。 6.What are you doing/up to these days? 你近来在忙什么? ----Same as ever/The usual stuff. 还是老样子。 C组:一方表达 1.I’m glad /pleased to meet you here.在这里见到你真高兴。 2.Please say hello to(Tom).请代我向某人问好。 3.How nice to see you!见到你真好。
