

https://www.360docs.net/doc/b312102600.html, 专业的法律咨询平台





×××(写明上诉人的姓名或者名称)因与×××(写明被上诉人的姓名或者名称)以及你(你单位)……(写明案由)一案,不服××××人民法院于××××年××月××日作出的(××××) ……民初……号民事判决/裁定,向本院提起上诉。一审法院已经将一审案卷及上诉状报送本院。经审查,本院决定受理该上诉案件,现将有关事项通知如下:






传票 应诉通知书 送达回证 合议庭通知书(英文翻译)

the court)

People’s Court of(区)District of(城市) Notice of Responding to Action (2014) No.(案号直接用拼音) (受送达人姓名): The Court has accepted the case in which(原告姓名)sues you over the dispute of Labor. Enclosed is a copy of the Complaint. The related matters about responding to action are hereby notified as follows: 1.During process of litigation, the parties are entitled to exercise the litigation rights prescribed by Articles 49, 51, 52 and other articles of the Civil Procedural Law of the People’s Republic of China and must abide by litigation order and perform litigation obligations in the meantime. 2.You shall submit a Statement of Defense (in one original and two copies) to this Court within fifteen days (thirty days for foreign case) after receipt of the copy of the Complaint. 3.Where a party is a legal person or any other organization, the qualification certificate of legal person or any other organization and the identity certificate of its legal representative or principal shall be submitted. Where a party is a natural person, its identity certificate shall be submitted. 4.Where a party appoints an attorney to participate in litigation on its behalf, a Power of Attorney signed or sealed by such party shall be submitted. The Power of Attorney shall clearly state commissioned items and powers in accordance with the Articles 59 of the Civil Procedural Law of the People’s Repu blic of China. Date: September 2, 2014 Sealed by People’s Court of xx District of xx


本科毕业设计(论文) 英文翻译 题目创业平台设计与实现 学生姓名 专业班级网 学号 院(系) 指导教师(职称) 完成时间 2008 年6 月6 日

英文原文 An Overview of Servlet and JSP Technology Gildas Avoine and Philippe Oechslin EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland 1.1 A Servlet's Job Servlets are Java programs that run on Web or application servers, acting as a middle layer between requests coming from Web browsers or other HTTP clients and databases or applications on the HTTP server. Their job is to perform the following tasks, as illustrated in Figure 1-1. Figure 1-1 1.Read the explicit data sent by the client. The end user normally enters this data in an HTML form on a Web page. However, the data could also come from an applet or a custom HTTP client program. 2.Read the implicit HTTP request data sent by the browser. Figure 1-1 shows a single arrow going from the client to the Web server (the layer where servlets and JSP execute), but there are really two varieties of data: the explicit data that the end user enters in a form and the behind-the-scenes HTTP information. Both varieties are critical. The HTTP information includes cookies, information about media types and compression schemes the browser understands, and so on. 3.Generate the results. This process may require talking to a database, executing an RMI or EJB call, invoking a Web service, or computing the response directly. Your real data may be in a relational database. Fine. But your database probably doesn't speak HTTP or return results in HTML, so the Web browser can't talk directly to the database. Even if it could, for security reasons, you probably would not want it to. The same argument applies to most other applications. You need the Web middle layer to extract the incoming data from the HTTP stream, talk to


1. Submitted to Journal 刚提交的状态 2. Manuscript received by Editorial Office 就是你的文章到了编辑手里了,证明投稿成功 3. With editor如果在投稿的时候没有要求选择编辑,就先到主编那,主编会分派给别的编辑。这当中就会有另两个状态: 3.1. Awaiting Editor Assignment指派责任编辑 Editor assigned是把你的文章分给一个编辑处理了。 3.2. Editor Declined Invitation 如果编辑接手处理了就会邀请审稿人了。 4.随后也会有2种状态 4.1. Decision Letter Being Prepared 就是编辑没找审稿人就自己决定了,那根据一般经验,对学生来说估计会挂了1)英文太差,编辑让修改。2)内容太差,要拒了。除非大牛们直接被接收。 4.2. Reviewer(s) invited 找到审稿人了,就开始审稿 5. Under review 这应该是一个漫长的等待。当然前面各步骤也可能很慢的,要看编辑的处理情况。 如果被邀请审稿人不想审,就会decline,编辑会重新邀请别的审稿人。 6. Required Reviews Completed 审稿人的意见已上传,审稿结束,等待编辑决定 7. Evaluating Recommendation 评估审稿人的意见,随后你将收到编辑给你的decision 8. Minor revision/Major revision这个时候可以稍微庆祝一下了,问题不大了,因为有 修改就有可能。具体怎么改就不多说了,谦虚谨慎是不可少的。 9. Revision Submitted to Journal 又开始了一个循环。 10.Accepted 恭喜了 11. Transfer copyright form 签版权协议 12. uncorrected proof 等待你校对样稿 13. In Press, Corrected Proof 文章在印刷中,且该清样已经过作者校对 14. Manuscript Sent to Production 排版 15 in production 出版中


附录A Introduction to database information management system The database is stored together a collection of the relevant data, the data is structured, non-harmful or unnecessary redundancy, and for a variety of application services, data storage independent of the use of its procedures, insert new data on the database, revised, and the original data can be retrieved by a common and can be controlled manner. When a system in the structure of a number of entirely separate from the database, the system includes a "database collection". Database management system is a manipulation and large-scale database management software is being used to set up, use and maintenance of the database. Its unified database management and control so as to ensure database security and integrity. Database management system users access data in the database, the database administrator through Database management system database maintenance work. It provides a variety of functions, allows multiple applications and users use different methods at the same time or different time to build, modify, and asked whether the database. It allows users to easily manipulate data definition and maintenance of data security and integrity, as well as the multi-user concurrency control and the restoration of the database. Using the database can bring many benefits: such as reducing data redundancy, thus saving the data storage space; to achieve full sharing of data resources, and so on. In addition, the database technology also provides users with a very simple means to enable users to easily use the preparation of the database applications. Especially in recent years introduced micro-computer relational database management system , intuitive operation, the use of flexible, convenient programming environment to extensive (generally 16 machine, such as IBM / PC / XT, China Great Wall 0520, and other species can run software), data-processing capacity strong. Database in our country are being more and more widely used, will be a powerful tool of economic management. The database is through the database management system (DBMS-DATA BASE


原文: Planning the Database It is important to plan how the logical storage structure of the database will affect system performance and various database management operations. For example, before creating any tablespaces for your database, you should know how many data files will make up the tablespace,what type of information will be stored in each tablespace, and on which disk drives the datafiles will be physically stored. When planning the overall logical storage of the database structure, take into account the effects that this structure will have when the database is actually created and running. You may have database objects that have special storage requirements due to type or size. In distributed database environments, this planning stage is extremely important. The physical location of frequently accessed data dramatically affects application performance. During the planning stage, develop a backup strategy for the database. You can alter the logical storage structure or design of the database to improve backup efficiency. Backup strategies are introduced in a later lesson. These are the types of questions and considerations, which you will encounter as a DBA, and this course (in its entirety) is designed to help you answer them. Databases: Examples Different types of databases have their own specific instance and storage requirements. Your Oracle database software includes templates for the creation of these different types of databases. Characteristics of these examples are the following: ? Data Warehouse: Store data for long periods and retrieve them in read operations. ? Transaction Processing: Accommodate many, but usually small, transactions. ? General Purpose: Work with transactions and store them for a medium length of time.


单词汇总(数据库专业一点的词汇其实主要就是每章后面review items的内容,在这里简单列一 下,如果你实在没时间看书,至少这些单词要认识。): 1. 数据库系统:database system(DS),database ma nageme nt system(DBMS) 2. 数据库系统(DS),数据库管理系统(DBMS) 3. 关系和关系数据库table= relation,column = attribute 属性,domain, atomic domain, row= tuple , relati onal database, relati on schema, relati on in sta nee, database schema, database in sta nee; 4. 表=关系,列=属性属性,域,原子域,排=元组,关系型数据库,关系模式,关系实例,数 据库模式,数据库实例; 1. key 们:super key, can didate key, primary key, foreig n key, referencing relati on, referen ced relati on; 2. 超码,候选码,主码,外码,参照关系,被参照关系 5. 关系代数(relational algebra): selection, project, natural join, Cartesian product, set operations, union, in tersect, set differe nee ( except\m in us), Ren ame, assig nment, outer join, group ing, tuple relati on calculus 6. (关系代数):选择,项目,自然连接,笛卡尔积,集合运算,集,交集,集合差(除负), 重命名,分配,外连接,分组,元组关系演算 7. sql组成: DDL :数据库模式定义语言,关键字:create DML :数据操纵语言,关键字:Insert、delete、update DCL :数据库控制语言,关键字:grant、remove DQL :数据库查询语言,关键字:select 8. 3. SQL 语言:DDL,DML,DCL,QL,sql query structure, aggregate functions, nested subqueries, exists(as an operator), uni que(as an operator), scalar subquery, asserti on, in dex(i ndices), catalogs, authorization, all privileges, granting, revoking , grant option, trigger, stored procedure, stored fun cti on 4. SQL语言:DDL,DML,DCL,QL,SQL查询结构,聚合函数,嵌套子查询,存在(如运 营商),独特的(如运营商),标量子查询,断言指数(指数) ,目录,授权,所有权限,授 予,撤销,GRANT OPTION,触发器,存储过程,存储函数 8. 表结构相关:Integrity constraints, domain constraints, referential integrity constraints 9. 完整性约束,域名约束,参照完整性约束 5. 数据库设计(ER 模型):Entity-Relationship data model, ER diagram, composite attribute, sin gle-valued and multivalued attribute, derived attribute, binary relati on ship set, degree of relati on ship set, mapp ing card in ality, 1-1, 1-m, m-n relati on ship set (one to one, one to many, many to many), participati on, partial or total participati on, weak en tity sets, discrim in ator attributes, specialization and generalization 6. 实体关系数据模型,ER图,复合属性,单值和多值属性,派生属性,二元关系集,关系集, 映射基数的程度,1-1,1-米,MN关系集合(一对一,一对多,多对多) ,参与部分或全部参与,弱实体集,分辨符属性,特化和概化 10. 函数依赖理论:functional dependence, normalization, lossless join (or lossless) decomposition, First Normal Form (1NF), the third normal form (3NF), Boyce-codd normal form (BCNF), R satisfies F, F


1Journal ofAppliedPsycholog 2 Academy of Management Journala 3 Administrative Science Quarterlya 4 Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processesa 198 5 6.69 5 Strategic Management Journala 1980 6.37 6 Academy of Management Reviewa 1976 6.37 7 Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 1965 3.43 8 Psychological Bulletin 1904 3.06 9 Personnel Psychologya 1948 2.43 10 Harvard Business Reviewa 1922 2.21 11 Human Relationsa 1947 2.13 12 Industrial and Labor Relations Reviewa 1947 2.11 13 Journal of International Business Studiesa 1970 2.06 14 Management Science 1954 2.03 15 American Sociological Review 1936 2.01 16 Research in Organizational Behaviora 1979 1.95 17 Journal of Managementa 1975 1.95 18 American Economic Review 1911 1.79 19 American Journal of Sociology 1895 1.39 20 Psychological Review 1894 1.21 21 Journal of Political Economy 1892 1.09 22 Journal of Financial Economics 1974 1.07 23 California Management Reviewa 1958 1.07 24 Journal of Vocational Behavior 1971 1.05 25 Long Range Planninga 1968 1.04 26 American Psychologist 1946 0.91 27 Journal of Management Studies 1964 0.87 28 Organization Science 1990 0.81


应诉通知书英语 篇一:应诉通知书英文 篇一:传票应诉通知书送达回证合议庭通知书(英文翻译) thecourt) people’scourtof(区)districtof(城市)noticeofrespondingto action (20XX)no.(案 号直接用拼音)(受送达人姓名): 1.duringprocess oflitigation,thepartiesareentitledtoexercisethelitigationrightsprescribed byarticles49,51,52andotherarticlesofthecivilprocedurallawofthepeople’srepublicofchinaandmustabidebylitigationorderandperformlitigation obligationsinthemeantime. 3.whereaparty isalegalpersonoranyotherorganization,thequalificationcertificateoflegal personoranyotherorganizationandtheidentitycertificateofitslegal representativeorprincipalshallbesubmitted.whereapartyisanaturalperson, itsidentitycertificateshallbesubmitted. date:september2,20XX sealedbypeople’

scourtofxxdistrictofxx people’scourtofxxdistrictofxxcity noticetoproduce evidence (举证通知书) (20)no. (案号直接拼音) :(送达人姓名) accordingtothe civilprocedurallawofthepeople’srepublicofchinaandtheseveralprovisions ofthesupremepeoplescourtonevidencesforcivilactions, themattersof producingevidenceswillnotifyasfollowing: 1.underthe circumstanceofplaintifffilingsueordefendantfilingcounterclaim,theparty shallsubmitthecorrespondingmaterialswhichadheretheconditionoffilingsue . thedefendantshallprovidewrittendefensepriortotheexpirationoftheperiod ofsubmissionofdefense.thewrittendefenseclarifiestheopinionaboutthe plaintiff’sclaimandthesupportedfactsandreasons. 2.youare responsibleforproducingevidencestoprovethefactsonwhichyourclaimsareb


单词汇总(数据库专业一点的词汇其实主要就是每章后面review items的内容,在这里简单列一下,如果你实在没时间看书,至少这些单词要认识。): 1.数据库系统:database system(DS),database management system(DBMS) 2.数据库系统(DS),数据库管理系统(DBMS) 3.关系和关系数据库table= relation,column = attribute属性,domain, atomic domain, row= tuple, relational database, relation schema, relation instance, database schema, database instance; 4.表=关系,列=属性属性,域,原子域,排=元组,关系型数据库,关系模式,关系实例,数 据库模式,数据库实例; 1.key们: super key, candidate key, primary key, foreign key, referencing relation, referenced relation; 2.超码,候选码,主码,外码,参照关系,被参照关系 5.关系代数(relational algebra):selection, project, natural join, Cartesian product, set operations, union, intersect, set difference ( except\minus), Rename, assignment, outer join, grouping, tuple relation calculus 6.(关系代数):选择,项目,自然连接,笛卡尔积,集合运算,集,交集,集合差(除\负), 重命名,分配,外连接,分组,元组关系演算 7. sql组成: DDL:数据库模式定义语言,关键字:create DML:数据操纵语言,关键字:Insert、delete、update DCL:数据库控制语言,关键字:grant、remove DQL:数据库查询语言,关键字:select 8. 3.SQL语言:DDL,DML,DCL,QL,sql query structure, aggregate functions, nested subqueries, exists(as an operator), unique(as an operator), scalar subquery, assertion, index(indices), catalogs, authorization, all privileges, granting, revoking, grant option, trigger, stored procedure, stored function 4.SQL语言:DDL,DML,DCL,QL,SQL查询结构,聚合函数,嵌套子查询,存在(如运 营商),独特的(如运营商),标量子查询,断言指数(指数),目录,授权,所有权限,授予,撤销,GRANT OPTION,触发器,存储过程,存储函数 9.表结构相关:Integrity constraints, domain constraints, referential integrity constraints 10.完整性约束,域名约束,参照完整性约束 5.数据库设计(ER 模型):Entity-Relationship data model, ER diagram, composite attribute, single-valued and multivalued attribute, derived attribute,binary relationship set, degree of relationship set, mapping cardinality,1-1, 1-m, m-n relationship set (one to one, one to many, many to many), participation, partial or total participation, weak entity sets, discriminator attributes, specialization and generalization 6.实体关系数据模型,ER图,复合属性,单值和多值属性,派生属性,二元关系集,关系集, 映射基数的程度,1-1,1-米,MN关系集合(一对一,一对多,多对多),参与部分或全部参与,弱实体集,分辨符属性,特化和概化 11.函数依赖理论:functional dependence, normalization, lossless join (or lossless) decomposition, First Normal Form (1NF), the third normal form (3NF), Boyce-codd normal form (BCNF), R satisfies F, F holds on R, Dependency preservation保持依赖, Trivial, closure of a set of functional dependencies函数依赖集的闭包, closure of a set of attributes属性集闭包,


最高人民法院关于涉外诉讼授权委托公证 认证 最高人民法院关于涉外诉讼授权委托公证认证。 一、根据最高人民法院历次的有关批复,通过外交途径送达的诉讼文书,仍由中级人民法院报送高级人民法院审查后迳送外交部领事司。 二、送达挪威方面的起诉状副本除中文本外,可以附送原告提供的英文译本。 三、在送达起诉状副本时,应同时送达《应诉通知书》、《法定代表人身份证明书》、《授权委托书》、《送达回证》等法律文书。经与外交部联系,按照互惠原则,通过外交途径送达挪威方面的法律文书,在送达法律文书的同时应附送英文译本。 四、根据《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法(试行)》第一百九十条的规定,外国当事人进行诉讼,必须向人民法院提交中文诉讼文书,有关的外文书证,均应附有

中文译本。 五、根据《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法(试行)》第一百九十一条的规定,外国企业和组织在人民法院起诉、应诉,委托律师代理诉讼的,必须委托中华人民共和国的律师。 不在我国领域内居住的外国人、外国企业寄给中国律师或者中国公民的《授权委托书》,外国企业《法定代表人身份证明书》均必须经所在国公证机关证明,并经我国驻该国使、领馆认证,才具有效力。如此,还应要求外籍法人提交法人资格证明。 外国人、外国企业法定代表人委托中国律师和中国公民以外的任何人代理诉讼的,人民法院视该《授权委托书》无效。 六、你院随文送审的《应诉通知书》等中、英文样式,可以试用。但《应诉通知书》中第四条第二款应删去,或修改为“你方如需要委托中国公民代为诉讼的,一经确定具体人选,即应填写《授权委托书》,须经你国公证机关公证和我国驻你国使、领馆认证,才具有效

力。” 来源于https://www.360docs.net/doc/b312102600.html,/html/gzrzxgzl/5985.html


应诉通知书是什么 篇一:开庭程序 流程 审:现在开庭。根据《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》第一百二十三条第二款之规定,下面核对当事人身份。原告,你讲一下你的姓名,出生年月,工作和住址 原告:宣礼扬,1980年11月11日出生,工人,住在合肥市经济技术开发区九龙路66号审:原告代理人,讲一下你的姓名、身份,代理权限 原代:吴玲,安徽省天禾律师事务所律师,特别授权代理,代为承认、放弃、变更诉讼请求,起诉、调解、和解、调解,代收法律文书。审:请书记员将刘某娟的律师执业证提交法庭审查。下面由我宣读原告的授权委托书、安徽省田禾律师事务所出的函。 审:被告及其法定代理人讲一下你的姓名,住址,职位 法表:蓝旗超市有限公司,法定代表人齐晓静,蓝旗超市总经理 审:被告代理人,讲一下你的姓名、身份,代理权限 被代:李桂兰,安徽省徽商律师事务所律师,特别授权代理,代为承认、放弃、变更诉讼请求,起诉、调解、和解、调解,代收法律文书。审:请书记员将刘某娟的律师执业证提交法庭审查。下面由我宣读原告的授权委托书、安徽省田禾律师事务所出的函。根据民事诉讼法的

规定,当事人在法庭上享有申请回避的权利,有举证、质证,请求调解,进行辩论和最后陈述的权利,原告有权放弃诉讼请求。同时根据最高人民法院关于民事诉讼的若干规定,当事人在庭审当中变更或者增加诉讼请求应当在举证期限届满之前提出,反诉也是如此。同时,当事人对提出的请求或者反驳应当提供证据。上述诉讼权利和义务在应诉通知书和庭前证据交换阶段已书面告知了当事人。当事人是否清楚? 原告:清楚 被告:清楚 审:今天本院依法适用简易程序,公开审理原告宣礼扬诉被告蓝旗超市有限公司买卖合同纠纷一案。由本院法官贺国萃即本人独任审判,书记员朱曼姝担任记录。有关法庭组成人员在庭前以书面通知了当事人,当事人对法庭组成人员是否申请回避? 原告:不申请回避 被告:不申请回避 审:现在进行法庭调查阶段。首先由原告陈述起诉的事实、理由和诉讼请求。 原告:20XX年11月11日,蓝旗超市搞促销活动,我就到超市买了20个光富牌塑料水杯,回家后往水杯里倒入开水,闻到一股异味,后来学着提示的操作方法把水杯放在微波炉中加热,有一股刺鼻味道。我怀疑水杯的材质有问题,就送到合肥市质量技术监督局进行检测,检测报告认定光富牌塑料水杯的材质是聚苯乙烯,并不是标签上


校定著名中文期刊目录 (经校学术委员会2002.5.15日全体会议审定通 过,共计226种) 英文名 Acta Mathematica Sinica Acta Mathematica Sinica Applied Mathematics:A Journal of Chinese Universities(Series B) Applied Mathematics A Journal of Chinese Universities (Ser.A) Mathematica Numerica Sinica Journal of Computational Mathematics Advances In Mathematics Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences Journal of Systems Science and Complexity Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B Chinese Annals of Mathematics Acta Mathematica Scientia Acta Mathematica Scientia Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition Numerical Mathematics A Journal of Chinese Universities Numerical Mathematics:A Journal of Chinese Universities (English Series) Journal of Mathematics Mathematica Applicata Chinese Journal of Semiconductors Acta Acustica Chinese Journal of Acoustics High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics Nuclear Fusion and Plasma Physics Acta Optica Sinica

2018-上海法院涉外案件委托手续-实用word文档 (9页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 上海法院涉外案件委托手续 篇一:最高人民法院关于立案后有关涉外诉讼文书及送达问题的批复 最高人民法院关于立案后有关涉外诉讼文书及送达问题的批复最高人民法院 最高人民法院关于立案后有关涉外诉讼文书及送达问题的批复 1983年12月15日,最高人民法院 上海市高级人民法院: 你院(83)沪高法办字第144号文收悉,现就有关问题答复如下: 一、根据最高人民法院历次的有关批复,通过外交途径送达的诉讼文书,仍由 中级人民法院报送高级人民法院审查后迳送外交部领事司。 二、送达挪威方面的起诉状副本除中文本外,可以附送原告提供的英文译本。 三、在送达起诉状副本时,应同时送达《应诉通知书》、《法定代表人身份证 明书》、《授权委托书》、《送达回证》等法律文书。经与外交部联系,按照 互惠原则,通过外交途径送达挪威方面的法律文书,在送达法律文书的同时应 附送英文译本。 四、根据《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法(试行)》第一百九十条的规定,外国 当事人进行诉讼,必须向人民法院提交中文诉讼文书,有关的外文书证,均应 附有中文译本。 五、根据《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法(试行)》第一百九十一条的规定,外 国企业和组织在人民法院起诉、应诉,委托律师代理诉讼的,必须委托中华人 民共和国的律师。 不在我国领域内居住的外国人、外国企业寄给中国律师或者中国公民的《授权 委托书》,外国企业《法定代表人身份证明书》均必须经所在国公证机关证明,并经我国驻该国使、领馆认证,才具有效力。如此,还应要求外籍法人提交法 人资格证明。
