



校园活动英语作文高中篇1The day was empty and empty. A new activity is about to begin.

We are in class two, grade five and six grade class a contestant to the specified location, only to hear a whistle, the players quickly spun rope, one arm shake continually, the rope like obedient rabbit in the air across a and a beautiful arc, at this moment, my heart tightly, as if also with the rope back and beating.

Look! Zhang was focused, emotionally stable, and looked ahead, knowing that he was the winner. Unfortunately, the rope was too short, and zhang da lei was so tall that he just jumped over 50 and beat the rooster in the battle. A stone in my heart was immediately lifted. At wang bo, the rope in his hand was as quick and light as a snake on the ground, and if he listened quietly, he seemed to hear a slight cry on the ground. Oh! She jumped a hundred and four and she was already flushed and sweaty. Oh, no! She was unwell and

defeated. At this time, our class is only left to be more than one person, he really is worthy of our class of sports and health! My heart "thumping..." I couldn't wait to give him a hand. Then I saw that the teacher standing behind him had put out four fingers. It was a long time. It must be four hundred! I saw him, light as a swallow, a beautiful arc flying past his feet, the teacher's hand was increasing, my heart was much calmer. In this way, the wonderful performance was only a blink of an eye and the game was over.

校园活动英语作文高中篇2Today's campus is a sea of joy; Today's campus is a boiling campus; Today we are the happy angels; Today's mood is happiness. On the campus, there is a festive atmosphere everywhere, and the students have passed a happy and memorable food festival with the well-organized teachers.

See, on the temporary operating table of desk of desk of desk, there is a lot of students busy figure: a time, the pot of dish of dish of dish of dish of dish of dish, shout the sound to become a piece. All kinds of food full of beautiful things in eyes: have delicious chicken wings, fruity watermelon, sweet and delicious grapes, cool and refreshing cucumber slices, and

my fruit platter "small alarm clock" do good, oh. The students, with all the delicacies prepared by themselves, gleefully showed off their work to the students. I had more than 10 of my chicken wings in my group, and I was happy to see them enjoying my delicious food.



校园活动英语作文高中篇3In the sports section of the semester, all the students sign up for the competition. I'm also itching to sign up for the jump rope race.

On the day of the sports day, the first is sit-ups. Accompanied by chants appeared a team -- -- -- -- -- they are sit-ups "master", although they assumed a defiant

appearance, actually they are "rookie". Our class easily won the championship. Then there was the running race, and the little bolt was ready. Although our class of running masters is the top of the class, there is a hill outside the mountain, there is a building outside the building. We had a better team than we did, and our class was almost completely wiped out. And then there was the long jump, because the project was the strength of our class, so we easily won the championship.

The jump rope race started, and I came in. The students all cheered me on, and I confidently went to the playing field with my classmates. With the teacher's password, I jumped up like a whirlwind, and the sound of the string echoed in my ears.

I was way ahead in the beginning. After a while, I wanted to see how the students in the neighborhood jumped.


写生活的高中英语作文4篇 写生活的高中英语作文一 Today was the first day of my new life. I looked at my new books and checked everything for the new school year. I was excited as well as worried. 今天是我新生活的第一天,我翻看我的新课本,检查了新学年的一切。我既激动又担心。 Entering new school, I was curious about everything, new classrooms, new teachers, new classmates etc. It would be a new start for each student. And what I was worried about is that I had no friends here. I wondered if no liked to play with me. Were the teachers strict with students? 进入新的学校,我对所有事情都很好奇,新的教室,新的老师,新的同学等等。这对每个学生来说都是一个新的开始。我所担心的是在这没有朋友。我想知道是不是没有人喜欢和我玩。老师对学生是不是很严厉? I fell relaxed when the teacher asked me, What else could I help you, freshman?. I found that the teachers were kind and polite, and the classmates around me were friendly. While I was thinking about how to get on well with my classmates, my desk mate showed


对高中生活的感受英语作文 我既激动又担心。 进入新的学校,我对所有事情都很好奇,新的教室,新的老师,新的同学等等。 这对每个学生来说都是一个新的开始。 我所担心的是在这没有朋友。 我想知道是不是没有人喜欢和我玩。 老师对学生是不是很严厉?当老师问我:“我能够帮你什么吗,新同学?的时候,我一下子觉得放松了。 我发现老师很善良很有礼貌,周围的同学也很友善。 正当我想着怎样和同学相处的时候,我的同桌给我看他最爱的Ipad4s。 他想和我一起玩,但是我不知道怎么玩,于是他就耐心的教我,然后我们就开心的玩起来。 忧虑已经消失了,幸福即将来临。 他们是我高中生活的阳光。 在高一的时候我遇到了我最好的朋友。 她是一个女孩,有着一条长长的腿,白皙的皮肤和小小的脸蛋。 她比同身高的女生都要宽的宽宽的肩膀让我印象深刻。 她很善良,对我就像是她妹妹一样。 我不在学校宿舍住,但是她在。

所以,中午我和她一起睡。 有时候我们会争吵,但我们都自我反省,之后我们的关系很快就会恢复了。 当我们高二的时候,我搬到学校宿舍住,很快我就觉得不舒服。 她照顾我,让我感到很温暖。 在我看来,她不止是朋友,也是家人。 至于我的老师,我最喜欢的老师是我的化学老师。 她是一个女老师,总是挂着甜美的微笑,她不是很高,但她在我的心里却是伟大的形象。 我曾经因为考试不及格而和她聊天。 她是一个离了婚的女人;然而,她却像钢铁一样坚强,和她的女儿过着幸福的生活。 我很欣赏拥有一颗坚强的心的人,也许是因为我想成为一个永远乐观,不轻易被打败的人。 她说道。 在我的人生中高中记忆是我一段宝贵的记忆。 遇见他们,我的阳光是我的运气。 很多人说,除了无聊的学习和无止境的练习根本就没有乐趣可言。 然而,作为一名高中生,我不同意他们的说法。 在我看来,我的高中生活充实而又快乐。 不能否认,学习是我的首要任务,去必须把握大部分的时间和经


经典爱情英语作文范文大全: 错过季节,错过了你 Network, a magical world, fantasy and reality, be true and false of space, love is everywhere. A computer, a mouse, a cable that connect the whole world. Because of the magic, let never knew that the world has a he met her two people because of the network, the exclamation of magic at the same time also more sure that everything is god's will is destiny. From the initial strange with alert, from the initial curiosity with doubt; From the initial goodwill with habit; From the initial touched with the heart; From the initial move with expectation; From the initial expectations with fear; From the initial panic with confusion; From the initial confusion with desire; From the initial desire with escape; From the initial to escape with a yearning; From the original to yearn for with struggle; From the initial tangle with tears; From the initial cry with choices; From the initial choice with down, along the way are not trying to do, all feelings are fate, but also because very easygoing, also missed the season in the flower bloom missed you. His heavy said: 'people live a lifetime is not easy, meet true love more not easy, why can't we just live together? All the mistakes so many men and women, why can't we? In order to you, I can give up everything, as long as we can together. ' Who shakes her head and said: 'not can chat together would fit together, not suitable for together can live together. Everyone has their own responsibility, since didn't meet at the right time, in the wrong time is a sigh. ' He said: "silly wench, I wait for you, although have been waiting for more than two years, but I will continue to wait for you, wait until you are willing to and I together.



书面表达简汇 1.[安徽省皖南八校2014届高三第三次联考] 最近,某英文杂志社举办征文活动,请你结合下面这幅图的内容写一篇短 文进行投稿.内容应包括: 1.描述图画内容; 2.揭示图画所反映的社会问题; 3.谈谈你的看法 注意:词数120左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数. As is shown in the picture, with rain pouring, an old lady falls down. A passer-by is hesitating over whether to support her with his hand or not. Behind this picture goes a message that some passers-by don ’t offer to help the old when coming across this situation. They probably fear that they are wrongly accused of knocking them down and even pay compensation . Were I this passer-by, I would do her a favor. Respecting the old is our Chinese traditional virtue . Not only can we bring out the best of our loving hearts and good morals, but we can also live in harmony with each other. Moreover, if we are unwilling to help those in trouble, we might be ignored in time of emergency. 2.【蚌埠二中2015届高三12月月考】 目前,很多中学生热衷于读网络小说而对中国的传统诗歌不予重视。假如你是高中生李华,请根据下列提示,给某英语报社写封信,表达你的看法。 1.热衷于网络小说的原因; 2.不喜欢中国传统诗词的原因; 3.你的建议。 Dear Editor, I am writing to tell you about the unhealthy reading habits of our teenagers. Today, many teenagers are especially addicted to reading Internet novels. As a result, they are always being poisoned by the unhealthy contents of the novels, such as sex, violence or murder. However, they show little interest in classic Chinese poems. They believe that these poems are of little or no 完全倒倒装的虚


大学校园生活英语作文 Every coin has two sides. On the one hand, I am quite satisfied with my university life. On the other hand, life in my university is not as satisfactory as what we had expected. Here is the bright side of my university life: Firstly, Equipment of my university is advanced and teacher team is powerful. There is an advanced library that owns all kinds of books. So we can acquire a lot of knowledge from my university. Secondly, all sorts of lectures are given on campus. We can learn much knowledge that is interesting. Thirdly, my campus activities are rich and colorful. Such as sports meets, speech contests, different social gatherings and dancing parties provide opportunities to make friends. What’s more, my dormitory life is very harmonious. Dormitory life is an important part of my university life. On the one hand, we can have a good rest and put our heart into study. On the other hand, we will have a good mood and enjoy being together. This is the dark side of my university life:Firstly, there is only one dining room in my university. So we often need to wait in a long line, which waste much time. Everyday is always fixed cuisine types, which make our appetites depressed. Secondly, self-study room is not enough. Now we will soon take final exam. So it is difficult to find a self-study room. What’s more, network of my university is very unstable. It is difficult to search literature in my dormitory, which waste too much time.In short, I am quite satisfied with my university life, but there is still some room for improvement. I am convinced that my university life will become better and better.

高三满分英语作文:校园生活Campus Life

高三满分英语作文:校园生活Campus Life early in senior high school, we longed to be enrolled in a university. now the dream has come true. but how do we college students like our campus life? certainly, some relish it, finding it colorful and rewarding. besides study, they spend considerable amount of time improving themselves in various aspect. yet others do not think much of their college life, thus do not benefit as much. in their eyes, the university is just a bigger high school. the only difference is that they have more time at their disposal without parents looking over their shoulder. as to me, college life is ideal if only i have abundant books to read, some bosom friends to keep me company, a couple of conscientious professors to instruct me, and an easy access to the internet. 早在高中,我们就渴望进入大学。现在梦想成真了。但是我们大学生喜欢我们的校园生活吗? 当然,有些人喜欢它,觉得它丰富多彩,很有回报。除了学习,他们还花了大量的时间在各个方面提高自己。然而,其他人对他们的大学生活不怎么重视,因此也没有那么多的益处。在他


Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese. 假如你是明启中学的李华,你的朋友李楠给你写了一封信,告诉你他要开发一个新的APP,用这个软件共享衣服,想要征集大家的看法,你是否愿意共享你的衣服,给出理由(信的格式已给)。 Dear Linan I have received your letter and known that you are going to develop an App which enables us to share our clothes.I'm writing to express some opinions about it. Personally,I think it a good idea to exchange our clothes with others. My reasons are as follows. To begin with, it is environmentally-friendly to share our clothes. Some people are crazy about buying new clothes which costs a huge amount of money. Not only can sharing clothes help them save money but also it reduces much unnecessary waste. Furthermore, those who use this App will acquire knowledge and skills to match clothes, making them more attractive. Once they look more pretty, they will be praised by others around them so that they become more confident and positive towards life. Last but not least, many users are likely to make friends through the App. All in all,I am in favour of your idea and I firmly believe that this App will bring us lots of convenience and people will benefit a lot from it. Yours sincerely Lihua


写校园的英语作文 【篇一:关于学校介绍的英语作文】 关于学校介绍的英语作文 4.请谈谈你对你学校的感觉等.. (在哪自己写吧).first here is our favourite place our beautifui garden many trees and many flowers in it. then you can go into it .now,you know why we love it right .we can write red and chat in it. i think my school is one of the best schools in the world.because we have good teachers good students and everything is beautiful. i like it, every at it likes it. 【篇二:英语作文介绍我们的学校】 welcome to our school! our school is the key middle school in this city. now we are in the front gate. entry in this school, you can see there is a big football playground on the left and a big resturant on the right. if you’re hungry, you can have something good in there. the grand teaching building is right behind the football playground. we spend most time in the classrooms. behind the teaching building, there is a little lake with many fish in it. oh, there is also a nice library next to the lake. after the class, we can entry the library freely to read the books we like. t his is our school. don’t you think it’s great? 欢迎来到我们学校! 我们中学是这所城市的重点中学。现在我们来到了学校的正大门。进入到这所学校,你可以看到在校园的左边有个很大的足球场,右边有个很大的餐厅。如果你饿了,你可以去餐厅吃些好吃的东西。巨大的教学楼就在足球场后面。我们的大多数时间都待 在教室里。在教学楼后面,有个小小的湖泊,很多鱼在水里游。噢,对了,小湖泊的旁边还有个图书馆。下课的时候,我们可以进去读自己喜欢的书籍。这就是我们的学校。你不认为这很棒吗? 【篇三:中考英语作文校园生活类范文】 3-18岁纯英式素质教育领航者:纯英式资深外教,纯英式国际领先教材,纯英式学习环境! 优尼全能英语:中考英语作文校园生活类范文 多彩校园


高中英语作文我的学校范文3篇 高中英语作文我的学校范文一:My School I am in NO.2 Middle School. I love my school . There are more than 1,500 students in our school. We have math, English, Chinese, music, art ,P.E and so on. Our teachers are friendly to us . Although they are strict with us on all subjects, we love them very much. In class, they teach us knowledges, after class, they often play games with us. Such as football, Ping-pong, volleyball. I usually join Art Club or Sports Club after school. I think I am happy every day in the school. So I love it. 高中英语作文我的学校范文二:My ideal school I hope my ideal school starts at 8.30 a.m. because l like to get up late. I hope my ideal school finishes at 4.30 p.m. So l can have lots of time to have a rest and do some after school activities. My ideal school is very large, it has three tall buildings , a big dining hall,a tennis court,,a big playground and a park. We have an hour for lunch, we can eat delicious food and chat with each other in the big dining hall.

关于校园生活的英语作文__My school life

My school life There is no doubt that almost all students dislike school life,but everyone has the responsibility to end the the examination-oriented education. I am a student who study in a school which is located in Yongchang. I was admitted into this beautiful school. I still remember the day when I first went to school. In my eyes, everything was pretty. I get on well with my classmates and teachers. Since I went to this school, I think of my teachers as my best friends like leaves and flowers. I never look upon them as others. It is reason why I often question my teachers on some problems is that I love them. When I am trouble and lose heart, they always help me settle these problems.Of course, I am also satisfied with their education. I have a lot of friends who can make me try to form them good study habits. Because of that, I often get up early and try my best to study well. I also like you that I have favorite subject, also have dislike subject. I prefer learning English to learning others. It is easily of me to learn this lesson, I often get an "A" in the exam. In my In my opinion,In the future work, the English study also play an important role. I do not like Chinese because it is so boring that I can't stand


2011-2012第二学期2009级L《交际英语》作文试卷 学院:会计学院姓名:张云锐 专业班级:2009级会计(5)学号:20094041506 任课教师:李冬艳得分: Campus life Three years of university life will soon be over. In these three years. I deeply feel the university campus life is good and full. University campus life in general can be divided into several areas. First, and most important, it is the university taught in various disciplines. The reason why we have to university, the most important task is to learn. Learn all kinds of knowledge for our future work of great help. Secondly, it is the study of our campus life. University life relative to the high school life very much. We could command more time to entertainment. We can have more time to develop our hobbies. Then, in the university campus life, we can also know a lot of friends. Not only confined to their class. Because in the University, we will participate in various activities. Through these activities, we will meet many good friends. These friendships in the future are our fortune. Finally, the university life let me understand many principles. It makes me understand a man to bear responsibility. In later life, need to face all kinds of things. But also to understand his parents' intentions. Understand their toil. Through the above facts, we preliminarily know university campus life. All these States, that our university campus life is very full. However, there are a lot of students do not think so. We are all through the university entrance exam to enter the University. In high school, every day we are all in the ongoing efforts of learning. Parents in the spare time for us to arrange the various classes in high school. So, we can say that there is no spare time. To university, no one on our constraint and discipline. We do what you want to do. Don't consider things occurred as a consequence. In the course of time, most students have formed a mental laziness. Mainly in, lazy, every day in the room to play computer games have nothing to do and so on. These bad habits may destroy our life. Therefore, we must make good use of their spare time to enrich them. Let him in the social development in the future. Have enough knowledge and development space. To make a long story short, university campus life is wonderful. University campus life is a precious experience. University campus life will be our most beautiful memories.


1. 成功的四个步骤 Four Steps to a Successful Four Steps to a Successful The first time in life? Then grasp your chance with your perfect performance on the dating night, by learning the following principle in heart. Dress properly. While everyone wants to give an impressive debut on the first date, you should avoid wearing something too bizarre to be accepted. If you are still in school, a sportswear can fulfill your purpose. For businessman or grownups, casual clothes are recommended. Never put up your working uniforms,no matter how well you like that Armani suit. It is no work. A few accessories such as a pair of sunglasses or silver loops on the wrist can add up to the romance sphere. Take a bath before dating. And if you like, spray a little perfume, but unless you're sure that he or she likes the smell,don't use ones that are too strong. Watch your manner. You're no prince of the Scotland nor Cinderella in the legend. Proper manners will ensure a lasting relationship while bad ones scare away your sweetheart. And do make sure you do not boast about your fortune, for, not everyone are green addicts. And your way of smiling, or your greatestoath, should neither be "coy" nor "by St. Loy!" after the nun in Chaucer. Be a little sensitive than merely innocent. Do make sure you do not intrude his or her privacy on the first date. For there maybe something deeply concealed within the inner core of every heart, of which the owner doesn't share often with anyone but his intimacy. Finally, wish you good luck. May you get your hearts combined and start a new journey in the miracle of life and love. Stay tuned till a borderline is reached, and keep on through out the whole way. 简评 看来第一次约会真是令人兴奋并紧张期待的。为第一次约会所提出的建议也是仁者见仁、智者见智。王永同学用词简单、结构精炼,读起来节奏快,例如:“Dress Properly....If you are still in school,a sportswear can fulfill your purpose.For businessman Orgrowmups,casual clothes are recommended.”这样的文章结构像是在提醒我们时不我待,要抓住机会,抓紧时间。 2. 我的宿舍生活My Dormitory Life


高考英语作文范文:校园活动 假如你叫李华,是校报的一名英语小记者。请根据下面的写作提纲,为校报的英语专栏写一篇稿件,介绍你上周六去动物救助中心的公益活动的情况。 1.参加活动的时间、地点和主要经过; 2.参加这项活动的感受。 注意:词数100左右。 词汇试题:动物救助中心---Animal Rescue Center;流浪---stray 【参考范文】 Last Saturday I joined a voluntary activity which was organized by the students' union of our school. My classmates and I took a bus and went to the Animal Rescue Center in our city, where some stray dogs and cats are kept. As soon as we arrived, the workers told us how these animals were collected and what they did to help them. Then we were divided into small groups and helped them clean the cages. We were given some food to feed these animals. I learned a lot from this activity. Animals need our care and attention, so we should devote our time to taking care of them. 试题二 假如你是李华。你们学校最近开通了英语广播站,旨在让同学们提升英语水平。现在请你以广播站播音员的身份,用英语写一篇英文播音稿,号召同学们收听。 要点:1. 自我介绍;



学校的活动英语作文 【篇一:英语四级作文范文:校园活动】 英语四级作文范文:校园活动 题目要求:directions: write a composition entitled campus activities. you should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in chinese: 1. 校园活动多种多样; 2. 参加校园活动的好处。 参考范文:campus activities campus activities have been organized in many universities and colleges.these activities range from academie to recreational,such as academic reports, speech contests, poet’s club, painting clubs、singing and dancing groups, etc. these activities provide students with two major advantages. first of all, t hey play a positive role in improving students’ studies. due to their heavy schedules, students are often buried in textbooks and seldom expose themselves to a colorful life. but the various activities provide opportunities for them to relax themselves and eich their minds. in addition, the activities also serve students living in the “ivory tower” more chances to get in touch with society. from these activities, the participants have to leave the classroom and get to know the society. all these offer an important means for students to broaden their horizons. by .participating in campus activities, they have fulfilled
