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部编版二年级下册全部古诗(含译文) 古诗(一) 村居 【清】高鼎 草长莺飞二月天, 拂堤杨柳醉春烟。 儿童散学归来早, 忙趁东风放纸鸢。 【译文】 农历二月,村子前后青草渐渐发芽生长,黄莺飞来飞去。杨柳披着长长的绿枝条,随风摆动,好像在轻轻地抚摸着堤岸。在水泽和草木间蒸发的水气,烟雾般地凝聚着。杨柳似乎为这浓丽的景色所迷醉了。村里的孩子们放学以后,一路上没什么耽搁,回家挺早,赶忙趁着东风劲吹的时机,把风筝放上蓝天。 古诗(二) 咏柳 【唐】贺知章 碧玉妆成一树高, 万条垂下绿丝绦。 不知细叶谁裁出, 二月春风似剪刀。 【注释】 ⑴柳:柳树,落叶乔木或灌木,叶子狭长,种类很多。本诗描写的是垂柳。 ⑵碧玉:碧绿色的玉。这里用以比喻春天的嫩绿的柳叶。 ⑶妆:装饰,打扮。 ⑷一树:满树。一,满,全。在中国古典诗词和文章中,数量词在使用中并不一定表示确切的数量。下一句的“万”,就是表示很多的意思。 ⑸绦:用丝编成的绳带。丝绦:形容一丝丝像丝带般的柳条。 ⑹裁:裁剪,用刀或剪子把片状物体分成若干部分。 ⑺二月:农历二月,正是仲春时节。 ⑻似:好像,如同。

【译文】 柳树像碧玉装扮成的美女一样,千万枝柳条像她那绿色的丝带。知道这细嫩的柳叶是谁剪裁的吗就是那象剪刀的二月春风啊! 【题解】 这是一首咏物诗,通过赞美柳树,表达了诗人对春天的无限热爱。 古诗(三) 晓出净慈寺送林子方 【宋】杨万里 毕竟西湖六月中, 风光不与四时同。 接天莲叶无穷碧, 映日荷花别样红。 【译文】 六月里西湖的风光景色到底和其他时节的不一样:那密密层层的荷叶铺展开去,与蓝天相连接,一片无边无际的青翠碧绿;那亭亭玉立的荷花绽蕾盛开,在阳光辉映下,显得格外的鲜艳娇红。 古诗(四) 绝句 【唐】杜甫 两个黄鹂鸣翠柳, 一行白鹭上青天。 窗含西岭千秋雪, 门泊东吴万里船。 【译文】 两只黄鹂在翠绿的柳树间婉转地歌唱,一队整齐的白鹭直冲向蔚蓝的天空。我坐在窗前,可以望见西岭上堆积着终年不化的积雪,门前停泊着自万里外的东吴远行而来的船只。


参赛原文: 英译汉原文 Hidden Within Technology’s Empire, a Republic of Letters When I was a boy “discovering literature”, I used to think how wonderful it would be if every other person on the street were familiar with Proust and Joyce or T. E. Lawrence or Pasternak and Kafka. Later I learned how refractory to high culture the democratic masses were. Lincoln as a young frontiersman read Plutarch, Shakespeare and the Bible. But then he was Lincoln. Later when I was traveling in the Midwest by car, bus and train, I regularly visited small-town libraries and found that readers in Keokuk, Iowa, or Benton Harbor, Mich., were checking out Proust and Joyce and even Svevo and Andrei Biely. D. H. Lawrence was also a favorite. And sometimes I remembered that God was willing to spare Sodom for the sake of 10 of the righteous. Not that Keokuk was anything like wicked Sodom, or that Proust?s Charlus would have been tempted to settle in Benton Harbor, Mich. I seem to have had a persistent democratic desire to find evidences of high culture in the most unlikely places. For many decades now I have been a fiction writer, and from the first I was aware that mine was a questionable occupation. In the 1930?s an elderly neighbor in Chicago told me that he wrote fiction for the pulps. “The people on the block wonder why I don?t go to a job, and I?m seen puttering around, trimming the bushes or painting a fence instead of working in a factory. But I?m a writer. I sell to Argosy and Doc Savage,” he said with a certain gloom. “They wouldn?t call that a trade.” Probably he noticed that I was a bookish boy, likely to sympathize with him, and perhaps he was trying to warn me to avoid being unlike others. But it was too late for that. From the first, too, I had been warned that the novel was at the point of death, that like the walled city or the crossbow, it was a thing of the past. And no one likes to be at odds with history. Oswald Spengler, one of the most widely read authors of the early 30?s, taught that our tired old civilization was ve ry nearly finished. His advice to the young was to avoid literature and the arts and to embrace mechanization and become engineers.


GRA VITY RETAINING?WALL 1. INTRODUCTION Retaining walls are structures used to provide stability for earth or other material where conditions disallow the mass to assume its natural slope, and are commonly used to hold back or support soilbanks,coal or ore piles, and water. Retaining walls are classified, based on the method of achieving stability, into six principal types (Fig.1). The gravity-wall depends upon its weight, as the name implies, for stability. The cantilever wall is a reinforced-concrete wall that utilizes cantilever action to retain the mass behind the wall from assuming a natural slope. Stability of this wall is partially achieved from the weight of soil on the heel portion of the base slab. A counterfort retaining wall is similar to a cantilever retaining wall, except that it is used where the cantilever is long or for very high pressures behind wall and has counterforts, which tie the wall and base together, built at intervals along the wall to reduce the bending moments and sheers. As indicated in Fig.1c, the counterfort is behind the wall and subjected to tensile forces. A buttressed retaining wall is similar to a counterfort wall, except that the bracing is in front of the wall and is in compression instead of tension. Two other types of walls not considered further are crib walls, which are built-up members of pieces of precast concrete, metal, or timber and are supported by anchor pieces embedded in the soil for stability, and semigravity walls, which are walls intermediate between a true gravity and a cantilever wall. (a)(b)(e)


高鼎《村居》原文、译文、赏析 原文 村居① 草长莺飞二月天,拂堤杨柳醉春烟②。 儿童散学归来早③,忙趁东风放纸鸢④。 注释 ①村居:在乡村里居住时见到的景象。 ②拂堤杨柳:杨柳枝条很长,垂下来,微微摆动,像是在抚摸堤岸。醉:迷醉,陶醉。春烟:春天水泽、草木间蒸发形成的烟雾般水汽。 ③散学:放学。 ④纸鸢:泛指风筝,它是一种纸做的形状像老鹰的风筝。鸢(yuān):老鹰。 ⑤东风:春风。 译文 农历二月,村子前后青草渐渐发芽生长,黄莺飞来飞去。杨柳披着长长的绿枝条,随风摆动,好像在轻轻地抚摸着堤岸。在水泽和草木间蒸发的水汽,烟雾般的凝集着。杨柳似乎为这浓丽的景色所陶醉了。村里的孩子们放了学急忙跑回家,趁着东风把风筝放上蓝天。 鉴赏 这首诗入选了小学语文课本一年级下册(人教版义务教育课程标准实验教科书)。 《村居》描写出了一幅春天孩子们在村旁的芳草地上放风筝的图画,是一幅自然景物和活动着的人物融合在一起的、充满生机、春意盎然的农村生活图画。早春二月,草长莺飞,杨柳拂堤,儿童们兴致勃勃地放风筝。有景有人有事,充满了生活情趣,勾画出一幅生机勃勃的“乐春图”。全诗字里行间透出诗人对春天来临的喜悦和赞美。读了这首诗,读者好像跟诗人一起饱览了美丽春景,一起分享着孩子们放风筝时的欢乐。

第一、二句写时间和自然景物,具体生动地描写了春天里的大自然,写出了春日农村特有的明媚、迷人的景色。早春二月,小草长出了嫩绿的芽儿,黄莺在天上飞着,欢快地歌唱。堤旁的杨柳长长的枝条,轻轻地拂着地面,仿佛在春天的烟雾里醉得直摇晃,这是一幅典型的春景图。“草长莺飞”四个字,把春在的一切景物都写活了,人们仿佛感受到那种万物复苏、欣欣向荣的气氛,人们的眼前也好像涌动着春的脉搏。“拂堤杨柳醉春烟”,村的原野上的杨柳,枝条柔软而细长,轻轻地拂扫着堤岸。春日的大地艳阳高照,烟雾迷蒙,微风中杨柳左右摇摆。诗人用了一个“醉”字,写活了杨柳的娇姿;写活了杨柳的柔态;写活了杨柳的神韵。这是一幅典型的春景图。 第三、四句写的是人物活动,描述了一群活泼的儿童在大好的春光里放风筝的生动情景。孩子们放学回来的早,趁着刮起的东风,放起了风筝。他们的欢声笑语,使春天更加富有朝气。儿童、东风、纸鸢,诗人选写的人和事为美好的春光平添了几分生机和希望。结尾两句由上两句的物而写到人,把早春的迷人与醉人渲染得淋漓尽致。 这首诗落笔明朗,用词洗练。全诗洋溢着欢快的情绪,给读者以美好的情绪感染。 作者简介 高鼎,清代后期诗人。字象一,又字拙吾,仁和(今浙江省杭州市)人。高鼎生活在鸦片战争之后,大约在咸丰年间(1851~1861),其人无甚事迹,其诗也多不合那个时代,一般人提到他,只是因为他写了一首有名的有关放风筝的《村居》诗。著有《拙吾诗稿》。字象一、拙吾,浙江仁和(今浙江省杭州市)人,是清代后期诗人。有关他的生平及创作情况历史上记录下来的很少,而他的《村居》诗却使他名传后世。著有《村居》、《拙吾诗稿》。 高鼎代表作品:《村居》、《早行》、《怀李啸云》、《虚堂》、《偶书》、《秋宵怀湖上》


Irritability is the tendency to get upset for reasons that seem – to other people – to be pretty minor. Your partner asks you how work went and the way they ask makes you feel intensely agitated. Your partner is putting knives and forks on the table before dinner and you mention (not for the first time) that the fork should go on the left hand side, not the right. They then immediately let out a huge sigh and sweep the cutlery onto the floor and tell you that you can xxxx-ing do it yourself if you know better. It was the most minor of criticisms and technically quite correct. And now they’ve exploded. There is so much irritability around and it exacts a huge daily cost on our collective lives, so we deserve to get a lot more curious about it: what is really going on for the irritable person? Why, really, are they getting so agitated? And instead of blaming them for getting het up about “little things”, we should do them the honour of working out why, in fact, these things may not be so minor after all.


十五从军征全文拼音版(注音版): shí wǔ cóng jūn zhēng ,bā shí shǐ dé guī。 dào féng xiāng lǐ rén :jiā zhōng yǒu ē shuí? yáo kàn shì jūn jiā,sōng bǎi zhǒng léi léi 。 tù cóng gǒu dòu rù,zhì cóng liáng shàng fēi 。 zhōng tíng shēng lǚ gǔ,jǐng shàng shēng lǚ kuí。 chōng gǔ chí zuò fàn ,cǎi kuí chí zuò gēng 。 gēng fàn yī shí shú,bù zhī yíē shuí! chū mén dōng xiàng kàn ,lèi luò zhān wǒ yī。 十五从军征全文(原文): 十五从军征,八十始得归。 道逢乡里人:家中有阿谁? 遥看是君家,松柏冢累累。 兔从狗窦入,雉从梁上飞。 中庭生旅谷,井上生旅葵。 舂谷持作饭,采葵持作羹。 羹饭一时熟,不知贻阿谁! 出门东向看,泪落沾我衣。 十五从军征全文翻译(译文): 十五岁就应征去参军,八十岁才退伍回到故乡家中。 半路上碰到一个故乡的村民,问:“我家里面还有什么人?” “你家那个地方现在已是松树柏树林中的一片坟墓。'

走到家门前看见野兔从狗洞里出进,野鸡在梁上飞来飞去。 院子里长着野生的谷子,野菜环绕着井台。 捋些野谷舂米来做饭,摘下葵叶煮汤算是菜。 汤和饭一会儿都做好了,却不知应该送给谁一起分享。 走出大门向着东方张望,老泪纵横洒落在征衣上。 十五从军征字词句解释(意思): 始:才;归:回家。 道逢:在路上遇到;道:路途上。 阿(ē):语气词,没有实在意义。 君:你,表示尊敬的称呼;遥看:远远地望去。 松柏(bǎi):松树、柏树。 冢累累:坟墓一个连着一个。冢(zhǒng),坟墓、高坟。累累(léi léi),与“垒垒”通,连续不断的样子。 狗窦:给狗出入的墙洞。窦(dòu),洞穴。 雉(zhì):野鸡。 中庭:屋前的院子。 旅:旅生,植物未经播种而野生; 旅葵(kuí):葵菜,嫩叶可以吃。 舂(chōng):把东西放在石臼或乳钵里捣掉谷子的皮壳或捣碎。 羹(gēng):用菜叶做的汤。 一时:一会儿就。 贻(yí):送,赠送。

科普版英语六年级下册课文及翻译 (直接打印版)

Lesson 1 I’m not feeling well. Let’s talk (M=Mom, T= Tom) M: What,'s the matter, Tom T: I'm not feeling well, Mom M: Do you have a cold T: Yes, I think so. Could you give me some water, please M: Here you are. T: Thank you, Mom. M: Tom, you must go and see a doctor. T: OK, Mom. M: It's cold outside. You must wear your coat. T: OK, Mom. Could you pass me my coat,please M: Here you are. T: Thank you, Mom M: Tell me your teacher's number. I'll call him and tell him you are sick. T: OK. Here it is. 译文 (M=妈妈,T=汤姆) 妈妈:怎么了,汤姆 汤姆:我感觉不舒服,妈妈。 妈妈:你感冒了吗 汤姆:是的,我想是这样的。您能给我一些水吗 妈妈:给你。 汤姆:谢谢您,妈妈。 妈妈:汤姆,你必须去看医生. 汤姆:好的,妈妈。 妈妈:外面很冷。你必须穿你的外套。 汤姆:好的,妈妈。您能把我的外套递给我吗 妈妈:给你。 汤姆:谢谢您,妈妈。 妈妈:告诉我你老师的电话号码。我将给他打电话告诉他你生病了。


The Posteverything Generation I never expected to gain any new insight into the nature of my generation, or the changing landscape of American colleges, in Lit Theory. Lit Theory is supposed to be the class where you sit at the back of the room with every other jaded sophomore wearing skinny jeans, thick-framed glasses, an ironic tee-shirt and over-sized retro headphones, just waiting for lecture to be over so you can light up a Turkish Gold and walk to lunch while listening to Wilco. That’s pretty much the way I spent the course, too: through structuralism, formalism, gender theory, and post-colonialism, I was far too busy shuffling through my Ipod to see what the patriarchal world order of capitalist oppression had to do with Ethan Frome. But when we began to study postmodernism, something struck a chord with me and made me sit up and look anew at the seemingly blasé college-aged literati of which I was so self-consciously one. According to my textbook, the problem with defining postmodernism is that it’s i mpossible. The difficulty is that it is so...post. It defines itself so negatively against what came before it –naturalism, romanticism and the wild revolution of modernism –that it’s sometimes hard to see what it actually is. It denies that anything can be explained neatly or even at all. It is parodic, detached, strange, and sometimes menacing to traditionalists who do not understand it. Although it arose in the post-war west (the term was coined in 1949), the generation that has witnessed its ascendance has yet to come up with an explanation of what postmodern attitudes mean for the future of culture or society. The subject intrigued me because, in a class otherwise consumed by dead-letter theories, postmodernism remained an open book, tempting to the young and curious. But it also intrigued me because the question of what postmodernism –what a movement so post-everything, so reticent to define itself – is spoke to a larger question about the political and


十五从军征 (汉)《乐府诗集》 十五从军征,八十始得归。 道逢乡里人:“家中有阿谁?” “遥望是君家,松柏冢累累。” 兔从狗窦入,雉从梁上飞, 中庭生旅谷,井上生旅葵。 舂谷持作饭,采葵持作羹。 羹饭一时熟,不知贻阿谁。 出门东向看,泪落沾我衣。 注释 始:才。 归:回家。 道逢:在路上遇到 道:路途。 阿(a):在文章中是一个语音词 君:你,表示尊敬的称呼。 遥看:远远的看 柏(bǎi):松树。 冢(zhǒng):坟墓。 累累:与“垒垒”通,形容丘坟一个连一个的样子。 狗窦(gǒu dòu):给狗出入的墙洞,窦,洞穴。 雉(zhì):野鸡 中庭:屋前的院子 生:长 旅谷:植物未经播种叫“旅生”。旅生的谷叫“旅谷”。 旅葵(kuí):即野葵。 舂(chōng):把东西放在石臼或乳钵里捣掉皮壳或捣碎。 持:用。 作:当作 羹(gēng):菜。糊状的 一时:一会儿就 贻(yí):送,赠送 沾:渗入 译文 十五岁就应征去参军,八十岁才退伍回到故乡家中。 路上碰到一个乡下的邻居,问:“我家里还有什么人?” “你家那个地方现在已是松树柏树林中的一片坟墓。” 走到家门前看见野兔从狗洞里出进,野鸡在屋脊上飞来飞去。 院子里长着野生的谷子,野生的葵菜环绕着井台。 用捣掉壳的野谷来做饭,摘下葵叶煮汤算是菜。 汤和饭一会儿都做好了,却不知赠送给谁吃。 走出大门向着东方张望,老泪纵横洒落在征衣上。

浅析 十五从军征,八十始得归。道逢乡里人:“家中有阿谁?”“遥看是君家,松柏冢累累。”兔从狗窦入,雉从梁上飞;中庭生旅谷,井上生旅葵。舂谷持作飰(饭),采葵持作羹。羹飰一时熟,不知贻阿谁。出门东向看,泪落沾我衣。 《十五从军征》,是一首暴露封建社会不合理的兵役制度的汉代乐府民歌,反映了劳动人民在当时黑暗的兵役制度下的不平和痛苦。作品真实、深刻、令人感愤,催人泣下。 诗的开头,统摄全篇、韵长旨远:“十五从军征,八十始得归。”一个芳年稚齿、未谙世事、生气勃勃的少年,转瞬成了一个龙钟老态的皤然衰翁。那漫长的六十五年的岁月是在哪里,是怎样度过的呢?作者没有写,却以此把读者带进了深沉绵远的诗的意境,同主人公一起去体味接下去作品所描写的怆神寒骨,冰冷严酷的现实。一个“从军征”的“征”字,概括了主人公六十五年的戎马生涯;一个“始得归”的“始”字,准确、精到地传达了主人公六十五年昼思夜家,愁肠几断,盼归不得,年朽力衰方得回转家园的亦悲亦喜,说不清是悲是喜的复杂心情。作者没有絮絮描述这个老士兵六十五年南北征战、杀敌立功、九死一生的惊心动魄的往事。那些,对于年及八旬、日日沙场、夜夜枕戈、乡音久绝的主人公来说,早已习以为常、无甚新鲜了。或者说那些或足自慰或不堪回首的往事,与他此时此地急切渴望知晓家况的心情相比,实实微不足道、不劳挂齿了。平平常常的十个字,突出了主人公不平凡的特殊经历和当时心境心情,创造了足以笼罩全诗的氛围。 “道逢乡里人,‘家中有阿谁?’”主人公的思想脉络由六十五年的征战生活进入邈邈旷野、漫漫古道,对亲人家园的现状由茫然无际的想象到急切的、盼知又怕知的询问,读者由开头两句诗展开的遐想的翅翼也在主人公焦急的劈头问话声中收束。同没有详述主人公六十五年的征战生活一样,作品也省去了对他餐风宿露、匆匆赶路、与乡亲邂逅相遇的惊喜的描摹,一句“家中有阿谁”的追问,推出了作品的聚光点——家。“少小离家老大回,乡音无改鬓毛衰”,六十五年了,岂敢奢望阖家无恙、亲人健在?能有一二幸存者已是不幸中之万幸了。所以他只问,家中还有谁侥幸苟活人世呢?可是,“乡里人”的回答却如站在冰天雪地里当头浇下的一盆冰凌未澌的水:“遥看是君家,松柏冢累累。”在这动乱的年月,我可亲可爱的亲人们啊,竟无一幸存者吗?满怀希望,满腹衷情,六十五年的风霜雨雪,六十五年积压心底的感情,向谁倾诉、向谁表达啊?唯有那青青松柏、垒垒坟冢吗?那,就是我的家吗?不,不,不可能! 摆在他面前的现实是:“兔从狗窦入,雉从梁上飞;中庭生旅谷,井上生旅葵。”由遥看到近见,满眼更加荒凉凄楚的景象。作者没说室空无人,而是抓住野兔见人钻进家畜窝中自以为得所,野鸡惊飞落到屋内梁上自以为安的情景;作者没有直书庭园荒芜杂乱,只摄取了井边、中庭随意生长的葵菜和谷物两个“镜头”,人去屋空,人亡园荒,更其形象,倍伤人心神。你看,一个风尘仆仆的老人,站在曾经炊火融融、庭园整洁的“家”的面前,孑然一身,形影茕茕,盼望了六十五年可又无一亲人相迎的家,竟然比想象的还不堪十倍、百倍……这是怎样一种情境,将掀起读者怎样的感情波澜呢?作者没有直接抒写渲染感情,作品却收到比直接抒情更强烈的抒情效果。 有些迷蒙、有些浑噩、有些凄怆的老人,象对“松柏冢累累”不闻不见一样,对荒凉的家园的感触也变得麻木了。于是,他默默无言地舂去成熟的谷子的皮壳,采下冬葵嫩嫩的叶子。而当饭熟羹沸时,他才恍然想起不知该给谁吃。 “出门东向看,泪落沾我衣。”他走出年久失修的破门,向东方看去,他也许还抱着希望,他看到了谁?看到了什么呢?他也许看到了久别的亲人?也许什么也没有看。他茫然地从幻想中走出来,潸然泪下。他已不能象年轻人那样嚎啕大哭,只有那凝聚着六十五年的艰辛、六十五年的思念、六十五年的盼待、六十五年的沙场风尘、六十五年人世沧桑的老泪,扑簌簌落到满布征尘的衣襟上。“泪落沾我衣”五个字,饱和了多么丰富、多么深厚、多么沉痛


南京师范大学泰州学院 英文翻译原文 年级: 2011级学号:12110330 姓名:申佳佳 系部:信息工程学院 专业:通信工程 题目:基于C51的数字测速仪设计与仿真 指导教师:焦蓬蓬 2015 年 4 月 5 日

Linux - Operating system of cybertimes Though for a lot of people , regard Linux as the main operating system to make u p huge work station group, finish special effects of " Titanic " make , already can be re garded as and show talent fully. But for Linux, this only numerous news one of. Rece ntly, the manufacturers concerned have announced that support the news of Linux to i ncrease day by day, users' enthusiasm to Linux runs high unprecedentedly too. Then, Linux only have operating system not free more than on earth on 7 year this piece wh at glamour, get the favors of such numerous important software and hardware manufa cturers as the masses of users and Orac le , Informix , HP , Sybase , Corel , Intel , Net scape , Dell ,etc. , OK? 1.The background of Linux and characteristic Linux is a kind of " free (Free ) software ": What is called free, mean users can o btain the procedure and source code freely , and can use them freely , including revise or copy etc.. It is a result of cybertimes, numerous technical staff finish its research a nd development together through Inte rnet, countless user is it test and except fault , c an add user expansion function that oneself make conveniently to participate in. As th e most outstanding one in free software, Linux has characteristic o f the following: (1)Totally follow POSLX standard, expand the network operating system of sup porting all AT&T and BSD Unix characteristic. Because of inheritting Unix outstandi ng design philosophy , and there are clean , stalwart , high-efficient and steady kernels , their all key codes are finished by Li nus Torvalds and other outstanding programmer s, without any Unix code of AT&T or Berkeley, so Linu x is not Unix, but Linux and Unix are totally compatible. (2)Real many tasks, multi-user's system, the built-in n etwork supports, can be with such seamless links as NetWare , Windows NT , OS/2 , Unix ,etc.. Network in various kinds of Unix it tests to be fastest in comparing and ass ess efficiency. Support such many kinds of files systems as FAT16 , FAT32 , NTFS , E x t2FS , ISO9600 ,etc. at the same time .


村居 清代:高鼎 原文 草长莺飞二月天,拂堤杨柳醉春烟。 儿童散学归来早,忙趁东风放纸鸢。 赏析 “草长莺飞二月天”写时间和自然景物。生动地描写了春天时的大自然,写出了春日农村特有的明媚、迷人的景色。早春二月,小草长出了嫩绿的芽儿,黄莺在天上飞着,欢快地歌唱。堤旁的柳树长长的枝条,轻轻地拂着地面,仿佛在春天的烟雾里醉得直摇晃。“草长莺飞”四个字,把春在的景物写活,使读者仿佛感受到那种万物复苏、欣欣向荣的气氛,读者的眼前也好像涌动着春的脉搏。 “拂堤杨柳醉春烟”写村中的原野上的杨柳,“拂”,“醉”,把静止的杨柳人格化了。枝条柔软而细长,轻轻地拂扫着堤岸。春日的大地艳阳高照,烟雾迷蒙,微风中杨柳左右摇摆。诗人用了一个“醉”字,写活了杨柳的娇姿;写活了杨柳的柔态;写活了杨柳的神韵。这是一幅典型的春景图。 “儿童散学归来早,忙趁东风放纸鸢。”主要写人物活动。描述了

一群活泼的儿童在大好的春光里放风筝的生动情景。孩子们放学早,趁着刮起的东风,放起了风筝。儿童正处在人生早春,儿童的欢声笑语,兴致勃勃地放风筝,使春天更加生机勃勃,富有朝气。儿童、东风、纸鸢,诗人选写的人和事为美好的春光平添了几分生机和希望。结尾两句由前两句的物写到人,把早春的迷人渲染得淋漓尽致。 春景既然如此动人,生活在这如画的春光中的人更是如此,诗的后两句,由景而及人,诗人饶有情致地写了一个群童放风筝的场面。天气实在太好了,连平时爱在外贪玩的小学生们也一反常态,放学后早早地回到家,赶紧放起风筝来。“散学归来”用一“早”字,说明连孩子们也让这风和日丽的气候给打动。 全诗前半部分写景,后半部分写人,前半部分基本上是写的静态,后半部分则添加了一个动态。物态人事互相映衬,动态静态彼此补充,使全诗在村居所见的“春”景这一主题下,完美和谐地得到了统一。 高鼎,清代后期诗人。字象一,又字拙吾,仁和(今浙江省杭州市)人。高鼎生活在鸦片战争之后,大约在咸丰年间(1851~1861),其人无甚事迹,其诗也多不合那个时代,一般人提到他,只是因为他写了一首有名的有关放风筝的《村居》诗。著有《拙吾诗稿》。
