

Wuhan Greenland Center Wuhan, China

Wuhan Greenland Center Wuhan, China

SERVICES Architecture Interior Design Wuhan Greenland Center, at 606 meters (1,988 feet), will likely be China’s third-tallest building, and the fourth tallest in the world, when completed in 2016.

The 119-level tower in Wuhan, China, will be comprised of about 300,000 square meters of ? oor area, including about 200,000 sm of of? ces, 50,000 sm of luxury apartments and condominiums, a 45,000 sm ? ve-star hotel, and a 5,000 sm, 27-meter-tall private club with spectacular views at the tower’s penthouse level.

Wuhan Greenland Center features a uniquely streamlined form that combines three key shaping concepts—a tapered body, softly rounded corners and a domed top—to reduce wind resistance and vortex action that builds up around supertall towers. The building’s extremely ef? cient aerodynamic performance will allow it to minimize the amount of structural material (and its associated embodied carbon) needed for construction.

The tower’s three corners rise from its tripod-shaped base and taper upward, culminating in an arched tip above the dome at the top. The corners will be of smooth curved glass, contrasting markedly with the more textured curtain wall cladding the body of the tower. The curtain wall, still under design, will enclose a composite concrete core with steel framing. Apertures in the curtain wall at regular intervals will assist in venting wind pressure against the tower; the apertures will also house window-washing systems and air intake and exhaust systems on mechanical ? oors.

Other planned sustainable elements of the project include:

? Energy recovery using an enthalpy wheel integrated into the ventilation system; this captures energy from the building’s exhaust systems and uses it to pre-heat or pre-cool air entering the building.

? A greywater recovery system, which takes waste water from the hotel laundry, sinks and showers and reuses it in the building’s evaporative cooling system.

? A high-ef? ciency lighting system, which uses low-energy-consuming ballasts and lamps to reduce required power consumption.

? A daylight-responsive control system, which automatically turns off electric lights when suf? cient daylight is available.

? Water-conserving low-? ow plumbing ? xtures, which reduce the total amount of potable water required as well as the associated pumping energy.

In addition, the AS+GG Interiors studio is developing the tower’s ? uidly sculpted interior public spaces, many of which re? ect the tower’s exterior silhouette. The conical silhouette is visibly echoed in the entrances to the primary elevator bank from the main lobby, as well as in the shapes of the elevator cabs and other public spaces. The lobbies and other amenity spaces within the tower also feature sweeping, ? uid lines and a neutral blue-gray palette that recalls the re? ective glass of the exterior wall. The transparency of the ground-? oor lobby wall allows views from inside toward the entry canopy drop-off areas, establishing a seamless relationship between the interior and exterior.


武汉绿地中心伸臂桁架层施工 唐碧波,李家洪 (中建三局第二建设工程有限责任公司,湖北武汉,430074) 摘要:武汉绿地中心作为典型的超高层钢-砼组合结构体系,钢结构桁架的设置无疑是不可缺少的,其中伸臂桁架作为核心筒与外框的连接,其重要性不言而喻。而超高层工程从组织管理、施工工艺等方面带来的各种影响也会改变伸臂桁架的施工条件,提高施工难度。针对伸臂桁架施工的种种问题,本文重点介绍深化设计、顶模改造及结构施工等关键技术,总结超高层伸臂桁架施工经验,为类似工程提供参考。 关键词:武汉绿地中心、伸臂桁架、超高层结构、顶模 1 引言 1.1 项目结构概况 华中第一高楼武汉绿地中心,建筑高度636m,为“钢骨巨型柱框架+型钢混凝土核心筒+伸臂桁架”结构体系,该体系由以下几个部分组成:内置异形型钢混凝土巨柱、内置型钢或钢板(钢骨柱)的钢筋混凝土核心筒、连接核心筒与外框的伸臂桁架、约束结构变形的环带桁架以及对应楼层结构钢梁、组合楼板。其中,四道伸臂桁架分别位于F34-F36、F63-F65、F97-F99、F116-F118。 1.2伸臂桁架概况 项目伸臂桁架层为焊接H型钢,纵跨2~3个结构层,将核心筒与外框巨型柱之间通过角部Z型桁架相连,形成一个稳定整体。每道伸臂桁架共存在12处连接点。伸臂桁架结构由上弦杆,Y型斜撑以及下弦杆组成,最大截面尺寸:上弦杆H1000*1000*60*60,下弦杆 H1000*1000*60*60,斜腹杆H1300*1000*100*100及H500*500*65*65,材质均为Q345GJB。 伸臂桁架层示意图 2 施工重难点 项目采用低位顶升模架体系,核心筒施工早于外框结构施工,故核心筒钢板墙与伸臂桁架的连接采用预埋牛腿形式。但由于连接伸臂桁架的牛腿尺寸较大,对钢板墙、钢筋、顶模附属设施等施工均有影响。因此,合理的工序安排将是确保伸臂桁架能够顺利安装的重点。 伸臂桁架的复杂节点主要存在于核心筒钢板墙与桁架牛腿连接处,不仅是钢结构的分段分节需要深化加工,而且钢结构焊接时也需要临时加固,以防止变形或偏位;同时,该处钢筋密集,绑扎难度大、模板如何优化处理也是工艺的关键。 3 关键施工技术 针对上述施工难题,项目部提前充分考虑节点优化、交叉作业等问题,对各专业、各工序进行合理安排。本文将以第二道伸臂桁架(跨越3个结构层)施工为例,重点讲述伸臂桁架层施工所遇到的问题及解决措施。


项目技术管理策划书 中建三局第二建设工程有限责任公司华中公司武汉绿地中心项目经理部

项目技术管理策划书 编制人: 审核人: 审批人: 中建三局第二建设工程有限责任公司 华中公司武汉绿地中心项目经理部 二○一四年五月

目录 目录 (3) 1项目技术管理组织机构 (5) 2项目技术责任制 (6) 2.1项目经理技术职责 (6) 2.2项目总工程师技术职责 (6) 2.3项目技术责任工程师技术职责 (7) 2.4项目测量工程师技术职责................................ 错误!未定义书签。 2.5项目试验工程师技术职责 (8) 2.6项目资料工程师技术职责 (9) 2.7各技术岗位职责分工 (9) 3技术管理目标 (10) 4工程概况及特点 (10) 5项目技术管理风险分析及对策 (11) 6工程施工部署策划和主要技术方案 (13) 6.1施工分区 (13) 6.1.1施工区域划分的思路 (13) 6.1.2主体结构施工平面分区 (14) 6.2施工流程 (15) 6.3总平面布置 (15) 6.4主要施工技术方案 (20) 7各项技术管理制度 (21) 7.1技术标准管理制度 (21) 7.2图纸自审制度 (22) 7.3图纸会审管理制度 (23) 7.4深化设计管理 (25) 7.5设计变更与设计变更洽商管理 (25) 7.6技术交底管理制度 (26) 7.7施工组织设计的编制与管理 (28) 7.8专项施工方案管理制度 (29)

7.9检测试验管理制度 (30) 7.10计量管理制度 (31) 7.11工程技术档案管理制度 (32) 7.11.1单位工程施工记录制度 (32) 7.11.2技术文件的发放管理制度 (33) 7.12科技开发和四新推广应用管理制度 (33) 7.12.1施工技术总结制度 (34) 7.13现场技术问题解决管理制度 (35) 7.14材料计划管理制度 (35) 7.15分包工程技术管理制度 (35) 7.16技术协调与配合 (36) 8 各项技术工作计划 (36) 8.1图纸会审计划 (36) 8.2测量管理计划 (37) 8.3试验、资料管理计划 (37) 8.4钢筋翻样计划 (39) 8.5方案编制计划 (40) 8.6四新推广计划 (40) 8.7技术总结、工法编制计划 (41) 8.8工程分部分项验收计划 (42) 8.9进度管理计划 (42) 8.10质量控制计划 (42) 8.11安全管理计划 (43) 8.12科技创效计划 (43) 9各分项工程技术管理策略 (45)


武汉绿地中心主塔:结构设计与建筑 设计的完美结合 Wuhan Greenland Center Main Tower: Seamlessly Integrating Structure and Architecture Guoyong Fu、Juan Betancur、Dennis Poon、Mark Dannettel Abstract摘要 Wuhan Greenland Center Main Tower is a125-story,600+meter mega-tower in China.The tower structural system has been developed to harmonize with the architecture as an integrated whole to maximize efficiency and enhance safety.The distinctive floor“slots”help reduce the vortex shedding effect.Slot locations were coordinated to avoid causing structural discontinuities.Above the roof,steel trussed tripod legs rise from tower plan wing tips to seamlessly complete the building form with a dramatic crown.Design challenges include evaluating building performance under seismic events through PBD and performing Progressive Collapse Analyses to evaluate structural redundancy. Parametric modeling tools were used to reduce cladding costs by maximizing the use of field-warped,flat-glazed panels rather than costly curved glass panels. 武汉绿地中心主楼共125层,总高度600米以上。主楼的结构设计追求建


武汉绿地中心项目钢结构加工制作方案 编制人: 审核人: 审批人: 中建钢构武汉有限公司 二○一五年二月

目录 第一章编制依据 (1) 1.1 方案编制说明 (1) 1.2 施工图纸、合同 (1) 1.3 主要标准 (1) 1.3.1 钢结构部分 (1) 1.3.2 管理体系、施工管理部分 (3) 第二章工程概况 (3) 2.1建筑概况 (3) 2.2结构概况及结构分析 (7) 2.2.1巨柱 (7) 2.2.2伸臂桁架及环带桁架 (9) 2.2.3楼面框架梁布置 (10) 2.2.4核心筒钢板剪力墙布置 (10) 第三章施工总体部署 (10) 3.1施工总体部署及目标 (10) 3.2生产组织构架 (12) 3.3安全生产保证措施 (12) 第四章深化设计方案 (15) 4.1 本工程深化设计的重点 (15) 4.2 深化设计软件的选定 (15) 4.3 钢结构深化设计流程 (17) 4.4 深化设计与制作、运输及安装的配合17 4.4.1 对加工制作的技术服务17 4.4.2 对构件运输的技术服务18 4.4.3 对现场安装的技术服务 (18) 4.5 深化设计人员安排 (18) 4.6 深化设计的质量保证措施 (19)

第五章材料采购、材料检测方案 (20) 5.1 材料采购 (20) 5.1.1 钢材采购 (20) 5.1.2 焊接材料采购 (21) 5.1.3 涂装材料采购 (22) 5.1.4 栓钉材料采购 (22) 5.2 材料的检测方案 (23) 5.2.1 原材料的检验 (23) 5.2.2 原材料的复验 (23) 5.3 原材料的管理 (24) 5.3.1 材料的储存管理 (24) 5.3.2 材料的入库、检验 (24) 5.3.3 材料的使用管理 (25) 第六章加工制作计划及资源配置 (25) 6.1 工期计划安排 (25) 6.2中建钢构武汉制作厂主要设备31 6.3 劳动力配备计划 (37) 第七章钢构件加工制作工艺方案 (38) 7.1 加工制作总体流程 (38) 7.1.1 加工制作的总体流程 (38) 7.2 加工制作准备 (39) 7.2.1 生产准备 (39) 7.2.2 技术准备 (40) 7.2.3 设计图纸工艺性审查 (40) 7.2.4 焊接工艺评定试验 (42) 7.2.5 火焰切割工艺评定试验方案45 7.2.6 涂装工艺试验方案 (46) 7.2.7 摩擦面抗滑移系数试验 (46)


399 Abstract Wuhan Greenland Center Main Tower is a 125-story, 600+ meter mega-tower in China. The tower structural system has been developed to harmonize with the architecture as an integrated whole to maximize efficiency and enhance safety. The distinctive floor “slots” help reduce the vortex shedding effect. Slot locations were coordinated to avoid causing structural discontinuities. Above the roof, steel trussed tripod legs rise from tower plan wing tips to seamlessly complete the building form with a dramatic crown. Design challenges include evaluating building performance under seismic events through PBD and performing Progressive Collapse Analyses to evaluate structural redundancy. Parametric modeling tools were used to reduce cladding costs by maximizing the use of field-warped, flat-glazed panels rather than costly curved glass panels. Keywords: PBD, Performance Based Design, Parametric Modeling, Outrigger, Belt Truss 摘要 武汉绿地中心主楼共125层,总高度600米以上。主楼的结构设计追求建筑和结构的完美结合、结构效率的最大化以及安全性的提升。 独特的“风槽”的设计有效降低了风旋涡脱落效应。在塔楼顶部,三脚钢桁架沿楼面边缘向上呈汇聚式延伸,在顶部实现无缝对接,形成了一个造型别致的塔冠结构。 如何通过基于性能的设计评估建筑抗震性能、如何通过抗连续倒塌分析来评估结构冗余度是本项目结构设计的主要挑战。通过对参数化模型的运用,(建筑幕墙设计者)对平板玻璃现场冷弯的使用达到了最大化,尽可能地避免采用造价昂贵的曲面玻璃,从而减小外幕墙的建造成本。关键词:PBD、基于性能的设计、参数模型、桁架、带状桁架 Introduction The wave of Mega-Tall building construction in China started with cities along the east coast and is now moving inland. Located in Wuhan, an inland city adjacent to the Yangtze River, the Wuhan Greenland Center Main Tower is a 125-story, 600+ meter mega-tower on track to be the 7th tallest building in the world, a mixed-use skyscraper with offices up through the 69th floor, apartments at the 70th to 89th floors, a hotel from the 91st floor to the top floor and a five (5)-story deep basement housing the mechanical spaces plus parking. Located at the tower top, a unique 61m-tall tower crown and a 35m-tall tower dome highlight the tower’s distinctive personality. (see Figure 1). The major structural system of Wuhan Greenland Center Main Tower consisting of robust composite walls, giant slightly sloping composite SRC columns and curved belt trusses, is adopted to resist the lateral loads ( wind or seismic ) effectively. The locations and geometry of structural components have been carefully optimized to not only provide enough strengths and stiffness but integrate with the architecture seamlessly. 引言 中国对超高层建筑的追求浪潮始于东面沿岸城市,并逐渐向内地发展。武汉绿地中心主塔将坐落于毗邻长江的内陆城市武汉。塔楼共125层,总高度达600米以上,是一个多功用的超高层建筑,建成后将成为世界第七高楼。主楼底层到69楼用于办公室、70至89层为公寓、91层到顶楼为酒店、另有5层地下室作停车和容纳机电设备之功用。一个高61米的独特塔冠和高35米的穹拱位于塔楼顶部,凸显塔楼独特的建筑风格 (参见图1)。 为了有效地承担侧向力(风荷载和地震荷载),武汉绿地中心主楼的主要结构体系包括强大的组合剪力墙、微倾的巨型SRC 组合柱和曲线型的环带桁架。结构构件的位置和几何形状都经过了精心地优化以满足强度和刚度的要求, 同时与建筑设计达到完美的结合。 减少塔群风荷载 如同其它的超高层建筑, 侧向荷载(含风荷载和地震荷载)在武汉绿地中心主楼的结构设计中起至关重要的作用。根据中国《建筑抗震规范》(GB50011-2010),武汉 位于抗震设防烈度6度区,设计基本地震 Guoyong Fu Juan Betancur Guoyong Fu, Dennis Poon & Mark Dannettel Thornton Tomasetti Inc. 51 Madison Avenue New York, NY USA 10010 tel (电话): +1 917.661.7800 fax (传真): +1 917.661.7801 email (电子邮箱): PFu@https://www.360docs.net/doc/b815252002.html,, DPoon@https://www.360docs.net/doc/b815252002.html,, MDannettel@https://www.360docs.net/doc/b815252002.html, https://www.360docs.net/doc/b815252002.html, Guoyong Fu , Vice President at Thornton Tomasetti, has 20 years of experience with supertall building structures, such as Shanghai Tower. 符国勇(Xue Yi Fu),宋腾添玛沙帝公司 (Thornton Tomasetti Inc.)副总裁。他在超高层建筑的结构方面拥有20年的经验, 包括上海中心大厦等。 Dennis Poon , Vice Chairman at Thornton Tomasetti, has over 30 years of experience in the design of supertall structures, and worked on Shanghai Tower.潘子强(Dennis Poon),宋腾添玛沙帝公司 (Thornton Tomasetti Inc.) 董事会副主席,在超高层建筑结构设计方面拥有30多年的经验其中包括上海中心大厦的结构设计。 Mr. Dannettel is a Vice President with Thornton Tomasetti, and serves as the regional leader for Building Skin services in the Pacific Rim. 马克·丹纳特(Mark Dannettel),宋腾添玛沙帝公司(Thornton Tomasetti Inc.)副总裁,主要负责亚洲环太平洋地区的建筑幕墙设计工作。Juan Betancur Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture 111 West Monroe, Suite 2300 Chicago, IL USA 60603 tel (电话): +1 312.870.4061 fax (传真): +1 312.920.1775 email (电子邮箱): JuanBetancur@https://www.360docs.net/doc/b815252002.html, https://www.360docs.net/doc/b815252002.html, Juan Betancur , Director at Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture, has extensive experience in design of supertall projects at Smith + Gill and SOM. 胡安·贝坦库尔(Juan Betancur),Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill 建筑设计公司主管。他在AS+GG和 SOM拥有拥有丰富的超高层建筑设计经验。 Dennis Poon Mark Dannettel Wuhan Greenland Center Main Tower: Seamlessly Integrating Structure and Architecture 武汉绿地中心主塔: 结构设计与建筑设计的完美结合


武汉绿地中心 主塔外幕墙工程 施工组织设计 编制: 审核: 审批:

目录 第一章编制说明 (10) 1.1 编制内容简述 (10) 1.2 编制依据 (10) 第二章工程概况简述 (13) 2.1 工程介绍 (13) 2.1.1 工程名称 (13) 2.1.2 工程地点 (13) 2.1.3 结构形式 (13) 2.1.4 业主、管理公司及各工程顾问 (13) 2.1.5 项目简介 (13) 2.2 项目定位及质量要求 (14) 2.2.1 项目定位 (14) 2.2.2 质量要求 (14) 2.3 幕墙系统介绍及施工难点 (14) 2.3.1 幕墙系统介绍 (14) 2.3.2 工程重点、难点分析 (15) 第三章施工前准备 (16) 3.1 与相关单位的协调配合 (16) 3.2 技术准备 (16) 3.3 人员准备 (17) 3.4 施工现场准备 (17) 第四章施工总体部署 (18) 4.1 施工段的划分 (18) 4.2 工程管理目标及施工优势 (19) 4.2.1 质量目标 (19) 4.2.2 工期目标 (19) 4.2.3 安全目标 (20) 4.2.4 文明施工目标 (20)

4.2.5 环保目标 (20) 4.2.6 资金及成本目标 (20) 4.2.7 施工优势 (21) 4.3 工程整体组织管理 (22) 4.3.1 深化设计组织管理 (22) 4.3.2 材料采购组织管理 (24) 4.3.3 工厂加工组织管理 (27) 4.3.4 现场安装组织管理 (28) 4.4 施工顺序 (29) 4.5 项目组织机构 (30) 4.5.1 项目部组织机构(详见组织机构图) (30) 4.5.2 施工作业层组织机构 (30) 4.5.3 项目经理部各人员职责 (32) 4.5.4 总部与现场管理部门之间的关系 (37) 4.6 劳动力配备及进场计划 (40) 4.6.1 劳动力安排、要求及工资发放 (40) 4.6.2 劳动力来源及安排 (41) 4.7 主要施工机械配备和进场计划 (42) 4.7.1 主要施工机械配备和进场计划表 (42) 4.7.2 现场施工机械设备实物参照 (45) 4.8 施工用水用电计划 (49) 4.9施工总平面布置 (49) 4.9.1平面布置依据及原则 (49) 4.9.2施工平面布置 (50) 4.9.3 现场办公室及临时设施布置 (50) 4.9.4施工平面布置 (51) 第五章进度计划及保证措施 (53) 5.1 施工进度计划说明 (53) 5.1.1 施工进度管理流程图 (53) 5.1.2 施工进度计划说明 (53) 5.1.3 施工进度计划安排 (54)


Wuhan Greenland Center Wuhan, China

Wuhan Greenland Center Wuhan, China SERVICES Architecture Interior Design Wuhan Greenland Center, at 606 meters (1,988 feet), will likely be China’s third-tallest building, and the fourth tallest in the world, when completed in 2016. The 119-level tower in Wuhan, China, will be comprised of about 300,000 square meters of ? oor area, including about 200,000 sm of of? ces, 50,000 sm of luxury apartments and condominiums, a 45,000 sm ? ve-star hotel, and a 5,000 sm, 27-meter-tall private club with spectacular views at the tower’s penthouse level. Wuhan Greenland Center features a uniquely streamlined form that combines three key shaping concepts—a tapered body, softly rounded corners and a domed top—to reduce wind resistance and vortex action that builds up around supertall towers. The building’s extremely ef? cient aerodynamic performance will allow it to minimize the amount of structural material (and its associated embodied carbon) needed for construction. The tower’s three corners rise from its tripod-shaped base and taper upward, culminating in an arched tip above the dome at the top. The corners will be of smooth curved glass, contrasting markedly with the more textured curtain wall cladding the body of the tower. The curtain wall, still under design, will enclose a composite concrete core with steel framing. Apertures in the curtain wall at regular intervals will assist in venting wind pressure against the tower; the apertures will also house window-washing systems and air intake and exhaust systems on mechanical ? oors. Other planned sustainable elements of the project include: ? Energy recovery using an enthalpy wheel integrated into the ventilation system; this captures energy from the building’s exhaust systems and uses it to pre-heat or pre-cool air entering the building. ? A greywater recovery system, which takes waste water from the hotel laundry, sinks and showers and reuses it in the building’s evaporative cooling system. ? A high-ef? ciency lighting system, which uses low-energy-consuming ballasts and lamps to reduce required power consumption. ? A daylight-responsive control system, which automatically turns off electric lights when suf? cient daylight is available. ? Water-conserving low-? ow plumbing ? xtures, which reduce the total amount of potable water required as well as the associated pumping energy. In addition, the AS+GG Interiors studio is developing the tower’s ? uidly sculpted interior public spaces, many of which re? ect the tower’s exterior silhouette. The conical silhouette is visibly echoed in the entrances to the primary elevator bank from the main lobby, as well as in the shapes of the elevator cabs and other public spaces. The lobbies and other amenity spaces within the tower also feature sweeping, ? uid lines and a neutral blue-gray palette that recalls the re? ective glass of the exterior wall. The transparency of the ground-? oor lobby wall allows views from inside toward the entry canopy drop-off areas, establishing a seamless relationship between the interior and exterior.


中心高承载力长桩施工技术 1、技术背景介绍 随着国内城市化进程的加速,越来越多的摩天大厦出现在城市中,伴随着地上建筑的高度增加、荷载增大,对基础的承载力要求越高。 钻孔灌注桩施工技术的发展与为这些摩天大厦的兴起不无关系,上海中心工程桩基直径1m,深度达86m,试验极限承载力2800t;天津117大厦工程桩基直径1m,深度达120m,试验极限承载力4200t;中心工程桩基直径1.2m,深度达63m,垂直度要求1/250试验极限承载力4500t。 深度大,承载力高,对钻孔灌注桩的施工技术要求更高。 2、关键技术控制点 (1)成孔设备选择 目前主流的成孔设备有:冲击钻机、螺旋钻机、回转钻机、旋挖钻机等。 各成孔设备优缺点比较

中心工程地质情况:(1)杂填土;(2-1)粉质粘土夹粉土;(2-2)淤泥质粉质粘土;(3-1)粉质粘土夹粉土;(3-2)粉质粘土与粉土、粉砂互层;(4)细砂;(5)含砾中细砂;(6a-1)强风化砂质泥岩;(6a-2)中风化砂质泥岩;(6a-3)微风化砂质泥岩;(6b-1)强风化细砂岩;(6b-2)中风化细砂岩;(6b-3)微风化细砂岩。 根据中心项目的地质情况,上部为较厚的软弱土层(粘土和砂层),桩端持力层为硬质岩层,经过二次专家论证,最后确定成孔设备为旋挖钻机与冲击反循环钻机配合成孔,非入岩段采用旋挖钻机成孔,入岩段采用冲击反循环钻机成孔,恰好可以发挥二种机械的长处。 根据对试桩18根桩的钻孔时间进行统计,非岩层的钻孔施工是采用旋挖钻机成孔,平均速率6.87m/h。岩层的钻孔施工时采用冲击反循环钻机成孔,成孔平均速率0.15m/h。

非入岩成孔速率统计(m/h),均值6.87m/h 246810S1-1S1-2S2-1S3-1M1-1M1-2M1-3M1-4M1-5M1-6M2-1M2-2M2-3M2-4M3-1M3-2M3-3 M3-4入岩成孔速率统计(m/h),均值0.15m/h 0.05 (2)孔壁稳定性控制(泥浆配置) 众所周知,以泥浆护壁的钻孔灌注桩施工中,泥浆的性能对孔壁的稳定性起了重要的作用。 在中心项目的做法是根据土层条件调整钻进泥浆性能指标。排出的泥浆通过净化、调节后循环使用。 不同地层泥浆性能控制指标 终孔后泥浆性能控制指标



编制: 审核: 批准: 年月日

目录第一章:工程概况 第二章:编制依据及规范、施工准备 第三章:重难点分析 第四章:制作工艺流程 第五章:下料工艺 第六章:H型钢组立及焊接工艺 第七章:巨柱(十字柱)组装工艺 第八章:巨柱(十字柱)焊接工艺 第九章:端铣工艺 第十章:牛腿节点制作及制孔工艺 第十一章:总装工艺 第十二章:成品焊接工艺 第十三章:焊缝返修工艺 第十四章:涂装工艺 第十五章:质量保证体系 第十六章:安全文明施工

第一章工程概况 1.1 工程概况 1.1.1武汉绿地中心定位“世界第三、中国第二、中部第一”,毗邻武汉长江隧道至武汉长江二桥之间武昌江边,坐落于武昌和平大道徐家棚。由1栋主塔楼、1栋办公辅楼、1栋公寓辅楼及裙楼组成。其中主塔楼地下室6层,地上125层,地上建筑面积3 2.3万平方米,建筑高度为606米。 1.1.2主塔楼钢结构由外框12个巨型劲性柱、18个外框重力柱、带剪力墙钢骨的钢筋混凝土核心筒、楼层钢梁、10道环带桁架、4道伸臂桁架、60米高的塔冠和雨棚组成。钢结构材质为Q345B、Q345GJB 、Q345C、Q345GJC、390GJC。如下图1、图2、图3、图4.

图1、总体构造图 SC1巨柱 SC2巨柱 重力柱 钢筋混凝土核心筒 F2-F4环带桁架 F13环带桁架 F23环带桁架 F34-F36环带桁F45环带桁架 F55环带桁架 F63-F66环带桁F86环带桁架 F97-F99环带桁架 F116-F118环带桁架 60米塔冠 F34-F36 伸臂桁架 F63-F66 伸臂桁架 F97-F99 伸臂桁架 F116-F118 SC1巨柱 SC2巨柱
