


01 富兰克林的考试Franklin's TEST

02 富兰克林和小鸭子Franklin AND THE DUCKLING

03 富兰克林和他的夜间朋友Franklin AND HIS NIGHT FRIEND

04 富兰克林和两个亨利Franklin AND THE TWO HENRYS

05 富兰克林的野外远足Franklin's NATURE HIKE

06 富兰克林的明星角色Franklin's STARRING ROLE

07 富兰克林的杰作Franklin's MASTERPIECE

08 富兰克林和计算机Franklin AND THE COMPUTER

09 骑士富兰克林Franklin THE TROOPER

10 富兰克林的化石Franklin'S FOSSIL

11 富兰克林和预言家Franklin AND THE FORTUNE TELLER

12 富兰克林和地下室Franklin'S CELLAR

13 富兰克林种树Franklin PLANTS A TREE

14 小英雄富兰克林Franklin THE HERO

15 富兰克林的假期Franklin'S DAY OFF

16 富兰克林做的小甜饼Franklin'S HOMEMADE COOKIES

17 神奇的富兰克林Franklin THE FABULOUS

18 富兰克林野营Franklin CAMPS OUT

19 富兰克林和小狗Franklin AND THE PUPPY

20 富兰克林拿了玩具校车Franklin TAKES THE BUS

21 富兰克林和抄袭者Franklin AND THE COPYCAT

22 大哥哥富兰克林BIG BROTHER Franklin

23 富兰克林和坏脾气的人Franklin ANT THE GRUMP

24 富兰克林的诺言Franklin'S PROMISE

25 富兰克林和暴风雨Franklin AND THE THUNDERSTORM

26 富兰克林的枫蜜Franklin'S MAPLE SYRUP

27 富兰克林帮助别人Franklin HELP OUT

28 富兰克林和失踪的零食Franklin'S MISSING SNACKS

29 富兰克林做好事Franklin'S GOOD DEEDS

30 富兰克林的潜水艇Franklin'S SUBMARINE

31 修理能手富兰克林MR.FIX-IT Franklin

32 富兰克林打嗝Franklin HAS THE HICCUPS

33 富兰克林送报Franklin DELIVERS

34 富兰克林的龟壳烦恼Franklin'S SHELL TROUBLE

35 富兰克林的帆船Franklin'S SAILBOAT

36 富兰克林偷听Franklin'S SNOOPS

37 富兰克林的爸爸Franklin'S FATHER

38 富兰克林打冰球Franklin PLYA HOCKEY

39 富兰克林和手偶戏Franklin AND THE PUPPET PLAY

40 富兰克林的秒表Franklin'S STOPWATCH

41 富兰克林遇到小貂Franklin MEETS ERMINE

42 富兰克林的滑稽行为Franklin'S FUNNY BUSINESS

43 富兰克林和山姆Franklin AND SAM

44 富兰克林的浆果园Franklin'S BERRY PATCH

45 富兰克林的对手Franklin'S RIV AL

46 富兰克林和收藏卡Franklin AND THE TRADING CARD

47 富兰克林的机器人Franklin'S ROBOT

48 大侦探富兰克林Franklin THE DETECTIVE

49 勇士富兰克林Franklin THE FEARLESS

50 富兰克林的护身符Franklin'S LUCKY CHARM

51 富兰克林在海滩Franklin AT THE SEASHORE

52 富兰克林和蜗牛的梦想Franklin AND SNAIL'S DREAM

53 我的富兰克林MY Franklin

54 富兰克林的妈妈Franklin'S MAM

55 富兰克林熬夜记Franklin STAY UP


56 谈条件的富兰克林Franklin'S BARGAIN

57 富兰克林和班车督察Franklin AND THE BUS PATROL

58 富兰克林和小狼獾Franklin AND WOLVIE

59 富兰克林的南瓜Franklin'S PUMPKIN

60 富兰克林的瓶罐乐队Franklin'S JUG BAND

61 富兰克林的重大比赛Franklin'S BIG GAME

62 富兰克林的读书俱乐部Franklin'S READING CLUB

63 富兰克林两头忙Franklin IN TWO PLACES

64 富兰克林最崇拜的明星Franklin'S FIRST STAR

65 富兰克林丢书记Franklin LOSES A BOOK


01 富兰克林的考试Franklin's TEST



Hi there, son. Well, how did it go? Your test. The one you‘ve been preparing for the past three days.

Oh, fine. Mr. Owl said I did a good job. I - I‘ve got to put my stuff away.

I have the feeling he didn‘t do as well on test as he expected.

I have the very same feeling. And I know how much he wanted one of those pens. Maybe it‘s time to mind Franklin that the value of a good honest try is worth more than a pen.

I‘ll come with you.

Franklin. Are you all right?

Uh huh.

You may not have gotten all the words right on your spelling test, but your father and I still think…

I did get them all right.

Oh, very good. So you did get a pen? Well, don‘t keep us in suspense. Let‘s have a look at it.

There it is.

Why did you put it in the garbage? Is there something you want to tell us, Franklin?

I spelled all the words right because I peeked at this.

It doesn‘t fell right winning a pen this way, does it?

No, Bear‘s right. I didn‘t win it fair and square. I cheated. What should I do?

That‘s something you shou ld decide. But I think you know inside what will make you feel better.


Good morning, Franklin.

Hi. Uh… I want to give you something. I'll just put it on your desk.

Uh, just a minute, Franklin. Why are you giving me back your pen?

I had one of the spelling words inside my cap and I look at it during the test.

I see.

I know I shouldn‘t have done it. It‘s just that

I really wanted to win one of those pens. But now I think you should have it back. Hmm. Sometimes we think too much about rewards and not enough about what it takes to earn them.

Like I thought more about getting the pen than learning how to spell.

Exactly. Tell you what - I‘ll hold onto this for a while. After all, there will be more tests. Thanks, Mr. Owl. Next time, I‘ll win it fair and square!

02 富兰克林和小鸭子Franklin AND THE DUCKLING

Ties his shoes ,

He could care for his dog Sam and Goldie his goldfish But one day ,Franklin had something to care for that took a lot more of his time than he had planned

Come on Bear , the water‘s not so cold once you used to it !

I know , it‘s the getting-used-to-it part I don‘t like

I‘ll race you to that log , On your mark Wait , I‘m not used to the water yet !

Get set

I‘m not racing franklin , I‘m not !


Franklin ! ohh!

I won !

What was that ?

A du ckling ! Look, It‘s coming over

Hi ,there . We‘re swimming in your back yard , aren‘t we ?

I wonder what it wants

Maybe it thinks you‘re his Mom.

You think so ?

Try swimming away and see what it does. See?

You sure are cute

Brrr. I ?m starting to get cold .Franklin, Let‘s go

What about this little duck?

Should we take him with us ?

I don‘t think so Franklin .


Why not ?

Because his home is here at the pond . Where‘s its mom and dad then ?

I don‘t see any big ducks , do you ?

Well , no , but

We can‘t jus t leave the little guy here all by himself

I suppose not but

Then we have to take him with us

I‘d be worried about him If we didn‘t

We could take turns looking after him , Bear .

This week he could be with me at my house and next week he could stay with you

I don‘t think my mom and dad will let me .And I don‘t think yours will either franklin

How come ?

Remember that time your mom found those frogs in the bathtub?

Oh yeh

She told you that frogs belong in the pond , not in the house

And she made me take them right back .

I‘ll have to keep this duckling a secret Where are you going to hide it

Hmm ,in my bed room I guess with the door closed

I‘m going home for lunch

Don‘t forget we have a soccer game today Yeah , I won‘t

See ya‘later , Franklin


Hello, Franklin

Did you have a nice swim at the pond ?

My swim ? oh yeah , my swim . It was fun Now you‘re here

maybe we can work together

and finish this job

Uh , no , I‘ll do it Mom.

You don‘t have to help me

Oh, all right then

Thank you , franklin


Don‘t just throw everything in the closet all

right ?

Okay., I won‘t

Good ,I‘ll head out to the garden

Whew , Shhh!! Thar was close

You‘ve gotta‘ be really quiet , okay ?

This is my buddy Sam

You make friends with him while I find you a nest

This should work

There ,, that ?s better , isn‘t it ?

Shhh! You sure make a lot of noise .

Oh!I know , you‘re hungry , aren‘t you ? Don‘t go any where ,I ?ll be right back . Duckling is going to love the meals I make You don‘t get Corn Crunchies ‘ down at th e pond .

Hmm Have a little snack before lunch ,are we franklin?

Uh , I was feeling a little hungry .

Go ahead . I didm‘t see a thing

Thanks dad!

It was ,, I mean Care for a t a Corn Crunchies , dear ?

Hey , how ?d you get down there ?

Ew , yack !

I forgot about that!

Here , you have something to eat and I‘ll put down some newspapers before that happens again.

Oh no

Shhh! Not so loud !

Gee . for such a small guy , you sure make a lot of noise and a lot of mess

You‘ve got my whole room , Why do you want to be on this spot !

Franklin, lunch is ready


Look , if I‘m going to take care of you . you ?re going to have to help me a little , Okay? And that means trying to be more quiet And not getting into stuff

And when the ducks old enough to look after themselves?

I suppose when their feathers and wings are fully grown and they don‘t need the constant care of their parents


And they fly south as soon as it‘s autumn , right ?

That‘s right

You‘re very interested in ducks .all the sudden franklin

Uh , the y are kind of neat , don‘t you think ? Yes they are . sure

Umm , I just remembered , I‘ve got a soccer game .I‘d better get ready

Looks like we‘ve got to get you anther hiding spot . You‘re getting into too much mischief in here.

Are you sure you brought the papers then ? Yes , I ?m sure .I had the crossword puzzle half-finished

Bye!Mom! I can‘t be late for soccer game I‘ll see you later .

Have fun !


You can‘t still be hungry !

Do you want to it rain again?

It‘s empty again ,You sure need a lot of looking after

It looks like I won‘t be playing much soccer this summer or anything else either

Oh , hello , Bear !

Hi! I‘m coming to get franklin for soccer he is late and everyone is waiting for him

That‘s strange he left nearly half hour ago Yes , he was in a quiet a hurry

He didn‘t want to be late

I wonder where he is ?

Wow, You know how franklin can get side-tracked . First we ?ll check around the house and then we‘ll

Call around to some of his friends

Hey! There ?s his soccer stuff!


Hi, bear!

Oh ,There you are

Thank goodness you are safe .

What are you doing in here son?

Yeah , how come you aren‘t at the soccer game ?

This is why.

I thought talking care of a little duckling will

be a lot of fun , But I found out it‘s a lot of work

What about its parents , Franklin?

I‘ll bet they are very worried

Yes just like we were about you

It doesn‘t have any parents

That‘s why franklin brought him home

I know you wanted to help the duckling, and that ?s a good thing

But I suspect this little one simply wandered too far from its family to do some exploring Yeah , It does do a lot of wandering and exploring .

Shall we take this guy back to pond ?

Will you help me to find his mom and dad ? We‘ll try our best

Thanks dad

Hey ! there are some big ducks !

And little ducks too !

That could be the family we‘re looking for Yep! That is the family!

Goodby little duckling!

Wow ! Look at him go !

His mom and dad sure look happy to see him I know just how they feel

Hey , there they are!

Do you want to play soccer or what ?

I sure do ! Come on Bear!

Another happy ending !

Yes everyone is back where they belong

03 富兰克林和他的夜间朋友Franklin AND HIS NIGHT FRIEND

(F—Franklin, D---Dad, B—Bat, Br—Bear, FM—Franklin‘s Mom, BM—Bat‘s Mom) Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes. He could swim and ride a bike and do many things really well. But one day Franklin learned that the thing he could do best was just himself.

F: Wow! Look at all those stars, Dad! There must be a zillion of them.

D: Maybe we should count them to find out. F: Dad.

D: Let me show you some groups of stars that look like animals.


F: Animals? Where?

D: Well, let‘s see here…Okay, there‘s Pegasus, the horse.

F: I don‘t see a horse.

D: It‘s up there. You have to use your imaginations.

F: Hmm…Show me a nother one, Dad.

D: That group of stars…Over here in the North is Ursa Major, the Bear.

F: The bear? It doesn‘t look anything like the bear I know. Did you see that star?!

D: That was a firefly that thinks it‘s a star! F: I‘m going to catch it! Hey, what w as that? Woops! Sorry, I didn‘t know you were chasing it too. Who are you?

B: Bat. What‘s your name?

F: I‘m Franklin. You must be new around here.

B: No, I‘ve always lived here. When did you move into this neighbourhood?

F: I‘ve lived here since I was born. How come we‘ve never met before?

BM: Bat, where are you? You haven‘t finished your breakfast yet.

B: That‘s my mom. Gotta‘ go.

F: Wait, where do you live?

B: In the big oak tree by the bridge.

F: Hey. Can I visit you sometime?

B: Sure. That‘s be great.

F: Gee, it sure is late to be eating breakfast. D: All bats eat their breakfast right after dark which is just when little turtles should be going to bed.

F: Au Dad, do I have to?

D: Come on up on my shoulders. I‘ll show you some more stars on the way home.

F: Show me some stars that look like a turtle. D: Ah yes, the constellation called, ―Franklin‖.

F: Dad.

Hey Bat! Are you home? Maybe this isn‘t the right place. Hey, Bat, where are you?

B: Up here Franklin. I‘ll be right down.

F: What? You‘re upside d own.

B: So are you! Do your mom and dad know you‘re up this late?

F: Late? It‘s morning. Where are your mom and dad?

B: Sleeping.

F: Gee, your whole family hangs upside down.

B: Heh, yeah. How do you sleep?

F: Well, I lie down; but I‘m not a bird.

B: I‘m n ot a bird either. See? No feathers. F: Oh yeah.

B: That tickles.

F: Is it hard to fly?

B: No, it‘s easy. Watch!

F: Wow! Gee it must be fun to be able to do that.

B: Yeah, it is sorta‘ fun.

BM: Bat, what are you doing up so late?

B: I‘m coming!

F: You have to go to sleep now?

B: Sure. I‘ve been up since I saw you last night.

F: You get to stay up all night!

B: Actually, I‘m supposed to have after midnight naps. But sometimes I play instead. F: Can you come over to my place later?

B: Okey. Where do you live?

F: In the round house by the pond. Come over right after you‘ve had supper…er breakfast…I mean just before dark.

B: Sure. See you late Franklin.

F: Neat. There…all done. Oh yeah, this is great! I look just like him.

Br: Franklin, what are you doing?

F: Trying to get some sleep.

Br: Ummm…Upside down!

F: That‘s how Bat sleeps.

Br: Who‘s Bat?

F: I met him last night. I‘ve never seen anyone like him!

Br: Yeah! What does he look like?

F: He‘s got ears..and wings…like me!

Br: How come I‘ve never seen him around? F: Because he sleeps during the day. And he stays up all night.

Br. All right. How does he play soccer in the dark?

F: He doesn‘t do that stuff. He does other


things. That‘s what‘s so neat about him!

Br: Oh.

F: Hey, we can both be bats! You can sleep upside down on that branch!

Br: Gee Franklin…I don‘t have to take naps in the afternoon anymore… Don‘t you want to ride bikes or something?

F: Hmm, maybe tomorrow, Bear.

Br: Okey See ya‘ later/

F: See ya bear.

FM: You know you can‘t stay up too long, Franklin.

F: I know, Mom. I‘m just going to play with Bat for a while…We‘ll stay right here in the backyard.

FM: That‘s fine.

F: I can feel the wind, lifting my wings.

B: Hi, Franklin!

F: Hi, Bat.

B: Hey, nice ears.

F: Yeah, and I‘ve got wings like you too.

B: Great. Do you know how to fly yet?

F: A little…But not with my feet off the ground.

B: Go ahead, let‘s see.

F: Okey. I haven‘t tried it like this yet.

B: Are your okey?

F: Oh, yeah, I‘m Okey. That‘s the farthest I‘ve flown yet.

B: It is? You didn‘t go anywher e.

F: But, my feet were off the ground.

B: Now this is flying.

F: I don‘t know how to do it like that.

B: Oh, well, that‘s okay. You fly your way with your feet on the ground. But, that‘s not how bats fly.

F: So?

B: You‘re not a bat.

F: That‘s for sure.

B: What‘s the matter. We can still have fun. We‘ve got all right.

F: No, we don‘t. It‘s almost my bedtime.

B: Eh? You‘ve got to go to bed now? It‘s night time.

F: I know. I sleep at night. My whole family does.

D: Franklin, Time to get ready for bed.

F: See…Turtles don‘t play at night. Thanks for coming, Bat.

B: Yeah…See you around, Franklin.

Br: Hey, Franklin.

F: Hi, Bear.

Br: What happened to your bat costume? F: I put it away.

Br: How come? I thought you wanted to be a bat.

F: The only bat thing I can do is hang upside down…And that gives me a headache.

Br: Why do you want to be like bat anyway? You‘re already good at being Franklin.

F: What‘s so neat about that?

Br: Right there. That‘s what‘s so neat.

F: Why?

Br: Skipping stones…I can‘t do that. Can Bat do that?

F: He wouldn‘t be able to hold the stone the right way. Anyway, he does other things. Br: And so do you Franklin. Swimming and Playing soccer…Heh, heh, hiding in your shell…And there‘s one other thing, you‘ve always been great at.

F: What‘s that?

Br: Being my best friend.

F: Thanks Bear. You‘re my best friend too. Br: Now teach me how to skip a stone.

F: You have to find a nice flat one.

Br: I know that already!

F: Hey, Bat. Are you there?

B: Hi, Franklin. What‘s up?

F: I was wondering if you‘d like to come to my house again tonight.

B: You want some flying lessons, right?

F: No, I‘m a turtle…I want you to come and meet some of my friends.

B: Okay!...Can I bring some of my friend too?

F: That sounds great. We‘ll play some games and stuff. See you tonight Bat.

B: Franklin, wait.

F: Yeah?

B: Before I go back to sleep…could you take me for a ride on your wheel thing?


F: On my bike? Sure. Hang on.

B: Wow, this is great!

F: Yeah it is, isn‘t it!

04富兰克林和两个亨利Franklin AND THE TWO HENRYS

Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes. He had a pet goldfish named Goldie and a best friend named Bear. But Bear wanted to have a pet too. And because they were best friends, Franklin wanted to help him.

Hi Franklin!

Hi Bear!

Want to go for a bike ride?

Sorry, Franklin, I can't...

Guess what I'm doing?

Uh...eating a cookie?

You're close. I'm waiting for Beaver and Henry.

Henry? Her pet hamster?

Yep! Beaver's going away for the whole weekend and I'm going to baby-sit him for her!

You're going to baby-sit Henry?

Well, hamster-sit. But that's not the best part! My Mon and Dad said that if I take good care of Henry, they'll let me have a hamster too!

Wow! Just what you've always wanted, Bear! Hi guys!

Hi Beaver!

Here's Henry!

Good morning, Hen... ...ry!

Oh look, Henry!

Your favourite! Nice juicy clover!

Here, Henry.

Want a cookie?

No, don't feed him that! Henry has his own cookies. Happy Hamster Snaps. They're filled with vitamins and minerals and come in four delicious flavours, but he doesn't like the orange ones.

He gets ONE of these a day. Got it ? Yap! One a day and he doesn't like the orange ones.

Good. Now, let's show Henry

your room.

Isn't this great!

Look, guys! Henry already feels right at home. He's in his wheel!

That's great, Beaver. But does he really need all this stuff?

Well, I want to make sure he has everything he needs! Henry is a very special hamster you know.

Aren't you Chubby Cheeks?

Oh, yes you are!

What's so special about him?

Just watch!

Wow! Neat!

That's not all! He even comes when you call his name!

Henry! C'mon Henry!

Let me try! Henry!

Okay, my turn! Here Chubby Cheeks!

He won't come when you call him that! Henry! Gee, Henry is a

special hamster!

Very special. And I'm going to miss my little Chubby Cheeks.

It's okay, Beaver. I'll take good care of him.

I know you will, Bear.

Yeah! And I'll help!

Thanks guys. I'll see you on Sunday.

Bye, Beaver. See ya'.

Bye, Henry.

It's okay, Henry. We're going to take good care of you. Right, Bear?

You bet! And then my parents will let me have a pet hamster for sure!

Gee, Henry! The weekend sure went fast. Beaver comes back tommorrow and you get to go home. And I get to have my own pet hamster. Hope he's as nice as you.

Hey! Stop! That tickles!

Sleep tight...Chubby Cheeks.

I'll get it! Good morning, Franklin. You must


be here to help Bear with... ... the hamster! Thanks, mom! Hi, Franklin!


What's the matter, Bear?


Whoa! What happened to your room? Henry got out of his cage last night!

Wow! He makes all this mess?

No, I did! Looking for him. And I can't find him!

Beaver's coming home today. You've got to find him. HENR-!

Shhh...quiet Franklin. I don't want Mon and Dad to find out I've lost him.

Sorry Bear.

That's okay. Just try to be more quiet. Come on. Let's check the other rooms.

We've searched the whole house. Where could he be?! And why doesn't he come when we call his name? He's lost for good.

I'll never get a hamster of my own now.

And you'll have to get a new one for Beaver. Hey...that gives me an idea. What if we buy Beaver a new hamster before she gets here. She's still going to be upset, Franklin.

But she won't know it's a new hamster... ...And neither will your parents. Yeah... We'll just go to the pet shop and buy a new Henry. Okay, let's do it.

Good! You check your piggy bank and I'll check mine. We'll meet at the pet shop in half an hour!

I think we picked the perfect one, Bear. This hamster looks exactly like Henry!

Yeah, and he eats like him too.

I don't think Beaver will ever be able to tell the difference. Henry.

Henry! C'mon, Henry.

Uh oh...

How fast can we teach him his new name? Bear! Beaver's here!

Not that fast...

Maybe Beaver won't notice.

She'll notice, Bear. We just have to make sure she doesn't notice in front of your parents.

It was a very nice trip, but I couldn't wait to

get back to see my...

There you are!

Were you a good boy?

Oh yeah, he was great.

No problem. Don't worry about his supplies. We'll bring them right over.

Wait, Franklin. I have to say 'thank you' to Bear.

Thanks, Bear. And I hope you get your own hamster. You deserve it.

C'mon, let's get you home, Henry!


Uh oh...

Beaver! Wait!

This is the real Henry.

The real Henry? But...

Henry escaped last night. I guess I left his cage door open...

And when we couldn't find him, I talked Bear into buying that one.

Didn't you think I'd find out?!

I'm sorry, Beaver. Instead of trying to trick you, I should have told the truth.

I'll say! Well, I'm just glad to get my Henry back.

Guess I better take this guy back to the pet shop.

Bear. I'm glad you told Beaver the truth about what happened.

I am too. And I shouldn't have bought another hamster without permission... There's only one real Henry.

And you did take good care of him.

I did, didn't I?

Yes. You've shown us how responsible you are so we've decided that you can have a pet hamster of your own.

Really?! This one!?

If you like.

Thanks, Dad! C'mon, Franklin!

Bear!... That's Henry's cage!

Huh? Oh yeah...

We'd better make a trip to the pet shop and buy your hamster his own home.

Do you want to come too?

Sure! Okay!


I'll go get my wagon to help carry the food and supplies.

So, what are you going to call him, Bear? Henry!...Henry the Second!

05 富兰克林的野外远足Franklin's NATURE HIKE

Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes…he could he lp his friends build a fort.. And help his father in the yard. He could even help Mr. Owl plan a nature hike. But one day Franklin was too helpful.

And over here by the stream you might find an interesting stone or perhaps a shell. But look inside the shell before you take it. There might be somebody living in it!


A point well taken, snail.

We want interesting objects for our classroom nature table, but living things belong here in the woods. Alright class, off you go. and remember ,don‘t pick the flowers.


Have fun!

We‘ll have fun alright.

Come on, let‘s go,Franklin.

Yeah, I love the woods.


Oooo, fungus.

This looks interesting.

Look what I just found…

Here I am Snail.

I‘m always happy to give you a ride Snail. You don‘t even have to ask.

Thanks Franklin.

Let‘s catch up with others.

Fly away!

There‘s one!

Hmmm! Not close enough.

Hurry up you guys!

Ha,ha. Now I have you.

Time to hit the trail, Snail.


Heh, good rhyme,Franklin.

Oh. Fly away! You‘re free!

Hey,someone forgot to put a bridge here. Who needs a bridge?

Yes,but your feet are waterproof.

I‘m taking the stepping stones.

Yeah,me too.

And this more fun anyway.

Hmmmm. That‘s what I need.

Why did you stop?

Ummm, I saw this clam shell.

Isn‘t it neat?

Good find,bear!

Snail, what are you doing?

Save your breath Snail.

Just whistle when you need help. I ‘m never far away.

I know.

Hey! This would look good on the nature table. So would this log!

Do you think maybe it‘s just a little too big?

I don‘t think so.

But I may need help putting it in my knapsack.

Hey guys! Look at this!

A wasp‘s nest.


Isn‘t it great!

Bear! You are not going to take it back to our classroom , are you?

Sure . why not?

Because wasps sting if you bother them.

I‘m not bothering them. They‘re not even living in it anymore.

Will you take it off for me Franklin?

Oh! They‘re still inside!

And I think we‘re bothering them.

Oh. I‘d better leave them alone.

Not like that bear!

Run for it!

That was a close one.

Phew…. That‘s for sure.

It‘s the fastest I‘ve ever run.

Me too… how about you Snail?

Snail! Oh, no! I forgot Snail!

Run Franklin!


How could I have forgotten Snail?!


He‘s my good friend…and I didn‘t even help him.

Where is he?

These termite tunnels go everywhere!

Snail! Snail!



Her I am Franklin!

Snail? Is that you?

It‘s me!

Snail! Are you ok?

Sure! I‘m fine.

I‘m really sorry.

I didn‘t mean to forget you.

Thanks, Franklin but…

Oh! You‘ve found him!

I was worried.

Same here.

Yeah, me too!

Um…how come?

The wasps! They were buzzing all over the place.

I had a good hiding spot.

So now that everyone knows I‘m fine , I‘ll go back and explore the termite tuunels.

You can‘t go in there , Snail.

You might get lost.



Don‘t worry Snail, from now on, I‘m going to take really good care of you.

I won‘t forget you again, I promise.

My knapsack is so full, I can barely squeeze anything else in.

Mine is so heavy I can hardly lift it.

I haven‘t found anything yet.

But I will.

Don‘t worry about it ,Snail.

I‘ve got something I can give you.

Or, I can just carry it for you.

I don‘t want you to! I want to find something myself!

What did I do?

I just wanted to help you, that‘s all.

Wasn‘t I helping?

Yes, but you‘re helping too much!

Too much?

How do you help someone too much?

Well, Snail is pretty good at doing things for himself.

Do you think so?


Snail‘s been a snail all his life, so he has to be good at it by now.

Yes ,that‘s right. No one does things like Snail.

Hey!look up there!

It‘s snail!


I don‘t believe it!

See! He has his own Snail way of doing things.

Yeah, I guess you‘re right.

What do you see up there Snail?

Lots of things.

Wow, I‘ve found something really really neat! And there‘s enough for everybody!

Let‘s go!

Yeah! Come on! Great!

Wait for me!

Look out below!

Whoa, look at this!

Is it ever sparkly!

Like diamonds!

This is great!

Gee, thanks Snail!

This is the best thing I‘ve seen all day!

Good find, isn‘t it?

Great find!

Thanks snail.

None of us could ever have climbed up there. I‘m glad I could help.

Hey… that‘s Mr. Owl.

Let‘s go!

Come on!

I‘ll go first.


Snail.. I know you don‘t need me to help you all the time…

But would you like a ride back?

Sure , I don‘t want to miss the bus. Anyway.. I do like having help when I need


it… when you need it. Right?


This is an interesting specimen.

Hmmm… a tail feather. And if I‘m not mistaken…

Yes. It‘s one of mine.

Another fall molt.

Where does the time go?

And look at these quartz crystals! Magnificent!

These will certainly bright up our classroom. Snail found them!

Yeah! He climbed straight up a big cliff to get them!

A big cliff!

well done ,snail!

Nothing gets in your way, does it snail?

No, and when it does, I know I can always ask my friends for help.


06 富兰克林的明星角色Franklin's STARRING ROLE

Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes .He liked to tell stories and act in front of an audience.

But one day Franklin learned that you don‘t have to be at center stage to be a star. And George tiptoed into the cave. It was so dark, he couldn‘t see a thing! Suddenly there was a big whoosh of fire! It was the fire-breathing dragon!

And it was breathing fire right at George! Take that!

And that!


Don‘t give up George!

Go George, go!

When George got through with that dragon, it could barely toast a marshmallow.

It flew away as fast as its wings could carry it. Right over the mountains. The king gave George a huge reward of gold coins! And everyone in the valley lived happily ever after. The end.

Great story, Franklin! Yeah.

That was good.

I liked that.


You are a really good actor, Franklin! I bet you‘ll get a big part in the spring play!

You think so? I hope I do. Last time I had stage fright, but this time I won‘t be worried at all!

Well,we‘ll soon find out what parts we‘re getting. C‘mon!

I hope I get the starring role!

I wanna play the witch! Hope I get it!

The king gets to eat…I can‘t wait..

I‘d like to play the tallest character. Welcome back class.

Now, I know you‘re all anxious to find out about your parts in the spring play… so I won‘t keep you in suspense. Now let‘s see: Sleeping Beauty will be played by Badger. Huh? Me?

There‘s only one Badger in this class.

The role of the Prince will be played by Fox. The prince!


Do I get to use a sword?

Yes, and you wake Sleeping Beauty from her enchanted sleep with a kiss.

A kiss?

In front of everybody?

Bear will be our king.

Yahoo! I‘m the king!

Goose will be the Queen.

Beaver will be the wicked witch.

I‘ll cast an evil spell on all of you!

Raccoon and Skunk are the Nobles…and Rabbit and Snail will be the King‘s Guards…

the King‘s Guards…


Oh boy!

What about me Mr.Owl?

What‘s my part?

Don‘t worry Franklin.

I haven‘t forgotten you. You have an important part to play.


You‘ll be our Stage Manager.

What part is that?

It‘s not a part on stage, but it‘s a very , ver y important job.

You will be in charge of the props, the lights ,and running the curtains.

Oh… that‘s great Mr. Owl.

Alright then, we will start rehearsals tomorrow.

I‘m going to wear a cape and ride a horse!

I‘m going to wear a cape too, and carry a magic wand!

I‘ll be the actor wearing a crown! And I‘ll be wearing armour.


I wear armour all the time.

Franklin does too.

Don‘t you Franklin?

Huh? What?

Our shells… they‘re like armour.


I guess so.

And this lucky turtle gets to run the curtains. I‘m not lucky. You guys are the lucky ones. You get to be on the stage. Um…I know, let‘s all go to the pond for a swim!


Good idea!

Yeah, let‘s go swimming!

I don‘t feel like swimming. I‘m going home. Do you want to play at your house instead? Not really.

I‘ll see you tomorrow.

Oh Sam, today was terrible.

I was the only one in the class who didn‘t get

a part in the play. Mr. Owl must think I‘m not a good enough actor.


Time for dinner! Oh,no!

How am I going to tell Mom and Dad?

And how was your day, Franklin?

Ok I guess.

Has Mr. Owl started rehearsals for Sleeping Beauty? We start tomorrow.

Oh, that‘ll be fun!

What part did you get?

Uhm… it‘s a surprise. A surprise!

But don‘t I have to make a costume for you? No, I don‘t need a costume.

Wel l, we‘ll be looking forward to finding out your secret part.


You were wonderful in the Christmas play. Could I have the nobles step back to make way for the king….

…..that‘s perfect.

And now our majestic king steps forward to center stage to celebrate the birth of the princess, we…uh..we…we shall….we shall throw a grand party and invite everyone in the entire kingdom.

Uh…oh yeah, I remember we shall throw a grand party and invite everybody in the kingdom.

Oh, I know all the lines…why didn‘t Mr. Owl pick me?

I‘m sure I won‘t be receiving an invitation to their little party. But I‘ll still give a present to the princess. A present that she‘ll never forget.

End of act one.

Dim lights. Close curtains.

I cast my big spell in the next act.

Franklin, s o I‘ll need my sparkle..

Your sparkle dust is on the prop table. I filled it at lunch. Thanks, Franklin.

Aw… which sword is mine? I keep forgetting.

I put a piece of red tape on the handle of yours. Oh thanks, Franklin. You‘re welcome. Well done class. I dare say our audience will think they‘re watching professional actors! No one‘s going to clap for me.

Oh, no! they‘re not going to see me any better from the front row. I should have told them I don‘t have a part.

Look! Franklin is the Stage Manager!


That‘s an important job! No wonder he was keeping it a secret!

Evil witch!

You don‘t scare me!

Hello , young Prince!


Stand back!

I‘m warning you! Foolish youth!

Do you think you can succeed where all others have failed?


The princess!

How beautiful she is!

Go on!

Thank you kind Prince, for saving us from this terrible spell!

Hooray for the prince!


Oh my!

Hang on ,snail!

Yay for Franklin!

Way to go,Franklin!

Good job! Yay!


Thanks for helping me when I forgot that line again, Franklin.

No problem, Bear.

And thanks for handing me my sword.

I guess I was nervous and forgot about the red tape. I remembered , fox..

In a line everyone!

Back out for your bows!

And Franklin! Well done!

You know, that‘s why I made you stage manager!

Because I know you were quick-thinking!

I thought I was backstage because I wasn‘t good enough for a part!

Goodness me, no!

After the wonderful job you did in the lead time, I just wanted to give someone else a chance!


Just because you‘re not on stage doesn‘t mean yo u‘re not important!

Why, this play couldn‘t have happened at all without a stage manager!

Wow! Really?

And an excellent stage manager. You were. Thanks, Mr. Owl.

Come on Franklin!

Yeah, hurry up.


You have to take your bow too!

Come on!

Bravo Franklin!

Well done!

07 富兰克林的杰作Franklin's MASTERPIECE

Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes. He did drawings for his friends…and paintings for his Granny. And one day Franklin painted a picture for an art contest. Look at my paintings, Mom!

They‘re ve ry colourful, Franklin.

They‘re for the painting contest at the ice cream shop.

All of them?


The prize is a really neat skateboard!

I want to win it…

So I‘m going to enter as many paintings as I can .

They‘re all wonderful, Franklin.

But perhaps you should pick just one painting and make it the best it can be. Hmmm. Maybe you are right.

But…which one should I pick?

Hi Franklin.

Aren‘t you finished your painting for the contest yet?


I‘m trying to pick the best one. Them I‘m going to make it even better.

Mine is in here.

Do you want to see it?

Okay. Look in the end.

It‘s all rolled up, Bear.

I can hardly see it.

I can‘t take it out.

Mom said Mr. Skunk has to take it out so it won‘t get wrecked.


Which one of these do you like the best? Hmmm. That one.

The flowers look like lollipops.

Oh yeah…hey, watch this.


What‘s so funny?

It‘s a lollipop garden.


I like that kind of garden.

…except it needs one more thing.

A jellybean bush.

You can‘t have a jellybean bush without black ones.

Black jellybeans are your favourites?

Oh yeah, they taste the best.

What tastes so good?

Franklin‘s painting.


Oh, I get it.

Hey, how about a candy apple tree?

Here, go ahead.


Hey, I know.

What about candy com on the cob?

Oh, candy canes.

You‘ve got to have candy canes. Snapdragons.

That‘s a good choice.

I‘m good at painting bees.

So I put a whole bunch in. do you think Mr. Skunk will like it?

I‘m sure he will.

Will he like it the best?

He‘s got to like it the best.


I want to lick it.

Alright, you can do the honours. I like this. For the gardener who has a sweet tooth. Oh, isn‘t that charming?

Look at the little candy canes.

Quite an imagination you have ,son. And you‘re very artistic too.


Jellybean bushes.

That‘s a good idea.

Maybe I‘ll pla nt a row of those next spring. Hmmmm.

Yes we enjoy his artwork too.

I‘m sure he‘ll be very excited when I tell him the news.

Oh, just a second.

He just came in the door.

I‘ll let you tell him.

It‘s Mr. Skunk .

Hi, Mr. Skunk… I did?!..


What?… I mean, pardon?…when?

I can come right now…

Okay… thanks Mr. Skunk… Bye.

I won the skateboard!

Congratulations son.

Yes. I guess you chose the right painting. Yeah!

And I‘m glad I did!

Hold on! What about these? It‘s okay. I don‘t need them mom.i‘m going to the ice cream shop to get my skateboard!


He‘s a famous artist now.

You don‘t expect him to put his things away, do you?

Not today.

Thanks , Mr. Skunk.

This is great!

So is your painting.

It‘s a real masterpiece. My mom and dad liked it too.

I can‘t wait ‘til my friends see this. Oh I‘m sure they‘ve seen it.

I‘ve had visitors in here everyday looking at it.

Well the next time they see it, it‘ll be going a lot faster.

Sixty, seventy..


hey, we‘ve got enough!



Look out!



W hew… that was fun.

Hey, where‘d everybody go?

Gee Franklin, you need a horn and a brakes. And driving lessons!

Sorry guys!

I‘m just getting used to this thing.


It‘s really fast.

Hey! That skateboard.

That looks like the one from Mr. skunk‘s ice cream shop!

That‘s because it is the one from the ice cream shop.

You won it?

I won it!


Are you ever lucky, Franklin?

I‘m lucky, but it‘s because I did a good painting that I won the prize.

Mr. Skunk called it a masterpiece. Ooooo! Way to go, Franklin.

Yeah, th at‘s great.


We were just going to the ice cream shop to share a chocolate sundae.

Do you guys mind splitting it four ways? No, that‘s good idea.


I‘ll share with Franklin.

Gee, you guys are great.

And you‘re the best artist. And the worst driver.


We‘re here Franklin.

Put on the brakes.

That skateboard is great.

I wish I had one.

Me too.

Yeah, I do too.

Maybe Mr. Skunk will have another art contest next summer.

But if you want to win a skateboard your paintings have to be as good as that one. This is what you entered?


Where have I seen this painting before?

You guys painted stuff on it, remember?

So why aren‘t our names on it too?


That‘s right.

How come?

I don‘t know… it was my idea.

And my jellybean bush.

And my candy apple tree.

That‘s right, Franklin.

We all helped paint it.

Um, ah,well, you guys can use the skateboard anytime you want.

Here Beaver, you have a turn .

No thanks.

I came here to have a chocolate sundae. Yeah. Me too.

Yeah let‘s have our ice cream.

We can talk about this after .

Did you bring any money?


You guys said I could share?

You didn‘t share our names on that painting, so we‘re not sharing our sundae.

Hello, Franklin.

How are you enjoying your new skateboard? It‘s fine.

I‘m making popcorn,son.

It‘s almost ready.

No thanks, Dad.

I‘m not very hungry.

Oooh.. if it‘s that skateboard giving you trouble, don‘t worry. It will just take practice.

It‘s not that.

It‘s my friends.

They think they should have won too.

I‘m sure your friends entered some fine paintings…but it wouldn‘t be a contest if everybody won, would it?

It‘s not that either…they kind of helped me with my painting.

I thought you painted the snapdragons and bees. I entered a different one.

The garden of treats painting.

That wasn‘t your painting?

Well it was….sort of…but then Bear and Beaver and Fox came along and added things…and they did make the picture look better.

If they helped to make your picture look better, then they deserve some recognition, don‘t you think?

Yes , they do.


I think I know what I have to do.

Thanks, Franklin.



I still say that painting is a masterpiece. Even if it did take four artists to paint it.

Now all we have to do, is decide how we‘re going to cut this into four pieces. No way! We‘ve already solved that probl em.

Yeah, we‘re going to keep it at the tree fort. Then all of us can use it whenever we want. Yeah!

That sounds like a good compromise. Good. Now that we‘ve got that sorted out, I‘d like to order six chocolate sundaes.

Oh boy!

Oooh sundaes!

Two in one day!

And we don‘t have to share!

Oh . I‘m sorry. Those are for me. Dad!

08 富兰克林和计算机Franklin AND THE COMPUTER

Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes .He knew lots of games and all of their rules. But one day, Franklin learned that friendship is more important than winning a game.

A new computer game?

When did you get it?


And I‘m already good at it.

Did you hear that Bear?


Beaver has a new computer game.

Your turn.

I wonder what it‘s like?

Your turn, Franklin.

I wonder if it‘s an adve nture game.


Hey, what about our game?

Take my next turn for me.

Will you Bear?

What‘s your new game like, Beaver?

It‘s about building dams, so it‘s very educational.

She‘s already scored five hundred points! Five-hundred and forty, actually.

That‘s gr eat!

I‘ll have to play it sometime.

I‘m really good at games.

Why are you putting away the game.


I took your turn for you. And you won. See? I told you.

I‘m really good at games.


Good bye!

See ya!


See you tomorrow!

So what are we going to do,Franklin? Uh.. you mean now? yeah!

We always do things after school.

Gee Bear, I have to do something else right now.

Maybe after supper.



See you later Bear.


Where‘s Bear?oh- he went home.

Do you want to play baseball with me? Actually I‘m going to play on my computer. What are you going to play? Dambuilders. You have to swim around all kinds of hazards and chew down trees and ….aw, that sounds great!

Can I see?

Well, I guess you could watch me…

But you have to be quiet because it takes a lot of concentration.

Don‘t worry about me Beaver, I am really good at being quiet.

Trouble bubbles, Beaver!

Watch out!

Franklin, I told you, don‘t touch the computer screen.



I didn‘t want you to get trapped. I know what I‘m doing. I‘m almost at level two.


Look out!

Don‘t go that way.

No problem.

You should have gone that way.

It‘d be faster.

No, it wouldn‘t.

I‘d get stuck in the weeds.

Look out for the…

Oh no….

Barrel trap.

Game over.


I almost got to level two.yeah!

Um. Beaver can I have a turn?

Just a little one?

Well, it is about beavers and dam building so you might find it kind of difficult.

I like games that are hard.




Round the corner of Cattail Creek. …Franklin are you almost…almost out o f the bulrushes?

Yes I am … and the dam is wide open… a little further.. a little further.


I beat.. level one!

What do you think of that Beaver?!


Let‘s see who can beat level two first. Franklin, your mother called.

She wants you to go home for supper. Awww.

We were having so much fun. You live across the pond, not across the ocean.

You can always come again after supper. You‘re right!

See you later, Beaver.


I‘ll never get to level two if I have to wait for Franklin.

Uh oh,,trouble bubbles in the big pond. Better take a shortcut through Cattail Creek. Ahhh!

A fallen tree.

I‘ve got to get around it.

I think it‘s time to eat your breakfast in stead of playing Dam Busters in it.

Dam Builder‘s , mom.

Do you know I‘ve almost beaten level three? T hat‘s quite an accomplishment…

I guess.

Oh, it is.

I scored more bonus points than Beaver.

And she gets more time to play than I do.

Do you think you‘re spending too much time playing that game?

You‘ve been over there every day this week. It‘s fun.

Yes , and so are swimming and soccer and riding your bike.

Yeah, I should ride my bike today. Awwww.


Eight hundred points!

Well, you‘re up bright and early today.

Good morning Mrs. Beaver.

Here I am.

Come on Franklin.

Let‘s play badminton.

Oh, now that sounds like a nice idea.

It‘s such a lovely day.


Yeah okay.

I got the trees to fall right on top of a barrel trap, and …at level Four you have to get around the whirlpools and the….Franklin.. hit the birdie!

Do you want to keep paying this, or do you feel like doing something else now?

Like what?

Hmmmm… I don‘t know.

Maybe play Dam-Builders?

I don‘t feel like it. Franklin.

I‘d rather play outside.

Why don‘t we finish this game?

Oh I forgot!

I promised my Mom I‘d pick some berries for lunch.

I have to go.

See you later, Beaver.


See you later, Franklin.

Hey, Franklin

Where are you going?

I‘m just going over to Beaver‘s.

How come you don‘t play with me anymore?

I do.

I played with you a couple of days ago.

It‘s been longer than that.

I‘m sorry, Bear.

I just want to beat level four in Dam-builders, then we can play.

Will that take a long time?

Not when you‘re as good as I am!

Maybe today?

I‘ll try.

See you later, Bear.

I hope so.

Hi, Mrs. Beaver.

Hello Franklin.

Beaver isn‘t here.

She‘s running an errand for me.

Oh. She shouldn‘t be long.

Do you want to wait for her?

Sure. I‘ll wait.

Would you like to play a game on the computer?

Tha t‘d be great!

You know where it is.

Thanks, Mrs. Beaver!


Yes…fifty points to go.


What are you doing?

Hey, Beaver, guess what?!

I‘ve almost beaten level four!

Turn it off, Franklin.


I said turn it off.

But Beaver, I‘m past the whirlpools.


What are you doing?

What am I doing?

What are you doing, playing on my computer when I‘m not even here?

But…but your mom said I could. Are you mad because my score is higher than yours? No. I‘m mad because you‘re not my friend anymore!

Why? What did I do?

you don‘t want to play with me, all you want to do is play with my computer.

That‘s not being a friend.

Gee, I‘m sorry,. Beaver

I didn‘t mean to make you feel bad.

Well, you did.

How would you feel if I only came to your house to ride your scooter?

Not very good…

And who cares about dam-builders?

Being friends is more important.


You‘re right Beaver.

And keeping friends is more important too. Do you want to play something outside? Sure.

It‘s too nice out to be in here.

Yeah, come on ,let‘s go.

I‘ve got it!

Okay, who wants it?

I want it!

I do!


Nice one!

Gee, am I ever glad it didn‘t take you all day to beat level four of that computer game.

He didn‘t beat level four.

Awww… you didn‘t?


I decided that there are more important things the Dam-builders.

Like playing soccer?


Like playing soccer with my best friends .

09 骑士富兰克林Franklin THE TROOPER Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes. he liked to help his mother make cookies and he liked to help his father rake leaves. But one day, Franklin was tired of being a helper.

See you later, mom!




Oh dear!

Sorry Mrs. Muskrat.

Not a problem Franklin.

I always enjoy running into a friend.

Oh, I get it.

So, where are you headed to in such a hurry? I‘m going swimming! A perfect day for it.

It‘s going to be a real scorcher.

What‘s all that stuff for?

Oh, just a few things I need to fix up my old boat.

A boat?! I love boats!

Yes, I want it ship-shape for the Cherry Festival fireworks.


I love fireworks!

I do too. And this year, I‘m going to watch them from the water.

That is , if I get my boat ready in time.

Do you need any help fixing your boat? Oh, I could, but it‘s going to be a lot of work.. That‘s okay. I like working.

Then we‘re a team.

Drop by my shed after your swim and I‘ll get you started.


Thank you.

.. and when she sees how hard I work…

she might even ask me to be the captain of the boat.

Hey, if you‘re the captain, you could pick me to be one of your crew.

And me!

And me!


And me!

Is the boat big enough for all of us?

Oh, for sure.



It‘ll be just like this one, only bigger.

This is your boat?

I told you it needed a lot of work.

But trust me, with a little elbow grease, we‘ll soon have it looking like new again.

While I‘m taking the oar locks off, you can start sanding the bow.



Where is it?

Right here.

The bow is the front of the boat. The back end is called the stern.


Don‘t worry. You‘ll know all kinds of fancy boat words by the time we set sail for the fireworks show.

Yeah, I can‘t wait.

It‘s so hot in here.


Like an oven.

A swim would feel good about now. but this ol‘boat needs too much work to take a break yet.


I‘ll have to get some more supplies from the hardware store by the looks of things. I‘ll get what you need.

Alright. Then I‘ll just keep right on working and you can give this to Mr. Mole.

No problem.

This is worse than sanding.

Hey Franklin!

Over here Franklin!

Hi Franklin!


You guys are still here?

Yeah, it‘s too hot to do anything else.

That‘s for sure.

Are you having fun at Mrs. Muskrat‘s?

Sort of.

Is the sailboat almost done?

It‘s not exactly a sailboat. It‘s a rowboat. And it‘s a lot more work than I thought it would be.

Oh well.

Just think about tomorrow.

You can spend the whole day swimming at the pond.

That‘s where I‘ll be.

Me too.


F2_BIG_BROTHER_Franklin 小乌龟学美语文本

BIG BROTHER Franklin Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes. 富兰克林已经会数奇偶数了,他还学会了自己系鞋带。 He liked pancakes with ladybug sprinkles… and he liked playing games with his friends. 他喜欢吃煎饼,上面撒有斑点的……他还喜欢玩游戏,和他的朋友们。 And one day, he thought he might like being a big brother. 一天,他认为自己可能喜欢做一个大哥哥。 Three…two…one…BLAST OFF! 三…二…一…起飞! WHOOOoooOOOoooOOOooo…! 哦!噢……! Prepare for re-entry! 准备好回转! WHOOOoooOOOoooOOOooo…! 哦!噢……! Whoa! 哇! Careful Raccoon! 浣熊,小心点儿! Don’t stand up until the playground sto ps spinning! 别站起来,等到你觉得操场不转了为止。 The clouds are spinning too! 云也在旋转呢! …you’re funny! ……你真好玩。 Hi! I’m Squirrel! 你们好,我是小松鼠! I’m here visiting my Granny! 我来这儿看望我的奶奶! I’m Franklin! And this is Fox, and Raccoon. 我是富兰克林!这是狐狸,这是浣熊。 Can I play too? 我也可以玩吗? Gee! I don’t know! 天哪,我可不确定. We’re doing big kid stuff. 我们在玩儿大孩子玩儿的游戏。 Yeah, we don’t want you to get hurt or anything. 是啊,我们可不想让你磕着碰着什么的。 But that looked like fun! 可看起来挺好玩的! Aw, why don’t we just let him play with us? 啊,为什么不能让他跟咱们一起玩呢?


目录 工程概述 (1) (一)工程概况 (2) (二)设计内容 (2) 设计方案说明 (3) (一)供电方式 (3) (二)配线形式 (3) (三)敷设方式 (3) (四)电气照明 (4) (五)控制方式 (5) (六)防雷保护、安全措施及接地系统 (5) 计算说明书 (8) (一)照度计算 (8) (二)负荷计算 (15) 课程设计总结: (25) 参考文献 (26) 致谢 (27)

工程概述 (一)工程概况 1.本工程为地上建筑,建筑面积为876平方米,建筑高度29.75米,建筑为六层学生公寓楼,层高为3.6米。 2.该工程共有六层,地下一层为架空层,地下一~六层为学生寝室。 3.用电负荷等级:根据本项目的特点,建筑物负荷等级和防雷等级:三类、三级。 4.建筑电源:建筑物的电源均采用五芯电缆引自相关变配电所。 5.结构形式:框架结构,现浇混凝土楼板。 (二)设计内容 1、配电系统 2、照明系统 3、防雷保护、安全措施及接地系

设计方案说明 (一)供电方式 1.该建筑物的供电方式是单电源供电,三相引入,电源采用五芯电 缆引自相关变配电所,引入到公寓楼架空层的总箱AP1内,再由总箱向AP2、AP3、LAW3三相引入。另设有UPS备用电源。 2.计量方法为分区计量。计量箱设在每层楼的楼梯口处。电缆由室 外变配电房用钢管穿墙引入,所有进入建筑物的电缆金属外皮均在入户处采用40×4镀锌扁钢与总等电位联结装置焊接联通。3.建筑物内的导线均采用绝缘线穿PVC管暗敷。该建筑物配电系统 接地采用TN-S系统。 (二)配线形式 低压配电线路中,进入建筑物的电缆均采用联聚乙烯绝缘的铜芯线缆,建筑物内的导线均采用聚氯乙烯绝缘的铜芯导线。 (三)敷设方式 1.各主干电缆从相关变电所引出埋地敷设至本工程各用电设备线路 采用穿钢管埋地的方式至总配电箱;从总配电箱至各幢楼的配电箱采用穿钢管埋地的方式敷设;建筑物内的导线均采用绝缘线穿


1.Sales Agreement The agreement, (is) made in Beijing this eighth day of August 1993 by ABC Trading Co., Ltd., a Chinese Corporation having its registered office at Beijing, the People’ Repubic of China (hereinafter called “Seller”) and International Tradi ng Co., Ltd., a New York Corporation having its registered office at New York, N.Y., U.S.A. (hereinafter called “Buyer”). 2.WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Seller is engaged in dealing of (product) and desires to sell (product)to Buyer, and WHEREAS, Buyer desires to purchase(product) from Sellers, Now, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows: 3.Export Contract This Contract is entered into this 5th day of August 1993 between ABC and Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Seller”) who agrees to sell, and XYZ Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Buyer”) who agrees to buy the following goods on the following terms and condition. 4.Non-Governmental Trading Agreement No. __This Agreement was made on the_day of_19_, BETWEEN _ (hereinafter referred to as the Seller) as the one Side and _ (hereinafter referred to as the Buyer) as the one other Side. WHEREAS, the Seller has agreed to sell and the buyer has agreed to buy _ (hereinafter referred to as the Goods ) the quantity, specification, and price of which are provided in Schedule A. IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 5.Contract For Joint-Operation Enterprise __ COMPANY LTD., a company duly organized under the Law of __ and having its registered office at (hereinafter called “Party A”) AND __ COMPANY LTD., a company duly organized under the Law of __ and having its registere d office at (hereinafter called “Party B”) Party A and Party B (hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”) agree to jointly form a Co-operation Venture Company (hereinafter referred to as the “CVC”) in accordance with “the Laws of the People’s Republic of C hina on Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment” and the “Regulations for the Implementation of the Laws of the People’s Republic of China on Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment” and other applicable laws and regulations. 6.MODEL CONTRACT Contract No. Date: Seller: Signed at: Address: Cable Address: Buyer: Address: Cable Address: The Seller and the Buyer have agreed to conclude the following transactions according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: https://www.360docs.net/doc/b911581081.html, of Commodity: 2.Specifications: 3.Quantity: 4.Unit Price: 5.Total Price: U.S.$: 6.Packing: 7.Time of Shipment: days after receipt of L/C. 8.Loading Port & Destination Port: From via to . 9.Insurance:


FANANKLIN’S GOOD DEED Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes. He liked to help his parents and he liked to help the neighbours too. But one day, Franklin wanted everyone to know just how helpful he was. 合唱:Mister Groundhog had a farm, Eee-Eye-Eee-Eye-O! And on that farm he had some carrots. Eee-Eye-Eee-Eye-O! With a crunch, crunch here,and a crunch, crunch there,here a crunch, there a crunch, everywhere a crunch, crunch! Mister Groundhog had a farm, Eee-Eye-Eee-Eye-Ooooooo! 合唱:土拨鼠先生有一个农场,咿呀-咿呀-噢! 并且他在农场里种了一些红萝卜。咿呀-咿呀-噢! 这儿一声嘎吱嘎吱,那儿一声嘎吱嘎吱,嘎吱一声这儿,嘎吱一声哪儿,到处都是嘎吱嘎吱声。土拨鼠先生有一个农场,咿呀咿呀——噢噢噢! Mr GROUNDHOG:what a time for my confounded bunion to flare up. Right in the middle of harvest season! Ooooo that’s tender. 土拨鼠先生:我讨厌的大脚趾炎症犯得可真是时候啊。正好在收获季节中间犯病! 噢噢,真疼呀。 BEA VER: Don’t worry Mister Groundhog, we’ll get the job done. 海狸:放心吧,土拨鼠先生,我们会把活儿都干完的。 GOOSE: Yeah, I’m glad to help. 小鹅:我很高兴能帮上忙。 RACCOON:Me too! 小浣熊:我也是。 FRANKLIN: Yeah, I like helping. Whew…Picking pumpkins is hard work. 富兰克林:是啊,我喜欢给别人帮忙。吁……搬南瓜可是件重活儿。 Mr GROUNDHOG: Aren’t you glad they don’t grow on trees. 土拨鼠先生:你该感到高兴因为南瓜不是长在树上。 FRANKLIN: Whoa!…I wouldn’t want to stand under a pumpkin tree. That could be dangerous! 富兰克林:哇!……我可不想站在一棵南瓜树下。那可会很危险 Mr. GROUNDHOG:Well, I think it’ time we took a break. What do you say? 土拨鼠先生:唔,我看咱们该歇会了。你们觉得怎么样? Sure./Yeah./Okay. 当然。/是的。/好 FRANKLIN: I can’t stop working now.There’s just one pumpkin left! 富兰克林:我现在不能休息, 只剩一个南瓜了! Mr GROUNDHOG:I haven’t seen that much get-up-and-go since Mrs. Muskrat sat on her pincushion. 土拨鼠先生:自从麝鼠太太坐在了她的针垫上后,我好久没见过这么生龙活虎的状态了。REPORTER: Aha! There it is! 记者:啊哈!,就是它了。 Mr GROUNDHOG:There is what?! 土拨鼠先生:就是什么? REPORTER:Tomorrow’s front page news story. Farmer Injured Putting Best Foot Forward.


《建筑电气工程设计常用图形和文字符号》 YJV22--4*16 代表聚乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯护套的电缆,22代表铠装(即在四条线的外面有一层铁皮包裹),一共4芯,截面积为16平方毫米。 YJV-3X4-SC25-HDPE50;YJV:交联聚乙烯电缆,3*4:三根四平方的。SC25:电缆穿25的焊接钢管敷设,HDPE50是指50的波纹管敷设 BV-5×16 SC32:导线型号为铜芯塑料绝缘线,5根16mm2,穿焊接钢管敷设。BV-2×2.5:导线型号为铜芯塑料绝缘线,2根2.5mm2。 VV-5x2.5-SC32/WC/FC 指5*2.5平方的(规格)电缆穿32的焊接钢管沿墙或地面暗敷设。 FPC(15)-WC:穿阻燃半硬聚氯乙烯管敷设。 WP1-BV(3×50+1×35)CT CE 表示:1号动力线路,导线型号为铜芯塑料绝缘,3根50mm2、1根35mm2,沿顶板面用电缆桥架敷设。 WL2-BV(3×2.5)SC15 WC 表示:2号照明线路、3根2.5mm 2铜芯塑料绝缘导线穿钢管沿墙暗敷。 Z R-BV阻燃型铜芯聚氯乙烯绝缘电线。 NH-B-YJV铜芯交联聚乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯护套B类成束阻燃型耐火电力电缆。 T M Y-3(80*8)+1(60*6):80*8表示A B C三相为80*8的铜排60*6为零排。TMY是硬铜母(铜排母线)的意思。 RVS:铜芯pvc护套双绞线,通常用于公共广播系统背景音乐系统布线,消防系统布线。 RVV:铜芯pvc内护p v外护平行护套线,通常用于弱电电源供电等。

BV,B V电线,全称是铜芯聚氯乙烯绝缘电线。因为分类和用途是用来分布电流用的,属于布电线类,用字母B表示;绝缘材料为聚氯乙烯,用字母V表示,因而得。 开关器件符号说明: TIMS-125/80/43002 其中4表示四级;300:热磁脱扣器;2:电机保护用。 DZ47-60/3P-25:小型断路器,型号DZ47-60,三相25A。 C65N-16A:2P是指适使用C65小规格的断路器,最大分断电流为6000A,额定电流为16A,2P指双极的,VE-30mA指漏电保护电流为30mA C65N-C16/3P:C65指断路器型号,N表示分断电流为6000A,C16表示保护照明线路用,容量为16A,3P表示3极 JDZ10-6 6000/100 0.2/1 (电压互感器):J 电压互感器 Voltage transformer; D 单相Single phase;Z 浇注式Casting type;10 设计序号Design Number;6电压等级(kV)Voltage class(kV);6000/100 额定电压比;0.2/1准确等级 电度表型号DD28;DD10;DD862。 第一个字母D 代表电度表;第二个字母T 代表三相(单相为D);后面的数字是各生产厂商定的。 DD-单相, 如DD862 DT-三相四线, D T862 DS-三相三线如D S862 F-复费率, 如D D SF855 Y-预付费, 如D D SY855


英文销售合同_中英文对照销售合同范本英文销售合同_中英文对照销售合同范本(一) SALES CONTRACT 合同编号: Contract NO: 签订地点: Signed at: 签订日期: Date: 买方: The Buyers: 卖方: The Sellers: 双方同意按下列条款由买方售出下列商品:

The Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the following goods on terms and conditions as set forth below: (1)商品名称、规格及包装 (1)Name of Commodity ,Specifications and Packing (2)数量 (2)Quantity (3)单价 (3)Unit Price (4)总值 (4)Total Value (装运数量允许有 %的增减) (Shipment Quantity %more or less allowed) (5)装运期限:

(5)Time of Shipment: (6)装运口岸: (6)Port of loading: (7)目的口岸: (7)Port of Destination: (8)保险;由方负责,按本合同总值110%投保_____险。 (8)Insurance:To be covered by the___for 110% of the invoice value against_______. (9)付款:凭保兑的、不可撤销的、可转让的、可分割的即期有电报套汇条款/见票/出票____天期付款信用证,信用证以_____为受益人并允许分批装运和转船。该信用证必须在______前开到卖方,信用证的有效期应为上述装船期后第15天,在中国______到期,否则卖方有权取消本售货合约,不另行通知,并保留因此而发生的一切损失的索赔权。

G4_Franklin's Missing Snacks 小乌龟学美语文本

Franklin’s Missing Snacks 富兰克林和失踪的零食 This always happens. 总是发生这样的事。 I’m pretty hungry too. 我也很饿了。 This is a great idea! 那真是个了不起的主意! Good thinking Bear! 真是个绝妙的想法,小熊! Where are you going? 你要去哪? Somebody stole our snacks! 有人偷了我们的零食! Bear’s my best friend. 小熊是我最好的朋友。 Franklin wouldn’t do that. 富兰克林不会做那样的事情。 Thanks for trusting me, Bear. 谢谢你信任我,小熊。 Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes. 富兰克林已经会数奇偶数了,他还学会了自己系鞋带。 He had a bike, a baseball glove and all kinds of toys. 他有一辆自行车,一个棒球手套,还有各种各样的玩具。 But one day, Franklin learned that the most important thing he had was a best friend.

但是有一天,富兰克林发现他拥有的最重要的是一个最好的朋友。Go Green! 加油,绿色! Yellow’s in the lead! 黄色现在领先! Come on Red! 加油,红色! Faster blue, faster! 蓝色,快一点,快一点! Yay! 好啊! I win! 我赢了! I’m second! 我是第二! Third! 第三! Fourth! 第四! Maybe you should try a different pine cone Bear. 小熊,也许你应该试试一个不同的松果,小熊。 No way! 绝不! This is my lucky one! 这是我的幸运果! Lucky? 幸运?


工程施工合同 Contract 合同编号( Contract NO. ): 签订日期( Date ): 发包方(简称甲方) Party A: 承包方(简称乙方): Party B: 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》以及其他有关法律法规规定的原则,结合本工程的具体情况,甲、乙双方在平等、自愿、协商一致的基础上达成如下协议,共同遵守。 According to “P.R.C Contract Law”,and other relevant laws and regulations to the specific circumstances of this project, parties A and B have hereby equally and voluntarily entered into the following agreement executed on the basis of mutual respect. 1.工程概况 Project overview 1.1工程名称: Project name: 1.2工程地点: Project location: 1.3工程范围: A. 新研发中心和新厂房的网络综合布线系统的施工; B. 数据中心的建设,主要包含:数据中心的装饰工程、电气系统、空调系统、机房闭路监控系统、机房门禁系统、消防系统改造、机柜系统等。 Project contents: A. The new R & D and new plant construction of network cabling systems; B. Data Center, mainly includes: data center decoration and electrical systems, air-conditioning systems, CCTV systems, access control systems, firefighting system reform, server rack systems. 1.4开工条件:合同生效后,甲方预付款到位和现场具备开工条件。 Start conditions: After the commencement of the contract, Party A has started advance and on-site conditions in place.

J3_Franklin and the Puppet Play 小乌龟学美语文本

Franklin’s AND THE PUPPET PLAY Bravo! Bravo! 太精彩了!太精彩了! You can use our puppet theatre. 你们可以用我们的手偶剧院。 I want to be the best show ever! 我要让这次表演是最成功的。 Hey, great idea! 嘿,好主意! I want that done right away, Goose. 我要你立刻做好这项工作。 I think Beaver would be a good Wolf. 我认为海狸演狼比较合适。 Okay. I’ll tyr again, Beaver. 好吧,我再试一次,海狸。 I’m sorry I was so bossy guys. 伙伴们,很抱歉!我太专横了。 Franklin AND THE PUPPET PLAY Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes. 富兰克林已经会数奇偶数了,他还学会了自己系鞋带。 He could help a friend read a story and he could help a friend cross the stream. 他能帮助朋友阅读故事,也能帮助朋友穿过小溪。 But one day, Franklin had to help a friend who was bossy. 但是有一天,富兰克林不得不帮助一个蛮横的朋友。

Wow, this book has lots of spider facts. 哇,这本书上有很多关于蜘蛛的知识呢。 Did you know that tarantulas are hunting spiders. Beaver? 你知道大蜘蛛是捕食蜘蛛的吗,海狸? They don’t even build webs. 他们甚至不织网呢。 Everybody knows that, Franklin. 大家都知道啊,富兰克林。 Well, I didn’t, so that means my homework is done. 哦,我不知道,所以那意味着我的功课做完了。 I’ve learned ten new things about spiders. 我学到了十件事关于蜘蛛的。 Hi, Bunny. 嗨,小兔子。 Do you want us to tell you a story like last time? 你想要我们像上次那样给你讲故事吗? How about…Little Miss Muffet! 讲《小马菲特》的故事怎么样? I’ll be Miss Muffet. 我来做马菲特小姐。 Hi, Bunny. 嗨,小兔子 Little Miss Muffet…sat on her tuffet… 小马菲特小姐坐在她的小土墩上。 Eating her curds and whey… 吃着她的奶油点心……


国际贸易合同协议书样本中英文对照 文件编号TT-00-PPS-GGB-USP-UYY-0089

CONTRACT NO.: DATE: THE BUYERS: ADDRESS : TEL: FAX: THE SELLERS: ADDRESS: TEL: FAX: This Contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: 买方与卖方就以下条款达成协议: 1. COMMODITY: 2. COUNTRY AND MANUFACTURERS: 原产国及造商: 3. PACKING: To be packed in standard airway packing. The Sellers shall be liable for any damage of the commodity and expenses incurred on account of improper packing and for any rust attributable to inadequate or improper protective measures taken by the sellers in regard to the


加强企业社会责任推动和谐社会建设 ——在“中国-瑞典企业社会责任高层论坛”上的演讲 Strengthening CSR for a Harmonious Society ---Speech at the Sino-Swedish CSR High-level Forum 商务部副部长于广洲 (2008年4月14日) By Yu Guangzhou, Vice Minister of Commerce April 14, 2008 尊敬的赖因费尔特首相, 各位来宾,女士们、先生们: Your Excellency Prime Minister Reinfeldt, Delegates, Ladies and gentlemen, 下午好!Good afternoon. 四月的北京,春意盎然,鲜花盛开。值此美好时刻,我们迎来了“中国—瑞典企业社会责任高层论坛”的召开。去年6月胡锦涛主席访问瑞典期间,商务部与瑞典外交部代表两国政府签署了《关于企业社会责任合作的谅解备忘录》,标志着两国在这一领域的合作正式启动,对促进两国经济的持续稳定健康发展具有十分重要的意义。今天,两国朋友们齐聚一堂,就企业社会责任开展深入交流,必将对两国企业社会责任建设产生积极的影响。 Here in Beijing in April, spring is high in the air and flowers are in full blossom. On this delightful day, we celebrate the convening of the

Sino-Swedish CSR High-level Forum. Last June during the visit of President Hu Jintao to Sweden, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce and Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs signed an MOU on Cooperation in CSR on behalf of their respective governments, which officially kicked off our bilateral CSR cooperation and was vitally important for the sustained, steady and sound development of our economies. Today, we have Chinese and Swedish friends gathered here to discuss in greater depth on the topic of CSR, which I believe will positively shape our future CSR collaboration. 企业社会责任运动自上世纪80年代兴起后,已经成为世界潮流。强调企业社会责任,就是要求企业对投资者负责的同时,对员工负责,对消费者负责,对商业伙伴负责,对环境和社会负责。国内外企业的成功经验表明,社会责任也是企业的品牌,是企业核心竞争力的组成部分,是企业长盛不衰的重要法宝。企业要生存和发展,就必须增强社会责任意识,积极履行社会义务。我们有理由相信,未来的企业竞争,将不再仅仅是产品的竞争、技术的竞争和人才的竞争,更是履行社会责任的竞争。“赠人玫瑰,手有余香”。企业在履行社会责任、促进社会和谐的同时,自身也会得到更大的发展。 Since the 1980s, CSR has gone from being a new term to a global trend. Putting emphasis on CSR means companies not only have to be responsible to their investors, but also to their employees, customers,

B4_Franklin and the Computer 小乌龟学美语文本

Franklin and the Computer 富兰克林和计算机 真想知道那是什么样的? I wonder what it’s like? 我是个游戏高手。 I’m really good at games. 我知道我在做什么。 I know what I’m doing. 海狸,能让我玩一会儿吗? Beaver, can I have a turn? 来吧,富兰克林,我们一起玩羽毛球吧。 Come on Franklin, let’s play badminton. 嘿,富兰克林,你要去哪? Hey, Franklin, what are you going? 你想等她吗? Do you want to wait for her? 做朋友是更重要的。 Being friends is more important. Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes. 富兰克林已经会数奇偶数了,他还学会了自己系鞋带。 He know lots of games and all of their rules. 他会玩很多游戏,了解每一个游戏的规则。 But one day, Franklin learned that friendship is more important than winning a game. 但是,有一天,富兰克林懂得了友谊很重要。比起赢得一场游戏来,重要得多。 A new computer game?

一个新的电脑游戏? What did you get it? 什么时候得到的? Yesterday, and I’m already good at it. 昨天,而且现在我已经玩得很好了。Did you hear that Bear? 小熊,你听到了吗? What? 什么? Beaver has a new computer game. 海狸有一个新的电脑游戏。 Your turn. 该你走了。 I wonder what it’s like? 真想知道那是个什么游戏? Your turn, Franklin. 该你了,富兰克林。 I wonder if it’s an adventure game. 是冒险游戏吗? Huh ?! 啊? Hey ,what about our game? 嘿!咱们的棋还下不下了? Take my next turn for me, will you, Bear? 帮我走下一步棋,好吗,小熊?What’s your new game like, Beaver? 海狸,你的新游戏什么样啊?


(仅供参考) 附件1:常用电气设备的文字符号共3页第1页



附件2:标注设备.灯具安装方式的文字符号共1页第1页 附件3:标注线路(设备)敷设方式、部位的文字符号共1页第1页

附件4:标注设备位号的应用范例(供参考) 例1:当所示设备存在1个以上系列时 AA 07. 2. 08B 单元位号—第8号柜B(抽屉)单元(或B回路) 系列代号—第二个系统(仅一个系统时省略) 子项代号--(如加氯间)尽可能与图签子项编号相同 设备符号—低压开关柜 例2:当所示设备不存在1个以上系列时 YM 07. 1A(1B) 单元位号---1号泵组(1A进水、1B出水)电动阀门 子项代号--(如加氯间)尽可能与图纸子项编号相同 设备符号--电动阀门 例3:当所示设备存在从属关系时 TX / AA 07. 2. 08B 单元位号—8号柜B单元(或B回路)的接线端子板 系列代号—加氯间低压柜第二个系统(1-2位数字) 子项代号--(如加氯间)尽可能与图纸子项编号相同 隶从设备代号—低压开关柜(.设备文字符号替代) 表达设备代号—接线端子板(.设备文字符号替代) 例4:表示电缆时 C 07. 011 电缆编号---第011号控制电缆(视需要确定位数) 子项代号--(如加氯间)尽可能与图纸子项编号相同 项目代号—控制电缆

附件5:标注设备(灯具)安装的应用范例(供参考) 例1:表示设备安装 AL 07. 01 设备位号--07子项的01号(如一层)照明配电箱WC 安装方式—墙上暗装 +1.4 装高(下底)+1.4m 例2:表示照明灯具安装 4x40xG 灯泡(管)数x泡(管)瓦数x光源种类6-YG4A CR 安装方式—顶棚嵌装 3.6 装高+3.6m(相对高程) 6套YG4A型灯具 附件6:标注电线、电缆安装敷设的应用范例(供参考) 例1:表示单回路或照明线路 N1 N1.SC40.FC 或 SC40.FC 敷设方式—地面内暗敷设 保护方式--焊接钢管管径40 回路(缆线)编号 例2


YOUR LOGO 英文购销合同_中英文对照购销 合同范本(2021版) When concluding a contract, the parties of the contract purpose should be determined. The conclusion and performance of contracts are also human behavior.

专业合同系列,下载即可用 英文购销合同_中英文对照购销合同 范本(2021版) 导语:合同目的具有确定性。一般情况下,在订立合同时,当事人的合同目的应该是确定的。从严格意义而言,任何人的行为都是有目的的。合同的订立和履行也属于人的行为,而且是比较正式的行为,所以更应该具有一定的具体目的。因此,对于特定的合同当事人,其合同目的是确定的。 英文购销合同_中英文对照购销合同范本(一) Buyer: 买方: Add.: 地址: Seller: 卖方: Add.: 地址: This purchase contract (hereafter abbreviated “contract”) is signed by and between the Buyer and the Seller upon equal negotiations based on the Contract Law of P..R .China and other relevant laws and regulations.. Both parties agree to sell and buy goods on following terms and conditions. 此销售合同(以下简称“合同”)根据 >及相关法律法规并经由买卖双方经平等协商后共同签定,买方与卖方均同意以下条款和条件购买和出售货物。 1. COMMODITY NAME品名:Work glves 劳保手套

C3_Franklin_and_the_Fortune_Teller 小乌龟学美语文本

Franklin and the Fortune Teller 富兰克林和预言家 真好吃! They’re delicious! 那边发生了什么? What’s going on over there? 海狸,这是什么意思? What does it mean, Beaver? 它仅仅是个玩具。 It’s just a silly toy. 我出名了。 I am famous. 我希望是好的事情。 I hope it’s something good. 没有倒霉的事发生。 Nothing bad happened. 噢,富兰克林,今天过得怎么样? Well, Franklin, how was your day? Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes. 富兰克林已经会数奇偶数了,他还学会了自己系鞋带。 He had friends who told stories and friends who told jokes. 他的朋友有的会说故事,有的会讲笑话。 But one day a friend told Franklin about the…things that would happen tomorrow. 但是有一天,一个朋友告诉富兰克林……一些明天要发生的事情。Wmmm.

嗯…… That looks good… 看起来真不错…… They’re delicious! 真好吃! De you know what the best part of having a best friend is, Franklin? 你知道最大的好处是什么吗,有最好的朋友,富兰克林?What? 什么? Having someone you can share things with. 可以有个人和你一起分享东西。 Oh. 哦。 Like chocolate covered raisins? 比如这些巧克力葡萄干? Yes, please! 是啊,给我点儿吃! Gee, thanks, Franklin. 天哪,谢谢你,富兰克林。 Mmm. 嗯…… You’re welcome, Bear. 小熊,别客气! Hey I want a turn! 嗨,我来转一次! Give me more room guys. 大家给我让开点地儿!


→00DX001 建筑电气工程设计常用图形和文字符号 →00G514 吊车轨道联结及车挡 →00G514(六)吊车轨道连接及车挡 →01D203-2 6~10kV配电所二次接线(直流操作部分)→01D303-3 常用水泵控制电路图 →01G123 贮水罐选用及安装 →01R405 压力表安装图集 →01R409 管道穿墙、屋面防水套管 →01S201 室外消火栓安装 →01S302 雨水斗 →01SJ914 住宅卫生间 →01SS105 常用小型仪表及特种阀门选用安装 →01架空输电线路图集---部件制造图 →01架空输电线路图集---低压杆型及设备安装图 →0205R103 热交换站工程设计施工图集 →0298S102 98S102 卧式水泵隔振及其安装 →02D501-2 等电位联结安装 →02J915 公共建筑卫生间 →02R110 燃气(油)锅炉房工程设计施工图集 →02R111 小型立、卧式油罐图集 →02R112 拱顶油罐图集 →02S101 矩形给水箱 →02S106 中小型冷却塔选用及安装 →02S403 钢制管件 →02S404 防水套管 →02S515 排水检查井 →02S515 排水检查井图集 →02S701 砖砌化粪池 →02SS104 二次供水消毒设备选用与安装 →02SS405-1 硬聚氯乙烯(PVC-U)给水管安装 →02SS405-1~4 给水塑料管安装 →02SS405-2 无规共聚聚丙乙烯(PP-R)给水管安装→02SS405-3 铝塑复合给水管安装 →02SS405-4 交联聚乙烯(PE-X)给水管安装 →03D501-3 利用建筑物金属体做防雷接地装置 →03D501-4 接地装置安装 →03R102 蓄势式电锅炉房设计施工图集 →03S401 管道和设备保温、防结露及电伴热 →03S402 室内管道支架及吊架 →03S402 室内管道支架及吊架图集(pdf格式) →03S407-1 建筑给水金属管道安装-铜管 →03SG520-1 钢吊车梁 →03SG520-2 钢吊车梁
