2024届高三英语复习:高分作文句子速成 课件(共27张PPT)




It not only helped the exchange students learn more about China, but it also helped promote friendship between Chinese students and exchange students.

Not only did it help the exchange students learn more about China, it also helped promote friendship between Chinese students and exchange students.

Not only did it immerse us in the charm of nature, it also broaden our horizon.

Not only was he a specialist in hybrid rice, he also gave millions of yuan to equip others for their research in agriculture.

Zhang Guimei is so devoted that we are all deeply moved by her noble deed.

So devoted is Zhang Guimei that we are all deeply moved by her noble deed.

So gorgeous is the scenery in Guilin that it attracts a large number of tourists.

Tired as we were, we had great fun and gained a sense of achievement. Talented as she is, she still trains hard.

Precious as time is, we cannot afford to waste it.

Modern as Beijing is, it also embraces / is home to many places of historic interest.

Convenient as smart phones are, they also bring some disadvantages. What touched us most was that many people gave a hand to the injured in the accident.

What impressed us most was the advanced technology we observed in the science museum.

What impresses me most is that she devoted her lifetime to doing scientific research.

What entertains tourists most is the unique theme park.

Words fail to describe how thrilling we are.

Words fail to describe the beauty of this city.

Words fail to express my heartfelt gratitude to you.

Words fail to express my delight when I heard that you are coming to China.

Words fail to describe / express …

Words fail to describe how outstanding he is.

Words fail to describe the significance of Chinese characters to Chinese culture.

Not only do I have a good command of English (can I speak English), I also have a strong sense of responsibility.

Not only did us appreciate the delicate artworks, we also gained a deeper insight into traditional Chinese culture.

So splendid was the performance that audiences all thought highly of it。Outstanding as his achievements are, he is very modest.

Precious / Valuable as water is, people always waste it.

6. What impressed me most was the souvenirs made by local craftsmen. What interests readers most are the optimism and humour of Jane. Words fail to describe how thrilling I were when I heard that Curry was awarded the MVP.

2024届高考英语:第24讲 应用文写作之通知(课件)(37张)

2024届高考英语:第24讲应用文写作之通 知(课件)(37张) (共37张PPT) 高考一轮复习 第24讲通知 2024 授课:××× 01 复习目标 02 网络构建 03 知识梳理 题型归纳 04 真题感悟 目录 CONTENTS 稿定PPT 稿定PPT,海量素材持续更新,上千款模板选择总有一款适合你

内容索引 PART ONE 复习目标 1. 精选写作话题,紧扣核心目标。 2.提升语言质量。 3. 强化高效训练。 PART ONE 考点细目 年份卷别体裁主题词数 2023 新高考I卷建议信给外教写信提出分组意见80词左右2022 新高考I卷邀请邮件邀请外教做一次访谈80词左右2023 新高考I卷投稿短文庆祝校报创刊十周年80词左右2023 新高考I卷活动报道学校五公里越野赛跑80词左右 稿定PPT 稿定PPT,海量素材持续更新,上千款模板选择总有一款适合你02 网络构建 1 通知概述 PART ONE 稿定PPT 稿定PPT,海量素材持续更新,上千款模板选择总有一款适合你

夯基·必备基础知识 通知可分为口头通知和书面通知。语言应简洁明了,条理清晰,要求明确。 书面通知:常见形式有一般通知、布告、海报等。时间、地点、参加者、内容及注意事项是通知的要点,应直截了当--予以说明。一般在通知的正文上方居中写标题Notice或Announcement。书面通知一定要有发通知的时间及落款。 知识点一通知概述 稿定PPT 稿定PPT,海量素材持续更新,上千款模板选择总有一款适合你 夯基·必备基础知识 口头通知:一般没有标题,也没有发出通知的时间。发布口头通知首先需说明被通知的对象,在正文前面加称呼。另外,口头通知中常使用"Bequite,please!"或"Mayl have your attention "或"Attention,please!"等以引起注意。口头通知可以用比较随意的语言。结束语常用"That’s all."表明通知的结束。另外结尾处常有"Thank you."之类的客套语。 知识点一通知概述 稿定PPT 稿定PPT,海量素材持续更新,上千款模板选择总有一款适合你 夯基·必备基础知识 口头通知:结尾常说That’s all.Thank you.或Thank you for listening.等,

2024届高三英语复习:高分作文句子速成 课件(共27张PPT)

2024届高三英语复习:高分作文句子速成 课件(共27张PPT) (共27张PPT) It not only helped the exchange students learn more about China, but it also helped promote friendship between Chinese students and exchange students. Not only did it help the exchange students learn more about China, it also helped promote friendship between Chinese students and exchange students. Not only did it immerse us in the charm of nature, it also broaden our horizon. Not only was he a specialist in hybrid rice, he also gave millions of yuan to equip others for their research in agriculture. Zhang Guimei is so devoted that we are all deeply moved by her noble deed. So devoted is Zhang Guimei that we are all deeply moved by her noble deed. So gorgeous is the scenery in Guilin that it attracts a large number of tourists. Tired as we were, we had great fun and gained a sense of achievement. Talented as she is, she still trains hard.

2024届高考英语复习写作 训练(含答案)

2024届高考英语复习写作训练(含答案)写作训练 (一) 假定你是李华,你的英国朋友John来信向你了解中国音乐。请给他回一封电子邮件,内容包括: 1.你喜欢的中国音乐类型。 2.喜欢的原因。 注意: 1.写作词数应为80左右; 2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ (二) 假定你是李华,你的朋友Jack收到邀请,要去中国和他的朋友一起过元宵节,写信向你询问有关习俗。请给他回信,内容包括: 1.元宵节简介; 2.元宵节的传统习俗。

注意: 1.词数80左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 参考词汇:元宵节the Lantern Festival ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ (三) 假定你是李华,你校交换生Jack发来邮件邀约你暑假去法国旅游。请你给他回封邮件,内容包括: 1. 你不能去国外旅游的原因; 2. 你的旅游地点建议。 注意: 1. 写作词数应为80左右; 2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 Dear Jack, ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________


2024届高三英语二轮复习读后续写第三周 讲解课件(共27张PPT) (共27张PPT) 用TEAM框架 突破高考英语 读后续写 第二部分 TEAM写作框架 第3周 巧用TEAM 框架构思续写 一、策略指导 构建好读后续写框架,写作时才能思路清晰,运用操作性强的TEAM 框架来完成续写,可以写出与原文衔接合理、语意连贯、逻辑相符的续文。T是指Transitional sentence衔接句或Theme主题句;E是指Emotion or Environment心理描写/环境描写;A是指Action 动作;M 是指Monologue or Conversation独白/对话。其中,Emotion or Environment心理描写/环境描写、Action 动作、Monologue or Conversation独白/对话的写作顺序和次数可根据故事情节的需要作适当调整。 读后续写TEAM写作框架:

第一段:首句(已给出)。第一句:Transitional sentence衔接句承上(回应首句的内容)→第二句:Emotion or Environment心理描写/环境描写→第三句:Action 动作一→第四句:Monologue or Conversation独白/对话→第五句:Emotion or Environment心理描写/环境描写→第六句:Action 动作二→第七句:Transitional sentence衔接句启下(结合第二段首句,结束第一段) 读后续写TEAM写作框架: 第二段:首句(已给出)。第一句:Transitional sentence衔接句承上(回应首句的内容)→第二句:Emotion or Environment心理描写/环境描写→第三句:Action 动作一→第四句:Monologue or Conversation独白/对话→第五句:Emotion or Environment心理描写/环境描写→第六句:Action 动作二(解决问题)→第七句:Theme回归主题,感情升华 高频句型 So +形容词+ be +主语+that +句子. “某人是如此的……以至于……” 例句:So ashamed was she that she could feel the blood rush to her face.她感到如此羞愧,以至于脸如充血般发烫。 2.(表心理情感的)形容词+ and+形容词,+句子. “感到……,某人表现出……” 例句:Scared and shocked, she couldn't say a word with tears welling up in her eyes. 既害怕又震惊,她一句话也说不出来,眼泪盈眶。 高频句型


高考英语应用文写作练习与讲解 一、演讲稿:一起阅读英文小说 假设你是英语课代表,你发现许多同学英语基础差,打算明天在英语课前的演讲中号召大家阅读英文小说。请写一篇演讲稿,内容包括:1.阅读的益处;2.阅读的方法。 注意:写作词数应为80左右。 写作注意要点 1.基本时态为一般现在时。 2.写作思路:三段论。第一段开门见山表明演讲主题——阅读英文小说;第二段介绍阅读的益处(要点1)和阅读的方法(要点2);第三段总结。 【参考范文】 Good morning, my fellow classmates! I find that many of us have a poor command of English. Actually, reading English novels is of great help to our English learning. For one thing, it helps to develop our sensitivity and understanding of the English language. For another, it also improves our thinking ability as well as writing skills. As for the reading skills, focusing on the combination of speed reading and intensive reading is a marvelous way, which enhances our reading efficiency and increases our language accumulation. Let's wander in the sea of books together and enjoy the happiness brought by reading! (101 words) 【中文翻译】 早上好,我的同学们!我发现,我们当中的很多人英语掌握的都不好。事实上,阅读英文小说对我们学习英语有很大的帮助。 首先,阅读英文小说可以帮助我们培养对英语的敏感性和理解能力。其次,阅读英文小说可以提升我们的思维能力和写作技巧。至于阅读技能,注重速读和精读相结合的方式可以提升我们的阅读效率,增加我们的语言积累。 让我们一起徜徉在书海中,享受阅读带给我们的快乐吧! 【参考范文解析】 1.应用文写作前三步骤: (1)审题判定文体为演讲稿; (2)因文体是演讲稿,故李华身份不必交代; (3)因文本主体部分为介绍阅读的益处和方法,故本文总体时态定调为一般现在时; 2.本文的亮点: (1)have a poor command of对...掌握地不好; (2)be of great help to sth对...很有帮助; (3)For one thing, ... For another, ...一方面...,另一方面...; (4)as well as=not only ... but also ...; (5)..., which enhances ... and increases ...采用头韵修辞手法。 二、邀请信:邀请交换生参加乒乓球比赛 假定你是李华,你校将要组织一场学生与老师之间的乒乓球比赛。请给来自英国的交换生Robert写封邮件,内容包括:1.比赛时间、地点;2.比赛目的;3.邀他参赛。 注意:1.词数80左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 写作注意要点 1.基本时态为一般现在时。 2.写作思路:三段论。第一段开门见山发出邀请(要点3);第二段交代比赛的时间、地点(要点1)和比赛目的(要点2);第三段表示期待。


高考英语读后续写高分句 一、面部表情 1.哭与笑 Tears cascaded down her cheek like a torrential downpour, her sobs echoing through the room, as if the weight of the world had crashed upon her shoulders. 泪水像暴雨一样从她的脸上倾泻而下,她的哭泣在房间里回荡,仿佛世界的重压压在她的肩上。 Laughter erupted from his soul, just like a contagious symphony of joy that filled the air, as if he had discovered the secret to eternal happiness. 笑声从他的灵魂中涌现,一曲感染力十足的喜悦交响乐充满了空气,仿佛他发现了永恒幸福的秘密。 Her tears painted a vivid portrait of heartbreak, as if her very soul was weeping. 她的泪水勾勒出一幅鲜明的失落画卷,仿佛她的灵魂正在哭泣。 With a giggle that danced upon the air, she radiated an infectious happiness, her laughter like a bubbling spring that rejuvenated the spirits of all who heard it. 她的咯咯笑声在空气中跳跃着,散发着感染力的快乐,她的笑声如同冒泡的泉水,让听到它的人们焕发精神。 His tears flowed silently, like a gentle stream carving its way through the landscape of his emotions, each drop a glimpse into the depths of his sorrow. 他的泪水静静地流淌,如同一条温柔的小溪在情感的景观中开辟道路,每一滴都是对他悲伤深处的一瞥。 2.眉毛 1.Her eyebrows arched like an elegant moon, framing her eyes with an air of mystery and intrigue. 她的眉毛弯曲得像雅月,为她的眼睛增添了一丝神秘和诱人的气息。 2.His brows knitted together in a tight pattern, revealing his deep concentration and concern. 他的眉毛紧紧地纠结在一起,形成了一种紧密的图案,显露出他的专注和担忧。 3.With a deepening frown, his forehead creased like a crumpled piece of paper, revealing his growing dissatisfaction. 随着皱眉的加深,他的额头皱纹像一张皱巴巴的纸一样,显示出他越来越不快。 3.眼睛 His gaze pierced into my soul, as if he could see through all my thoughts and secrets. 他锐利的目光凝视着我的灵魂,仿佛他能洞悉我所有的想法和秘密。 The depths of her eyes held a universe of emotions, each flicker and twinkle telling a story untold. 她眼中的深度承载着情感的宇宙,每一次闪烁和闪耀都在述说着一个未曾讲述的故事。 His eyes were like two windows to his soul, revealing a mixture of vulnerability and strength that captivated those who met his gaze. 他的眼睛仿佛是他灵魂的两扇窗户,展现出脆弱与力量的交织,吸引住那些与他对视的人。 The intensity in her eyes burned like a raging fire, igniting a passion and


十一、征文投稿 征文投稿类文章一般是就某个特定主题进行论述和描写,以议论文和记叙文居多,其结构通常如下: 1.Recently we did a survey about whether...or not. 最近我们做了一个关于是否……的调查。 2.It has been...years since...was founded and it has been accompanying me all through my childhood. 自从……成立以来已经……年了,它一直陪伴着我度过了我的整个童年。 3.In my spare time,I often read the newspaper which covers not only classic stories but also current affairs. 在业余时间,我经常读这份不仅包括经典故事,还报道时事的报纸。 4.By reading the newspaper,not only do I...but also I... 通过阅读报纸,我不仅……而且我…… 5.I do expect...can have a promising future. 我确实希望……有一个光明的未来。 学校英文报正在开展以How to Spend Our National Holiday为题的讨论。请根据表格中的调查结果写一篇短文投稿,内容包括: 1.调查结果描述; 2.简单评论; 3.你的建议。 “如何度过国庆节”调查结果 方式学习娱乐社会实践,志愿活动 人数百分比60% 15% 25%

注意:1.词数80左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.题目和开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。 满分佳作名师点评 How to Spend Our National Holiday Our National Holiday is a special time for us students to have our own life. As the form shows,students choose different ways to spend our National Holiday. Surprisingly,students who spend their holiday in learning account for 60%.15% of students think the holiday is an occasion for them to relax themselves enjoying movies or playing computer games.To our delight,the percentage of the students taking part in social practice or voluntary activities is 25%. The figures in the form show students attach great importance to study.Meanwhile more and more students have interest in exercising their ability and serving others. From my perspective,our National Holiday should be a meaningful time for us students to enjoy ourselves or learn something beyond the classrooms.Taking part in some social activities is a good choice for us students to improve ourselves. 1.这是一篇图表作文。开篇引出话题。 2.文章主体部分介绍了图表所呈现的数据,并对此展开了说明。使用了一些高级词汇,如account for,occasion,relax,to our delight,attach,meanwhile 等。还使用了一些高级句式表达,如...students who spend their holiday in learning account for 60%.(运用了who引导的限制性定语从句);As the form shows...(运用了as引导的非限 制性定语从句)。 3.文章结尾发表了个人的看法,使用了常用语From my perspective,除此之外,还使用了一些高级词汇,如meaningful,enjoy ourselves,beyond 等。还运用了动名词作主语的高级句式:Taking part in some social activities is a good choice for us students to improve ourselves. 新学期开始了,你校英文报正在举行“New Term,New Look”的征文活动,你打算以“诚信考试”为题投稿,内容包括: 1.诚信考试的重要性; 2.你的期待。 注意:1.词数80左右; 2.标题已给出,不计入总词数。 Take Exams Honestly

高中英语2024届高考复习 情绪描写高分句子汇总(开心+伤心+愤怒+紧张+恐惧)

高考英语作文 情绪描写高分句子 一、开心 1.Watching the sunset over the horizon, filled with vibrant hues, brought me immense joy. 观赏夕阳沉入地平线,色彩丰富,让我感到极其快乐。 2.The feeling of accomplishment that comes with completing a challenging task is truly uplifting. 完成一项具有挑战性的任务带来的成就感真是令人振奋。 3.If only I could spend an entire day frolicking in a lush meadow, surrounded by a gentle breeze and blossoming flowers. 要是能整天在郁郁葱葱的草地上嬉戏,被轻柔的微风和盛开的花朵包围,那该多好啊。 4.Being showered with love and affection by your loved ones is a reminder that you are truly cherished. 亲人们给予的爱与关怀如沐春风,提醒着你受到了真正的珍爱。 5.Dancing uninhibitedly to your favorite music fills you with pure delight, as if time stands still and the whole world fades away. 畅快地跳着自己喜爱的音乐,让你充满纯粹的喜悦,仿佛时间静止了,整个世界也渐渐褪去。 6.Traveling to exotic destinations, exploring new cultures, and having serendipitous encounters along the way brings about a sense of unbounded happiness. 前往异国情调的旅行地,探索新的文化,沿途遭遇意外缘分,带给人们无尽的幸福感。 7.The laughter shared among friends, accompanied by shared stories and inside jokes, creates an atmosphere brimming with joy. 与朋友们共享笑声、分享故事和内部玩笑,营造出洋溢着喜悦的氛围。 8.The overwhelming delight of unexpectedly receiving good news is like a burst of sunshine on a gloomy day, instantly brightening your spirits. 突然收到好消息时,所感受到的无比喜悦,犹如在阴郁的日子里突然出现了一道阳光,顿时让你精神焕发。 9.Stepping onto the stage and hearing the applause from the audience is an exhilarating experience that makes your heart swell with pure happiness. 踏上舞台,听到观众的掌声,那是一种令人兴奋的体验,让你的心灵充满纯粹的幸福。 10.The sight of a genuine smile on the face of your loved one, illuminated by the warm glow of a candlelight dinner, warms your heart with an indescribable joy. 爱人脸上真挚的微笑,被蜡烛晚餐温暖的光影照亮,让你的心中充满难以言喻的喜悦。 二、伤心 1.Though surrounded by laughter, her heart ached with an indescribable sadness. 围绕在笑声中,她的心充满了难以言表的悲伤。 2.Watching the raindrops fall, he wished he could wash away the pain in his soul. 看着雨滴落下,他希望能洗去心灵的痛楚。 3.If only she hadn't believed those empty promises, perhaps her heart wouldn't be so shattered. 要是她不曾相信那些空洞的承诺,也许她的心就不会如此破碎。 4.Lost in the memories of what used to be, he couldn't escape the grip of melancholy.


三、建议信 建议信是作者就有关问题进行分析并针对这些问题提出自己的看法和建议,以便让对方接受自己的想法、主张并解决有关问题。建议信可以写给个人,就其遇到的某个问题提出自己的看法或观点;也可以写给某个组织或者机构,就改进其服务等提出建议或忠告。具体写作结构如下: 1.开头表达写信目的常用语 (1)I am writing to give you some suggestions/offer you some advice.我写信给你一些建议/忠告。 (2)I am writing to express my views concerning... 我写信是要表达我关于……的看法。 (3)You have asked for my advice about...and I will try to make some useful suggestions here. 关于……你向我征求意见,在此我尽力提出一些有用的建议。 2.主体部分表达建议常用语 (1)I think the most suitable...for you is... 我认为对你来说最适合的……是…… (2)I would like to suggest that...我想建议…… (3)You’d better.../It’s best to... 你最好……/最好是…… (4)As far as I am concerned/In my opinion/As for me/From my point of view,it would be wise to take the following action. 在我看来,采取如下行动是明智的。 (5)For one thing...;for another... 一方面……,另一方面…… (6)If I were you,I would...如果我是你,我会…… (7)I think it would be more beneficial if you could...我认为如果你能……将会更有益。


2024届高考英语复习:广东省高考英语口语听说测试全方位训练unit3课件(27张 ppt+16音频) (共27张PPT) Unit 3 Hobbies Useful Expressions Do you like freestyle skiing 你喜欢花样滑雪吗? Do you think reading is fun 你认为读书有趣吗? What’s your table tennis level 你的乒乓球水平如何? Where did you learn to play the violin 你在哪儿学的小提琴? Why are you so interested in skateboarding 你为什么对玩滑板这么感兴趣? Fishing is his favorite pursuit. 钓鱼是他最喜欢的消遣。 I’m on the school dance team at college. 我上大学时是校舞蹈队的成员。

My mother is fond of watching swimming competitions. 我妈妈喜欢看游泳比赛。 She did a pretty wonderful dance for us. 她为我们跳了一支相当精彩的舞。 He sings in his dormitory every morning. 他每天早上都在寝室里唱歌。 Useful Expressions Scene Simulation (一)将下列句子译成英文,并以口头形式表达出来,然后听录音,检查你的答案。 1. 你觉得瑜伽怎么样? 2. 你喜欢爵士乐还是乡村音乐? 3. 你知道你女儿的爱好是什么吗? Scene Simulation 4. 他没有什么特别的爱好,是吗? 5. 他擅长画什么类型的画? 6. 你妈妈喜欢在业余时间做什么? (一)将下列句子译成英文,并以口头形式表达出来,然后听录音,


高考英语优美句型 (一) 场景一:虽然聪明,但懒惰。 [普通句]While/Although/Though he is quite clever,he proves to be lazy. [高分句]Clever as he is, he proves to be lazy. [高分句]Despite/In spite of cleverness/being clever,he proves to be lazy. [高分句]Despite/In spite of the fact that he is quite clever,he poves to lazy. [高分句]He is more lazy than clever. [高分句]He is not as much clever as he is lazy. 场景二:虽然年纪大,但活力四射。 [普通句] Despite his advanced age, he still has a lot of energy. [高分句]He is none the less energetic for age. [高分句]The older he grows,the more energetic he gets. [高分句]With age and time comes more energy and enthusiasm on his part. 场景三:直到退休才有时间环游世界。 [普通句]He did not have time to travel around the world until he retired. [高分句]Not until he retired did he have time to travel around the world. [高分句]It was not until he retired that he had time to travel around the world. [高分句]Only when he retired did he have time to travel around the world. 场景四:因为错过班车而迟到。 [普通句]He was late for school because he missed the bus. [高分句]Missing the bus, he was late for school. [高分句]It was due to missing the bus that he was late for school. [高分句]The reason why he was late for school was that he missed the bus. 场景五:随着时间的流逝,我逐渐明白学习的重要性。 [普通句]As time goes by ,I come to realise the importance of study. [高分句]With time going by/With the passage of time,I come to realise how important study is. 场景六:你的财富不重要,重要的是你的梦想。 [普通句]Your possessions don't matter,but your dreams matter. [高分句]It is not what you have but what you dream that matters. (二) 场景一:军民之情,如同鱼水之情。 [普通句]The people are very important to the people's army as water is to fish. [高分句]The people are as important to the people's army as water is to fish. [高分句]The people are to the people’s army what water is to fish. [高分句]The people are the foundation upon which the people’s army stands, much like


高考作文句式升级——名词性从句 高分作文(18-20分)整体要求: ①覆盖了所有内容要点; ②应用了较多的语法结构和词汇; ③语法结构或词汇方面有些许错误但为尽力使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇所致; ④具有较强的语言运用能力; ⑤有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑。 写作谋篇: ①内容定档:切忌写不够、写不全学会谋篇 ②细节定分:切忌写不对、写不好学会造句 学会造句——名词性从句: 1. 翻译:你如何度过疫情,你就如何度过自己的一生。 How we understand things has a lot to do with what we feel.(2015北京高考) 主语宾语从句 +宾语从句构成复杂句式。 2. 翻译:你对事情的理解,藏着未来给你的答案。 How you understand things lies the answer to you from your future.(主语从句) 3. 翻译:你如何对待时间,决定你能否让未来实现。 Whether your future can come true depends on how you treat your time.(主从复合句) 4. 翻译:你相信什么,你就看见什么。 初级翻译:If you believe it, you can see it. 运用从句:What you choose to believe is what you will see. [句式分析]:本句中is作为谓语,符合基本句式中的“主+系+表”结构,故在is前为主语,is后为表语。所以本句运用了主语从句+表语从句。 5. 翻译:你有多投入,你就有多优秀。 How excellent you will be depends on how hard you try. 【小结】 一、写对一个名词性从句,一共要几步? 1. 位置决定从句:动词数量=句子数量从句位置=从句类型 例:大家都建议图书馆提供更多科普类书籍。(翻译为:主语从句+宾语从句) 2. 意义决定连词 陈述词——that 一般疑问句——whether 特殊疑问句——wh-(what, who, when, which, where, why, whose)、how、wh-ever 例:大家都建议图书馆提供更多科普类书籍。(为陈述句,用that)


高考英语高分写作佳句 (一) 1.Through the cultural exchange activity, we exchanged views with each other on cultural shock. 通过这次文化交流活动,我们就文化冲击交流了看法。(活动介绍) 2.The man at the table looked up, smiled and exchanged glances with me. 桌边的那个人抬起头来,微笑着和我交换了一下眼色。(读后续写神态描写) 3.The a ctivity is specially designed to promote students’ safety awareness. 这个活动旨在提高学生的安全意识。(活动介绍) 4.The guy pushed him by design, making him annoyed. 那家伙故意推他,惹他生气。(读后续写情感描写) 5.The twins were anxious to get the breakfast done. 双胞胎急于做好早餐。(2021·新高考Ⅰ卷读后续写) 6.As the sky gradually darkened, a wave of anxiety seized/flooded over/swept over him. 天色渐暗,他感到一阵不安。(读后续写之情感细节) 7.I’m anxious to complain about the noise that is constantly annoying me. 我急于投诉一直打扰我的噪音。(投诉信) 8.Sally was annoyed at the children for making so annoying noise, slamming her fist on the table in annoyance. 孩子们弄出这么烦人的噪音让莎莉很生气,她恼怒地用拳头捶桌子。(读后续写情感描写) 9.So fantastic are the paintings that I am deeply impressed by the talent of the painters as well as the charm of traditional Chinese culture. 这些画作极好,画家的才华和中国传统文化的魅力给我留下了深刻的印象。(2021·浙江高考应用文) 10.Father has always impressed on me that hard work will pay off one day. 父亲总让我明白,努力总会有回报。(读后续写主旨升华) 11.A thousand words will not leave so deep an impression as one deed. 千言万语不如一个行动。(读后续写主旨升华) 12.It is a good idea to concentrate your efforts on improving your oral English. 集中精力提高英语口语是个好主意。(建议信) 13.Italian industry is concentrated mainly in the north. 意大利的工业主要集中在北部。 14.I feel much more confident of our winning in the coming football game. 我相信,我们会在即将到来的足球赛中取胜。(告知信) 15.The most beautiful thing you can wear is confidence. 你能穿在身上最好的衣服就是自信。(读后续写主旨升华) 16.Breathing deeply, I calmed down and walked onto the stage with confidence. 我深呼吸,平静下来,满怀信心地走上舞台。(读后续写情感描写) 17.Don’t annoy her, and just leave her alone. 别烦她,让她一个人待着。 18.By opening a novel, I can leave behind my burdens and enter into a wonderful world. 打开小说,我就能抛下烦恼,进入一个奇妙的世界。 19.I look forward to reading every issue of the Youth. 我期待读《青春》的每一期。(2021·新高考Ⅰ卷应用文) 20.Get down to studying hard, and you will get your studies improved.
