




第一章:石油钻井工程英语基础词汇第 1 节石油钻井工程基础


定向斜井:directional drilling 欠平衡钻井:under-balance drilling 海上钻井:off-shore drilling 陆地钻井:on-shore drilling 钻头:drill bit 刮刀钻头:drag bit

牙轮钻头:rock bit ( 镶齿钻头insert bit, 钢齿钻头steel toothed bit) 金刚石钻头:diamond bit 取心钻头:coring bit 钻头浮阀:float valve 钻头水眼:bit nozzle(or jet) 钻头水眼刺:bit nozzle washed out 钻头规:bit caliper(bit gauge) 钻头泥包:bit is balling 钻头钝了,我建议现在起钻:bit

is dull. I suggest to POOH now

钻铤:DC(drill collar ) 光钻铤slick drill collar ,螺旋钻铤spiral drill collar 钻杆:DP(drill pipe ) 方钻杆:kelly 公扣:pin end 母扣:box end 内平式连接:IF(internal flash) 正规式连接:REG(regular) 贯眼式连接:FH(full hole) 加重钻杆heavy weight drill pipe 短钻杆pop joint 井下马达:downhole motor 涡轮钻具:turbine 震击器:drilling jar 减震器:absorber 下部钻具组合:BHA ( bottom hole assembly ) 钻具扶正器:stabilizer (string stabilizer, near-bit stabilizer ) 钻机:drill rig 钻井泥浆:drilling mud 钻井液:drilling fluid 钻井设备:drilling equipment 油:oil 原油:crude oil 天然气:nature gas 煤层气:coal-bed gas 石油:petroleum 中国石油(简称):CNPC (China National Petroleum Corporation

) 长城钻井(简称):GWDC(Great Wall Drilling Company)

采油:oil production 产油层(目的层):reservoir( or pay zone) 钻进:drilling 调整钻井参数以得到理想的机械钻速:play the drilling parameters to get fast ROP 起钻:POOH(pull out of hole) 下钻:RIH(run in hole) 下套管:run casing(or RIH with casing) 短起下钻:wiper trip 循环泥浆:circulate 泥浆:reverse circulate 中途循环泥浆:break circulation 分段下钻:RIH in stages 通井:control trip 划眼:reaming 倒划眼:back reaming

接单根:make connection 滑、割大绳:slip and cut drilling line by ton-mile 保养设备:maintain the equipment 修理设备: repair (or fix) the equipment 保养顶驱:service TDS

保养冲管:lubricate wash pipe 待工日费:standby rate 今天零日费:there is no day rate today(zero day rate today) 我可以为您做,但必须收费,请理解

I can do for you and I have to charge(back charge) you. Please give me full understanding. 不在我的职责范围之内,我要汇报领导,一有消息会马上告诉你It is out of my power and I have to report to my boss. I will let you know as soon as I get news.

大鼠洞:rat hole 小鼠洞:mouse hole 钻具错扣:the connections are crossed 钻具粘扣:thread is galled 丝扣坏了:the thread is damaged 起钻错扣:alternate the connections 新钻具或接头磨扣:break in the new tool joint 新钻头磨合:break in the new bit PDC 钻头井底造型:shape the PDC bit 跳钻:rough drilling( vibrated drilling, bit is bouncing) 蹩钻:rough drilling (drilling torque is abnormally high )

缩径:tight hole 起钻遇卡:get overpull 下钻遇阻:set weight 部分漏失:partially lost circulation 全部漏失:totally lost circulation 盲钻:blind drilling 堵水眼:bit jets are blocked 掉水眼:bit jets are lost 憋压:the pressure is built up 卸压:release pressure 试压:

pressure test 功能测试:function test 双方独自检查:

double check 地质:geology 地质专业人员:geologist 物理:physics 地球物理勘探:geo-physical exploration.


电测井作业:wireline logging operation 泥浆测井:mud logging 井(副词“好”含意):well 拓展记忆:井眼:bore hole 油气井:oil&gas well 试井:well test 井下:down-hole 井下作业:down-hole operation 第 2 节石油钻井方法基础词汇钻井原理:the principles of drilling 顿钻钻井:percussion drilling ,cable-tool drilling 旋转钻井:rotary drilling 大位移井:big distance( or extended ) well 侧钻井:sidetracking drilling 水平井:horizontal well 探井:

wildcat ,wildcat drilling 深井:deep well 浅井:shallow well 老井:maturing well 丛式钻井:cluster well drilling 煤层气井:coal-bed gas well 生产井:production well 报废井:abandoned well 停产井:none-production well 井下情况:downhole condition 第 3 节石油钻井技术基础词汇技术

规范,技术指标,技术性能:specification 拉伸:tension 拉伸强度:tensile strength 弯曲强度:bending srength 最小屈服强度:minimum torsional strength 应力:stress 压力:pressure 应力点:stress point 压力降:pressure drop 压力梯度:pressure gradient 回压:back pressure 大气压:atmosphere 压差:pressure difference 静液柱压力:static fluid cloumn pressure 地层压力:formation pressure 坍塌压力:collapse pressure

破裂压力:fractured pressure 液体:liquid 固体:solid 气体:gas ,air 正的:positive 负的:negative 水平的:horizontal 垂直的:vertical 第 4 节石油钻井参数基础词汇

钻压:WOB (weight on bit ) 转盘转速:RPM (rotation per minute ) 泵压:SPP(slurry pump pressure) 泵冲:SPM

( stroke per minute ) 排量:FR(flow rate) 大钩负荷:hook load 扭矩:torque 反扭矩:reactive torque 钻速:ROP(rate of penetration) 顶驱:TDS(top drive system) 钻井周期:drilling period 钻井成本:drilling costs 井眼尺寸:hole size 垂深:TVD(total vertical depth) 井深:MDD(measured depth) 水平位移:horizontal displacement 井斜角:

angle( or hole inclination) 方位角:azimuth 井眼环空:annulus 第 5 节石油钻井作业现场工作人员名称甲方:oil company(operator) 钻井承包商:drilling contractor 第三方(分包商) the third party(sub-contractor) 钻井经理:

drilling manager 监督:supervisor 钻井监督:DSV(drilling supervisor) or Companyman 地质监督:geologist 泥浆工程师:mud engineer 固井工程师:cementing engineer 泥浆录井工:mud logger 钻井队:drilling crew ,drilling team 钻井1 班:drilling shift one 总经理:general manager 总工程师:chief engineer

项目经理:project manager(country manager) 作业经理:operation manager 财务经理:financial manger 会计:accountant 平台经理:rig manager 带班队长:tool pusher HSE 监督:HSE officer 司钻:driller 副司钻:assistant driller 井架工:derrick man 钻工:roughneck (or

floorman ) 场地工:roustabout 泥浆工:mudman 发动机工:motorman 机械师:mechanic 电工:electrician 电焊工:welder 司机:driver 吊车司机:crane operator 铲车司机:forklift operator 营房经理:camp boss 医生:doctor 材料员:material man(storekeeper) 炊事员:cook 翻译:interpreter 洗衣工:laundry man 厨房服务生:waiter 保安:watchman(or security) 机械工程师:mechanic engineer 第 6

节石油作业现场常用工具扳手:wrench 螺丝起子:screwdriver 多角螺丝起子:Phlilips screwdriver (cross-headed screwdriver )

撬杠:bar 加长撬杠:cheater bar 活动板手:monkey

wrench ,adjustable wrench 钳子:pliers 钩子:hook 台钳:bench vice 钢挫:file 榔头:hammer 锤击扳手:hammer wrench 搬手:spanner

内六角扳手:Allen key 钢锯:hacksaw 砂纸:sandpaper 管钳:pipe tongs(pipe wrench) 链钳:chain tong 千斤顶:

jack 黄油枪:grease gun 吊车:crane 牵引绳:tag line 电焊条:welding rod 拖拉机:tractor 推土机:bulldozer 硬尺:ruler 游标卡尺:Vernier slide 油漆:paint 铅油:dope 油漆刷:paint brush 铅油刷:dope brush 绝缘胶布:electrical tape 电线:wire 插头:plug 电插座:

outlet(receptacle or switchboard) 开关:switch 螺栓:bolt 螺帽:nut 垫片:washer 钉子:nail 手电钻:hand drill

钻头:bit 工作台:workbench 工具箱:toolbox 胶水:glue 胶棒:glue bar 护丝:thread protector 手轮:hand wheel 脚轰油门:throttle 联接法兰:coupling flange(or adaptor flange) 安全带:safety belt 安全帽:helmet 工作靴:

safety boot 工衣:coverall 棉袄:coat 防护眼镜:safety goggle

手套:gloves 口罩:mouth mask 围裙:apron 洗眼台:eye washing station 灭火机:fire extinguisher 消防栓:fire -hydrant 水龙头:water tap 消防斧:fire fighting axe 铲子:shovel 手砂轮:emery wheel 左转:turn left 右转:turn right 手势:gesture 信号:signal 垃圾:waste garbage 拖把:mop 接头:sub 配合接头:X-over ,cross-over 提升短节:lifting sub 卡瓦:slips 放卡瓦:set slips 母锥:box tap 公锥:taper tap 打捞矛:fishing spear 安全接头:safety sub 柔性短节:flexible joint 井口盖子:wellhead cover 防喷盒:mud box BOP 吊装:BOP trolley( BOP hoist) 吊卡:elevator 吊环:elevator links 安全卡瓦:safety clamp(dog collar) 钻杆架:pipe rack 水龙头提环:swivel bail 材料房:warehouse 绳卡:bullnose clamp(guy anchor) 绳套:sling 吊带:soft sling(belt) 卸扣:shackle 吊装工具:lifting gear 维护保养:maintenance 内钳:make-up tong 外钳:break-out tong

液压大钳:power tong 液压猫头:E-zy tong

兜mule line

四通:four-way valve



球ball valve

闸板:gate valve

单流:back valve

灌注:supercharge pump


第 1 钻井设备部分

井架:Derrick(or mast) 起(放)井架:erect(lay down) Derrick 底座大梁:sill 钢木基础:mat 铅锤:plumb 水平仪:level 架,台:rack 立根盒:setback area 坡道:V door(or ramp) 猫道:catwalk 二层台:monkey-board 圆井盖:cellar cover 天车:crown block 防碰天车:crown-o-matic 天车梁:crown block beam 天车台:water table 游动滑车:traveling block 钻井大绳:drilling line 引绳:guide line 穿大绳:string-in drilling line 金属线,电线:wire ,cable 钢丝绳股:strand 截断:cutoff 滑车,滑轮,皮带轮:pulley(hoist) 手拉葫芦:hand pulley 吊耳:lifting eye 顶驱:top drive 大钩:hook 大钩弹簧:hook spring 大钩销子:hook pin 大钩锁紧装置:hook locking device 大钩悬挂高度:hook height 水龙头:swivel 鹅颈管:gooseneck 冲管:wash pipe 水龙头盘根:swivel packing 钻井水龙带: rotary hose( kelly hose) 立管:stand pipe 立管管汇:stand pipe manifold 高压管线:high pressure line 由壬:union 低压管线:low pressure line 传感器:sensor 放压管线:relief line 转盘:Rotary Table 转盘方瓦:master bushing 方补心取出装置:bushing handling tool 方补心:kelly drive bushing 方孔:square opening 小鼠洞:mouse hole 大鼠洞:rat hole 绞车:Drawworks 挂合(摘开)绞车:engage(disengage) drawworks 液压绞车:hydraulic winch 气动绞车:air tugger(air hoist) 滚筒:drum( reel) 滚筒高速气离合器:high speed clutch 滚筒低速气离合器:low speed clutch 锚头:cathead 液压猫头:E-zy tong 上扣猫头:make up cathead 卸扣猫头:make out cathead 牙嵌离合器:jaw clutch 涡磁刹车:eddy current brake(electromagnetic brake) 猫头轴:cathead shaft 猫头绳:cathead line 死绳:dead line 死绳固定器:dead line anchor 间隙:gap 死绳固定器膜片:dead line diaphragm 上扣:make up 上扭矩:torque sth 卸扣,卸开:break out 上紧,固定:tighten (fasten )

松开,松扣:loosen 加载:load 卸载:unload 盘式刹车:disc brake 刹车总成:brake assembly 刹车轴:brake shaft

刹车带:brake band 刹车片:brake block 液压油箱:hydraulic power unit 液动试压泵:hydraulic test pump 液压大钳:hydraulic (power )tong 倒档齿轮:reverse gear 动力扳手:power wrench 吊钳钳头:hinged jaw 钳牙:die 大钳锁销:latch 大钳悬臂:suspension bar 平衡重:counterbalance weight 吊钳钳臂:tong arm 第 2 节钻井泵类及相关设备泥浆泵:mud pump 活塞:piston 活塞杆:piston rod 活塞皮碗:piston cup 缸套:liner 凡尔体:valve body 凡尔座:valve seat 凡尔箱:pump module 阀弹簧:valve spring 阀杆:valve lever 阀面:valve face 阀帽:valve bonnet 空气包:pulsation damper 充氮气:refill with

nitrogen 泥浆泵安全阀:pop-off valve 卸压管线:release line 排出阀:discharge valve 吸入阀:suction valve 上水滤子:screen 油尺:oil-level dipstick 灌注泵:supercharge pump 冷却水泵:cooling pump 潜水泵:submersible pump 盘根盒:stuffing box 叶轮:impeller 单向阀:check valve (single-pass valve ) 安全阀:safety valve 手动阀:manual valve 液动阀:hydraulic valve 拉杆:tie rod ,tension bar 压力表:pressure gauge 冲数:strokes 排量:flow rate 80 冲(次)/分:eighty strokes per minute 泥浆罐:mud tank 倒泥浆:transfer mud 循环罐:active tank 储备罐:reserve tank 起下钻罐:trip tank 溢流检查:flow check 沉砂罐:satteling tank 锥形罐:sand trap 震动筛:sahle shaker 筛布:screen 目数:mash 除砂器: desander 除泥器: desilter 离心机:centrifuge 泥浆分配槽:spider box 缓冲罐buffer tank 第 3 节与泵操作有关的实用短语没有压力:No pressure 压力过高:The pressure is too high 返回太少:Mud return

is too few 水太少:Water is not adequate. 抢修:Rush to repair 请看记录:Please check the record 没作记录:No record available 加化学药品:add chemicals 测定比重:measure mud weight(specific gravity) 测定失水:measure water loss 泥饼:mud cake 测定切力:measure gel strength 停泵:stop pump 请打手势:Please make a gesture 转动一周:turn round a circle

垫高一些:put something under it to raise 抓紧:firmly grasp 抬高:lift it up 拿稳:hold firm 打一下:hit once 往外拉:pull outward 站稳:stand firm 小端:small end 大端:large end 光滑:smooth 粗糙:coarse ,rough 平面:flat 弯曲:bending 放松:loosen 绷直:stretch tight ,draw tight 冷却:cooling 润滑:lubricate 过载:overload 功率不足:power is not enough. 第 4 节钻台与底座钻台:drilling floor 钻井班组记录:drilling tour record 司钻监视器:driller's monitor 司钻控制台:driller's console 指重表:weight indicator 底座:substructure 井队活动房:

trailer 钻台上值班房:doghouse 梯子:ladder 第 5 节井控操作与防喷器溢流: kick 溢流征兆: kick sign 气侵:gas

cut 井喷:blow-out

1 次井控the primary well control

2 次井控the secondary well control

3 次井控the tertiary well control 平衡

balance 超平衡over-balance 欠平衡under balance 漏失试验leak-off test 破裂压力fracture pressure 额定压力rated pressure

工作压力working pressure 防喷器组BOP stack 安装(甩下)防

喷器组:nipple up(nipple down) BOP stack 分流器diverter

万能防喷器:annular preventer ,bag preventer 单闸板防喷器:single ram preventer 双闸板防喷器:double ram preventer (防喷器)闸板:pipe ram 变芯闸板防喷器variable

bore ram 全封式防喷器:blind ram 剪切防喷器:shear ram 内防喷器Inside BOP

投入式单流阀DIBPV ( Drop in blowout preventer valve ) 分流关线diverter line 节流管汇choke manifold 节流阀choke valve 旁通阀standby valve 调压阀: Pressure regulator 手动节流阀manual choke 远程节流阀remote choke 井口四通

drilling spool 变径法兰:adapter flange 液压控制阀

HCR(hydraulic controller) 远程控制系统:koomey unit 蓄能器:accmulator 压井管线:kill line 入口:inlet 出口:outlet

简易除气器:poor-boy degasser 真空除气器:vaccum degasser 泥浆池液面纪录仪Pit volume recorder(totallizer) 泥浆流动传感仪mud flow sensor 泥浆增量Pit gains 硫化氢侵入H2S influx 加重材料Weighted material 氮气Nitrogen 乙炔:acetylene 氧气:oxygen

预冲氮气压力Pre-charge nitrogen pressure 地脚螺栓连接Studded connection 法兰连接Flange connection 箍盘连接Hub connection 演习:drill

急救演习:first aid drill 消防演习:fire drill 防喷演

习:kick drill 泄压: bleed off pressure 带刻度压力表: calibrated pressure gauge 带刻度容(体)积表: calibrated volume gauge 套管鞋: casing shoe 上部井眼段top hole section 快速钻进地层fast drilling formation 压实地层:consolidated formation 风化地层:weathered formation 钻屑

携带能力cuttings carrying capacity 浅层气藏shallow gas 地层破裂formation to break down 压力梯度pressure gradient

地层压力formation pressure 井口压力wellhead pressure 漏失压力leak-off pressure 破裂压力fractured pressure 井底压力BHP( bottom hole pressure) 正常压力normal pressure 异常压

力abnormal pressure 静液压力hydrostatic pressure 动态压力dynamic pressure 环空压力annular pressure 关井钻杆压力SIDPP (shut in drill pipe pressure) 关井套管压力SICP( shut in casing pressure) 最大关井套管压力maximum allowable surface pressure, MAASP 最初循环压力ICP( Initial

circulating pressure) 循环结束压力FCP(Final circulating pressure) U 形管原理U-tube principle 压井操作killing operation 补救措施remedial actions 关井后循环circulation under well closed in condition cl 离子含量chloride content Dc 指数Dc exponent 软关井soft shut in 硬关井hard shut in 第1 次循环first circulation 第2 次循环second circulation 压井泥浆比重kill mud weight 抽吸swab 激动surge

含气地层gas bearing formation 含气页岩gas bearing shale

安全增量safety margin 记录卡片trip sheet 低循环泵速

SCR(slow circulation rate) 当量泥浆密度EQD(equivalent mud density) 当量循环密度ECD(equivalent circulating density)

司钻压井法driller 's method 等待压井法wait & weight


3-D seismic survey (D: dimension:) 三维地震勘探 5-spot pattern n.五点井网Abandon v.(油井)报废,废弃Abandon well n.废井Acid wash n.酸洗 Acidization n.酸化(作用)Acidization n.酸化(作用) Acidize v.酸化Additive n.添加剂 Agent n.试剂,媒介Alkane n.烷烃,链烷烃 Analytic solution n.解析解Anisotropic a.各向异性的,非均质的Annular a.环形的Annular mist flow n.环雾流 Annulus n.环形空间,环空Anticline n.背斜 API standards n.美国石油协会标准Aromatic n.芳香族,芳香族环烃;a. 芳香的 Artifical lift n.人工举升Artificial lift n.人工举升 Artificial water drive n.人工注水驱Asphaltene n.沥青烯 Asphaltic a.含沥青的,沥青质的;n.沥青质Associated a.伴生的 Attribute n.属性,特征,标志Baffle n.隔板;v.阻碍,挫折Barefoot completion n.裸眼完井Barite n.重晶石 Barrel n.桶Barrier n.隔层 Bbl (blue barrel) Bean n.油嘴,节流器 Belt cover n.皮带盖Bentonite n.膨润土,斑脱岩 Bit n.钻头Black-oil simulator n.黑油模拟器Blender truck n.混砂车Blow out v.井喷 Blowout n.井喷Blowout preventer (BOP) n.防喷器Borehole n.井眼Bottom hole n.井下 Collapse v.坍塌,倒塌Collar n.钻铤 Compaction n.压实作用Compaction n.压实(作用),挤压Completion n.完井,完成,结束Compress v.压缩 Compressor n.压缩机Concentration n.浓度;集中Condensate n.凝析油Condensate n.凝析油 Conductor casing n.导管Conductor casing n.导管 Conductor hole n.导管孔Conductor pipe n.导管 Cone n.圆锥,(锥形)牙轮Configuration n.构造 Connate a.原生的,共生的Connate water n.原生水,共生水Contaminant n.杂质,污染物Continuous lift n.连续气举 Core n.岩心Core n.岩心 Core holder n.岩心夹持器Core slug n.岩心塞 Coring bit n.取芯钻头Corrode v.腐蚀 Corrode v.腐蚀,侵蚀;锈蚀Corrosion n.腐蚀 Corrosion n.腐蚀Corrosive a.腐蚀的;n.腐蚀剂Corrosive a.腐蚀的;n.腐蚀剂Counterbalance n.平衡(块);v.使平衡,抵消 Counterweight n.平衡块Crack v.裂开 Crank n.曲柄,摇把Crown block n.钻台 Crumble v.坍塌,破碎Crust n.地壳 Curve n.曲线Cutting/chips n.钻屑


对照实物确认的钻井词汇 一、井口与井控 1.套管头升高短节(上下由法兰连接,中间是三通或四通)casing spool 2.油管悬挂器tubing hanger 3.油管悬挂器上边接有阀门的盖子tubing bonnet 4.(可焊接的)导管头(接箍)conductor connector 5.(可焊接的)套管头(接箍)casing connector 6.井口帽blanking cap & plug 7.三闸板防喷器triple slide-lok preventer 8.双闸板防喷器double slide-lok prevente 9.油/套管升高短节tubing/casing riser 10.整体式升高短节integral union riser 11.法兰×丝扣井口转换头wellhead adapter 12.井口四通两边的横向阀门wing valves 13.油管悬挂器上边的变径法兰大小头bonnet 14.上边是法兰的套管头casing flange 15.只上边是法兰,下边与表层套管焊接的套管头casing head 16.套管头内的卡瓦casing slips 17.(上法兰小,下法兰大)变径套管头casing spool crossover 18.与导管焊接的坐在圆井底的套管头landing head flange top 19.卡瓦密封套管悬挂器slips seal casing hanger

20.(上下是法兰,中间是四通的)油管升高短节tubing spool 21.柔性封隔闸板flexpacker ram 22.可变径闸板variable bore ram 23.剪切闸板shearing blind ram 24.卡瓦型套管悬挂器slip-type casing hangers 25.高负荷悬挂器high-load hanger 26.悬挂器断开式密封圈hanger isolation seal ring 27.井口封隔变径变压法兰(中间有几道密封圈,下边是低压,上边是高压)packoff/crossover flange 28.油管头(下法兰大,内带密封圈;中间是四通,上法兰小)tubing heads 29.底(下)变径法兰(下边内径大,上边内径小)basic adapter 30.单密封变径法兰(下内径大,上内径小)single seal bore adapter 31.变径大小头(下边是法兰,上边是本体上钻孔攻丝扣)coupling adapter 32.油管悬挂器转换大小头短节(上法兰小,下法兰大,下法兰内有丝扣)tubingsuspension adapter 33.双油管悬挂器dual completion tubing hanger 34.双密封孔连接法兰dual seal bore adapter 35.锁紧螺丝lockdown screw 36.(地面)单油管密封总成single packer completion 37.法兰式采油树盖子flanged tree caps 38.扰性油管悬挂器coiled tubing hanger


API(America Petroleum Institute美国石油学会BHA(bottom hole assembelly井底钻具组合BHP(bottom hole pressure井底压力BOP control room远程控制台 BOP(blowout preventer防喷器 BTC(buttress thread connection梯形扣 CP(circulating pressure循环压力 DC(drill collar钻铤 DL(dogleg 狗腿 DLS(dogleg severity狗腿严重度DP(drill pipe钻杆 DST(drill stem test中途测试ECD(equivalent circulating density循环当量密度ECD(equivalent circulating density当量循环密度EF(external flush外平 EMW(equivalent mud weight当量泥浆密度EUE(external upset end内加厚 FCP(final circulating pressure终了循环压力FH(full hole贯眼扣 GPM(gallon per minute加仑每分HCR(hydraulic control remote valve液动阀 HP(hydrostatic pressure静液柱压力HWDP(heavy weight drillpipe加重钻杆 IADC(international association of drilling contractors钻井承包商 ID(inside diameter内径 IF(internal flush内平扣 KOP(kickoff point造斜点 LOT(leak off test漏失实验 LTC(long thread connection长园扣


地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号财富中心A 座601 邮编:100020 石 油 钻 井 工 程 英 语 词 汇 2008-10-15 第一章:石油钻井工程英语基础词汇 第1 节 石油钻井工程基础词汇 钻井:drill 定向斜井:directional drilling 欠平衡钻井:under-balance drilling 海上钻井:off-shore drilling 陆地钻井: on-shore drilling 钻头:drill bit 刮刀钻头:drag bit 牙轮钻头:rock bit (镶齿钻头insert bit, 钢齿钻头steel toothed bit) 金刚石钻头:diamond bit 取心钻头:coring bit 钻头浮阀:float valve 钻头水眼:bit nozzle(or jet) 钻头水眼刺:bit nozzle washed out 钻头规:bit caliper(bit gauge) 钻头泥包:bit is balling 钻头钝了,我建议现在起钻:bit is dull. I suggest to POOH now

钻铤:DC(drill collar ) 光钻铤slick drill collar, 螺旋钻铤spiral drill collar 钻杆:DP(drill pipe ) 方钻杆:kelly 公扣:pin end 母扣:box end 内平式连接:IF(internal flash) 正规式连接:REG(regular) 贯眼式连接:FH(full hole)加重钻杆heavy weight drill pipe 短钻杆pop joint 井下马达:downhole motor 涡轮钻具:turbine 震击器:drilling jar 减震器:absorber 下部钻具组合:BHA(bottom hole assembly) 钻具扶正器:stabilizer(string stabilizer, near-bit stabilizer) 钻机:drill rig 钻井泥浆:drilling mud 钻井液:drilling fluid 钻井设备:drilling equipment油:oil 原油:crude oil 天然气:nature gas 煤层气:coal-bed gas 石油:petroleum 中国石油(简称):CNPC(China National Petroleum Corporation )长城钻井(简称):GWDC(Great Wall Drilling Company) 采油:oil production 产油层(目的层):reservoir( or pay zone) 钻进:drilling 调整钻井参数以得到理想的机械钻速: play the drilling parameters to get fast ROP 起钻:POOH(pull out of hole) 下钻:RIH(run in hole) 下套管:run casing(or RIH with casing) 短起下钻:wiper trip 循环泥浆:circulate 泥浆:reverse circulate 中途循环泥浆:break circulation 分段下钻:RIH in stages 通井:control trip 划眼:reaming 倒划眼:back reaming


Chapter 1 The Frequently Used-vocabulary In Well Control 井控常用词汇 1.abnormal pressure 异常压力(normal pressure, 正常压力 higher-than-expected/normal pressure, lower-than-normal pressure abnormally high pressure abnormally low pressure 2.accumulator储能器 3.accumulator bottle储能器瓶 4.acid fracture酸裂 5.adjustable choke可调节流阀 6.annular blowout preventer (BOP)环型 防喷器(ram BOP) bag BOP 7.annular pressure/casing pressure环空压 力(套压)(drillpipe pressure立压) pit gain 8.annular space环空(annulus) 9.annular velocity环空上返速度 10.anticline 背斜 11.atmospheric pressure 大气压 (0.1Mpa)(1at)

12.background gas 背景气 13.back off 倒扣/卸扣 make up 14.back-pressure 回压 check/单向阀 non-return valve回压凡尔 15.barite BaSO4重晶石 16.barium sulfate BaSO4 17.barrel (bbl) gallon/加仑 1m3=6.2897bbl 18.bell nipple 钟型导向短节,(喇叭口) 19.BHP (bottom hole pressure) 20.bleed 放喷 21.bleed line放喷管线 22.blind ram 全封闸板 pipe ram 半封闸板 shear ram 剪切闸板 23.blind ram preventer全封闸板防喷器 24.blowout 井喷 (kick 井涌) 25.blowout preventer control panel防喷器 控制面板 console 26.blowout preventer control unit防喷器控 制系统 27.blowout sticking 井喷卡钻


Accumulator 储能器 Active tank 循环池 Adjusting bolt (刹把)调节螺栓Admission pipe 进气管 Agitator 搅拌器 Air chamber 空气包 Air line 气管线 Air-operated hoist 气动绞车Alternating current drive 交流电驱动Annular BOP 环形BOP Ato-muffler 消音器 Ball valve 球阀 Bell nipple 井口喇叭管 Bench vise 老虎钳 bit breaker 钻头装卸器 bit gauge 钻头规 blind ram preventer 盲板防喷器BOP control panel 防喷器控制盘BOP deck 防喷器平台 Bottom plug 底塞 Brake lever (brake handle) 刹把Brake line (brake staple) 刹带Bridge plug 桥塞 Buttress 梯形扣 Butterfly valve 蝶阀 By-pass 旁通 By-pass plug 旁通塞 Calipers 卡钳 Casing coupling 套管接箍 Casing cutter 套管割刀 Casing elevator 套管吊卡 Casing hanger 套管悬挂器 Casing head 套管头 Casing monkey board 套管平台Casing scraper 刮管器 Casing shoe 套管鞋 Casing slip 套管卡瓦 Casing spear 套管打捞矛 Casing spool 套管四通 Casing tong 套管大钳 Cat line 猫头绳 Cat line grip 猫头绳爪 Cat shaft 猫头轴 Cat-head 猫头 Cellar deck 井口甲板Cement 水泥 Cement basket 水泥伞 Cement plug 水泥塞 Cement retainer 水泥阻流环 Cementing bond log 固井质量检查Cementing head 水泥头 Cementing line 固井管线 Cementing pump 固井泵 Chain 链 Chain pipe tong 链钳 Chain tong 链钳 Chamber 房间,寝室 Chamber gate 阀箱,闸室 Charge pump 灌注泵 Check valve 止回阀,回压凡尔 Choke 节流器,阻流器 Choke line 阻流管线 Choke position indicator 节流阀位置指示器Choke valve 节流阀 Choke-line manifold 阻流管汇 Clutch 离合器 Conductor 导管 Cone 牙轮 Cone fisher 牙轮打捞器 Cone lock 牙轮卡死 Cooling-water pump 冷却水泵 Core barrel shoe 取心筒鞋 Core basket 取心爪 Core bit 取心钻头 Core catcher 取心爪 Core catch case 取心爪外套 Core drying oven 岩心烘箱 Crossover joint(x/o) 变换接头 Crown block 天车 Crown block beam 天车梁 Dead line 死绳 Dead line diaphragm 死绳固定器膜片Dead line anchor 死绳固定器 Degasser 除气器 Derrick 井架 Desander (desilter) 除砂器(除泥器)Direct current drive 直流电驱动Discharge line 排除管线 Double ram type preventer 双闸板防喷器Down hole tool 入井工具


顶驱&钻井英文常用词汇表 (第一版) 盘锦辽河油田天意石油装备有限公司 2010年9月

一、顶驱英文 顶部驱动系统Top drive system 车载钻机truck-mounted rig 机械的mechanical 电学的electrical 液压的hydraulic 钻井设备drilling equipment 大斜度井high-inclination well 深井deep well 丛式定向钻井cluster directional well 低温顶驱low-temperature top drive system 超深井ultra-deep well 定向井directional well 载荷load capacity 工作高度working height 电动机motor 功率power 转速rotary speed 钻井扭矩drilling torque 过载能力over load capacity 卸扣break out 上扣make-up 循环压力circulation pressure 额定压力rated pressure 电源电压power voltage 电源频率power frequency 工作电流working current 通风机ventilator 接线箱junction box 平衡油缸counterbalance cylinder 盘式刹车disc brake 电缆接插件cable connector assembly 主电机main motor 液压阀组hydraulic valve block 提环bail 鹅颈管gooseneck 油箱tank 蓄能器accumulator 齿轮箱gearbox 冲管总成wash pipe assembly 液压马达hydraulic motor 回转头rotating head 导轨guide beam 倾斜油缸tilt cylinder 防松法兰lock flange 背钳back-up tong 导向器stabbing guide 遥控IBOP upper IBOP 手动IBOP lower IBOP 吊环link 吊卡elevator 齿轮轴gear shaft 冷却风机Cooling motor 交流电机 AC motor 水龙头 Swivel 主齿轮 Driving gear 编码器 Encoder 散热器 Radiator 油道 Oil passage 密封槽Seal groove 轴承 bearing 滚轮 Roller 滑套 IBOP actuator shell 曲柄 Crank 销pin 钳牙tongdies 活塞piston 螺栓bolt 黄油grease 小车总成 Carriage accessory 气流 Air current 风道 Air duct 进风口 Air inlet 出风口 Air outlet 梨型环 Pear link 卡箍clamping band 键key


Useful words of drilling常用钻井词汇 Senior mud engineer Driller toolpusHer roughnecks derrickman floorman 高级泥浆工程师司钻、队长、钻工、井架工场地工 Spud in Drill a well Stop Drilling Had Drilled/About 300Msdeep Be Drilling Drilling out of.. Finish drill ..In charge of.. 开钻打一口井停钻已经钻了约300米正在钻进钻完….完钻…负责人W..is? responsible to?…W..is ?responsible for?get every thing ready for..ing ?向谁负责?.. ?..负责什么?做…准备 ….whom.. ..who.. 是.你们.的人是在.的人. nsbDRILLER'S Month, console log method station tour report monitor 钻机月、司钻(控制台、记录司钻法、平台钻井班报表监视器) DRILL extractor floor fluid footage free gauge hole hole returns hole survey in 钻井(打捞器钻台液进尺空转钻头规眼井口返浆测斜打开生产层)drill ability able liner able packer ahead assembly cable bit run expert collar collar annulus (可钻性可钻尾挂器可钻封隔器继续钻进钻柱组合钢丝行程专家钻挺钻挺环空)DRILL collar bore stem test string assemb limitation fatigue mechanics torque crew (钻挺水眼中测钻柱(结构强度疲劳力学扭矩井队)DRILL rig tool mill monitor off test out tool rope sample site solids stem bushing (钻机、钻具洗靴参数仪试钻钻塞工具棕绳砂样井场岩宵弯曲) DRILL PIPE annulus bore pin box clamp coupling cutter electric log elevator float frozen gauge inspection 钻杆(环空水眼公扣母扣卡瓦接箍割刀钻杆电测吊卡回凡尔卡钻丝扣规钻杆检查)DRILL PIPE protector release spinner stabilizer stand sticking sub tension winding up 钻杆(护丝钻具解卡旋扣器扶正器/稳定器立柱卡钻接头拉力弯曲) DRILLING engineer supervisor superntendent technique experience technology specialist technician (工程师监督总监技术经验工艺专家技术员)DRILLING analytical bit break capacity centralizer contract cost crew cycle data base effort engineering (分析钻头放空能力钻井扶正器合同成本队周期数据库工作量工程学)DRILLING equipment experience hanger load log mud operation optimization operator out outfit parameter (设备经验尾挂器钻压录井泥浆作业优化钻井承包商钻塞设备参数)DRILLING foreman hose implementer in balance instrument interval invasion zone jar journey line liner liner reel 钻井(队长/工头水龙带人员平衡钻进仪表井段漏层震击器记录表大绳尾管滚筒)DRILLING people permit phase prediction pressure program progress rate rate of trip record ship site speed (人员许可权阶段预报压力程序进度钻速行程钻速记录船井场钻速)DRILLING spool stem string stabilizer to completion tool substitute up weight turbine unit (四通钻柱钻柱扶正器钻至设计井深钻具接头钻碎钻压涡轮钻机组) DRILLING time log time work completion operation condition cleaning system bottoms up (钻时记录时间工作完井作业条件净化系统)迟到时间 pull of hole run in hole make up a joint break down a joint trip out of hole laying down wire line survey 起钻下钻接单根卸单根起钻甩钻具吊测 direction al well定向井词汇 DIRECTIONAL well angle bit bit side force component clinograph control counter depth migration 定向(定向井方位角钻头变方位侧向分力方位测斜仪方位控制计数器定向深度偏移)DIRECTIONAL diagram drilling drilling contractor drill tool Effect gyro hole line orientation tool presentation 定向(方位图定向钻井定向井承包商定向钻井工具效应陀螺仪井方向线定向工具方位显示) DIRECTIONAl reading scanning sub surveillance survey tendency tool turbodrill MWD survey tool 定向(方角读数定向扫描接头定向监测定向测量方向趋势随钻测斜仪定向涡轮随钻测量定向测量工具) direction sensor instrument of tilt of deflection of magnetization of strata parameter finding chart azimuth 方向(传感器方向仪倾斜方向井斜方位磁化方向地层走向方向参数测向系统)方向角deflecting tool angle build up angle drop off single shot inclinometer gyroscope whipstock horizontal well orbit 造斜工具增斜降斜单点测斜仪陀螺仪变向器)水平井轨迹Measure Depth Vertical Depth True Vertical Depth Displancement Closure Depth Vertica section Hole Inclination Hole Angle 井深/斜深垂深垂深水位/闭和距水位/闭和距视平移井斜角井斜角Declination Maximum Hole Angle Hole Direction Kick Off Point Dogleg Severity Target Tool face High Side Tool face Angle 慈偏角最大井斜角方位角造斜点全角变化率目标点工具面高边工具面角 sits the mark horizontal segment kick-off segment kick-off rate horizontal departure horizontal displacement 坐标水平段造斜段造斜率水平位移水平位移


一、钻井作业 1.钻台构造,设备,器材类: drilling equipment mast, derrick free standing mast drill floor v-door monkey board substructure mouse hole, rat hole gin pole setback crown block travelling block hook swivel power swivel draw works rotary table kelly kelly cock drum shaft cat head cat line deadline anchor sand line 钻井装置,钻机 井架 无绷绳轻便井架 钻台 坡板,井架大门 二层台 井架底座 鼠洞 人字架 立根盒 天车 游动滑车 大钩 水龙头 动力水龙头 绞车 转盘 方钻杆 方钻杆 滚动轴 猫头 猫头绳 死绳固定装置 捞绳器 work line ,drilling line deadline tong power tong kelly drive safety clamp elevator center latch elevator elevator chain block air hoist bushing master bushing inside BOP pipe wrench lifting sub kelly spinner geolograph cable jacket finger board slip rotary slip power slip 大绳 死绳 大钳 动力大钳 方钻杆滚子补心 安全卡子 吊卡 中开门吊卡 吊环 倒链 气动绞车 补心 转盘大补心 回压凡尔 管子扳手 提升短节 方钻杆旋转器 气测引绳 导管架 指梁 卡瓦 转盘卡瓦 动力卡瓦 2.钻头 3. Bit cone bit tri-cone bit bit noggle insert bit milled teeth bit diamond bit cone bit breaker hole openner 钻头 牙轮钻头 三牙轮钻头 钻头水眼 镶式钻头 铣齿钻头 金刚石钻头 牙轮 钻头装卸器 drilling assembly drill strings drill stem bit sub stabiliger wing stabiliger reamer drill pipe(drill collar) heavy weight drill pipe crossover sub 钻具组合 钻杆柱 钻柱 钻头接头 扶正器 翼状扶正器 辊轮扶正器 钻杆(钻铤) 加重钻杆


石油钻井词汇 Part One SLICK-LINE(钢丝作业) A. TOOLS rope socket 绳帽 stem 加重杆 roll stem 滚轮加重杆 Tungsten stem 钨加重杆 Lead stem 铅加重杆 link jar 机械震击器 tubular jar 管状震击器 hydraulic jar 液压震击器 spring jar 弹簧震击器 knuckle joint 万向节 swivel joint 旋转节 wellhead adapter 井口变扣短节 X-Over 变扣 gauge cutter 通井规 selective downshift tool 选择性滑套开关工具 shiftting tool 移位工具 blind box 盲锤 L.I.B(lead impression block) 铅印swaging tool 胀管器 spear 打捞矛 prong grab 内捞矛 center spear 外捞矛 catcher 捕捉器 wirefinder 钢丝探测器 Go devil-F.B 平底撞棍 Go devil-C.B 刀杆撞棍 retriever 钢丝打捞器 overshot 卡瓦打捞筒 magnetic fishing tool 磁力打捞工具sidewall cutter 刮管刀 alligator grab 鳄鱼爪 sand bailer 捞沙筒 pipe wrench 管钳 tong chain 链钳 spanner 扳手 wireline clamp 钢丝夹 hay pulley 地滑轮 dump bailer 倾倒筒 saw 锯子 saw blade 锯条 punch 冲子 file 锉刀 flat file 板锉,扁锉 hammer 榔头 pliers,vice 老虎钳 wire cutter 断线钳forfex 剪刀 tongs 大钳,钳子,管钳 flat bit tongs 扁嘴钳 screwdriver 改锥,螺丝刀 wire stripper 剥皮钳,掳线钳 wire-stripper pliers 剥线钳 B. EQUIPMENT stuffing box 防喷盒 lubricator upper section 上防喷管 lubricator middle section 中防喷管 lubricator lower section 下防喷管 blowout preventer(BOP) 防喷器 wellhead adapter 井口变扣短节 Lincoln pump 林肯泵 hand pump assy.for stuffing box 手 压泵 Fire extinguisher 灭火器 hand tool box 手工具箱 injector 注油器 lifting cap BOP吊帽 trolly 防喷管支撑架 parasol 阳伞 work vice 台钳 chain block 链葫芦 tie down chain 系紧链 fixed pulley 定滑轮 wobble pump 手摇泵 wire line clamp 钢丝绳夹 wire rope sling 绳套,钢丝吊绳 winch 绞车 winch barrel(drum) 绞车滚筒 winch brake 绞车刹车 winch drive shaft universal joint 绞 车主动轴万向节 winch drum shaft 绞车滚动轴 winch line 吊装用绳套 winch control panel 绞车控制面板 winch truck 吊车 C. OPERATIONS RTTS Operation for Shoot and Pull RTTS完井服务 RTTS Operation for Cement Squeezing RTTS固井服务(挤水泥) Pulling Y Block 捞Y堵塞器 Open SSD(Slide Side Door) 开生产 滑套 Close SSD(Slide Side Door) 关生产 滑套 Open Circulating SSD(Slide Side Door) 开循环滑套 Close Circulating SSD(Slide Side Door) 关循环滑套 Running Gauge Cutter 通井 Clean up 地面完井放喷 Open Drain Valve 砸泻油阀 Pulling Test Plug 捞测试阀 Running Jet Pump 投射流泵 Pulling Jet Pump 捞射流泵 Running Flow Regulator 投配水器 Pulling Flow Regulator 捞配水器 Fishing Drop Bar 捞点火棒 Measuring Static Pressure 测静压 Measuring Flowing Pressure 测流压 Measuring BHPBU(Bottom Hole Pressure Build Up) 测压力恢复 Measuring BHP(Bottom Hole Pressure) Testing with Jet Pump 带 泵测压(射流泵) Multi-Rate BHP(Bottom Hole Pressure) Testing 系统试井 Slick-line Operation for Completion 钢丝配合完井服务 Slick-line Operation for acidizing 配 合酸化钢丝作业 Running Plug 投堵塞器 Pulling Plug 捞堵塞器 Run Impression Block 下铅印 Running Prong 投平衡杆 Sand Level detection 探沙面 Run Sand Bailer 下捞砂桶 Open SSSV(Sub Surface Safety Valve) by Force 强行打开井下安全 阀 Running Go Devil 剪切钢丝 Fishing Slickline 打捞钢丝 Running Side Pocket Plug 投偏心堵 塞器 Pulling Side pocket Plug 捞偏心堵 塞器 Running Side Pocket Check Valve 投 偏心阀 Pulling Side Pocket Check Valve 捞 偏心阀 Sand Sampling 取砂样 Stable Test 稳定试井 Slickline Swab 抽吸 Running Hanger 投悬挂器 Pulling Hanger 捞悬挂器 D. SPARE PARTS



目录 第一章:石油钻井工程英语基础词汇 第1节石油钻井工程基础词汇 (1) 第2节石油钻井方法基础词汇 (5) 第3节石油钻井技术基础词汇 (5) 第4节石油钻井参数基础词汇 (6) 第5节石油钻井作业现场工作人员名称 (7) 第 6 节石油作业现场常用工具 (8) 第二章:石油工程常用设备及专业术语 第1节钻井设备部分 (13) 第2节钻井泵类及相关设备 (16) 第3节与泵操作有关的实用短语 (18) 第4节钻台与底座 (19) 第5节井控操作与防喷器 (19) 第三章:钻井工程作业部分 第1节钻井事故 (24) 第2节钻头 (25) 第3节钻具 (25) 第4节钻井工程地面作业实用词汇与短语 (27) 第5节钻井工程井口作业实用词汇与短语 (28) 第四章:钻井液及相关设备 第1节钻井液名称 (30) 第2节钻井液设备 (31) 第3节钻井液处理剂 (31) 第五章:钻井相关作业 第1节取芯部分 (35) 第2节固井部分 (35) 第3节固井水泥浆名称和参数 (37) 第4节测井部分 (38) 第六章:井下作业常用短语 (39) 第七章:海上钻井作业 (41) 第八章:定向井部分 (42) 第九章:石油现场机械传动与机械设备 第1节:动力与传动 (43)

第十章:石油工程作业现场生活用词 第1节身体各部分名称 (45) 第2节服装 (47) 第3节描述天气 (49) 第4节常见蔬菜名称 (49) 第5节常见水果名称 (50) 第6节味道和调味品调味品 (50) 第7节酒类和祝酒 (51) 第8节食品 (52) 第9节超级市场 (53) 第10节容器、单位及钱币 (53) 第11节肉类 (54) 第12节海鲜,鱼类 (54) 第13节救火及救援 (55) 第14节日常生活用品 (55) 第15节星期与月份 (56) 第16节数字 (57) 第17节颜色 (58) 第十一章:常用缩略语与换算 第1节常用缩略语 Abbreviation (59) 第2节钻井现场常用公英制(美国用法)换算 (60)


目录 第一节钻井英语单词 (2) 第二节井场用语,钻井常用短语及句子 (10) 第三节钻井泥浆术语 (29) 第四节常用安全术语 (31) 第五节钻井设备英语 (33) 第六节石油钻井英语情景会话 (40) 附录一:平台人员、作业者及服务公司人员名称 (47) 附录二:主要设备名称 (48) 附录三:钻具、井口工具、打捞工具名称 (52) 附录四:材料和工具名称 (53) 附录五:常用缩写形式 (55)

第一节钻井英语单词 drilling crew 钻井队 drill floor,rig floor,floor 钻台drawworks 绞车 well-site, rig-site 井场 rig manager 平台经理 DC (drill collar) 钻铤 drilling engineer 钻井工程师 DP (drill pipe) 钻杆 toolpusher 带班队长 rotary table 转盘 driller 司钻 assistant driller 副司钻derrickman, monkeyman 井架工roughneck, floorman 钻工roustabout 场地工 liner 缸套 motor fire man 司机(motorman)wellhead 井口 circulation & solid system 循环固控系统 machinist 机械师,机工,机械大班electrician 电器师,电工,电器大班operation program 作业程序(指令) cathead 猫头 caravan 营房,大篷车 tong 大钳 elevator 吊卡 well depth 井深 slip 卡瓦makeup 上扣 spud in 开钻 breakout 卸扣 ROP (rate of penetration),drilling speed, penetration rate 钻速 trip 起下钻 diesel-engine 柴油机 loss circulation 井漏,循环漏失working uniform 工作服 brake handle, brake bar 刹把 water well condition 水井井况circulating tank, circulation tank 循环罐 normal drilling 正常钻进 reserve tank 储备罐 parameter 参数 trip tank 补给罐,尖底罐, 起下钻泥浆罐(起下钻计量罐) rotary speed 转盘转速(转速)shale shaker 振动筛 pump pressure 泵压 WOB (weight on bit) 钻压 mesh 目,网孔;啮合,编织 torque 扭矩 screen cloth 筛布 displacement 排量 safety meeting 班前会 pump stroke 泵冲 shift exchange 交班、(倒班)
