

1.0 Introduction

The purpose of this report is to investigate which coffee shop is satisfied with student. It is about environment, price, taste and factors. The aim is how to create a good coffee shop for student. The intended readers are teacher, students and coffee shop customer service. There are five coffee shop in our school, boxingdi, MAAN coffee, campusstory coffee, Jiananmeidi and water through stone coffee.

2.0 Procedures

There are several sources of collecting information about coffee shop. The internet is import, it is convenient and fast. Some practical point of view need do questionnaire. Questionnaire can reflect the issues. Access to book is a effective way to collect information, some question need observation.

3.0 Literature review

3.1 customer service

Customer service can be defined as ' values ' which follows the customer. Daniel. Y. D (2006) had concluded that the main goal of customer service is to satisfy the customers. It gathers and manages the optimal cost in the predetermined. In the broad sense, every thing can raise the satisfaction of customer can be in the range of the customer service. To raise the satisfaction, it require to reduce the different between the expectation of customers and the practical situation they are treated. (Bryman, 2007)

Customer service is often an important strategy and a value proposition for a company. From the sales process, customer service can be seen as an important part. It can checkout the organization whether has a perfect process of sale and ability to settle the problem from the customer. So to improve the system of customer service, a necessary premise is that the staffs should be absorbed in the every detail of the customers and to service from the heart . To improve themselves and increase there responsibilities. Give the customers a exceeds expectations service to keep the customer to long stay. This will be the base of the perfect customer service.(Rossman,1991)

3.2 college customer service

A college at least have two kind of customers, the first are students and business practitioners. The other is academics. College customer service not only about students canteen, dormitory, store and others facilities. Knowledge and academics are more important for student. (cathrye,2005). Students are customers for school, they give money to school and school provide service. So school service should transparency.(peter,2007). Scott said that if customer service failures, the school should analysis it. The impact of service operations failures satisfaction: evidence on how failures and their source affect what matters to customer.

3.3 coffee shop create

Coffee is one of the three major beverage in the world, as time advances and the opening up of china into the western culture, people bagan to accept coffee, understanding and consumption. Coffee shop should have own brand, that is important. Starbucks is around all the world, it business philosophy and service focused on six areas, brand positioning, brand experience, brand equity accumulation,

brand communication, brand and brand extension chain. Starbucks on the successful experience of the brand strategy is: the third space, a unique brand positioning, experiential consumption around with customer, employees and suppliers, the relationship between asset accumulation, coffee, religion, word of moth spread, strict and flexible way to join the brand extension of rich Starbucks brand value.(Ray, 2005). The customer service is important, but a coffee shop should have good environment, well taste, and more others.

4.0 Research

4.1 Method

My method of data collection have three: interview, questionnaire and observation. I interview our schoolmate, ask them how they fell about our school coffee shop and which coffee shop they usually consume. But I think interview not comprehensive, so I do some questionnaire to survey the question. The questionnaire involve coffee shop location, taste, environment and others. Questionnaire can make survey more clear and definite. That is a effective way. The observation is also important, some substance question need observe, then obtain conclution.

4.2 Limitation

The limitation of questionnaire is I just survey HND students, most of HND students live in xuezhi, so the result may influence by location. Questionnaire give out to girls than to boys. Girls may pay more attention on environment, boys may most mind taste. So some result may not very accuracy.

4.3 data analysis

4.3.1 The introduction of questionnaire

I give out 105 questionnaires to students, all the questionnaire give to HND students, include classmates, roommates and other students. The girls are doing 70 share, boys are doing 35 share. Because more girls like stay in coffee shop. They always doing homework or talk with student in coffee shop. Boys more like pubs. So give more questionnaire to girls. The questionnaire is about school coffee shop. Survey about which coffee shop is suitable for HND students. My questionnaire have 10 question. The first is ask how often students go to coffee shop. The second is talk about with coffee shop popular. The third is ask about who they will go coffee shop with. The forth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth are talk about the reason of coffee shop they choice. The fifth is say characteristics.

4.3.2 Analysis data and survey result

The questionnaire data show that the campusstory coffee is most popular, some student also like study at Boxingdi. Some student like go to MAAN coffee. It is the third. Little student will go to water through stone. Seldom student like go to Jiananmeidi. (See Appendix C)

If the student go to coffee shop to study, they like go to Boxingdi, because many students study at there, they can conclusion at Boxingdi, and the price is low than others. If have a meeting with friend or boy/girl friend, most of student may choice xiaoyouji, xiaoyouji have sofa and environment is best. It warm than others, and quiet. If only want to drink coffee, MAAN coffee is popular. Jiananmeidi is suitable for make business. Little student choice shuichuanshi. The data show that girls go to

coffee shop usually, boys only waiting at there, or complain with girls. Every coffee shop have it own special. But do not have a coffee shop perfect, so many student have suggestion. Like shop’s internet, chairs, taste and others. (See Appendix B and Appendix D)

4.3.3 Analysis reason

survey show that the popular coffee shop in our school is campusstory coffee, most students choice it because the environment is good, food taste is well, it have wi-fi, and it open 24hours. In our school, only this coffee shop open 24hours, so if students need study at night or have a meet, they will choice it first. The installation is good than others. It has sofa, table lamp and light let student feel warm. So it most popular than others. The second popular coffee shop is Boxingdi. It is nearest HND main dormitory, so the location is best for HND students, but it at underground, some student do not know it. The food is not well but cheap than others. The coffee is taste well.

It is a little noise. MAAN coffee have it own characteristic. MAAN coffee shop’s coffee is the best in school. It smell savoury. If you order something, they will give you a colorful bear replace receipt, that really special, make students have a good mood. And MAAN coffee shop have many foreign students at there, we can make friends with them. Most people do not like go to water through stone, because it far away from HND class and dormitory. It environment and taste not good. So HND student do not go to there. Seldom student go to Jiananmeidi. Because the place is small, and it suitable for talk about business, not suitable for study or have a meet.

5.0 Conclusion

In our school, most girls like go to coffee shop, the environment is the important than others. The whole factor is also important. Most students go to coffee shop for study. So it needs quiet. In the winter, good location is a superiority. Internet is must when students study now, so wheter have steady wi-fi is also need consider.

6.0 suggest

Our school have 5 coffee shop, but these are not very satisfied with student. Good service can take more benefit for shop. So the coffee shop should provide their service. That include change environment, make more good food, shop assistant provide good service. Coffee shop should have it owner brand and characteristic. Like Starbucks, that will attract more students. Coffee is develop in china now, coffee shop is not only a place to drink coffee, people like go to there to relax, so Starbucks the third space is popular. School should popularize coffee culture, let our school student have a good coffee shop atmosphere to study and relax.

7.0 References

Bryman, A and Bell, E (2007)business research methods , 2nd Edition, new York, Oxford university press.

Daniel. Y. D (2006) International journal of market research, V ol.43, Quarter4, pp.361-375.

Rossman, S.(2002)learning and Development, London, CIPD.

Cathrye, D (2005) school customer service, 3rd Edition, Gower.

Ray, T. (2005), managing knowledge, sage, London.

peter, Z (2007), industrial and commercial training, V ol. 40, No.1,pp.39-40.

8.0 Appendices

8.1 Appendices A

The Campus culture of the coffee shop in HND students

I'm sorry to take up your valuable time, hope you can contribute your power in campus cafe culture to Renmin University. Appreciate!

1. How many times you go to café inside of campus normally?

*always *not many times *rarely have chance to go there

2. Which café is your choice normally?






3. Who will go to the café with you when you are going to café?

*alone *friends *classmates *lover *somebody relate to your work

4. What is the reason you select in the second question do you think it is attracting you?

*price - please go to question 9

*surrounding (including hardware facilities) – please go to question 5

*services - please go to question 6

*catering - please go to question 7

*position - please go to question 8

5. Please write one or more than one aspect attracts you in the environmental characteristics.


6. What are there special place you consider they have in services?


7. What kinds of food in this café you prefer? Chinese food or western food? or have any other feature?


8. The reason you come to this coffee shop is just because relatively close? Any other ideas?


9. What suggestion and opinion you have and want to put forward to the café inside of campus?


Thank you for your cooperation, God bless you!

1020304050607080enviroument taste service

which coffee shop students usually go







have a meeting wite boy/girl friend 0

102030405060study talk with friend

have a meeting wite boy/girl friend


《商务沟通方法与技能》复习资料(★代表重要知识点) 第一部分基本概念梳理 第2 章商务沟通的重要性 1.沟通过程:信息由发送者到接收者的传递过程。 2.沟通的对象:指利益相关者,包括员工、股东、顾客、供应商、当地社区、政府。 3.沟通的类型:内部沟通——与组织内部成员之间的信息传递;外部沟通——与组织外部利益相关者的信息传递 没有进行有效沟通会导致严重问题。 4.沟通障碍★★★:任何阻碍信息流动的因素(P27-P36) 5.克服沟通障碍★★★:(P36-P38) 1)考虑接收者的需要和理解能力 2)确保清晰地报告 3)简明扼要的表达信息 4)避免使用行业术语 5)使用不止一个沟通系统 6)鼓励对话 7)缩短沟通链 8)确保反馈 第3 章沟通方法和路径 1.单向沟通★:信息向一个方向流动,而且不要求接收者的回应。这通常发生在下行沟通中,如向员工下达指令。2.双向沟通★:信息在发送者和接收者之间双向流动,包括反馈以及对话中持续进行过程的某部分。 3.正式沟通:它与组织正式结构相联系,包括发送与组织经营相关的信息,例如会议通知和员工指令。 4.非正式沟通:它可以和组织经营相关,但也可以和工作绩效无关。例如一名经理和员工的非正式交谈或者不同部门员工之间的谈话。 5.沟通的方向★: 1)下行沟通——信息从组织顶端向末端的流动。通常与单向沟通有关,如向工人传达指令。 2)上行沟通——信息从组织末端向顶端的流动。通常与双向沟通有关,如通过反馈来关注工作运行的方式。 3) 横向沟通——信息在组织内从部门到部门横向流动,这是一种能够有效地处理一体化问题的较为理性的, 容易控制的处理方法。 6. 沟通网络:信息从发送者到接收者的传递系统。 第4 章口头沟通: 1.口头沟通的方式——面对面交流、电话沟通、非正式会面、面谈和其他正式会议、半正式会议 2.影响口头沟通的因素★★★——说话的语气、语言、倾听技巧、提问方式、有效阐述观点、辅助语言、元信息沟通、暂缓判断(P66-P72) 第5 章非语言沟通 1.个体外表:是指个人的外貌和他们想展示给对方的形象。 2.肢体语言★: 1)积极的肢体语言——显示出我们对活动感兴趣的手势或姿势。 2)消极的肢体语言——显示出我们对活动不感兴趣的手势或姿势。 3.工作环境下的非语言沟通:工作环境下,员工的个人行为举止在一定程度上体现组织的形象,每位员工都应在自己的工作岗位上始终展示组织最佳的一面。大多数顾客及供应商都喜欢与关注自己的组织打交道。 第6 章书面商务文件★★★——内部沟通文件(重点复习每种沟通文件类型的格式;先写出格式框架,再填充内容)


第一讲:商务沟通概论 1.1沟通的定义 沟通的具体内涵:为了设定的目标,让事实、意见、观点、信息、思想和情感等在个人或群体中传递,以此取得彼此的了解。 沟通是人与人之间信息传递的方法沟通是人与人之间情感交流的手段 沟通是人与人之间思想互动的渠道沟通是人与人之间关系增进的工具 沟通是人与人之间达成共识的过程 1.2商务沟通的定义 商务沟通内涵:组织为了顺利经营并取得经营成功,并求得长期的生存发展,以及营造良好的经营环境,通过组织大量的商务活动,凭借一定的渠道,将有关商务经营的各种信息发送给商务组织内外既定对象并寻求反馈,最终求得商务组织内外的相互理解、支持与合作的过程。 1.3商务沟通的九大关键要素 第一个要素:信息发送者第二个要素:信息 第三个要素:编码第四个要素:传送渠道 第五个要素:解码第六个要素:信息接受者 第七个要素:反应第八个要素:反馈 第九个要素:干扰 1.4商务沟通的八大特性 第一个特性:目的性第二个特性:随时性 第三个特性:方向性第四个特性:双向性 第五个特性:主动性第六个特性:策略性 第七个特性:情绪性第八个特性:互赖性 1.5商务沟通的分类 按组织系统分:正式的沟通、非正式的沟通 按信息流向不同:纵向的沟通、横向的沟通、斜向的沟通 按沟通流动的方向分:自上而下的沟通、自下而上的沟通、平等沟通 按沟通的渠道分:书面沟通、口头沟通、非语言沟通等 按沟通的性质分:人际沟通、工作沟通、谈判沟通、客户沟通 1.6商务沟通中常发生的情形 坚持己见、各说各话 话不投机、不欢而散 表里不一、没有诚信 …… 1.7认识商务沟通的障碍 商务沟通失败的障碍主要有五个方面: 发送者方面的障碍沟通过程中的障碍接受者方面的障碍 反馈过程中的障碍背景差异导致障碍


商务沟通方法与技能知识点汇总 第二章商务沟通的重要性 沟通:通过语言、符号和行为传递或者交换信息、想法和情感。 沟通的重要性或用途:1、作出有效的决策,需要获得最准确和最新的可用信息。 2、向员工发出指令,以便他们根据要求完成任务。 3、使组织内同一级别的同事能相互交流。 4、和外部联系。 5、通知员工正在发生的事。 6、提供给员工关于薪酬、养老金、休假、其他福利和总体工作条件等方面的必要信息。沟通障碍 发送者想要经接收和理解的形式发送信息,而这个沟通过程中却存在很多的阻碍因素。叫沟通障碍。 造成沟通障碍的因素: 一、物理障碍:包括:干扰、距离、不良设备、员工短缺、不良的工作环境。 二、内部系统:距离、无效的沟通系统、不清晰的组织结构、缺乏培训、监管不足、角色不明、缺乏积极性。 三、员工:个人背景(宗教、所接受的教育、家庭、法律系统、经济系统、政治系统、口头语言和非语言、文化)语言障碍、行业术语的使用、受教育的差异、个人观点、超负荷、误解、意外或故意歪曲、。 克服沟通障碍(应对策略): 考虑接收者的需要和理解能力。 确保清晰的报告 简明扼要地表达信息 避免使用行业术语 使用不只一个沟通系统 鼓励对话 缩短沟通链 确保反馈 第三章沟通的方法和路径 一、名词理解 单向沟通:信息向一个方向流动,而且不要求接收者的回应。 双向沟通:信息在发送者和接收者之间双向流动,包括反馈以及对话中持续进行过程的某部分。 正式沟通:它与组织的正式结构相联系,包括发送与组织经营相关的信息。 非正式沟通:它可以和组织的经营相关,但是也可以和工作绩效无关。 二、简答题内容: 1、下行沟通:是与雇员进行沟通的传统方式,是正式沟通系统中的主要构成部分,其目的是给出明确的指令,提供程序和实践信息。 潜在的不足是:(1)命令链太长,沟通的速度变慢。(2)命令链中有人不在,系统将停止运行。(3)容易在命令链中产生错误和误解,而且没有检查系统。(4)沟通只能由上而下,没有反馈,高层管理者无法知道潜在的不良影响。


ommunication: Analyzing and Presenting Complex Communication Assessments for Outcomes 1 and 3 Page 1 Outcome 1 Reading text Page 3 Outcome 1 Assessment Questions Page 6 Outcome 3 Assessment Page 8 Marking guide for Outcome 1 Page 13 Record Sheets

Outcome 1 Read the following passage, and then answer the questions. You must answer all the questions to pass the Outcome Business Communication Ways of communicating in business vary from country to country, and an important part of successful international business activity is being aware of the types of behaviour which are acceptable to the people with whom you hope to work. Where people come from will affect their expectations of working customs, procedures and ways of negotiating. Even corporate culture varies according to the country where the company is based. Emphasis on seniority, formality, reporting lines and business procedures can differ significantly between countries. In this age of global communications, millions of pounds are being lost everyday because language barriers get in the way of potential customers, both nationally and overseas. Improving skills in communication with customers is important to a range of business organization. Overcoming barriers is not just about learning languages, but about bringing in strategies-employing people who speak the customers’language, sending staff on overseas placements or offering translations on company websites. Staff training in business communication skills is also very important. There are many books, web sites and training courses for those who wish generally to improve their business communication both nationally and internationally. Staff who need to negotiate face to face or by telephone in the international market can learn about the importance of cultural factors in business success. The emphasis of training courses is often on speaking and listening, and on practical role play of meetings and sales presentations. Attention is also given to using the correct style of English to ensure customer care will be of the highest level. By becoming familiar with the business protocol of different cultures and developing communication skills people should gain the confidence of the people with whom they hope to work in international business. People from Britain, for example, have particular approaches to doing business which reflect their culture. In decision making, people will follow company policy and established business rules, rather than their personal feelings. Any business proposals are more likely to be successful if they conform to the way thins have been done in the past. Meetings are used for many reasons, including discussing issues, negotiating, decision making and problem solving. There are rules of procedure for formal meetings. A notice is sent out up to six weeks in advance giving details of the date, start and finish times and place. A written agenda is prepared and distributed before the meeting to be certain that everyone is aware of the meeting purposes, and issues to be discussed, beginning with the most important matters. It is essential to prepare for a meeting and to become well informed by reading background papers and any reports which may be circulated with agenda. Wearing acceptable clothing gives a good impression and shows how serious people are about


一、Writing for a Postive Effect 商务写作的正面效应 二、影响人际关系通过写作、 亲爱的奥莫理: 你的12月3日收到投诉,内容指出。在了解了事实,我很遗憾地报告,我必须拒绝你的要求。如果你将阅读保修手册,你会发现你买的sheiving是专为光加载一个最大的800英镑。你应该买了重型产品。 我很遗憾这个错误造成你和damang相信你会看到我们的处境。 希望为您服务,在未来的。 三、了重要的积极影响 书面交流在业务主要reqires清晰。 良好的商务写作。特别是extemai aduiences,同时需要清晰和商誉效应。 大多数人喜欢建立善意。 血和一些电子邮件通常需要实现其他效果。 得到所需的效果是一种写作技巧和理解的人。 四、会话风格 写在会话languang可以帮助建立亲善效应 温暖 自然 风度翩翩 最容易理解 写在对话语言可以采取有意识的努力 五、以下的例子说明了这个问题和如何改正它 吸收和枯燥 指的是你的5月7日的电子邮件中,你描述了程序启动批准索赔。 谨附是介绍关于你的询价。 回答你在7月11日的信,请告知你的坚持tharein说明书概述将方便达到我们的目标。

我将很乐意avall自己你的同类的建议时,如果价格下降。 会话 请参考你的5月7日电子邮件在你告诉如何提出索赔。 附件是你要求的小册子。 按照程序你列在您的7月11日的信,你会帮助我们达到我们的目标。 我很乐意跟随你的建议,如果价格下跌。 六、分“橡皮图章” 塞翁失马 像金子一样好 靠着墙 发号施令 最后但并非最不重要 学习绳子 离开没有石头untumed 雪上加霜 七、表达式从旧languange商机是橡胶邮票。一些新的出口。 Please be advised... 请注意…… I am happy to be able to answer your message. 我很高兴能回答你的消息。 I have received your message. 我已经收到你的信息。 This will acknowledge receipt of... 这将会收到… Enclosed please find... 请查收…… This is to inform you that... 这是通知你,……

北航SQA HND项目专业介绍及就业分析

北航SQA HND项目专业介绍及就业分析 北航HND项目介绍: 2004年5月苏格兰首相、教育部长和苏格兰学历管理委员会主席访问北京航空航天大学,正式启动了北航英国高等教育文凭项目。办学10年来,北航共培养HND学生千余名,目前有七届毕业生,出国签证率100%,出国同学大多数在本科毕业后继续深造,其中部分同学进入世界名牌大学攻读硕士学位,包括牛津大学、伦敦政治经济学院、帝国理工学院、伦敦大学学院、杜伦大学、约克大学、布里斯托大学等位于英国大学前10名的著名高等学府。2010年7月,北航HND被SQA总裁珍妮特·布朗博士授予“杰出教学中心”的荣誉称号,成为中国获此殊荣的两所高校之一。北航HND在全国发挥了良好的示范带头作用,受到了各方的高度赞誉。 苏格兰教育与终身教育内阁大臣迈克尔·拉塞尔、SQA总裁珍妮特·布朗博士授予北航HND “杰出教学中心”奖 专业介绍及就业分析 一、国际贸易与商务 1、课程设置 核心课程:商务会计、经济学导论、人力组织管理、国际营销导论、国际市场组合、国际商业组织、微观与宏观理论及其应用、经济学、财务报表分析、国际贸易惯例 其它专业课程:商务契约关系、世界经济、商务沟通技巧、商务信息与通讯技术、商务文化与策略、财政预算、商法导论、出口援助资源、国际物流等 2、专业特色 课程覆盖面非常广,基本涵盖商科所有课程;专业要求较细,以市场需求为导向培养专业技能;就业范围广泛,就业起点高,薪资高,工作环境舒适。 3、就业分析 本专业旨在培养能熟练掌握并运用英语、国际经济与贸易的基本理论和基本知识,具备开展国际贸易业务的基本技能,能在涉外企业及政府机构等从事国际经济与贸易实际业务以及相


第一章学生成长档案 沟通得主要形式有:口头交流与书面交流 制定决策与解决问题:就是实现社会资源最优配置得两个关键技能。 沟通:就是商务活动得核心。 有效时间管理得步骤:列出所需要完成任务得清单确定优先顺序做准备:这取决于各任务相对于其她相关任务得紧急程度与重要程度。 这份任务清单应包括以下内容:(1)任务得简要描述。(2)任务下达方。(3)任务完成日期。(4)任务完成方式。(5)与任务有关得其她人员。(6)各任务之间就是否相互依赖。( 7)预期完成各任务所需要得时间。 具有高度重要性得任务具备以下特点:(1)没有按期完成任务可能会带来严重后果。(2)其她重要任务取决于该任务得完成。(3)其她人得活动受到该任务得影响。 质量时间得特征:以全神贯注得方式。所需信息与资源很容易弄到。无任何中断。与该任务有关得人员可随时参与任务得完成。 时间日志:就是对我们每天所做事情及花费时间得详细记录,用来比较任务得预定完成时间与实际完成时间。(1)详细记录所有需要花费时间得任务,各项任务一经结束就要注销其优先顺序。(2)记录所有无效得时间。 这种数据分析可以提供诸如以下内容得有价值信息:(1)您实际花费时间得方式,这种方式可能与您预期在工作中或个人生活中得方式不相一致。(2)您可能正在执行应由她人完成得任务。(3)您可能在一些不应承担得任务上浪费了更多得时间,而在积极处理自己工作中得优先任务上花费时间不多。(4)您可能会发现您在紧急且重要得事情上几乎没有运用质量时间。(5)您可能会发现自己承担了太多得任务,超出自己能完成得任务数量。 用这种方式分析时间将有助于您处理那些时间利用效率低得任务、时间利用效率问题大多源于以下几个方面:(1出现优先顺序分类错误。(2)放任自己被打扰。(3)未能节省时间。(4)未能制定一个可行计划。 (5)未能遵循计划。 创造时间得办法包括以下几种:(1)避免犯错误,因为现在工作中出现得错误势必要日后采取措施来纠正。 (2)明确您在做什么,以避免出现需纠正得错误。(3)保持桌面整洁、文件档案摆放整齐与计算机文档有条理。仅仅寻找放错地方得信息就会花费大量得时间。(4)尽量将任务授权。为达成优先目标,我们应把主要时间用于那些重要且紧急得任务上。(5)确保您只做自己分内得工作。(6)分批执行任务以减少任务转换得时间 时间大盗:指各种干扰工作过程并导致人物延期完成得情况。 任务得ABC分类法: 根据某些重要性度量标准将事物划分为A、B、C三类,然后据此进行不同得管理策略,从而有效地提高工作效率与经济效益。 学习日志:学习日志就是关于一次学习经历与学习感受得详细记录。学习感受涉及学习中遇到得困难与学习收货等。 第二章商务沟通得重要性 沟通:通过语言、符号与行为传递或者交换信息、想法与情感。 沟通得重要性或用途:1、作出有效得决策,需要获得最准确与最新得可用信息。2、向员工发出指令,以便她们根据要求完成任务。3、使组织内同一级别得同事能相互交流。4、与外部联系。5、通知员工正在发生得事。6、提供给员工关于薪酬、养老金、休假、其她福利与总体工作条件等方面得必要信息。沟通障碍:发送者想要经接收与理解得形式发送信息,而这个沟通过程中却存在很多得阻碍因素。 克服沟通障碍(应对策略):1、考虑接收者得需要与理解能力2、确保清晰得报告3、简明扼要地表达信息4、避免使用行业术语5、使用不只一个沟通系统6、鼓励对话7、缩短沟通链8、确保反馈

HND 商务沟通技巧报告

Communication: Analyzing and Presenting Complex Communication Outcome 1 DE3N 34 Candidate name: Class and Grade :


TABLE OF CONTENT 1.0Introduction (1) 2.0Procedure (1) 3.0Customer care (1) 4.0The teaching system of school (1) 4.1The teaching facility (1) 4.2T eacher resource and quality (2) 4.3The library of school (2) 5.0 The life in the school (3) 5.1 Canteen (3) 5.2 Dormitory of school (3) 6.0 The entertainment of school (4) 6.1 Sports (4) 6.2 Activity and amusement (4) 7.0 Conclusion (5) 8.0 Recommendation (5) 9.0 Bibliography (6) 10.0 Appendixes (6)

1.0Introduction The aim of this report is to describe the customer service in Cambridge University. The objective of the report is to improve the customer service of Cambridge University and do assessment of customer care. The readership of the report are the people who working in Cambridge University. This report will cover 4 parts. They are the definition of customer care, the research sections, conclusion and recommendation. 2.0Procedure In order to collect the information to produce this report, the internet and various search engines have been used to access the customer service information of Cambridge university, this is the most effective way of obtaining the up-to-date information needed. Also the questionnaires have been used in this customer service resreach. 3.0Customer care A customer care is the way to improve customer satisfaction. The customer care could response customer’s request. In university, the students are the prime customer. As a student, the most important aspect for them is study, so the investigation divided into 3 sections, including: study, life and entertainment. 4.0The teaching system of school 4.1The teaching facility


1、人际信息传播,达到沟通效应,使人际关系良性发展过程是分阶段组建进行的,其中不包括下面哪个阶段() 1. 注意阶段 2.适应阶段 3.漠视阶段 4.依附阶段 2、人际关系的基本类型不包括() 1.喜爱——憎恨 2.包容——排斥 3.控制——追随 4.控制——管理 3、下列选项中属于非正式沟通的是() 1.上级指示 2.文件下达

3. 组织成员之间的私下交谈 4.组织之间的公函往来 4、各国礼仪的主要特点不包括( ) 1.尊重妇女儿童 2.以人为本 3.深度交谈 4.经济清楚 5、人的基本情感不包括() 1.道德感 2.丑感 3.理智感 4.美感 6、不属于人际沟通中影响竞争与合作因素的为()

A、 1. C. 动机 2.威胁 3.刺激 4.关系 7、下列说法中不正确的是() A、孤立的与外界没有任何关系的组织系统实际上是不存在的。 B、非正式沟通是组织沟通的主流。 C、组织是社会的一个细胞,无论是组织的一般环境还是间接环境都影响着组织活动。 D、管理水平和管理效果与管理过程中信息流动的质量、流动的方式,以及对信息的利用水平密切相关。 1.孤立的与外界没有任何关系的组织系统实际上是不存在的。

2. 组织是社会的一个细胞,无论是组织的一般环境还是间接环境都影响着组织活动。 3.管理水平和管理效果与管理过程中信息流动的质量、流动的方式,以及对信息的利用水平密切相关。 4.非正式沟通是组织沟通的主流。 8、下列哪项不是大众沟通的功能?() A、报道信息 B、舆论导向 C、组织信息 D、教育大众 1.舆论导向 2.报道信息 3.组织信息

4. 教育大众 9、人际关系的基本类型不包括() A、包容——排斥 B、控制——追随 C、喜爱——憎恨 D、控制——管理 1. B. 控制——管理 2.包容——排斥 3.控制——追随 4.喜爱——憎恨 10、“手心向下,挥动手指”在下列哪个国家表示招呼或召唤别人前来() A、英国 B、美国 C、加拿大 D、中国

商务沟通技巧报告outcome 2

Communication: Analysing and Presenting Complex Communication Unit Student Guide DE3N 34 Outcome 2

Contents 1.0Introduction 3 2.0Procedure 3 3.0Customer service 3 3.1 What is customer service? 3 4.0Daily life 3 4.1Dormitory 4 4.2Canteen 4 4.3 The university hospital 5 5.0Teaching and studying 5 5.1 Facility 5 5.2 Teachers strength 6 5.3Professional curriculm 6 5.4Career Prospects 7 6.0 Extracurricular activity 8 6.1Student activity center 8 6.2 Sports activity 8 7.0 Conclusion 9 8.0Bibilgraphy 10 9.0 Appendices 11

1.0 Introduction This report is for assessment in the Communications unit of the Higher National Certificate in customer service. The aim of this report is to investigate the way in which customer services of Nankai University. The objectives of the report are to define what customer service is and to look at how customer services provided in Nankai University. 2.0 Procedure To source this report: a) A number of books on customer surveys were consulted. b) Information on customer surveys was taken from internet websites. c) Information was gathered from an interview with the Nankai University students. 3.0 Customer surveys 3.1 what is customer surveys? Customer service is a customer oriented values, its integration and management in the pre-set the optimal cost - service portfolio of all the ingredients of a customer interface. Broadly speaking, any can improve customer satisfaction contents belong to customer service scope. 4.0Daily life


2020年1月中英合作商务管理专业与金融管理专业管理段等数课程考试 商务沟通方法与技能押题卷及答案 (课程代码11742) 第一部分必答题 (本部分包括一、二、三题,共60分。) 一、本题包括第1—3小题看,共20分。 MP公司是一家生产型企业。随着全球各地订单数量的增加,公司规模不断扩大。这意味着公司需要增加资本投入,员工人数和机器数量都会相应增加。为了提高产量,董事会正考虑引入新的一线生产员工换班制度。如果实行新的换班制度,公司每周6天、每天24 大。总经理咨询人力资源部经理后,决定召开一次全体员工会议,介绍新的换班制度。同时,总经理也认识到有必要充分利用内部网,以便员工了解公司的发展以及进行日常沟通。 1、指出总经理可以用于通知生产员工参加会议的三种有效沟通方法(内部网除外)。 (6分) 答案可能包括: ●电子邮件(Email)——发送和阅读回执 ●备忘录 ●信函 ●日志系统——确保日期和时间加入到所有员工的电子日志中 ●移动电话——发送短信通知 (以上答案,答出任意三点即可,每点2分。其他合理 2、为确保会议成功,应做好哪五项准备工作?(10分) 答案可能包括: ●设立会议目标 ●列出会议活动要点、会期及时间进度 ●安排会议主持人 ●明确主要参会者的角色 ●准备会议议程和会议计划 ●通知参会者会议时间等相关信息 ●指定人员做会议记录 (以上答案,答出任意五点即可,每点2分。其他合理答案也可酌情给分。本小题满分10分。) 3、内部网的使用将在哪两个方面有助于MP公司与员工进行有效沟通?(4分) 答案可能包括: ●大量的信息可以共享,比如会议记录、换班制度、公司扩张计划。

HND 商务沟通技巧报告

1.0 Introduction This report is for assessment the customer services and whole environment in the Xuezhi building. The report is to introduce the customer service. At this point,the main research is Xuezhi building. The aim of this report is to investigate internal and external environment of the Xuezhi building. Including the infrastructure, foundation services, administration mode and neighboring environment. Through questionnaires and interview to reflect problems and. 2.0 Procedures a)A number of books on customer service b)Search for information from internet websites. c)Through these ways above to draft and distributing questionnaire. Collect recommendations from interviews. 3.0 Definition of customer service 3.1 What is customer service Customer service is the provision of service to customers before, during and after a purchase. Customer service is an organization's ability to supply their customers' wants and needs. Customer service is the practice of providing customers with a positive, helpful experience when they enter a business, throughout the time they stay at the business, and even after the customer leaves, should they have additional questions or products to return. Many stores and other businesses spend a great deal of time training their employees to provide great customer service, because it makes a customer more likely to become a returning, loyal client. (See Bibliography) 3.2 The importance of customer service Good customer service is more than handling customers who have problems. It begins with the first contact a customer has with company. Good customer service looks like


商务沟通方法与技能 第一章基本不考 一、有效时间管理:第一步是列出所要完成任务的清单,根据任务的紧急程度和重要程度,建立任务的优先顺序,合 理安排时间。 二、优先顺序的ABC分类法:是根据某些重要性度量标准将事物划分为A/B/C三类,据此进行不同的管理策略,从而 有效提高工作效率和经济效率。 三、当用于任务的时间具备以下特征时才被视为质量时间(quality time): 1.以全神贯注的方式、 2.所需信息和资源很容易弄到、 3.无任何中断、 4.与该任务有关的人员可随时参与任务的完成。 时间管理矩阵图 时间计划表 日期: 目标:1) 2) 四、学生成长档案:旨在促进你的学习并帮助你获得技能(学习进步、个人爱好、职业兴趣、兼职、志愿活动等的经 验、知识和技能)。 五、技能: 1.计划和组织技能; 2.信息处理技能; 3.沟通技能; 4.合作技能; 5.创造性技能; 6.解决问题技能; 7.技术技能。 无论短期或长期的计划和组织都包括时间管理、项目管理和项目 六、支撑材料:证明自己的陈述和说法,必须提供相关的支撑材料,才更具有说服力。 包括以下内容:学习日志、练习作业、自我评估检测、作业成绩和考试成绩、学习笔记、简历、工作申请结果、工作证明、工作评价、工作经验、参加的培训、……

第二章商务沟通的重要性重点 一、沟通:通过语言、符号和行为传递或者交换信息、想法和情感。(我们采用任何方法向他人传递信息即称为沟 通)。 沟通是一个双向的过程,有效的沟通只有在有反馈的条件下才能成功,重要的指令一定要听到反馈。 沟通方法必须能够得到参与该过程的各方的理解和接受。 发送者→编码→噪音过滤→解码→接收者→反馈到发送者 内部沟通:与组织内部的人员沟通。 外部沟通:与组织外部的人员沟通。 任何的沟通都是有目的的,沟通的对象肯定都是利益相关者 二、利益相关者包括: 内部——员工:没有员工产品就不能生产和销售,不能提供服务就不可能有任何商业活动。 股东:为公司提供资本,他们对于红利的需求是公司活动最重要的驱动力。 外部——顾客:没有顾客,公司就没有销售额,也就无法生产。 供应商:没有他们,公司就不能提供自己的商品和服务。 当地社区:公司在社区经营,有责任确保公司的行为不会过分干扰社区。 政府:政府立法对公司的经营有很重要的影响,公司有责任按照政府指令行动。 三、如果公司要实现其目标,有效沟通十分重要,不良的沟通会导致混乱和错误。 有效沟通的重要性: a)做出有效的决策:需要获得最准确和最新的可用信息; b)向员工发出指令:以便他们根据要求完成任务; c)使组织内同一级别的同事能相互交流:以便更好的协调生产经营和销售服务等。 d)和外部联系:如供应商、客户和银行,保证公司的正常运转, e)通知员工正在发生的事:让他们更有效的完成工作,公司必须传递有关组织、产品、安全规定和培训等信息。 f)提供员工关于薪酬、养老金、休假、其他福利和总体工作条件方面的必要信息。 四、沟通障碍:物理障碍、内部系统、员工 * 物理障碍:由不够良好的工作环境导致 1.干扰:噪音,员工走动打招呼交谈也会干扰 2.距离:距离使沟通方式减少, 3.不良的设备:沟通系统不畅、电话掉线等 4.员工短缺: 5.不良的工作环境:照明、通风、供暖等,会失去工作的动力, * 内部系统:由公司自身造成 1.距离:不同的办公地点, 2.无效的沟通系统: 3.不清晰的组织结构: 4.缺乏培训:上升的空间 5.监管不足: 6.角色不明:导致职责不清,工作没效率(如真功夫的案例) 7.缺乏积极性:可提高福利,职位的上升空间、轮岗、人文关怀、加薪等 * 员工失误:不同的成长背景和语言,可能出现沟通问题。 1.个人背景:宗教、教育、家庭、法律系统、经济系统、政治系统、口头语言和非语言 2.语言障碍: 3.行业术语的使用: 4.受教育的差异 5.个人观点: 6.超负荷 7.误解、意外或故意歪曲:不喜欢对方、缺乏积极性、身体欠佳、听力不好、天气原因、喜欢不同的文化、表

HND商务沟通技巧 会议纪要

The Hemmas Company Minutes of the mmeeting of the customer sevice department held on 6th December 2011 at 14:00 p.m. Present members: Zhou Jing, chairperson; Liu Yaqing, the governor of telephone; Lv Jianyun ,deputy director ; Yu Yalan, the governor of network; Qin Jie, technicist ; Li Linjun,researcher); Xu Hao, researcher; Fu Xiao, researcher. 1. Apologies This meeting everyone in attendance. No one absent 2. Minutes of the last meeting Everyone read and agreed to the last minutes of the meeting. 3. Matters arising No problem 4.The questions of customer service complaints Li Linjun through the questionnaire find three questions about our company customer complaints. First, service personnel have bad attitude; second, complaints channel imperfect; third, customer complaints did not solve timely. 5.Customer service staffs’ attitude problems Yu Yalan presents customer service staffs’attitude problems.She gives a case of telephone complaints. Than Liu Yaqing gives us some solutions about customer service staffs’attitude. First, smiling and say sorry at first. Second, just listen polite to,st, don’t forget customer is God. 6.Problems for complaints channel Xu hao through the survey finds that our company just two ways to complaints, and existing channels have many problems. Than Lv Jianyun gives us solution for complaints channel. He advice that improve the existing channels. And add new channels for complaints. Such as , letter, fax, and visit complaints 7. Customer complaints did not solve timely Fu Xiao gives a case about a customer complaint did not solve timely. In the case, for customer complaints, each department to shirk its responsibility.Problem can not be solved in time Than Qin Jie propose solutions.Establish relevant rewards and punishment regulations.Deal with matters of attention in the process 8. Training Program Zhou Jing makes a training program. (1)The newly staff should through the training and assessment can be employed.
