
Sound of Music 《音乐之声》

演员:Maria, chamberlain(管家),Captain and the seven children

Scene 1

旁白:It happened in Austria, a small European country. There is a

family of seven children. Their father is Captain Von Trapp, a

retired officer of the Navy. He is a fine and brave man. His wife

died several years ago. Now the family needs a governess to take care

of seven children. Maria stayed in an abbey and she was sent to this

family as a governess. Now she is coming to see them.

(Maria, with her bag and guitar in hands, walks sullenly out of the


孩子们:one! two!

将军:At ease! (脸色凝重状) What are you doing just now? The teacher has gone!

孩子们:Sorry! Dad!

大女儿:We don’t like her.

其他孩子:Yes! Dad, We don’t like her at all.

将军:Shut up! Can’t you be quiet? Get out of here , go back to your room and don’t talk any more. Attention! Turn left! Go!


管家:Captain! We should invite another teacher.

将军:Yes! We should. You do that for me.

管家:Yes! Sir!

Scene 4:(玛丽亚提着行李,拿着吉他,边唱歌,边蹦跳着来到将军家门,敲门。管家开门,将军要求玛丽亚像他那样严格要求孩子。)

玛丽亚:(提着行李,作失魂状,敲门)Hello! Any body home?

管家:(管家出场,开门,问)Yes! I’m coming! Who’s that?

玛丽亚:My name is Maria. Is this Captain’s home? I’m the new teacher here.

管家:OK! Nice to meet you . Come in, please.

玛丽亚:Nice to meet you too! Thanks a lot!

管家:Captain! The new teacher is here.


管家:(向将军介绍)Captain! This is Maria. Our new teacher. And this is Captain.

将军:OK! Maria. As you know I’m a captain. I hope you will be strict to the children as I do. This is the signal. 吹哨,孩子们列队出来。Boys and girls! This is your new teacher. You should obbey the teacher’s order. Understand? Now introduce yourself to the teacher.

大女儿:I’m Liesl.

大儿子:My name is Friedrich.

二女儿:I’m Louisa.

三女儿:I’m Brigitta.

小儿子:My name is Kurt.

四女儿:I’m Marta.

小女儿:Hello! My name is Gretl. Nice to meet you.

(孩子们除自我介绍外,对于玛丽亚不理不睬,只有小女儿可爱地回应玛丽亚 Nice to meet you.)

将军:OK! Boys and girls. I’m being off for a while. You should listen to the teacher and follow. Don’t be naughty. (将军下)

Scene 3

将军:Maria, I’m going to leave for a week. You should take good care of th

e children. Children, you should abbey Maria. OK?

玛丽亚和孩子们异口同声地说:OK! I will. Shhh(互相递眼色,猫步看着将军走)


玛丽亚:Come on!(手势) Children! Today we are going to have a picnic. Are you ready?

孩子们:OK! Let’s go!

Maria: Come on, children. Do you like singing songs?

Together: Yes, of course.

Maria: That’s good. Now, what songs do you know?

Together: We don’t know any songs.

Maria: Not any?

Together: No.

Marta: We don’t even know how to sing.

Maria: Well, let’s not lose any time. You must learn.

Together: But how?

(The music of sounds of music starts.)

Maria: (singing) Let's start at the very beginning, a very good

place to start. When you read you begin with?

Gretl: ABC.

Maria: When you sing you begin with Do Re Mi.

Children: Do Re Mi.

Maria: Do Re Mi, the first three notes just happen to be:

Do Re Mi.

Children: Do Re Mi.

Maria: Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti. Let's see if I can make it easier.

Doe, a deer, a female deer.

Ray, a drop of golden sun.

Me, a name I call myself.

Far, a long, long way to run.

Sew, a needle pulling thread.

La, a note to follow Sew.

Tea, a drink with jam and bread.

That’ll bring us back to Doe, oh, oh, oh.


Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do! So, Do!

Maria: Now children, Do Re Mi Fa So, and so on are only the tools

we use to build a song. Once you have these notes in your heads you

can sing a million different tunes by mixing them up. Like this:

So Do La Fa Mi Do Re. You do that?

Children: So Do La Fa Mi Do Re.

Maria: So Do La Ti Do Re Do.

Children: So Do La Ti Do Re Do.

Maria: Now, put it all together.

Children: So Do La Fa Mi Do Re, So Do La Ti Do Re Do.

Maria: Good!

Frederick: But it doesn't mean anything.

Maria: So we put in words. One word for every note.

Like this: (singing) When you know the notes to sing,

you can sing almost anything. Together!

Children (singing):

When you know the notes to sing, you can sing almost anything.

Doe, a deer, a female deer,

Ray, a drop of golden sun,

Me a name I call myself,

Far, a long, long way to run,

Sew, a needle pulling thread,

La, A note to follow Sew......

Scene 4

(The Captain hears the beautiful song and comes up to them.)

Captain: Oh, my dear children. How great you are!

I think all of you are great singers.

Children: Thank you very much, Dad. You know, this is all

because of Maria, our governess.

(Captain comes up to Maria, holding her hands.)

Captain: Thanks a lot, Maria. It’s you who have brought

my children so much happiness. It is you who has made them feel the

warmth and happiness in their heart. It i

s you who light up the blue

and clear sky in our heart. Thank you very much.

Children: Thank you, Maria, thanks a lot.

Maria: Captain, it’s my pleasure. Emm …… Captain, why not join

us? Why not sing a song for us?

Children: Yeah, Daddy, sing a song, sing a song for us.

Captain: Well, I’m sorry. I don’t know how to sing.

Children: No, Daddy. You know how to sing. You are really a great

singer. Dad, here’s the guiitar. Please sing a song for us. All

right? We’ll sing with you. Please.

(Children gather around Maria. One of the children comes up with a

guitar. Captain takes the guitar from her. He looks up at the sky and

thinks for a while. Then he starts.)

Captain: All right. I’m going to sing a song, Edelweiss

for our country, for all of my children and for all of you.

C (singing): Edelweiss, edelweiss, Every morning you greet me.

Small and white, Clean and bright,

You look happy to meet me.

Blossom of snow may you bloom and grow

Bloom and grow forever.

Edelweiss, Edelweiss, bless my homeland forever.

No. 1: Dear friends, thank you very much for listening.

No. 2: We were naught and strange children before.

No. 3: But now we are not. We are children with the beautiful


No. 4: We are children with the pure love.

No. 5: It’s because of the sounds of music.

No. 6: It’s because of our teacher who brings so much to us.

No. 7: It is because of our parents who give us lives to the world.

Together: Thank you.

(Music starts again.)

Together: Edelweiss, Edelweiss, every morning you greet me.
