



MQS system office room 【MQS16H-TTMS2A-MQSS8Q8-MQSH16898】

Sound of Music 《音乐之声》





场景三家庭教师Maria和孩子们一块儿学习音乐 Do Re Mi


演员:Maria, Captain and the seven children (Liesl Frederick Louisa Bargitta Kurt Marta Gretl)


Scene 1

旁白:It happened in Austria, a small European country. There is a

family of seven children. Their father is Captain Von Trapp, a retired officer of the Navy. He is a fine and brave man. His wife died several years ago. Now the family needs a governess to take care of seven children. Maria stayed in an abbey and she was sent to this family as a governess. Now she is coming to see them.

(Maria, with her bag and guitar in hands, walks sullenly out of the abbey.)

M (singing): What will this day be like, I wonder.

What will my future be, I wonder.

It could be so exciting to be out in the world, to be free.

My heart should be wildly rejoicing,

Oh, what's the matter with me? I've always longed for adventure, to

do the things I've never done. Now here I'm pacing adventure, then

why am I so scared?

(Oh, help.)

I have confidence in my heart.

I should be brave. I should be brave.

(In front of the Von Trapps' house, Maria wonders at its grandeur. She knocks at the door. A man appears.)

M: Hello, here I am! I'm from the abbey. I'm the new governess, Captain.

Captain (Short for C): Why do you stare at me that way?

M: Well, you don't look at all like a sea captain, sir.

C: I'm afraid you don't look much like a governess. Turn around, please. M: What?

C: Turn. Hat off. It's the dress. You have to put on another one before you meet the children.

M: But I don't have another one. When we entered the abbey, our clothes were given to the poor.

C: What about this one?

M: The poor didn't want this one.

C: Hmm.

M: I would have made myself a new dress but there wasn't time. I can make my own clothes.

C: Well, Maria, you're the twelfth in a long line of governesses, who have come to look after my children since their mother died. I trust

that you will be an improvement on the last one. She stayed only two hours.

M: What's wrong with the children, sir?

C: There was nothing wrong with the children, only the governesses. They were completely unable to maintain discipline. Without it, the house cannot be properly run. Please remember that,

M: Yes, Sir. Captain, can I see your children?

C: OK.

(Captain blows his whistle. After slamming of doors, the children appear in a line, and then walk up to them one by one.)

C: Now, this is your new governess, Maria. Now, introduce yourselves. (Captain blows his whistle.)

Liesl: I'm Liesl. I'm sixteen years old and I don't need a governess. M: Well, I'm glad you told me, Liesl. We'll just be good friends. Frederick: I'm Frederick. I'm fourteen. I'm impossible.

M: Really? Who told you that, Frederick?

Frederick: (Shrug his shoulders.)

Louisa: I'm Bargitta.

M: You didn't tell me how old you are, Louisa.

Bargitta: I'm Bargitta, she's Louisa. She's thirteen years old and

you're smart. I'm ten and I think your dr ess is the ugliest one I’ve ever seen.

Kurt: Bargitta, you shouldn't say that.

Bargitta: Why not? Don't you think it's ugly?

Kurt: Of course, but Governess Helder's was ugliest. I'm Kurt. I'm eleven. I'm incorrigible.

M: Congratulations!

Kurt: What's incorrigible?

M: I think it means you won't be treated like a boy.

Marta: I'm Marta and I'm going to be seven on Tuesday. And I'd like a pink parasol.

M: Well, pink is my favorite color, too. Yes, you're Gretl, and you're five years old? My,you're practically a lady! Now I have to tell you a secret. I've never been a governess before.

Louisa: You mean you don't know anything about being a governess?

M: Nothing. I'll need lots of advice.

Louisa: Well, the best way to start is to be sure to tell father to mind his own business.

Frederick: You must never come to dinner on time.

Bargitta: Never eat your soup quietly.

Kurt: And during dessert always blow your nose.

Gretl: Don't believe a word they say, Governess Maria.

M: Why not?

Gretl: Because I like you.

Captain: All right now. That’s enough, children! Outside for your walk. Now, hurry up! Hurry up! Quick, Quick…

Scene 2

Maria: Oh, what shall I do? There are so many children, SEVEN children

in this family and they are so strange and naughty. Even the Captain. He just manages his children by the rules in the army. What shall I do? How can I do so that the children’ll accept me? Maybe, … yes, maybe the

children need love most. They lost their mother’s have a lot of words

to say to their father. But their father is just as cold as the ice. Yes, I’m sure they need love. Only love can make them feel warm. Only love can make them feel happy. Only love can get the family with happiness back. Yes, I’ll try my best to let the children feel the love from me. I’ll try my best to play with them, learn with them and share the happiness and sorrow with them. I can take them out to enjoy the out-

door activities. I can tell them many interesting stories.

I can play games with them and I think they’ll get a lot of fun from that. I can ……Then what is the best way to let them feel that? …… Oh, yes, MUSIC. I love music and it’s much easier for me to handle it. Why not teach the children beautiful songs? I’m sure they’ll enjoy it. Scene 3

Maria: Come on, children. Do you like singing songs?

Together: Yes, of course.

Maria: That’s good. Now, what songs do you know?

Together: We don’t know any songs.

Maria: Not any?

Together: No.

Marta: We don’t even know how to sing.

Maria: Well, let’s not lose any time. You must learn.

Together: But how?

(The music of sounds of music starts.)

Maria: (singing) Let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start. When you read you begin with?

Gretl: ABC.

Maria: When you sing you begin with Do Re Mi.

Children: Do Re Mi.

Maria: Do Re Mi, the first three notes just happen to be:

Do Re Mi.

Children: Do Re Mi.

Maria: Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti. Let's see if I can make it easier.

Doe, a deer, a female deer.

Ray, a drop of golden sun.

Me, a name I call myself.

Far, a long, long way to run.

Sew, a needle pulling thread.

La, a note to follow Sew.

Tea, a drink with jam and bread.

That’ll bring us back to Doe, oh, oh, oh.


Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do! So, Do!

Maria: Now children, Do Re Mi Fa So, and so on are only the tools we use to build a song. Once you have these notes in your heads you can sing a million different tunes by mixing them up. Like this:

So Do La Fa Mi Do Re. You do that?

Children: So Do La Fa Mi Do Re.

Maria: So Do La Ti Do Re Do.

Children: So Do La Ti Do Re Do.

Maria: Now, put it all together.

Children: So Do La Fa Mi Do Re, So Do La Ti Do Re Do.

Maria: Good!

Frederick: But it doesn't mean anything.

Maria: So we put in words. One word for every note.

Like this: (singing) When you know the notes to sing, you can sing almost anything. Together!

Children (singing):

When you know the notes to sing, you can sing almost anything.

Doe, a deer, a female deer,

Ray, a drop of golden sun,

Me a name I call myself,

Far, a long, long way to run,

Sew, a needle pulling thread,

La, A note to follow Sew......

Scene 4

(The Captain hears the beautiful song and comes up to them.)

Captain: Oh, my dear children. How great you are! I think all of you are great singers.

Children: Thank you very much, Dad. You know, this is all because of Maria, our governess.

(Captain comes up to Maria, holding her hands.)

Captain: Thanks a lot, Maria. It’s you who have brought m y children so much happiness. It is you who has made them feel the warmth and

happiness in their heart. It is you who light up the blue and clear sky

in our heart. Thank you very much.

Children: Thank you, Maria, thanks a lot.

Maria: Captain, it’s my pleasure. Emm …… Captain, why not join

us? Why not sing a song for us?

Children: Yeah, Daddy, sing a song, sing a song for us.

Captain: Well, I’m sorry. I don’t know how to sing.

Children: No, Daddy. You know how to sing. You are really a great singer. Dad, here’s the guiitar. Please sing a song for us. All right? We’ll sing with you. Please.

(Children gather around Maria. One of the children comes up with a guitar. Captain takes the guitar from her. He looks up at the sky and thinks for a while. Then he starts.)

Captain: All right. I’m going to sing a song, Edelweiss for our country, for all of my children and for all of you.

C (singing): Edelweiss, edelweiss, Every morning you greet me.

Small and white, Clean and bright,

You look happy to meet me.

Blossom of snow may you bloom and grow

Bloom and grow forever.

Edelweiss, Edelweiss, bless my homeland forever.

No. 1: Dear friends, thank you very much for listening.

No. 2: We were naught and strange children before.

No. 3: But now we are not. We are children with the beautiful


No. 4: We are children with the pure love.

No. 5: It’s because of the sounds of music.

No. 6: It’s because of our teacher who bring s so much to us.

No. 7: It is because of our parents who give us lives to the world. Together: Thank you.

(Music starts again.)

Together: Edelweiss, Edelweiss, every morning you greet me.




The End

美国《音乐之声》插曲Do Re Mi中英文歌词

美国《音乐之声》插曲Do Re Mi let's start at the very beginning让我们从头开始学习 a very good place to start很美好的地方开始 when you read you begin with a-b-c当你读书时你先学abc when you sing you begin with do-re-mi do-re-mi, do-re-mi当你唱歌你先从哆来咪开始,哆来咪,哆来咪 the first three notes just happen to be do-re-mi, do-re-mi do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti最好是最先开始的音,哆来咪,哆来咪,哆来咪发嗦拉西 let's see if i can make it easier,让我们看看是否能使它容易点 doe a deer, a female deer哆是鹿,一只小母鹿 ray, a drop of golden sun来是一束金色的阳光 me, a name i call myself咪是对自己的称呼 far, a long, long way to run发是很远的长路 sew, a needle pulling thread嗦是穿针又引线 la, a note to follow sew拉是嗦的小跟班 tea, a drink with jam and bread西是茶配果酱和面包 that will bring us back to do (oh-oh-oh) 那是我们又回来哆 doe a deer, a female deer哆是鹿,一只小母鹿 ray, a drop of golden sun来是一束金色的阳光 me, a name i call myself咪是对自己的称呼 far, a long, long way to run发是很远的长路 sew, a needle pulling thread嗦是穿针又引线 la, a note to follow sew拉是嗦的小跟班 tea, a drink with jam and bread西是茶配果酱和面包 that will bring us back to do (oh-oh-oh) 那是我们又回来哆 doe a deer, a female deer哆是鹿,一只小母鹿 ray, a drop of golden sun来是一束金色的阳光 me, a name i call myself咪是对自己的称呼 far, a long, long way to run发是很远的长路 sew, a needle pulling thread嗦是穿针又引线 la, a note to follow sew拉是嗦的小跟班 tea, a drink with jam and bread西是茶配果酱和面包 that will bring us back to do (oh-oh-oh) 那是我们又回来哆 do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti do so do哆来咪发嗦拉西哆嗦哆


音乐之声 多少年过去了,我们总能为这青春而朝气蓬勃的音乐和歌声所打动,如纯洁的晴空,如浪漫的花野,如悠闲的白云。“音乐之声”总能在我们心里激起欢乐的涟渏、生命的活力、对未来的希望。 电影《音乐之声》由同名音乐剧改编,在1965年影片推出当时,立即造成万人空巷的鼎盛卖座场面,并一举荣获第38届奥斯卡金像奖最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳改编音乐剧、 最佳音响、最佳剪辑五项大奖,写下了好莱坞影坛历史性的一页。剧中天性自由,不受繁文缛节约束的美丽修女玛利亚,迷人的阿尔卑斯山、清澈的湖泊、明媚的气候,雅致的别墅,七个活泼可爱的孩子,以及反纳粹,追求自由的勇气,深深打动了世界各地人们的心。而由音乐剧大师罗杰斯和汉默斯坦制作的《音乐之声》电影原声带,更成为冠军专辑在排行榜上驻留达233周之久,片中多首歌曲:如表达玛利亚对大自然热爱的主题曲《音乐之声》、轻松愉快的《孤独的牧羊人》、特来普演唱的深情无限的《雪绒花》、欢乐有趣的《哆来咪》,以及可爱的孩子们在比赛和客厅里演唱的《晚安,再见!》等等,也都成了我们记忆中最值得细细回味的旋律。 BMG唱片为和全球影乐迷一同庆祝电影《音乐之声》35周年纪念,特别重新企划制作此2张1套的纪念专辑:第一张是将原始的CD专辑经母带重新处理,用当今唱片制作技术最水平的HDCD加以完善,声音较以往更为清晰甜美;第二张则收录了当时未能收进原声带专辑的少数曲目,以及当年录音时未选用的录音版本,从而将我们所怀念的《音乐之声》更完整而精致的再次呈现。 l百老汇音乐史上最成功最杰出的拍档罗杰斯与汉默斯担纲制作 l史无前例的冠军专辑驻留排行榜长达233周 lBMG唱片以当今唱片制作技术最高水平重新进行原始母带处理 l荣获第38届奥斯卡金像奖最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳改编音乐剧、最佳音响、最佳剪辑5项大奖 “音乐之声”曲目 Disc 1 1. Prelude And The Sound Of Music Maria 2:44 序曲和音乐之声玛利亚 2. Overture And Preludium (Dixit Dominus) Orchestra and Nuns Chorus 3:14 序曲(赞颂我主) 管弦乐队与修女合唱团 3. Morning Hymn And Alleluia Nuns Chorus 2:01 晨祷和哈利路亚修女合唱团 4. Maria Nuns Chorus 3:16


The Sound of Music(音乐之声) 剧情简介: 玛丽亚是个活泼好动的修女,修女院的院长觉得她这样的性格不适合僧侣生活,就让她去上校家作看护。玛丽亚到达上校家,发现他是一个有七个孩子的鳏夫,长期的海军生活和丧妻的悲痛使他对待孩子像管教士兵一样严格。 上校要求玛丽亚也像他一样严格,但是玛丽亚没有听从,而是用她天生的温柔和善良赢得了孩子们的友好。趁上校不在的时候,她带孩子们出去游玩,还教他们唱歌。孩子们原有的拘禁和忧郁渐渐地被音乐和笑声代替了。 上校回家后,看到孩子们疯玩很生气,和玛利亚大吵一架,并让她离开。但他听到孩子们的歌声后很受感染,有点后悔赶玛利亚走,但爱面子的他说不出口。最后在孩子们的恳求下,他终于妥协了。孩子们很开心,所有的人一起唱起了动听的歌。 第一幕: Maria: (sing) I have confidence to myself... (唱得气喘吁吁,敲门) 我对我自己很有信心…… (Max开门)Hello! I’m the new governess, Captain. 你好,上校,我是新来的看护。 Max: And I’m the butler. (我不是上校),我是管家。 Maria: Oh, well, How do you do? (边说边很粗鲁地和Max握手) 噢,好吧,你好。 Max: You will wait here, please. I will call the Captain. (下) 请在这儿等一下,我去叫上校。 (Maria四处打量时,Captain上。) Captain:Why do you stare at me that way? 你为什么用那样的眼光看着我? Maria: You don’t like a captain. 你看起来不像个上校。 Captain:I’m afraid you don’t look like a governess! Well, madam… 你恐怕也不太像个看护!恩,小姐…… Maria: Maria.


The Sound Of Music音乐之声剧本 (Maria makes the children's play clothes out of the drapes and takes the children out to enjoy the out-door activities.) Louisa: Fraulein Maria, can we do this every day? M: Don't you think you'd soon get tired of it, Louisa? Louisa: I suppose so. Every other day? Kurt: I haven't had so much fun since the day we put glue on Fraulein Josephine's toothbrush. M: I can't understand how children as nice as you manage to play such awful tricks on people. Bargitta: Oh, it's easy. M: But why do it? Liesl: How else could we get father's attention? Bargitta: Yes. M: Oh, I see. Well, we'll have to think about that one. All right everybody, over here. Liesl: What are we going to do? M: Let's think of something to sing for the Baroness when she comes. Kurt: Father doesn't like us to sing. M: Well, perhaps we can change his mind. Now, what songs do you know? Frederick: We don't know any songs. M: Not any? Marta: We don't even know how to sing. Bargitta: No. M: Well, let's not lose any time. You must learn. Liesl: But how? M: (singing) Let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start. When you read you begin with? Gretl: ABC. M: When you sing you begin with Do Re Mi. Children: Do Re Mi. M: Do Re Mi, the first three notes just happen to be: Do Re Mi. Children: Do Re Mi. M: Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti. Let's see if I can make it easier. Doe, a deer, a female deer. Ray, a drop of golden sun. Me, a name I call myself. Far, a long, long way to run.


音乐之声 The sound of music The hills are alive 大地新象 With the sound of music 只因这天籁之声 With songs they have sung 清歌传唱 For a thousand years 千年万年 The hills fill my heart 云岭送翠 With the sound of music 只为这天籁之声 My heart wants to sing Every song it hears 我心雀跃不已只因它拾得片音短曲 My heart wants to beat like the wings Of the birds that rise 我心澎湃狂喜宛如鸟生新羽展翅飞去 From the lake to the trees 自湖滨遥向枝头高栖 My heart wants to sigh Like a chime that flies 我心呢喃低语仿佛钟铃 From a church on a breeze 自教堂乘风徐徐而来 To laugh like a brook When it trips and falls 欢笑一如小溪清清蜿蜒宛转 Over stones on its way 川流石头间 To sing through the night 彻夜高歌 Like a lark who is learning to pray 就像云雀习祷,喜悦轻盈 I go to the hills 我总会来这山巅 When my heart is lonely 每当我心抑郁 I know I will hear 我知道定能听见 What I've heard before 昔日歌声 My heart will be blessed 我心将被赐福 With the sound of music 只因这天籁之音 And I'll sing 我也愿 Once more 再次高歌 Hallelujah, hallelujah 哈利路亚,哈利路亚 Hallelujah, hallelujah 哈利路亚,哈利路亚 -Reverend Mother. -Sister Bernice. -院长-柏尼丝修女 -I simply cannot find her. -Maria? -我找不到她-玛丽亚 She's missing again. 她又不见了 We should've put a cowbell around her neck. 也许我们该在她脖子上挂个牛铃 Have you tried the barn? You know how much she adores the animals. 你找过杂仓了吗?她很喜欢动物 I have looked everywhere. In all of the usual places. 我到处都找过了 Sister, considering it's Maria... 我建议你 ...I suggest you look in someplace unusual. 找不寻常的地方 Well, Reverend Mother... 院长 ...I hope this new infraction ends whatever doubts... 我希望这次违规 ...you may still have about Maria's future here. 会结束你对她在这里会有未来的疑虑 I always try to keep faith in my doubts, Sister Berthe. 我对疑虑仍常保持信心 After all, the wool of a black sheep is just as warm. 毕竟黑羊的毛也是会温暖 We are not talking about sheep, black or white, Sister Margaretta. 我们不是争论绵羊颜色 Of all the candidates for the novitiate, Maria is the least-- 所有修女的候选人中她最糟


音乐之声(节选) 教学目标 知识目标 1.积累词语,掌握“峥嵘、嬷嬷”等词的读音,理解“鳞次栉比、顶礼膜拜”等词的词义, 并学会运用。 2.了解影视剧本的特点,了解《音乐之声》的剧情。 能力目标 1.把握主要人物形象玛丽亚的性格特点,感受其形象美。 2.结合影视剧本的特点,赏析其画面美,培养学生阅读影视剧本的兴趣。 德育目标 引导学生在真善美的音乐艺术世界里受到高尚情操的陶冶,在潜移默化中培养对一切美 好事物的挚爱之情,进而养成对生活的积极乐观态度和对美好未来的向往与追求。 教学重点 揣摩文中的两个场景,感知主要人物形象玛丽亚,体会课文是如何运用正面描写和侧面 描写来刻画玛丽亚的形象的。 教学难点揣摩语言,发挥联想和想象,感受课文的画面感以及其中人物唱词所体现的音 乐故事片的底色。 教具准备多媒体 课时安排1课时 教学过程 一、导语设计 设计1 戏剧按艺术形式和表现手法可分为话剧、歌剧、舞剧、戏曲、影视剧等。今天我们 一起欣赏大型的音乐故事片《音乐之声》。(多媒体出示课文标题) 设计 2 播放《哆来咪》这首歌,让学生倾听后随意地说说这首歌带给自己怎样的一种情 绪或感觉。以“先声夺人”的方式建立学生与影片女主角玛丽亚的初次“链接”,既而引领学生去课本中认识这位快乐活泼的姑娘。 二、资料助读 简介影片 根据音乐剧改编而成的电影《音乐之声》摄制于1965年,它取材于1938年发生在奥地利的一个真实的故事,获得了1965年第38届奥斯卡最佳影片奖、最佳导演奖、最佳音响奖、最佳改编音乐奖和最佳剪辑奖五项大奖。 《音乐之声》是全世界票房最高的电影之一,在各国民意测验中经常被评为最受欢迎的影片。影片节奏明快、细腻感人,既富有幽默的情趣,又有深沉凝重的感情。《音乐之声》中善良美丽、不受繁文缛节约束的修女玛丽亚,奥地利迷人的阿尔卑斯山山坡、清澈的溪流、 明媚的阳光,以及一群活泼可爱的孩子,还有反抗纳粹统治、追求自由的精神打动了全世界 观众的心。 三、整体感知,了解剧情 1.多媒体播放《音乐之声》音像资料片断,学生体会影视剧本的特点。 2.学生朗读课文,感知文意。 学生交流初读课文的感受。 明确: 课文节选的是剧本的开头部分,写少女玛丽亚当了见习修女后仍不改她热爱歌唱、无拘无束的快乐天性,在修道院做日常功课、例行庄重的宗教礼仪时。跑到野外放声歌唱、忘情

音乐之声 中英文对照歌词

Do-re-mi 歌手:Sound Of Music(音乐之声) Let's start at the very beginning A very good place to start When you read you begin with A-B-C When you sing you begin with do-re-mi Do-re-mi, do-re-mi The first three notes just happen to be Do-re-mi, do-re-mi Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti Let's see if I can make it easy Doe, a deer, a female deer Ray, a drop of golden sun Me, a name I call myself Far, a long, long way to run Sew, a needle pulling thread La, a note to follow Sew Tea, a drink with jam and bread That will bring us back to Do (oh-oh-oh) Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do So-do! 让我们从头开始学习 从这儿开始真有趣 你要念书就先学 A B C 你要唱歌就先学Do re mi do-re-mi 这三个字符最先遇到你 Do-re-mi, do-re-mi Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti 让我们看看是否把它弄得简单点 Doe是一只小母鹿 Ray是一束阳光 Me是称呼我自己 Far是道路远又长 Sew是穿针引线 La这音符跟着Sew Tea是饮料茶点 然后我们再唱多



音乐之声 【教学目标】 1、知识与技能:积累词语,掌握“峥蝶、嬷嬷”等词的读音,理解“鳞次栉比、顶礼膜拜”等词的词义,并学会运用。了解影视剧本的特点,了解《音乐之声》的剧情。 2、过程与方法:把握主要人物形象玛丽亚的性格特点,感受其形象美。结合影视剧本的特点,赏析其画面美,培养学生阅读影视剧本的兴趣。 3、情感.态度与价值观:引导学生在真善美的音乐艺术世界里受到高尚情操的陶 冶,在潜移默化中培养对一切美好事物的挚爱之情,进而养成对生活的积极乐观态度和对美好未來的向往与追求。 【教学重难点】 重点:揣摩文中的两个场景,感知主要人物形象玛丽亚,体会课文是如何■运用正面描写和侧面描写来刻画玛丽亚的形象的。 难点:揣摩语言,发挥联想和想象,感受课文的画面感以及其中人物唱词所体现的音乐故事片的底色。 【教学安排】1课时 【教学过程】 一、导入 戏剧按艺术形式和表现手法可分为话剧、歌剧、舞剧、戏曲、影视剧等。 今天我们一起欣赏大型的音乐故事片《音乐之声》。 二、资料

影视剧本的特点 电影文学剧本 专供拍摄影片而创作的剧本,是电影艺术的重要组成部分,也称电影文学。 电影文学剧本跟小说、戏剧一样需.要塑造人物、交代情节,其容量也像戏剧一样受到时间的限制(摄制完成的电影一般放映两小时左右)。但电影文学剧本又不同于小说和戏剧。戏剧中人物对白繁多,侧重于听觉表现;“电影语言”则是连续不断的银幕画面,侧重于视觉表现,不以人物对话为主。在电影中,人物性格的刻画,场景背「景的交代.情节的发展,一切都须化为画面和动作,很少以叙述人的“画外音”(或字幕)表述。 电影文学剧本的结构也有别于小说和戏剧,是以“镜头”为单位,用“蒙太奇”手法按情节的发展以及观众的注意力和关心的程序,有节奏「地、合乎逻辑地衔接成整体。 实际拍摄用的脚本大多由导演根据原剧本按拍摄要求改写,称为“分镜头剧本” O 三、明确学习目标 四、整体感知,了解剧情 1.播放《音乐之声》音像资料片断,学生体会影视剧本的特点。 2.学生朗读课文,感知文意。 学生交流初读课文的感受。


(The story starts in an abbey of Salzburg, Austria, in the last Golden Days of the Thirties. Halleluyah! Bernice: Reverend Mother... Reverend Mother: Sister Bernice. Bernice: I simply cannot find her. Reverend Mother: Marisa? Bernice: She's missing from the abbey again. Sister A: Perhaps we should have put a cowbell around her neck. Sister B: Have you tried the barn? You know how much she adores the animals. Bernice: I have looked everywhere, in all of the usual places. Revernd Mother: Sister Bernice, considering that is Maria, I suggest you look in some place unusual. (Later, Maria gets back and comes to see Reverend Mother.) Reverend Mother: I'm here, my child. Now sit down. Maria (short for M): Oh, Reverend Mother, I'm so sorry. I just couldn't help myself. The gates were open and the hills were beckoning and before... Reverend Mother: I know! I have not summoned you here for apologies. M: Oh, please Mother, do let me ask for forgiveness. Reverend Mother: If it will make you feel better. M: Yes. Well you see, the sky was so blue today and everything was so green and fragrant. I just had to be a part of it! And you know those birds kept meeting me higher and higher as though it wanted me to go right through the clouds with it. Reverend Mother: Child, suppose darkness had come and you were lost? M: Oh, Mother, I could never be lost up there. That's my mountain, I was brought up on it. It was the mountain that led me to you. Reverend Mother: Oh? M: When I was a child, I would come down the mountain and climb a tree and look over into your garden. I'd see the sisters at work and I would hear them sing on their way to Vespers, which brings me to another transgression, Reverend Mother. I was singing out there today without permission. Reverend other: Maria, it is only here in the abbey that we have rules about postulant singing. M: I can't seem to stop singing wherever I am. And what's worse, I can't seem to stop saying things. Everything and anything I think and feel. Reverend Mother: Some people would call that honesty. M: No, but it's terrible, Reverend Mother. You know how Sister Beth always makes me kiss the floor after we had a disagreement? Well lately I've taken to kissing the floor when I see her coming just to save time. Reverend Mother: Maria, when you saw us over the abbey wall and longed to be one of us, that didn't necessarily mean that you were prepared for the way we live here, did it? M: No, Mother. But I pray and I try and I am learning. I really am. Reverend Mother: What is the most important lesson you have learned here, my child? M: To find out what is the will of God and to do it whole-heartedly. Reverend Mother: Maria, it seems to be the will of God that you leave us. M: Leave you?


MARIA 玛利亚 She climbs a tree and scrapes her knee, 她会爬树,弄伤膝盖不说 Her dress has got a tear. 还在裙子上裂个大口子 She waltzes on her way to Mass 她在去弥撒的路上跳舞 And whistles on the stair. 还在楼梯上吹口哨 And underneath her wimple 在她的帽巾下面 She has curlers in her hair 头发各种起卷 I even heard her singing in the Abbey! 我甚至听见她在修道院里唱歌! She's always late for chapel—

她日常祈祷总是会晚 But her penitence is real. 但她的忏悔是真心的 She's always late for everything 她几乎做什么都迟到 Except for every meal. 除了每顿餐饭 I hate to have to say it 我真的不愿多说 But I very firmly feel 但我真心这么觉得 Maria's not an asset to the Abbey. 玛利亚根本不适合修道院 I like to say a word in her behalf—我倒愿意替她说句好话 Then say it, Sister. 请说,玛格丽特修女Maria…makes me…laugh!

玛利亚……让我……发笑! How do you solve a problem like Maria? 你们怎么处理像玛利亚一样的问题? How do you catch a cloud and pin it down? 如何将云彩摘下然后订住? How do you find a word that means Maria? 你要怎么用语言描述玛利亚? A flibbertigibbet! 一个心浮气躁的家伙! A will-o’-the-wisp! 一个骗子! A clown! 一个小丑! Many a thing you know you'd like to tell her, 有一堆事情你们想告诉她 Many a thing she ought to understand, 有一堆事情她应该明白 But how do you make her stay


音乐之声的剧本 人物简介: Maria 玛丽亚:特拉普家族孩子们的看护,家庭教师 Captain von Trapp 冯·特拉普:海军上校,孩子们的父亲 Max 麦克斯:特拉普家族的管家 Liesl 丽莎:将军的大女儿 16 岁 Friedrich 弗来德里克:将军的大儿子 Louisa 露意莎:将军的二女儿 Brigitta 芭姬塔:将军的三女儿 Kurt 克尔特:将军的小儿子 Marta 玛尔塔:将军的四女儿 Gretl 葛丽特:将军的小女儿 道具:服装 台 凳子 行李 吉他 食物 水果等 剧本 : 场景一:(将军走进家门,女看护多门而走,孩子们正在吵吵闹闹,女管家 对他们毫无办法, 束手无策。 只好与将军商量另请一个看护老师。 ) 道具: 行李, 孩子们的玩具等。 将军:Good afternoon teacher!Where are you going? 女教师:I’m leaving, Captain. I have to go. 将军:(将军惊讶状)Why? What’s the matter?

女教师: (摇头苦笑 )I have no idea with the children. They are too naughty. I’m sorry. I have to go. Bye! (将军进门,看见孩子们正在吵闹,管家毫无办法。马上脸色一变,哨声一 响,孩子们马上停止吵闹,乖乖地列队,等待父亲的训斥) 将军:(吹哨)Attention! 孩子们:one! two! 将军:At ease! (脸色凝重状) What are you doing just now? The teacher has gone! 孩子们:Sorry! Dad! 大女儿:We don’t like her. 其他孩子:Yes! Dad, We don’t like her at all. 将军:Shut up! Can’t you be quiet? Get out of here , go back to your room and don’t talk any more. Attention! Turn left! Go! (孩子们下,管家上前建议将军另请教师) 管家:Captain! We should invite another teacher. 将军:Yes! We should. You do that for me. 管家:Yes! Sir! (管家下,将军摇头,叹气,下) 场景二:(玛丽亚提着行李,拿着吉他,边唱歌,边蹦跳着来到将军家门, 敲门。管家开门,将军要求玛丽亚像他那样严格要求孩子。孩子们一开始不喜欢 玛丽亚,并作弄玛丽亚。) 玛丽亚:(提着行李,作失魂状,敲门)Hello! Any body home? 管家:(管家出场,开门,问)Yes! I’m coming! Who’s that? 玛丽亚:My name is Maria. Is this Captain’s home? I’m the new teacher here. 管家:OK! Nice to meet you . Come in, please. 玛丽亚:Nice to meet you too! Thanks a lot! 管家:Captain! The new teacher is here. 将军:(出场,神情严肃地看着玛丽亚) 管家:(向将军介绍)Captain! This is Maria. Our new teacher. And this is Captain. 将军:OK! Maria. As you know I’m a captain. I hope you will be strict to the children as I do. This is the signal. 吹哨,孩子们列队出来。Boys and girls! This is your new teacher. You should obbey the teacher’s order. Understand? Now introduce yourself to the teacher. 大女儿:I’m Liesl. 大儿子:My name is Friedrich.


美国《音乐之声》插曲D o R e M i let's start at the very beginning让我们从头开始学习 a very good place to start很美好的地方开始 when you read you begin with a-b-c当你读书时你先学abc when you sing you begin with do-re-mi do-re-mi, do-re-mi当你唱歌你先从哆来咪开始,哆来咪,哆来咪 the first three notes just happen to be do-re-mi, do-re-mi do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti最好是最先开始的音,哆来咪,哆来咪,哆来咪发嗦拉西 let's see if i can make it easier,让我们看看是否能使它容易点 doe a deer, a female deer哆是鹿,一只小母鹿 ray, a drop of golden sun来是一束金色的阳光 me, a name i call myself咪是对自己的称呼 far, a long, long way to run发是很远的长路 sew, a needle pulling thread嗦是穿针又引线 la, a note to follow sew拉是嗦的小跟班 tea, a drink with jam and bread西是茶配果酱和面包 that will bring us back to do (oh-oh-oh) 那是我们又回来哆 doe a deer, a female deer哆是鹿,一只小母鹿 ray, a drop of golden sun来是一束金色的阳光 me, a name i call myself咪是对自己的称呼 far, a long, long way to run发是很远的长路 sew, a needle pulling thread嗦是穿针又引线 la, a note to follow sew拉是嗦的小跟班 tea, a drink with jam and bread西是茶配果酱和面包 that will bring us back to do (oh-oh-oh) 那是我们又回来哆 doe a deer, a female deer哆是鹿,一只小母鹿



16《音乐之声(节选)》 【教学目标】 1、知识与技能:积累词语,掌握“峥嵘、嬷嬷”等词的读音,理解“鳞次栉比、顶礼膜拜”等词的词义,并学会运用。了解影视剧本的特点,了解《音乐之声》的剧情。 2、过程与方法:把握主要人物形象玛丽亚的性格特点,感受其形象美。结合影视剧本的特点,赏析其画面美,培养学生阅读影视剧本的兴趣。 3、情感态度与价值观:引导学生在真善美的音乐艺术世界里受到高尚情操的陶冶,在潜移默化中培养对一切美好事物的挚爱之情,进而养成对生活的积极乐观态度和对美好未来的向往与追求。 【教学重难点】 重点:揣摩文中的两个场景,感知主要人物形象玛丽亚,体会课文是如何运用正面描写和侧面描写来刻画玛丽亚的形象的。 难点:揣摩语言,发挥联想和想象,感受课文的画面感以及其中人物唱词所体现的音乐故事片的底色。 【教学安排】1课时 【教学过程】 一、导入 戏剧按艺术形式和表现手法可分为话剧、歌剧、舞剧、戏曲、影视剧等。今天我们一起欣赏大型的音乐故事片《音乐之声》。 二、资料 影视剧本的特点

电影文学剧本 专供拍摄影片而创作的剧本,是电影艺术的重要组成部分,也称电影文学。 电影文学剧本跟小说、戏剧一样需要塑造人物、交代情节,其容量也像戏剧一样受到时间的限制(摄制完成的电影一般放映两小时左右)。但电影文学剧本又不同于小说和戏剧。戏剧中人物对白繁多,侧重于听觉表现;“电影语言”则是连续不断的银幕画面,侧重于视觉表现,不以人物对话为主。在电影中,人物性格的刻画,场景背景的交代.情节的发展,一切都须化为画面和动作,很少以叙述人的“画外音”(或字幕)表述。 电影文学剧本的结构也有别于小说和戏剧,是以“镜头”为单位,用“蒙太奇”手法按情节的发展以及观众的注意力和关心的程序,有节奏地、合乎逻辑地衔接成整体。 实际拍摄用的脚本大多由导演根据原剧本按拍摄要求改写,称为“分镜头剧本”。 三、明确学习目标 学习本文。应实现以下目标: 1.了解影视剧本的特点。体会其画面感。 2.把握人物形象玛丽亚的性格特点。学习刻画人物的技巧。 3.感知音乐故事片的艺术特色。 四、整体感知,了解剧情 1.播放《音乐之声》音像资料片断,学生体会影视剧本的特点。 2.学生朗读课文,感知文意。 学生交流初读课文的感受。 提问,本文写了哪些画面?


音乐之声英语短剧改编 剧本精编版 MQS system office room 【MQS16H-TTMS2A-MQSS8Q8-MQSH16898】

Sound of Music 《音乐之声》 英语短剧剧本 基本情况 场景一家庭教师Maria来到上校家,与孩子们见面。 场景二家庭教师Maria独白,如何克服困难做好家庭教师呢? 场景三家庭教师Maria和孩子们一块儿学习音乐 Do Re Mi 场景四家庭教师Maria组织孩子们和孩子的父亲排练音乐Edelweiss 演员:Maria, Captain and the seven children (Liesl Frederick Louisa Bargitta Kurt Marta Gretl) 电影:(英文+中文字幕)歌曲:《哆来咪》 Scene 1 旁白:It happened in Austria, a small European country. There is a family of seven children. Their father is Captain Von Trapp, a retired officer of the Navy. He is a fine and brave man. His wife died several years ago. Now the family needs a governess to take care of seven children. Maria stayed in an abbey and she was sent to this family as a governess. Now she is coming to see them. (Maria, with her bag and guitar in hands, walks sullenly out of the abbey.) M (singing): What will this day be like, I wonder. What will my future be, I wonder. It could be so exciting to be out in the world, to be free. My heart should be wildly rejoicing, Oh, what's the matter with me? I've always longed for adventure, to do the things I've never done. Now here I'm pacing adventure, then why am I so scared? (Oh, help.) I have confidence in my heart. I should be brave. I should be brave. (In front of the Von Trapps' house, Maria wonders at its grandeur. She knocks at the door. A man appears.) M: Hello, here I am! I'm from the abbey. I'm the new governess, Captain.
