


1. 素质教育:Quality Education

2. EQ:分两种,一种为教育商数Educational quotient,另一种情感商数Emotional quotient

3. 保险业: the insurance industry

4. 保证重点指出: ensure funding for priority areas

5. 补发拖欠的养老金: clear up pension payments in arrears

6. 不良贷款: non-performing loan

7. 层层转包和违法分包: mutlti-level contracting and illegal subcontracting

8. 城乡信用社: credit cooperative in both urban and rural areas

9. 城镇居民最低生活保障: a minimum standard of living for city residents

10. 城镇职工医疗保障制度: the system of medical insurance for urban workers

11. 出口信贷: export credit

12. 贷款质量: loan quality

13. 贷款质量五级分类办法: the five-category assets classification for bank loans

14. 防范和化解金融风险: take precautions against and reduce financial risks

15. 防洪工程: flood-prevention project


SPSS 统计软件的主菜单及子菜单

spss软件的中英文翻译 Absolute deviation, 绝对离差 Absolute number, 绝对数 Absolute residuals, 绝对残差 Acceleration array, 加速度立体阵 Acceleration in an arbitrary direction, 任意方向上的加速度Acceleration normal, 法向加速度 Acceleration space dimension, 加速度空间的维数Acceleration tangential, 切向加速度 Acceleration vector, 加速度向量 Acceptable hypothesis, 可接受假设 Accumulation, 累积 Accuracy, 准确度 Actual frequency, 实际频数 Adaptive estimator, 自适应估计量 Addition, 相加 Addition theorem, 加法定理 Additivity, 可加性 Adjusted rate, 调整率 Adjusted value, 校正值 Admissible error, 容许误差 Aggregation, 聚集性 Alternative hypothesis, 备择假设 Among groups, 组间 Amounts, 总量 Analysis of correlation, 相关分析 Analysis of covariance, 协方差分析 Analysis of regression, 回归分析 Analysis of time series, 时间序列分析 Analysis of variance, 方差分析 Angular transformation, 角转换 ANOVA (analysis of variance), 方差分析 ANOVA Models, 方差分析模型 Arcing, 弧/弧旋 Arcsine transformation, 反正弦变换 Area under the curve, 曲线面积 AREG , 评估从一个时间点到下一个时间点回归相关时的误差ARIMA, 季节和非季节性单变量模型的极大似然估计 Arithmetic grid paper, 算术格纸 Arithmetic mean, 算术平均数


金融英语常用语的地道翻译[一]-金融,英语,翻译-商务指南- 35. 粮食收购资金实行封闭运行:closed operation of grain purchase funds 36. 粮食销售市场:grain sales market 37. 劣质工程:shoddy engineering 38. 乱收费、乱摊派、乱罚款:arbitrary charges, fund-raising, quotas and fines 39. 骗汇、逃汇、套汇:obtain foreign currency under false pretenses, not turn over foreign owed to the government and illegal arbitrage 40. 融资渠道:financing channels 41. 商业信贷原则:the principles for commercial credit 42. 社会保险机构:social security institution 43. 失业保险金:unemployment insurance benefits 44. 偷税、骗税、逃税、抗税:tax evasion, tax fraud and refusal to pay taxes

45. 外汇收支:foreign exchange revenue and spending 46. 安居工程:housing project for low-income urban residents 47. 信息化:information-based; informationization 48. 智力密集型:concentration of brain power; knowledge-intensive 49. 外资企业:overseas-funded enterprises 50. 下岗职工:laid-off workers 51. 分流:reposition of redundant personnel 52. 素质教育:education for all-round development 53. 豆腐渣工程:jerry-built projects 54. 社会治安情况:law-and-order situation 55. 民族国家:nation state 56. “台独”:"independence of Taiwan" 57. 台湾当局:Taiwan authorities 58. 台湾同胞:Taiwan compatriots 59. 台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分:Taiwan is an inalienable


英语常用谚语 目录 字母A开头 (1) 字母B开头 (3) 字母C开头 (4) 字母D开头 (5) 字母E开头 (5) 字母F开头 (6) 字母G开头 (7) 字母H开头 (8) 字母I开头 (9) 字母J开头 (10) 字母K开头 (10) 字母L开头 (10) 字母M开头 (12) 字母N开头 (12) 字母O开头 (13) 字母P开头 (14) 字母R开头 (15) 字母S开头 (15) 字母T开头 (15) 字母U开头 (18) 字母V开头 (19) 字母W开头 (19)

字母A开头 1、A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 不善始者不善终。 2、A bad thing never dies. 遗臭万年。 3、A bad workman always blames his tools. 不会撑船怪河弯。 4、A bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush. 一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林。 5、A boaster and a liar are cousins-german. 吹牛与说谎本是同宗。 6、A bully is always a coward. 色厉内荏。 7、A burden of one\'s choice is not felt. 爱挑的担子不嫌重。 8、A candle lights others and consumes itself. 蜡烛照亮别人,却毁灭了自己。 9、A cat has lives. 猫有九条命。 10、A cat may look at a king. 猫也可以打量国王,意为人人平等。 11、A close mouth catches no flies. 病从口入。 12、A constant guest is never welcome. 常客令人厌。 13、A fair death honors the whole life. 死得其所,流芳百世。 14、A faithful friend is hard to find. 知音难觅。 15、A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智。 16、A fox may grow gray, but never good. 江山易改,本性难移。 17、A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。 18、A friend is easier lost than found. 得朋友难,失朋友易。 19、A friend is never known till a man has need. 需要之时方知友。 20、A friend without faults will never be found. 没有十全十美的朋友。 21、A good beginning is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半。 22、A good beginning makes a good ending. 善始者善终。 23、A good book is a good friend. 好书如挚友。 24、A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever. 一本好书,相伴一生。 25、A good conscience is a soft pillow. 不做亏心事,不怕鬼叫门。 26、A good fame is better than a good face. 美名胜过美貌。 27、A good husband makes a good wife. 夫善则妻贤。


1. 活该! serves you(him her) right! = you deserve (he/she deserves it.) e.g you failed the test? serves you right for not studying! 2. 活该! you had it coming! e.g. a: i gained weight! b: well you had it coming because you''ve been eating so much without exercising. 3. 胡闹that’s monkey business! e.g. a: stop fooling around! that’s monkey business! 别再混日子了!你根本在胡闹嘛! 注:本句也可把monkey当成动词说成“stop monkeying around!” 3.请便! help yourself. do as you please. (表示不需准许而可取东西,就是请客人自在点,不必太拘束。) 4.哪有? what do you mean? not at all! 注:如果只说“what do you mean?”那是不带任何用意的问句,只是想问清楚对方的意思;但是它也可用于挑衅及威胁,代表不满对方表达的意见。若加上“not at all”,表示你在否认对方表达的意思。 5.才怪! yeah,right! as if! e.g. a: today’s test was very easy. b: yeah right! a:he thinks he can socialize with us! as if! 他自认可以跟我们交往!才怪! 注:“yeah,right”常用于讽刺性的回答。“as if”大多是10到17岁女孩的用语。 6.加油! go for it! e.g. a: go for it! you can do it! 注:这是鼓励他人的话,也就是“give it a good try.”“try your best.”。 7.够了! enough! stop it! 注:也可以加强语气说“enough is enough!”。要是对方正在fooling around (无所事事),你会骂他“enough of this foolishness!”(混够了吧!)


1. 素质教育:Quality Education 金融英语 2. EQ:分两种,一种为教育商数Educational quotient,另一种情感商数Emotional quotient 3. 保险业: the insurance industry 金融英语 4. 保证重点指出: ensure funding for priority areas 5. 补发拖欠的养老金: clear up pension payments in arrears 6. 不良贷款: non-performing loan 金融英语 7. 层层转包和违法分包:mutlti-level contracting and illegal subcontracting 8. 城乡信用社: credit cooperative in both urban and rural areas 9. 城镇居民最低生活保障:a minimum standard of living for city residents 10. 城镇职工医疗保障制度:the system of medical insurance for urban workers 11. 出口信贷: export credit 12. 贷款质量: loan quality 13. 贷款质量五级分类办法:the five-category assets classification for bank loans 14. 防范和化解金融风险:take precautions against and reduce financial risks 15. 防洪工程: flood-prevention project 16. 非法外汇交易: illegal foreign exchange transaction 17. 非贸易收汇:foreign exchange earnings through nontrade channels 18. 非银行金融机构: non-bank financial institutions 19. 费改税: transform administrative fees into taxes 20. 跟踪审计: foolow-up auditing 21. 工程监理制度: the monitoring system for projects 22. 国有资产安全: the safety of state-owned assets 23. 过度开垦: excess reclamation 24. 合同管理制度: the contract system for governing projects 25. 积极的财政政策: pro-active fiscal policy 26. 基本生活费: basic allowance 27. 解除劳动关系: sever labor relation 28. 金融监管责任制:the responsibility system for financial supervision


鞋业(类)常用术语中英文对照 ---欧维思品牌鞋业折扣店 --https://www.360docs.net/doc/cf16690089.html, 目录 第一章:Stage 阶段………………………………P2-P10 第二章技术……………………………P7-P15 第三章鞋型转移……………………………P16-P17 欧维思品牌鞋业折扣店招商加盟网--https://www.360docs.net/doc/cf16690089.html,- 1 -

第一章:Stage 阶段 ----欧维思品牌鞋业折扣店https://www.360docs.net/doc/cf16690089.html, I.3.1. Two main sections in Dev. Division 开发的两大部分: 1. Development section: explain more in process of new models to make samples in order to introduce market to achieve qty. 开发部分:此部分着重于新型体的样品制作,以便可介绍给客户来争取一定数量的订单。 https://www.360docs.net/doc/cf16690089.html,mercialization section: explain more in process of technical after it was developed with Fitting test and Wear test to ensure that all products meet consumers’ expectations in terms of Fitting, Comfort and Performance. 技术部分:开发转移到技术部门,此阶段着重于在开发阶段完成试穿测试, 确保产品在试穿/舒适/功能方面可满足客户的要求后进行的技术工作。 I.3.2. Development Stages 开发阶段 I.3.2.1. PPR: Pre Prototype Review 初始线条评估 1st stage to review all sample products Internally by customer ( Marketing,designer,L.O) For performance shoes, we have Fitting and Wear Test Sample to be sent. * The topics of review are : 1. Material 2. Quality 3. Performance 4. Price 5. Color 6. Design 7. Forecast 客人内部(市场销售、设计师、本地客人)对于新鞋型第一阶段之评估。 对于功能性鞋型,我们要寄Fitting test &Wear test试穿样品。 此时检查要点如下: 1、材料 2、品质 3、功能 4、价格 5、颜色 6、设计 7、订单预测 I.3.2.2. PFR:Prototype Final Review 最后线条评估 Final stage to review all sample shoes before introducing the products to the customers. At this time, all key points should be finally decided (Pattern / Design, Color,Price, Material (should be released), etc.). The result of Fitting Test should be considered for PPR meeting as a basic. 在全部新鞋型介绍给客户前之最后检查阶段,此时所有要点均需做出最后确定,如:纸版、设计、颜色、价位、材料(必须是通过了测试)等等。 寄出试样鞋时需附上试穿报告。此时的试穿结果是PPR 会议之基本考量点。 I.3.2.3. SMS1:Salesman Sample 1 销样一 欧维思品牌鞋业折扣店招商加盟网--https://www.360docs.net/doc/cf16690089.html,- 2 -


1. 素质教育:Quality Education 2. EQ:分两种,一种为教育商数Educational quotient,另一种情感商数Emotional quotient 3. 保险业:the insurance industry 4. 保证重点指出:ensure funding for priority areas 5. 补发拖欠的养老金:clear up pension payments in arrears 6. 不良贷款:non-performing loan 7. 层层转包和违法分包:mutlti-level contracting and illegal subcontracting 8. 城乡信用社:credit cooperative in both urban and rural areas 9. 城镇居民最低生活保障:a minimum standard of living for city residents 10. 城镇职工医疗保障制度:the system of medical insurance for urban workers 11. 出口信贷:export credit 12. 贷款质量:loan quality 13. 贷款质量五级分类办法:the five-category assets classification for bank loans 14. 防范和化解金融风险:take precautions against and reduce financial risks 15. 防洪工程:flood-prevention project 16. 非法外汇交易:illegal foreign exchange transaction 17. 非贸易收汇:foreign exchange earnings through nontrade channels 18. 非银行金融机构:non-bank financial institutions 19. 费改税:transform administrative fees into taxes 20. 跟踪审计:follow-up auditing 21. 工程监理制度:the monitoring system for projects 22. 国有资产安全:the safety of state-owned assets 23. 过度开垦:excess reclamation 24. 合同管理制度:the contract system for governing projects 25. 积极的财政政策:pro-active fiscal policy 26. 基本生活费:basic allowance 27. 解除劳动关系:sever labor relation 28. 金融监管责任制:the responsibility system for financial supervision 29. 经济安全:economic security 30. 靠扩大财政赤字搞建设:to increase the deficit to spend more on development 31. 扩大国内需求:the expansion of domestic demand 32. 拉动经济增长:fuel economic growth 33. 粮食仓库:grain depot 34. 粮食收购企业:grain collection and storage enterprise 35. 粮食收购资金实行封闭运行:closed operation of grain purchase funds 36. 粮食销售市场:grain sales market 37. 劣质工程:shoddy engineering 38. 乱收费、乱摊派、乱罚款:arbitrary charges, fund-raising, quotas and fines 39. 骗汇、逃汇、套汇:obtain foreign currency under false pretenses, not turn over foreign owed to the government and illegal arbitrage 40. 融资渠道:financing channels 41. 商业信贷原则:the principles for commercial credit 42. 社会保险机构:social security institution

英语口语巧用 英语翻译常用语句

由于时间紧迫而匆忙行事的习惯用语 今天要讲的习惯用语都是用来描述“由于时间紧迫而匆忙行事”的。第一个是:slapdash。 这是个合成词,由slap和dash两部分组成。Slap最常用的意思是拍击巴掌,这当然是即刻间进行的行动,而dash这个词也常指某种来去匆匆的行动,所以这两个词合在一起必然是说一种匆忙的事儿了。 Slapdash可以用来描绘各种各样的事情,比如房屋建筑、汽车修理或者业务规划、论文写作等。我们来看个例子来体会slapdash这个习惯用法的确切意思吧。 As soon as I opened the front door, the doorknob came off in my hand. And it got worse! The more I walked around and looked, the more I realized what a poor, slapdash job the builders had done. 我一开前门,门把手就掉了下来。接下来的情况甚至更糟。我在房子里四处观看,越看越明白那些建筑工人只是马马虎虎地装修了一下。 这段话里的slapdash是修饰job这个名词的形容词,但是slapdash也可以当名词或者动词用。例如这个验收房子的人可以这样说那些建筑工人:The builders had done the job with slapdash.或者The builders slapdashed through the job. 这两句话的意思都是“建筑工人马虎了事”。 第二个表示匆忙行事的习惯用语: slap together。这个习惯用语跟slapdash不同的地方在于: slapdash带有急匆匆而草率从事的含义,而slap together却绝对没有因快就马虎的意思。 我们看个例子来探究一下slap together这个习惯用语的意思。这段话说的是美国内战期间的一次无人不知的演讲。有一天,忙于战事的林肯总统必须去宾西法尼亚州葛底斯堡镇为葛底斯堡国家公墓的落成典礼献词。这个国家公墓是为那些在葛底斯堡战役中的阵亡将士修建的。当时林肯只有坐火车的那几分钟时间作准备。那天的主要演讲人是一位著名的演说家,林肯要在他之后讲话,于是林肯在一个信封的背面匆匆写下了自己的讲话稿。 例句2: The little speech Lincoln slapped together was no more than three minutes long. But eve n today many Americans know it by heart, and it still echoes in the heart of the nation. 林肯匆匆写成的简单演讲还不到三分钟长,但是至今还有不少美国人能背诵这篇讲话,它仍然能在很多人心中引起共鸣。


1.名词翻译 a.尽职调查:due diligence b.包销:firm commitment c.尽力推销:best efforts d.余额包销:standby commitment e.首次公开发行:initial public offering f.二次发行:secondary offering g.招股说明书:prospectus h.路演:road show i.承销辛迪加:underwriting syndicate j.做市商:market maker k.交易商:dealer l.经纪商:broker m.管理费:manager’s fee n.承销费:underwriting allowance o.销售费:selling concession p.墓碑广告:tombstone q.反向收购:averse merger r.美国存托凭证:American Depository Receipt s.全球存托凭证:Global Depository Receipt 2.名词翻译 a.柜台市场:over the counter

b.做市商交易:dealer trading c.竞价交易:auction trading d.现金帐户:cash account e.保证金账户:margin account f.市场委托指令:market order g.现价委托指令:limit order h.止损指令:stop order i.定价全额即时委托指令:fill or kill j.定价即时交易委托指令:immediate or cancel k.开市和收市委托指令:market at open or close l.套利:arbitrage m.投机:speculation n.纳斯达克:NASDAQ o.特许交易商:specialist 3.名词翻译 a.开放式基金:open-end fund b.封闭式基金:closed-end fund c.契约型基金:contract fund d.公司型基金:corporate fund e.货币市场基金:money market fund f.认股权证基金:warrant fund g.国际基金:global fund


One track-minded 别跟他较劲了。他一根筋儿,你还不知道? Stop reasoning with him. Don’t you know he is one track-minded? 2.败家子 a black sheep 李明是个败家子。他几乎毁了他爸爸的产业。 Li Ming is the black sheep of his family. He had almost ruined his father’s business. 3.无知的人 an ignoramus 我还从来没有遇见过象老张那样无知的人。他竟然连好坏都分不清。 I’ve never met any ignoramus like Lao Zhang. He can’t even separate the sheep from the goat. 4. 出众的人 a lulu 在心理学的研究方面,王教授在同龄人中是出类拔萃的。 Professor Wang is a lulu in the field of psychology among those of his age. 5.难对付的人 a tartar/ a hard nut to crack 6.大人物 a bigwig/ a buzwig 7.令人扫兴的人 a wet blanket 8.多面手 Jack-of-all-trades 9.马屁精 an apple-polisher 10.性情相投的人 a soul mate 依我看,你女儿和小张性情相投。你干吗要阻拦他们结婚呢? As far as I can see, Xiao Zhang is a soul mate of your daughter. Why should you object to their marriage? 11.骗子 a phony 12.细高个 a bean-pole 13.乡巴佬 a hayseed 14.胆小鬼 a chicken guy 15.不三不四的人 riff-raffs 16.天生爱哭的人 a natural crier


五分钟搞定5000字-外文文献翻译【你想要的工具都在这里】 五分钟搞定5000字-外文文献翻译 工具大全https://www.360docs.net/doc/cf16690089.html,/node/2151 在科研过程中阅读翻译外文文献是一个非常重要的环节,许多领域高水平的文献都是外文文献,借鉴一些外文文献翻译的经验是非常必要的。由于特殊原因我翻译外文文献的机会比较多,慢慢地就发现了外文文献翻译过程中的三大利器:G oogle“翻译”频道、金山词霸(完整版本)和CNKI“翻译助手"。 具体操作过程如下: 1.先打开金山词霸自动取词功能,然后阅读文献; 2.遇到无法理解的长句时,可以交给Google处理,处理后的结果猛一看,不堪入目,可是经过大脑的再处理后句子的意思基本就明了了; 3.如果通过Google仍然无法理解,感觉就是不同,那肯定是对其中某个“常用单词”理解有误,因为某些单词看似很简单,但是在文献中有特殊的意思,这时就可以通过CNKI的“翻译助手”来查询相关单词的意思,由于CNKI的单词意思都是来源与大量的文献,所以它的吻合率很高。

另外,在翻译过程中最好以“段落”或者“长句”作为翻译的基本单位,这样才不会造成“只见树木,不见森林”的误导。 注: 1、Google翻译:https://www.360docs.net/doc/cf16690089.html,/language_tools google,众所周知,谷歌里面的英文文献和资料还算是比较详实的。我利用它是这样的。一方面可以用它查询英文论文,当然这方面的帖子很多,大家可以搜索,在此不赘述。回到我自己说的翻译上来。下面给大家举个例子来说明如何用吧 比如说“电磁感应透明效应”这个词汇你不知道他怎么翻译, 首先你可以在CNKI里查中文的,根据它们的关键词中英文对照来做,一般比较准确。 在此主要是说在google里怎么知道这个翻译意思。大家应该都有词典吧,按中国人的办法,把一个一个词分着查出来,敲到google里,你的这种翻译一般不太准,当然你需要验证是否准确了,这下看着吧,把你的那支离破碎的翻译在google里搜索,你能看到许多相关的文献或资料,大家都不是笨蛋,看看,也就能找到最精确的翻译了,纯西式的!我就是这么用的。 2、CNKI翻译:https://www.360docs.net/doc/cf16690089.html, CNKI翻译助手,这个网站不需要介绍太多,可能有些人也知道的。主要说说它的有点,你进去看看就能发现:搜索的肯定是专业词汇,而且它翻译结果下面有文章与之对应(因为它是CNKI检索提供的,它的翻译是从文献里抽出来的),很实用的一个网站。估计别的写文章的人不是傻子吧,它们的东西我们可以直接


当前常用政治术语的英文翻译 作者:夜孔守望| 来源:沪江博客 新民主主义革命new-democratic revolution 民族独立和人民解放national independence and the liberation of the people 经济体制改革和政治体制改革reforms in the economic and political structure 社会主义制度socialist system 社会变革social transformation 建设有中国特色的社会主义事业the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics 中华民族的伟大复兴the gre at rejuvenation of the Chinese nation 党在社会主义初级阶段的基本理论、基本路线、基本纲领the basic theory, line and program of our Party in the primary stage of socialism 改革开放政策the policies of reform and opening to the outside

中国共产党十一届三中全会The Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China 马克思主义政党Marxist political Party 党的第一(第二、第三)代中央领导集体the collective leadership of the Party Central Committee of the first (second\third)generation 人民民主专政the people's democratic dictatorship 国民经济体系national economic system 综合国力aggregate national strength 国内生产总值the annual gross domestic product(GDP) 独立自主的和平外交政策an independent foreign policy of peace 马克思主义基本原理同中国具体实际相结合the fundamental principles of Marxism with the specific situation in China 加强和改进党的建设,不断增强党的创造力、凝聚力和战斗力,永葆党的生机与活力strengthen and improve Party building, continuously enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the Party, and always maintain its vigor and vitality. “三个代表”就是必须代表中国先进生产力的发展要求,代表中国先进文化的前进方向,代表中国最广大人民的根本利益,是我们党的立党之本、执政之基、力量之源,是我们党始终站在时代前列,保持先进性的根本体现和根本要求。


这1000个英语句子是杨老师在15年的翻译与写作教学中积累下来的一部分材料,它们脱胎于《活学活用汉英700句》,在700句的基础上增加了300句,构成了现在的1000句。它们共同的特点是简单,实用,容易记住,没有多少生词,每一句都包含一个生动的单词或者短语,能丰富英语表达,对笔译、口译、写作、口语帮助非常之大,是正英专考研同学的必备材料。 记忆这些句子时需注意2点技巧。第一,汉语在前,英语在后。也就是先记汉语,再记英语;第二,背得滚瓜烂熟才能够在实践中使用,勉强记住没有意义。 1. 他正在专心看书。He is absorbed in his book. 2. 眼睛是心灵的窗口。Eyes are windows to the soul. 3. 金色的阳光撒满他的面庞。The golden sunlight washed over his face. 4. 我会坚持立场的。I'll stand my ground. 5. 这句话很饶舌。This sentence is quite tongue-twisting. 6. 他尽量装出一点笑容来。He tried to fake a smile. 7. 他的话在我心里引起了共鸣。His words struck a chord in my heart. 8. 大街上挤满了行人。The streets are choked with pedestrians. 9. 我只是一时兴起这么做。I did it on a whim. 10. 这些规定形同虚设。These rules only exist on paper. 11. 他在名单上高居第一。His name topped the list. 12. 他请了三天病假。He went on a sick leave for 3 days. 13. 他快90了。He is in his late 80s. 14. 许许多多方面他和父亲一模一样。He was his father in many ways. 15. 泪水在她眼眶里闪烁。Tears shimmered in her eyes. 16. 帖子被转发了1000次。The post was forwarded 1000 times. 17. 我一瘸一拐地走下了台阶。I hobbled down the stairs. 18. 泪水夺眶而出。The tears broke free. 19. 他是个不好相处的人。He is a difficult man. 20. 他不愿意赊账给我们了。He would not allow us any credit. 21. 他是个没用的家伙。He is a good-for-nothing. 22. 我在抽屉里发现一叠牌。I found a deck of cards in the drawer. 23. 他俯过身来,悄悄在我耳边说。He leaned in and whispered into my ears. 24. 他留着齐肩发。He wears shoulder-length hair. 25. 他戴上手套。He slipped on his gloves. 26. 我觉得脸在发烧。I feel my face burning. 27. 他的目光落在了我的身上。His eyes fell on me. 28. 他们俩长得太像了。Their resemblance was breathtaking. 29. 我挣扎着从床上爬起来。I struggled out of bed. 30. 桌子上有一些面包屑。There are some bread scraps on the desk. 31. 她头发中分,脑后扎了一个马尾巴。 Her hair is parted in the middle and tied in a ponytail. 32. 鲜血从他的指间渗了出来。Blood oozed between his fingers. 33. 地铁明年交付使用。The subway will be put into service next year.


常用焊接中英文词语翻译焊接热源welding heat source 点热源point heat source 线热源linear heat source 面热源plane heat source 瞬时集中热源instantaneous concentration heat source 热效率thermal efficiency 热能集中系数coefficient of heat flow concentration 峰值温度peak temperature 瞬时冷却速度momentary cooling rate 冷却时间cooling time 置换氧化substitutionary oxydation 扩散氧化diffusible oxydation 脱氧desoxydation 先期脱氧precedent desoxydation 扩散脱氧diffusible desoxydation 沉淀脱氧precipitation desoxydation 扩散氢diffusible hydrogen 初始扩散氢initial diffusible hydrogen 100 C 残余扩散氢diffusible hydrogen remained at 100 °C 残余氢residual hydrogen 去氢dehydrogenation

去氢热处理heat treatment for dehydrogenation 脱硫desulphurization 脱磷dephosphorization 渗合金alloying 微量合金化microalloying 一次结晶组织primary solidification structure 二次结晶组织secondary solidification structure 联生结晶epitaxial solidification 焊缝结晶形态solidification mode in weld-bead 结晶层状线ripple 多边化边界polygonization boundary 结晶平均线速度mean solidification rate 针状铁素体acicular ferrite 条状铁素体lath ferrite 侧板条铁素体ferrite side-plate 晶界欣素体grain boundary ferrite; polygonal ferrite; pro-entectoid ferrite 粒状贝氏体granular bainite 板条马氏体lath martensite 过热组织overheated structure 魏氏组织Widmannst?tten structure M-A 组元martensite-austenite constituent 焊件失效分析failure analysis of weldments
