

1 举例法(examples)



Sports and games do a lot of good to our health. They can make usstrong, prevent us from getting too fat, and keep us healthy. Especiallythey can be of great value to people who work with their brains most ofthe day, for sports and games give people valuable practice in exercisingthe body.

例子中的第一句是主题句,即sports and games do a lot of good toour health.在此主题句中的主导思想是a lot of good.以下事例都是来进一步阐述主题中的主导思想的,即用具体事实来支持主题句中的观点。

2 定义法(definition)


2.1 运用同义词或词组来解释某一术语或新词。例如:

To mend means to repair.

2.2 用含有定语从句的句子为术语下定义。以定语从句下定义是最普遍的手段。这种手段一般包括三个组成部分:A 术语(term);B 术语所属的类别(class);C 该术语与同类别其它事物的区别(difference).这种句子定义法的句型如下:

Term(术语)=its general class(基本属类)+ how it is different 例如:

A generator is an apparatus which produces electricity.

2.3 扩展式定义:有时一个术语或概念比较复杂或比较重要,用同义词定义或用句子定义还不能够明确解释清楚,或容易与其它同类词混淆时,则有必要使用扩展式定义。扩展式定义的特点是先写被定义的术语,然后再用具体实例证明,并使之与易混的概念区别开来。例如:

Poetry is a branch of literature which explores ideas, emotions, andexperiences in a distinctive form and style. Poetry, sometimes

call ed“verse”, depends greatly on the natural rhythms and sounds of languagefor its special effects. Poetry, even more than prose (all other writings),depends on precise and suggestive wording. In other words, a poem saysmuch in little space. Poetry differs from prose in obvious way, also. Mostoften the first word of every line begins with a capital letter, even in themiddle of sentence. Poems sometimes contain rhyme, and often they havea particular rhythm, like music.

3 因果法(development by cause and effect)


We all know that cigarette smoking is a dangerous habit because itcauses health problems.Doctors say it can be a direct cause of cancer ofthe lungs and throats and can also contribute to cancer to other organs.Besides, it can bring about other health problems such as heart lungdiseases…It is clearly identified as one of the chief causes of death inour society.


3.1 动词:引述原因的有:to result from; to be the result of; to be dueto; to be a consequence of…引述结果的有:to lead to; to

contribute to; to result in; to be thecause of, cause…

3.2 常用有介词和介词短语有:because of, owing to, on account of.

3.3 常用来表示原因的连词有:because, as, since. For, in that, nowthat, seeing that, considering that,

3.4 常用来表示结果的语言素材有:so that, so…that,

such…that,therefore, as a result, consequently, according ly, thus 等。

4 程序法


Do you know how paper is made? First, the logs are put in theshredder. Then they are cut into small chips and mixed with water andacid. Next they are heated and crushed to a heavy pulp to be cleaned. Itis also chemically bleached to whiten it. After this, it is passed throughrollers to flatten it. Then, sheets of wet paper are produced. Finally, thewater is removed from the sheets which are pressed dried and refineduntil the finished paper is produced.


5 时间顺序法( time order)

时间顺序常用来叙述一个故事,回顾历史事件以及讲解一个过程等。按时间顺序安排组织的段落或文章应该先发生的先说,后发生的后说。所以组织用这种方法的扩展段落时,应注意选用时序信号词,如first, second, third, at first, then finally 等。例,

There are three steps involved in making a woodcut(木刻,木刻画).The first step is to cut a pattern on a flat block of wood. Second, spreadprinter’s ink over the surface of the wood block. Third, press the inkedblock against a sheet of paper. When the ink has bride on the paper, yourwoodcut is finished.

6 空间顺序法(development by space)

按空间关系扩展的段落,它一定依照素材中所提到的位置以及相互关系加以说明。表示空间位置是指事物或人在空间所处的位置排列。如:从上到下,从左到右,由近及远,从外到里等。总之,在描写时,应选择一个合适的起点开始,然后按照一定的顺序描写。使读者能够跟着作者的思路去顺利地理解。表示空间关系(spacial relation) 常用的一些方位词或表方位的词组有:above, across from, also, around, up, under, below, beyond, down, here, inthe distance, nearby, next to, close to, on the left, on the right, oppositeto, on top of, beneath, over, vertical horizontal, parallel to 等,这类表示上下左右,前后四方的词或词组常用来在表示空间段落的扩展中充当连接纽带。这类文章


My house consists of two floors: the ground floor and the first floor.On the ground floor there’s the dinning-room, sitting-room, the kitchenand the hall. In the hall we keep a stand for hats, coats and umbrellas. Astaircase leads from the hall to the landing on the first floor. On this floorthere are four bedrooms, a bathroom and lavatory. On top of the roof thereare three chimneys. In front of the house we have a small garden, inwhich we grow flowers. At the back of the house there’s a much largergarden with a lawn and some fruit trees. At the side of the house is agarage, where I keep my car. The garden is enclosed by a fence, with agate in it.


【最新文档】扩展英语段落写作的方法介绍word版本 (4页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 扩展英语段落写作的方法介绍 1 举例法(examples) 举例就是用具体生动的事例来阐述作者的观点和见解的一种最简捷、最有 效的方法。也就是说,它用具体的事例来阐述主题句中的主导思想。用具体的 事例来扩展主题句是最常用的写作方法之一。它不仅使文章通俗易懂,而且还 给读者留下深刻印象,使文章更具有说服力。在选择例证时要选择最能支持你 的观点,最有说服力的句子。例子的多少主要由文章的长短而定。 [例] Sports and games do a lot of good to our health. They can make usstrong, prevent us from getting too fat, and keep us healthy. Especiallythey can be of great value to people who work with their brains most ofthe day, for sports and games give people valuable practice in exercisingthe body. 例子中的第一句是主题句,即sports and games do a lot of good toour health.在此主题句中的主导思想是a lot of good.以下事例都是来进 一步阐述主题中的主导思想的,即用具体事实来支持主题句中的观点。 2 定义法(definition) 这了避免混乱和误解,写作时应对读者不熟悉或有多种解释的单词、术语、概念下定义;所以定义法是文章写作中常见的一种方法。定义法主要以下几种方法: 2.1 运用同义词或词组来解释某一术语或新词。例如: To mend means to repair. 2.2 用含有定语从句的句子为术语下定义。以定语从句下定义是最普遍的 手段。这种手段一般包括三个组成部分:A 术语(term);B 术语所属的类别(class);C 该术语与同类别其它事物的区别(difference).这种句子定义法的句型如下: Term(术语)=its general class(基本属类)+ how it is different 例如:


英语段落写作方法技巧指导 英语段落写作是英语写作的重要组成部分,掌握一些方法和技 巧能够帮助我们写出通顺、连贯的段落。本文将介绍一些英语段 落写作的方法和技巧,希望对大家写作有所帮助。 一、明确主题句 英语段落的开头通常应该包含一个明确的主题句,主题句是段 落的核心观点或主旨。它应该简洁明了,突出段落的主题,概括 该段落要表达的思想。主题句的位置通常是段落的第一句或第二句。 二、用合适的过渡词连接段落 为了使文章的段落之间逻辑流畅,需要使用合适的过渡词来连 接上下文。常用的过渡词有:however, therefore, furthermore, in addition等。过渡词可以帮助读者理解段落之间的逻辑关系,使文 章的连贯性更强。 三、遵循PEEL原则 PEEL原则是指在段落写作中,每个句子都应该遵循以下结构:P(主题句)- E(论据/证据)- E(论据/证据)- L(引导句/结论句)。

主题句概括了段落的主旨,论据/证据支持主题句,引导句/结论句总结段落内容。 四、使用恰当的标点符号 正确使用标点符号可以使文章更加清晰和易读。常见的标点符号包括句号、逗号、问号、感叹号等。正确的标点使用能够帮助读者在阅读过程中把握句子的节奏和表达方式。 五、注意段落长度 段落的长度最好控制在3-5句话之间。段落过长容易使文章显得累赘,段落过短又显得零碎。合理的段落长度有助于保持文章的连贯性和结构的有序性。 六、注重段落结构 在写作段落时,可以根据需要使用不同的结构。例如,常用的结构有时间顺序、因果关系、问题解决等。通过合理运用不同的结构可以使段落表达更加丰富,增强文章的逻辑性和说服力。 七、使用举例和引用


英语段落写作方法与技巧 英语段落写作方法与技巧 一、构成段落的三大组成部分 段落是篇章构成的基本单位之一,段落结构组织得是否合理在很大程度上会影响篇章的整体结构及效果。典型的英语段落包括一个主题句(topicsentence),若干扩展句(supporting sentences),必要时还有一个结论句(concludingsentence)。主题句表达的是段落的中心思想,是段落展开的核心,是为整篇文章的中心服务的;而扩展句则具体地描述、说明、阐述或论证主题句体现的中心思想。结论句往往是用来强调、重申主题或归纳、总结段落大意。 (一)主题句 主题句对于段落的重要性是毋庸质疑的,因此,主题句的优劣将直接关系到该段落的写作质量。好的主题句不仅能够起到限定段落基调的作用,而且起到限定主题范围的作用。主题句明确地限定了段落内容,这样,习作者在搜集、筛选与主题相关的事实、例证、节时才能够较容易地把握住方向。而且,主题突出的主题句也能使读者一日了然,有利于读者预测下文内容。倘若段落的主题句过于笼统或模糊,就无法成为整个段落发展的指南针,就难以合理组织相关材料来进一步摇述、说孵或阐述主题,甚至使整个段落乃至整篇文章结构松散、逻辑不清。 (二)扩展句 尽管主题句十分重要,但它不能没有扩展句的支持。扩展句就是对主题句所陈述的思想观点加以展开分类,提出各种细节或例证以阐述或证明主题的各个方面。扩展句就像是段落的血肉,“有血有肉”的段落才能感染读者、说服读者,才能达到写作的根本目的。在主题句确定后,习作者就要开始选择和主题有关的信息和素材。实质上,针对主题测试每~个所选择素材就是一个分类过程。有一种常用方法就是句子展开前加以设问,然后解答,即设问一解答(why-because)方法。


段落发展的几种手段 1.列举法(listing) 作者运用列举法,是通过列举一系列的论据对topic sentence中摆出的论点进行广泛、全面地陈述或解释,列举的顺序可以按照所列各点内容的相对重要性、时间、空间等进行。 Yesterday was one of those awful days for me when everything I did went wrong. First, I didn't hear my alarm clock and arrived late for work. Then, I didn't read my diary properly and forgot to get to an important meeting with my boss. During the coffee break, I dropped my coffee cup and spoilt my new skirt. At lunch time, I left my purse on a bus and lost all the money that was in it. After lunch, my boss was angry because I hadn't gone to the meeting. Then I didn't notice a sign on a door that said "Wet Paint" and so I spoilt my jacket too. When I got home I couldn't get into my flat because I had left my key in my office. So I broke a window to get in and cut my hand. 根据本段主题句中的关键词组everything I did went wrong,作者列举了8点内容,分别由first, then, during the coffee break, after lunch time等连接词语引出,使得该文条理清楚、脉络分明、内容连贯。 常用于列举法的过渡连接词有:for one thing , for another, finally, besides, moreover, one another , still another, first, second, also等。 2. 举例法(exemplification) 作者通过举出具体事例来阐述、说明主题句的内容,严格地讲,举例法也是列举法的一种,它们的区别在于:列举法侧重罗列事实,所列事实力求全面;而举例法侧重通过举出典型事例来解释作者观点,且事例可多可少。 我们来看下面这个用举例法展开的段落。 There are many different forms of exercises to suit different tastes. For example, those who enjoy competitive sports may take up ball games. For another example, if they prefer to exercise alone, they can have a run or take a walk in the morning or in the evening. Besides, people can go swimming in the summer and go skating in the winter. In short, no matter what their interests are, people can always find more than one sports that are suitable to them. 本段采用了三个事例来说明主题句中的关键词组different forms of exercises,这三个例子分别由连接词for example, for another example 和besides引出,最后由引导的结尾句总结全段内容。 举例法中常用的连接词有:for example (instance), one example is, besides, furthermore, moreover, in addition等。 3. 叙述法(narration) 叙述法发展段落主要是按照事物本身的时间或空间的排列顺序,通过对一些特有过渡连接词的使用,有层次分步骤地表达主题句的一种写作手段。用这种方法展开段落,作者能够清楚连贯地交待事物的本末,从而可以使读者可以清晰、完整地理解文章的含义,例如: In the flat opposite, a woman heard the noise outside. When she looked out through the


扩展英语段落写作的方法介绍 1 举例法(examples) 举例就是用具体生动的事例来阐述作者的观点和见解的一种最简捷、最有效的方法。也就是说,它用具体的事例来阐述主题句中的主导思想。用具体的事例来扩展主题句是最常用的写作方法之一。它不仅使文章通俗易懂,而且还给读者留下深刻印象,使文章更具有说服力。在选择例证时要选择最能支持你的观点,最有说服力的句子。例子的多少主要由文章的长短而定。 [例] Sports and games do a lot of good to our health. They can make usstrong, prevent us from getting too fat, and keep us healthy. Especiallythey can be of great value to people who work with their brains most ofthe day, for sports and games give people valuable practice in exercisingthe body. 例子中的第一句是主题句,即sports and games do a lot of good toour health.在此主题句中的主导思想是a lot of good.以下事例都是来进一步阐述主题中的主导思想的,即用具体事实来支持主题句中的观点。 2 定义法(definition) 这了避免混乱和误解,写作时应对读者不熟悉或有多种解释的单词、术语、概念下定义;所以定义法是文章写作中常见的一种方法。定义法主要以下几种方法: 2.1 运用同义词或词组来解释某一术语或新词。例如: To mend means to repair. 2.2 用含有定语从句的句子为术语下定义。以定语从句下定义是最普遍的手段。这种手段一般包括三个组成部分:A 术语(term);B 术语所属的类别(class);C 该术语与同类别其它事物的区别(difference).这种句子定义法的句型如下: Term(术语)=its general class(基本属类)+ how it is different 例如: A generator is an apparatus which produces electricity.


英语段落内容写作方法 英语作文是学习英语的一项重要任务,掌握有效的写作方法可以帮助我们提高写作水平。本文将介绍几种常用的英语段落内容写作方法,帮助读者更好地组织和表达思想。 一、结构清晰 一个好的段落应该具有结构清晰的特点。可采用以下结构:主题句-支持细节-总结句。主题句概括了整个段落的主要思想,支持细节用来证明或解释主题句,而总结句则对整个段落进行总结。 例如,我们来看一个关于环保的段落: 主题句:Protecting the environment is crucial for our future. 支持细节:Firstly, pollution is causing great harm to our planet. Secondly, deforestation is leading to the loss of biodiversity. Thirdly, excessive use of fossil fuels is contributing to global warming. 总结句:In conclusion, taking action to protect the environment is not only necessary but also our responsibility.

在写作过程中,我们可以根据需要增加或减少支持细节,使段落的内容更具说服力和连贯性。 二、使用连接词 使用连接词可以使段落更具逻辑性和连贯性。连接词可以在句子之间或段落之间起到过渡的作用,使得整个文章更加流畅。 以下是一些常用的连接词和短语: - 表示添加:in addition, furthermore, moreover - 表示对比:on the other hand, however, nevertheless - 表示因果关系:therefore, thus, consequently - 表示总结:in conclusion, to sum up, in summary 例句: Moreover, excessive use of plastic bags is also damaging to marine life. Therefore, it is important for us to reduce our consumption of single-use plastic products. 三、适当使用衔接词


第三天:段落展开九法 确定了段落中心思想, 完成了段落的主题句,设计好段落的扩展句之后,需要考虑的是怎样合理、有效地安排句子,组成条理清晰、结构严谨的段落。展开段落的方法有很多,常用的有:时间顺序法、空间顺序法、列举法、举例法、对比法、定义法、因果法、分类法、综合法等。在今天和明天的课程中我们就来详细地学习。 一、时间法 在叙述一个故事或者一系列事件时,通常按事件发生的先后顺序排列句子。在说明文中叙述一件事应该遵循的程序或步骤时,也常用时间顺序法。看下面的例子: A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。After lunch, while the other girls were sunbathing, Pat and I returned to the water. Soon cramps spread from my stomach to my legs. Immobilized by pain and fear, I yelled for help. My friend thought I was joking: so she ignored me. However, Sister Theresa came to my rescue when she noticed my plight. She pulled me out of the water and administered resuscitation. When regaining consciousness, I realized how close I had come to death. My experience with near death reminds me every day how close we all are to death in our daily lives. 在这个段落里,作者用了after lunch; while...; soon; when...等时间连接语按时间的先后顺序记叙了一件发生在午饭后的事。 There are four separate stages in making bread. The first stage begins by mixing yeast with warm water. This mixture is then added to half the amount of flour. The resultant batter mixture is then left for an hour. At the next stage the rest of the flour is added to the risen batter mixture, along with salt and oil. The main step in the second stage is a thorough kneading of the dough, after which it is left to rise. The third stage involves shaping the dough into loaves; the shaped loaves are then put into bread tins and left to …prove? (rise). In the final stage the bread is cooked in a hot oven. The whole process of bread making finishes when the bread is taken from the oven and left to cool on wire racks. 这个段落采用时间顺序法描述了做面包的的过程。作者用了The first stage begins by..., At the next stage..., The third stage involves... 和In the final stage... 等连贯性词语详细地按照先后顺序介绍了四个步骤。


英文写作中的段落过渡与衔接技巧英文写作中,段落的过渡与衔接至关重要。好的过渡与衔接可以使 文章的结构更为清晰、逻辑更为连贯。本文将介绍几种常用的段落过 渡与衔接技巧。 一、引入上下文 在更换段落的时候,可以通过引入上下文的方式来进行衔接。例如,上一段落讨论了环境污染的影响,下一段落要探讨如何减少环境污染,可以这样引入下一段:“In order to mitigate the negative impacts of environmental pollution, various measures can be taken.”这样,读者能够 立即明白下一段落将讲述的主题。 二、提供转折 段落之间的转折是常用的衔接方式。通过提供转折可以使文章表达 更加全面,也能够展示作者的批判思维能力。例如,如果上一段落讨 论了科技的积极影响,下一段落要讨论科技的负面影响,可以这样过渡:“On the other hand, it is important to acknowledge that technology also brings about certain negative consequences.” 三、使用过渡词语 过渡词语在英语写作中扮演着至关重要的角色。通过使用过渡词语,可以使句子与句子、段落与段落之间更加紧密地联系在一起。常见的 过渡词语包括but, however, furthermore, moreover, nevertheless等。例如,

当作者要在两个段落之间进行衔接时,可以使用这样的过渡词语:“In addition, it is worth noting that…” 四、运用并列、对比和因果关系 并列、对比和因果关系是段落过渡与衔接中常用的手段。通过运用这些关系,可以使文章的逻辑更加清晰。例如,在叙述某个观点或事实时,可以使用并列来衔接:“Not only does this contribute to the overall development, but it also creates new opportunities for economic growth.”又如,当两个观点或事实相反时,可以使用对比来衔接:“In contrast, some argue that…”此外,如果一个事实是另一个事实的结果,可以使用因果关系来衔接:“As a result, the number of pa rticipants in the event increased significantly.” 五、回顾上文、展望下文 回顾上文和展望下文是段落过渡与衔接中常见的技巧。回顾上文可以巩固论点,并进行承上启下的作用。展望下文则可以引出下一个段落的主题,使文章读起来更为流畅。例如,上一段落讨论了气候变化的挑战,下一段落要讨论应对气候变化的措施,可以这样进行回顾和展望:“Having identified the challenges posed by climate change, it is crucial to now explore potential solutions to mitigate its impact.” 六、重要观点的总结 在文章的结尾,通过总结重要观点来进行段落过渡与衔接也是一种常见的方法。通过总结观点,可以给读者一个知识点的回顾,同时也能使文章的逻辑更加紧凑。例如,当文章讨论了某个问题的不同方面


英语段落写作技巧学习 英语段落写作技巧精选 主题句与推展句 1. 主题句 主题句(topic sentence)是表达段落主题的句子。它用以概括段落大意,要求全段其他文字都围绕它展开。请看下例: My mother has passed along to me certain rules for getting along with others. Don't argue with parents; they will think you don't love them. Don't argue with children; they will think themselves victimized. Don't argue with spouses; they will think you are a tiresome mate. Don't argue with strangers; they will think you are not friendly. My mother's rules, in fact, can be summed up in two words: Don't argue. 主题句中提出的 "certain rules" 指的是什么?展开句中通过四个 "Don't argue --" 逐一加以交代。从结构来看,这是一个比较典型的段落,它包括了主题句,推展句和结论句(即本段中的末句)。 1.1 主题句的位置 主题句通常放在段落的开端,其特点是开门见山地摆出问题,然后加以详细说明。其作用是使文章的结构更清晰,更具说服力,便于读者迅速地把握主题和想象全段的内容。主题句可以放在段中起到承上启下的作用,或放在段尾起概括全段的作用。但初学者比较难于掌握,因而在四级考试中,考生应尽量采用将主题句放在段落开头的写作手法。 例1: Our life today depends very much on energy. In towns and in villages, on farms and in factories, machines have made life easier than it used to be. The machines use energy, and energy is needed for heating, lighting, communications, carrying goods -- everything. Factories and industrial plants use a great deal of energy to make the things that we use and buy and sell.


英语段落写作方法精选 英语写作被广泛地运用于生活的各个领域,良好的英语写作能力是进行有效交流所必备的元素。下面是店铺带来的英语段落写作法,欢迎阅读! 英语段落写作法精选 一、如何写好段落的主题句 主题句是对段落中心思想的概括,具有统率全段的作用,它可以位于段落的开头、中间或结尾。但通常应位于段落的开头。写主题句时应该注意以下几点: 1确定主题的方向和范围。 一个段落只能有一个主题。例如:“the advantages of watching television”这个主题就完全可以用一段文字来叙述。但如果题目扩展为:“the ad-vantages and disadvantages of watching television”,那么就需要用两段文字分别加以论述。因为其中含有两个主题,即“advantages”和“disadvantages”。 段落主题的大小一定要适当,比如“solar energy”这个主题对一段文字来说过大,单个段落根本无法说明清楚。若将其缩小为“the solar water heater installed at building 39”就更适合段落主题了。 缩小主题范围的方法很多,其中一种就是挑选涉及范围较广的主题的某个具体方面,或用时间、地点对其加以限制。如: 主题过大→较大→具体 public transportation→the subway system→the subway line in Beijing gardening→vegetable gardening→growing carrots animals→dogs→the dog I bought yesterday 2主题必须是段落内容的浓缩,它必须具备展开,即进一步说明的可能。如果过于具体,则很难对之加以论述。如:“The Sony word processor costs 40.”就过于具体。若改成“The Sony word processor is an efficient machine.” 就比较好。


【关键字】英语 英语短文段落写作方法 段落是扩展中心思想的一组意义密切相关的句子, 它是介于句子和篇章之间的 一个写作单位, 是连句成篇的一个必经阶段。 一、段落的结构 一个段落一般由三部分组成: 主题句(Topic Sentence), 扩展句(Development Sentence)和结论句(Concluding Sentence)。 例如: (主题句)Reasons for the growing popularity of fast-food chains appear obvious enough. (扩展句)For one thing, the food is generally cheap. A hamburger at McDonald's, for example, costs about one-half as much as a similar meal at a regular 'sit down' restaurant. (扩展句)Another advantage of the chains is their convenience. For busy working couples who don't want to spend the time or effort cooking, fast-food restaurants offer an attractive alternative. (结论句)And, judging by the fact that customers return in increasing numbers, many Americans like the taste of the food. 从上面的例子来看,快餐连锁店日益普遍的原因非常明显,这是段落的主题句。原因主要反映在快餐的廉价、方便两个方面,这是段落的两个扩展句。结论句起到与主题句相呼应,小结全段文字的作用。 (1) 主题句。主题句是英文段落的典型特点, 顾名思义, 主题句就是提出段落主题的句子。它是一个段落的中心,要求全段其他所有的文字都围绕它展开。它指出了这段内容的主导思想。主题句既可以用在段落的开始或中间, 也可以用在段落的末尾, 但是对于考试来说, 我们应该尽量把主题句放置于一个段落的开始, 这既有助于组织材料, 也可以使文章结构清楚。主题句是一篇文章的灵魂, 文章的所有材料和论述都是围绕主题句展开的, 因此, 写好段落的主题句是写好作 文的关键, 一个好的主题句首先应该紧扣文章的中心思想, 把该段落的内容限 定在文章的中心内容之内。例如: Physical Exercise More and more people today are realizing the importance of regular physical exercises. In the past, most people were involved in manual labor out in the fresh air of the fields. Nowadays a lot of people work in offices, spending most of their time indoors. In the evenings they usually sit watching TV or reading newspapers. Their daily lives don't provide them


英语作文段落写作的有效方法 《英语课程标准》写作八级要求规定,学生掌握的词汇量应达到3300个左右,分值由25分提高到30分,字数由100个单词左右增加到120—150个单词,增加了写作题的开放性,从而更能考查考生的语言输出能力、语言应用能力和实际英语水平,同时体现了重视学生的个性发展和学生思维的多样性与开放性的理念。作文的评分标准也强调了对谋篇布局,遣词造句,情感表达和语言审美的要求以下介绍几种段落写作的技巧 1.比较与对照的基本定义 比较(comparison)主要是指出两个或两个以上不同种类的共同点或相似点(similarities),如人物、事物、地点、思想、观点等。对照(contrast)主要是指它们的不同点(difference)。在大学英语中,比较和对照法往往同时使用。写作时,首先应考虑要比较和对照的两个或两个以上的事物,然后列一个表,发现这些事物的最主要特征,相同的或类似的特征可以比较,不同的特征可以组成对照。例如:例 1.Punctuality is the main constituent of good character.Aperson,who is always in time for his appointment,shows real considerationfor others.On the other hand,a person who is always lateshows his selfishness and thoughtlessness and he is not worthy tobe friend with.(本段对守时(in time)与不能守时(late)的两种不同的人进行了对照,用表示对照的连接词“On the otherhand”进行了很好的连接。)。 例 2.Paintings and photographs have something in common.But there are also some differences between them.(这段很好地展示出本文将用比较与对照的方法进行写作。) Paintings and photographs are visual art forms.They both cancapture a specific moment for all time.A painting reflects the skilland talent of a painter,likewise the quality of a photograph canrepresent the skill and talent of a photographer.(本段对


英语段落的睁开与技巧——段落的构成段落的构成 依据题目的要求,短文写作主要包含三个段落。 第一段:往常要求考生论述关于一个看法的理解,或许对一个看法进行辩驳,或许对图画的主要信息进行描绘。这个段落不用太长, 三到四个句子就能够了。 第二段:往常要求考生对图画的意义进行解说,或许要求对一个现象进行原由解说,或许举例说明看法合理性。这个段落需要在内容 上合适延长,需要五到七个句子达成。 第三段:往常要求考生提出一些建议举措,或许对看法进行归纳,或许对现象进行前程展望。该段落大概需要四到五个句子达成。 好的段落一定是意思完好,语义连结,完好表现文章要旨中心,同时又是有条有理,构造谨慎,逻辑关系应用合理的。以下主要议论 各样段落的基本创作思路和变化。一个段落由三部分构成:主题句、扩展句和结尾句。主题句用来点出段落的主题 ( 讨论什么 ); 扩展句用来说明和支持主题 ; 结尾句用来得出结论。 1.主题句 1)主题句的地点 主题句一般位于段首,也可置于段尾或段中,考生最好放在段首。 (1)位于段首。在英文中,大多数段落的第一句即是主题句。直截了当地提出问题,后边的扩展句环绕主题句加以说明、支持、增补 和解说。 比如: An important part of police strategy, rapid police response is seen by police officers and the public alike as offering tremendous benefits.The more obvious ones are the abilities of police to apply first aid life saving techniques quickly, and the greater likelihood of arresting people who may have participated in a crime. It a ids in identifying those who witnessed an emergency or crime as well as in collecting evidence. The overall reputation of a police department too is enhanced if rapid response is consistent and this in itself promotes the prevention of crime. Needless to say rapid response offers the public some degree of satisfaction in its police force. (2)位于段尾。主题句位于段尾便于总结全段的内容,给读者以深刻的印象,是写作中的一种演绎方法。 比如: At present rates of demand, the world has enough oil to last for more than 40 years, enough gas for more than 60 years and enough coal for more than 230 years. Naturally,demand will increase; but so will reserves as companies explore more widely and costs fall. Since 1970 viable reserves of oil have almost doubled while those of gas have leapt three-fold. One distant day a crunch will come, but as it approaches fossil-fuel prices will rise, making alternative forms of energy, perhaps including nuclear power, competitive.That is no reason to spend on nuclear now.


论英语段落发展的阐明方式 英语段落发展是英语写作的基本要求之一,也是写作中最重要的技巧之一。一个好的段落可以使文章更加清晰明了,有条理,更加易于理解。因此,如何阐明英语段落的发展方式是非常重要的。 一、段落的定义 段落是指在一篇文章中,由一组有关联的句子组成的独立部分。通常情况下,每个段落都有一个主题句,用于概括段落的主要内容。段落的长度可以根据需要来调整,但是通常建议每个段落的长度在3到5个句子之间。 二、段落的发展方式 段落的发展方式是指段落中的句子是如何组织,如何表达段落的主题的。通常情况下,有以下几种方式: 1. 时间顺序 时间顺序是指按照时间的先后顺序来组织段落内容。这种方式通常用于描述某个事件的发展过程,或者是描述某个人物的成长历程等。例如: I woke up at 6am, took a shower, had breakfast, and then went to work. 2. 空间顺序 空间顺序是指按照空间位置的先后顺序来组织段落内容。这种方式通常用于描述某个地方的特点、景色等。例如: The park is located in the center of the city. To the north

of the park is the river, and to the south of the park is the shopping mall. 3. 逻辑顺序 逻辑顺序是指按照逻辑关系的先后顺序来组织段落内容。这种方式通常用于说明某个观点、论点等。例如: Firstly, we need to understand the problem. Secondly, we need to analyze the causes of the problem. Finally, we need to find a solution to the problem. 4. 比较对比 比较对比是指将两个或多个事物进行比较和对比,以便更好地说明它们之间的差异和共同点。例如: The advantages of living in the city are that there are more job opportunities, more entertainment options, and better transportation. However, the disadvantages are that the cost of living is higher, the air quality is worse, and there is more noise. 5. 问题解决 问题解决是指阐述一个问题,并提出解决这个问题的方法。例如: The problem of plastic pollution is becoming more and more serious. To solve this problem, we need to reduce the use of plastic bags, recycle plastic products, and develop new biodegradable materials.

英语段落的展开与技巧 ——段落的组成

英语段落的展开与技巧——段落的组成 段落的组成 根据题目的要求,短文写作主要包括三个段落。 第一段:通常要求考生阐述对于一个观点的理解,或者对一个观点进行反驳,或者对图画的主要信息进行描述。这个段落不必太长,三到四个句子就可以了。 第二段:通常要求考生对图画的意义进行解释,或者要求对一个现象进行原因解释,或者举例说明观点合理性。这个段落需要在内容上适当延伸,需要五到七个句子完成。 第三段:通常要求考生提出一些建议措施,或者对观点进行归纳,或者对现象进行前途预测。该段落大约需要四到五个句子完成。 好的段落必须是意思完整,语义连贯,完全体现文章主旨中心,同时又是层次分明,结构严谨,逻辑关系应用合理的。以下主要讨论各种段落的基本创作思路和变化。一个段落由三部分组成:主题句、扩展句和结尾句。主题句用来点出段落的主题(谈论什么);扩展句用来说明和支持主题;结尾句用来得出结论。 1.主题句 1)主题句的位置 主题句一般位于段首,也可置于段尾或段中,考生最好放在段首。 (1) 位于段首。在英文中,大部分段落的第一句便是主题句。开门见山地提出问题,后面的扩展句围绕主题句加以说明、支持、补充和解释。 例如: An important part of police strategy, rapid police response is seen by police officers and the public alike as offering tremendous benefits.The more obvious ones are the abilities of police to apply first aid life saving techniques quickly, and the greater likelihood of arresting people who may have participated in a crime. It a ids in identifying those who witnessed an emergency or crime as well as in collecting evidence. The overall reputation of a police department too is enhanced if rapid response is consistent and this in itself promotes the prevention of crime. Needless to say rapid response offers the public some degree of satisfaction in its police force. (2) 位于段尾。主题句位于段尾便于总结全段的内容,给读者以深刻的印象,是写作中的一种演绎方法。 例如: At present rates of demand, the world has enough oil to last for more than 40 years, enough gas for more than 60 years and enough coal for more than 230 years. Naturally, demand will increase; but so will reserves as companies explore more widely and costs fall. Since 1970 viable reserves of oil have almost doubled while those of gas have leapt three-fold. One distant day a crunch will come, but as it approaches fossil-fuel prices will rise, making alternative forms of energy, perhaps including nuclear power, competitive.That is no reason to spend on nuclear now.
