

a hermit nation 一个闭关自守的国家

allocation of resources 资源配置

anarchy 无政府状态dairy products 乳制品

anti-dumping 反倾销debt restructuring 债务调整

anti-trust 反垄断debt service 利息付款

antitrust legislation 反托拉斯法deflation 通货紧缩

assembly manufacturing 来件组装deinflationary policies 反通胀政策

at a rough estimate 据粗略估计direct investment 直接投资

auction 拍卖discount rate 贴现率

austerity program 紧缩计划disposable income 可支配收入bamboo curtain 竹幕dollar-denominated 美元标价的

Bank for International Settlements domestic demand 国内需求

国际清算银行dumping 倾销

barrier-free market 无壁垒市场economic heavyweight

barter 易货贸易举足轻重的经济强国

bilateral pacts 双边条约economic recession 经济衰退

bonded warehouse 保税仓库entrepreneurship 企业家精神

brain trust 智囊团equity capital 产权资本

budget deficit 预算赤字equivalent value 对等价值bureaucratism 官僚主义European Common Market

Business Consultant 商务顾问欧洲共同市场

business cycle 商业周期European Community 欧洲共同体buzzword 时髦词语European integration 欧洲一体化capital goods 资本货物exchange rate 外汇率

capital market 资本市场exclusive contract 独家经销合同carbon tax 碳税export quota system 出口配额制

cash crops 经济作物Ex-warehouse 仓库交货

central bank 中央银行fast food shops 快餐店

certificate of origin 产地说明书financial crisis 金融危机

certificate of quality 质量证书financial deregulation 撤销金融管制规定chamber of commerce 商会fiscal packages 财政一揽子计划(方案) Chinese Export Commodities Fair fledgling industries 新兴工业

中国出口商品交易会foreign borrowing 对外借贷

civil service 行政部门foreign exchange income 外汇收入clearing agreement 清算协议foreign-exchange reserves 外汇储备client state 附属国franchise 特许经营权

closing level 收盘价franchisee 特许经营人

closing price 收盘价free trade 自由贸易

coastal cities 沿海城市free-trade zone 自由贸易区

Comecon 经济互助委员会futures 期货

commodity market 商品市场generalized system of preferences compensation trade 补偿贸易普遍优惠制

compensation trade agreement

glut of supplies 供应过剩


competitive advantages 竞争优势good resistance 强阻力concessionary finance 优惠性融资government procurement 政府采购conglomerate 跨行业公司grace period 宽限期

consortium 国际财团Gross Domestic Product (GDP) constant price 不变价格国内生产总值

consumer goods 消费品Gross National Product (GNP) convertible currency 可兑换货币国民生产总值

cooperative enterprise 合作(经营)企业hard currency 硬通货counterpurchase 回购headquarters 总部(企业等的) countertrade 反向贸易high rates of growth 高增长率countervailing duty 反补贴税high-tech 高技术

coupons 赠券high-wage economy 高工资经济currency exchange system 汇兑制度import quotas 进口配额

currency movement 货币流通in prospect 期望中的

current account 经常项目infrastructure 基础设施

customs duties 进口税insolvency 无偿还能力

customs formalities 报关单

intellectual property 知识产权intellectual property right 知识产权state subsidy 政府津贴international brand 国际品牌 state-run enterprises 国营企业invisible trade 无形贸易

stock market 股票市场invisible trade account 无形贸易收支strategic reserves 战略性储备 invite tender 招标

strategic stockpile 战略性库存joint venture 合资企业

super market 超级市场licenser 转让人

surplus labour 剩余劳动力liquid assets 易于变卖的资产take title 取得所有权manufactured goods 制成品

tax breaks 税额优惠market diversification 市场多样化tax-cut-induced boom market forces 市场力量

由减税引发的繁荣market orientation 市场导向technical transformation 技术革新market regulation 市场调节

technology transfer 技术转让market share 市场份额

test market 试销市场means of production 生产资料test marketing 试销merger of banks 银行兼并

the draft agreement 协议草案most-favored nation treatment/status the Gulf Countries 海湾国家最惠国待遇

the pattern of supply and demand multilateral rules 多边规则

供求模式national income 国民收入

the service sector 服务部门natural resource 自然资源

the Single Market 统一大市场news service 通讯社

the Special Drawing Right 特别提款权nominal dollar terms 名义美元价the Special Economic Zones (SEZ)nouveau riche 暴发户

经济特区packing list 装箱单

the state apparatus 国家机器per capita income 人均收入

the State Council 国务院personal income tax 个人所得税the World Bank 世界银行pluralistic operations 多元经营tough policy 强硬的政策portfolio investment 证券投资trade balance 贸易差额preferential tax rate 优惠税率trade discrimination 贸易歧视preferred status 优先权

trade fairs and exhibitions 贸易展销会price-cutting war 削价战

trade friction 贸易摩擦primary products 初级产品

trade in services 服务贸易productive forces 生产力

trade negotiation 贸易谈判profit-remittance 利润汇款

trade reprisal 贸易报复protectionism 保护(贸易)主义

trade sanctions 贸易制裁punitive import tariff 惩罚性进口关税trade surplus 贸易顺差raw material 原料

unfair trade 不公平贸易real estate 房地产

value-added taxes 增值税retailer 零售商

vertical integration 纵向结合retaliatory sanctions 报复性制裁 vicious circle 恶性循环 risk-weighted assets 高风险资产visible trade 有形贸易securities 有价证券

visible trade account 有形贸易收支securities and real estate market White Paper 白皮书证券及房地产市场

Wholesaler 批发商short supply 供应短缺

wholly foreign-owned 外商独资short-term nominal interest rate ETDZ 经济技术开发短期名义利率

(Economical & Technical Development Zone)sleeper 出人意料的成功者

OECD 经济合作与发展组织soft commodity 非耐用商品(Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development)soft drink 软饮料

OPEC 石油输出国组织sovereignty dispute 主权争端(Organization of Petroleum Exporting speculative business 投机商业GATT 关税及贸易总协定spot market 现货市场(General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs)

technical transformation 技术革新technology transfer 技术转让

test market 试销市场

test marketing 试销

the draft agreement 协议草案

the Gulf Countries 海湾国家

the pattern of supply and demand


the service sector 服务部门

the Single Market 统一大市场

the Special Drawing Right 特别提款权the Special Economic Zones (SEZ)


the state apparatus 国家机器

the State Council 国务院

the World Bank 世界银行

tough policy 强硬的政策

trade balance 贸易差额

trade discrimination 贸易歧视

trade fairs and exhibitions 贸易展销会trade friction 贸易摩擦

trade in services 服务贸易

trade negotiation 贸易谈判

trade reprisal 贸易报复

trade sanctions 贸易制裁

trade surplus 贸易顺差

unfair trade 不公平贸易

value-added taxes 增值税

vertical integration 纵向结合

vicious circle 恶性循环

visible trade 有形贸易

visible trade account 有形贸易收支White Paper 白皮书

Wholesaler 批发商

wholly foreign-owned 外商独资

ETDZ 经济技术开发

(Economical & Technical Development Zone)

OECD 经济合作与发展组织(Organization for Economic

Co-operation and Development) OPEC石油输出国组织(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)


(General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs)
