

1. Phonetic stylistic devices


?Bye, Bye, Balanced Budget (Alliteration)

?The rain is Spain stays mainly in the plain. (Assonance)

?When I lent I was a friend, when I asked I was unkind. (Consonance)

?Wit once bought is worth twice taught. (Rhyme)

?She banged the door after her. (Onomatopoeia)

2. Lexical stylistic devices


1)The old man’s hand trembled like a leaf. (simile)

2)He is as sly as a fox. (simile)

3)Be careful of that thief; he is a slippery customer. (metaphor)

4)The parks are the lungs of our city. (metaphor)

5)He drank a cup. (metonymy) (代替杯中酒)

6)He was steeped in Shakespeare. (metonymy) (代替他的作品)

7)Two heads are better than one. (synecdoche) (部分代替整体)

8)The trees and flowers around them danced heartily as if touched by merry mood. (personification)

9)I sat for a while, frozen with horror. (hyperbole)

10)I was not a little surprised at the news. (understatement)

11)The teachers say my son is slow. (euphemism)

12) He is a man who is most dependable when you are not in need. (irony)

13) The Child is father of the Man. (paradox)

14) More haste, less speed. (paradox)

15) bitter-sweet memories (oxymoron)

16) It’s with our judgments as with our watches; none go just alike, yet each believes his own. (analogy)

17) No rose without a thorn. (allegory)

18) All that glisters is not gold. (allegory)

19) Uncle Sam (美国) (Antonomasia )

20) Romeo (情郎) (Antonomasia)

21) England! awake! awake! awake! (Apostrophe)

22) Quality breeds success. (仿Familiarity breeds contempt.) (Parody)

23) “You want your pound of flesh, don’t you?”(来自“The Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare”) (Allusion )

24) a surprised silence (Transferred Epithet )

25) We spent an anxious night. (Transferred Epithet )

26) On Sunday they pray for you and on Monday they prey on you. (pun)

27) But a cannon-ball took off his legs,

So he laid down his arms. (Pun )

28) She went home in a flood of tears and a sedan-chair. (Syllepsis) (两个短语都能搭配)

29) He lost the game and his temper. (Syllepsis ) (两个短语都能搭配)

30) weeping eyes and hearts (Zeugma ) (只有一个是合理的搭配)

31) The woman opened the door and her heart to the homeless boy. (Zeugma ) (只有一个是合理的搭配)

3. Syntactical stylistic devices

?Like son, like father. (Reverse)来自Like father, like son.

?With Bewick on my knee, I was then happy: happy at least in my way. (Anadiplosis )

?It is better to make friends fast than to make fast friends. (Regression )

?It is a wise father that knows his own child. (Epigram )

?We have but one aim and one single, irrevocable purpose. (Repetition)

?Give me the splendid silent sun with all his beams dazzling,

?Give me juicy autumnal fruit ripe and red from the orchard.

?Give me a field where the unmowed grass grows,

?Give me an arbour, give me the trellised grape… (Anaphora)

?“It’s their weal th and security that makes everything possible; makes you art possible, makes

literature, science, even religion possible.” (Epiphora)

?Their sun-burned faces were dark, and their sun-whipped eyes were light. (Parallelism)

?Speech is silver; silence is golden. (Antithesis )

?Can a man be too cruel to his mother’s enemy? (Rhetorical Question )

?I am sorry, I am so very sorry. I am so extremely sorry. (climax)

?I lost my bag and with it, my wallet, my ID card, and my dirty socks. (Anti-climax)


英语修辞之头韵探析 Ξ 钱建萍 (浙江越秀外国语学院,浙江 绍兴312000)摘 要:头韵是英语中一种常用的修辞方式,在历史上及当代语言实践中具有一定的美学价值和积极的修辞作用。文章重点探讨和分析了头韵的起源、表现形式、修辞效果以及在各种文体中的应用。 关键词:英语修辞;头韵;探析 中图分类号:H315 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-293X (2010)02-0067-04 1.头韵的起源 头韵是英语语言学分支文体学的重要术语,作为英语语音修辞手段之一,它蕴含了语言的音乐美和整饬美,使得语言声情交融、音义一体,具有很强的表现力和感染力。 因为当时还没有脚韵和其他不同的韵律,头韵曾是古代英语重要的诗歌创作手法。创作于8世纪早期的著名的古老英国史诗Beowulf (贝奥武夫)就是头韵这一诗歌创作手法的代表作。诗歌采用了大量的头韵形式,歌颂了屠龙英雄贝奥武夫,在一场惊天地、泣鬼神的生死搏斗中,与魔王同归于尽,全诗以英雄的葬礼结束:“Thus made their m ourning the men of G eatland ,F or their hero ’s passing ,his hearth -com panions Quoth that of all the kings of earth ,O f men he was the mildest and m ost beloved ,T o his kin the kindest ,keenest to praise.” (In m odern translation )上面每一行古诗4个重音音节中有3个音节用了头韵,如第一行中“made ,m ourning ,men ”的辅音“m ”;第四行中“kin ,kindest ,keenest ”中的辅音“k ”。头韵的使用使得Beowulf 能够朗朗上口,口头流传了几百年之久, 才在公元10世纪书面记录下来〔1〕。1066年诺曼底征服之后,也就是中古英语时期,随着法语等外来词汇大 量进入英语,韵脚这一外来诗歌创作手法开始占据重要地位,而头韵则渐渐成为诗歌的附属修饰成分。 2.头韵的形式 头韵在英语里叫alliteration ,又叫initial rhyme ,或head rhyme ,是从拉丁语短语ad literam (根据字母)转化而来的。 语言学界不少人误认为头韵只是开首辅音的重复。〔4〕如《韦氏新大学词典》 (第九版)就把头韵定义为:在两个或两个以上邻近的词或音节中,通常为起首辅音的重复。但是实际上,公认为最权威的12卷本The Ox ford English Dictionary 的定义是:(1)The commencing of tw o or m ore w ords in close connection with the same let 2ter ,or rather the same s ound 用相同的字母或毋宁说用相同的语音(笔者注:这里没有说只是“辅音”,也包括元音)为紧密相邻的两个或多个词语开头;(2)The commencement of certain accented syllables in a verse with the same cons onant or cons onantal group or with different v owel s ounds which constituted the structure of versification in OE and the T eutonic languages generally 。(在诗中用相同的辅音或辅音连缀,或用不同的元音为某些重读音 节开头————这在古代英语及作为整体的各种语言中构成作诗法的基础。 )根据以上定义:(1)头韵指开首单个辅音的重复,如Dumb dogs are dangerous.三个词均押开首辅音〔d 〕韵;(2)头韵还包括开首元音的重复,如P ope 的By apt alliteration ’s artful aid ,其中后四个词全押元音的头韵;(3)头韵还包括字母的重复,例如T ennys on 的The heavy -shotted hamm ock -shroud ,其中后两个词中计四处全部押字母h 的头韵,尽管两个词中的h 前有s 字母,发音也分别发〔h 〕和〔∫〕;(4)头韵也包括辅音连 第30卷第2期2010年3月 绍 兴 文 理 学 院 学 报JOURNA L OF SH AOXI NG UNI VERSITY V ol.30N o.2Mar.2010 Ξ收稿日期:2009-11-15 作者简介:钱建萍(1973-),女,浙江绍兴人,浙江越秀外国语学院,讲师,澳大利亚堪培大学英语教学硕士,主要研究方向英语教育教学。


56、Literature 文学Useful Expressions 常用表达

■中级 1.故事是从《动物农庄》中的普通动物的角度来叙述的。 1.The story is told from the point of view of the common animals of Animal Farm. 2.大部分时候,小说的语气很客观。 2.For the most part,the tone of the novel is objective. 3.《动物农庄》的故事发生在一个时间不是很明确的时期。 3.Animal Farm is set in an unspecified time period 4.小说中没有明确的主角。 4.There is no clear main character in the novel. 5.小说里有三个主要的象征:动物、畜棚和风车。 5.There are three main symbols in the novel:the animals.the barn,and the windmill. 6.我觉得这是最了不起的寓言。 6.I think it’s the greatest allegory of all time. 7.莎士比亚以他作品中的双关语闻名。 7.Shakespeare is famous for his use of puns in his writing. 8.我喜欢作者在第14章里使用的意象。 8.I liked the author’s use of imagery in chapter l4. ■高级 1.小说主要的主题之一是社会理想的破灭。 1.One of the main themes of the novel is the corruption of social ideals. 2.这本书不仅信息量大,而且有启发性和趣味性。 2.This book is not only informative,but it is thought-provoking and entertaining too.


头韵(Alliteration) 头韵在英语里称为Alliteration,它源于拉丁语alliteratio,意为repetition of the same letter(重复使用同一字母).头韵又叫initial thyme,或head thyme,是指两个单词或两个单词以上的首字母相同,形成悦耳的读音.. 1.头韵的定义 (1)在《普林斯顿诗歌百科全传》中,头韵的定义是:“一行诗文中,两个或两个以上的词具有相同音素或音节的任何重复。” (2)J.P.Dabney,DavidMason,KennethBurke三位语言学家则认为头韵仅指相司辅音的重复。 (3)PercyGAdams认为头韵限于重读音节中起始的辅音或辅音群的重复。《韦氏新大学辞典》把头韵定义为:“在两个或两个以上邻近的词或音节中,通常为首辅音的重复.” 2. 头韵的构成方式 2.1词首辅音的重复 《韦氏新大学辞典》第九版把头韵释为:“在两个或两个以上邻近的词或音节中,通常为起首辅音的重复。” Alliteration is the repetition of initial identical consonant sounds or any v owel sounds I successive or closely associated words or syllables. For examale a. Snap shot of a senorita sitting in the sand.一个小姑娘, 坐在沙滩上,乘她不防备,照了一个相。 b. Soothing, Sensuous, Flagrantly Fragrant.安心安神,赏心悦目,香气四


1.Phon etic stylistic devices Examples: Bye, Bye, Bala need Budget ( Alliteratio n ) The rain is Spain stays mainly in the pla in. ( Assonance) When I lent I was a friend, whe n I asked I was unkind. ( Consonance) Wit once bought is worth twice taught. ( Rhyme) She banged the door after her. ( Onomatopoeia ) 2.Lexical stylistic devices Examples: 1)The old man ' s hand trembled a leaf, (simile) 2)He is as sly as a fox. (simile) 3)Be careful of that thief; he is a slippery customer. (metaphor) 4)The parks are the lungs of our city. (metaphor) 5)He drank a cup. (metonymy)(代替杯中酒) 6)He was steeped in Shakespeare (met onymy) (代替他的作品) 7)Two heads are better tha n one. (syn ecdoche)(部分代替整体) 8)The trees and flowers around them danced heartily as if touched by merry mood. (pers oni ficati on) 9)I sat for a while, froze n with horror. (hyperbole) 10)I was not a little surprised at the news. (understatement) 11)The teachers say my son is slow. (euphemism) 12)He is a man who is most dependable when you are not in need. (irony) 13)The Child is father of the Man. (paradox) 14)More haste, less speed. (paradox)

Alliteration 英语修辞

Alliteration:Figure of emphasis that occurs through the repetition of initial consonant letters (or sounds) in two or more different words across successive sentences, clauses, or phrases. Two kinds may be distinguished: 1) Immediate juxtaposition occurs when the second consonant sound follows right after the first -- back-to-back. 2) Non-immediate juxtaposition occurs when the consonants occur in nonadjacent words. Immediate Juxtaposition: "I think a need a bigger box." -- Taco Bell Commercial Non-immediate Juxtaposition: "No one standing in this house today can pass a puritanical test of purity that some are demanding that our elected leaders take." -- Richard Gephardt Further Examples Rivers: Hello...Who's the honcho around here? Radio Station Honcho: I am. Who're you? "...Well, sir, I'm Jordan Rivers. And these here are the Soggy Bottom Boys out of Cottonelia, Mississippi -- songs of salvation to salve the soul. Uh, we hear that you pay good money to sing into a can." -- delivered by George Clooney (from the movie 'O Brother, Where Art Thou?) "Isn't that what being an international man of mystery is all about?" -- delivered by Mike Myers (from the movie Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery) "Was he not unmistakably a little man? A creature of the petty rake-off, pocketed with a petty joke in private and denied with the stainless platitudes in his public utterances." -- [C.S. Lewis] The Screwtape Letters "This generation of soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen have volunteered in the time of certain danger. They are part of the finest fighting force that the world has ever known. They have served tour after tour of duty in distant, different, and difficult places...They are men and women -- white, black, and brown -- of all faiths and all stations -- all Americans, serving together to protect our people, while giving others half a world away the chance to lead a better life....In today’s wars, there's not always a simple ceremony that signals our troops’ success -- no surrender papers to be signed, or capital to be claimed...." -- Barack Obama, Fort Hood Memorial Service Speech "With a determination for an execution consistent with our record, squaring our performances with our promises, we will proceed to the fulfillment of the Party's mission. God helping, it shall be accomplished." -- Will H. Hays "Have you forgotten you're facing the single finest fighting force ever assembled." -- delivered by Dan Ackroyd (from the movie Dragnet)


英诗的格律 1 音步Foot 在汉语中,诗歌的节奏以词为单位,通过平仄变化来表现音韵的和谐。英诗也如此,不过它的单位不是字(词),而是“韵节”或“音步”(foot),即一定数目的强弱音以一定方式的组合。我们要求每行的字数相同,英诗则要求韵节数相同。如果拿韵节来代替“字”,那么英诗也有与汉诗类似的一些规则。我们看Wordsworth的《孤独的收割女》(The Solitary Reaper)里的两句: O Listen! For the vale profound Is overflowing with the sound. 以韵节为单位写出来,就是 < the vale> . 每个<>为一个韵节,它由两个音组成,前一个是弱音,后一个是强音。这样的韵节是最常见的所谓“抑扬格”(ia mbic foot)。从这个分解可见,英诗是以音节为单位的,甚至把单词分开来。这在口语里常见。我们需要习惯的是,忘掉“词”的意思,只听声音。

有了抑扬格的例子,就不难理解所有其他形式了,据说古代有20多种呢。不过,现代英诗最通行的只有四种,除了抑扬格外,还有扬抑格(Trochaic foot)、抑抑扬格(A napaestic foot)、扬抑抑格(Dactylic foot): 若干韵节构成一行诗句,它的长度叫meter。最短的当然只有一个韵节(monometer),最长的有八个(octameter),而最流行的是五个,即所谓的“五音步”(pentameter),而且常常是抑扬格的,这就是iambic pentameter。 一音步(monometer) 二音步(dimeter) 三音步(trimeter) 四音步(tetrameter) 五音步(pentameter) 六音步(hexameter) 七音步(heptameter) 八音步(octameter) 借音步来说,我们的七律是四音步的,如“无边落木 萧萧下”,“春蚕到死丝方尽”等。而五律就只有三个音步,如“江流天地外”,“国破山河在” 等。同样七言,如“知谁伴名园露饮”,就不能作为七言诗的句子。可见我们终究还是以词义为单位,而通过平仄变化来表现节奏。词之间为“顿”,有人翻译英诗,就拿“顿”来对应“步”,其实不能解决根本问题,因为英诗完全是以声音为基础的。换句话说,英语随便什么句子,按节奏编排起来就是形式上

Alliteration and Rhyme

Alliteration,又叫initial rhyme,或head rhyme,是从拉丁语短语adliteram (根据字母)转化而来的,意思是repetition of the same letter,指一组词、一句话或一行诗中,在彼此靠近的两个或两个以上的词中,其开头的音节具有相同的字母或声音,主要是辅音字母。 一、 ·boom and bust 经济繁荣与萧条·safe and sound 平平安安·fair and square 堂堂正正·scrape and screw 省吃俭用·green as grass 幼稚无知·now or never 机不可失,失不再来·with might and main 竭尽全力·with ants in one’s pants 坐立不安·from top to toe 从头到脚二、 ·Birth is much ; breeding is more. 出身显贵固然好,后天教养更重要。 ·silent, and soft ,and slow, decends the snow. 悄悄,轻轻,缓缓,飘下雪花一片。 ·英小说家简·奥斯汀有两部小说的书名都是运用了押头韵手法:

Pride and Prejudice(《傲慢与偏见》) Sense and Sensibility(《理智与情感》) 三、 ·四川人有句俗语非常好,把天上飞的,地上跑的,水里游的叫做“海陆空”,翻译成英语应该叫“feather,feet or f in”,就长羽毛的、长脚的,还有长鳍的。这是押头韵手法的一个绝妙例子。 ·在上海世博会的申办报告中,原文有“上海迅速发展成为一个充满生机和希望的城市”,我们把它翻译为:“Shanghai has been developing rapidly into a city full of vigor and vitality and showing a grea t promise.”其中,“充满生机”的译文full of vigor and vitality 就是了押头韵的技巧。 ·有一次美国一个电视节目的广告词写道:Prime time is crime time! (黄金时段播放警匪片!)。 ·超级碗是美国非常隆重的赛事,不见经转的歌手在上面唱上一曲就可以一夜成名。因此报纸上就说:Super Bowl can turn zero to hero. ·


介绍一下头韵 1.引言:修辞是用来刻画人物或事物的形象,突出其某方面的特征,给人以深刻的印象的写作方法。不仅在中文里读者会时常见到这种写作方法,英文中同样常常用到修辞方法。英语常见修辞手法有明喻、暗喻、借代、拟人、委婉、夸张、矛盾修饰、移位修饰、拟声、双关、回文、头韵、对照等。 头韵(Alliteration)是英语语言学分支文体学的重要术语。头韵是英语语音修辞手段之一,它蕴含了语言的音乐美和整齐美,使得语言声情交融、音义一体,具有很强的表现力和感染力.从应用范围、结构特征以及审美价值三个方面对其进行分析讨论,将有助于我们理解和欣赏这一辞格. 头韵在英语里叫alliteration,又叫initial rhyme,或head rhyme,是从拉丁语短语ad literam (根据字母)转化而来的,指两个单词或两个单词以上的首字母相同,形成悦耳的读音,最常见的押头韵的短语有:first and foremost(首先)、(with)might and main (尽全力地)、saints and sinners (圣人与罪人)、(in)weal and (or) woe(无论是福是祸)。 2.头韵修辞格的意义与作用: (一)头韵的历史:若追本探源的话,恐怕押头韵手法可以上溯到古英语(Old English)时期。大约五世纪时,盎格鲁萨克逊( Anglo-Saxons)入侵者给英国人带来了作为现代英语(Modern English)基础的盎格鲁萨克逊语,或许就在那时还带来一种新的诗歌形式,其主要特征就是频繁使用押头韵手法。 (二)身边的头韵 (1)诗歌 押头韵的例子在诗歌里数见不鲜,比如:英国玄学派诗人约翰?邓恩(John Donne)的诗集Songs and Sonnets(《歌与十四行诗》),其题目本身就用了押头韵技巧。爱情是这本诗集中表述的基本主题,诗人甚至认为爱情的本质是灵与肉的结合( the union of soul and body),指出光有精神是不够的,也是不完美的。这个观念了不起,因为它与中世纪只重精神不重人体的观念截然相反。英国诗人威廉?布莱克(William Blake )写过一部题为Marriage of Heaven and Hell (《天堂与地狱联姻》)的作品,这部作品中论说文与诗文相嵌并进,探索了两个极端矛盾之物间的关系。苏格兰诗人罗伯特?彭斯(Robert Burns )有一首名诗,题目就叫做“O My Luve's Like a Red Red Rose”(《我的爱像一朵红红的玫瑰》),其中最后三个词三个r字母连读,音韵之美,不可名状。在西方,甚至在中国许多大城市,玫瑰已经成了爱情的象征,流行歌曲里唱要送自己的情人九百九十九朵玫瑰,街头卖花女祈祷天天都是情人节,这样她们可以天天把玫瑰卖出个天价。虽说这种态势未必全是彭斯那首“a red, red rose”的诗造成的,但这首诗在玫瑰成为爱情象征的演变过程中一定起了不少推波助澜的作用。 美国诗人埃德加?爱伦?坡(Edgar Allan Poe)在孩提时代曾爱上同学的妈妈,创作了他自己形容为“lines written, in my passionate boyhood, to the first, purely ideal love of my soul”(写作于我激情的儿童时期,献给我灵魂的第一位纯洁而又理想的爱人)的短诗《致海伦》(To Helen)。诗歌一开始就把那女子称为美人海伦,说在诗人眼里,她的美就像古时凯旋的多桅帆船(barks of yore), 缓缓地经过香海,将游子带回家乡。诗文是这样写的:“Helen, thy beauty is to me / Like those Nicean barks of yore, / That gently, o'er a perfumed sea,/The weary, way-worn wanderer bore/ To his own native shore”,这里,weary, way-worn wanderer(饱受漂泊之苦的疲惫的游子),是三个w 开头的押头韵例

压头韵 压尾韵

有些人喜欢在课桌或阅览室的桌子上写“博客”(very bad habit!)。记得很久以前有人在课桌上写了这样一首中英文混合的打油诗:“既然如此lazy, 何必天天study。娶个漂亮的lady, 生个胖胖的baby。” 诗的意思好坏就不说了,就英语单词的押韵(rhyme)而言还是能看出作者是有些才气的。实际上,押韵是英语修辞的一个重要手段。下面就来讲一些押韵的例子吧:我们知道,不是所有的火都是可以救的(尤其是一个人的时候!)。如果火情判断不明,盲目救火,往往会火没救成,反而危及个人生命。一篇讲根据火情来决定是救是逃的文章的题目是:F ight or f light? (救火还是逃命?)。在人家家里做客,不要呆的时间太长,以免给人家带来太多麻烦。有一句英语谚语就说了:The first day you are a gu est, the second day a burden, the third day a pest!". 是的, 第一天你是客人(geust),到了第三天你就成了像老鼠、臭虫一样的p est了。有一次美国一个电视节目的广告词写道:P rime t ime is c rime t ime! (黄金时段播放警匪片!)。超级碗是美国非常隆重的赛事,不见经转的歌手在上面唱上一曲就可以一夜成名。因此报纸上就说:Super Bowl can turn z ero to h ero. 再看这一段NBA的新闻:Beast of East Meets Best in West---Streaking Pacers Roll into Showdown with Lakers. (西部野兽遭遇东部最强)。还有布什的讲话就有:The terrorist group is to terror what Mafia is to crime. Their goal is not making money. Their goal is re making the world. 恐怖集团之于恐怖就像黑手党之于犯罪。但是他们的目的不是捞钱。他们的目的是改变这个世界。像b rain-d rain (人才外流)这个复合词就更戏剧性了,把brain中的b转过来就成了drain。美国人把赛车的大奖赛叫D ash for Cash,听起来有点开车去抢钱的味道。新概念第二册的课文标题Channel Tunnel (海峡隧道)也是押韵的例子。 如果押韵是压在前面,就叫头韵(alliteration)。 有人四肢发达头脑简单,你就可以说他He has more muscles than brain。要是这样说就还有压头韵的效果:He has more bra wn than bra in。一部西方人拍的关于斯大林的电影借他女儿的口说:He never forg ives and he never forg ets. (他记仇又不饶人)。武汉的第一家量贩店英文名字叫Cash and Carry。听起来倒是蛮爽快的:付了钱就可以拿东西走了(不过要付钱哦!)。美国人在纪念一些战争念日时喜欢用这样一个口号:Freed om is not free!(自由是要付出代价的!)。 还有一些变化了的压韵的例子。如:This Year, It's a Hollywood Halloween (今年的鬼节是好莱坞的鬼节)。上世纪六十年代有些美国的年轻人游行闹事,有些爱国的美国人就说:America, l o ve it or l ea ve it! (不爱美国就滚!) 这里面love与leave两个词仅仅只是中间的元音不同。 这样的例子很多,只要留心是很容易发现的。像Beauty and the Beast (美女与野兽)也是大家很熟悉的吧? 尤其是能够在写作与翻译中运用压韵的修辞就更好了。我就用过这样的句子:“To su rvive and th rive in our society…”, “for the h ealth and w ealth of people”。你也可以试试嘛!


名称定义效果或作用举例 Alliteration 头韵It is the repetition of initial consonant in sequence of words It is good for sound rhyme,musical effect and significant emphasis Death pays all debts. Assonance 元韵It is the resemblance of vowel sounds in the stressed syllables of a sequence of words. It creates a musical rhythm for a particular effect of euphony and convey various sensory impressions. Little strokes fell great oaks. Consonance 辅韵It refers to the repetition of the final and identical consonants whose preceding vowels are different. 同上 Farms Not Arms Onomatopoeia 拟声It is used to describe the phenomenon of language sounding like the thing it refers to . It helps make description. It helps make the implied exquisiteness of the diction more directly to readers in an auditory way. Mew -mew ,says the cat. Pun 双关A pun involves the use of a polysemous word to suggest two or more meanings,commonly literal meaning versus figurative meaning,or involves the use of homonyms. The whole point of a pun is the user's intent to produce a humorous or witty effect from the juxtaposition of meanings . If we don't hang together we'll hang separately. Repetition 重复It is a powerful rhetorical device which creates good rhythm and parallelism to make the language musical,emphatic, attractive and memorable. Word repetition can knit the ideas together,emphasize an idea, and generate emotional force.例如long,long ago. Anaphora 句首重复It is the repetition of the same word at beginning of successive clauses, sentences or verses. It is used to gain more emphasis to convey strong emotions. 例如No pains ,no gains . But in a large sense we can't dedicate ,we can't consecrate,we can't hallow this ground. Epiphora 句末重复It it a repetition of the same words or phrases at the end of successive lines,clauses or sentences. It it always used to stress heavily. Grasp all ,lose all. Sow nothing,reap nothing. Simploce 首末同时重复It is the repetition of two sets of words or phrases,of which one set is repeated at the beginning and the other set is repeated at the end of sentence. It is employed to achieve emphasis. We are the hollow men, We are the stuffed men.


1. Phonetic stylistic devices Examples: ?Bye, Bye, Balanced Budget (Alliteration) ?The rain is Spain stays mainly in the plain. (Assonance) ?When I lent I was a friend, when I asked I was unkind. (Consonance) ?Wit once bought is worth twice taught. (Rhyme) ?She banged the door after her. (Onomatopoeia) 2. Lexical stylistic devices Examples: 1)The old man’s hand trembled like a leaf. (simile) 2)He is as sly as a fox. (simile) 3)Be careful of that thief; he is a slippery customer. (metaphor) 4)The parks are the lungs of our city. (metaphor) 5)He drank a cup. (metonymy) (代替杯中酒) 6)He was steeped in Shakespeare. (metonymy) (代替他的作品) 7)Two heads are better than one. (synecdoche) (部分代替整体) 8)The trees and flowers around them danced heartily as if touched by merry mood. (personification) 9)I sat for a while, frozen with horror. (hyperbole) 10)I was not a little surprised at the news. (understatement) 11)The teachers say my son is slow. (euphemism) 12) He is a man who is most dependable when you are not in need. (irony) 13) The Child is father of the Man. (paradox) 14) More haste, less speed. (paradox) 15) bitter-sweet memories (oxymoron)

Alliteration 头韵 修辞手法

Alliteration t he repetition of a speech sound in a sequence of nearby words. T he term is usually applied only to consonants, and only when the recurrent sound begins a word or a stressed syllable within a word. Alliteration is the repetition of consonants, especially at the beginning of words or stressed syllables. In Old English alliterative meter, alliteration is the principal organizing device of the verse line: the verse is unrhymed; each line is divided into two half-lines of two strong stresses by a decisive pause, or caesura; and at least one, and usually both, of the two stressed syllables in the first half-line alliterate with the first stressed syllable of the second half-line. (In this type of versification a vowel was considered to alliterate with any other vowel.) A number of Middle English poems, such as William Langland's Piers Plowman and the romance Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, continued to use and play variations upon the old alliterative meter. In the opening line of Piers Plowman, for example, all four of the stressed syllables alliterate: In a somer seson, when soft was the sonne .... I n later English versification, however, alliteration is used only for special stylistic effects, s uch as to reinforce the meaning, to link related words, or to provide tone color and enhance the palpability of enunciating the words. Alliteration used in poetry: The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew, The furrow followed free; We were the first that ever burst Into that silent sea.

Alliteration 等修辞手法

Alliteration 等修辞手法 1. Phonetic stylistic devices (红色为重点) 头韵 Alliteration 半谐音 Assonance Consonance 尾韵 Rhyme 诗行的尾韵 拟声 Onomatopoeia Examples: , Bye, Bye, Balanced Budget (Alliteration) , The rain is Spain stays mainly in the plain. (Assonance) , When I lent I was a friend, when I asked I was unkind. (Consonance) , Wit once bought is worth twice taught. (Rhyme) , She banged the door after her. (Onomatopoeia) 2. Lexical stylistic devices 明喻暗喻 Simile Metaphor 转喻提喻 Metonymy Synecdoche 拟人夸张 Personification Hyperbole 低调陈述委婉 Understatement Euphemism 反语隽语 Irony Paradox 矛盾修饰类比 Oxymoron Analogy Allegory 讽喻 Antonomasia 换称 Apostrophe 呼语仿拟 Parody Allusion 用典双关 Pun 一语双序 Zeugma 拈连 Syllepsis 移就 Transferred Epithet
