外研版2020新初三期中考前练习题二 无听力

外研版2020新初三期中考前练习题二 无听力
外研版2020新初三期中考前练习题二 无听力



1. Tina and I went boating yesterday. ________ had a good time.

A. We

B. They

C. She

D. It

2. New York is a good place to visit ________ May or December.

A. on

B. to

C. at

D. in

3. Peter is very tired, ________ he doesn’t want to go to bed.

A. or

B. but

C. so

D. and

4. —________ is a ticket to the Palace Museum?—It’s about 60 yuan.

A. How much

B. How many

C. How long

D. How often

5. Who listened ________, Tom, Jack or Bill?

A. most carefully

B. more carefully

C. the most careful

D. more careful

6. You ________ be hungry after the long walk. Help yourself to some cakes.

A. can’t

B. shouldn’t

C. need

D. must

7. Everyone wants _______ the book as soon as possible.

A. read

B. reads

C. reading

D. to read

8. —Where were you this morning?— I ________ in the supermarket.

A. will shop

B. am shopping

C. was shopping

D. have shopped

9. — Wait a minute, I have _______ to tell you. — What is it?

A. something important

B. important something

C. anything important

D. important anything

10. My grandfather _______ in this city since he was born.

A. lived

B. lives

C. has lived

D. have lived

11. — Have you seen my dictionary? — Yes, I ______ it on your desk five minutes ago.

A. saw

B. see

C. have seen

D. will see

12.Look!So many passengers _______ with their phones on the underground.

A. play

B. will play

C. are playing

D. have played

13. Stop smoking, Joe! You _______ yourself if you keep on doing it like that!

A. will kill

B. have killed

C. kill

D. killed

14. These boxes ________ for keeping the food clean and cool.

A. use

B. are used

C. have used

D. were using

15. —Could you tell me ________ the Summer Palace? —The day after tomorrow, I think.

A. when will we visit

B. when did we visit

C. when we will visit

D. when we visited


Grandfather was a wise man. No matter how badly-behaved I had been, I could tell Grandpa anything and my 1 were safe. He loved me and would never give them away.

I remember a time when a group of us were playing baseball behind Mrs. Ferguson’s house. I hit one pitch(投球) just right and …slam! It ended up breaking Mrs. Ferguson’s kitchen window! We all 2 !

After I got home, I told Grandpa about it. He knew we had been warn ed many times about the dangers of playing where we shouldn’t. 3 he just listened.

“I was wrong,” I told him, with my head down.“I hate myself for what I did. Is there a way 4 ?”

“Well,” he said, “Mrs. Ferguson has a problem, just like you. If she knew you 5 and you were afraid of her, she would be sad. I’ll be t she wishes you would give her a chance to be understan ding. It’s your decision. Are you planning to pretend nothing happened? Just keep quiet and hide what you’re not proud of?”

“I don’t know,” I sigh ed. “Things might get worse…”

“Let’s think it through,” he said finally. “If you were Mrs. Ferguson, what would you do?” I didn’t know what she might do. I had been afraid that Mrs. Ferguson would stay mad at me, so I ran. On the way home I 6 that she was a mean witch(女巫) running after me.

“Well,” I said, taking a deep breath, “One solution is to tell Mrs. Ferguson I’m sorry and offer to fix her window.”

“If you call her,” asked Grandpa, “What’s the 7 that can happen?” I had to think for a moment. I realized that even if she did not accept my apology(道歉), it could not be any worse than seeing the 8 on Mom and Dad’s faces.

Grandpa smiled when he knew I had figured it out.

“Doing what’s right is not always easy,” he said, handing me the phone. “I’m proud of you.”

Grandpa did not make me do it. It was always my 9 . As it turned out, Mrs. Ferguson was very kind and we even became really close friends.

Grandpa passed away a year ago and I miss him so much. He gave me the tools to fix many problems and most of all he showed me I was 10 .

1. A. stories B. secrets C. inventions D. thoughts

2. A. ran B. jumped C. cried D. cheered

3. A. And B. So C. Or D. But

4. A. back B. around C. out D. off

5. A. finished B. changed C. stopped D. cared

6. A. expected B. believed C. imagined D. regretted

7. A. strangest B. worst C. fairest D. rudest

8. A. tiredness B. fear C. disappointment D. surprise

9. A. problem B. duty C. dream D. choice

10. A. brave B. active C. friendly D. independent


John is thirteen now. He began to study in a middle school two years ago. His home is in a small village and it’s nearly five kilometers from the school. He has to get up early in the morning. After a quick breakfast he has to run to school and get there on time. His father hopes to borrow some money to buy a bike for him, but he knows his mother is always ill and his father spends much money on medicine. H e doesn’t agree with his father and keeps running there every day. Now he’s very strong. He is never late for class and his teachers often praise him.

Last week there was a sports meeting in his school. John ran faster than any other boy and won the boy’s 800 meters, 1, 500 meters and 3, 000 meters. The whole school knew him. He was very happy. He told his grandma about the good news as soon as he got home. “I broke two school records today, Granny,” called out the boy. To his surprise, the old woman wasn’t happy. She thought for a while and said, “I’m sorry to hear that. We have no money to pay for them, you know!”

1. John began to study in a middle school at the age of_________.

A. nine

B. eleven

C. thirteen

D. fifteen

2. John runs to school every day in order to_________.

A. keep healthy

B. win the boy’s race

C. make his teachers happy

D. get to school on time

3. John doesn’t ask his father to buy him a bike because _________.

A. he doesn’t like riding a bike

B. he d oesn’t like his father

C. his home is near the school

D. he knows his father doesn’t have enough money

4. John’s grandma wasn’t happy because_________.

A. she thought John had broken some things and they had to pay for them

B. she thought John hadn’t done well in the school sports meeting

C. John’s father couldn’t afford a bike and refused to buy it for him

D. John’s mother was ill and they spent much money on medicine


A letter to Edward, a columnist (报刊专栏作家)

Dear Mr. Expert,

I grew up in an unhappy and abusive(虐待的) home. I always promised myself that I’d get out as soon as possible. Now, at age 20, I have a good job and a nice house, and I’m really proud of the independence I’ve achieved.

Here’s the problem: several of my friends who still live with thei r parents wish they had places like mine so much so that they make mine theirs.

It started out with a couple of them spending the weekends with me. But now they seem to take it for granted that they can show up any time they like. They bring boyfriends over, talk on the phone and stay out forever.

I enjoy having my friends here sometimes — it makes the place feel comfortable and warm — but this is my home, not a party house. I was old enough to move out on my own, so why can’t I seem to ask my friends to respect my privacy?


Edward’s reply to Joan

Dear Joan,

If your family didn’t pay attention to your needs when you were a child, you probably have trouble letting others know your needs now.

And if you’ve gathered your friends around you to rebuild a happy family atmosphere(氛围), you may fear that saying no will bring back the kind of conflict(冲突) you grew up with or destroy the nice atmosphere you now enjoy. You need to understand that in true friendship it’s okay to put your own needs first from time to time.

Be clear about the message you want to send. For example, “I really love your company but I also need some privacy. So please call before you come over.”

1. We can infer from the first letter that _____.

A. Joan considers her friends more important than her privacy

B. Joan’s friends visit her more often than she can accept

C. Joan doesn’t like the parties at all

D. Joan dislikes the boyfriends her friends bring over

2. According to Mr. Expert, why can’t Joan tell her friends her feelings?

A. She is afraid of hurting her friends.

B. She does not understand true friendship.

C. Her family experience stops her from doing so.

D. She does not put her needs first.

3. The second letter suggests that Mr. Expert _____.

A. is worried about Joan’s probl em

B. warns Joan not to quarrel with her friends

C. advises Joan on how to refuse people

D. encourages Joan to be brave enough


I have become very interested in the importance of memory in our lives. Most people know that the brain controls how the body works. The brain also controls what the mind thinks, how we feel, how we work on information, and how we understand things. I am interested in how people remember, what they remember, and how they use and improve their memories.

Memory plays an important role in learning and thinking. People have different abilities to remember. Stress, fatigue, emotional problems, and illness can decrease the ability to remember. General good health contributes to good memory. Practice also improves memory. People gather and remember information in different ways. Some people remember colors or smells or sounds. Other people find it easier to remember spoken words. While still others remember printed words easily.

We have two kinds of memory —long-term memory and short-term memory. Long-term memory is the ability to remember events from the distant past. Long-term memory is often the strongest and lasts throughout a person’s life. One kind of long-term memory is called “screen memory.” This means that many experiences w e get are put together in the mind as one memory.

Short-term memory is the ability to remember events in the recent past, for example, the name of someone you met at a party last night. Short-term memory is often challenged by stress, illness, and aging. Many of us have, or have had, grandparents who’re a ble to remember events from their childhood , but are unable to remember what happened yesterday. Most people can only

remember seven items in order. This is why telephone numbers, for example, are seven digits ( digits: 0-9 ) long.

Not all memories are correct, but they all tell us something about the person who is doing the remembering. The memory may tell us what the remembering likes or dislikes, what he or she wishes, and it may also tell us about his or her fears. The study of memory may also provide information about the health or illness of a person. This is a very exciting frontier in biological science. There is still a lot for us to learn.

1. What does the underlined word “decrease” mean ?

A. improve

B. destroy

C. go down to a lower level

D. make more effort

2. Why are the old unable to remember what’s happened recently?

A. Because they don’t want to.

B. Because the events are not in the past.

C. Because the old age affects short-term memory.

D. Because short-term memory lasts a few days.

3.What can you infer from the fourth paragraph?

A. Nine digits are used for telephone numbers.

B. People can remember more than seven items in order.

C. Telephone numbers will still keep seven digits long.

D. Stress affects short-term memory less than illness.

4. What’s the main idea of the last paragraph?

A. We should go on studying memory in the future.

B. Some memories can provide us more information.

C. Memories can tell us something about what one remembers.

D. We can know something else about the person by his memory.


Are you a good receiver? It might sound like a funny question but it is an important one that each of us should ask ourselves.

Strangely, most of us are better givers than receivers. We give to our family, our friends and

even charities, and opposite to what we might think, most of us are actually very good at giving. But receiving is another matter. We often feel a little uneasy when receiving, although it is not

very noticeable. Even praise gets deflected(转向)when it comes our way. When someone praises

us for helping him move or clean up the house, we will possibly say, “Ah, it was nothing.” When someone praises the coat we are wearing, we may mention how we bought it at a discount instead of simply enjoying the praise. Actually, the praise is a gift to us, and when we don’t receive it properly, we are dishonorin g the giver.

Giving is easy, as there is much pleasure in giving, but receiving is an art that takes practice. To be a good receiver requires a sense of close relationship with the giver. It is always a pleasure for a giver to see the gift received in a pleasant way. And this is also the best way for a receiver to honor the giver and give him something back.

Many relationships are not so good not because people are not giving to each other, but because they are not receiving from each other well. We should receive the love, respect the praise, and give thanks every time giving happens. We should practice receiving all the pleasures that happen to us every day, instead of taking them for granted. Think of how many simple everyday

gifts we are being given all the time: the beauty of nature, art and inspiring(激励人的)

conversations. But are we truly receiving them when they happen to us, or are we busy with other matters, not noticing? We should master the art of receiving: accept the gifts life offers us and show our appreciation for them.

We are taught that it is better to give than to receive. But this suggests that there is something wrong with receiving. There is nothing wrong with receiving. It is better to give and receive. Let life shower us with gifts, pleasures, joys, surprises, both large and small, and let us take notice of all these things and accept them happily and thankfully. The more we can receive, the more we can give back, but giving more does not necessarily mean receiving more. We must remember it is harder to receive than to give, and try to practice receiving. This practice will benefit us greatly, making us become good receivers as well as good givers.

1. According to Paragraph 2, what do we possibly do when we are praised?

A. Honor the giver publicly.

B. Show our pleasure clearly.

C. Receive the praise uncomfortably.

D. Express our disagreement properly.

2. The expression “taking them for granted” probably means “_______”.

A. looking for them with expectation

B. depending on them with satisfaction

C. getting away from them without regret

D. benefiting from them without appreciation

3. What can we learn from the passage?

A. People usually can receive more by giving more.

B. People usually try to receive as much as possible.

C. People should give a gift back when receiving one.

D. People can improve relationships by receiving well.

4. What is the best title for the passage?

A. Be a Good Receiver and Giver

B. Better to Give Than to Receive

C. Better to Give, Better to Receive

D. Be a Receiver Rather Than a Giver


Do you want to know more cultures about other countries? Here are some messages you may be interested in.

Taking off your shoes or not

It’s bad manners to take off your shoes at the door of a London dinner party. But in Asia if you don’t take off your shoes before entering a home, you are not polite enough.

What you should do instead: If you see a row of shoes at the door, take off your shoes. If not, keep the shoes on.

Talking over dinner

In some countries, like Japan, don’t start talking while everyone else is having dinner. You’ll meet with silence – not because your group is unfriendly, but because mealtime is for eating, not talking. Also don’t talk in places like churches in Europe.

What you should do instead: Keep quiet!

Knowing your right from your left

Some cultures in Africa and the Middle East still like to eat in traditional ways – using their hands. When people eat in this way, food is often offered for several people to share at the same time. That is why it’s important to wash your hands before e ating. While eating, you have to follow the rule: Eat using your right hand, and use your left hand to do other things. Another thing to remember: Eat the food that’s closest to you. Don’t put your hand into the center of the table.

What You Should Do Instead: Follow the others and use your right hand. Even children who are left-handed in this culture are taught to eat with their right hands. If you really can’t, explain yourself to others before you eat.

1. Is it good manners to take off your shoes at the door of a London dinner party?

2. Why do Japanese people keep silent while eating?

3. What is important in Africa and the Middle East before eating?

4. How many rules should you remember while eating in Africa?

5 What does the passage mainly talk about?


提示词语:buy, gift, sing, eat, happy

●Which birthday party was your most unforgettable one?

●What happened at the party?

To: Jim

From: Li Hua

Subject: My unforgettable birthday party

Hi! Jim,

I’m glad to hear from you.

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________


Li Hua




阅读表达1. No. / No, it isn’t.

2. Because they think mealtime is for eating, not talking.

3. Washing hands. / To wash hands.

4. Two.

5. Different countries have different cultures and how we can deal with them.

One possible version:

Hi! Jim,

I’m glad to hear from you. I had an unforgettable birthday party when I was thirteen years old. Before that, I had never invited my friends to my birthday party and it was my first time to do that. When the party began, we had chocolate and juice at home and we played a funny game. My friends gave me a lot of gifts, I liked them very much. Later we went to a restaurant and had a big dinner. I had a birthday cake with thirteen candles. I blew out them. My friends said, “Happy birthday to you!” I was so excit ed. I cut the cake into pieces and gave them to everyone. I did not do well in it, but we laughed and laughed. We were happy that day.

Money doesn’t mean everything, but friendship can make us happy. I can’t forget that birthday party and I miss my friends very much.


Li Hua


小学语文三年级听力训练题 (一) 【题目】 1、列车停靠在校站的时间是;你估计母亲从家里出发的时间最迟是. 2、喝了热腾腾的汤后;女孩会对母亲说. 3、短文表达了情感. 你能想起母亲为你做的最让你感动的事是. (二) 【题目】 1、短文讲了村子里有一家人不让宝贝孩子怕他;村里的孩子却 当洪水来时;村里的孩子;而这个小孩却. 2、根据内容;联系上下文;补充“然而”后面的内容 3、故事告诉我们一个道理 (三) 【题目】 1、文中年轻人挣钱的方式是 2、作者感动的原因是. (四) 【题目】 1、小男孩在一扇窗户外看到另一扇窗户外又看到_________ 2、老师想让男孩打开另一扇窗户的用意是 3、如果男孩是你的同学;你想鼓励小男孩

(五) 【题目】 1、“煮书”指的是 2、短文中提到唐代大诗人杜甫;文中写了他关于读书的诗句 你还知道其他关于读书的名言警句吗?. 3、听完短文后;你认为学语文时;应该怎么“煮书”? (六) 【题目】 1、自古以来;诗文常以为春的一种主要题材.“万树垂杨”写; “陌头杨柳”写;或竟称春天为“”. 2、作者认为杨柳有特殊的姿态;这种姿态的特点是. 3、短文最后一句“最能象征春的神意的;只有垂柳”指. (七) 【题目】 1、短文讲了威仁爵士前半生从事;后半生从事;都取得了成就. 2、别人称誉他. 3、你在故事中明白了. (八) 【题目】 1、一个人活72岁;他这一生的时间花费最多的是需要 年. 2、材料给出的是平均数;你在材料中明白了 (九) 【题目】 1、小男孩做了一件什么蠢事?

2、我恍然大悟;明白了 3、故事能给你在学习生活中的启示是 (十) 【题目】 1、几则名言共同的主题是 2、请把你最喜欢的一句摘录下来. 3、你记得我国古代关于相同主题的诗句吗? 4、结合生活实践说说你该如何对待时间? 练习一: 一、听短文;完成下列问题. 1、根据短文内容填空. ⑴、短文主要写了喜鹊的______________和_____________. 2、根据短文的内容进行判断;对的打“√”;错的打“×”. ⑴、喜鹊的双肩和尾部是乌黑的. () ⑵、紫白两色;把喜鹊打扮得那么朴素;那么雅致. () ⑶、喜鹊使人感到是那么活泼;那么可爱. () 练习二: 一、听短文;完成下列问题. 1、根据短文内容填空. ⑴、世界上的植物有的能________________;有的会_______________;真奇妙啊! 2、根据短文内容进行判断;对的打“√”;错的打“×”. ⑴、毛毡苔的叶子上有200多根小绒毛;小绒毛还能分泌出一种黏性很强、很甜的液体.() ⑵、没听过音乐的水稻要比听过音乐的水稻长的茂盛. () 练习三: 一、听短文;完成下列问题. 1、根据短文的内容填空: ⑴、当缺乏食物的时候;骆驼就用自己的积蓄来_______________生命. ⑵、骆驼的嗅觉很_______________,什么地方有水源;它都能找到. 2、根据短文的内容判断;对的打“√”;错的打“×”. ⑴、骆驼生活在沙漠里. () ⑵、骆驼把一部分养料变成脂肪贮存在驼峰里. ()


2020年高中政治期中考试试卷(闭卷部 分〕 一、填空题(20分) 1、___________和___________是两个从事物质资料生产最 基本的部门。____________是凭借一定物质技术条件、为社会生产和人民生活提供____________各种行业的总称。________和___________一起构成了社会生产的全部内容。 2、公有制晃仅包括___________和_____________,还包括混 合经济中的__________和__________。 3、现代企业制度应具备的基本特征是__________,__________,__________,__________。 4、商品的价值是交换价值的__________,交换价值是商品 的____________。 5、生产商品的劳动具有两重性,一方面是__________,另 一方面是___________。生产商品劳动的两重性决定商品的二因素,其中前者创造商品的___________,后者形成商品的___________。 二、单项选择题(20分) 1、判断一种所有制形式是否具有优越性的标准是: A、看它是否是公有制 B、公有制经济是否占统治地位 C、是否有利于推动和促进社会生产力的发展 2、下列属于商品的是: A、为交换而生产的粮食 B、为自己食用而生产的粮食 C、为赠他人而生产的粮食 3、商品的价值量是由: A、生产商品劳动时间的长短决定 B、生产商品的社会必要劳动时间决定 C、生产商品的个别劳动时间决定 4、资本主义社会劳动力商品具有特殊的使用价值,表现在: A、它可以生产出有使用价值的商品 B、它可以创造出比自身价值更大的价值 C、它可以创造出劳动力自身的价值 5、剩余价值是: A、商品总价值减去耗费资本余下的部分 B、资本家付给工人的工资 C、工人在劳动中创造的那部分价值 6、下列属于不变本的是: A、劳动力 B、厂房、机器设备、原材料、燃料 C、能直接来剩余价值的价值 7、一个准确反映资家剥削工人程度的测量器是: A、K= B、M’= C、M’= 8、按劳分配是指: A、按酬付劳 B、把需要作为分配个人消费品的尺度 C、把劳动作为分配个人消费品的尺度


高分子化学期末试题 一、一、填空题 1、Lewis酸通常作为-------型聚合的引发剂,Lewis碱可作为-------型聚合的引发剂。 二组份Ziegler-Natta催化剂是由-------组成的主催化剂和由------组成的共催化剂组成。 2、自由基聚合的特征是-------、-------、-------;阴离子聚合的特征是-------、-------、-------; 阳离子聚合的特征是-------、-------、-------、-------。 3、引发剂引发自由基聚合初期的聚合速率方程是-------。欲提高自由基聚合的聚合物 的分子量,可采用-------(提高或降低)聚合温度、-------(提高或降低)引发剂浓度的方法。 4、用动力学方程推倒自由基二元共聚组成方程时做了5个假定。它们是-------、-------、 -------、-------、-------。 5、单体的相对活性习惯上用-------判定,自由基的相对活性用-------判定。在用Q、e 值判断共聚行为时,Q值代表-------,e值代表-------;若两单体的Q、e值均接近,则趋向于-------共聚;若Q值相差大,则-------;若e值相差大,则-------。Q-e方程的最大不足是-------。 6、从竞聚率看,理想共聚的典型特征为-------。某对单体共聚,r1=0.3,r2=0.1,该共 聚属-------共聚,画出共聚组成曲线-------;若起始f10=0.5,所形成的共聚物的瞬间组成为F10,反应到t时刻,单体组成为f1,共聚物瞬间组成为F1,则f1-------f10(大于或小于),F1-------F10(大于或小于)。 7、从热力学角度看,三、四元环状单体聚合的主要推动力是-------,而十二元以上环 状单体的聚合能力比环烷烃的聚合能力--------(大或小);从动力学角度看,杂环单体的聚合能力比环烷烃的聚合能力-------(大或小)。 8、线形缩聚的主要实施方法有-------、-------、-------、-------四种方法,其中-------聚合 方法必须采用高活性单体。 9、按参加反应的单体种类,可将逐步聚合分成-------、-------和-------;按反应热力学 特征可将逐步聚合分成-------和-------。 10、体型缩聚的预聚物可分为-------和-------两类,属于前者的例子有-------和--------, 属于后者的例子有-------和-------。 11、顺丁橡胶采用-------交联,二元乙丙橡胶采用-------交联。PMMA热降解的主 要产物是,PVC受热时发生--------。 12、邻苯二甲酸酐与甘油按下列分子摩尔比例反应,用Carothers方法计算凝胶点。 ①邻苯二甲酸酐:甘油=3.00:2.00②邻苯二甲酸酐:甘油=3.00:1.96。 二、二、完成下列反应式和合成聚合物的反应式 1、聚丙烯酰胺的合成 2、IIR的合成 3、聚甲醛的合成 4、PET的合成 5、HIPS的合成 6、苯乙烯阳离子交换树脂的合成 7、维尼纶的合成 8、 9、 H2C C H 2


外研版九年级英语上全册课文翻译 Module 1 Wonders of the world Unit 1: It’s more than 2000 years old. 托尼:我们给《世界奇观》节目打电话,加入讨论吧。我觉得自然奇观比人造奇观更有趣。而且我认为巨人之路是最神奇的自然奇观。 玲玲:嗯,我没有见过巨人之路,所以我不知道该不该同意你的看法。你为什么会喜欢它呢,托尼? 托尼:哦,两年前我浏览了巨人之路。它非常大,由大约4万多块石块组成,大多数石块都有六个面。巨人之路位于北爱尔兰东海岸,绵延数百米。 玲玲:听起来很神奇,但我认为非洲的维多利亚瀑布更壮观。瀑布宽约1700米,高约100米,数千米之外就能听到瀑布的巨响。 贝蒂:哇!那么大啊!但是,在我看来,人造奇观比自然奇观更激动人心。就说兵马俑吧,它们都有两千多年的历史了。 大明:我同意你的看法,贝蒂。我觉得三峡大坝也很神奇。大坝长约2300米,高185米,顶部宽15米。它为中国数百万的人口供电。 贝蒂:那现在谁来拨打热线? Unit 2 The Grand Canyon was not just big . 自然界的一大奇观 我到那里时是大清早,天下着雨。我朝东边看了看,天空变得灰蒙蒙的。我下了车,穿过一道门,沿着一条黑暗的小路前行。虽然什么也看不见,但我知道它就在那里。 大约走了一英里,小路边出现了一个陌生人。我问道:“我走的路对吗?”他知道我要去哪里。他答道:“对,五分钟后你就能到达那里。”终于,我走到一些岩石前停了下来。我朝那片岩石望过去,但是一片寂静,还是看不见它。 突然,雨停了,云散了。太阳从我身后升起,照在岩石上。地面(仿佛在随着光线)向下延伸,(逐渐)退落到下面的一条河里。我在眺望着这自然界奇观之一的大峡谷。


- 1 -文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word 版本可编辑 . 深圳市高级中学2018届高一上学期期中考试 数 学 一.选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,满分60分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合 题目要求的 1. =? ?? ??-3 2827 ( ) A. 4 9 B.94 C. 32 D. 23 2.已知集合{}{}=?<=<<=B A x x B x x A ,则2 13log |,|2 ( ) A. {}e x x <<1| B. {}3log 1|2<?? 其中值域为R 的函数有 ( ) A. 1个 B. 2个 C. 3个 D. 4个 6. 下列函数在[)+∞,0上单调递增的是 ( ) A. 1+=x y B. )1(log 2-=x y C. 31 1x y -= D. x y 2 11+ = 7.下列函数 ①x y 2log = ②x x y +-=11lg ③)1lg(2x x y ++= ④?? ?-=为无理数 为有理数x x y ,1,1 为奇函数的有 ( ) A. 1个 B. 2个 C. 3个 D. 4个 8.已知函数()f x 的定义域为[)+∞,3,则函数)11 ( +x f 的定义域为 ( ) A. ??? ??∞-34, B. ??? ??34,1 C. ??? ??21,0 D. ??? ? ? ∞-21, 9. 下列三个数14log ,10log ,6log 753===c b a 的大小顺序是 ( ) A. a b c << B.b c a << C.b a c << D.c a b << 10. 函数x x x x e e e e y --+-=的图像大致为 ( ) 11.汽车的“燃油 效率”是指汽车每消耗1升汽油 1x y 1 O A x y O 1 1B x y O 1 1 x y 1 1 D O


绪论 一、选择题 1、美国科学家艾伦?黑格、艾伦?马克迪尔米德以及日本 科学家白川英树由于在____领域的开创性贡献,荣获 2000年的诺贝尔化学奖。 A、纳米材料 B、配位聚合 C、基团转移聚合 D、导 电聚合物 2、高分子的概念是20世纪二十年代由_______首先提出的。 A、 Carothers B、Staudinger C、Flory 4、尼龙-610的单体为______。 A、癸二酸; B、己二胺 C、己二酸 D、癸二胺 5、有机玻璃、尼龙-6 、电木、Teflon分别是______。 A、酚醛树脂; B、聚四氟乙烯 C、聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯 D、聚己内酰胺 二、填空题 1、大多数加聚反应属于_____________聚合机理。 2、聚合物按大分子主链的化学组成可分_________、 _________、_________。 3、塑料按其受热行为的不同可分为塑料和塑料。 三、写出下列高分子的重复单元的结构式 PE、PS、PVC、尼龙—66,涤纶 GAGGAGAGGAFFFFAFAF

四、求下列混合物的数均聚合度、质均聚合度好分子量分布指数 组分1:质量分数=0.6,分子量=1x104 组分2:质量分数=0.4,分子量=1x105 第二章逐步聚合 一、选择题 1、当m为_________时,进行缩聚反应易于环 化。 A、5; B、6; C、3和4; D、2 2、在低转化率时就能获得高分子量聚合物的方法是___。 A、熔融缩聚; B、固相缩聚; C、界面缩聚; D、溶液缩聚 GAGGAGAGGAFFFFAFAF

3、缩聚反应中,所有单体都是活性中心,其动力学特点是__。 A、单体慢慢消失,产物分子量逐步增大; B、单体逐步消失,产物分子量很快增大; C、单体很快消失,产物分子量逐步增大; 4、在己二酸和己二醇缩聚反应中加入0.4%的对甲苯磺酸起 到的作用为 _____。 A、提高聚合速率; B、控制分子量; C、链转移剂; 5、合成线型酚醛预聚物的催化剂应选用 _______。 A、过氧化氢; B、草酸; C、正丁基锂; D、氢氧化钙 第三章自由基聚合 一、选择题 1、苯乙烯在除溶剂种类外其它条件均相同的情况下分别在下列四种溶剂中进行自由基聚合,则在__ ______中得到的聚合物的分子量最小。 A、乙苯; B、苯; C、异丙苯; D、甲苯 2、生产聚氯乙烯时,决定产物分子量的因素是 __________。 GAGGAGAGGAFFFFAFAF


新外研版英语九年级上 课文 Document serial number【KK89K-LLS98YT-SS8CB-SSUT-SST108】

Module 1 When I arrived, it was early morning and it was raining. I got out of the car, went through a gate and walked along a path. In the east, the sky was becoming light. I knew it was there, but there was nothing to see. After about a mile, a stranger appeared in front of me. “Am I going the right way?” I asked. He knew where I was going. “Yes,” he replied. “you’ll get there in five minutes.” Finally, I came to some rocks and stopped. I looked over them, but it was silent and there was no sign of it. Suddenly, the clouds cleared and the rain stopped. The sun rose behind me and beyond the rocks. I saw that the ground fell away and down to a river, far below me. I was looking across the Grand Canyon, one of the wonders of the natural world. I looked down to the Colorado River, from here a silver stream nearly one mile below me. If you put the two tallest buildings in the world on top of the each other at the bottom of the canyon, they still wouldn’t reach the top. Then I looked across to the other side of the canyon. How far is it? It’s about fifteen miles, maybe more. Finally, I looked to my left and to my right, and on both sides the canyon went far away, about 277 miles long. The Grand Canyon is not just big. It’s huge! I remained by the canyon for about half an hour, and I asked myself, “Is the Grand Canyon the greatest wonder anywhere in the natural world?” I certainly know the answer. But what do you think? Module 2 Thanksgiving is an American festival. People give thanks for their food. It’s celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November and it’s a time for a special dinner among family and friends. We’ve celebrated the festival since the first pioneers from England arrived in America by ship in the seventeenth century. While they were crossing the Atlantic, many people died, and after they landed, their first winter was worse than any English winter. The local people, the Native Americans, taught the pioneers how to grow corn, catch fish and keep cows, sheep and hens. The following year they celebrated together by eating a dinner of the new food. We still celebrate Thanksgiving today with a traditional dinner. The kitchen is the most crowded room in our house because we all help to prepare the food there. We lay the table, then before we begin dinner, my father gives praise for the food, so we remember where the festival comes from. We usually eat too much, but it’s only once a year! We often listen to speeches and tell stories after dinner as well. When it’s all over everyone helps wash the dishes.


三年级语文听力训练题 (一)【题目】 1、自古以来,诗文常以为春的一种主要题材。“万树垂杨”写,“陌头杨柳”写,或竟称春天为“”。 2、作者认为杨柳有特殊的姿态,这种姿态的特点是。 3、短文最后一句“最能象征春的神意的,只有垂柳”指。 (二)【题目】 1、短文讲了威仁爵士前半生从事,后半生从事, 都取得了成就。 2、别人称誉他。 3、你在故事中明白了。 (三)【题目】 1、一个人活72岁,他这一生的时间花费最多的是____ 需要 年。 2、材料给出的是平均数,你在材料中明白了 (四)【题目】 1、小男孩做了一件什么蠢事? 2、我恍然大悟,明白了 3、故事能给你在学习生活中的启示是 (五)【题目】 1、几则名言共同的主题是 2、请把你最喜欢的一句摘录下来。 3、你记得我国古代关于相同主题的诗句吗? 4、结合生活实践说说你该如何对待时间? (六)【题目】 (1)驼鸟一般重(),是世界上()。 (2)驼鸟有两条(),一步能走(),每小时能跑()。 (七)【题目】 1、短文主要写了什么? 2、短文按照从头到尾的顺序,依次写了“小花鹿“的、、、。 3、我在短文里听到一对近义词。()——() (八)【题目】 听短文,回答问题。 1、省西南部的瀑布是我国最大的瀑布。 2、它宽米,高米,激起的水花高达米。

【材料】(一) 自古以来,诗文常以杨柳为春的一种主要题材。写春景曰“万树垂杨”,写春色曰“陌头杨柳”,或竟称春天为“柳条春”。我以为这并非仅为杨柳当春抽条的缘故,实因其树有一种特殊的姿态与和平美丽的春光十分调和的缘故。这种姿态的特点便是“下垂”。不然,当春发芽的树木不知凡几,何以专让柳条做春的主人呢?别的树木都凭仗了东君的势力而拼命向上,其贪婪之相不合春的精神。最能象征春的神意的,只有垂柳。 (节选自《杨柳》丰子恺) 【材料】( 二) 生活在17世纪的英国人威仁爵士,他原来是格里汉学院与牛津大学的天文学教授。但他在48岁那年,突然异想天开,他要改变自己的职业。开始过另一种陌生的生活。从事一个新的创造性事业。于是他把自己的后半辈子,献给了城市建设。他在后半生的四十年中,一共建造了53 座教堂与座堂,单单伦敦的保罗座堂就使他名垂千古。称誉他的人都说,威仁爵士活了两次。 (选自《一个人可以活两次》曹正文) 【材料】(三) 下面是《人生宝鉴》上公布的一则调查材料。 一个人活72岁,他这一生的时间是这样度过的: 睡觉20年,吃饭6年,生病3年,工作14 年,读书3年,体育锻炼、看戏、看电视、看电影8年,饶舌4年,打电话1年,等人3年,旅行5年,打扮5年。 【材料】(四) 母鸡孵小鸡整整21天了。“妈妈,快来看!”一大早就蹲在鸡房前看孵小鸡的9岁儿子兴奋地喊。原来已经有10多只小鸡仔抖动着小翅膀从蛋壳里爬出来。望着还未破壳的一只鸡蛋,急躁的儿子忙帮小鸡戳破蛋壳,小鸡果然轻松的爬了出来,但它在地上蹒跚了没几步,就一头扎地而死。儿子哭了,我恍然大悟,原来只有小鸡自己从蛋壳里挣扎出来身体才能健壮,小鸡仔蛋壳里挣扎是在锻炼和完善自己。 (选自《替鸡破壳的启示》张秀梅) 【材料】(五) 下面是几则名言,认真听后回答问题。 时间的步伐有三种:未来姗姗来迟,现在像箭一样飞逝,过去永远静立不动。--席勒 谁对时间最吝啬,时间对谁越慷慨。要时间不辜负你,首先你要不辜负时间。放弃时间的人,时间也放弃他。 时间就是生命,时间就是速度,时间就是力量。----郭沫若 最严重的浪费就是时间的浪费。----布封 时间,每天得到的都是二十四小时,可是一天的时间给勤勉的人带来智慧和力量,给懒散的人只留下一片悔恨。----鲁迅 世界上最快而又最慢,最长而又最短,最平凡而又最珍贵,最容易被人忽视,而又最令人后悔的就是时间。----高尔基 【材料】(六) 驼鸟是沙漠中的“骏马”,它的身材高大。比一个大人还要高一头。它一般都有二百多斤重,是世界上最大的鸟。 鸵鸟有翅膀,但是不会飞。不过,它那两条粗壮有力的腿,却是其它鸟类比不上的。它的长腿跨一步就有二到三米远。在望不到边的沙漠里它能飞快地跑来跑去,每小时可以跑六七十公里,比火车还快。顺风的时候,鸵鸟把翅膀高高举起,活像扬起风帆的小船,跑起来就更快了。 【材料】小花鹿(七)


高分子化学期末参考试题 1.高分子,又称(聚合物),一个大分子往往由许多简单的(结构单元)通过(共价键)重复键接而成。 2.(玻璃化温度)和(熔点)是评价聚合物耐热性的重要指标。 3.(缩聚反应)是缩合聚合反应的简称,是指带有官能团的单体经 许多次的重复缩合反应而逐步形成聚合物的过程,在机理上属于(逐步聚合),参加反应的有机化合物含有(两个)以上官能团。 4.缩聚反应按缩聚产物的分子结构分类分为(线型)缩聚反应和(体型)缩聚反应。 5.自由基聚合反应转化率-时间曲线特征 诱导期:初级自由基为阻聚杂质所终止,无聚合物形成,聚合速率零。 若严格取除杂质,可消除诱导期。 初期:单体开始正常聚合,转化率在5%~10%以下(研究聚合时)或10%~20%(工业上)以下阶段称初期;此时转化率与时间 近似呈线性关系,聚合恒速进行。 中期:转化率达10%~20%以后,聚合速率逐渐增加,出现自动加速现象,直至转化率达50%~70%,聚合速率才逐渐减慢。 后期: 自动加速现象出现后聚合速率逐渐减慢,直至结束,转化率可达90%~100%。 6.自由基聚合与缩聚反应的特征比较 自由基聚合: 1)由基元反应组成,各步反应的活化能不同。引发最慢。 2)存在活性种。聚合在单体和活性种之间进行。

3)转化率随时间增长,分子量与时间无关。 4)少量阻聚剂可使聚合终止。 线形缩聚: 1)聚合发生在官能团之间,无基元反应,各步反应活化能相同。2)单体及任何聚体间均可反应,无活性种。 3)聚合初期转化率即达很高,官能团反应程度和分子量随时间逐步增大。 4)反应过程存在平衡。无阻聚反应。 7.常用的逐步聚合方法有几种?各自的主要特点是什么? 熔融缩聚:优点:生产工艺过程简单,生产成本较低。可连续法生产直接纺丝。聚合设备的生产能力高。 缺点:反应温度高,要求单体和缩聚物在反应温度下不分解,单体配比要求严格;反应物料粘度高,小分子不易脱除。局部过热可能产生副反应,对聚合设备密封性要求高。 适用范围:广泛用于大品种缩聚物,如聚酯、聚酰胺的生产。 溶液缩聚: 优点:溶剂存在下可降低反应温度,避免单体和产物分解,反应平稳易控制。 可与产生的小分子共沸或与之反应而脱除。聚合物溶液可直接用作产品 缺点:溶剂可能有毒,易燃,提高了成本。增加了缩聚物分离、精制、溶剂回收等工序。


Module 1 When I arrived, it was early morning and it was raining. I got out of the car, went through a gate and walked along a path. In the east, the sky was becoming light. I knew it was there, but there was nothing to see. After about a mile, a stranger appeared in front of me. “Am I going the right way?” I asked. He knew where I was going. “Yes,”he replied. “you’ll get there in five minutes.” Finally, I came to some rocks and stopped. I looked over them, but it was silent and there was no sign of it. Suddenly, the clouds cleared and the rain stopped. The sun rose behind me and beyond the rocks. I saw that the ground fell away and down to a river, far below me. I was looking across the Grand Canyon, one of the wonders of the natural world. I looked down to the Colorado River, from here a silver stream nearly one mile below me. If you put the two tallest buildings in the world on top of the each other at the bottom of the canyon, they still wouldn’t reach the top. Then I looked across to the other side of the canyon. How far is it? It’s about fifteen miles, maybe more. Finally, I looked to my left and to my right, and on both sides the canyon went far away, about 277 miles long. The Grand Canyon is not just big. It’s huge! I remained by the canyon for about half an hour, and I asked myself, “Is the Grand Canyon the greatest wonder anywhere in the natural world?”I certainly know the answer. But what do you think? Module 2 Thanksgiving is an American festival. People give thanks for their food. It’s celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November and it’s a time for a special dinner among family and friends. We’ve celebrated the festival since the first pioneers from England arrived in America by ship in the seventeenth century. While they were crossing the Atlantic, many people died, and after they landed, their first winter was worse than any English winter. The local people, the Native Americans, taught the pioneers how to grow corn, catch fish and keep cows, sheep and hens. The following year they celebrated together by eating a dinner of the new food. We still celebrate Thanksgiving today with a traditional dinner. The kitchen is the most crowded room in our house because we all help to prepare the food there. We lay the table, then before we begin dinner, my father gives praise for the food, so we remember where the festival comes from. We usually eat too much, but it’s only once a year! We often listen to speeches and tell stories after dinner as well. When it’s all over everyone helps wash the dishes. The festival is a very busy time for travel when friends and families come together to celebrate. After we finish the Thanksgiving Day festival, there are plenty of other things to see and do. We live in New York City, and we go to watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, along with thousands of people as it goes along several streets and finishes at the famous Macy’s Store. Thanksgiving is also the start of the Christmas season, and we start shopping for presents. Football is also important at Thanksgiving, with many teams playing games. Like many Americans, we usually watch the games on television and enjoy ourselves very much.


三年级期末考试听力测试 一、听力测试: 1、短文讲了()种牛。 2、摩洛哥有一种吹风牛,它不用(),而是用();非洲有一种(),它每天喝足吃饱后,倒头就睡,一睡至少()。 3、这篇短文主要是围绕着下面哪一句话来写的?() A、这些牛多么奇特啊!B、世界上有各种各样的牛。C、非洲有一种饮水牛。 二、听短文《那只温暖的手》,回答问题。 1、其中一个孩子交上他的画时,老师发现,他画的是______,看上去有点粗糙,却感觉到是那么___________。 2、有的孩子说这是___________的手,有的孩子说这是__________的手,孩子说,这是__________的手,因为老师的手________________,他要感谢这只手。 三、仔细倾听,根据短文内容完成练习。 1.小松鼠是一种__________的小动物。 2.连线。 灵活的小面孔 玲珑的四肢 毛茸茸的小眼睛 闪闪发光的大尾巴 四、听力题、认真听老师朗读《苦李子》,然后做题 1、王戎和同伴到郊外去玩,看见_____________有棵李子树。 2、王戎不摘李子的理由是_________________________。 3、王戎是个___________________________的孩子。

听力材料: 一、 世界上有各种各样的牛。非洲有一种饮水牛,这种牛的四肢上长有气囊,直通胃部。它们只有在水里站几分钟,就能吸进大量的水。摩洛哥有一种吹风牛,它不用鼻子呼吸,而是用嘴呼气。呼气的风力很大,人们把它当鼓风机用。非洲还有一种睡牛,它每天喝足吃饱后,倒就睡,一睡至少是20小时。这些牛多么奇特啊! 二、那只温暖的手 那只温暖的手有一天,老师在课堂上要孩子们画出自己最想感谢的东西。 孩子们高兴地在白纸上描绘起来,如同在涂抹他们美丽的未来。看着孩子们,老师猜想这群天真的孩子能想要感谢的东西肯定上很少的,可能大多数孩子会画上餐桌上的肯德基或冰激凌等等。 当其中一个孩子交上他的画时,老师吃了一惊:他画的是一只大手,看上去有点粗糙却感觉到是那么温暖。 是谁的手?这个抽象的表现使她迷惑不解。孩子们也纷纷猜测。一个说:“这准是上帝的手。”另一个说:“是厨师的手,因为厨师烧给我们好吃的肯德基。” 女教师走到那个可爱的、眼中充满期待的孩子面前,低头问他:“能告诉我你画的是谁的手吗?” “这是你的手呀,老师。”孩子小声答道。 老师回想起来了,在放学后,她常常拉着孩子胖乎乎的小手,送他走一段。他家很穷,父亲常喝酒,母亲体弱多病,没工作,他破旧的衣服总是脏兮兮的。当然,她也常拉别的孩子的手。可这只老师的手对他却有非凡的意义,他要感谢这只手…… 三 松鼠是一种美丽的小动物,很讨人喜欢。它四肢灵活,行动敏捷。玲珑的小面孔上,嵌着一对闪闪发光的小眼睛。身上灰褐色的毛,光滑得好像擦过油。一条毛茸茸的大尾巴总是向上翘着,显得格外漂亮 四 王戎是个聪明的孩子。 有一天,他和同伴到郊外游玩,看见路边有棵野李子树,果实累累,几乎压断树枝。同伴都争着摘李子吃,只有王戎不动。同伴问他为什么不去摘。他说:“野李树在郊外的路边而李子没人摘,这些李子一定是苦的。”大家一吃,果然味苦难食。)


1.高分子,又称(聚合物),一个大分子往往由许多简单的(结构单元)通过(共价键)重复键接而成。 2.(玻璃化温度)和(熔点)是评价聚合物耐热性的重要指标。 3.(缩聚反应)是缩合聚合反应的简称,是指带有官能团的单体经许多次的重复缩合反应而逐步形成聚合物的过程,在机理上属于(逐步聚合),参加反应的有机化合物含有(两个)以上官能团。 4.缩聚反应按缩聚产物的分子结构分类分为(线型)缩聚反应和(体型)缩聚反应。 一、名词解释(1分×20=20分) 4.自动加速效应(autoacceleration effect):p40 又称凝胶化效应。在自由基聚合反应中,由于聚合体系黏度增大而使活性链自由基之间碰撞机会减少,难于发生双基终止,导致自由基浓度增加,此时单体仍然能够与活性链发生链增长反应,从而使聚合速率自动加快的现象。 三、简答题(5分×3=15分) 3.自由基聚合反应转化率-时间曲线特征 诱导期:初级自由基为阻聚杂质所终止,无聚合物形成,聚合速率零。若严格取除杂质,可消除诱导期。 初期:单体开始正常聚合,转化率在5%~10%以下(研究聚合时)或10%~20%(工业上)以下阶段称初期;此时转化率与时间近似呈线性关系,聚合恒速进行。 中期:转化率达10%~20%以后,聚合速率逐渐增加,出现自动加速现象,直至转化率达50%~70%,聚合速率才逐渐减慢。 后期: 自动加速现象出现后聚合速率逐渐减慢,直至结束,转化率可达90%~100%。 四、问答题(15分×3=45分) 1.自由基聚合与缩聚反应的特征比较 自由基聚合: 1)由基元反应组成,各步反应的活化能不同。引发最慢。 2)存在活性种。聚合在单体和活性种之间进行。 3)转化率随时间增长,分子量与时间无关。 4)少量阻聚剂可使聚合终止。 线形缩聚: 1)聚合发生在官能团之间,无基元反应,各步反应活化能相同。 2)单体及任何聚体间均可反应,无活性种。 3)聚合初期转化率即达很高,官能团反应程度和分子量随时间逐步增大。 4)反应过程存在平衡。无阻聚反应。 2.常用的逐步聚合方法有几种?各自的主要特点是什么? 熔融缩聚:


M1 U1 Tony:Let`s call Wonders of the World and join in the discussion. I think natural wonders are more interesting than man-made ones. And I think the Giant`s Causeway is the most fantastic natural wonder. Lingling:Hm,I`ve never seen it,so I`m not sure I agree with do you like it,Tony? Tony:Well,I visited the Giant`s Causeway two years `s huge. There`re about 40,000 rocks,most of them with six sides. It goes for several hundred metres on the eastem coast of Northem Ireland. Lingling:That sounds great,though I think Victoria Falls in Africa are even more fantastic. They`re about 1,700 metres wide and 100 metres can hear the loud noise a few kilometres away. Betty:Wow,tha`s huge! But in my opinion,man-made wonders are more exciting than natural at the Terracotta `s more than 2,000 years old. Daming:I agree with you,Betty. And I think the Three Gorges Dam is fantastic too. It`s about 2,300 metres long,185 metres high and 15 metres wide at the top. It lions of people in China. Betty:Now,who`d like to call first? M1 U2 A great wonder of the natural world When I arrived,it was early morning and it was raining. I looked to the east—the sky was becoming got out of the car,went through a gate and walked along a dark path. There was nothing to see,but I knew it was there. After about a mile,a stranger appeared beside the path.“Am I going the right way?”I knew where I was going,“yes,”he replied,“you`ll get there in five minutes.”
