



I smell something burning.

I heard him singing the song.

I heard my name called.

I can’t make myself understood in English.

I found my car missing.

I’ll have my watch repaired.我想把我的手表修一下。

The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see

______ the next year.

A carry out

B carrying out

C carried out

D to carry out


过去分词作宾语补足语 学案

过去分词作宾语补足语 概念引入 上个单元我们学习了过去分词作表语和定语的用法。现在我们继续学习过去分词作宾语补足语。看这些句子: 1. Now when people refer to England you find Wales included as well. 2. Finally the English government tried in the early twentieth century to form the United Kingdom by getting Ireland connected in the same peaceful government. 3. You find most of the population settled in the south. 4. They found the window broken. 5. ..., so Pingyu had a photo taken standing on either side of the line. 这些句子中的黑体部分都是过去分词作宾语补足语。 用法讲解 宾语补足语是同学们学习英语的一个小难点,许多同学都弄不清到底什么是宾语补足语,它的作用是什么,所以我们今天就从宾语补足语讲起,重点讲解过去分词作宾语补足语的内容。 什么是宾语补足语 英语中一些动词除需要一个宾语外,还需有宾语补足语句子意义才完整,这样就构成了英语的六种基本句型(见【补充】)中的“主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语”句型。宾语与宾语补足语之间在逻辑上是主谓关系。可作补足语的结构有名词、形容词、副词、介词短语、动词-ing形式、过去分词、不定式等。宾语和其宾语补足语也被称为复合结构。 1. 作补足语的词语: 1)We consider him (to be) a good teacher. 我们认为他是一个好老师。 (名词短语作宾语补足语,相当于省略了to be) 2)I find learning English difficult. 我发现学英语很难。 (形容词作宾语补足语) 3)I saw the kite up and down. 我看见风筝飞上飞下。 (副词作宾语补足语) 4)When he woke up, he found himself in a strange place. 他醒来时发现自己在一个陌生的地方。 (介词短语作宾语补足语) 5)Tom made the girl cry. 汤姆把女孩弄哭了。 (省略不定式符号to的动词不定式) 6)The father found his son playing in his room. 父亲发现儿子在房间里玩。 (动词-ing形式做宾语补足语) 7)The soft music makes us relaxed. 这首柔美的音乐使我们放松了。 (过去分词作宾语补足语) 【补充】英语的六种基本句型: 英语的最基本的句型有6种,其他的句子都是由这6种句型转换来的。


习题精选---分词用法: boy went to the ball,_like a pretty girl. A. dressing B. wearing C. wore D. dressed 2._in a white uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor. A. Dressed B. To dress C. Dressing D. Having dressed 3. The film was made_on a true old story. A. base B. to be based C. based D. basing 4. When_,the museum will be open to the public next year. A. completed B. completing C. being completed D. to be completed 5._to his research, he almost forgot everything. A. Devoting B. Devoted C. To devote D. Devote 6. _his attention on his novel, he didn’t notice the teacher coming. A. Fixed B. Fixing C. Fix D. To fix 7._on his novel, he didn’t notice the teacher coming. A. Fixed B. Fixing C. Fix D. To fix old engineer talked of the difficulty they _the tower. A. built B. had building C. had built D. build 9. _such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river. A. Having suffered B. Suffering C. To suffer D. Suffered 10._the past, our life is becoming much better. A. Comparing with B. Be compared with C. To compare with D. Compared with 11. The boy was last seen _near the East Lake. A. playing B. play C. played D. to play was very unhappy for _to the party. A. having not been invited B. not having invited C. having not invited D. not having been invited I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door _“Sorry to miss you; will call later.” A. read B. reads C. reading D. to read 14. We went to see him yesterday evening, _him away. A. finding B. find C. only to find D. found 15. _of plastics, the machines are easy to carry. A. To make B. Having made C. Being made D. Made Suggested answers: 1-5 DACA B 6-10 BABAD 11-15 ADCCD


不少英语语法书上认为英语中的感官动词如feel, hear, see, look at, listen to, notice, watch等后要跟复合宾语,即"宾语+宾语补足语"并举例说:I heard him speak.我听了他的发言句中的不带to的不定式speak表示已发过言了,表示一个完成的动作I heard him speaking.我听见他在说话句中的现在分词speaking表示"正在说话"笔者认为上述的解释是不正确的下面谈谈自己的一点肤浅见解,与同行们探讨 如果按上述I heard him speak.句中的解释,speak表示"一个完成的动作","讲过话了",在我听的时候,speak怎么会是一个完成的动作呢?按理可推,I heard her singing.能理解为说话的此刻她还在唱歌吗? 由此可见,"一个完成的动作"是对哪个时间参照点而言,如果是对说话的此刻而言,那么,当hear,feel,notice,watch等为过去时,不管是不带to的动词不定式,还是现在分词都表示"完成的动作" 如果hear,feel,notice,see,watch等为一般现在时或一般将来时,则不带to的不定式不可能是"一个完成的动作"如:We want to come and hear you play.能解释为说话的此刻,play是"一个已完成的动作(已演出过了)"吗? 在语言的运用中,实际上不带to的动词不定式表示整个活动(a complete activity, a complete action或a whole action),而现在分词表示正在进行的动作(an activity in progress)或者不管是不是全过程试比较: I saw him change the wheel of his car.我看见他在换汽车轮子(意味着我看到了整个动作过程) I saw him changing the wheel of his car.我看见他换汽车轮子(可能意味着我只看到动作过程的一部分) 又如:I saw him cross the road.是指"我看到他穿过马路的整个过程"(从离开人行道到另一侧的人行道),而I saw him crossing the road.则是指"我看到他正在穿越马路"再比较下列动


come和go后接现在分词的用法归纳与对比 一、表示日常生活或娱乐 come 和 go 后接日常生活的某些活动或娱乐活动,表示来做某事或去做某事,此时两者用法基本相同,只是“方向”不同。 1. come doing 的用例 Come dancing. 来跳舞。 Would you like to come sailing? 你愿意来坐船游览吗? Come swimming with us tomorrow. 明天跟我们一起游泳吧。 Why don’t you come ice-skating with us tonight? 今晚来和我们一起溜冰好吗? 2. go doing 的用例 It’s dangerous to go skating on the lake.在湖上滑冰有危险。 I went swimming while the others played tennis. 我去游泳,其余的人都打网球去了。 Could you look after the kids while I go shopping? 我去买东西,你照管一下孩子,好吗? On Saturdays, when I was a child, we would all get up early and go fishing. 我小的时候,我们星期六都一早起床去钓鱼。 还可表示方式或伴随 go后接现在分词可以表示“去”的方式,或者是伴随“去”还有另一个动作同时在发生。如: She slipped and went hurtling downstairs. 她一失足咕噜噜跌下楼梯。 The car went skidding off the road into a ditch. 汽车打滑冲出公路跌进沟里。 说明:在这类用法中,go doing 远比 come doing 用得普通,表示去进行该活动,其用法与上面讲到的“come+现在分词”相似,只是方向不同,一个表示“来”做某事,一个表示“去”做某事。 同时 go doing 的搭配能力也比 come doing 强得多,通常能这样搭配的现在分词有 climbing, cycling, exploring, dancing, fishing, hiking徒步旅行, hunting, riding, roller-skating, sailing, shooting, skating, skiing, surfing, swimming, walking, dancing, shopping, fishing, water-skiing 等。 They are going skiing. 他们要去滑雪。 They are going sailing. 他们要去航行了。 I’ m going shopping this afternoon.今天下午我要去购物。, 二、表示“来”“去”的方式 come 和 go 后面可以跟表示运动的动词的现在分词,可以“来”“去”的方式,含有“……来”“……去”之意,但在具体翻译时应灵活处理。 1. come doing的用例 She came running into the room. 她跑进屋来。 Memories of his childhood came flooding back. 他童年的往事涌上心头。 2. go doing的用例 She went sobbing up the stairs. 她呜咽着上楼去了。 The car went skidding off the road into a ditch. 汽车打滑冲出公路跌进沟里。 三、“go+现在分词”的其他用法


现在分词和过去分词的用法区别 (一)分词的作用 ·现在分词可用于: ·①构成进行时。e.g. We are studying English. ·②当副词作状语。e.g. The children came, singing and dancing. ·③当形容词作定语、宾补和表语。 ·e.g. Falling leaves danced in the air. ·I saw many birds flying along the river. ·The story is very moving. ·过去分词可用于: ·①构成完成时。 e.g. The play had begun when we arrived there. ·②构成被动语态。e.g. English is widely spoken in the world. ·③当副词作状语。e.g. Seen here, the city looks more beautiful. ·④当形容词作定语、宾补和表语。 ·e.g. a boy named Tom ·I saw the girl killed with my own eyes. ·I’m interested in English. (二)现在分词与过去分词的两大差别 1.在语态上:现在分词表主动,过去分词表被动。 2.在时态上:现在分词表进行,过去分词表完成。 (三)确定分词的使用的具体步骤 (1)根据句子结构确定分词的语法成分 (2)找准逻辑主语 (3)判断主、被动关系 (4)选定现在或过去分词 1. There was a terrible noise ____ the sudden burst of light. A. followed B. following C. to be followed D. being followed 2. The Olympic Games, ____ in 776 B. C., didn’t include women until 1912. A. first playing B. to be first played C. first played D. to be playing 3. What’s the language ____ in Germany? A. speaking B. spoken C. be spoken D. to speak 4. Most of the people ____ to the party were famous scientists. A. invited B. to invite C. being invited D. inviting 5. The first textbooks ____ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.


分词 分词作宾语补足语。 1.现在分词和过去分词都可以作宾语补足语。 在5看(look at, see, watch, notice, observe);3使(make, let, have);2听(listen to, hear);1感觉(fell)。,此外find, catch, keep, have .I heard a girl crying next door. I heard someone knocking at the door. He kept me waiting for a long time. I saw Tom entering the room. I found my key lost. I found the boy beaten black and blue. He made himself understood. John will get his room painted. Exercises1: 1) I heard my name ________________ ( call). 2) His voice was too low to make himself ________________(hear) . 3) We found the eggs_________________( eat) by the snake. 4) You’d better have/get your hair ______________ ( cut). 5) I had my left arm________________(break) yesterday. ExercisesII: 141. She was glad to see her child well __________. A. take care of B. taken care of C. taken care D. taking care of 142. Why do you stand and watch the milk __________. A. boiling B. boiled C. from boiling D. having been boiled 143. I’ve heard him __________ about you often. A. spoke B. speaking C. speak D. to speak 144. Before he came to London, he had never heard a single English word __________. A. speaking B. spoken C. speak D. being spoken 145. Walking along the river, we heard someone __________ for help. A. shouting B. shout C. shouted D. having shouted 146. I held the little bird in my hand and felt its heart __________. A. jumping B. beating C. bumping D. knocking 147. ---“Do you smell anything unusual?” ---“Yes. I can smell something __________.” A. burning B. is burning C. having burnt D. burn 148. Why do you have the water __________ all the time? A. ran B. to be running C. running D. being running 149. Ellen was absent this morning because she had her tooth __________. A. filling B. having been filled C. filled D. full 150. I can’t ______ you running up and down all day long. A. permit B. let C. have D. allow 151. Is there anything you want from town? I’m going to get __________. A. those letters mailed B. mailed letters C. to mailed those letters D. those letters mail 152. The teacher got the students __________ all the words they didn’t know. A. looked up B. looking in C. to look up D. look at 153. What did the school master want __________ to the noisy children? A. doing B. to do C. done D. did


英语分词的用法 英语中的分词有两种:现在分词和过去分词。及物动词的现在分词表示正在进行和主动意义,过去分词表示已经完成和被动意义。现将常用的英语分词的用法归纳如下: 1.作定语 分词可用来修饰名词或代词,并和所修饰的词在逻辑上有主谓关系。 (1)前置定语 单个分词作定语时,通常放在被修饰名词之前,作前置定语。例如: What exciting news it is! 这是多么令人振奋人心的消息! There were a lot of excited people at the concert.演奏会上,很多人兴奋不已。 (2)后置定语 a、少数单个分词(尤其是过去分词为多)作定语时,也可作后置定语。例如: Make sentences with the words given .用所给的词造句。 The goods ordered will be delivered soon. The money left is far from enough. Many people are dubious about the announcement from the authorities concerned. b、单个分词作不定代词的定语时,要放在被修饰代词之后,作后置定语。例如: Is there anything unsolved ? 还有没解决的问题吗? There is something missing . 有东西丢失了。 c、分词短语作定语时,要放在被修饰名词之后,作后置定语。这时的分词短语相当于一个定语从句。例如: Do you know the old woman sitting under the tree ?(=Do you know the old woman who is sitting under the tree ?) 你认识坐在树下的那个老太太吗? There comes a girl dressed in red .(=There comes a girl who is dressed in red .) 一个穿红衣服的女孩走过来了。 2.作表语 分词作表语,相当于形容词。现在分词作表语通常表示主语所具有的性质或特征,含有“令 人……的”意思。过去分词作表语多表示主语所处的情形或状态,含有“感到……的”意思。例如: The match was very disappointing . 这场比赛令人失望。 They were very disappointed . 他们都非常失望。 3.作补语 (1)作宾语补语 a、分词作宾语补足语,宾语和现在分词(主动意义)有逻辑上的主谓关系,宾语和过去分词 (被动意义)有逻辑上的动宾关系。 分词通常用在see,hear, watch,notice,feel,find等感官动词或have,get,make


过去分词的用法 一、构成:规则动词的过去分词是有动词原形+ed构成的,不规则动词则有各自构成。 二、基本特点:过去分词在句子中的基本用法有两点:1.与逻辑主语之间是被动关系 2.表示完成的动作 三、过去分词的用法: 1.作表语:过去分词作表语时,一般同时具备被动与完成的含义 例如:(1)The cup is broken.(2)He is retired. (3)After running,he is tired. 【注意】过去分词作表语时,已经变成形容词性质,主要表示主语的状态(被动完成),而被动语态则表示动作. 例如:(1) The cup was broken by my little sister yesterday. 茶杯是昨天我小妹打碎的.(是被动语态,表示动作) (2)The cup is now broken. 茶杯碎了.(过去分词作表语,表示状态) 【注意】有些动词如interest, bore, worry, surprise, frighten 等通常用其过去分词形式来修饰人,表示“感到……” 用-ing 形式来修饰物,表示“令人……” 例如:The book is interesting and I'm interested in it. 这本书很有趣,我对它很感兴趣. 2.做定语 作定语用的过去分词其逻辑主语就是它所修饰的名词.及物动词的过去分词作定语,既表被动又表完成;不及物动词的过去分词作定语,只表完成. 1)单一过去分词作定语,常置于其所修饰的名词之前,称作前置定语。 例如:We must adapt our thinking to the changed conditions. 我们必须使我们的思想适应改变了的情况. 2)过去分词短语用作定语时,一般置于其所修饰的名词之后,相当于一个定语从句,称作后置定语。 例如:The concert given by their friends was a success.他们朋友举行的音乐会大为成功. 3)过去分词短语有时也可用作非限制性定语,前后常有逗号. 例如:The meeting, attended by over five thousand people, welcomed the great hero. 4)用来修饰人的过去分词有时可以修饰与人有关的表情,面貌,举止行为以及感觉等,这时不能用v-ing形式例如:The boy looked up with a pleased expression. His satisfied look showed that he had passed this exam. 3.作状语 作状语的过去分词在句子中多表示被动和完成两重含义。 1)时间状语:A.当和谓语动词动作同时发生时,一般仅表示被动,可以用when从句代替。 例如:Faced with difficulties,we shouldn’t withdraw for any excuse. B.当表示动作发生在谓语动词之前时,通常既表被动又表完成,可用after从句代替,也可用现在分词的被动完成形式代替。 例如:Caught by the police,the thief lay on the ground,crying and shouting. 2)原因状语:过去分词所表示的动作多有被动和完成两重含义。 例如:Written in a hurry, this article was not so good! 因为写得匆忙,这篇文章不是很好. Welcomed by all the students,we expressed own true thanks to them.被全体同学欢迎,我们表达真挚的感激【注意】有些过去分词因来源于系表结构,作状语时不表被动而表主动.这样的过去分词及短语常见的有: lost (迷路); seated (坐); hidden (躲); stationed (驻扎); lost / absorbed in (沉溺于); born (出身于); dressed in (穿着); tired of (厌烦). 等,这种结构可以改写成一个because引导的主系表结构句子。 例如:Lost / Absorbed in deep thought, he didn't hear the sound.因为沉溺于思考之中,所以他没听到那个声音. Tired of the noise,he decided to move to the country.因厌倦了噪音,他决定搬到农村去。 Dressed in an orange dress,she looked more beautiful than before.穿上橘红色连衣裙,她看起来比以前更美3)条件状语:作条件状语时,一般只表被动含义。相当于if引导的条件状语从句。 例如:Grown in rich soil, these seeds can grow fast. 如果种在肥沃的土壤里,这些种子能长得很快. 4)伴随情况:表示伴随谓语动词发生的另外动作,位于主语之后,用逗号隔开,可以同时表示被动与完成, 例如:The mother ran across the street,followed by her little son. 5)结果状语:表示发生在谓语动词后的动作,位于主句后用都逗号分开,也可以同时表示被动与完成。 例如:He listened to the hero’s story,moved to tears. 【注意】状语从句改成过去分词作状语时有时还可保留连词,构成"连词+过去分词"结构作状语. 例如:When given a medical examination, you should keep calm. 当你做体格检查时要保持镇定.


现在分词 一、基础知识: 现在分词(也叫动名词):表示主动和进行。 基本形式:doing 否定式:not doing 被动式:being done 完成式:having done 二、具体用法: 1.动名词作主语和宾语: (1)把一个动词变成-ing形式可以当做名词来用,表示一种经常性、习惯性的动作,可在句中充当主语和宾语。 eg: Working with you is a pleasure. I like reading in my free time. (2)可以用it做形式主语或形式宾语放在前面,再用动名词做真正的主语或宾语放在后面,这种用法常用于以下句式: ①It is/was no use/good doing sth. 做某事是没用的/没有好处的。 eg: It’s no use begging for his mercy. It’s no good smoking too much. ②It is/was a waster of time doing sth. 做某事是浪费时间的。 eg: It is a waste of time copying others’ homework. ③It is/was worth doing sth. 做某事是值得的。 eg: It was worth making the effort. ④There is/was no sense in doing sth. 做某事是没有道理的/意义的。 eg: There is no sense in arguing with your wife. ⑤There is/was no point (in) doing sth. 做某事是没用的/无意义的。 eg: There is no point in getting angry. ⑥There is no shame in doing sth. 做某事是不丢脸的。 eg: There is no shame in saying sorry to your friends. ⑦There is no telling…无法预言会… eg: There is no telling what will happen. ※注意:动名词作主语时,其前可用名词所有格和形容词性物主代词修饰,即one’s doing sth.作主语。 eg: Tom’s being late again made his teacher angry. My going to Beijing University is my parents’ biggest dream. (3)动名词作宾语分为两种情况:动名词后的宾语和介词后的宾语 ①有些动词后只能接动名词作宾语,常见的有: avoid, advise, allow, admit, appreciate, consider, deny, enjoy, keep, finish, suggest, dislike, delay, risk, escape, imagine, mind, miss, permit, practice, fancy, can’t help, be busy, give up, can’t stand, feel like等。 eg: You must avoid being hurt when crossing the road. ②有些动词后即可接动名词也可接不定式作宾语,常见的有: A: start, begin, intend, attempt, continue等后接doing和to do无区别。 B: like, love, prefer, hate等后接doing和to do略有区别,后接doing侧重经常习惯性的行为,后接to do侧重具体的某一次行为。 eg: I like swimming in summer but today I like to see a film at home


现在分词做宾语补足语 现在分词在句子中可用作宾语补足语,其结构为: 主语+谓语+宾语+现在分词(即宾语补足语)。使用此结构要特别注意: 句子中的宾语和宾语补足语在逻辑上是主动关系,并不是所有的动词都可以跟宾语加现在分词作宾语补足语。掌握现在分词作宾语补足语的结构要注意下面的五点。 一、感官动词+宾语+现在分词,现在分词做宾语补足语,表示动作正在进行。例如: He saw her working in the garden.他看见她正在花园里干活。 分析: “He”在句子中做主语,“saw”作谓语,“her”作宾语,划线部分在句子中作宾语补足语。请看下面的句子,working in the garden宾语补足语。 I heard a bell ring.我听见铃在响。 I could feel the wind blowing on my face.我能感觉到风吹着我的脸。 高中范围内,适用于“感官动词+宾语+现在分词”的结构,现在分词作宾语补足语常用的动词有: feel,find,hear,notice,observe,see,watch等。 在listen to和look at后面也可跟宾语+现在分词(即宾语补足语)。例如: Sometimes she would listen to him playing the saxophone.有时她会听他吹奏萨克斯管。 She looked at him waiting there.她瞧着他等在那里。 二、使役动词+宾语+现在分词,现在分词在句子中作宾语补足语。例如: His question has set me thinking.他的问题让我深思。


初中英语现在分词用法总结 一、基础知识: 现在分词(也叫动名词):表示主动和进行。 基本形式:doing 否定式:not doing 被动式:being done 完成式:having done 二、具体用法: 1.动名词作主语和宾语: (1)把一个动词变成-ing形式可以当做名词来用,表示一种经常性、习惯性的动作,可在句中充当主语和宾语。 eg: Working with you is a pleasure. I like reading in my free time. (2)可以用it做形式主语或形式宾语放在前面,再用动名词做真正的主语或宾语放在后面,这种用法常用于以下句式: ① It is/was no use/good doing sth. 做某事是没用的/没有好处的。 eg: It’s no use begging for his mercy. It’s no good smoking too much. ② It is/was a waster of time doing sth. 做某事是浪费时间的。eg: It is a waste of time copying others’ homework. ③ It is/was worth doing sth. 做某事是值得的。 eg: It was worth making the effort. ④ There is/was no sense in doing sth. 做某事是没有道理的/

意义的。 eg: There is no sense in arguing with your wife. ⑤ There is/was no point (in) doing sth. 做某事是没用的/ 无意义的。 eg: There is no point in getting angry. ⑥ There is no shame in doing sth. 做某事是不丢脸的。 eg: There is no shame in saying sorry to your friends. ⑦ There is no telling…无法预言会… eg: There is no telling what will happen. ※注意:动名词作主语时,其前可用名词所有格和形容词性物主代词修饰,即one’s doing sth.作主语。 eg: Tom’s being late again made his teacher angry. My going to Beijing University is my parents’ biggest dream. (3)动名词作宾语分为两种情况:动名词后的宾语和介词后的宾语 ①有些动词后只能接动名词作宾语,常见的有: avoid, advise, allow, admit, appreciate, consider, deny, enjoy, keep, finish, suggest, dislike, delay, risk, escape, imagine, mind, miss, permit, practice, fancy, can’t help, be busy, give up, can’t stand, feel like等。 eg: You must avoid being hurt when crossing the road. ②有些动词后即可接动名词也可接不定式作宾语,常见的有:


英语中过去分词的用法 过去分词的用法讲解如下: 过去分词的用法在英语语法中很是普遍。那么,如何正确的使用过去分词呢?我们来看看过 去分词的用法解析,只有了解了过去分词的用法,才能正确的运用和使用它。 一、基本概念 1. 分词的定义 动词的-ed分词即过去分词,是由动词的过去分词构成,一般只有一种形式。 2. 过去分词的语法作用: 过去分词一方面具有动词的性质,另一方面也相当于一个形容词或副词(相当于被动语), 在句中可以作表语、定语、状语和补足语。 1) 过去分词作表语,主要表示主语的心理感觉或所处的状态。如: Don’t touch the glass because it is broken. 不要碰那个杯子,它是坏的(它是被打坏的)。He is quite pleased with the design of the dress. 她很喜欢那礼服的式样。

2) 过去分词做定语: 单个的过去分词作定语一般放在名词的前面,相当于一个定语从句。如: The excited people rushed into the building. 激动的人们奔进了大楼。(excited people 被 激动了的人) We need more qualified teachers. 我们需要更多合格的教师。(被资质认证过的老师,或经 过资质认证的老师。) 过去分词短语作定语通常放在被修饰的词后面,相当于一个定语从句。如: Is there anything planned for tomorrow? 明天有什么活动吗? The suggestion made by the foreign expert was adopted by the manager. 外国专家提出 来的建议被经理采纳了。 过去分词作定语也可用作非限制性定语,前后用逗号隔开。如: The books, written by Lu Xun, are popular with many Chinese people.这些书是鲁迅写的,受到了许多中国人民的喜爱。 The meeting, attended by one thousand students, was a success. 这次会议获得很大的成功,共有一千个学生出席了。 3) 过去分词做状语: 过去分词和-ing分词作状语一样,也可以表示时间、原因、条件、让步、方式或伴随情况等。


一、现在分词:在句中可以做表语、定语、状语、宾语补足语。 二、现在分词的基本用法 1. 作表语:表主语的特征。如amusing, discouraging, puzzling, refreshing, astonishing。 2. 作定语: (1). 表示主动的、进行的状态:The girl wearing blue skirt is my sister. = The girl who is wearing blue skirt is my sister. (比较:The factory being built now is a big one.) (2). 说明被修饰词的性质和特征:This is an interesting story. (3). 相当于非限制性定语,常用逗号分开:Tom, wearing beautiful clothes, followed me down the hill. = Tom, who is wearing beautiful clothes, followed me down the hill. (4). 与adv. / n. 构成复合词作定语:This is an English-speaking country. 3. 作状语:表示主动的、进行的状态,其逻辑主语是句中的主语。(如果不是,需在v.-ing 形式前加名词或代词作逻辑主语: Time permitting, the football match will be played on Friday.) (1). 原因状语:Not having been invited to the party, she had to stay home. (2). 时间状语:Seeing their teacher coming, the students stopped talking. 如果现在分词表示的动作与谓语表示的动作同时发生,常在现在分词前加上when或while:While waiting for the plane, I had a long talk with Simon. (3). 条件状语:Working harder, you'll be No. 1 in your class. (4). 让步状语:Weighing almost two hundred kilograms, the stone was moved by him alone. (5). 结果状语:He died, leaving nothing but debts. (6). 伴随状语:He sat by the desk, begging. 注意:The park was full of people, enjoying themselves in the sunshine. 由此可知伴随状语的特点:①主语所做的另一动作或②与谓语动作(状态)同时发生或③对谓语进行补充说明。(7). 方式状语:Following their teacher, the students entered the room quietly. 4. 作宾补:表示主动的、进行的状态,与宾语有逻辑上的“主表”或“主谓”关系:We all found his equipment interesting. (主表关系) / I saw Mary going upstairs then. (主谓关系) 三、现在分词的两个基本特点 1. 在时间上表示动作正在进行:a developing country, boiling water, rising sun (比较: a developed country, boiled water, risen sun) 2. 在语态上表示主动:the ruling class 统治阶级,the exploiting class 剥削阶级(比较:the ruled class 被统治阶级,the exploited class 被剥削阶级) 四、独立主格结构(Absolute Phrase)由两部分组成,前一部分是名词或者代词,后一部分是不定式、现在分词、过去分词、形容词、副词、名词或介词短语。前后两部分具有逻辑主谓关系。其本身不是句子,在句子中作状语,表时间、原因、条件、伴随、目的等。 A lecture to be given tomorrow, the professor has to stay up late into the night. (原因)Weather permitting, we are going to visit you tomorrow. (条件) He was lying on the grass, his hands crossed under his head. (伴随) An air accident happened to the plane, nobody alive. (结果) The meeting over, they all went home. (时间) Two hundred people died in the accident, many of them children. (结果) The boy goes to the classroom, book in hand. (伴随) Another story to be completed, the writer stayed up almost every night. (目的)
