



1.1 catching crabs

In the fall of our final year,our mood changed.The relaxed atmosphere had disappeared, and peer group pressure to work hard was strong. Meanwhile,at the back of everyone’s mind was what we would do next after graduation. As for me,I wanted to travel,and I wanted to be a writer.I braced myself for some resistance to the idea from my father,who wanted me to go to law school,and follow his path through life.

However,he supported what I wanted but he made me think about it by watching the crabs.The cage was full of crabs. One of them was trying to escape,but each time it reached the top the other crabs pulled it back.In the end it gave up lengthy struggle to escape and started to prevent other crabs from escaping.By watching crabs,my father told me not to be pulled back by others,and to get to know himself better.

1.2We are all dying

Life is short.We never quite know when we become coffin dwellers or trampled ash in the rose garden of some local ceremony.So there’s no poin t in putting our dreams on the back burner until the right time arrives.Now is the time to do what we want to do. Make the best of our short stay and fill our life with the riches on offer so that when the reaper arrives,we’ve achieved much instead of regrets.



The extract from Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams by Sylvia Plath is a combination of her real life and imaginary life in her childhood.In the real life,Plath was a winner of the prize for drawing the best Civil Defense signs,lived by an airport and had an Uncle who bore resemblance to Superman.In her imagination,the airport was her Mecca and Jerusalem because of her flying dreams.Superman fulfilled her dream at the moment.

David Stirling,a bookish boy,also worship Superman.During the recess at school,he and the author played Superman https://www.360docs.net/doc/e21764156.html,pared with their school-mates who played the routine games,they felt they were outlaws but had a sense of windy superiority.They also found a stand-in,Sheldon Fein, who later invented tortures.

2.2cultual childhoods

Historically,childhood has undergone enormous transformations in terms of children’s responsibilities and parental expectations.Culturally,childhood is socially constructed.The interplay of history and cultural leads to different understanding of childhood,consequently it is advisable not to impose ideas from one culture to understand childhood in another culture.


3.1how we listen

For the sake of clarify,we split up the process of listening to music into three hypothetical planes.Firstly,the sensuous plane.It is a kind of brainless but attractive state of mind engendered

by the mere sound appeal of the music.Secondly,the expressive plane.It is when we believe each piece of music has a theme,which mirrors a different world of feeling,such as gaiety,sadness.Thirdly,the musical plane.It is the ability to experience different musical elements,such as melodies,the rhythms,the harmonies,the tone colors etc.We usually listen to music on all three planes.

3.2the mystery of Girl with a Pearl Earring

The painting Girl with a Pearl Earring is one of Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer’s masterworks.It shows a striking young woman wearing an exotic costume and a turban,peering over her shoulder straight out at the viewer.As the name implies,it uses a pearl earring for a focal point.It has been referred to as the Mona Lisa of the north,because,like Leonardo da Vinci’s painting,it appears to be a simple likeness of a woman with an enigmatic smile,yet which contains levels of meanings and questions.So much mystery in the painting contributes to its worldwide popularity and generates a thoroughly rewarding novel and a well-composed film.


4.1work in corporate America

In today’s American jobs are not what they used to be.Not long ago,when a father was asked about his job he could answer in terms that a child could come to grips with.Nowadays,when the parent take his offspring to his place of business in glass buildings that are really incomprehensive to children.What’s more,it’s safe bet tha t even grown men have trouble visualizing what other men does in their jobs with his day.Therefore,it’s not difficult to imagine a poor child may answer”mulling over” after it beats me the mysteries of work,when his friends asks him of his father’s job.

4.2our supposedly exciting times are really rather dull

Living in a world of unprecedented/dazzling change,there are never been anything quite like it.However,we are just ignorant of/about deeper historical patterns,take globalization for example,from historical context point of view,the world is almost meaningless.We simply do not live in a age of great technological innovation for all our enthusiasm about internet and iPod.With staggering 90 percent of all web traffic is local,we are always be told the Int ernet has “opened up”the world.As the Chinese curse runs “May you live in interesting times”,it can bring chaos and anxiety in the in the wake.


5.1dinner at Joanne’s

When a young black man arrives in a crowded and expensive restaurant,the head waiter makes him sit in the least comfortable place,even though a table has been booked for him and a “Ms Rogers”.

When Ms Rogers arrives,the waiter realizes that she is a well-known Senator; and Ms Roger realizes that her friend has been treated badly because of the color of his skin.The waiter realizes his mistake too,and tries to make up for it,but it’s too late.

5.2we they

The writer uses stories about doing business between Swedes and Saudis to illustrate the differences between an individualist and a collectivist approach to business. They have different concepts of the role of personal relationships in business. The Swedes believe the business is done with a company while the Saudis think it should be done with a person they know and trust.Then the writer compares the characteristics of the collectivist and those of the individualist.

In the most collectivist societies,the families are usually extended families while in the individualist societies,nuclear families are prevalent. People consider themselves as part of a “we”group or in-group in the collectivist societies.In contrast, the individualist think of themselves as “I”,their personal identity which is distinct from other people’s. A practical and psychological dependence relationship develops between the person and the in-group in the collectivist societies. However, rarely do people depend on a group in the individualist societies.


6.1 Last man down

The text from Last Ma Down offers an eyewitness account of defining historical event of 9/11 attack from the perspective of Richard Picciotto, a firefighter; his story is that of a man, a hero,and a tragic event that inspired the nation. His recount isn’t one of death and destruction, but a celebration of life and it’s unpredictable nature.

6.2 Eleanor Roosevelt

The passage offers a hero who contrasts with brave firefighters. This time she is a woman of power and previlege who still wanted to devote herself to the sucess she believed in.

Living in a male-dominated world, Eleanor Roosevelt showed g rowing concern for women’s issues, along with those for labor issues,youth and civil rights issues.

Eleanor created new First Lady profile. She held a press conference for the female only. She was a great supporter for FDR, her wheel-bound husband, whose career as the US president offered her opportunity to come into her own.

After FDR’s departure, she s till held public posts to use her power to her beliefs.

Anna Eleanor Roosevelt never ran on a par with men, she set the place.


大学英语3 第二版summary U1 Active reading(1) In the fall of our final year, our mood changed. The relaxed atmosphere had disappeared, and the peer group pressure to work hard was strong. M eanwhile, at the back of everyone's mind was what we would do next afte r graduation. As for me, I wanted to travel, and I wanted to be a writer. I braced myself for some resistance to the idea from my father, who wante d me to go to law school, and follow his path through life. However, he supported what I wanted but he made me think about it b y watching the crabs. The cage was full of crabs. One of them was trying to escape, but each time it reached the top the other crabs pulled it back. I n the end it gave up lengthy struggle to escape and started to prevent othe r crabs from escaping. By watching crabs, my father told me not to be pul led back by others, and to get to know oneself better. U1 Active reading(2) Life is short. We never quite know when we become 1) coffin dwellers or 2) trampled ash in the rose garden of some local cemetery. So there’s no point in putting our dreams 3) on the back burner until 4) the right tim e arrives. Now is the time to do what we want to do. 5) Make the best of o ur short stay and 6) fill our life with the riches on offer so that when the r eaper arrives, we’ve achieved much instead of 7) regrets.


Unit 1 Fresh Start I first began to wonder what I was doing on a college compus anyway when my parents drove off . My plan was to keep my ears open and my mouth shut .The next morning , I found my first class and marched in . But I was in the wrong building . After class , I went to the cafeteria , I stepped in a large puddle of ketchup and my rear end met the floor . It ended with my first day of college class . I was very frustrated . But later , a composed and very confident football player let me realized I had been taking myself far too seriously .So I gave up trying to act my way through college and began not acting at all . Three years after graduation , I’m still making mistakes , and I’m even being forgiven for a few . Unit 2 Tranny of the Urgent Have you ever wished for a thirty-hour gay ? We seemed have a lot of things undone . But would a thirty-hour day really solve the problem ? Prolongation of time doesn’t really solve the problem . We find ourselves working more and enjoying it less . Our dilemma goes deeper , it’s basically the problem of priorities . Sometimes we have left undone and we have done those things which we shouldn’t have done . It’s the problem of priorities . Some urgent things devour our energy . Then we recall the important tasks pushed aside . We realize we’ve become slaves to the “ tyranny of the urgent ” . Unit 3 Chinese Food Chinese and Western have the different attitudes toward food . Most of chinese pay more attention to the food , but the western is different . For them , food is quite simply a fuel . Chinese think the eating is one of the most important things in life : to eat with the capital E . In fact , chinese food is the only truly international food . How did this come about ? The reasons included that the chinese went to work in North America , and the population pressure in HongKong . But root is that the western are interested in chinese food . There is no doubt that the traditional high-quality chinese meal is a serous matter , the preparation is detailed , and the enjoyment must therefore match it . Chinese food is an expression of basic assumptions about life itself . Unit 4 Why I Want a Wife I’m a wife , but I want a wife . With a wife , I can go back to college , leaving my wife to take care of the house and my children . I want a wife who will take care of my physical needs . She is supposed to the house clean , cook the meals every day , and do the grocery shopping . I want a wife who will take care of the details of my social life . When my friends are invited to our home , she should prepare a special meal and make them feel comfortable . I want a wife who will satisfy my sexual needs , of course , she will not demand sexual attention when I don’t feel like it . And I want the liberty to replace my present wife with another one . A wife can do so many things , who wouldn’t want a wife ? Unit 5 The Company Man Phil was a company man , a workaholic , a prefect tape A . He worked himself to death at 3:00 am Sunda y morning . He worked six days a week , over ten hours a day . He didn’t like to exercise , so he was overweight . He was too busy to share any time with his wife and children . As a result , he was very distant from them . One of his sons said : “ my fath er and I only board


U1人在自然界 人类生活在大自然的王国里。他们时刻被大自然所包围并与之相互影响。人类呼吸的空气、喝下的水和摄入的食物,无一不令人类时刻感知到大自然的影响。我们与大自然血肉相连,离开大自然,我们将无法生存。 人类不仅生活在大自然之中,同时也在改变着大自然。人类把自然资源转变为各种文化,社会历史的财富。人类降服并控制了电,迫使它为人类社会的利益服务。人类不仅把各种各样的动植物转移到不同的气候环境,也改变了他生活环境的地貌和气候并使动植物因之而发生转变。 随着社会的发展,人类对大自然的直接依赖越来越少,而间接的依赖却越来越多。我们远古的祖先生活在大自然的威胁及破坏力的恐惧之中,他们常常连基本的生活物资都无法获取。然而,尽管工具不甚完备,他们却能同心协力,顽强工作,并总是有所收获。在与人类的相互作用中,大自然也发生了改变。森林被破坏了,耕地面积增加了。大自然及其威力被看成是和人类敌对的东西。 譬如,森林被认为是野性的和令人恐惧的,因此人类便想方设法使其面积缩小。这一切都是打着“文明”的旗号进行的,所谓“文明”,就是人类在哪里建立家园,耕耘土地,哪里的森林就被砍伐。 然而,随着岁月的流逝,人类越来越关注的是在何处得到和如何得到生产所需的不可替代的自然资源的问题。科学与人类改变大自然的实践活动已经使人类意识到了工业在改变地球的进程中对地质产生的重大影响。 目前,人与自然以及自然与社会整体之间过去存在的动态平衡,已呈现崩溃的迹象。生物圈中所谓可替代资源的问题变得极为尖锐。人类和社会的需求,即便是简单得像淡水一样的物质,也变得越来越难以满足。清除工业废物的问题也变得日益复杂。 现代技术的特征是生产和使用日益丰富的人工合成产品。人们生产成千上万的人工合成材料。人们越来越多地用尼龙和其他人造纤维把自己从头到脚地包裹起来,这些绚丽的织物显然对他们无益。年轻人或许很少注意到这一点,他们更关注的是外表,而不是健康。但是上了年岁之后,他们就会感受到这种有害的影响。 久而久之,这些合成物质转变成废弃物,那些原本毒性不大的物质在自然循环中变为极其有害的物质。自然科学家和哲学家如今都在问自己这样一个问题:人类对生物圈的破坏难道是无法避免的吗? 人与大自然的关系——生态环境的危机——已经成为一个全球性问题。这一问题的解决之道在于理性而明智地协调生产和对大自然的关爱之间的关系,这不仅要依靠个人、企业或者某些国家的力量,而且要依靠全人类的力量。解决人与大自然关系危机的方法之一,就是使用太阳能、风能、海洋能等资源,以及其他尚不为人所知的宇宙中的自然能。 但是,回到我们原先的主题上,令人难以接受的事实是那些违背了自然规律、破坏了生物圈和谐的人类行为将会带来灾难,而这种灾难也许是全球性的。古代东方智者的话讲得真是恰如其分:朋友们,你要是亲近大自然,大自然就会用那永恒不变的规律永远呵护你! U2技术与幸福 20世纪的美国人、欧洲人和东亚人都享受到了过去历代人都无法想象的物质和技术进步带来的乐趣。譬如,在美国,从1950年到2000年国民生产总值翻了3倍。人们的寿命大幅度提高。二战后生产力的迅速发展使商品变得价廉物美。诸如乘飞机旅游和打长途电话等曾经是奢侈的事情成了生活不可或缺的一部分。 那么,根据大多数标准衡量,你会说,现在的美国人比上个世纪中叶富裕多了。不过,奇怪的是,如果你问美国人有多幸福,你会发现,他们并不比1946年时幸福(1946年正式开始对幸福状况进行调查)。事实上,那些说自己“非常幸福”的人所占的比例自20世纪70年代以来一直稳中有降——尽管20世纪40年代出生的人的收入在他们的工作生涯中平均增长了116%。你可以在大多数发达国家找到相似的数据。 自工业革命开始以来,幸福与技术之间的关系一直是社会批评家和哲学家们长期研究的课题,然而,基本上还没有受到经济学家和社会学家们的关注。经济学家理查德·伊斯特林在经济繁荣和幸福的关系方面进行了具有开拓性的研究,并于1974年发表了一篇题为“经济增长改变人类命运吗?”的著名论文。伊斯特林表明,就发达国家而言,一个国家的收入和国民的幸福之间没有真正的相互关系。伊斯特林认为,金钱买不到幸福,至少在(金钱)达到了一定程度以后是如此。伊斯特林认为,尽管贫穷与苦难密不可分,但是,一个国家一旦达到稳定的中产阶级水平,富有似乎并没有让其国民感到更多的幸福。 这好像几乎是一种普遍现象。实际上,研究幸福的学者们最重要的观点之一是:人们对好消息很快便习以为常。拿彩票中奖者为例。一项重要的研究表明,尽管买彩票中奖的人中奖时会感到非常非常幸福,可这种兴奋很快就消逝了。一段时间之后,他们的心情和幸福感与中奖之前没有什么两样。


↓↓↓ 大英3课文Summary UNIT 1 1.1 catching crabs In the fall of our final year,our mood changed.The relaxed atmosphere had disappeared, and peer group pressure to work hard was strong. Meanwhile,at the back of everyone’s mind was what we would do next after graduation. As for me,I wanted to travel,and I wanted to be a writer.I braced myself for some resistance to the idea from my father,who wanted me to go to law school,and follow his path through life. However,he supported what I wanted but he made me think about it by watching the crabs.The cage was full of crabs. One of them was trying to escape,but each time it reached the top the other crabs pulled it back.In the end it gave up lengthy struggle to escape and started to prevent other crabs from escaping.By watching crabs,my father told me not to be pulled back by others,and to get to know himself better. 1.2We are all dying Life is short.We never quite know when we become coffin dwellers or trampled ash in the rose garden of some local ceremony.So there’s no p oint in putting our dreams on the back burner until the right time arrives.Now is the time to do what we want to do. Make the best of our short stay and fill our life with the riches on offer so that when the reaper arrives,we’ve achieved much instead of regrets. UNIT 2 2.1superman The extract from Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams by Sylvia Plath is a combination of her real life and imaginary life in her childhood.In the real life,Plath was a winner of the prize for drawing the best Civil Defense signs,lived by an airport and had an Uncle who bore resemblance to Superman.In her imagination,the airport was her Mecca and Jerusalem because of her flying dreams.Superman fulfilled her dream at the moment. David Stirling,a bookish boy,also worship Superman.During the recess at school,he and the author played Superman https://www.360docs.net/doc/e21764156.html,pared with their school-mates who played the routine games,they felt they were outlaws but had a sense of windy superiority.They also found a stand-in,Sheldon Fein, who later invented tortures. 2.2cultual childhoods Historically,childhood has undergone enormous transformations in terms of children’s responsibilities and parental expectations.Culturally,childhood is socially constructed.The interplay of history and cultural leads to different understanding of childhood,consequently it is advisable not to impose ideas from one culture to understand childhood in another culture. UNIT 3 3.1how we listen For the sake of clarify,we split up the process of listening to music into three hypothetical planes.Firstly,the sensuous plane.It is a kind of brainless but attractive state of mind engendered

高级英语6 lesson1 课文的summary

Summary of Sexism in School According to Myra and David Sadker, many people believe classroom sexism was gone already, but actually it still exists in school: boys still get more attention than girls do in classroom. Based on some reliable investigation and bountiful evidence, readers can easily know that teachers' sexist attitudes towards students do exist and it can directly affect students' progress in learning. It can be found that boys get more than their fair share of teacher attention, while girls just sit and keep quiet. Besides, the sexism with far-reaching harmful effects also exists in work place. Then the authors make a recommendation that teachers getting trained can establish equity in classroom, which turns out to be effective according to the study. Finally, the authors make a call for immediate action to remove sexism in school so that females can achieve equity in work world as well as in school.


Unit1 Mr. Doherty Builds His Dream Life The passage mainly talked about the dream life of the author with his family on a farm, where the author could write and live. The author viewed his life in the country as a self-reliant and satisfying one, but sometimes the good life would get very hard. On the first winter, the author was fond of every minute instead with his family, which they would never forget, while the follow spring brought two floods, which made them amazed. After quitting his job, the author’s income was reduced, but he and his family were able to manage to get by. Besides, he ran a farm and benefited more from it. A tolerance for solitude and a lot of energy had made it possible for the family to enjoy their life in the country. What’s more, they also had found the lifestyle that they preferred in this place. Unit 2 The Freedom Givers The passage mainly talked about three persons, Josiah Henson, John Parker and Levi Coffin, who were the givers of freedom for black slaves in the American history. Besides, the author praised the exploits of civil-rights heroes who helped slaves travel the Underground Railroad to freedom by citing more examples. What’s more, it was high time to honor the heroes who helped liberate slaves by forging the Underground Railroad in the early civil-rights struggles in America. After winning his own freedom from slavery, John Parker helped other slaves to escape north to Canada and freedom. Supported by a strong religious conviction, the white man Levi Coffin risked himself to help many black slaves to escape. At last, by traveling the Underground Railroad, Josiah Henson reached his destination and became free. Unit 3 The Land of the Lock The passage mainly talked about the land of lock, which happened in American. When the author was young, it was the local custom for people to leave the front door at night but didn’t close it, and none of them carried keys. However, nowadays those days were over, and the era of leaving the front door on the latch has drawn to a close. What a great change was that no locking had been replaced by dead-bolt locks, security chains, electronic alarm systems and so on. Therefore, the lock became the new symbol of America. What’s more, a new atmosphere of fear and distrust had crept into every aspect of daily life. As a result, security devices, in varied forms, were put to use. In locking their fears out, they became prisoners of their own making. Unit 4 Was Einstein a Space Alien The passage mainly talked about Albert Einstein, who was a young husband and father with a bushy hair. In order to support his young family, with a poor sleep, he had to work hard at the Patent Office so that he was very tired. For which, he felt all the pressure and responsibility. However, aiming to relax himself, he made astonishing achievements in physics and thus revolutionized the field with five papers about spare time, which were of great impact on all over the world. Because


Summary如何写(I) 说明文的summary 我们以上海英语高二课本中的一篇文章为例 The Problem of Packaging 第一段 A large source of rubbish is packaging material. It often makes up more than 30 percent of the total. To understand why this is true, think of the packaging commonly used for a simple product, such as toothpaste. The packaging includes not only the tube for the toothpaste, but also the box for the tube. This box is put into a plastic wrapper. Then, the boxes are transported in a cardboard container. 第二段 Most packaging material ends up in a landfill after it is thrown away. Though necessary, landfills take up valuable space, often stink, and can leak harmful substances into the soil. Landfills not included, the production of packaging material itself is a major source of air and water pollution. 第三段 People are now trying to solve the problems caused by packaging materials. In 1991, Germany took the lead by requiring companies to recycle the packaging used for their goods. To do this, the companies set up recycling bins in every neighborhood. Consumers now separate their rubbish into three categories—metal, plastic and paper cartons. They then put it into the appropriate bin. The rubbish sorted, it is transported to are cycling company for processing. 第四段 The programme worked well at first. However, the amount of rubbish has begun to increase again. One reason for this is that many consumers no longer reduce waste because they think the problem is solved. It seems that to properly deal with the problem of rubbish, everyone must remain vigilant and do their part. 我们先来把每段的大意理一下: 第一段的中心应该就是讲 A large source of rubbish is packaging material. It often makes up more than 30 percent of the total. 后面的牙膏的情况只是举例说明咯。 第二段呢?讲了两层意思,一层:垃圾进入填埋场后造成污染;二层:这些包装材料生产过程中,会产生对空气和水的污染。 第三段:中心句很清晰啊People are now trying to solve the problems caused by packaging materials. 后面的德国的事情也是举例子,政府啊,制造商啊,个人啊,采取什么措施来试图解决包装材料带来的污染问题。 最后一段了:尽管德国的方法起到了一定的作用,但,又有些人开始神兜兜起来了。包装材料的污染仍是个大问题啊,我们不能放弃警惕。

大英4 课文summary

1.2 The passage tells a story about a woman overcame many difficulties and became successful in her field at last.First, the girl had her eyes on the course at the London School of Econmics. The girl’s family can’t support her for university study,as a result, she has todrop out from school and start to work to make a living. Unfortunately, she was faced with many problems and she felt lonely.She told her problems to Tony.Tony give her a loan to start a business.With Tony’s help.she got her master degree and set up her own company.But many years later,Tony was disabled after an accident and need the repayments of the loan to adapt his house for his disability.She pays back Tony’s help and Tony thought investing in people gives the best return you can ever hope. 2.1 Books may change your life, when we pick up a book we are about to enter a new world. What’s more ,books helps us liberate from the real world we come from.Reading books allows us to enjoy and celebrate variety and difference in safety, and provides us with an opportunity to grow. When we read books, we learn to look beyond our immediate surroundings to the horizon and a landscape far away from home.IN addition, reading books can give us power and stimulate our emotions. As soon as we are able to listen, books are supremely influential in the way we live.Books have helped me to discover the real meaning of my life, and have made it possible for me to get out of the confusion and meaninglessness. 2.2 This article is about the author’s views of reading books. The author is a writer and he likes reading books very much. He think that a book lives though the passionate recommendation of one reader to another. Nothing can throttle this basic impulse in the human being. And he also raises that we should read books as often as possible bacause a book lying idle on a shelf is wasted ammunition. He told us that when you are eager to read a book, leave it alone for a few days and ask yourself earnestly if it be absolutely necessary to read it. In the end, the author described a writer who readed a lot and meanwhile writtrn a lot. 3.1 The article is about the fashion tendency in the last 50 years. The author mainly introduced the development of jeans and the relationship of economy and hemiline. It was Levi Strauss who invited the jeans. At first, only miners wore jeans. In the mid-1960s and early 1970s, the hippie movement influenced the design of jeans. And jeans remained fashionable during the period of punk. Besides, the ahthor found that as the stock market rises, so do hemlines, and when it falls, so do they. 3.2 Sea glass is popular for several reasons. First, the creation of sea glass is a form of recycling. Second, sea glass becomes rarer than diamonds now. Third, its eco-credentials lend sea glass further appeal. So the designers would like to put sea glass to use. Gina Cowen became a sea glass jeweler. Her designs were sold at Liberty or to private customers.Though seaglass become rarer, Gina Cowen refuses to condone it and she even rejects to polish new glass to make it look old. So we'd better follow Cowen’s example and search for
