





I. Listening Comprehension (24%)

Section A

Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1. a. $ 2,000 b. $ 24,000. c. $ 48,000. d. $ 44,000.

2. a. Colleagues b. Employer and employee.

c. Husband and wife

d. Mother and son.

3. a. He is bored b. He is worried.

c. He is confident

d. He is not satisfied.

4. a. The next bus is coming soon.

b. The bus will wait a few minutes at the stop.

c. There are only two or three passengers waiting for the bus.

d. They can catch this bus without running.

5. a. In a cotton field b. At a railway station.

c. On a farm

d. On a train.

6. a. The man will go to meet the woman this evening.

b. The man and the woman have an appointment at 7 o'clock.

c. The woman can't finish making the jam before 7 o'clock.

d. The woman won't be able to see the man this evening.

7. a. The man must do some reading.

b. The woman wants to go to the concert.

c. The woman doesn't feel like going to the concert.

d. The man wants to go out to dinner.

8. a. The knife belongs to him.

b. Bob should mind his own business.

c. The man once borrowed Bob's knife.

d. Bob's knife isn't as good as that of the man.

9. a. Go to the library b. Go to see a film.

c. Get some exercise

d. Do homework in school.

10. a. She's learned a lot from the literature class.

b. She's written some books about world literature.

c. She's met some of the world's best writers.

d. She's just back from a trip round the world.

Section B

Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions

on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following news.

11. a. European countries only.

b. European and African countries.

c. The countries in the Middle East and Northern Africa.

d. EU member states and non-EU member states.

12. a. It turned out nothing but a complete failure.

b. The members disagreed on key issues and the meeting broke up.

c. It's about marathon negotiations.

d. It's about international trade in Doha.

13. a. Suicide bombers hit Xinjiang.

b. An accident caused a lot of deaths.

c. Police caught two terrorists and shot eight more dea


d. Dozens of unexploded bombs were found.

Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.

14. a. They haven't devoted much energy to medicine.

b. There are too many kinds of cold viruses for them to identify.

c. It is not economical to find a cure for each type of col


d They believ

e people can recover without treatment

15. a. They reveal the seriousness of the problem.

b. They indicate how fast the virus spread.

c. They show our body is fighting the virus.

d. They tell us what kind of medicine to tak


16. a. It actually does more harm than good.

b. It causes damage to some organs of our body.

c. It works better when combined with other medicines.

d. It helps us to recover much sooner.

Section C

Directions: In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.

II. Grammar and Vocabulary (13%)

25. No agreement was reached in the discussion as neither side would give way to _____.

a. the other

b. any other

c. another

d. other

26. The results of the experiment have turned out to be more satisfactory than _______.

a. was expected

b. that were expected

c. had been expected

d. expecting

27. Inside the window of the car _____ nothing but a few small toys.

a. hanged

b. is hung

c. hangs

d. is hanged

28. --What’s the matter, Sara? You wear a sad look on your face.

--Oh, nothing much. As a matter of fact, I _______ of my friends back home.

a. just thought

b. have just been thinking

c. was just thinking

d. have just thought

29. An awful traffic accident_______, however, happen the other day.

a. does

b. did

c. has to

d. had to

30. The public criticized that the government should have tried all means to prevent the financial crisis ______.

a. occurring

b. being occurred

c. to occur

d. from being occurred

31. As I couldn’t find a better way to solve the problem, he suggested ______ to my parents.

a. me to turn

b. I would turn

c. me turning

d. me turn

32. What is the best way you think of _______ the living conditions in the mountainous area?

a. improving

b. to improve

c. having improved

d. to be improved

33. I t is ______children’s behavior carefully that we are able to find out those who come from the divorced family are more likely to go astray such as smoking, drinking alcohol, or taking drugs.

a. to observe

b. by observing

c. observing

d. being observed

34. We waited for the meeting for nearly three hours, only _____ it was cancelled.

a. finding

b. to find

c. having found

d. found

35. Practical jokes are tricks in which an unsuspecting victim is placed in an embarrassing position or made ______a fool.

a. looking

b. look

c. to look

d. looks

36.When his mother entered the room, he pretended _______ his homework attentively.

a. to do

b. to doing

c. to be doing

d. to have done

37. More consumers are waiting for the further drop of housing prices with money in their hands ______ buying houses, according to a report released by the chamber of commerce on China's real estate.

a. better than

b. more than

c. other than

d. rather than

38. The poor man suddenly found he was _______ he had been and was at a loss.

a. to which

b. where

c. to the place

d. what

39. Chaplin, for _____ life had once been very hard, directed a film about life in an American factory.

a. whose

b. whom

c. him

d. which

40. We went through a period _______ communications were very difficult in the rural areas.

a. which

b. whose

c. in which

d. with which

41. It has been estimated that the earth’s surface temperature has increased ____ half to three quarters of a degree since 1850.

a. to

b. by

c. at

d. with

42. An Asian normally does not open a gift in the presence of the giver, ______ an American tends to open it immediately when he gets it.

a. since

b. while

c. when

d. as

43. The fried scallops (扇贝) we ate at the restaurant yesterday is marvelous. I’d like to have them again even if they cost ______.

a. as twice much

b. much as twice

c. twice as much

d. as much twice

44 Many in the credit industry expect that credit cards will eventually _____ paper money for almost every purchase.

a. exchange

b. reduce

c. replace

d. substitute

45. The boss of the company felt worried when he found the profit couldn’t _____ the expenses.

a. pay

b. cover

c. charge

d. keep

46. To our relief, the friends that got separated in the floods came back home ______.

a. safely

b. safe

c. surprised

d. surprisedly

47. Taking the advantage as a journalist, she was admitted to the watchtower and had a particular _______ of the mountain ranges.

a. scene

b. sight

c. view

d. scenery

48. The house he now lives in is a (n) ______ contrast to the one he lived in six years ago.

a. bright

b. fresh

c. sharp

d. extreme

49. He is shy in the presence of strangers and he does all he can ______.

a. get it over

b. to get it over

c. get over it

d. to get over it

50. The young man is always energetic, and loves life, who has a _____ personality

a. lovely

b. lively

c. alive

d. living

III. Cloze (25%)

( A )

Everything lives with opposite forces. The same can be said about modern technology, such as __51___.

At first glance, Internet _52____ us excitement and a world of promise. Frankly speaking, people who have some ideas of it ___53__ deny the merits(优点)born with the system. For instance, it can improve efficiency in scientific research, for __54___ it scientists and researchers can get a global look at the __55___ development in the field concerned and accordingly they need to spend __56__ time doing what has already been done. In view of personal communication, the most __57___ means could be peculiar to Internet, too.

While people speak _58____ of Internet, its drawbacks(弊端) shouldn’t be neglected. Sometimes, a __59___ fatal breakdown of the system, or a disastrous ___60__ could bring us an enormous amount of damage and loss. Meanwhile, __61___ Internet’s replacement of books or the written work as the main __62___ of information, human’s writing abilities are __63___. However, every country on this planet should work hard to develop the system to serve us __64__ efficiently and comfortably, __65__in the net all countries are interrelated.

51. a. computer b. Internet c. network d. TV

52. a. offers b. provides c. affords d. lets

53. a. can b. may c. can not d. may not

54. a. out of b. by means of c. in case of d. in honor of

55. a. latest b. late c. later d. latter

56. a. some b. few c. no d. more

57. a. hard b. convenient c. different d. difficult

58. a. highly b. high c. low d. lower

59. a. no b. few c. more d. little

60. a. errors b. mistakes c. error d. wrong

61. a. with b. to c. for d. of

62. a. resource b. source c. origin d. cause

63. a. weaken b. weak c. weakened d. weakening

64. a. more b. better c. less d. best

65. a. although b. because c. if d. as

( B )

I have never met a successful per son who wasn’t 100% prepared. Once you realize the advantage that exceptional __66___ gives, it becomes a lifelong habit.

Ivan Lendl is a typical example. He has thought about every side to his game, _67___ it is playing plan against an opponent, or his diet, or fitness program. But what really __68____ me was when he told me he also knew the airline and flight number he was taking to the city in question. That is the way he __69___ everything. It is one element that has made him a champion.

One reason ma ny of us aren’t prepared is that we rarely appreciate it. And if anyone does find out we have prepared carefully to make certain we __70___ our goal, we may well be laughed at. In fact, many people are afraid to be prepared: if they are, they lose an excellent _71____when they fail.

In sport, you meet athletes who let it be known they are not in top condition for a competition. It __72___ the pressure. If they lose, they were not at their best. If they win, they go beyond everyone’s __73___. This is a classic 50% solution: you win some, you lose some. Then there are the people who do their preparation in public. They constantly tell you how hard they are working. That way, if they fail, it is not because they did not try. This is the 75% solution: prepare well, give it your best, let things turn out as they will.

The very best performers, __74___ , spend hidden hours to make sure that they are No. 1. They don’t need or want the world to see them sweat. This is the 110% solution: First determine the __75.__ result. Then calculate your effort.

66. a. chance b. possibility c. preparation d. ambition

67. a. whether b. when c. whatever d. if

68. a. amused b. delighted c. astonished d. confused

69. a. works out b. deals with c. gets to d. acts as

70. a. acquire b. achieve c. possess d. have

71. a. reason b. explanation c. prediction d. excuse

72. a. relieves b. releases c. rejects d. regulates

73. a. expectations b. wishes c. ideas d. opinions

74. a. yet b. however c. besides d. furthermore

75. a. desired b. acquired c. admired d. prepared

IV: Reading Comprehension (23%)

( A )

When I was a schoolboy sixty years ago, we had two prizes in our school. One for good spelling, and the other for amiability(友好). These prizes were thin, smooth, silver disks about the size of a dollar. On one were the words “Good Spelling”, and on the other, “Amiability”.

The holders of these prizes hung them about the neck with a string. Those holders were the envy of the whole school. There wasn’t a pupil that wouldn’t have given a leg to be allowed to wear one of them for a week. But no pupil ever got a chance except John RoBards and me. Good spelling was my one accomplishment. John RoBards was extremely amiable. He always wore the other medal.

That wor d “always” is a bit strong. We lost the medals several times. It was because they became so monotonous(单调). We needed a change—therefore several times we traded medals. It was a satisfaction to John RoBards to seem to be a good speller—which he wasn’t. And it was a satisfaction to me to be amiable, for a change. Of course these changes would not last long. Some schoolmate or other would presently notice that we had traded and would report this to the teacher.

The teacher took the medals away from us at once, of course. But we always had them back again before Friday afternoon when the teacher came to look over the week’s record.

Friday afternoon always closed with a “spelling down”. Being in disgrace, I necessarily started at the foot of my division of spellers. But I always stood with the medal around my neck when the contest was finished.

76. The prizes mentioned in the passage______.

a. were computer disks

b. bore both: Good Spelling” and “Amiability”.

c. were coin-shape medals

d. were each worth one dollar

77. The teacher took away the prizes from the author and John RoBards because _____.

a. they wanted to sell the prizes

b. they exchanged the prizes

c. they behaved badly

d. they came to be over proud

78. We can learn from the passage that ______.

a. the teacher did not like whether John or the author

b. John and the author were good friends

c. John and the author both cheated in winning the prizes

d. John and the author were often a focus of attention in the school

( B )

The majority of your readers must have been surprised and shocked to read a letter from Mr. Hogg, published in last Wednesday’s Herald. Mr. Hogg seems to think that his own convenience

and that of motorists in general are the only things that matter in our city.

I would have more sympathy with Mr. Hogg if he limited himself to making constructive suggestions to improve the situation. No doubt his problems would be partly solved if the local authorities built a multi-storey car park in the park in the city centre, instead of encouraging motorists to use public transport. All the same, judging from the tone of Mr. Hogg’s letter, I suspect that motorists who are so careless of pedestrians’ (行人) safety that they would rather park their cars on the pavement than hold up the traffic would probably be too lazy to use a multi-storey car park if they had to walk a few hundred yards to their destination afterwards.

My main reason for writing, however, is much more important. Is Mr. Hogg aware that according to figures issued by the Department of Transport, 13, 000 people were knocked down in Britain last year because of cars being illegally parked either on the pavement or on crossings? In fact, although the total pedestrian casualty(伤亡事故) rate has fallen over the last ten years, there has been an increase in accidents caused when pedestrians have to step out into the road to avoid parked cars on the pavement and cannot see coming traffic.

I, for one, cannot share Mr. Hogg’s view that the authorities are prejudiced against “long-suffering motorists”. On the contrary, I think the penalties (处罚) for the dangerous parking should be made severe enough to prevent all motorists from breaking the law in this way.

79. From this letter we can infer that Mr. Hogg thinks ______.

a. motorists should be encouraged to use public transport.

b. a multi-storey car park should be built in the city center.

c. the authorities should try their best to prevent traffic accidents.

d. pedestrians are too careless when they walk across the street.

80. The writer of this letter thinks that ______.

a. to build a car park in the city is of no use.

b. motorists should not neglect pedestrians’ safety.

c. most motorists are lazy, careless and selfish.

d. regulations should be made to punish motorists in general.

81. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

a. 13,000 people were killed in traffic accidents in Britain last year.

b. Traffic accidents rate has fallen in the past ten years.

c. A lot of pedestrians were knocked down due to motorists' illegal parking.

d. Accidents involving pedestrians has increased sharply over the last years.

82. Which of the following things can Mr. Hogg have done?

a. Parking his car on the pavement or on crossing.

b. Having trouble in finding a car park in the city centre.

c. Having been fined for illegal parking.

d. a, b and c

( C )

The oldest stone building in the world are the pyramids. They have stood for nearly 5, 000 years and it seems likely that they will continue to stand for thousands of years yet. There are over eighty of them scattered along the banks of the Nile, some of which are different in shape from the true pyramids. The most famous of these are the “Step” pyramid and the “Bent” pyramid.

Some of the pyramids still look as much alike as they must have been when they were built

thousands of years ago. Most of the damage suffered by the others has been at the hands of men who were looking for treasure or, more often, for stone to use in modern buildings. The dry climate of Egypt has helped to keep the pyramids in good condition, and their very shape has made them less likely to fall into ruin. These are good reasons why they can still be seen today, but perhaps the most important is that they were planned to last forever.

The “Step” pyramid had to be on the west side of the Nile, the side on which the sun set. This was for spiritual reasons. It also had to stand well above the level of the river to protect it against the regular floods. It could not be too far from the Nile, however, as the stones to build it needed to be carried in boats down the river to the nearest point. Water transport was, of course, much easier than land transport. The builders also had to find a rock base, which was not likely to crack under the great weight of the pyramid. Finally it had to be near the capital, or better still, near the king’s palace so that he could visit it easily to personally check the progress being made on the final resting place for his body.

83. According to the passage, the “Step” pyramid _______.

a. is unlikely to fall into ruin in the near future.

b. was built on the sands along the Nile

c. is the one that was built later than the true pyramids.

d. is the most famous of the true pyramids

84. The most important reason why some pyramids remain in good condition is that _____.

a. people have taken care of them.

b. i t doesn’t rain often in Egypt.

c. they were well designe


d. the government has protected them from damag


85. The Egyptians built the pyramids along the banks of the Nile because _____.

a. they believed in their god.

b. it was difficult to find a large rock base far from the Nile.

c. the river helped a lot in the transport of building materials.

d. it was not easy to choose a suitable place for the pyramids.

(D )

Our success in business, sports, friendship, love—nearly everything we attempt—is largely determined by our own self-image. People who have confidence in their personal worth seem to be essential for success and happiness. Good things drop into their hands regularly, their relationship are long-lasting, their projects are usually carried to completion. To use the image an Engli sh writer created, they “catch job on the wing”.

Opposite to that, some people seem to hold attraction for failure and unhappiness. Their plans go in a wrong manner, they have a way of destroying their own potential success and nothing seems to work out for them. For such persons, their problems usually have as origin a difficulty with self-acceptance. When they gain more confidence through others’ help, often their troubles take care of themselves.

It is believed that anyone can change his self-estimation. A person with low self-image is not necessarily limited to a life of unhappiness and failure. It is possible to get rid of negative attitudes and gain the healthy confidence needed to realize one’s dream.

86. The word “ image” used in line 4 means _____

a. life like drawing of something

b. picture formed in one’s mind

c. reproduction of an object

d. something imagined

87. According to the passage, high self-image helps one _____.

a. to become healthier and better looking

b. to enjoy one’s life like flyi ng with wings

c. to maintain a negative attitude towards things around

d. to win success in one’s life and work.

88. It is implied in the passage that ______.

a. one’s self-image is something unchangeable

b. being attractive is very important in making friends with others.

c. not everyone can benefit from an improvement of his self-image

d. a person with high self-image has much confidence in his own future

89. What could be the best title for the passage?

a. Happiness or Failure

b. Success and Self-image

c. Difficulties in Improving Self-Acceptance

d. Attitude towards Life

( E)

For four centuries Germany has enjoyed a tradition of governmental support of the arts. Before the founding of the German Empire in 1871, many small kingdoms supported the arts. They established theatres, museums and libraries, and their leaders acted as the sponsors to poets, writers, painters and performers. The organizations were thus founded and the convention of generous public support has continued uninterrupted to the present.

Germany’s cultural life surprised foreigners. In the Federal Republic a few hundred theatres are financed by the federal government, the states and the cities, in addition to the many privately financed theatres. Unlike the United States, Britain and France, in which theatre is more often than not centered in one city, no one city in Germany dominates over the others. Also, productions in Vienna and in Zurich are significant to the artistic life of the Federal Republic, and artists and resources move easily and freely among the theatrical and operatic companies within the German-speaking regions. Only in Vienna, the capital in which the arts arouse(引起)far greater passions than do politics, does theatre have a broader audience base than in Germany. Audiences in Germany are not limited to the most cultured class or very important people but are drawn from all ranks of society. Season tickets, group arrangements, group tickets bought by business firms and theatre clubs make up the major funds of such production companies as the People’s Independent Theatre, dating from 1890 in Berlin. Going to the theatre or opera in Germany is about as affordable and as unremarkable as attending the cinema elsewhere.

90. Another word for “convention” will be ______.

a. organization

b. sponsor

c. tradition

d. arrangement

91. What is one of the reasons that Germany’s cultural life surprises foreigners?

a. because it is enjoyed by almost all the people of the country.

b. because it is better than that of most European countries.

c. because German plays are often performed in Germany.

d. because it is very cheap to go to the theatre in Germany.

92. From this passage we learn that the Germans ______.

a. often go to Vienna and Zurich to watch plays

b. often go to watch plays in German-speaking countries

c. show great interest in the artistic events in Vienna

d. admire Vienna’s arts more than those of their own country

93. The last sentence of the passage tells the reader that ______.

a. German theatres are not as interesting as cinema elsewhere

b. the Germans seldom go to the cinema

c. the Germans often go to the theatre or opera

d. cinema has never been popular in Germany

( F)

Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph. There

After four years, the time has come. In less than two weeks, I will have graduated. I look back now and I can't believe how fast it all went. I can still remember the first day of classes, looking on the map on the back of the Schedule of Classes and asking where the classroom building was. Now I'm a senior, looking at freshmen with envy. Every day I wish I could freeze time, and make the next two weeks go more slowly. I know a lot of people who can't wait to graduate, but for me it's the opposite. I want to turn back time instead and cherish every day of my college experience once again.

95. ____________

For me, college has been a great learning experience, and most of the learning process has taken place outside of the classroom. My second year of college was perhaps the most remarkable year of my life. This was the year that I finally convinced my mom that I was going to be OK living on campus, and she finally let me go. This was the year that I made some lifelong friends, and through many triumphs and failures I came to know more about myself. My second year involved experimenting with new things, such as camping in mountains, attempting to present some lousy poems to newspapers and drawing cartoons of my teachers in class.

96. _____________

As I walk down the familiar routes on campus, I find myself doing a lot of soul-searching and reminiscing. I find myself wanting to start all over again and recapture the fun and excitement of my college days. I have been panicking at the idea of graduating. I have been going to school for as long as I can remember, and I feel like there is so much more that I want to learn, but instead I have to graduate. The world is enormous and the possibilities are endless. For the past four years I have been surrounded with a safety net. The student status has been a somewhat comforting feeling, giving me an escape from the realities of the world outside.

97. _____________

With less than two weeks left of school, I'm getting a queasy feeling deep down every time I think about the fact that I'm going to be graduating. For as long as I can remember, I have been a student. I feel like I'm living in denial about graduating. Every time I get asked about what I'm going to do after college I feel like screaming at the top of my lungs. I don't know what I want to do with the rest of my life. It's too difficult to even contemplate the idea that soon I will be waking up in the mornings and not have a class to which I should be going.

98. ______________________________

On a recent interview, I was asked, "Is this the profession you want for the rest of your life?"

I was amused and almost laughed at the question, but I gave an honest answer. I don't know what the future holds. During the last four years I have changed my mind so many times, the idea of a lifetime commitment to a certain job seems like torture.

V. Translation: (15%)

99. 这家书店的杂志价格从5到15元不等。(range)

100. 我们的数学老师很有幽默感,他的课很受学生的欢迎。(popular)




全国百强校教师原创上海交大附中学高一上学期数学精品教学案 : 命题的形式及等价关系一

一、概念课 【教案样例】 教学目标: 1.知道命题、真命题、假命题,理解命题的推出关系、等价关系,推出关系的传递性; 2.在探究命题推出关系的过程中,体会举反例判断假命题的要领,初步会用推出关系的传递性证明一个命题是真命题的方法; 3.在认识一些基本的逻辑关系及其运用活动中,体会逻辑语言在数学表达和论证中的作用, 确立真命题必须作出证明的数学意识. 教学重点:理解命题的推出关系. 教学难点:运用逻辑语言表述和判断假命题、论证真命题. 教学过程: 2.概念形成:(教学提示:这一环节可采用教师引领下的学生阅读教材或学生阅读教师呈现的PPT 素材,教师引导学生举反例判断假命题用逻辑语言论证真命题,激发学生积极思考、参与教学的热情) (1)命题的构成:在数学中常见的命题由条件与结论两部分组成. 如命题“如果2x >,那么24x >”,其中2x >是条件,2 4x >则是结论. 2x y +=,但不满足命题结论11x y ≥≥且.

如命题“末两位数是12的正整数能被4整除”是一个真命题.理由:因为末两位数是12的正整数可以写成10012k +的形式(* k N ∈),而100124(253)k k +=+,所以10012k +能被4整除.即命题“末两位数是12的正整数能被4整除”是一个真命题. (4)推出关系: 一般地说,如果命题α成立可以推出命题β成立,那么就说由α可以推出β,并用记号“βα?”,读作“α推出β”. 也就是说,βα?表示以α为条件、β为结论的命题是真命题. 如果α成立不能推出β成立,记为“βα?/”,读作“α推不出β”.换言之,βα?/表示以α为条件、β为结论的命题是假命题. (5)等价关系: 如果αβ?,并且βα?,那么记作αβ?,叫做α与β等价. 数学交流: (1) 阅读教材16P 第1行至第11行,说一说利用推出关系的传递性证明一个命题是真命题的基本方法.(教学提示:教师概括) (2)推出关系“?”是一种关系符号,具有传递性,试举出具有传递性的其他关系符号…… 3.概念应用(教学提示:采用师生共同完成,或让学生独立完成,再选代表交流,提问是否有不同答案,进一步明晰概念,达成正确理解概念的目的) 【属性】高一(上),集合与命题,命题与推出关系,解答题,中,分析问题解决问题 【题目】 下列语句哪些不是命题,哪些是命题?如果是命题,那么他们是真命题或是假命题?为什么?


中国高校50强及王牌专业排名 中国国家重点建设的9所大学:即第一批“985工程”重点建设学校主要有9所(北京大学、清华大学、浙江大学、复旦大学、南京大学、上海交通大学、西安交通大学、中国科技大学和哈尔滨工业大学),主要采用省部共建的方式进行重点建设。1999年,教育部先后与有关省市和部门签订了共建协议。这九所大学的资助额: 1.清华大学(18亿) 2.北京大学(18亿) 3.浙江大学(14亿) 4.上海交通大学(12亿) 5.复旦大学(12亿) 6.南京大学(12亿) 7.哈尔滨工业大学(10亿) 8.西安交通大学(9亿) 9.中国科技大学(9亿) 1、清华大学:土木工程,经济管理,机械,力学,电子,核能,协和医科 研究1型、工学第1名、管理学第1名、医学第2名 清华大学的前身是始建于1911年的清华学堂。1925年设立大学部。1928年更名为国立清华大学。 清华大学是中国最优秀的大学,与北京大学同为国家优先发展的两所大学,国家重点建设的九所大学之一,理科类,研究1型。清华大学在9个学科门招收本科生,其中工学、管理学、医学为A++级,理学、法学、文学为A+级,哲学、历史学、经济学为A级。在51个本科专业中,理学的数学与应用数学、信息与计算科学、应用物理学、生物科学、生物技术、微电子学专业,工学的高分子材料与工程、材料科学与工程Y、机械工程及自动化Y、车辆工程W、测控技术与仪器、核工程与核技术、电气工程及其自动化、自动化、电子信息工程、计算机科学与技术、电子科学与技术、生物医学工程、软件工程W、建筑学、土木工程、建筑环境与设备工程、给水排水工程、水利水电工程、环境工程、工程力学专业,医学的临床医学专业,法学的国际政治专业,文学的英语、绘画、雕塑、艺术设计学专业,管理学的信息管理与信息系统、工业工程、工程管理、工商管理、会计学专业是A++级。清华大学工学、管理学、医学实力超群,是造就工学、管理学、医学杰出人才的理想之地。理学、法学、文学实力雄厚,是培养理学、法学、文学一流人才的优秀大学。哲学、历史学、经济学实力上乘,是培养哲学、历史学、经济学优秀人才的高等学府。 2、北京大学:哲学,经济管理,数学,物理 研究1型、理学第1名、医学第1名、哲学第1名、经济学第1名、文学第1名、历史学第1名、法学第2名 北京大学创建于1898年,始名京师大学堂,也是当时中国最高教育行政机关。1912年更名为北京大学。 北京大学是中国最著名的大学,与清华大学同为国家优先发展的两所大学,国家重点建设的九所大学之一,综合类,研究1型。北京大学在9个学科门招收本科生,其中理学、医学、哲学、经济学、文学、历史学、法学、管理学为A++级,工学为A级。在87个本科专业中,理学的数学与应用数学、信息与计算科学、物理学、化学、应用化学、生物科学、生物技术、地质学、地理科学、地理信息系统、大气科学、理论与应用力学、电子信息科学与技术、微电子学、环境科学、统计学专业,工学的计算机科学与技术专业,医学的基础医学、预防医学、临床医学、医学检验、口腔医学、药学专业,哲学的哲学、逻辑学专业,经济学的经济学、金融学、保险W专业,法学的法学、社会学、社会工作、政治学与行政学、国际政治专业,文学的汉语言文学、古典文献、英语、俄语、德语、法语、西班牙语、阿拉伯语、日语、波斯语、菲律宾语、梵语巴利语、印度尼西亚语、印地语、缅甸语、蒙古语、泰语、乌尔都语、希伯莱语、越南语专业,历史学的世界历史、考古学、博物馆学专业,管理学的工商管理、市场营销、财务管理、人力资源管理、行政管理、公共事业管理、

上海交通大学附属中学 2018-2019 学年第一学期 高三英语摸底考试卷

上海交通大学附属中学2018-2019学年第一学期 高三英语摸底考试卷 II.Grammar and Vocabulary Section A Directions:After reading the passages below,fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct.For the blanks with a given word,fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word;for the other blanks,use one word that best fits each blank. (A) Space is a dangerous place,not only because of meteors but also because of rays from the sun and other stars.The atmosphere again acts(1)__________our protective blanket on earth.Light gets through,and this is essential for plants(2)__________(make)the food which we eat.Heat,too, makes our environment endurable.Various kinds of rays come through the air from outer space,but enormous quantities of radiation from the sun(3)__________(screen)off.As soon as men leave the atmosphere they are exposed to this radiation but their spacesuits or the walls of their spacecraft, (4)__________they are inside,do prevent a lot of radiation damage. Radiation is(5)__________(great)known danger to explorers in space.The unit of radiation is called"rem".Scientists have reason to think that a man can put up with far more radiation than 0.1rem without(6)__________(damage);the figure of60rems has been agreed on.The trouble is(7)__________it is extremely difficult to be sure about radiation damage-a person may feel perfectly well,but the cells of his or her sex organs may be damaged,and this will no be discovered (8)the birth of deformed children or even grandchildren.Missions of the Apollo flights have had to cross belts of high amount of rems.So far,no dangerous amounts of radiation have been reported,but the Apollo missions have been quite short.We simply do not know yet(9) __________men are going to get on when they spend weeks and months outside the protection of the atmosphere,working in a space laboratory.Drugs might help to decrease the damage(10) __________(do)by radiation,but no really effective ones have been found so far. (B) Before I went to the British Koi Keepers’Annual Show,I didn’t understand(1)______ people could take fish so seriously.However,the more I learned about koi,the more interested I became.As one expert told me,“Collecting koi is far more addictive than you might think.They’re as beautiful as butterflies and very calming to watch.”Freddie Mercury,the lead singer of Queen, would have agreed----the pool in his specially built Japanese garden was home to89koi,(2) __________cost up to£10,000each. At the show I met koi euthusiast Jean Kelly.“Koi are getting more and more expensive,”she told me.“One recently sold for£250,000.”I was shocked-----that’s almost as much as I paid for my house.“Well,that was a record,”(3)__________(admit)Jean.“The normal price is nowhere near as high as that.” Nevertheless,serious collectors can pay up to£15,000for a fully(4)_______(grow)koi, which is nearly as expensive as a new luxurious car,and the bigger they are,the more they cost.The cheapest I(5)________find was£75each,but they were only about twice as big as my goldfish. Jean wasn’t impressed by one of the koi on sale either.“Actually,these koi aren’t any nicer than (6)_______,”She commented.“(7)_______they are slightly bigger than the ones I’ve got,I paid considerable less than this.”

全国百强校教师原创上海交大附中学高一上学期数学精品教学案 : 命题的形式及等价关系二

【教案样例】 教学目标: 1.知道命题的四种形式及其相互关系,理解否命题、逆否命题; 2.在探究命题的四种形式及其相互关系的过程中,领会分类、判断、推理的思想方法; 3.在进一步认识基本的逻辑关系及其运用活动中,体会逻辑语言在数学表达和论证中的重要作用,树立分析问题条理清楚、理由充分、符合逻辑的数学意识. 教学重点:理解否命题、逆否命题. 教学难点:正确写出命题的否命题和逆否命题;运用逻辑语言表述和论证真命题. 教学过程: 2.概念形成:(教学提示:这一环节可采用教师引领下的学生阅读教材或学生阅读教师呈现的PPT素材,教师引导学生自己互写命题的形式建构概念,激发学生积极思考、参与教学的热情) 如命题(A)“如果两个三角形全等,那么这两个三角形的面积相等”的逆命题是命题(B)“如果两个三角形面积相等,那么这两个三角形全等”. 、的否定分别记为αβ、,那么命题“如果α,那么β”的否命题就是:“如果α,那我们通常把αβ 么β”. 如命题(A)的否命题是“如果两个三角形不全等,那么这两个三角形的面积不相等”.

数学思考: 3.概念应用(教学提示:采用师生共同完成,或让学生独立完成,再选代表交流,提问是否有不同答案,进一步明晰概念,达成正确理解概念的目的) 【属性】高一(上),集合与命题,四种命题形式,解答题,中,分析问题解决问题 【题目】 写出下列命题的逆命题、否命题、逆否命题,并判断其真假: 解题反思:熟悉和准确理解一些常见的词或符号的否定形式:“‘<’的否定形式是‘≥’”、“‘ >’的否定形式是‘≤’”、“‘ =’的否定形式是‘≠’”、“‘或’的否定形式是‘且’”、“‘且’的否定形式是‘或’”,是正确写出一个命题的否命题或逆否命题的前提条件. 变式练习:写出命题“如果12a b ==且,那么21a b ab +>>或”的否命题. 【属性】高一(上),集合与命题,四种命题形式,解答题,中,分析问题解决问题 【题目】 写出命题“偶数加偶数是偶数”的否命题和逆否命题. 【解答】我们先把原命题改写为:如果是两个偶数相加,那么他们的和是偶数.


2019年中国大学软件工程专业大学排名和 大学名单 中国大学软件工程专业大学排名和大学名单 在最新公布的中国校友会网中国大学软件工程专业大学排名和大学名单中,北京大学、清华大学、国防科学技术大学的软件工程专业荣膺中国六星级学科专业,入选中国顶尖学科专业,位居全国高校第一;浙江大学、北京航空航天大学、华东师范大学的软件工程专业荣膺中国五星级学科专业美誉,跻身中国一流学科专业。上海交通大学、复旦大学、武汉大学、南京大学、吉林大学、中山大学、华中科技大学、四川大学、中国科学技术大学、山东大学、西安交通大学、哈尔滨工业大学、同济大学、天津大学、东南大学、湖南大学、西北工业大学、大连理工大学、北京理工大学、重庆大学、东北大学、西北大学、苏州大学、南京航空航天大学、北京邮电大学、北京工业大学、解放军理工大学等高校的软件工程专业入选中国四星级学科专业,跻身中国高水平学科专业。 2014中国大学软件工程专业排行榜 名次一级学科学科专业星级学科专业层次学校名称2014综合排名办学类型办学层次1软件工程6星级中国顶尖学科专业北京大学1中国研究型中国顶尖大学1软件工程6星级中国顶尖学



一、第六章 圆周运动易错题培优(难) 1.如图所示,叠放在水平转台上的物体 A 、B 及物体 C 能随转台一起以角速度 ω 匀速转动,A ,B ,C 的质量分别为 3m ,2m ,m ,A 与 B 、B 和 C 与转台间的动摩擦因数都为 μ ,A 和B 、C 离转台中心的距离分别为 r 、1.5r 。设最大静摩擦力等于 滑动摩擦力,下列说法正确的是(重力加速度为 g )( ) A . B 对 A 的摩擦力一定为 3μmg B .B 对 A 的摩擦力一定为 3m ω2r C .转台的角速度需要满足g r μω D .转台的角速度需要满足23g r μω 【答案】BD 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 AB .对A 受力分析,受重力、支持力以及B 对A 的静摩擦力,静摩擦力提供向心力,有 ()()233f m r m g ωμ= 故A 错误,B 正确; CD .由于A 、AB 整体、C 受到的静摩擦力均提供向心力,故对A 有 ()()233m r m g ωμ 对AB 整体有 ()()23232m m r m m g ωμ++ 对物体C 有 ()21.52m r mg ωμ 解得 g r μω 故C 错误, D 正确。 故选BD 。 2.如图所示,水平的木板B 托着木块A 一起在竖直平面内做圆心为O 的匀速圆周运动,

Oa水平,从最高点b沿顺时针方向运动到a点的过程中() A.B对A的支持力越来越大 B.B对A的支持力越来越小 C.B对A的摩擦力越来越小 D.B对A的摩擦力越来越大 【答案】AD 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 由于始终做匀速圆周运动,合力指向圆心,合力大小不变,从最高点b沿顺时针方向运动到a点的过程中,合力的水平分量越来越大,竖直向下的分量越来越小,而合力由重力,支持力和摩擦力提供,因此对A进行受力分析可知,A受到的摩擦力越来越大,B对A的支持力越来越大,因此AD正确,BC错误。 故选AD。 3.如图所示,两个水平放置的轮盘靠摩擦力传动,其中O、O′分别为两轮盘的轴心,已知两个轮盘的半径比r甲∶r乙=3∶1,且在正常工作时两轮盘不打滑。两个同种材料制成的完全相同的滑块A、B放置在轮盘上,两滑块与轮盘间的动摩擦因数相同,两滑块距离轴心O、O′的间距R A=2R B,两滑块的质量之比为m A∶m B=9∶2.若轮盘乙由静止开始缓慢地转动起来,且转速逐渐增加,则下列叙述正确的是() A.滑块A和B在与轮盘相对静止时,线速度之比v A∶v B=2∶3 B.滑块A和B在与轮盘相对静止时,向心加速度的比值a A∶a B=2∶9 C.转速增加后滑块B先发生滑动 D.转速增加后两滑块一起发生滑动 【答案】ABC 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 A.假设轮盘乙的半径为r,因r甲∶r乙=3∶1,所以轮盘甲的半径为3r。 由题意可知两轮盘边缘的线速度v大小相等,由v=ωr可得


交大附中高一期末数学试卷 2019.06 一. 填空题 1. 已知a 、b 为常数,若24lim 123 n an bn n →∞++=+,则a b += 2. 已知数列4293n a n =-,若对任意正整数n 都有n k a a ≤,则正整数k = 3. 已知4cos()5 πα-=,且α为第三象限角,则tan α的值等于 4. 将无限循环小数0.145化为分数,则所得最简分数为 5. 已知△ABC 中,内角A 、B 、C 的对边分别为a 、b 、c ,222a b c bc =+-,4bc =, 则△ABC 的面积为 6. 已知数列{}n a 满足: 3122123n n a a a a n +++???+=(n *∈N ),设{}n a 的前n 项和为n S , 则5S = 7. 三角方程sin2cos x x =在[0,]π内的解集合为 8. 将正整数按下图方式排列,2019出现在第i 行第j 列,则i j += 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ?????? 9. 已知()sin(2)3f x x π=+ ,若对任意x ∈R ,均有()()()f a f x f b ≤≤,则||a b -的最小 值为 10. 已知数列{}n a 满足11(3)(2)0n n n n a a a a ++--?-=,若13a =,则4a 的所有可能值的和为 11. 如图△ABC 中,90ACB ∠=?,30CAB ∠=?,1BC =,M 为 AB 边上的动点,MD AC ⊥,D 为垂足,则MD MC +的最小值为 12. 设01a <<,数列{}n a 满足1a a =,1n a n a a +=,将{}n a 的前100 项从大到小排列的得到数列{}n b ,若k k a b =,则k 的值为 二. 选择题 13. 设无穷数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,则“lim 0n n a →∞=”是“lim 0n n S →∞ =”的( )


软件工程本科培养计划 一.指导思想 1.体现"教育面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来"的精神,全面贯彻落实党的教育方针。 2.培养学科基础厚、专业口径宽、综合能力强、整体素质高的复合型人才。 3.从反映发展和需求,培养创新能力,加强工程实践角度优化培养计划。 二.学制 四年。 三.培养目标 把学生培养成为基础扎实、知识面广、实践能力强、综合素质高、能适应信息产业和软件产业需求的德、智、体全面发展的系统设计与开发、软件项目能力及其它领域的高级人才。 四.基本要求 面向世界、面向未来的软件工程人才,不仅应具有合理的知识结构,而且还应具有合理的能力结构;他们应对新生事物具有敏感性和适应性;应对学过的知识具有综合应用能力和创新能力;应具有独立分析问题、解决问题的能力;自我开拓获取新知识的能力;善于用文字和语言进行交流的能力;与别人共事、协同工作的能力;以及适应竞争的能力。此外,他们应具有良好的社会道德和职业道德。 五.课程体系及构成 本专业教学计划课程共分四个知识模块: 1.公共基础知识模块; 2.学科基础知识模块; 3.人文、社科、经济、管理知识模块; 4.专业前沿及特色知识模块。

六.主干课程 本专业的主干课程共8门,它们是:程序设计、算法与数据结构、数据库应用技术、操作系统、计算机网络、软件工程概论、面向对象设计和UML以及软件项目管理。 七.实验、实习、课程设计、毕业设计(论文)、上机及专业外语等教学安排 本专业在四年中安排了军训、学农、金工实习、项目实践、毕业设计等实践教学环节共约37周。这些实践环节对培养学生的实践和创造能力有着极为重要的作用,是本专业培养软件工程专业人才的特色之一。 第4和第6学期只安排18周教学,第19-24周为暑期短学期,分别安排开发技术和系统设计两个project,以及专题讲座。聘请国内外专家讲学。 除了三年级安排一门英语口语与写作课外,还安排若干门课程采用原版教材;四年级学生结合毕业设计(论文)安排阅读和翻译外文文献资料。并安排108学时开设大学日语基础,以适应软件产业需要。 八.课外实践活动安排与要求 本专业四年除课程安排上机(所涉及的课程见教学安排一览表)外,实验室对学生实行开放实验。课外安排包括阅读教材及参考书,做所布置的习题,准备实验和上机,设计大型综合课程设计,撰写实验报告和有关论文等。 课外教学安排是课堂教学的重要组成部分,是消化掌握课堂知识,理论联系实际的辅助途径。因此,学生应根据教学安排,围绕课堂教学内容和教师的要求完成课外教学安排,课外要求应视作考核的内容之一。 九.毕业规定 学生在本专业毕业应获总学分202.5,其中必修课学分174.5并完成生产实习项目和毕业设计(论文)。 十.课程列表


全国软件工程专业大学排名(10篇) 全国软件工程专业大学排名(10篇) 全国软件工程专业大学排名(10篇) 想要报考软件工程专业的考生肯定非常关注软件工程专业开设的大学排名,本文带你一起了解关于全国软件工程大学排名的相关知识,希望通过本文读者可以了解软件工程全国大学排名情况。 一、软件工程专业具体介绍 软件工程专业是2002年国家教育部新增专业,随着计算机应用领域的不断扩大及中国经济建设的不断发展,软件工程专业将成为一个新的热门专业。软件工程专业以计算机科学与技术学科为基础,强调软件开发的工程性,使学生在掌握计算机科学与技术方面知识和技能的基础上熟练掌握从事软件需求分析、软件设计、软件测试、软件维护和软件项目管理等工作所必需的基础知识、基本方法和基本技能,突出对学生专业知识和专业技能的培养,培养能够从事软件开发、测试、维护和软件项目管理的高级专门人才。 二、软件工程专业大学排名榜前十 1、清华大学 清华大学诞生于1911年,简称“清华”,由中华人民共和国教育部直属,中央直管副部级建制,位列“211工程”、“985工程”、””,

入选“珠峰计划”、“2011计划”、“卓越工程师教育培养计划”、“卓越法律人才教育培养计划”、“卓越医生教育培养计划”,为九校联盟、东亚研究型大学协会、环太平洋大学联盟、亚洲大学联盟、清华大学—剑桥大学—麻省理工学院低碳能源大学联盟成员。2、东北大学 东北大学,简称东大,中华人民共和国教育部直属的理工类研究型大学,坐落于东北中心城市沈阳,是国家“211工程”和“985工程”重点建设高校,由教育部、辽宁省、沈阳市三方重点共建,先后入选“2011计划”、“111计划”、”卓越工程师教育培养计划”、“国家大学生创新性实验计划”等,为“21世纪学术联盟”成员高校,是中共中央1960年、1978年确定的全国重点大学,国务院在1981年批准的具有博士学位授予权的高校。 3、南京大学 南京大学,简称“南大”,是教育部直属、中央直管副部级建制的全国重点大学,国家首批“211工程”、“985工程”高校,首批“珠峰计划”、“111计划”、“2011计划”、“卓越计划”实施高校,也是九校联盟、中国大学校长联谊会、环太平洋大学联盟、21世纪学术联盟和东亚研究型大学协会成员。 4、北京航空航天大学 北京航空航天大学简称北航,成立于1952年,由中华人民共和国工业和信息化部直属,中央直管副部级建制,位列“211工程”、“985工程”,入选“珠峰计划”、“2011计划”、“111计划”、“卓越工程师教育培养计划”,为国际宇航联合会、“中欧精英大学联

上海交通大学附属中学 2017-2018 学年度第二学期(含答案解析)

上海交通大学附属中学2017-2018 学年度第二学期 高三英语毕业考试卷 I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. Use a ladder to help her reach the cup. B. See a doctor about her shoulder. C. Put the cup on a lower shelf. D. Buy a new cupboard. 2. A. He has already called Harry. B. Harry knows most of the facts. C. He ne eds to talk to Harry soon. D. Harry doesn’t have a telephone. 3. A. The new doctor lacks experience. B. She disagrees with what the man said. C. The man had better talk with the patients first. D. Patients usually cannot offer a fair evaluation. 4. A. Take the man to the station. B. Look after the man’s things. C. Find out when the next bus leaves. D. Show the man the way to the station. 5. A. He was good at fixing up bookshelves. B. He helped James build up the furniture. 页1


上海交通大学附属中学2019-2020学年度第一学期 高一数学期中考试试卷 一、填空题 1. 函数的定义域是 ____________ y =2. 已知,,则____________ {}|12A x x =-<<{}2|30,R x x x x -<∈A B ?=3. 当时,函数的值域为____________ 0x >()1f x x x -=+4. 设或,,则{|52U x x =-≤<-25,}x x Z <≤∈{} 2|2150A x x x =--={}3,3,4B =-U A C B ?=____________ 5. 已知集合,若,则实数值集合为____________ {}{}2,1,|2A B x ax =-==A B A ?=a 6. 满足条件的所有集合A 的个数是____________个{}{}{}1,3,53,5,71,3,5,7,9?=7. 已知不等式解集为A ,且,则实数的取值范围是____________2202x x x a +≤+2,3A A ∈?a 8. 若函数为偶函数且非奇函数,则实数的取值范围为 ____________ ( )f x =a 9. 已知是常数,且,若函数的最大值为10,则的最小值为,a b 0 ab ≠()33f x ax =+()f x ____________ 10. 设正实数,a b 满足,那么的最小值为____________324a ab b ++=1ab 11. 设,若是的最小值,则的取值范围为____________()()2,043,0x a x f x x a x x ?-≤?=?++>?? ()0f ()f x a 12. 若方程在(0,2)内恰有一解,则实数的取值范围为____________ () 22420ax a x --+=a


上海交大附中09-10学年高一上学期期终试卷(英语) (满分100分,100分钟完成,答案一律写在答题纸上) 命题:王玮审核:韩立新校对:王慧良 Ⅱ. Grammar and vocabulary (17’) Part A (0.5’ *16 = 8’) Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. 25.If you , you'd better go outside in the fresh air. A. faint B. have fainted C. are going to faint D. will faint 26.All but one worker here just now. A. is B. was C. has been D. were 27.It is the fourth time she has been sleeping in class, ? A. is she B. isn’t she C. isn’t it D. hasn’t she 28. matters little. A. He will come or not B. If or not he comes C. Whether he comes or not D. He comes or not 29.Hard as , it is quite easy to drill a hole on it with laser. A. is the diamond B. does the diamond C. the diamond is D. the diamond does 30.If that idea was wrong, the project is bound to fail, good all the other ideas might be. A. whatever B. though C. whatsoever D. however 31.The reason he referred to for his success is he is always working hard. A. why; that B. why; because C. that; that D. that; because 32.Many new means of transportation have been developed in our country, perhaps the hovercraft. A. and the strangest of which is B. the strangest of which being C. the strangest of which is D. and the strangest of them being 33.No one can walk the wire without a bit of fear unless ____ very young. A. having been trained B. trained C. to be trained D. being trained 34.Having considered the problem for a while, she thought better her first solution. A. to B. than C. from D. of 35.The bank is reported in the local newspaper in broad daylight yesterday. A. to be robbed B. robbed C. to have been robbed D. having been robbed


2018年全国软件工程专业大学排名前34强 名单出炉 2018年全国软件工程专业大学排名前34强名单出炉 软件工程专业排名被评为A+等级的学校有: 1、清华大学 2、西安交通大学 3、武汉大学 4、上海交通大学 5、南京大学 6、东北大学 7、哈尔滨工业大学 8、东南大学 9、中山大学 软件工程专业排名被评为A等级的学校有: 吉林大学、中国科学技术大学、西安电子科技大学、大连理工大学、北京航空航天大学、华中科技大学、复旦大学、浙江大学、北京理工大学、电子科技大学、重庆大学、北京交通大学、四川大学、华南理工大学、东华理工大学、山东大学、西北工业大学、华东师范大学、新疆大学、同济大学、南京理工大学、南昌大学、东北师范大学、暨南大学、中国地质大学、沈阳工业大学、广东工业大学

软件工程专业排名被评为B+等级的学校有: 西北大学、厦门大学、武汉理工大学、湖南大学、四川师范大学、辽宁工业大学、北京邮电大学、安徽大学、江西师范大学、哈尔滨理工大学、华东交通大学、西南交通大学、哈尔滨工程大学、东华大学、南京邮电大学、西南石油大学、福州大学、华南师范大学、黑龙江大学、西华大学、华南农业大学、云南大学、湖南师范大学、华侨大学、南开大学、江西农业大学、成都理工大学、重庆邮电大学、中南大学、大连海事大学、华北电力大学、宁夏大学、大连交通大学、北京工业大学、浙江工业大学、中国矿业大学、长春理工大学、长春工业大学、杭州电子科技大学、福建师范大学、西安石油大学、西南科技大学、西安理工大学、太原理工大学、青岛大学、河海大学、广东外语外贸大学、深圳大学、河北大学、兰州交通大学、天津理工大学、北京工商大学、西安工业大学、长春大学 软件工程专业排名被评为B等级的学校有: 桂林电子科技大学、中国石油大学、苏州大学、山西大学、西南民族大学、大连民族学院、郑州大学、湖北工业大学、内蒙古工业大学、南华大学、南阳理工学院、辽宁工程技术大学、中北大学、西北师范大学、肇庆学院、天津师范大学、江西财经大学、成都信息工程学院、烟台大学、东莞理工学院、首都师范大学、湛江师范学院、五邑大学、河北工业大学、四川轻化工大学、浙江工商大学、天津科技大学、广西民族大学、北京信息工程学院、盐城工学院、西安科技大学、安徽工业大学、广东海洋大学、集美大学、南通大学、韶关学院、北京联合大学、泰山学院、广西工学院、南京信息工程大学、天津工业大学、惠州学院、河北科技大学、广东商学院、中国传媒大学、长安大学、平顶山学院、


2021年上海市上海交通大学附属中学毕业考数学试题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、填空题 1.函数()f x =的定义域为______. 2.双曲线22312x y -=的两渐近线的夹角大小为______. 3.用行列式解线性方程组2710 x y x y +=??-+=?,则y D 的值为______. 4.湖面上浮着一个球,湖水结冰后将球取出,冰上留下一个直径为24cm ,深为8cm 的空穴,则这球的半径为______cm . 5.直线240x y +-=经过抛物线22y px =的焦点,则抛物线的准线方程是______. 6.已知函数()sin y x ω?=+(0>ω,02π?<≤ )的部分图像如图所示,则函数解 析式为_______. 7.设函数36log (1),6,)()3,(,6) x x x f x x --+∈+∞?=?∈-∞?的反函数为1()f x -,若11()9f a -=,则(4)f a += . 8.二项展开式7(23)x +中,在所有的项的系数、所有的二项式系数中随机选取一个,恰好为奇数的概率是______. 9.在平面直角坐标系xOy 内,曲线|1||3|||7x x y ++-+=所围成的区域的面积为______. 10.已知梯形ABCD 中,12 AD DC CB AB ===,P 是BC 边上一点,且AP xAB y AD =+,当P 在BC 边上运动时,x y +的最大值是___________

11.求方程2sin sec tan 10x x x -+-=在[0,2]x π的解集______. 12.已知底面为正方形且各侧棱长均相等的四棱锥V-ABCD 可绕着AB 任意旋转,AB ? 平面α, M 是CD 的中点,2,AB VA ==点V 在平面α上的射影点为O ,则OM 的最大值为_______ 二、单选题 13.下列以t 为参数的方程所表示的曲线中,与曲线1xy =完全一致的是( ) A .12 12x t y t -?=???=? B .1x t y t ?=??=?? C .cos sec x t y t =??=? D .tan cot x t y t =??=? 14.已知无穷数列{}n a 是公比为q 的等比数列,n S 为其前n 项和,则“0||1q <<”是“存在0M >,使得n S M <对一切n *∈N 恒成立”的( )条件 A .充分不必要 B .必要不充分 C .充要 D .既不充分也不 必要 15.已知z 均为复数,则下列命题不正确的是( ) A .若z z =则z 为实数 B .若20z <,则z 为纯虚数 C .若|1||1|z z +=-,则z 为纯虚数 D .若31z =,则2z z = 16.直线l 在平面上α,直线m 平行于平面α,并与直线l 异面.动点P 在平面上α,且到直线l 、m 的距离相等.则点P 的轨迹为( ). A .直线 B .椭圆 C .抛物线 D .双曲线 三、解答题 17.如图,在正三棱柱111ABC A B C -中,1AA =114A B =,D 、E 分别为1AA 与11A B 的中点. (1)求异面直线1C D 与BE 所成角的大小; (2)求四面体1BDEC 的体积.
