

1、Do you think creativity is important to college students? How can college students foster creativity?

A: Girls, do you think creativity is important to us college students?

BCD: Of course.

B: If you only do things as other people tell you, you don’t embrac e the creativity. Although your

achievement is very perfect, it can’t attract any company to employ you.

A: Maybe it is because nowadays corporation think creativity is more important than technical skill. But what we should do to foster our creativity?

C: I think we should foster creativity in students as earlier as possible .And the more books you read, the larger your field of vision opens. You only accumulate enough knowledge and you will get creativity sooner.

B: What about you?

D: I think the best way to cultivate creativity is to encourage students’ curiosity. When students are curious, they will be interested in learning and searching, just like the children. Teachers shouldn’t ignore or laugh their ideas which might be silly, because you will snuff out their curiosity.

B: I agree with you. Maybe the parents should lead them to think in a different but reasonable way.

C: Also, I think the school should train them make a habit of thinking.

D: In the meantime, the society should create an atmosphere in encouraging innovation.

A: In a brief, for ourselves, we should keep us full of curiosity and learning new knowledge.

ABCD: That’s all, thank you!

2、What do you know about different approaches to learning in China and the West? Are some

approaches superior to others?

A:Hey girls, is there a contrast between learning approaches in China and the West?

B: Of course. While we should be careful to avoid exaggerating the differences, they do appear to exist. In China, for example, greater priority is given to developing skills at an early age.

A: So what about it in America?

B: The Americans, on the other hand, place more emphasis on promoting creativity in young children, leaving them to pick up skills later.

C: Also, American parents tend to avoid rushing in to assist their children as they try to accomplish a task, thinking it better those children should learn to solve problems by themselves.

B: Thus, you agree that Chinese learning approaches are inferior to the West.

C: Yeah, I think so.

D: But such an approac h can, on occasion, be mistaken for neglecting one’s parental duties by those more used to “teaching by holding the hand.”

C: Maybe it’s just a little problem.

D: Perhaps some Chinese students don’t perform well in hypothetical settings, but I truly belie ve that solid basic knowledge focus is the single biggest force driving the rise of our country.

A: Guys, I think both approaches have their disadvantages as well as advantages, and it may well be

worthwhile to search for a superior method that would combine the best of both worlds. Do you all agree?

ACD: Yes.

ABCD: That’s all. Thank you!

3、If you should become a millionaire one day, would you still live a simple life?

A: Hi, girls, did you hear of the big news about Ms. Li?

BCD: W hat’s that?

A: oh! She won a lottery ticket about 5 million Yuan yesterday.

BC: So lucky!

D: Wow, from now on, her life must be completely different.

A: Yeah, imagine that: a splendid villa located nearby the west lake. A “BMW” for every day of the work, dogs with diamond collars, servants everywhere. It’s so fantastic!

B: But whether she will change the way of life is anyone’s guess.

C: Yeah, I think so! For some people, they may prefer to lead a quiet and relaxing life rather than be confused with money. And they feel nothing more than a passing whim to attain the material things so many other people have.

D: If they have a large amount of money, the attitude will change. Who can be proof against temptation of money? After all, nobody wants to be nobody.

B: But have you heard something about Sam Walton. A simple and suitable life is much more important than wealth to them. They pay more attention to build a vigorous and spirited inside but support a blanket body.

A: to be objective, everyone can make their own choices. Which life would you want to select is depend on your heart.so any lives will be happy if we devote our love.

ABCD: That’s all! Thank you!

4、What do you think is the most important thing in life? Health, wealth or whatever?

A: hi. Girls, let’s talk about what is the most important. B, What about you?

B: I would say love. Love comprises family love, friend love, and so on. So I think the important thing is love in our life!

C:but if you are poor,you will be in no mood to consider love。

D: how can you say that?Health is the most important thing, if you don’t have a good health, to say nothing of hope and wealth.

B:We can imagine if we haven't love, what will happen? We're alone, we haven't friends, we feel the life is dull, so we need encourage, we have to share the love from society.

C:do you know that“Money can't bring to you anything you want, but being short of money, you can buy nothing.”what if you don’t have money?how could you buy what he likes?

D:But if you don't have good health, your love won't last long. for example, if you love a person, and there is another person also love the person you love, you will have a contest with her。As we all know Baoyu

couldn’t be with Daiyu in the end。

A:I can’t agree with you。You can create a better life by working hard and then come across your love 。The true genius of life doesn't rely on the amount of wealth you have, but the healthy body, with that you are holding a tickets to the promising future.

ABCD: That’s all, thank you!

5、Is there generation gap between you and your parents? Why and what can be done to bridge the

generation gap?

A: Ok, now, let’s start to discuss the topic. As a child, I admit that there is generation gap between my parents and me. For example, when I was in junior high school, my parents would be angry if I hung out at night with my friends.

B: I can’t agree with you more. Some parents even force their children to study. Do you know one of the greatest generation gaps in history was the one between Boomers and their parents and grandparents?

ACD: Yeah, I know.

C: However, I believe the generation gap doesn’t exist in my family .Because we communicate with each other frequently. All in all, I live in harmony with my parents.

D: You’re as lucky as me.My parents don’t intervene me.They think I’m independent enough to solve


A: I don’t want to widen generation gap. Do you have any methods to bridge the generation gap?

B: I think the most important way is communication between children and parents.

C: Children and parents should learn to understand each other.

D: Maybe parents can try to know modern trends.

ABCD: That’s all, thank you!

6、What do you think are the positive and the negative effects of a virtual life?

A: Hi, come here, you see! “Yesterday, a young internut commits suicide at home.

B: what’s internut?

C: the person who is crazy about the internet. What a pity!

D: it’s a mad action. Being hooked on the internet is bad and dangerous.

B: It leads to intimacy before acquaintance, it scatters secrets outwards not inwards, and most worrying of all, and it is a vehicle for liars.

A: yeah, the virtual world is complex. People could lie about their age, their state of mind or even their sex for their purpose.

C: But on the other hand, there is value in instant access to information banks world-wide and of course, email is revolutionizing the way we correspond with each other.

D: er, via internet, life become more convenient, with one click of mouth, you can buy anything around the country. What’s more, I can chat with my teac her about our study on line.

A: How about TV, it’s also a part of the virtual life, I find myself sucked in by soap operas. Work moves into the background at times.

B: On the whole, our life is becoming colorful, contributes to the virtual life.

D: Yeah, i f we can control ourselves’ desires.

C: In fact, network is not that horrible, as long as we know more about it; it will become our right hand on our studies. Let’s build a clean network world together.

ABCD: That’s all, thank you!

7、Do you think the Internet will isolate you from the real world?

A: What do you often do in the Internet?

B: Mostly, I chat with someone who I haven’t seen.

C: I am similar to you; I really enjoy the feeling in the virtual life.

D: But the internet can’t isolate you from the real world, but tell you the real word from indirect sources.

A: I can’t agree with you. As we all know, the persons you couldn’t see might be thinking about cheating you.

D: It’s because you couldn’t tell the truth just through words that you can’t avoid worr ying. In terms of that, it is just the real world. Eventually, you can’t get rid of the real world.

B: I admit the virtual world can’t last long term. But you can’t deny the truth that you really are out of the real world.

C: Yeah, you could talk freely on the Internet, not taking anything in the real world into account.

A: come on, you couldn’t ignore the reality that you will be in danger if you sink into the Internet.

D: And it just gives you an unreal shape of virtual world, but wouldn’t help you isolat e the real world.

ABCD: That’s all, thank you!

8、Dreaming and hard work, which is more important to a person’s success? Why?

A: Ok, now, let’s start to discuss this topic. As a dreamer, I think dreaming is more important to a person’s success. Dream can supp ly enthusiasm to one’s endeavor which is essential for any great contribution to the human civilization.

B: Oh, no, I disagree with you. I believe hard work is more important. If you don’t work hard, you will never

successful. Hard work is fundamental for a person’s success.

C: I can’t agree with you more. A man with a dream who doesn’t attach great importance to hard work can’t be successful forever.

D: Ok, I think a successful man will think highly of dreaming and hard work at the same time for both are

i mportant to a person’s success. First, a man should have a dream then he has a passion to work hard. At last,

he succeeds.

A: But without a dream, would Franklin risk his life to try out the kite in the stormy night? Would the Wright brothers dare to ride the first plane?

B: However, if they hadn’t worked hard, they wouldn’t have succeeded in their enterprise.

C: Yeah, as the proverb goes: No pains, No gains. We must devote our time and passion to hard work which leads to the fact what we can succeed at last.

D: Admittedly, the importance of dreaming and hard work to a person’s success is supported by sound reasons.

We shouldn’t ignore one of them after all.

ABCD: That’s all, thank you!

9、Talk about the social status of women in your part of the country.

A: Hey, where are you going?

BC: We’re going to buy some flowers for our mothers.

D: Oh, I see. Tomorrow is Women’s Day.

A: Er, in my country, women neglect Women’s Day, up to now, women are looked down upon a little. For example, my mother is a housewife, and she does much more housework than my father, I don’t like it.

B: On the contrary, women in my country are playing a more and more important role in modern world. Since both men and women are equally important in human activities, they should be on an equal footing.

C: Most people, even women themselves, believe that women in China have achieved equality. They think women now have helped up half the sky. They can take up almost all the professions only occupied by men and can even receive equal pay for equal work.

D: Despite the enormous strides women have made, I argue that Chinese women still have a long way to go in their struggle for real equality in every field of the society. Obviously with the changes in their social role, women’s position in the family has been improved and they’re making their impact felt in all walks of life.

A: So I must buy a gift and say” happy women’s Day” to my mom.

ABCD: That’s all, thank you.

10、Do you think it is worthwhile to spend a lot of time and effort learning English? Why or why not?

A: When it comes to whether it’s worthwhile to spend a lot of time and effort learning English, opinions vary from person to person. Some claim that it’s reasonable for everybody to learn English, whereas others reject to it.

B: I think only when we grasp the English can we keep up with the pace of the world. With the

development of china, more and more companies flood into our land. By holding English-speaking ability, we can adapt to the society more quickly and easier.

C: However, I re inforce the opposite idea. On the one hand, in some area, the workers needn’t use English.

Learning English for them is unnecessary. On the other hand, many of them can’t learn it well. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

D: Weighing the pros and cons, I agree with the latter. The primary reason, I think, is that it’s the skill that English is, such as math and physics, which can’t be entirely comprehended by everyone. What’s more,

many people lack the passion for understanding it. You shouldn’t l et him do the things he dislikes.

B: I see, you may lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink.

D: As far as I’m concerned, we’d better lead they do the things they love.

C: God is fair. When he closes one of your windows, he’ll open up another.

A: Frankly speaking, sparing no effort in learning English, you may just gain nothing but sorrow. Turing around, your life ship perhaps sail into the sunny coast. It’s just my opinion.

ABCD: That’s all, thank you!


大学英语四(视听说)口语测试试题+答案 Part I. Speech: Please make a speech on each topic. Time Limit: 1 minute 1.Say sth about the most emotional (the happiest, saddest, the most depressed, …) moment(s) in your life 2.What harm can anger cause ? Can you suggest some ways to control anger ? 3.Can people be judged by their looks? Why or why not ? 4.If an earthquake strikes, how would you feel ? What would you do or pay attention to ? 5.Why do people sometimes hate their jobs? What to do when you hate your job? 6.Why do some people, especially young people, constantly switch jobs? In you opinion, is this good or harmful? 7.What advantages and disadvantages does the stock market offer? 8.Do you think most people today will put their money in banks, the stock market or real estate? Why? Part II. Situational Dialogue: Please make a dialogue on each topic. Time Limit: 2 minutes 1.Jim asks why Helen looks sad. Helen says she has to repeat several courses, and Jim promises to help her. Helen then complains that she cannot find an internship, and Jim also promises to provide help. Finally Helen asks Jim to buy breakfast for her. This time, Jim refuses to help her. 2.Jim is surprised at the sight of Helen because Helen has changed beyond recognition. Jim is surprised again and again to learn that Helen has undergone a facelift and liposuction. Helen explains why she had the surgery. 3.Helen Parker is a company boss and Jim Smith is a client. Helen calls Jim and makes an appointment. Jim talks to Helen about the exact time for their meeting. Later Helen calls Jim again to change the appointment time. Jim discusses a new appointment with Helen. 4.Helen is a good employee who is quitting. Mr. Smith is the boss.


大学英语口语测试试题 1.Shopping 1)Do you enjoy shopping? Why or why not? I seldom go shopping. It takes too much time. I like to go shopping very much. It is so interesting. 2) What do you usually buy when you go shopping? I only shop for daily necessities, such as toothbrush, toothpaste, toilet paper, cleansing cream, soap, shampoo, washing powder… I like music/books so sometimes I go to campus bookstores to look for my favorite CDs/the recent bestsellers. 3) Where do you usually go shopping, supermarkets or department stores? Downtown or in campus stores ? I usually do my shopping at large supermarkets/campus stores/shops nearby since they often have good buys/it saves time. I enjoy shopping at supermarkets. I love to see shelf on shelf stacked with all kinds of delicious /nice things. Supermarkets are so convenient. You can get almost everything you want in a big supermarket. I hate shopping in a supermarket. It’s always so crowded/the quality of goods is questionable/not so good/ not guaranteed. I like going shopping in big department stores downtown because I think they offer a better service. 4)When you buy a dress or a coat, which do you give first priority to: color, price, quality, style or brand name? I think price/color/style/quality is the most important. I love to buy clothes that are in fashion but they are mostly too expensive for me. I love buying things when they are on sale and I often manage to get a good deal. 5) Do you enjoy bargaining? Are you good at it? I love sales/enjoy bargaining/am good at bargaining with street peddlers. I always/never ask for a discount. 2. Sports 1) Do you like sports? What is your favorite sport? I like swimming/jogging/fishing/tennis, etc. My favorite sport is basket/volleyball/football, etc. 2)Do you like jogging? Why or why not? Jogging is considered a healthy sport for both the young and the old/for people of all ages. Many people begin jogging because they believe it is a very good form of exercise/can make their hearts stronger / can help them lose weight. Jogging against the cold wind is also a test of one’s will power. 3)Why do people need to play sports? Playing sports can help us to relax. Sitting in a chair all day has made me very lazy. I can get my figure back if I play a sport. I can meet some new friends when I play sports.


A: Hi, Wu, what's up B: I am reading, see it's a good book. A: Well, I see. "历史深处的忧虑林达著" what's the book about B: It's about the different culture and life view between Chinese and American. A: Oh, cool, I know a lot about that have been working along with some American guys a long time. B: So tell me how A: First in China, if you get good benefit from your boss, you should not show you up, people will jealous and even do you sometimes. But in America, you should not worry about it, everybody will thumb up to you if you get good benefit by your hard work. It's more easy and open to deal with American, but it's so hard to deal with some Chinese guys. B: Hmmm, sometimes.... A: Second in China, if you are working hard, you will be jealous in most times. They will talk about your in the back, and maybe doubt what you want. It's seldom happening in America or other Western country. B: Well, it's.... A: Okay, Ancient China is the most beautiful and powerful country in the world, I think even today the Western will not get that culture in mind. (ring) Sorry, I get a call, see you later. B: See you.. A: oh! My God! Fancy meeting you here.A: 哦,天啊!太巧了,在这儿碰到你。B: Yes, what a surprise! We haven't seen each other almost half a year.B: 是呀!真没想到。我们已有半年没见了吧。A: Almost. Where are you heading nowA: 差不多。你去哪儿B: Oh. I'm going to attend a meeting about making Chinese culture various and globalized.B: 哦,我正要参加一个关于使中国文化多样化和全球化的会议。A: It's so significant. The east and west culture is a comparatively separate value system of their own society, and each style of culture has advantages and dregs. So the two cultures should nourish and benefit each other.A: 这会议很有意义。东西方文化是适应它们各自社会的相对独立的价值体系,每一种文化都有它们自己的优点和不足,因此,两


英语四六级口语考试 大学英语四、六级考试口语考试( CET Spoken English Test ,简称CET-SET )用于测量我国大学生运用英语进行口头交际的能力。 考试对象 CET-SET 报考对象为获得全国大学英语四、六级证书且成绩达到一定分数线的在校大学生。 试行阶段的报考对象根据教育部有关文件决定,具体报名规定见考试委员会通知。 考试时间 一年两次,分别在 5 月和 11 月。 考试形式 CET-SET 考试采用面对面的形式,每场考试由 2 名主考和 3 (或 4 )名考生组成: CET-SET 考试分三部分: 第一部分是考生和 CET 授权的主考进行交谈,采用问答的形式。时间约 5 分钟。 第二部分包括分钟的考生个人发言和分钟的小组讨论。时间共约10 分钟。 第三部分由主考再次提问以进一步确定考生的口头交际能力。时间约 5 分钟。 试题构成 Part 1 5 分钟 问答 “热身”题,包括考生自我介绍、回答问题。 Part 2 10 分钟 发言和讨论 考生准备 1 分钟后,根据所给提示作一个分钟的发言;小组就指定的话题讨论(约分钟)。 Part 3

5 分钟 问答 由主考进一步提问。 考试成绩 考试总分为 15 分,分为 A 、 B 、 C 和 D 四个等级。C 等以上者将获得由教育部高教司颁发的注有 CET Spoken English Test 成绩等级的CET 证书 能力等级标准 A+ 分 A 分 能用英语就熟悉的题材进行口头交际,基本上没有困难。 B+ 分 B 分 能用英语就熟悉的题材进行口头交际,虽有些困难,但不影响交际。 C+ 分 C 分 能用英语就熟悉的题材进行简单的口头交际。 分以下 尚不具有英语口头交际能力。 5 分 ? 语法和词汇基本正确 ? 表达过程中词汇丰富、语法结构较为复杂 ? 发音较好,但允许有一些不影响理解的母语口音 ? 在讨论有关话题时能进行较长时间的、语言连贯的发言,但允许由于无法找到合适的词语而造成的偶尔停顿 ? 能够自然、积极地参与讨论 ? 语言的使用总体上能与语境、功能和目的相适应 4 分 ? 语法和词汇有一些错误,但未严重影响交际 ? 表达过程中词汇较丰富 ? 发音尚可 ? 能进行较连贯的发言,但多数发言较简短 ? 组织思想和搜寻词语时频繁出现停顿,有时会影响交际


重庆邮电大学移通学院14-15学年第一学期 大学英语3期末口语考试命题原则 1.命题标准 大学英语(3)课程是本科非英语专业大学一年级第一学期开设的一门公共基础课程,共4学分,理论学时64学时。根据重邮移通学院应用性人才的培养目标,大学英语课程注重知识到能力的转化,强调英语综合应用能力的培养,实施过程评价与终结评价的结合。由此,本学期大学英语2课程拟在学生学期成绩评定方面尝试变革,加入口试部分。考试命题标准参照全日制普通高校同层次、同课程的本科水平,并体现三本学生培养应用型人才为主要目标的特点。在口试难度上保证中等水平的考生能够在规定的考核时间内完成全部口试任务。 2.考试依据和范围 以《大学英语课程教学要求》以及课程组制定的课程教学大纲和考试大纲为依据,题目涵盖本学期教学计划规定的课堂教学内容和学生课外自主学习内容,包括全新版大学英语(第二版)综合教程3的1-4单元、全新版大学英语(第二版)听说教程3的1-6单元的关键话题和对话内容。 3.知识与能力的关系 大学英语(3)课程教学既要注重对词汇和语言点的理解和掌握,又要注重语言实际应用能力的培养。本次口试命题以语言实际应用为考查点,测试了学生对英语口语的掌握情况和语言的灵活运用能力,包括两个部分:小型演讲和生生 对话。每个部分具体的考查范围和分值如下: 第一部分:小型演讲(Mini-speech)(50分):测试时间2到3分钟。要求两名学生分别就以下题目进行小型演讲,每位同学演讲时间不超过1.5分钟: 1.Which do you prefer, urban life or rural life? 2.Which one you prefer, high school life or university life? 3.What do you need to prepare before a job interview? 4.Do you agree with the death penalty? Why? 5.What is the role of creativity in children’s education? 第二部分:生生对话(Conversation)(50分):两位同学共同的测试时间不超过3分钟。4个对话题目,对话可以情景式、辩论式、访谈式等类型进行。(准备题目详见附件一) 4. 考试形式 学生两人一组接受测试,如遇班级总人数为奇数时,最后一组可以为三人一组。分组由班级学生代表通过随机抽签确定,最终分组情况应在15周前交任


【篇一】关于大学生英语口语对话练习 Jessica: Wow, those brides are so amazed. 那些新娘们好厉害啊. Tony: The way I see it, they are unsatisfied. 我倒觉得她们是对生活不满意. Jessica: Russian women are the most captivating in the universe. 俄罗斯女人是世界上最迷人的好不好. Tony: That’s the truth that we can’t deny. 这倒是事实. Jessica: I once heard that Russian women are the most precious resources in Russia. Even one day when Russia was having her down days, she could get back her glory with spectacular Russian ladies. 我听说俄罗斯女人是俄罗斯最珍贵的资源. 即使有一天俄罗斯没落了,她依旧可以靠扎眼的俄罗斯女人重新找回自己的光辉. Tony: So should I get a Russian girlfriend? 我是不是在找一个俄罗斯女朋友? Jessica: Dare you? Look at those brides. Even they wore wedding dresses before, yet they think they should do it again to recall the sweetest memories. 你敢? 看看这些新娘. 虽然穿过婚纱了,可是她们觉得应该再来一次重温曾经的美好. Tony: Honey, will you marry me? 亲爱的,你愿意嫁给我吗? Jessica: I don’t want pity proposal. 我不需要嗟来之求婚.


大学英语四级口语考试(CET-SET4)试题构成以及样题 试题构成: 大学英语四级口语考试样题 CET Spoken English Test – Band Four Sample Paper Topic A - 1 Topic Area: Daily Life Topic: Travel Examiner: Hello, welcome to the CET Spoken English Test – Band Four. We wish you both good luck today. Now let’s begin with self-introductions. Candidate A, would you please start? (考生A先回答,时间20秒) Thank you. Candidate B, now it’s your turn. (然后考生B回答,时间20秒) Thank you. OK, now that we know each other, let’s go on. Examiner: Task 1 Read Aloud In this task, you are to read aloud a short passage. You will have 45 seconds to go over the passage and 1 minute to read it aloud. Now here is the passage. (屏幕显示以下文字) Many people would list San Francisco as one of the most delightful cities in the world. Sitting on the Pacific coast, it gives you a feeling of the sea. The sea breezes wake you up and make you eat well and sleep well. The city was planned with straight roads, and these roads cross each other at right angles, making squares as they do in many American cities. Very often you can find yourself on top of a hill in the city, looking down one of these straight roads as it rises and falls on its journey through the town. A good way to travel these roads is by cable car. These are buses that run on rails in the ground up and down the steep hills.


以下为爱麟霖/(Curlylin)倾情奉献,需要的朋友可以参考一下 7. Friendship (Listening and Speaking Course, Unit 3; Integrated Course, Unit 2) 1) Do you have many friends? What kind of people do you want to make friends with? Why? Yes. I’d like to make friends with loyal people. In my opinion,a friend is a person who can share his/hers happiness with you, who can lend you a shoulder when you cry,who can give you a hand when you are in trouble without asking for anything in return. In a word,a friend in need is a friend indeed, I think a loyal people can do the things which were mentioned above for his/hers true friend. So I prefer to make friends with loyal people, and I also believe I am a loyal people who you can make friends with. 2) How do you make friends? Please comment on “a friend you buy isn’t worth the price”. First,I’d like to talk to him to find out whether we have the same interest with each other. If the answer is YES,then we have the foundation to develop a friendship. The next days, all we need to do is to treat each other by heart and soul. 3) How valuable is friendship in a person’s life? How can we keep friendship alive? As for me, I regard friendship as a very important part in my life.Just imagine a life,there’s no one to be your friend. What life could be if you had no friend to talk to , no friend to comfore you and cheer you up when you were having a hard time,no friend to lend you a hand when you needed help …… Life without friends is unthinkable ... We have to do hard work to build up and sustain our friendship. First, let your friends know that you really care about them.It’s important to give some cues to your friends. Be sure your friend knows that she is cared about.Second,try to be with your friends when they are in trouble when they need you. Keeping friendship alive is not only to say some sweet words,but need some real action. 4) What does friendship mean to you? What kind of friends do you think are true friends? It's a fantastic experience in whole of my life. Friendship to me is what water to fish.I can't live without a real friend. 2问见(1) 5) How can we get along well with other people? To begin with, we need to be honest with others and always say what we mean. Lies will surely make people stay far away from us in the long run. After all,honesty is the best policy. Second, we have to be humble enough. If we are proud in public, we can hardly win other's respect, not to mention "friendship" . Finally, we must not be selfish. We should learn how to show concern for others. As long as we abide[?'ba?d] by what is mentioned above, we will find it easy to get along well with others.


Study English (1.1) A: Oh, hey, you look so worried, what's wrong? B: Um... Well, in fact, it's about my English. A: English? Is there something wrong with your English? B: Yes.Although I am always working hard in my English. I can't get a good mark in the test. A: That's why you are so upset? B: I think so. A: Well, guy, could you listen to my opinions? B: Of course. A: First, you should be absorbed in the class and summarize the main point what the teacher says... B:Yes,I do,But sometimes I can't keep up with teacher, A: Hey, listen to me.You don't need to write down all the things.When you are listening,just write down the long point and only the important parts. B:OK, and what? A:Secondly, you must be abiding and as soon as you meet a problem, go ahead to have the teacher to solve.Only if you do this, you can make it. B: Oh, I will take it from now on and thank you very much. A: That's all right. Likes and dislikes (1.3) A: Do you have any hobbies?What are they? B: I'm interested in reading or other relaxing sports. A: How do you spend your spare time? B: I usually read some books or do so some sports. A: What kind of book you are interested in? B: My favorite books are those of detectives. A: Well, those books are really good.I like them too.Do you think you are introverted or extroverted? B: In fact, I wouldn't call myself extroverted. Sometime I enjoy being by myself very much. But other times, I like sharing activities with others too, especially during these past few years. A: What kind of sports do you like? B: I like almost all sports, and I enjoy both playing and watching.I specially like tennis and mountain climbing. A: What kind of personality do you think you have? B: Well, I approach things very enthusiastically. I reckon, and I don't like to leave anything half-done. It makes me nervous—I can't concentrate on anything else until the first thing is finished. A:Really?Maybe I should learn from you. Oh, I remember I have something to do after a while, so I must say goodbye to you. B:OK, see you next time.


1、考试对象: 大学英语四、六级考试口语考试(CET Spoken English Test ,简称 CET-SET)用于考察 大学生运用英语进行口头交际的能力。CET-SET 报考对象为获得全国大学英语四、六级证书且成绩达到一定分数线的在校大学生。 教育部规定,四级笔试550分、六级520分以上的考生可以报名参加口试。 2、考试时间及地点: 四、六级口语考试为一年两次,分别在5月和11月。考试地点在考生报名的考点,具体考场在考生报名后随机编组确定。 3、报名流程: 全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会根据教育部主管部门的文件规定,在有关城市设立 若干个考点。考生到所在考试中心指定的考点报名并参加考试,报名时须随身携带身份证、二寸报名照一张及报名费用。 注意事项 考生须携带本人的准考证和身份证准时到规定的候考室报到,逾时 15 分钟不得进考场。 考生如发现准考证上的姓名有误,请在正式开考前将修改后的准考证交给主考,由主 考按身份证上的姓名核对并签名确认。 如中途无故退场,将作自动放弃考试处理,成绩一律记为不合格。 自备饮料;不得携带手机、拷机等通讯工具进入候考室。 考生须在候考室等候参加考试,在候考期间未经同意不得随意离开候考室。 考试期间,必须遵守考场纪律,服从管理人员安排。 考试结束时,必须将准考证交给主考,同时记下自己的准考证号。 考试结束后,必须立即离开考区。 4、考试形式及试题构成: CET-SET 考试采用面对面的形式,每场考试由 2 名主考和 3 (或 4 )名考生组成 CET-SET 考试分三部分: 第一部分是考生和 CET 授权的主考进行交谈,采用问答的形式。时间约 5 分钟。包括考生自我介绍、回答问题等。 第二部分包括 1.5 分钟的考生个人发言和 4.5 分钟的小组讨论。时间共约 10 分钟。 第三部分由主考再次提问以进一步确定考生的口头交际能力,由主考老师进一步提问。时间约 5 分钟。 5、考试成绩及合格证书: 口语考试成绩合格者由教育部高等教育司发给证书,证书分为 A、B 、C 三个等级,C 等以上者将获得由教育部高教司颁发的注有CET Spoken English Test成绩等级的 CET 证书,成绩低于 C 等的不发给证书。 大学英语四、六级考试口语考试能力等级标准如下: 等级等级描述 A 等能用英语就熟悉的题材进行口头交际,基本上没有困难 B 等能用英语就熟悉的题材进行口头交际,虽有些困难,但不影响交际


口语对话 1 赶时髦(go after fashion) A: Fashion show is around the corner, I’m so excited! 时装表演即将来临,我很兴奋! B: Are there any good!这有什么好的! A: I didn't see anything wrong with the clothes; they looked pretty nice to me. I think you don’t like it! Why?我没看出衣服有任何问题;在我看来它们都很不错。我觉得你不喜欢!为什么? B: It was dumb. I think it's stupid for women to wear clothes like that. 这是愚蠢的。我认为女人们穿成那样是很愚蠢的。 A: The benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom. 仁者见仁,智者见智。B: Do you really think people can wear that stuff and walk around the streets? 你真的认为人们可以穿那种东西走在街上? A: Yes, I do. At least, some people certainly can. They wear high-fashion clothes to show off their sense of style and wealth. 是的,我这样认为。至少,有人一定会。他们穿着时尚的衣服展示他们的时尚感和财富。 B: Well. I still think they're dumb. It makes more sense to spend the money on more practical purposes.我仍然认为他们是愚蠢的。把更多的钱花在更有意义的地方比较实际。 A: So you think it's bad if I wear it?所以你认为我穿成这样很不好吗? B: If you wear it I must speak nice! 如果你穿成这样我一定说它很好看! A: I know you will say that.我就知道你会这样说。 B: Only you know me!知我者非你莫属!


大学英语一级口语考试题型及样题 1、试卷构成 大学英语一级口语考试由四个部分构成: Part I Read aloud (20%) Part II Describe pictures (20%) Part III State opinions (30%) Part IV Answer questions (30%) 2、试卷各部分所考核的内容、答题方式及评分标准 1)Read aloud 第一部分的内容共5句话,其中3句话选自一级综合教程《新视野大学英语读写教程》,2句话涉及英语绕口令与名人名言,总长度为100个词左右。要求学生用正确的语音语调流利地进行朗读。评分标准为:语音占5%;语调占5%;流利程度占10%。 2)Describe pictures 第二部分给考生1分钟思考所给图片的内容,然后在2分钟内描述该图片。主要考查学生《新视野大学英语听说教程》与《Inside out》教材中某一单元的内容掌握情况,鼓励学生将所学内容运用于实践。评分标准为:词汇结构占5%;语言连贯占5%;内容完整占10%。 3)State opinions (30%) 第三部分要求学生基于所提供的关键词,就某个话题阐述自己的观点。要求学生的回答能围绕关键词,表达完整,观点明晰。评分标准为:词汇结构占5%;语言连贯占5%;内容完整占10%,观点明晰占10%。4)Answer questions (30%) 第四部分的内容选自听说教程的某一单元,或某几个单元。就这(些)单元的主题提出问题供学生回答。学生的回答必须切题、清楚、具有逻辑性。评分标准为:词汇结构占5%;语言连贯占5%;内容完整占10%,观点明晰占10%。


大学英语(一)口语考试A卷 2015应、公旅班大学英语(一)口语考试说明与试题 2016-01 时间:第18周听说课上随堂考试 成绩:口语成绩占期末视听说课程总评成绩的20% 要求:A.融入真实情景 B.语音语调自然流畅 C.表情自然,无背诵痕迹 D.情景对话部分不能少于3分钟 形式:1.请各班课代表将所在教学班的分组(两人一组)提前一周(即17周)排序抽签事先做好。考试周所有学生到校,当天没有考试任务的同学须在听力教室进行听力学习,不得缺勤,缺勤的同学按照自行放弃考试处理,口语成绩计为零分,责任自负。 2.考试时每两人一组完成段落朗读和情景对话,段落朗读和情境对话均可提前准备,但具体考题须口语考试时现场随机抽签决定。 备考地点:主楼1919 考试地点:主楼1919 情景对话部分 情景对话1:Planning a Vacation Nearby Directions: Work in pairs. Suppose you have a week off, and you’re planning to take a trip out of the city. Make a plan and talk about it in terms of: What sort of places would you like to go to? What things will you take with you? What will you do there? 情景对话2:Job Interview Directions: In your pair, one acts as the interviewer, the other as the interviewee The following items should be covered in your interview: The necessary personal information; The qualifications that the interviewee has; Other Factors to consider when choosing a job. 情景对话3:Suggestions Student A who wants to lose weight and keep in a good shape goes to consult with his/her doctor. Student B, the doctor, will offer some tips. 1 / 3
