




My sister can drive. 我妹妹会开车。

Everyone here can speak English. 这儿人人会说英语。

(2)表示将来的能力,通常不用can或could,而用be able to的将来时态:

I’ll be able to speak French in another few months. 再过几个月我就会讲法语了。

One day people will be able to go to the moon on holiday. 总有一天人们可以到月



Can you come to the party tomorrow? 你明天能来参加我们的聚会吗?



Could you speak English then? 那时候你会说英语吗?

②若表示过去的特定能力(即在过去特定场合做某事的能力),则不能用could,而用w as (were) able to do sth,或用managed to do sth,或用succeeded in doing sth 等。

He studied hard and was able to pass the exam. 他学习很努力,所以考试能及格。

At last he succeeded in solving the problem. 他终于把那个问题解决了。

【注】could 不用来表示过去特定能力通常只限于肯定句,否定句或疑问句中,它则可以表示过去特定的能力:

I managed to find the street, but I couldn’t find her house. 我想法找到了那条街,但没找到她的房子。(前句为肯定句用managed to,不用could,后句为否定句,可用could)另外,could还可与表示感知的动词(如see, hear, smell, taste, feel, understand等)连用表示的特定能力:

Looking down from the plane, we could see lights on the runway. 从飞机上向下看,我们可以看见机场跑道上的点点灯火。


He said he could see me next week. 他说他下周能见我。



①表示请求允许(即请求别人允许自己做某事),两者均可用,但用could 语气更委婉:

Can [Could] I come in? 我可以进来吗?


②表示给予允许(即自己允许别人做某事), 一般只用can,而不用could:

“Could [Can] I use your pen? ” “Yes, of course you can.” “我可以借用你的钢笔吗?”“当然可以。”(不能说Yes, you could.)



When I lived at home, I could watch TV whenever I wanted to. 我住在家里时, 想什么时候看电影就可以什么时候看。(一般性允许)

②表示过去特定的允许(即表示在过去某一特定情况下允许进行某一特定的活动),则不用could,而需换成其他表达(如had permission, was [were] allowed to):

I was allowed to see the film yesterday evening. 昨天晚上允许我去看了电影。(特定的允许,不能用could)


(1)对现在或将来的推测,两者均可用,但can 通常只用于否定句或疑问句中,一般不用于肯定句,而could则可用于肯定句、否定句和疑问句:

It can’t be true. 那不可能是真的。

What can they be doing? 他们会在干什么呢?

We could go there this summer. 今年夏天我们可能要去那儿。(将来可能性)

You could be right, but I don’t think you are. 你可能是对的,但我并不认为你是对的。(现在可能性)

【注】can 有时也用于肯定句中表示推测,这主要见于:


Even experienced teachers can make mistakes. 即使是有经验的教师也可能出错。


“Who is that at the door? ” “It can only be the postman.”“门外是谁?”“只能是邮递员。”

③后接“be (get, seem, become)+形容词”,表示“有时会”、“时常会”等:

It can get very hot here. 这里有时会很热。

She can be very unpleasant. 她有时很令人讨厌。

(2)对过去的推测,必须在can, could 之后接动词的完成式。但此时can仍只用于否定句或疑问句,不用于肯定句;而could则可用于各种句型:

He can’t [couldn’t] h ave seen her there. 他不可能在那儿见到她。

He could have gone home. 他可能已回家了。

Who could have taken it? 是谁把它拿走了呢?

I do not see how I could have done otherwise. 我看不出那时我还能有别的做法。

She could not have been more than sixteen. 那时她不可能超过十六岁。

I couldn’t have won, so I didn’t go in for the race. 我不可能获胜,因此我没参赛。



He could have told her, but he didn’t choose to. 他本来可以告诉她的,但他却没有。

I could have lent you the money. Why didn’t you ask me? 我本来可以借这笔钱给你的。你为什么不问我?


You could have been a little more considerate. 你本可考虑得更周到些的。

You could ask me before you use my phone. 你打电话之前可以问我一声。

You could have helped me why did you just sit and watch? 你本可帮助我的,为什么只坐在一旁瞧着?


I could have died laughing. 我差点笑死了。

I was so angry I could have killed him. 我是那样生气,差点把他杀了。

She felt miserable. She could have cried. 她感到很痛苦,她差点哭了。



(1)表示请求允许(即请求别人允许自己做某事),两者都可用,只是might 表示的语气较委婉(但并不表示过去):

May I come round in the morning? 我早上来可以吗?

Might I have a little brandy? 我可以喝点白兰地吗?

I asked her if I might call and see her. 我问她我可否来看她。

I’d like to ask a question if I may. 如果可以的话,我想提个问题。


You may leave whenever you please. 你高兴随时可以走。

You may go or stay, according as you decide. 是去是留由你自己决定。

You may use the room so long as you keep it clean. 你可以使用这个房间,只要你能保持干净。


A:May [Might] I stay? 我可以留下吗? (表请求,可用两者)

B:Yes, you may. 可以。(表允许,不能用might)

【注】在通常情况下,may 表示允许(请求允许或给予允许)时,总是针对“现在”或“将来”而言,若要表示已经给予或已经存在的允许,则通常不用may,而用can:Nowadays, children can do what they like. 现在小孩子喜欢干什么就可以干什么。

It’s unfair. He can stay and I have to leave. 这不公平,他可以留下,而我却得离开。

例外的情况是,might用于间接引语和may 用于否定句表示禁止:

He said that I might borrow his car. 他说我可以用他的车。

Visitors may not (=must not) feed the animals. 参观者不得给动物喂食。


两者都可用,只是might 比may 语气更不确定,表示的可能性更小。


He may [might] know the answer. 他可能知道答案。

And who may [might] she be? 那么她会哪一位呢?

Do you think he may [might] not be able to pay? 你认为他可能会付不起钱吗?

Might it be true? 那会是真的吗?

【注】在很正式的文体中,may 可用于否定疑问句的句首:

May we not be making a big mistake? 我们难道不可能在犯大错误吗?



You may [might] be right. 你可能是对的。

He may [might] tell his wife. 他也许会告诉他妻子。


I may [might] be going back in the fall. 我可能秋天回去。

She may [might] be waiting for us. 她可能在等我们。

They may [might] be going abroad next month. 他们可能在下个月出国。


She may [might] have read it in the papers. 她可能在报上已读到过此事。

He may [might] have gone to have his hair cut. 他可能理发去了。

They may have seen him. 他们可能见到过他。

I might have come to a wrong conclusion. 我或许得出了错误的结论。

might 后接动词的完成式,除表示对过去的推测外,还有以下用法(不用may):

1) 表示过去某事可能发生而实际上却并没发生:

A lot of men died who might have been saved.很多人本来可以获救的却死了。

It was really very dangerous. I might have killed myself. 那真的是太危险了,我差点没命了。

2) 表示委婉的批评或责备:

You might have made greater progress. 你的进步本来可更大一些的。

You might at least have answered my letter. 你至少可以回我一封信嘛。


can和may均可表示推测,can用于否定句和疑问句,may用于肯定句和否定式。两者均可用于否定句,但是含义不同:cannot=不可能,may not=可能不。比较:It can’t be true. 这不可能是真的。

It may not be true. 这可能不是真的。


若要加强推测的语气,表示较大的可能性,可在may, might后加副词well:

You may well be right. 你很可能是对的。

That may well have been their intention.这很可能是他们的意图。


五、用于may [might] (just) as well...

意为“不妨”、“还是…为好”等,用might 比用may 语气更委婉:

I’m ready, so I might as well go now.我已准备好,因此不妨现在就走。

There’s not hing to do, so I may [might] as well go to bed. 既然没什么事可做,我还是去睡觉为好。

【注】might as well 还可用于指过去的情况或用于比较两个令人不愉快的情况:

This holiday isn’t much fun; we might as well be back home. 这个假日过得真没意思,我们还不如呆在家里。

六、may 用于表示祝愿


May you be happy! 祝你幸福!

May God bless you! 愿上帝保佑你!




(1)可用于肯定句、否定句或疑问句;用于否定句时,mustn’t 的意思是“一定不要”、“不能”,而不是“不必”:

You must finish it today. 你一定要在今天完成它。

You must see the doctor. 你一定要看医生。

Must you go so soon? 你一定得这么早就走吗?

We mustn’t think only of ourselves. 我们可不能只考虑自己。

(2)主要表示现在或将来,但有时(如在间接引语中)也可表过去(=had to):

She asked if she must (had to) leave. 她问她是否一定要离开。

(3)对于must 开头一般疑问句,若要作否定回答,可用needn’t,不用mustn’t:

"Must I come over ton ight?" "No, you needn’t." “我今晚必须过来吗?”“不必。”


Something must be done to stop it. 必须采取措施来阻止它。

I think I must be going. 我想我得走了。



(1)通常只用于肯定句,在否定句或疑问句用can 代之:

It must be true. 那一定是真的。

比较:Can it be true? 那可能是真的吗? / It can’t be true. 那不可能是真的。


He must be wrong. 他一定错了。

The man must have a lot of money. 这个人一定有不少钱。

【注】must 表示对现在情况的推测后接动词原形时,该动词通常为状态动词(如be, h ave, know 等),若为动作动词,通常要转换其他说法。如要表示“他一定会赢”,通常不说H

e must win,可说He is sure to win。(He must win的意思是“他必须要赢”)


He must be writing a letter to his girl friend. 他一定在给他女朋友写信。

Someone must have been smoking here.一定有人一直在这里抽烟。


He must have arrived already.他一定已经到了。

I didn’t hear the phone. I must have been asleep. 我没有听到电话铃,我一定是睡着了。


相当于should, ought to的意思:

You must say hello to her.你应当跟她打个招呼。

We must go and have a weekend there.我们应当到那里度周末。



Must you make so much noise? 你就非得弄出这么大的声音吗?

Why must you always interrupt me? 你为什么硬是老要打断我?

We were ready to leave, but the baby must catch cold. 我们刚准备好要走, 可孩子偏偏得了感冒。

Just when I was busy, the neighbor must come and chatter. 正当我忙碌的时候,邻居偏偏过来聊天。

五、must 与have to 的区别

(1)强调重点不同:两者都表示“必须”,但must 侧重于说话者的主观看法,认为有必要或有义务去做某事;have to则重于客观需要,含有“不得不”或“被迫”之意:We must go at once. 我们必须马上就走。

If I buy that car, I’ll have to borrow some money. 如果我要买那辆汽车, 我得借些钱。

(2)时态形式不同:must 只有现在时一种形式(在宾语从句中可以表示过去),而have to则有多种时态形式:

He said (that) she must go with me. 他说她必须同我一起去。

She had to go there on foot yesterday. 昨天她不得不步行去那儿。

They have had to buy a car. 他们不得不买了辆小汽车。

(3)have to可以有分词、动名词、不定式等形式,而must则没有这些形式:

He only saw her in the evening, having to be away all day. 他整天得外出,只能晚上见她。

I regret to have to trouble you again. 我很抱歉不得不再麻烦你一次。

(4)否定式的意义不同:must 的否定式mustn’t 意为“一定不要”、“不允许”;而have to 的否定式don’t have to 意为“不必”(=needn’t)。比较:

You mustn’t tell him about it.你一定不要告诉他这件事。(这可能是秘密)

You needn’t tell him about it.你不必告诉他这件事。(他可能知道了)


1. shall在疑问句中的用法


Shall I get you a chair for you? 要不要我给你拿把椅子来?

What shall we do this evening? 我们今天晚上做什么呢?

Shall the boy come at once? 要不要这孩子马上来?

2. shall在陈述句中的用法


You shall suffer for this. 你会为此事吃苦头的。(表威胁)

That day shall come.那一天一定会来。(表必然性)

Tell him that he shall have the book tomorrow. 告诉他这本书明天给他。(表允诺) Persons under 18 shall not be employed in night work.不满十八岁的人不得雇佣干夜间工作。(表规定)


I shall return. 我一定回来。(表示决心)

3. should表示义务或责任


We should learn from each other. 我们应该互相帮助。

We should help the aged. 我们应该帮助老人。

You should pay your debts. 你应该还债。

4. should 表示建议或劝告

should 表示建议或劝告时意为“应该”:

You should give up smoking. 你应该戒烟。

You should go and ask your teacher. 你应该去问问老师。


You should leave at once. 你应该马上离开。

5. should 表示推断

should 表示推断时意为“应该”、“可能”:

They should be there by now, I think. 我想现在他们都已经到了。

The concert should be great fun. 音乐会应该很有意思。

The poems should be out in a month or so. 个把月之后这些诗估计就可以出版了。

With an early start he should be here by noon. 动身得早,他中午就该到这里了。

【注】should表示推断时,语气较肯定,通常是指非常可能的事(因为暗示有一定的事实依据或合乎常理),而may, might, could等表示推测时,则语气较不肯定,尤其是might, could。请看一道考题:(from,)

"When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon." "They _____ b e ready by 12:00."

A. can

B. should

C. might

D. need

在四个备选项中,A、B和C均表示推测,但A通常不用于肯定句中表示推测,故不宜选;B和C虽均可用于肯定句表示推测,但根据对话情景顾客下午要照片,如果店主中午1 2点还不能把照片冲洗出来,那么生意肯定难做成,所以店主应用肯定语气较强的should(=应该)来回答顾客,而不是用语气较弱的might(=有可能),即应选B不选C。

6. should 用于征求意见


Should I open the window? 我可以打开窗户吗?

Where should I meet you tonight? 我今晚该到哪儿与你见面?

What should we do now? 我们现在该干什么呢?

【注】该用法与Shall I (we)…?的用法相似。

7. should 表示谦逊或委婉

通常与like, love, think, say, imagine等动词连用:

I should like to know why. 我想知道这是为什么。

I should say she’s over forty. 我想他有40多岁了。

I should think it’s too expensive. 我看这太贵了。

I should imagine it will take about three hours. 我想得花大约三个小时。

8. should表示意外或惊讶

It’s strange that he should come so late. 他竟然来这么迟真是奇怪。

I’m sorry that this should have happened. 我很遗憾竟然发生这种事。

I’m surprised that he shoul d say so. 他竟这样说,这使我很惊讶。

有时与why, who, how 等疑问词连用:

Why should you think that way? 你为什么会那样想?

How should I know? 我怎么会知道?

Who should come in but my old friend Betty!我当是谁进来时,原来是我的老朋友贝蒂呀!

9. should后所接动词形式




He should be working now. 他现在应该在工作。


We should be leaving soon. 我们应该马上走。(比用should leave 委婉)


The train should have already left. 火车大概已经开走了吧。

You should not have left so soon. 你本不该那么早就走的。

You are right; I should have thought of that. 你说得对,我本应当想到这一点的。


Why weren’t you helping Tom? You should have been helping him. 你为什么不在帮助汤姆?你是应当在帮助他的。


I should have been leaving London before 9. 我本应该在九点以前离开伦敦的。

ought to用法详解



We ought to leave at once. 我们应该马上离开。

Such things ought not to be allowed. 这类事不该容许。



You ought to see the new film. 你应该看看这部新电影。

We oughtn’t to take risks. 我们不宜于冒险。

He said I ought to write an article about it. 他说我应当写一篇文章谈这事。



That ought to be enough food for all of us. 那些该够我们大家吃的了。

Ask John. He ought to know. 问问约翰吧,他该知道。

I ought to be fit for work next month. 下个月我想必可以工作了。

【注】用ought to 表示推断时,语气较肯定,通常指的是一种合乎逻辑的可能性(与s hould表推断时相似),有时可译为“准是”(但语气比must要弱):

That ought to [should] be Janet coming upstairs now. 正在上楼的准是珍妮特。


根据不同情况ought to后可接不同的动词形式。如:



You oughtn’t to be talking so much,Annie. 你不宜讲这么多话,安妮。

It isn’t what I ought to be doing. 这不是我现在应该做的事。


I ought to be going. 我该走了。

We ought to be hearing from him soon. 我们不久应当会接到他的信。


They ought to have arrived by now. 他们现在应该已经到了。

I ought to have helped her,but I never could. 我本该帮助她的,却从未能这样做。

I don’t thi nk you ought to have done that. 我想你不应该这样做的。


(1)在否定式中用ought not 或oughtn’t,在疑问中将ought提到主语之前:

He ought to go now, oughtn’t he? 他现在该走了,是吗?

(2)在美国英语中,ought to用于否定句和疑问句时可将to省略(但在肯定句中to不宜省)。另外,在省略句中也可以省去to:

Ought we (to) have done it? 我们本该做此事吗?

"Ought I to go?" "Yes, you ought (to)." “我该去吗?”“对,你该去。”

6.ought to与should的用法区别

(1)一般说来,两者可替换,只是ought to语气稍重:

You ought to [should] go and see Mary sometime. 你应该什么时候去看看玛丽。

The train ought to [should] have arrived at six. 火车本应该6点钟到的。

(2)表示出于法令规则、行为准则、道德责任等客观情况而“应该”做某事时,一般应用ought to,若用should则含有个人意见,强调主观看法:

We ought to go and see Mary tomorrow, but I don’t think we will. 明天我们按理应该去看看玛丽,但是我认为我们不会去(此句不宜用should)。


You should not run alongside the swimming-pool. 不准在游泳池边奔跑。


1. 表示意愿

will 表示现在的意愿,would表示过去的意愿:

I will pay you at the rate you ask. 我愿意照你要求的价钱付款。

Go where you will. 你愿到哪里就到哪里。

He wouldn’t help me yesterday. 他昨天不愿帮助我。

She asked if I would go with them. 她问我是否愿同他们一起去。

【注】(1)表示“意愿”的will 有时可用于条件句中:

If you will allow me, I will see you home. 如果你同意,我可以送你回家。


I’d go there with you. 我愿同你去那儿。

I wouldn’t go. 我不会去。

2. 表示征求意见或提出请求


Won’t you take off your coat? 你要不要把大衣脱掉?

Will [would] you please post the letter for me? 请帮我寄了这封信好吗?

Would Sunday night suit you? 星期天晚上适合你吗?

【注】(1)有时为使语气委婉,可用否定式。总的说来,用would比用will委婉,用w on’t和wouldn’t比单独用will和would要委婉。

(2)would有时用于提出想法,通常与like, love, hate, prefer, be glad, be happy等连用,若用于第一人称有时也可将would换成should:

I’d like [love] to have a look at it. 我想看看它。

I would prefer not to go out today. 我今天不想出去。

3. 表示习惯和倾向性


Oil will float on water. 油总是浮在水上。

This window won’t open. 这扇窗户经常打不开。

He’ll talk for hours, if you let him. 你要让他讲,他会讲几个小时。

The wound would not heal. (过去)伤口老不愈合。

When he was a child, he would often go skiing. 他小时候经常去滑雪。

He would sit there for hours sometimes doing nothing at all. 有时他在那里一坐几个钟头,什么也不做。


That’s just like him—he would lose his keys! 他就是这样,老丢钥匙!

4. 表示推测


This car will hold six people. 这辆小汽车可以坐六个人。

Ask him. He will know. 问问他吧,他大概知道。

You wouldn’t know. 你不会知道。

Every family would have some sort of trouble. 家家都会有本难念的经。

The person you mentioned would be her father, is that right? 你提的那个人想必是她的父亲,对吗?


You will have heard of it. 你已经听到那事了吧。(from,)

I thought you would have finished it by now. 我想你现在可能已经做完了吧。

5. 表示执意或决心


“Tell me the secret.” “I won’t.”“把秘密告诉我。”“我才不哩。”

I won’t have anything said against her. 我绝不让谁说她的坏话。

He would do it, though I told him not to. 虽然我叫他不要做,可是他偏要做。


6. 其他用法

will 还可表示许诺、指示、叮嘱等,而would还可用于评论某一特定的行为等:

You will have your share. 你会得到你那一份的。

You will do as I told you. 你得照我说的去做。

That’s just what he would say. 他就是爱那样讲话。

You would never do anything to hurt me. 你绝不会做伤害我的事的。

7. would与虚拟条件句


I might see her personally. It would be better. 我可能亲自去看她,那样更好些。(=It would be better if I saw her personally.)

She’d be stupid not to accept. 她不接受那才笨呢。(=She would be stupid if the didn’t accept.)




You needn’t do all these exercises. 你不需要做所有这些练习。

Need he do it all at once? 他需要立即做这一切吗?

Need they have done it yesterday? 这事他们需要昨天做吗?

Do you think you need tell her about it? 你认为有必要告诉她这件事吗?

I wonder if I need bring my mosquito-net. 不知我需不需要带蚊帐。

【注】(1)由于用作情态动词的need通常不用于肯定句,所以对于以need开头的疑问句的否定回答可用needn’t,但是肯定回答却不能用Yes, you need之类的,应根据具体情况改用其他表达:

"Need he stay here?" "Yes, he must." “他有必要留在这儿吗?”“是的,必须留在这儿。”

(2)need有时用于含有only, all 等表限制意义的肯定句中:

This is the only form you need fill in. 你要填的只有这一张表。

All you need do is to take a taxi from the airport. 你只需从机场打个的即可。



You needn’t have mentioned it. 你没有必要提及此事的。

You needn’t have come in person. 你当时不必亲自来的。

Need you have paid so much? 你当时真需付那么多钱吗?

【注】(1)在宾语从句中可直接用need表示过去(也可用didn’t have to):

He said he need not [didn’t have to] hurry. 他说他不必匆忙。


"Need he have come so early?" "Yes, he had to." / "No, he needn’t have."“他来那么早有必要吗?”“有必要,他必须来那么早。”/“不,他本来没有必要来那么早的。”



We needn’t be waitin g here. 我们不必在这里等。

We needn’t be standing here in the rain. 我们没有必要站在这里被雨淋。

四、needn’t have done与didn’t need to do


I got up early, but I needn’t have done so, because I had no work to do that morni ng. 我起床起得很早,但我本来不必起那么早的,因为我那天早上没什么事做。

I didn’t need to get up early this morning, so I stayed in bed until 9 am. 今天早上我不必早起,所以我一直睡到上午九点钟才起床。


I didn’t need to go the office yesterday.

(1)我昨天无需去那儿。(所以没去)(=I didn’t have to go there yesterday.)

(2)我昨天本来不必去那儿的。(但我却去了)(=I needn’t have gone there yesterday.)




Dare you tell her the truth? 你敢告诉她事实真相吗?

I don’t know whether he dare try. 我不知他是否敢试一试。

I daren’t ask her for a rise. 我不敢要求她加薪。

【注】I dare say 是习惯说法(用于肯定句),并不一定要译为“我敢说”,它所表示的是一种不肯定的语气,常译为“很可能”、“大概”、“我想”等,有时用作反语:

I dare say (that) you are right. 我想你是对的。

Oh, you mean to win? I dare say you will. 啊,你想打赢? 我且看你赢吧。

(2)dare用作实意动词时意为“敢于”,可以有各种词形变化,可用于各类句型(肯定句、否定句、疑问句及各类从句等),其后多接带to 的不定式,有时to 也可省去(尤其是在否定句或疑问句),可用于非谓语形式,完成时态等:

We must dare to think, speak and act. 我们必须敢想、敢说、敢做。

I wonder how he dares (to) say such things. 我纳闷他怎么竟敢说出这样的话来。

Did he dare (to) tell her? 他敢告诉她吗?

We don’t dare (to) say anything. 我们什么也不敢说。

The boy stood before the teacher, not daring to look up. 这个小男孩站在老师面前不敢抬头。

I’ve never dared (to) ask her. 我从来不敢问她。



That was why he dared do so. 那就是他为什么敢这样做的原因。

Mother dare(d) not tell father she’d given away his old ja cket. 母亲不敢告诉父亲她把他的旧上衣送人了。

I didn’t like their new house though I daren’t have said so. 我不喜欢他们的新房子,虽然我没敢这样说过。

I daren’t have done it yesterday.but I think I dare now.昨天我没敢这样做,但现在我想我敢。



1. must + have done:用于肯定句,表示推测,意为“一定(已经)……”。

2. can + have done:用于否定句或疑问句,表示推测,意为“可能(已经)……”。

3. could + have done:可用于肯定句、否定句或疑问句,表示推测、责备或遗憾等,意为“可能……”、“本来可以……”、“本来应该……”等。

4. should [ought to] + have done:可用于肯定句、否定句或疑问句,表示责备或遗憾等,意为“本来应该……”。

5. need + have done:用于否定句或疑问句,用于否定时意为“本来不必”,用于疑问句时意为“有必要……吗”。

6. may + have done:用于肯定句或否定句,表示推测,意为“可能(已经)……”。

7. might + have done:用于肯定句或否定句,表示推测,意为“可能(已经)……(此时might 可换为may);另外还可以表示过来可能发生的事结果未发生,意为“本来会……”(此时might 不能换为may)。


He c an’t have left so soon. 他不可能走得这么早。

I should have thought of it. 我本应想到这一点的。

You needn’t have mentioned it. 你没有必要提及此事的。

You must have mistaken my intention. 你一定是误会了我的意图。

I might have come to a wrong conclusion. 我或许得出了错误的结论。

You could have helped me—why did you just sit and watch? 你本可帮助我的,为什


1.—— Don’t forget to bring my new books tomorrow afternoon.

—— No, I___. A. don’t B. can’t C. won’t D. couldn’t

2. —— I hear you’ve got a set of Australian coins.___I have a look?

—— Yes, certainly. A. Do B. May C.Shall D. Should

3. He seldom listens to others. He_____answer for what he has done.

A. shall

B. will

C. can

D. would

4. —— May I leave the office before 5 o’clock in the afternoon?

—— No, I’m afraid you_______.

A. needn’t

B. shouldn’t

C. mustn't

D. won’t

5. —— Shall I tell John about it?

—— No, you____. I don’t know his telephone number.

A. needn’t

B. wouldn’t

C. mustn’t

D. shouldn’t

6. Mr Bush is on time for everything. How___it be that he was late for the opening ceremony?

A. can

B. should

C. may

D. must

7. The traffic light is red, so I______stop my car.

A. must

B. have to

C. can

D. mustn’t

8. —— What happened to the young trees we planted?

—— The trees______well, but I didn’t water them. A. might grow

B. needn’t have grown

C. would grow

D. would have grown

9. I was really anxious about you. You___home without a word.

A. mustn’t leave

B. shouldn’t have left

C. couldn’t have left

D. needn’t leave

10. Children________in public very often.

A. should be praised

B. shouldn’t have praised

C. shouldn’t have been praised

D. shouldn’t be prais

11. Let’s clean the classroom, ___?

A. won’t you

B. shall we

C. do we

D. will not you

12. Tom_______show his exam results to his parents.

A. dare not

B. dared

C. dare to

D. dares not to

13. I don’t think he_______ a new bike.

A. need to buy

B. needs buy

C. need

D. need buy

14. —— Nacy_________ the letter from her mother.

—— No, she can’t have. The postman hasn’t come yet.

A. can receive

B. can have received

C. must have received

D. must receive

15. She________the film. She knows nothing about it.

A. can’t see

B. can’t have seen

C. must see

D. mustn’t have seen

16. They must have been here the day before yesterday,____?

A. mustn’t they

B. didn’t they

C. mustn’t have they

D. had they

17. —— I didn’t see her yesterday.

—— Oh, but you___________.

A. must have

B. ought to

C. should have

D. cannot have

18. —— Must I take a bus ?

—— No, you____. You can walk from here.

A. must not

B. don’t

C. don’t have to

D. had better not to

19. —— Why do you make me do so?

—— I am sorry that you________do such a thing.

A. would

B. can

C. should

D. may

20. —— Will you stay for lunch?

—— Sorry, _____. My brother is coming to see me.

A. I mustn’t

B. I can’t

C. I needn’t

D. ?won’t


英语中情态动词can和could的用法及例句I.情态动词can可以用来: 1.表示“能够”: Two eyes can see more than one. 两只眼睛比一只眼睛看得清楚。(谚) Can you say this in English? 你能用英文表达这个意思吗? I’m sorry I can’t help you. 戏不起我没有能力帮助你。 2.表示“可能”,“可以”: You can sit here. 你可以坐这里。 We can come over to fetch you. 我们可以过来接你。 Can I come in?

我可以进来吗? 3.(用在疑问及否定句中)表示惊异不可能等(后面有时可跟完成及进行形式): She can’t be serious. 她不可能是当真的。 How call you be so silly? 你怎么这样傻? Where can he have gone? 他能到哪里去了呢? What can she be doing now? 她现在能在干什么呢? II.情态动词could可以用来表示: 1)能够: Nobody conld answer that question.

没人能回答那个问题。 It was so dark,we couldn’t see anything. 天那样黑我们什么也看不见。 2)可能,可以: He said he couldn’t come. 他说他不能来。 I said we could go by boat. 我说我们可以坐船去。 2.可以用来代替can,比较委婉地提出请求用法等(a)或是表示惊异不相信等(b): a.Could you do me a favor? 你能帮我一个忙吗? We could send the parcel by air mail. 这包裹可以航空寄去。


情态动词Can 专项练习 (基础题)用can 填空 1. He__ ___run . 6.She___ __dive. 2. He__ ___jump. 7.She__ ___fly. 3. He__ ___sing. 8.She___ __paint. 4. He__ ___write. 9.She___ __dance. 5. He__ ___read. 10.She_ ___ c ook. 11.I___ _run . 12.My mother ____ dive. 13.His sister ______________ j ump. 14.Sam ___ fly. 15.Supergirl ______________ s ing. 16.Kitty ___ paint. 17.He_ _ ___write. 18.Our teacher ____ dance. 19.It__ _ __read. 20.Tom___ __cook. 二.选择题 1. ___________ Can you a model ship for him? A.makes B.make C.making 2. —Can you ___ and answer my questions? --Yes,sir. A.stand up. B.stand down. C sit down. 3. ___________ Can you English? A.say B. speak C .tell 4. —How can you ___ ? ---I can go by bus. A.go there B.go to there C. get bus 6. Can you ___ me the way to Jack ' s house? A.know C.say 7. Nancy can ___ cakes for her sister. A.makes B. making C.make 8. You can ___ bus No.6 at the next stop. A. take B.go


c a n与c o u l d的用法详解及情态动词有关习题 Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998

can与could的用法详解 一、表示能力 (1)表示现在的能力,用can: My sister can drive. 我妹妹会开车。 Everyone here can speak English. 这儿人人会说英语。 (2)表示将来的能力,通常不用can或could,而用be able to的将来时态: I’ll be able to speak French in another few months. 再过几个月我就会讲法语了。 One day people will be able to go to the moon on holiday. 总有一天人们可以到月球上去度假。 但是,若表示现在决定将来是否有能力做某事,则可用 can: Can you come to the party tomorrow 你明天能来参加我们的聚会吗 (3)表示过去的能力,有时可用could,有时不能用could,具体应注意以下几点: ①若表示过去一般的能力(即想做某事就随时可做某事的能力),可用could: Could you speak English then 那时候你会说英语吗 ②若表示过去的特定能力(即在过去特定场合做某事的能力),则不能用could,而用w as (were) able to do sth,或用 managed to do sth,或用 succeeded in doing sth 等。 He studied hard and was able to pass the exam. 他学习很努力,所以考试能及格。 At last he succeeded in solving the problem. 他终于把那个问题解决了。 【注】could 不用来表示过去特定能力通常只限于肯定句,否定句或疑问句中,它则可以表示过去特定的能力: I managed to find the street, but I couldn’t find her house. 我想法找到了那条街,但没找到她的房子。(前句为肯定句用managed to,不用could,后句为否定句,可用could)另外,could还可与表示感知的动词(如see, hear, smell, taste, feel, understand等)连用表示的特定能力: Looking down from the plane, we could see lights on the runway. 从飞机上向下看,我们可以看见机场跑道上的点点灯火。 还有在中,could也可表示: He said he could see me next week. 他说他下周能见我。 二、表示许可 (1)对于现在或将来的“许可”,要区分以下两种情况: ①表示(即请求别人允许自己做某事),两者均可用,但用could 语气更委婉: Can [Could] I come in 我可以进来吗


情态动词can练习 一、把下列句子变为否定句 1.Zhangpeng can ride a horse well. ______________________________________ 2. He can take pictures. ______________________________________ 3.Amy and Chenjie can play the piano. ______________________________________ 4.My father can play basketball. ______________________________________ 5. My brother could go cycling five years ago. ______________________________________ 二、把下列句子变为一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答。 1.He can play basketball well. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ 2.My mother can play the piano. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ 3.Amy and Chenjie can take pictures. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ 4.I can clean the room. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ 5. She could use the Internet ______________________________________


情态动词can的基本用法: 情态动词can有一定的词义,但不能独立存在,它必须与动词原形一起构成谓语。情态动词can没有人称和数的变化。其具体用法如下: 1. 表示"能、会",指脑力或体力方面的"能力"。例如: I can speak En glish. 我会讲英语。 Jim can swim but I can't. 吉姆会游泳,但我不会。 2. 表示"可能",常用于否定句或疑问句中,指某种可能性,此时can 't译为“不可能”。例如: Han Mei ca n't be in the classroom. 韩梅不可能在教室里。 Can he come here today, please? 请问他今天能到这里来吗? 3. 表示"可以",常用于口语中,指许可或请求做某事,可以代替 may。例如: Can I have a cup of tea, please? 请问我可以喝一杯茶吗? You can go out. 你可以出去了。 补充:can的过去式could,意为“能、会”,表示过去的能力 女口: He could write poems when he was 10. 他十岁时就会写诗。 could在疑问句中,表示委婉的语气,此时could没有过去式的意思。 如:Could you do me a favour? 你能帮我个忙吗?一 Could I use your pen?我能用一下你的钢笔吗?一Yes, you can.可以。(注意回答) 情态动词can的基本句型:

1. 肯定句型为:主语+can+动词原形+其它。例如: They can play basketball. 他们能打篮球。 She can dance.她会跳舞。 You can go to watch TV. 你可以去看电视了。 2. ........................... 否定句型为:主语+can not(can't/cannot)+ 动词原形+其它。表示"某人不能(不会。不可能)做其中can't是can not的缩略式,英国多写成cannot。例如: You cann ot pass the ball like this. 你不能像这样传球。 I ca n't ride a motorbike. 我不会骑摩托车。 3. 疑问句句型分为:一般疑问句句型和特殊疑问句句型两种类型。 ⑴一般疑问句句型为:Can+主语+动词原形+其它。表示"某人会(能。可以)做吗?",用于口语时,常表示请求或许可。其肯定答语用""Yes,主语+can."作答; 否定答语用"No,主语+can't."作答。注意答语中做主语的人称代词,应根据问句中的主语作相应的变化。其变化规则为:第一人称问,则第二人称答;第二人称问,则第一人称答;第三人称问,第三人称答。例如: ①-Can you sing an En glish song for us? 你可以为我们大家唱一首英语歌吗?


初中英语语法教学微课教案(情态动词can和could) 教学思路: 本节课我教的是情态动词can和could作“能力”解时的区别。这节课我打算通过复习以前学过的情态动词can的用法,以及通过做游戏,让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中掌握can的用法,以及了解can和could 的区别。 一、Teaching Content: Topic:Unit5Can you play the guitar? Grammar:Using “can”/ “could” to talk about ability 二、Teaching Aims:,e can talk about the ability at present.,e could talk about ability in the past. 三、Teaching Key and Difficult Points: How to use “can” and “could” to express ability in the present and past. 四、Teaching Methods: Task-Based Language Teaching Method 五、Teaching Procedures: Step 1:Warming up Task 1: Revision T: What can you do now? S1: I can sing. S2: I can draw S3: I can dance. T: Can you ride a bike / swim / fly a kite / play football / play chess? Ss:Yes , I can. / No, I can’t. Task 2: Playing a game

情态动词can may must need及练习

考点二:情态动词can 的用法,表示某人能做某事。 肯定句:主语+can+动词原形+其他 I can play the piano . 否定句:主语+can +not(can’t)+动词原形+其他 I can not (can’t) play the piano . 一般疑问句:Can +主语+动词原形+其他? Can you play the piano? 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+ can +主语+动词原形+其他? What can you play ? can play the piano 情态动词must, can, could, may, might 表推测的用法: 情态动词中的must, can, could, may, might都表推测。其中must的可能性最大,can / could次之,may / might最小。具体用法如下: 1. must的用法 (1)表示推测“可能性”时,意思是“一定、准是”,语气较肯定,较有把握。 He must be American. = It is certain that he is American. 他准是个美国人。 (2)must表推测只能用于肯定句。如果要表示“一定不、肯定不”的意思时,应用can`t,如询问某种可能时,应用can。 He must know my address. 他肯定知道我的地址。(一定) He can`t know my address. 他肯定不知道我的地址。(一定不) Can he know my address? 他知道我的地址吗?(询问可能性) (3)must表示推测时,可以推测现在/正在发生的动作/过去发生的动作。 He must have a car now. (现在)他一定有辆小汽车。 He must be doing his exercises in the classroom.(正在进行)他一定在教室里做练习。 He must have finished the work.(过去发生)他一定已完成了工作。 注: must表示推测时很少用于将来的情况。一般不用He must come tomorrow.可用It`s certain / I`m sure that he will come tomorrow. (4)在反意疑问句中,当附属部分含有表示推测意义的must时,疑问部分的助动词应与must


情态动词can 和could 用法详解 can 和could 用法详解 1. 表示能力,could 是can 的过去。如: Can you speak English? 你会说英语吗? Could you speak English then? 那时候你会说英语吗? 2. 表示许可,注意以下用法: (1)对于现在或将来的“许可” ,要区分以下两种情况: a. 表示请求允许(即请求别人允许自己做某事),可用can(=may)或could(=might)(注意:这 里的could 并不表示过去,而是表示现在,只是语气较委婉)。如: Can [May, Could, Might] I come in? 我可以进来吗? b. 表示给予允许(即自己允许别人做某事),一般只用can(=may), 而不能用could或might。如: A: Could [Can] I use your pen? 我可以借用你的钢笔吗? B: Yes, of course you can. 当然可以。(注意: 此处不用Yes, you could) (2)对于过去的“许可” ,也要区分以下两种情况: a. 表示过去一般性允许(即表示某人随时都可以做某事),用can的过去式(即could)。如:When I lived at home, I could watch TV whenever I wanted to. 我住在家里时,想什么时候看电影就可以什么时候看(一般性允许)。 b. 表示过去特定的允许(即表示在过去某一特定情况下允许进行某一活动),则不用could, 而需换成其它表达(如:had permission 或was [were] allowed to)。如: I was allowed to see the film yesterday evening. 昨天晚上允许我去看了电影(特定的允许,所以不能用could)。 3. 表示推测: (1)对现在或将来的推测,can 通常只用于否定句或疑问句中,一般不用于肯定句: It can't be true. 那不可能是真的。 What can they be doing? 他们会在干什么呢? Can it be Jim? 那会是吉姆吗? 但could(可以表示现在)则可用于肯定句中: We could [may, might] go to Guilin this summer. 今年夏天我们可能要去桂林。(将来可能性)You could [may, might] be right, but I don 't think you are. 你可能是对的,但我并不认为你是

情态动词can、may、would、have to的用法综合练习讲课教案

初一英语通用版情态动词can、may、would、have to的用综合练习 (答题时间:35分钟) 单项选择 ()1. —I get there on time today? — No, you needn’t. A. Can B. May C. Must D. Should ()2. — May I talk about it with anyone I like? — No, you . A. shouldn’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. don’t have to ()*3. A teacher do every exercise, but a pupil must . A. mayn’t B. needn’t C. can’t D. mustn’t ()4. —Must we finish copying all these articles this morning? — No, you . A. mustn’t B. haven’t C. not have to D. don’t have to ()5. I have a word with the teacher, sir? A. Will B. Would C. May D. Should ()6. —I smoke here? — No, you mustn’t. A. Can B. May C. Must D. Need ()7. —I visit Lucy on Sunday, Mum? — Yes, you . A. Must; can B. May; may C. Need; need D. May ; need ()**8. He finish his homework on time. A. need not to B. doesn’t need C. needs to D. needs ()**9. Neither he nor his children able to play table tennis. A. can be B. could C. is D. are ()*10. We laugh at others. A. shouldn’t B. may not C. needn’t D. can’t ()11. — May I go now? — No, you . You stay here. A. needn’t; have to B. needn’t; must C. mustn’t; have to D. mustn’t; has to ()**12. Man reach the moon or any other star in the universe now, but we get there years ago . A. can; cou ldn’t B. are able to; weren’t able to C. must; needn’t D. can; had to ()13. “What I do for you?” means “I help you?” A. can; Must B. shall; Need C. can; Can D. will; Shall ()14. — May I use your camera this Sunday? — No, you . A. needn’t B. may not C. won’t D. mustn’t ()15. I like to go to the cinema with mother on Saturday evening. A. will B. shall C. would D. can


四情态动词Can专项练习 (基础题) 一.用can填空 1. He_____run . 6.She_____dive. 2. He_____jump. 7.She_____fly. 3. He_____sing. 8.She_____paint. 4. He_____write. 9.She_____dance. 5. He_____read. 10.She_____cook. 11.I_____run . 12.My mother_____dive. 13.His sister_____jump. 14.Sam_____fly. 15.Supergirl_____sing. 16.Kitty_____paint. 17.He_____write. 18.Our teacher_____dance. 19.It_____read. 20.Tom_____cook. 二.选择题 1.Can you _____ a model ship for him? A.makes B.make C.making 2.—Can you _____and answer my questions? --Yes,sir. A.stand up. B.stand down. C sit down. 3.Can you _____ English? A.say B. speak C .tell 4.—How can you _____ ? ---I can go by bus. A.go there B.go to there C. get bus 6. Can you _____ me the way to Jack’s house? A.know C.say 7. Nancy can _____ cakes for her sister. A.makes B. making C.make 8. You can _____bus No.6 at the next stop. A. take B.go (拔高题)将下列句子变为一般疑问句,并作肯定与否定回答。 1.He can run. 2.She can jump. _________________________ _________________________ 3.They can swim. 4.You can dance. _________________________ _________________________ 5.He can write. 6.She can sing. _________________________ _________________________ 7.It can play. 8.They can talk. _________________________ _________________________ 9.She can read. 10.He can fly. _________________________ _________________________ 11.You can dive. 12.It can draw. _________________________ _________________________ 13.They can skate. 14.He can paint.


can 与could 的用法 一、表示能力 (1)表示现在的能力,用can: My sister can drive. 我妹妹会开车。 Everyone here can speak English. 这儿人人会说英语。 (2)表示将来的能力,通常不用can 或could,而用be able to 的将来时态: I’ll be able to speak French in another few months. 再过几个月 我就会讲法语了。 One day people will be able to go to the moon on holiday. 总有 一天人们可以到月球上去度假。 但是,若表示现在决定将来是否有能力做某事,则可用 can: Can you come to the party tomorrow? 你明天能来参加我们的 聚会吗? (3)表示过去的能力,有时可用could,有时不能用could,具体应注意以下几点: ①若表示过去一般的能力(即想做某事就随时可做某事的能力),可用could: Could you speak English then? 那时候你会说英语吗? ②若表示过去的特定能力(即在过去特定场合做某事的能力),则不能用could,而用was (were) able to do sth,或用managed to do sth,或用succeeded in doing sth 等。 He studied hard and was able to pass the exam. 他学习很努力, 所以考试能及格。 At last he succeeded in solving the problem. 他终于把那个问题 解决了。 【注】could 不用来表示过去特定能力通常只限于肯定句,否定句或疑问句中,它则可以表示过去特定的能力: I managed to find the street, but I couldn’t find her house.我想 法找到了那条街,但没找到她的房子。(前句为肯定句用managed to,不用could,后句为否定句,可用could) 另外,could 还可与表示感知的动词(如see, hear, smell, taste, feel, understand 等)连用表示的特定能力:

There be 句型和have句型,情态动词can(讲解与练习)

There be 句型与have, has 1、There be 句型表示:在某地有某物(或人) 2、在there be 句型中,主语是单数,be 动词用is ; 主语是复数,be 动词用are ; 如有几件物品,be 动词根据最近be 动词的那个名词决定。 3、there be 句型的否定句在be 动词后加not , 一般疑问句把be 动词调到句首。 4、there be句型与have(has) 的区别:there be 表示在某地有某物(或人);have(has) 表示某人拥有某物。 5、some 和any 在there be 句型中的运用:some 用于肯定句,any 用于否定句或疑问句。 6、and 和or 在there be句型中的运用:and 用于肯定句,or 用于否定句或疑问句。 7、针对数量提问的特殊疑问句的基本结构是:How many + 名词复数+ are there + 介词短语?How much + 不可数名词+ is there + 介词短语? 如:How many apples are there on the desk? How much water is there in your shop? 8、针对主语提问的特殊疑问句的基本结构是:What’s + 介词短语? 如:What’ on the desk? 用“have,has”或“there is , there are”填空 1. I________a good father and a good mother. 2. ____________a telescope on the desk. 3. He_________a toy. 4. _____________a basketball in the playground. 5. She__________some dresses. 6. They___________a nice garden. 7. What do you___________? 8. ______________a reading-room in the building? 9. What does Mike___________? 10. ______________any books in the bookcase? 11. My father_________a story-book. 12. _______________a story-book on the table. 13. _______________any flowers in the vase? 14. How many students____________in the classroom? 15. My parents___________some nice pictures. 16. _____________some maps on the wall. 17. ______________a map of the world on the wall. 18. David__________a telescope. 19. David’s friends___________some tents. 20. ______________many children on the hill. 用“ have, has ”填空 1. I_________ a red car. 2. He_________a good friend.

情态动词can、must 练习题答案#精选.

情态动词can ,must 句型改写答案 一.翻译 1.我能从墙上跳下来。I can jump off the wall. 2.Sue 会骑自行车。Sue can ride a bicycle. 3.Sandy 和Sue 能打印这份信。Sandy and Sue can type this letter. 4.他们能看见那只鸟。They can see that bird. 5.我必须回家。I must go home. 6.Emma必须写作业。Emma must do her homework. 7.我们必须从墙上跳下来。We must jump off the wall. 8.他们必须写字。They must write. 9.不允许他们在街上玩。They mustn’t play in the street. 10.禁止他们玩火。They must not play with the fire. 二.改写句型。 1. I can sing. 改否定句: I can not sing. 改一般疑问句:Can you sing? 作肯否定回答:Yes, I can. No, I can not. 划提:What can you do? 2.Peter can ride a bike. 改否定句: Peter can not ride a bike. 改一般疑问句:Can Peter ride a bike? 作肯否定回答:Yes, he can. No, he can’t. 划提:What can Peter do? 3.Tom and Billy must do their homework. 改否定句: Tom and Billy mustn’t do their homework. 改一般疑问句:Must Tom and Billy do their homework. 作肯否定回答:Yes, they must. No, they needn’t. 划提:What must Tom and Billy do? 4.You must stay at home. 改否定句: You must not stay at home. 改一般疑问句:Must I stay at home? 作肯否定回答:Yes, you must. No,you needn’t. 划提:What must I do? 1.Sophie must read a novel. 改否定句: Sophie must not read a novel. 改一般疑问句:Must Sophie read a novel? 作肯否定回答:Yes, she must. No, she needn’t. 划提:What must Sophie do? 2.He can see that nest. 改否定句: He can not see that nest. 改一般疑问句:Can he see that nest? 作肯否定回答:Yes, he can. No, he can’t. 划提:What can he do? They must listen to the stereo. 改否定句: They mustn’t listen to the stereo. 改一般疑问句:Must they listen to the stereo? 作肯否定回答:Yes, they must. No, they needn’t. 划提:What must they do? 三Must mustn’t can can’t 填空 1.“___Must_____ I come at 6 o’clock?””Oh no, you needn’t.” 2. A blind man ___can’t_____ judge colours. 3.“May I go there?””No,you__mustn’t_____.” 4.Two eyes ____can____ see more than one. 5.I ___must____ be off. Thank you very much for supper. 6.You ___must____ be careful. You __mustn’t_____ be careless.


情态动词can/can’t练习题 一单项选择 1、Can you play ____piano? A、a B、an C、the 2、Can you dance? Yes, I ____. A、do B、can C、can’t 3、Can he write English? No, he ____ A、can B、can’t C、does 4、I __ ride a bike ,but I ____drive a car. A、can , can B、can’t , can’t C、can, can’t 5、She can _____basketball . A、play B、playing C、plays 二填空 1.____ you swim? Yes, I can. 2. Can your father play the piano? No, he ______. 3. What club _____ you like to join? 4. Can Lucy and Alice dance? Yes, _____ can. 5. We’d like ___ join the English club .

1、贝蒂会说英语,但她不会说汉语。 Betty ____ ____ English,____she____ speak Chinese. 2、你的朋友会骑马吗?—会。 ____ your friends ____ ____ ____ ? Yes , ____ can. 3、那个女孩不会打网球。 The girl ____ ____ tennis. 4、托尼会游泳吗?——不会。 ____ Tony ____ ? No , he ____. 5、他们会弹钢琴。 They ____ ____ the ____. 四、根据首字母完成单词。 1. I can play the p____. 2. She w_____ about her classmates. 3. We are choosing our PE monitor for this t____. 4. Which c___ would you like to join? 5. All the information about the clubs are written on the b____. 七、从方框中选出合适的词填空。 join dance choose piano cooking You can choose your favorite club. Can you _____? If you can, ___ the Dancing Club. I can play the _____. It’s very interesting. If you like _______, you can join the Food and Drink Club. There are English and Chinese Clubs. You can ______ it.


情态动词can 一、简介 1、结构:can + 动词原形,没有人称和数的变化。 2、否定形式:cannot/can’ t, cannot比缩略形式can’ t要正式。口语中一般用缩略形式。 例如:I can swim. Daming can ride a bike. He can’t drive a car. 二、用法 1、表示能力(体力、知识、技能等),此时可用be able to代替。 例如:Mary can speak three languages. 玛丽会说三种语言。 = Mary is able to speak three languages. 注意:(1)can只有一般现在时和一般过去式;而be able to则有更多的时态。 例如:I’ll not be able to come this afternoon. 今天下午我将会来。 (2)当表示“经过努力才得以做成功某事”时应用be able to,不能用can。 例如:He was able to go to the party yesterday evening in spite of the heavy rain. 尽管很大雨,他昨天能来参加聚会。 2、表示请求和允许。 例如:---Can I go now? --- Yes, you can. / No, you cannot/can’t. 此时可与may互换。在疑问句中还可用could,might(不可用于肯定句、否定句或答语)代替,不是过去式,只是语气更委婉。 例如:--- Could I come to see you tomorrow? --- Yes, you can. ( No, I’m afraid not. ) 3、表示可能性猜测。 例如:The man over there can′t be my uncle. My uncle has gone to Beijing. 那个人不可能是我的叔叔。我的叔叔去北京了。 三、练习题 ( )1.---Can I go fishing with you,Dad?


情态动词can,must的用法:1. 不随着主语变化而变化;2.后跟动词原形; 1.Can 表示能,会。 1.不随着主语变化而变化; 2.后跟动词原形; 3.否定形式can not= can’t不能,不会 4.提can到句首,句末加“?”,其肯否定回答:Yes,** can. No, ** can’t. 2.Must,必须; 1.不随着主语变化而变化; 2.后跟动词原形; 3.否定形式must not = mustn’t 不允许,不准,禁止 4.提must到句首,句末加“?”,其肯否定回答:Yes,** must. No, ** needn’t. (不,**不必)

练习题: 一.翻译 1.我能从墙上跳下来。 2.Sue 会骑自行车。 3.Sandy 和Sue 能打印这份信。 4.他们能看见那只鸟。 5.我必须回家。 6.Emma必须写作业。 7.我们必须从墙上跳下来。 8.他们必须写字。 9.不允许他们在街上玩。 10.禁止他们玩火。 二.改写句型。 1. I can sing. 改否定句: _____________ 改一般疑问句:________________ 作肯否定回答:______________________________ 划提:_____________________________ 2.Peter can ride a bike. 改否定句: ______________________ 改一般疑问句:_____________________作肯否定回答:____________________ 划提:_____________________________ 3.Tom and Billy must do their homework. 改否定句: ______________________ 改一般疑问句:_____________________作肯否定回答:__________________ 划提:_____________________________ 4.You must stay at home. 改否定句: ______________________ 改一般疑问句:_____________________作肯否定回答:__________________ 划提:_____________________________ 5.Sophie must read a novel. 改否定句: ______________________ 改一般疑问句:_____________________作肯否定回答:__________________ 划提:_____________________________ 6.He can see that nest. 改否定句: ______________________ 改一般疑问句:_____________________作肯否定回答:__________________ 划提:_____________________________ They must listen to the stereo. 改否定句: ______________________ 改一般疑问句:_____________________作肯否定回答:__________________ 划提:_____________________________ 三.Must,mustn’t ,can ,can’t 填空 1.“________ I come at 6 o’clock?””Oh no, you needn’t.” 2. A blind man ________ judge colours. 3.“May I go there?””No,you_______.” 4.Two eyes ________ see more than one. 5.I _______ be off. Thank you very much for supper. 6.You _______ be careful. You _______ be careless. 7.______ I stay up till mid-night, please? 8.The teacher _______ favour some children more than others.
