
青女:青女叩见皇后娘娘。皇后娘娘,您选的是茜素红吗? Your servant Qing bows before Your Majesty, Your Majesty. Is this the red you had chosen? 婉后:挂上吧。这茜素红,原本是待你与太子成婚时,赐给你做嫁衣的。没想到,却要用在我的册封大典上。怎么跑得这么急? Hang it up. This material was originally intended for your wedding to the Prince. However, it is now used in my coronation. Why did you run all the way here? 青女:听得内宫传诏,青女以为是太子 When I was summoned to the inner court, I thought perhaps the Prince had returned. 婉后:我还正要问呢,太子没信给你。 I was just about to ask you. Have you not heard from the Prince? 青女:他从来都不给我写信的 He never writes to me. 婉后:那你们怎么联系 Then how do you communicate? 青女:做梦。我天天晚上都能梦见他,是在梦里跟他说话的。 Through dreams, I dream of him every night. And we talk to each other. 婉后:昨天梦见他了吗? Did you dream of him last night? 青女:梦见了。 Yes. 婉后:他跟你说什么了? What did he say to you? 青女:他教我少吃糖,不过他又说,女孩子爱吃甜食,也不是什么坏毛病。 He told me not to eat too much sweets. But then he also said young girls tend to like sweet things, it is not really a bad habit. 婉后:我以前也喜欢吃甜食的 I also used to like sweet things. 婉后:叔叔真会伺候女人。 Brother-in-law knows how to please a woman. 厉帝:比起我哥哥怎样? How do I compare with my brother? 婉后:先帝可是英明的君主。 The late Emperor was a wise and valiant man. 厉帝:你是说,他不行。 You mean to say he was not very adept at pleasing you. 婉后:不,如果他愿意,便雄姿英发。 No…When he was willing he could be exceptionally virile. 厉帝:可是他不愿意,对吗?江山美人,从来困惑着百代帝王。 But he was not often willing. Am I right? The tug between power and love has tormented past emperors for centuries. 婉后:叔叔好像不困惑 You do not seem to be tormented. 厉帝:今夜之前不困惑,因为我心里惟有江山。今夜之后困惑了,有了嫂嫂,还要江山做什么? Before tonight everything was simple, I cared only for my kingdom. But after tonight when there is you, Sister-in-law, what need do I have of a kingdom? 婉后:叔叔真会恭维人 You certainly know how to flatter a woman. 厉帝:言为心声。 I speak from the heart. 婉后:那叔叔让出皇位,我随你归隐林泉,如何? Why don’t you give away the throne…we can retire to the woods and live like hermits. What do you think? 厉帝:嫂嫂,想要朕的命吗? Sister-in-law, do you want me killed? 婉后:一句戏言 叔叔怎么就认真了 I was only teasing. 厉帝:要命也认了,我都给嫂嫂,都给嫂嫂。 If it is my life that you want you

can have it. You can have everything that is mine. 青女:殿下 Your Highness. 无鸾:我父王是怎么死的? My father…How did he die? 青女:他们说,午睡的时候,被一只爬进寝宫的毒蝎子给咬了。 They say that while he was taking his afternoon nap. he was stung by a scorpion 无鸾:皇宫里有毒蝎子? There are scorpions in the palace? 青女:他们说皇宫里什么都有。 They say you can find everything in the palace. 无鸾:他们是谁? Who are “they”? 青女:住在皇宫里的人。 The people who live there. 无鸾:包括她? Including her? 青女:她又被册封为皇后了。 She is about to be crowned Empress again. 无鸾:谁册封她? By whom? 青女:你叔叔,当今皇上。 Your uncle, the new Emperor.
