



https://www.360docs.net/doc/e811727983.html,/tuofujijing/20150514/tfjj-lhy-66bmxz.html?seo=wenku6.024 2015年6月6日北美托福写作机经是小马老师针对于此次托福考试写作部分进行的重点预测,考生可以进入下载地址免费索取下载使用。



If a city has given money to investment, which option would prefer: 1. build a public garden to provide a quiet environment to benefit all 2. build a sports field for students in a high school that doesn’t have its own


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? To truly enjoy a

vacation(holiday), people should leave their mobile phones at home.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? We should state our honest opinions even though other people may disagree with them.


阅读是说有个作家xx 说中国人在between1421 年and 1423 年去过America。

听力讲座:教授说怀疑中国人没到过America,no evidence to show Chinese came to America 在1421-1423 年

第一段大概是说Bimix 上面有markings, 是Chinese弄的。

第二段大概是说在coast land 还是哪里发现了石头的anchors,说是中国人在哪里弄的。

第三段是说在某个岛上面有个stone tower,有点像lighthouse,说是中国人搞的,然后Chinese sailor could raise and xx platform for repair damaged boats.

反驳:第一说那些 marking 是natural formation,不是人为的marking,只是像人为的。说geologist 看的话一眼就可以看出是天然行程的。

第二说那些anchor 也不一定是中国人,因为在那个时候,anchor 已经用了好久在航海了,不只一个国家用锚.

第三是说那个岛上的tower 不是中式建筑,看起来是England 建筑,说那个岛原来是一个England 的owner 的,这个lighthouse 更像是England 建筑。










As the economy and technology develop at an incredible speed in today’s society, there are an increasing number of people believing that the most important problems affecting our society today could be solved within our lifetime. In my view, however, this is out of the question and the three most significant problems affecting the society, namely war, environmental destruction and disease, will still influence us and may not be entirely resolved forever. War is a problem afflicting humans since they took into being in the first place. Wars take place when different countries have conflicting benefits, which is unlikely to be eliminated as long as the boundaries between countries still exist. For instance, in the Middle East where water is extremely scarce, many countries are in conflict in contention for water resources. Since every country acts for the sake of its own benefit, it seems that people in the region are incapable of living together in harmony. Eternal world peace, therefore, is unlikely to be achieved in our lifetime. Environmental destruction emerged not long before but it is becoming increasingly severe and can not be ignored. With the large-scale utilization of fossil fuels and rapid development of industry, huge amounts of pollutants are being produced, contaminating the environment to a large degree. The disposal of these pollutants being a tough task, it is hardly possible that we can completely get rid of them within a short period of time. Furthermore, even if we can come up with optimal methods for dealing with these substances, there remains the problem that these methods may cost too much and obstruct the development of economy. Last but not least, the well-being of people around the world is threatened by a variety of diseases, ranging from AIDS to cancer, the cures for which have not been discovered yet. Diseases set off panics among humans, affect their normal life and leave people badly off with the high medical expenses. There are thousands of scientists devoting themselves to finding cure for diseases, but new types of diseases keep emerging and there is no eliminating all of them. In summary, the problems with the most significance today are going to be passed on to our offspring. To eliminate these problems thoroughly, there is still a long way to go.


11月10日独立写作考题预测 11月4日考题回顾 A government spend money on all adults after 25-year-old on a training course for the most up-to-date skills at workplace. Do you think it is effective?Why or why not? 上周预测题第1题与11月4日考题同属政府类的题目,并且部分关键词funding,training 重合。 上周预测题第1题: Which area the government should fund to improve children’s education? ?hiring more teachers to teach in a small class ?preschool education before kindergarten ?providing some training courses so that teachers can be more professional 11月10日独立写作考题预测 ?The university will spend money on dormitory to improve the life quality of students, which of the following do you think is the best way? ?providing a room for quiet study; ?building an exercise room; ?providing entertainment place(watch film). ? ?Which one of the following values is the most important to share with a young child (5-10 years old)? ?Being helpful ?Being honest ?Being well organized ? A lot of high school students now cheat in homework assignments, by asking other students for answers. Which of the following do you think is the most efficient way to stop? ?asking parents to help stop the students from cheating ?penalty or punishment to the students ?asking teacher to create homework assignment that cannot be easily cheated ?At some universities, students take part in making decisions about the issues that affect daily life of everyone on campus, such as how many hours that the libraries should be open each day or what kinds of food should be served in the cafeteria. But at some universities, experts are hired to make these decisions, students almost never involved. Which approach do you prefer and why. ?Sometimes we are assigned to work in a group on a project. Do your agree or disagree the following statement? The group will be helped more by members who are willing to do


2010年雅思写作真题机经之Task2完整题目汇总(更新至2010年5月29日) 颜炜:2010年雅思写作真题机经之Task2完整题目汇总(更新至2010年5月29日) 2010年1月9日 Some people think that charity organizations should only offer help to people of their own country. But others believe that these organizations should give aid to people in great need wherever they live. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 2010年1月14日 In today's world, it is private companies rather than government who pay for and carry out most on scientific research. To what extend do you think the advantages outweigh disadvantages. 2010年1月23日 The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming wider. The rich is growing richer and the poor is growing poorer. What are the causes of this? What measures can be taken to reduce this problem? 2010年1月30日 Today there is a great increase in anti-social behavior and lack of respect to others. What are the causes of this? What measures can be taken to reduce this problem? 2010年2月6日 Air travel only benefits the richest people, majority people take no advantage from development of airplane. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2010年2月11日 Some people say politicians promote the development of society. However others believe that it is scientists who have more influence on the world. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

牛人经验:托福iBT写作27 完全攻略

考托者应记住的几条公理 1,托福作文就是新八股文 2,托福作文只要练好了人人可以拿27+ 3,托福作文得高分不意味着你英语水平有多高 4,提高英语水平靠多听多读多背多说多写多练多译 首先让我们全面剖析新托福作文:(以下要求均为我自己的理解,非官方版本,官方要求请参照OG) integrated writing/综合写作:要求考生在3分钟内读一篇文章,然后听一个lecture,在20分 (注:文章内容和lecture 钟内根据文章和lecture内容写一篇250字左右文章比较两者的观点。 内容注定是对立的,如果你考的不是对立的,那只有一种可能,你的RP次到了人神共愤的地步了。) 综合写作的八股在于:第一段指出reading passage和lecture内容是对立的;第二、三、四段从三个方面/点来说明他们的内容是怎样对立的;第五段总结一下他们之间确实是对立关系。 independent writing/独立写作:给定一个题目,要求考生在30分钟内写出400字左右的文章,要求逻辑清晰,论述有力,无明显的语法和词法错误。 独立写作八股在于:第一段陈述你的观点,支持哪一方;第二、三、四段从三个方面论述你的观点;最后一段总结一下,综上所述,某某观点是正确的。

综合写作:模板,套模板,一定要套模板! 理由:1,模板让你的思路更加清晰,这是ETS要求的。 2,20分钟!开玩笑,怎么凑到300字?当然要用模板! 3,阅读听力我都不怕,就怕作文,写三句话错两句,我怎么得26+?当然还是用模板,既然是模板就意味着是你精挑细选的句子,保证了写作的质量! 提醒:1,模板要富于变化,一篇只能用5句那你就要准备10句! 2,模板不能一味照搬别人的,避免重复! 3,保证模板里的句子没有语法和用词错误! 一般来说,大家把一下几个句子稍微变形,即完成了综合写作第一步 1. The lecture discusses…which differs from the main idea in the reading that… (用于第一段) 2. The professor made the point that …The reading , in contrast, held a different v iew .(用于第一或第二三四段) 3. Another important point showed in the listening material is that …but the reading presents a conflicting idea that…(用于第三四段) 4. Finally, the professor stated that ...which challenges the standpoint made by the writer who said that...(用于第四段) 5. In general, the professor discussed the problem of …that the reading viewed in a contrary\opposing\different angle.(最后总结段) 6. According to the lecture… on the other hand \while the reading stated that … 7. The professor made the point that… on the contrary\ in contrast\ however, the writer demonstrated an ideathat… 8. The lecture supports\illustrates the idea that… 9. The lecture contradicts\refutes\ is contrary to\ is the opposite of the idea that… 10. Contrary to the belief in the passage that …the professor says that… 11. The professor refutes the viewpoint showed in the passage that… by saying that…(6-11均用于第二三四段) 大家可以把连接词变化一下,把动词变化一下或句式稍变,11句话灵活运用。 除了模板以外,综合写作我们还需要做什么? 做笔记,做听力笔记! 99.9%的情况下,综合写作的主体内容是三个对立的观点,所以大家只要把这个三个点记下来,然后把阅读里相应的三点抠出来放到模板里面去,你的综合写作就做完了,就是这么简单!

周日进 2014年6月SAT回忆

南京爱唯易周日进SAT托福培训 2014年6月SAT考试填空题周老师独家回忆 @Hongkong 观塘 给大家回忆一下填空, 排名不分先后: 1. 两个的争论非常heated,但是非常courteous,答案为intense 和civil 2. 动物征服寒冷用各式各样的方法,但是人类用一种方法就超越他们surpass 3. 被告编造的故事反而是hinder了自己的defense,让律师也不相信他了。 4. 紧张会刺激疾病的产生,但是微量的紧张会加强自己,fortify 5. 一个发现了动物一起生活的什么东东,共生:symbiosis 6. 一个人说自己在商业上的牛逼是未被证实的,很多人遵循他的意见都破产了。acumen。。。unwarranted 7. 不能抹去的,难以忘却的回忆。indelible 8. 一个牛逼的人混合了当代和什么什么风格音乐,amalgamate 9.叔叔的拜访很surprising,但是他还是热心欢迎,delighted 10.大家都是对成功的科学吹牛逼,一个人表达了tempered的看法,认为failure对于之后的成功也很重要 11. 大家对于一本书是hail,认为是非常杰出的 12. 一个人不是很lenient,仁慈,对任何transgression都严厉处罚 13. 双方的division非常大,达到了schism的程度。 14. 一个人虽然有点taciturn,但是却非常tenacious,因为不说目标,但是会坚定追求 15. 一个什么program让大家engage,这样就revitalize很多人了。 16. 纸质书不是dead,但也是moribund,慢慢死亡 17. 一个人表现出condescend,但是大家对于他的air of superiority不予理睬 18. epiphany,原文说的是突然意识到什么。

托福写作 大作文机经题目汇总

1A/D: People who have different kinds of skills are more successful than those who have only one skill. 2A/D: In order to succeed, it’s better for a person to act the same as others rather than behave differently from others. 3A/D: It is important to make sure that others know about your strengths and accomplishments; if you are not so, you will be never successful in life. 4A/D: People who keep their room clean and tidy are more likely to be successful in the future. 5Is it easier to achieve success in the past or at present? 6A/D: People who move out of native village or town are more successful and happier than people who stay in their native village or town. 7A/D: It is more important for parents to set strict rules to their children if they want them to succeed in the future. 8A/D: For any business to be successful, it must spend more money on advertising. 9A/D: It is much easier for people to achieve success without their family members’ help now than in the past. 10A/D: People who cannot accept criticism will not succeed working in teams. 11A/D: The most important investment of a company is to improve the efficiency and proficiency of its employees. 12A/D: A job with more vacation time but a low salary is better than a job with a high salary but less vacation time. 13A/D: In the past, people were easier to identify a career or job which can give them a secure and successful future. 14A/D: People should have hobbies and do physical activities that are very different from their own work.


郑州培雅年度写作机经2014-nina 2014全年考情分析: 热烈庆祝郑州北雅成功升级为培雅国际教育 线柱饼表多图流程地图争论报告混合1月 1 1 1 1 1 1 2月 1 2 3 3月 2 1 1 4 4月 2 2 3 1 5月 1 1 1 1 3 1 6月 1 2 1 4 7月 1 1 2 4 8月 1 1 1 3 1 9月 2 1 2 1 10月 1 1 1 1 4 11月 2 1 1 4 12月 2 1 1 4 共计 6 13 2 8 2 6 7 39 4 2 从今年的数据来看,小作文中,出题频率最高的是柱形图(13次),最低的是多图题和饼图(分别2次)。值得提出的是,表格的出现与往年幅度几乎持平而线图稍减少了一些。流程和地图这两种比较复杂的图形考题频率几乎一样,并且较往年有明显的增幅(共计13次,2013年:共计8次)。这种出题动向无疑揭露了目前雅思考试写作考题难度在小作文方面的增加主要依靠这两种学生们普遍头疼的地图和流程图。然而,对于语言基本功较好的培训学员,这也有可能是一种喜讯。 大作文方面,和往年区别不大。考题仍主要集中在争论类题型下,共计有39次。而报告和混合类仍然偏少。话题方面,官方主要考核的仍是生活类,教育类,科技类这三大类别。这说明大作文的考察方面,出题方仍以学生的辩论性争论能力的考察为主,而对学生剖析解决问题方面的考察较少。 2015年预测与复习方案建议: 自2010年以后,参加雅思考试的学员人数有及其明显的增长趋势。雅思考试也不停地尝试以逐年增加难度的形式来挑选更加出色的学生。这一现象使得很多备考考生一直在尝试各种方法来提高自己的成绩。写作方面,从各年机经总结情况来看,2015年的写作考试的准备工作仍需学员有坚持不懈的努力。笔者将2015年的考题方向给出如下预测与备考方案: 小作文:柱形图>线图>表格>地图、流程>饼>多图题 大作文:(1)主要话题:生活类,教育类,科技类,环境类,媒体类(2)题型方向:争论>报告>混合


2013年北美地区托福考试写作真题及解析汇总完整版 前言 由于2012年ML大部分考题为2011年NA,故2013年ML只重考了1题2011年的NA题,结合往年经验和2013年中国大陆的考试情况,不难得出,2014年ML还将以重复2013年NA题为主。这份资料对于明年考托福的同学们含金量十分高。 2013年中国大陆地区(后称ML)的作文题目当中,北美考题(后称NA)比例: 2008-2010的NA题:共15题,占35.7% 2011年的NA题:共1题,占2.4% 2012年的NA题共19题,占45.2 1月12日 Parents learn more from their children than their children do from them nowadays. 此题disagree较容易 按照分类理由,从parents生活经验丰富,技能多,人脉广等角度展开,强调孩子可以从父母身上学到的东西即可。 如选择Agree,更挑战,更适合文笔发挥,拿到满分 1.Wide availability of internet—abundant resource on education—access for children to improve their ability and skills on their own—more capable in terms of life and work—close to parents—be the portal for parents to catch up with the fast-changing world 2.Fiercer competition—demand for advanced and latest technology and skills—relatively easier for children to embrace for their intellectual level and stage of life—also a missing part in parents’ education—parents learn from children to fit into the society 3.让步 2月2日 在经济危机时期(times of economy crisis),你认为政府应该减少下面哪一方面少花钱?-Education -Health Care -Support for unemployed


2018年6月SAT数学每日练习题:几何应用题今天三立在线教育SAT网为大家带来的是2018年6月SAT数学每日练习题之几何应用题的相关资讯,备考的烤鸭们,赶紧来看看吧! Vera is planning to use exactly 112 feet(ft) of fencing as the border of a rectangular garden. If the width of the garden is 1/3 of the length of the garden, what is the width of the garden? A.7ft B.14ft C.28ft D.42ft 答案:B 解析:Choice B is correct. 宽是长的三分之一,长就是宽的3倍,则栅栏的宽 =112/(2X4)=14ft 2018SAT数学考点清单 列一次等式、不等式,解方程。需要注意的是二元一次方程的解的情况,线性规划问题,含绝对值的不等式等; 比率、比例、百分数、单位换算、利率问题;数据分析可以分为四大板块看,即各种图表的数据描述、抽样和实验等获取数据的方法、概率计算、数据估计等; 多项式及其分解因式、二次方程、二次函数、分式计算、无理式计算,函数图形及相关性质,复合函数;

角三角形中三角函数的定义,圆的解析式,弧长和扇形面积的计算,复数定义及运算。 2018年6月SAT数学每日练习题:几何应用题 Vera is planning to use exactly 112 feet(ft) of fencing as the border of a rectangular garden. If the width of the garden is 1/3 of the length of the garden, what is the width of the garden? A.7ft B.14ft C.28ft D.42ft 答案:B 解析:Choice B is correct. 宽是长的三分之一,长就是宽的3倍,则栅栏的宽 =112/(2X4)=14ft 2018SAT数学考点清单 列一次等式、不等式,解方程。需要注意的是二元一次方程的解的情况,线性规划问题,含绝对值的不等式等; 比率、比例、百分数、单位换算、利率问题;数据分析可以分为四大板块看,即各种图表的数据描述、抽样和实验等获取数据的方法、概率计算、数据估计等; 多项式及其分解因式、二次方程、二次函数、分式计算、无理式计算,函数图形及相关性质,复合函数;


博思整理 1月6号 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement. Nowadays it is not important for people to have regularly family meals together. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is important to read or watch the news presented by people who seviews are similar to your own or read or watch the news presented by whose views are different from your own.重复2016年8月27号写作 1月13号 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It's a waste of money for Government to fund space travel or space exploration. Give specific examples and details to support your answer. 1月27号 Which one do you think is the most important factor for a student to success at college or university? 1. Tutors in university. 2. The encouragement from family and friends. 3. High-quality education from high school. 1月28号 Which one of the following areas should governments fund in order to improve children’s educational quality: 1) Hiring more teachers so that there are fewer students in one class; 2) Providing preschool education;


2013年5月托福写作机经题目预测 新东方王子睿1.Which one of the following ways do you think is the best for students to make friends? Joining a sport team Attending community activities Travelling 2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A job with a high salary is better than a job with a low salary, even if it is easier to lose it. 3.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is easier for people today to keep healthy than those in the past. 4.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The government should focus its budgets more on environmental protection than on economic development. 5.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is impossible to be completely honest to your friends. 6.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important for schools to fund their students’social activities than to improve student’meals. 7.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Working at home by using telephones and computers is better than working in the office. 8.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Nowadays, neighbors depend on each other less than in the past. 9.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? We can learn about a person from the books and movies that the person likes. 10.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The rules that the whole society today expect young people to follow are too strict. 11.Do you agree or disagree with following statement? In the past people depended on their parents for making decisions, but today, young people are much better able to make decisions on their own. 12.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people should try different kinds of jobs before they take a career in the long term. 13.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers’performance should be evaluated by students rather than by other teachers. 14.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people nowadays do not respect their teachers as much as they did in the past. 15.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should buy things made by their own countries, even if things from other countries are more cost-effective.


【托福真题】2013年7-8月北美托福写作真题解析7月13日托福写作真题: When choosing living place, which factor is the most important one for you? living in an area that is not expensive living close to relatives living in an area with many shops and restaurants 此题重复2012年9月7日NA口语题,再次证明基本上口语第二题和独立写作在共用题库,大家平时准备口语第二题的时候遇到3选1或者比较抽象的命题,都应该留意下是否写作可以写的出来。 回头来讲3选1的题目,有一个比较讨巧的做法,从ABC三个选项当中选择A选项,然后解释为什么A选项可以既有自身的功能,也能实现BC选项各自的功能。 对应题目来说,三个选项的功能分别是:便宜;家人;方便。我选择家人,三段理由分别是: 1.Close to family—spend time with families—share with each other, chat—deepen the bond among families 2.Close to family—receive the care and help from families—cover some expense by eating at home and so on—save money—also not expensive 3.Close to family—homemade food, delicious, safe, better than restaurants; grocery and other stuff from home, save time, convenience—don’t have to live close to shops and restaurants 7月26日托福写作真题: If your teacher says something incorrect in a class, what will you do? interrupt your teacher right away keep silent correct your teacher after class 选correct after class 留学改变人生,教育改变中国!

2015年6月SAT真题(北美)section 7

1.The entertainer was know for his------: he gave essentially the same solid performance night after night for twenty years. (A)Bluntness (B)Arrogance (C)Obedience (D)Generosity (E)Consistency 2.Transoceanic navigation is so------coastal navigation that the development of the former from the latter required------new instruments rather than modifying older ones. (A)contingent on .. perfecting (B)different from .. inventing (C)divorced from .. rejecting (D)separate from .. repairing (E)inferior to .. exploiting 3.It is widely------,almost to the point of being conventional wisdom, that movies have experienced and overall------in quality; exceptions are generally regarded as happy accidents. (A)assumed .. decline (B)denied .. drop (C)known .. improvement (D)overlooked .. lapse (E)hoped .. rise 4.Once regarded as an accurate, or------, representation of reality, the well-known painting is now consideration to be an entirely------creation. (A)faithful .. imaginative (B)distorted .. confusing (C)outdated .. fictional (D)precise .. practical (E)artificial .. sufficient 5.Many teachers------jargon: they avoid specialize terminology, explaining difficult concepts in term that students understand. (A)manifest (B)divulge (C)propagate (D)invoke (E)eschew Questions 6-9 are based on the following passage. Passage 1
