

1. What are the categories of lexical meaning?

Lexical meaning includes: a) referential meaning (also denotative meaning). b) Associative meanings. Referential meaning is the central meaning and it is more stable and universal. Associative meanings are meanings are meanings that hinge on referential meaning, which are less stable and more culture-specific.

Types of associative meanings: connotative meaning, social meaning, affective meaning, reflected meaning, collective meaning

2. What are the components of metaphor?

There are two positions on the function of metaphors: a) the classical view sees metaphor a rhetorical device; b) another view holds metaphor a cognitive device. Metaphors 一s possible precisely because there are metaphors in a person’s conceptual systems.

All metaphors are composed of two domains: target domain (also tenor) and source domain (vehicle).

3. How does transformational grammar account for sentence- relatedness?

1) According to Chomsky, a grammar as the tacit shared knowledge of all speakers is a system of finite rules by which an infinite number of sentences can be generated. He attempts to account for this aspect of syntax by postulating that deep structures and surface structures.

2) Deep structures are the basic structures generated by phrase structure rules.

3) Surface structures are derived structures, the structures of sentences that we actually speak. Surface structures are derived from deep structures through transformational rules which include replacement, insertion, deletion and coping, etc.

4. On what basis do linguists regard human language as species-specific (unique to


Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. Many philosophers and linguists believe that language is unique to man. Language is a human trait that sets us apart from other living creatures. They spell out a number of features of language which are not found in animal communication systems. These features: creativity, duality, arbitrariness, displacement, cultural transmission, interchangeability and reflexivity. These are universal features possessed by all human languages. Although some animal communication systems possess, to a very limited degree, one or another of these features except creativity and duality, none is found to have all the features. On this basis linguists tend to conclude that human languages are qualitatively different form animal communication systems.

5. What part of syntax can phrase structure rules account for and what they cannot?

Phrase structure rules are rules that specify the constituents of syntactic categories. These rules are part of speakers’ syntactic knowledge, which govern the construction of sentences.

There are a lot of part of syntactic knowledge, including structural ambiguity (which strings of words have more than one meaning), words order (different arrangements of the same words have different meanings), grammatical relations (what element relates to what other element directly or indirectly), recursion (the repeated use of the same rules to create infinite sentences), sentence relatedness (sentences may be structurally variant but semantically related), and syntactic categories (a class of words or phrases that can substitute for one another without loss of grammaticality) etc. Phrase structure rules can

account for structural ambiguity, word order, grammatical relations, recursion, and syntactic categories; but they cannot account for sentence relatedness.

6. How do sociolinguists classify the varieties of English?

The term variety is the label given to the form of a language used by any group of speakers or used in a particular field. A variety is characterized by the basic lexicon, phonology, syntax shared by members of the group. Varieties of a language are of four types: the standard variety, regional dialects, sociolects and registers.

A regional dialect is a variety of a language spoken by people living in an area. The English language has many regional dialects. British English, American English, Australian English. Indian English, South African English, etc. are all regional varieties of the language. One dialect is distinctive from another phonologically, lexically and grammatically.

7. What are the functions of supra-segmental features?

The phonetic features, distinctive or non-distinctive, that we have discussed so far may be properties of single segments. In this section we will look at features that are found over a segment or sequence of two or more segments, which are called suprasegmental features. These features are also distinctive features. They are found in such units of syllables, words, phrases and sentences. The most widely found suprasegmental features are stress, intonation and tone.

Stress is defined as the perceived prominence (comparative loudness) of one or more syllable elements over others in a word. This definition implies that stress is a relative notion. Intonation: when we speak, we change the pitch of our voice to express ideas. The same sentence uttered with different intonation may express different attitude of the speaker. In English, there are three basic intonation patterns: fall, rise and fall-rise. Tone

is the variation of pitch at the word level to distinguish words. The same sequence of segments can be different words if uttered with different tones. English is not a tone language. Chinese is a typical tone language.

Intonation and stress generally occur simultaneously in utterance. When intonation contour falls on a syllable, the nucleus is stressed and the vowel is naturally lengthened a bit. In the meantime, there is a little pause after the syllable. This simultaneous functioning of the features serves to highlight the information focus, or to eliminate ambiguity (double interpretations of the same phrase or sentence).

8. What are aspects of syntactic knowledge?

Syntactic knowledge is the knowing of which strings of words are grammatical and which are not. In addition, it includes: 1) structural ambiguity 2) word order 3) grammatical relations 4) recursion 5) sentence relatedness 6) syntactic categories.

9. The advantages and disadvantages of componential analysis?

1st, it is a breakthrough in the formal representation of meaning. Once formally represented, meaning components can be seen. 2nd, it reveals the impreciseness of the terminology in the traditional approach to meaning analysis. Looking at the semantic formula of man and woman again you can see that it is not true that the total meaning of one word contrasts with that of the other. It is merely in one semantic feature that the two words contrast. When we look at the semantic formulae of man and father, we find that all the semantic features of man are included in the semantic formula of father. Then we reach a different conclusion from common sense in regard to the relation between man and father. Is this contradictory? The answer is No. The obvious fact that man includes father is derived from the perspective of reference. Componential analysis examines the

components of sense. The more semantic features a word has, the narrower its reference it is.

The limitations of componential analysis are also apparent. It cannot be applied to the analysis of all lexicon, merely to words within the same semantic field. It is controversial whether semantic features are universal primes of word meanings in all language. Nevertheless, CA is so far a most influential approach in the structural analysis of lexical meaning.

11. Why is linguistics a vast field of study?

Linguistics is a broad field of study, because language is a complicated entity with many layers and facets. There are a number of divisions of linguistics, which can be put into two categories. 1) Intra-disciplinary divisions: the study of language in general is often termed general linguistics. It is based on the view that language as a system is composed of three aspects: sound, structure and meaning. 2) Inter-disciplinary divisions. a) Sociology deals with language and culture. b) Psycholinguistics deals with the relation between language and mind c) applied linguistics is concerned with the application of linguistic theories and descriptions in other fields. All above three belong to sociolinguistics.

12. How is linguistics different from traditional grammar?

1)Traditional grammar is prescriptive and modern linguistics is descriptive.

2)Traditional grammatical categories are merely based on European language but linguistic studies all languages.

3)Traditional grammar lacks a theoretical framework, while modern linguistics is theoretically rather than pedagogically oriented.

13.How are speech sounds described?

The study of speech sounds is phonetics which includes 3 parts: 1) articulatory phonetics 2) acoustic phonetics 3) auditory phonetics. Articulatory phonetics is the primary concern in linguistics, in which speech sound is described within 3 sides:

The description of consonants: a) place of articulation b) manners of articulation c) voicing d) aspiration

The description of vowels: a) monophthongs b) diphthongs c) lip rounding d) tensity

14. Difference between linguistic competence and communicative competence

1) Linguists like Chomsky who are not concerned with language use propose the term linguistic competence to account for a speaker’s knowledge of his or her language.

2) Sociolinguists like Dell Hymes propose communicative competence as the most general term to account for both the tacit knowledge of language and the ability to use it. According to Hymes, there are 4 parameters that underlie a speaker’s communicative competence, namely the ability to judge: a) whether sth is possible. b) feasible c) appropriate 4) done.

15. How are words decomposed into their constituents

1) Words are composed of one or more than one morphemes.

2) Morphemes are the smallest meaningful unit of language.

3) Morphemes can be categorized into 2 kinds. a) free morphemes( they constitute words by themselves) b) bound morphemes( they are never used independently)

4) Bound morphemes include inflectional morphemes and derivational morphemes.

16. What are aspects of syntactic knowledge?

Syntactic knowledge is the knowing of which strings of words are grammatical and which are not. In addition, it includes: 1) structural ambiguity 2) word order 3) grammatical

relations 4) recursion 5) sentence relatedness 6) syntactic categories.

17. What are the two classes of phonetic features? What is the fundamental difference?

The two classes of phonetic features are distinctive features and non-distinctive features. Features that distinguish meaning are called distinctive features, in other words, those distinguishing phonemes. Non-distinctive features do not distinguish meanings, i.e. the features belong to allophones. However, whether a phonetic feature is distinctive or non-distinctive varies from one language to another language.

18. How do you account for the relation between phonetics and phonology? Phonology and phonetics are both concerned with the study of speech sounds, but the two differ in perspectives. Phonetics, particularly articulatory phonetics, focuses on how speech sounds are produced, what phonetic features they have, and how to transcribe them. In phonetics, sound segments are assumed to be invariable; variations are overlooked.

Phonology focuses on three fundamental questions. What sounds make up the list of sounds that can distinguish meaning in a particular language? What sounds vary in what ways in what context? What sounds can appear together in a sequence in a particular language? 19. What are the components of communicative competence?

According to Hedge, there are mainly five components of communicative competence. They are linguistic competence, pragmatic competence, discourse competence, strategic competence, and fluency.

1. Analyze the sentence in terms of type of process, mood structure, and theme and rheme:

The academician will address the issue of the legitimacy of cloning at the conference.

It is the verbal process. In this sentence, the sayer is the academician, the receivers are the people at the conference though it is not mentioned but we can infer it from the sentence. The verbiage is the issue of the legitimacy of cloning.

This sentence is the realization of linguistic interaction, it is the giving of information. Its syntactic form is statement. The subject is the academician, the finite is the verbal operator “will”.

The constituent that stands for the starting-point for the message is termed theme; all the rest of the sentence is labeled rheme. In this sentence, the theme is the academician and “the issue of the legitimacy of cloning at the conference” is the rheme.

2. Analyze the two English sound segments【K】and 【Kh】in terms of distribution and the phonetic feature that distinguish them.

1) Both are in complementary distribution. They are the allophones of the phoneme【K】. 【K】: fricative, voiceless, alveolar.

【Kh】: elsewhere

2) the phonetic feature that distinguish them is aspiration

What are aspects of syntactic knowledge?

Syntactic knowledge is the knowing of which strings of words are grammatical and which are not. In addition, it includes: 1) structural ambiguity 2) word order 3) grammatical relations 4) recursion 5) sentence relatedness 6) syntactic categories.

3. Point out the semantic problem of the sentence "the orphan is staying with his parents

There are some sentences which sound grammatical but meaningless. The sentence "the

orphan is staying with his parents” is just one example. This sentence is always false which is called contradiction. An orphan is a child whose parents are dead, or a child who has been deprived of parental care. The theme (the orphan) and the rheme (is staying with his parents) are incompatible.

4. Analyze the change of feature concerning the liquids and nasals in flight, snow, smart, pray and generalize the rule.

Liquids /l/ /r/ appear after a voiceless consonant /f/ and /p/ respectively, they are devoiced.

Nasals /n//m/ appear after a voiceless consonant /s/, they are devoiced.

Rule: Devoice a voiced consonant after a voiceless consonant.

Or: When the English liquids, glides and the two anterior nasals appear after a voiceless consonant, it is devoiced. This rule can be expressed as follows: devoice a voiced consonant after a voiceless consonant,that is, [+voiced+consonantal] [-voiced] / [-voiced+consonantal]-. The phonology /l/ /r/ belong to liquids, and /m/ /n/ belong to anterior nasals. All these four are voiced consonant, but in these words, they change to the voiceless, for they appear after voiceless consonants.

6. Analyze the cooking term stew as a verb by way of componential analysis and mark the feature that you think is distinguisher.

stew: +cook +hot +close dish +juice (+ juice: semantic distinguisher)

7. Analyze the cause of the error that some Chinese speakers of English use although and but within one sentence.

In the process of analyzing learners' language, error analysis is a milestone. Explaining errors is the final but very important step in error analysis. In terms of sources, errors

are divided into interlingual errors and intralingual errors. Interlingual errors are caused by mother tongue interference which means the negative role one's knowledge of L1 to L2 learning. In Chinese, we can use “不但”,“而且”in the same sentence, so some Chinese speakers transfer this expression directly to English. But according to English grammar, “although” and “but” can not appear in the same sentence. This phenomenon is a kind of negative transfer of learners' syntactic knowledge. This is a typical phenomenon of interference in learning.

9. Analyze the semantic properties of the given cooking terms, using the features [+/- WATER], [+/-FAT], [+/- PAN], [+/- POT], [+/- OVEN], [+/- SIEVE], etc. boil: [+WATER] [-FAT] [- PAN] [+ POT] [- OVEN] [- SIEVE]

fry: [- WATER] [+FAT] [+ PAN] [- POT], [- OVEN] [+SIEVE]

steam: [+WATER] [-FAT] [- PAN] [+POT] [-OVEN] [- SIEVE]

stew: [+WATER] [+FAT] [- PAN] [+ POT] [- OVEN] [- SIEVE]

bake: [- WATER] [+FAT] [- PAN] [- POT] [+ OVEN] [- SIEVE]

10. Write the type of reference of it in each of the following sentences:

(1)It is rather foggy these days.

(2)It is so far hard to tell how many lives are claimed in the catastrophe..

(3)The most powerful earthquake triggered massive tidal waves that slammed into coastlines across Asia yesterday. It killed over 30,000 people in Sri Lanka, Indonesia, India, Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar, Bangladesh and Maldives.

(1)“It” here refers to the weather. It is an exphoric reference, referring to the world outside linguistic forms.

(2)“It” refers to the following expression, “how man lives are claimed in the catastrophe”,

which is a linguistic form.. Thus, it is an endophoric reference, specifically, cataphoric reference (cataphora).

(3)“It” refers to the preceding expression, that “massive tidal waves slammed into coastlines across Asia yesterday”. Therefore, it is an endophoric reference, specifically, anaphoric reference (anaphora).

11. Analyze the ambiguity of the two sentences, telling the difference:

(1)Flying planes can be dangerous.

(2)She cannot bear children.

1. a. The behavior of flying planes can be dangerous.

b. Planes which is flying can be dangerous.

2. a. She cannot endure children.

b. She cannot give birth to children.

1 Analyze the relation of –er –est and more most in English and generalize their distribution.

-er est are the inflectional affixes of adj. or adv . –er and more are allomorphs of a same morpheme indicating comparative. –est and most are allomorphs of a same morpheme indicating superlative. Distribution of more most is before a adj. which has at least two syllables. –er –est are used as the affixes of adj. and adv. which has one ore two syllables.

2 analyze the semantic difference of father and daddy in the given sentence, using Leech `s classification of lexical meanings.

Classification: connotative meaning, social meaning, affective meaning, reflected meaning and collocative meaning. Daddy has an affective meaning. When you use the term,

you are in intimate relationship with your father. So a father is just who has a child, but daddy is the one loved by his child.

3 analyze the difference between summon and call in terms of register.

Register refers to varieties according to use. Summon is a formal word, used in court of law to order sb to appear, while call is widely used in daily life.

4 point out the maxim flouted and the implicature of B `s utterance:

A: Did you notice something odd between the host and hostess?

B: Have another glass of beer?

It flouted the maxim of relevance. The implicature of B` s utterance : the hearer doesn `t want to gossip about those people .

5 point out the degree of formality of :

It is gratifying that the cooperative program has been proceeding smoothly formal.

6 what is distinctive feature

Distinctive features are features that distinguish meanings.

7 How do you account for the relation between semantics and pragmatics.

They are two separate fields. Both study meaning, but semantics studies the conventional meaning of a word while pragmatics studies the international meaning, the meaning in use. Semantics is bilateral while pragmatics is trilateral. Semantics studies the relationship between sign and meaning, but pragmatics studies the sign, meaning and user.

8 What are the two main schools of contemporary western linguistics? What are the fundamental differences between them?

TG grammar v.s systematic-functional grammar

TG based on UG, studies the general principles while systematic-functional grammar


《英语语言学概论》复习纲要 1.复习的基本原则:第一,理解和吃透各章的重点内容。第二,以 各章的题目为统领,理解各章节下的具体内容。第三,动手书写和记忆重要内容,部分语言学理论会应用到实际中。 2.各章节复习要点如下 Chapter 1 Invitations to Linguistics Definitions of the following terms: language, linguistics, arbitrariness, duality, creativity, displacement, descriptive VS prescriptive, synchronic VS diachronic, langue VS parole, competence VS performance Study of the origin of language What are the functions of language Which subjects are included in macrolinguistics Chapter 2 Speech Sounds Definitions of the following terms: articulatory phonetics, acoustic phonetics, auditory phonetics, phonetics, phonology, consonants, vowels, allophones, broad transcription VS narrow transcription Analyze the complementary distribution, free variation with examples The classification of English consonants and English vowels and the features involved in the classification Understand some processes of phonology: nasalization, dentalization, velarization


现代语言学术语总结 A abbreviation缩写法 acculturation语言文化移入 acoustic phonetics声学语言学 acronym词首字母缩略词 address term称谓语 addresser发话人 addressee受话人 adjacency毗邻 Adjacency Condition毗邻条件 Adjacency Parameter毗邻参数 Affix词缀 Affixation加词缀法 Affricate塞擦音 Afroasiatic非亚语系 agreement rule一致关系规则 allophone音位变体 alveolar齿龈音 alveolus齿龈 angular gyrus角形脑回 antonymy反义现象 antonym反以词 apocope词尾音脱落 aphasia失语症 aphasic失语症患者 applied linguistics应用语言学arbitrariness任意性 argument论元 articulatory phonetics发音语音学articulatory variable发音变项 aspiration送气 assimilation同化 approximation近似化 auditory phonetics听觉语音学Austronesian…语系 B Babbling咿呀学语 back-formation逆向构词法 back vowel后元音 Behaviorism行为主义 Behaviorist learning theory行为主义学习理论Behaviorist Psychology行为主义心理学


Course Name: Introduction to Linguistics Sept. 2012, for Grade 2010 Classes 1-6 English Undergraduate Program Department of English School of Foreign Language Studies Nanchang University (NCU) Course Instructor: Prof./Dr. JIANG Syllabus Course Description: This course aims at providing undergraduate juniors of English major with a fundamental and systematic account of the basic knowledge of the studies of linguistics at the modern time with explanations, illustrations, and necessary examples from the course book and also from present English and Chinese language uses, to help develop the students’ interest in this study, to facilitate their understanding of the linguistic terms and theories, and to build a systematic knowledge of the said study. Major Books Used for this Course: 1)Hu, Zhuanglin 2006.Linguistics. A Course Book (Third Edition). Beijing University Press, used as students’ course book. 2) Robins, R. H. 1967/1997. A Short History of Linguistics (4th edn). London, New York: Longman. 4) Yule, George. 2000. The Study of Language. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 5) Keith Brown et al. (eds.) 2006. Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics (2nd edn), Oxford: Elsevier. 6) Collinge, N. E. (ed.) 2005. An Encyclopaedia of Language. London, New York: Routledge. 7) Strazny, Philipp (ed.) 2005. An Encyclopedia of Linguistics.New York, Oxon: Fitzroy Dearborn. 8) Wikipedia. 9) Encyclopaedia Britannica. 2007. the electronic edition can be accessible on the internet. Course Requirements: 1)Attentive listening, active participation, quick note-taking and understanding, nice presentation in class and all the related activities


Is language a system? Yes. Is there intrinsic connection between form and meaning? No. It’s arbitrary . Language is a system whose parts can and must be considered in their synchronic solidarity. (de Saussure, 1916) [Language is] a set (finite or infinite) of sentences, each finite in length and constructed out of a finite set of elements. (Chomsky, 1957) Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. A system ----elements in it are arranged according to certain rules. They cannot be arranged at will. e.g. He the table cleaned. bkli Arbitrary ----there is no intrinsic (logic) connection between a linguistic form and its meaning. Vocal --------the primary medium for all languages is sound, no matter how well developed their writing systems are. Writing systems came into being much later than the spoken forms. People with little or no literacy can also be competent language users. Symbols ----words are just the symbols associated with objects, actions, and ideas by convention. Human ----language is human-specific. Human beings have different kinds of brains and vocal capacity. “Language Acquisition Device” (LAD) 语言习得机制 Origin of language 1.The divine theory 神论说--- God created language for human beings. 2.The bow-wow theory 拟声说--- Language developed from the imitation of the calls of animals. 3.The pooh-pooh theory 感叹说--- Language developed from instinctive sounds of pain, anger and joy of human beings. 4.The “yo-he-ho” theory 韵律说--- Language developed from rhythmic grunts of people when they worked together. Properties of Language -Design features Arbitrariness [‘a:bi,tr?rinis] 任意性 ?The arbitrary property of language means that there is no logical connection between sounds and meanings (form and meaning). Arbitrariness ◆Arbitrary relationship between the sound of a morpheme and its meaning ◆Arbitrariness at the syntactic level The sentence is less arbitrary than words.

现代语言学 词汇表

现代语言学词汇表 A abbreviation缩写法acculturation语言文化移入acoustic phonetics声学语言学acronym词首字母缩略词address term称谓语addresser发话人addressee受话人adjacency毗邻 Adjacency Condition毗邻条件Adjacency Parameter毗邻参数Affix词缀 Affixation加词缀法Affricate塞擦音Afroasiatic非亚语系agreement rule一致关系规则allophone音位变体alveolar齿龈音 alveolus齿龈 angular gyrus角形脑回antonymy反义现象antonym反以词 apocope词尾音脱落aphasia失语症 aphasic失语症患者 applied linguistics应用语言学arbitrariness任意性argument论元 articulatory phonetics 发音语音学 articulatory variable发音变项aspiration送气assimilation同化approximation近似化auditory phonetics听觉语音学Austronesian…语系 B Babbling咿呀学语 back-formation逆向构词法back vowel后元音 Behaviorism行为主义 Behaviorist learning theory 行为主义学习理论 Behaviorist Psychology行为主义 心理学 Bilabial双唇音 Bilingualism双语现象 Black English黑人英语 Blending混合法 Borrowing借用 bound morpheme黏着语素 brain lateralization 大脑左右半球侧化 branching node分叉点 broad transcription宽式音标 Broca’s area布罗卡区 C caretaker speech保姆语 case格 Case Condition格条件 case marking格标志 causative verb使役动词 central vowel中元音 cerebral cortex大脑皮层 cerebral plasticity大脑弹性 channel渠道 classical language古典语言 clipping略写法 closed class word封闭类词 code代码 code-switching代码切换 cognate同源词 co-hyponyms并列下义词 coinage创新词 color word色彩词 combinational rule组合规则 commissives承诺类 communicative competence 交际能力 comparative reconstruction 比较重建法 competence语言能力 complement补语 complement construction补足语 complementarity互补性反义现象 complementary distribution 互补分布 complex sentence复合句 componential analysis 成分分析法 components of meaning 意义成分 compound word复合词 compounding复合法 computational linguistics 计算语言学 concept概念 conceptualist view意念观 consonant辅音 constituent成分 constituent structure成分结构 constraint制约 construction结构 content word实词 context语境;上下文 contextualism语境论 Contrastive Analysis对比分析法 conversational implicature 会话含义 co-operative principle合作原则 coordinate sentence并列句 creativity创造性 critical period关键期;临界期 cultural transmission文化传播 D declaration宣告类 deep structure深层结构 dental齿音 derivation派生法 derivational morpheme派生语素


Chapter 1 Introduction Ⅰ.What is language? 1. Different definitions of language (1) Language is a system whose parts can and must be considered in their synchronic solidarity. (de Saussure, 1916) (2) [Language is] a set (finite or infinite) of sentences, each finite in length and constructed out of a finite set of elements. (Chomsky, 1957) (3) Language is a purely human and non-instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions and desires by means of voluntarily produced symbols. 2. Each of the definitions above has pointed out some aspects of the essence of language, but all of them have left out something. We must see the multi-faceted nature of language. 3. As is agreed by linguists in broad terms, language can be defined as a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. Ⅱ.Features of human language 1. Creativity (1) Language provides opportunities for sending messages that have never been sent before and for understanding brand new messages. (2) The grammar rules and the words are finite, but the sentences are infinite. Every speaker uses language creatively. 2. Duality (1) Language contains two subsystems, one of sounds and the other of meanings. (2) Certain sounds or sequences of sounds stand for certain meanings. (3) Certain meanings are conveyed by certain speech sounds or sequences of speech sounds. 3. Arbitrariness (1) The relationship between the two subsystems of language is arbitrary. (2) There is no logical connection between sound and meaning. 4. Displacement (1) There is no limit in time or space for language. (2) Language can be used to refer to things real or imagined, past, present or future. 5. Cultural transmission (1) Culture cannot be genetically transmitted. Instead, it must be learned. (2) Language is a way of transmitting culture. 6. Interchangeability All members of a speech community can send and receive messages. 7. Reflexivity (1) Human languages can be used to describe themselves. (2) The language used to talk about language is called meta-language. Ⅲ.Functions of language – three meta-functions 1. The ideational function


语言学概论 一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共20分} 1.下列说法只有是正确的。 A.语言是人类最重要的辅助性交际工具。 B.语言就是说话,说话就是语言。 C.语言是一种特殊的社会现象。 D.语言具有地方色彩,说明语言不具有社会性。 2.下列说法只有是错误的。 A.汉语的声调是由音高变化形成的。 B.语言中的轻重音是由音重变化形成的。 C.音位具有区别词形的作用。 I).音素具有区别词形的作用。 3.下列说法只有是正确的。 A.“老”可以同“新、旧、少、嫩”等构成反义词。 B.“大”和“小”是绝对对立的反义词。 C.“红”与“黑”这对反义词具有非此即彼的关系。 D.反义词“冷”和“热”具有相对性。 4.下列说法只有____正确。 A.意译词如“激光”、“电话”都是借词。 B.仿译词如“机关枪”、“铁路”都是借词。 C.“尼姑”、“和尚”、“玻璃”是借词。 D.“爱神”、“北极熊”、“超人”都是借词。 5.下列词义的变化,属于词义的缩小。 A.“meat”原指菜肴,现在指荤菜。 B.“走”本义是跑,现在指步行。 C.“江”原指长江,今泛指江河。 D.“book”原指一种树木,今指成本的著作。 1.C 2.D 3.D 4.C 5.A 3.下列说法只有( )是正确的。 A.语言是人类最重要的交际工具,文字也是人类最重要的交际工具 B.不同的阶级使用语言具有不同的特点,说明语言具有阶级性 C.人类多种多样的语言说明语言具有任意性特点 D.语言是一种纯自然的现象 4.下列说法只有( )是正确的。 A.语法的组合规则是潜在的 B.语法的聚合规则是潜在的 C.语法的组合规则存在于书面语言中 I).语法的聚合规则存在”ji【j头沿吉中 5.单纯阋就是由一个( )构成的词。 A.词根 B.词干 【!.词缀


一、语言和语言学 1、语言的区别性特征:Design of features of language 任意性arbitrariness 指语言符号和它代表的意义没有天然的联系 二重性duality 指语言由两层结构组成 创造性creativity 指语言可以被创造 移位性displacement 指语言可以代表时间和空间上不可及的物体、时间、观点 2、语言的功能(不是很重要) 信息功能informative 人际功能interpersonal 施为功能performative 感情功能emotive function 寒暄功能phatic communication 娱乐功能recreational function 元语言功能metalingual function 3、语言学主要分支 语音学phonetics 研究语音的产生、传播、接受过程,考查人类语言中的声音 音位学phonology研究语音和音节结构、分布和序列 形态学morphology研究词的内部结构和构词规则 句法学syntax 研究句子结构,词、短语组合的规则 语义学semantics 不仅关心字词作为词汇的意义,还有语言中词之上和之下的意义。如语素和句子的意义 语用学pragmatics 在语境中研究意义 4、宏观语言学macrolingustics 心理语言学psycholinguistics社会语言学sociolinguistics 人类语言学anthropological linguistics计算机语言学computational linguistics 5语言学中的重要区别 规定式和描写式:规定式:prescriptive说明事情应该是怎么样的 描写式:descriptive说明事情本来是怎么样的 共时研究和历时研究:共时:synchronic研究某个特定时期语言 历时:diachronic 研究语言发展规律 语言和言语:语言:langue指语言系统的整体 言语:parole指具体实际运用的语言 语言能力和语言运用:乔姆斯基(chomsky提出) 能力:competence用语言的人的语言知识储备 运用:performance真实的语言使用者在实际中的语言使用 二、语音学 1、语音学分支 发音语音学articulatory phonetics研究语言的产生 声学语言学acoustic phonetics研究语音的物理属性 听觉语音学auditory phonetics研究语言怎样被感知 2 IPA(国际音标)是由daniel Jones琼斯提出的 三、音位学 1、最小对立体minimal pairs 2、音位phoneme


《语言学概论》学习指导 杨忠主编

《语言学概论》学习指导 主编杨忠 副主编:林正军魏昆 编者(按姓氏笔画排序) 王泽霞王晶芝杨忠林正军

《语言学概论学习指导》是为网络课程学历教育考生编写的学习指导书,既可用于网络语言学课程的大纲及教材辅导,亦可用作语言学课程教学的辅导材料。 语言学作为与外语教学密切相关的学科之一,在外语教学中的地位和作用越来越显著。在大学英语本科专业,语言学已被当作一门重要的专业课开设。同时,语言学也是外语教师职业发展和培训的必修课。 为了配合《语言学概论》(杨忠主编,高等教育出版社,2002)这本教材的教与学,我们组织编写了这本学习指导用书。本书与教材相对应,共分为十章,每章包括导读、重点与难点、习题及语言学名家介绍四部分。 本书的编写体例由杨忠、林正军和魏昆共同商定。具体分工如下:杨忠负责序言部分的撰写、以及全书的审校工作;王泽霞负责第一至三章及综合测试题一至四的编写;王晶芝负责第四至六章及综合测试题五至八的编写;林正军负责第七至十章及综合测试题九至十的编写、以及全书的统稿工作;魏昆负责全书的校对和编排工作。 本书语言学名家简介部分的编写参考了刘润青的《西方语言学流派》(外语教学与研究出版社,2004)、当代国外语言学与应用语言学文库的相关导读部分、以及中国学术期刊全文数据库的部分文章,在此我们向以上著作及文章的作者致谢!本书在编写过程中得到东北师范大学出版社魏昆老师以及出版社的大力支持,在此表示衷心感谢! 编者 2006年2月19日

序 第一章语言和语言学 导读 本章重点、难点 本章习题 语言学名家介绍—费迪南·德·索绪尔 第二章语音学 导读 本章重点、难点 本章习题 语言学名家介绍—维伦·马泰休斯 第三章音位学 导读 本章重点、难点 本章习题 语言学名家介绍—路易斯·叶姆斯列夫 第四章形态学:词的构成研究 导读 本章重点、难点 本章习题 语言学名家介绍—布龙菲尔德 第五章句法:句子结构分析 导读


英语语言学期末考试试卷 第一部分选择题 I.Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the letter A, B, C or D in the brackets. (2%X10=20%) 1. Saussure’s distinction and Chomsky’s are very similar, but they differ in that ____________. A. Saussure took a sociological view of language while Chomsky took a psychological point of view B. Saussure took a psychological view of language while Chomsky took a sociological point of view C. Saussure took a pragmatic view of language while Chomsky took a semantic point of view D. Saussure took a structural view of language while Chomsky took a pragmatic point of view 2. Language is a system of ____________ vocal symbols used for human communication. A. unnatural B. artificial C. superficial D. arbitrary 3. We are born with the ability to acquire language, _______________. A. and the details of any language system are genetically transmitted B. therefore, we needn’t learn the details of our mother tongue C. but the details of language have to be learnt. D. and the details are acquired by instinct 4. A(n)________ is a phonological unit of distinctive value. It is a collection of distinctive phonetic features. A. phone B. allophone C. phoneme D. sound 5. The morpheme –ed in the word “worked” is a(n) __________ morpheme. A. derivational B. inflectional C. free D. word-forming 6. WH-movement is __________ in English which changes a sentence from affirmative to interrogative. A. obligatory B. optional C. selectional D. arbitrary 7. Naming theory, one of the oldest notions concerning meaning, was proposed by _________. A. Grice B. Plato C. Saussure D. Ogden and Richards 8. “John married a blond heiress.”__________ “John married a blond.” A. is synonymous with B. is inconsistent with C. entails D. presupposes 9. In semantic analysis of a sentence, the basic unit is called _______, which is the abstraction of the meaning of a sentence. A. utterance B. reference C. predication D. morpheme 10. In Austin’s speech act theory, ___________ is the act of expressing the speaker’s intention; it is the act performed in saying something. A. a perlocutionary act B. a locutionary act


英语专业八级语言学总结来源:谢萌Fighting的日志 一、语言和语言学 1、语言的区别性特征:Design of features of language 任意性arbitrariness 指语言符号和它代表的意义没有天然的联系 二重性duality 指语言由两层结构组成 创造性creativity 指语言可以被创造 移位性displacement 指语言可以代表时间和空间上不可及的物体、时间、观点 2、语言的功能(不是很重要) 信息功能informative 人际功能interpersonal 施为功能performative 感情功能emotive function 寒暄功能phatic communication 娱乐功能recreational function 元语言功能metalingual function 3、语言学主要分支 语音学phonetics 研究语音的产生、传播、接受过程,考查人类语言中的声音 音位学phonology 研究语音和音节结构、分布和序列 形态学morphology 研究词的内部结构和构词规则 句法学syntax 研究句子结构,词、短语组合的规则 语义学semantics 不仅关心字词作为词汇的意义,还有语言中词之上和之下的意义。如语素和句子的意义 语用学pragmatics 在语境中研究意义 4、宏观语言学macrolingustics 心理语言学psycholinguistics 社会语言学sociolinguistics 人类语言学anthropological li nguistics 计算机语言学computational linguistics 5语言学中的重要区别 规定式和描写式:规定式:prescriptive说明事情应该是怎么样的 描写式:descriptive 说明事情本来是怎么样的 共时研究和历时研究:共时:synchronic 研究某个特定时期语言 历时:diachronic 研究语言发展规律 语言和言语:语言:langue指语言系统的整体 言语:parole指具体实际运用的语言 语言能力和语言运用:乔姆斯基(chomsky提出) 能力:competence用语言的人的语言知识储备 运用:performance 真实的语言使用者在实际中的语言使用 二、语音学 1、语音学分支 发音语音学articulatory phonetics研究语言的产生 声学语言学acoustic phonetics 研究语音的物理属性 听觉语音学auditory phonetics 研究语言怎样被感知 2 IPA(国际音标)是由daniel Jones琼斯提出的 三、音位学

杨忠--语言学概论 课后综合测试题及中文版答案(仅供借鉴)

综合测试题(一) I. Indicate the following statements true or false. Put T for true and F for false in the brackets:(10 points) : () 1. General linguistics is based on the view that language as a system, which is composed of three aspects: sound, structure and meaning. () 2. The total number of words stored in the brain is called morphology. () 3. The sentence “The woman can’t bear children” is structurally ambiguous. () 4. Categorization refers to the process by which people use language to classify the world around and inside them. () 5. Metaphors can create similarities between the target domain and the source domain. () 6. According to referential content, deixis can be put into person deixis, place deixis, time deixis and discourse deixis. () 7. Phrase structure rules are rules that specify the constituents of syntactic categories. () 8. Modality can be categorized into probability and Usuality. () 9. Age is not the learner factor that has been an issue in second language acquisition research. ()10. Register, as a variety of language in use, is analyzed on three dimensions: field, mode and tenor. II. Multiple choice: (10 points) 1. ____________ is the first and foremost striking feature of human language. A. creativity B. arbitrariness C. displacement D. interchangeability 2. Syntactically, Japanese is ____________ language. A. analytic B. isolating C. synthetic D. agglutinating 3. The general roles language plays are termed A. metalanguages B. metafunctions C. metadiscourses D. metagrammar 4. ____________ is a process that creates a new word by dropping a real or supposed suffix. A. Blending B. Eponyms C. Backformation D. Clipping 5. The smallest meaningful unit of language is called a ___________. A. suffix B. prefix C. morpheme D. morph 6. __________ theories are those that attempt to explain acquisition on the basis of assuming an innate biological endowment that makes learning possible. A. Environmentalist B. functionalist C. nativist D. both a and b 7. Words and phrases like now, yesterday, next week, in three day, etC. are called __________. A. person deixis B. time deixis C. place deixis D. discourse deixis 8. Every syllable has a(n) __________, which is usually a vowel. A. nucleus B. onset C. code D. rhyme 9. ___________ is defined as the study of meaning. A. linguistics B. semantics C. morphology D. pragmatics 10. A ___________ is a mixed language which has become the mother tongue of a speech community. A. pidgin B. creole C. Esperanto D. natural language


名词解释: 1.聚合关系:聚合关系是指在一定条件下,在语言链条的某一环节上,能够互相替换的具有某种相同作用的各个符号 之间形成的纵向关系。 2.语用学:语用学作为语言学的一门新兴的独立学科,它研究在特定情景中的特殊话语,特别是研究在不同语言交际 环境下如何理解和运用语言的过程。 3.菲尔德: 4.索绪尔: 5.音素:音素是从音质的角度划分出来的最小的语音单位。一个音节,往往可以从音质的角度去划分,划分到不能再 分析为止,分析出最小的语音单位,得到的就是音素。 6.音位:音位是某种具体语言或方言里能够区别词、语素的语音形式和意义的最小的语音单位。 7.条件变体:具有互补分布关系的各音素对它们分布的环境总体来说是相互补充的,而对其中某个因素所能出现的特定位置又是相互排斥的。它们彼此间不能区别语素或词的语音形式和意义,所以并归并为一个音位,这些因素就是这个音位的若干变体。这种变体都有各自出现的条件,所以叫做条件变体。 8.超音段音位:在语流中,音高、音强、音长这样的非音质要素也能区别词的语音形式和意义,因此也能归并成音位。由于这些音位不是局限于一个音段音位,而是常常是添加到音段音位的序列(包括音节、词等)上面,它们具有超音段的性质,音位学上把它们叫做超音段音位,也叫非音质音位。超音段音位包括调位、重位、时位。 9.音位的区别特征:一个音位之所以区别于别的音位,是因为它有某种特殊的不同于别的音位的语音特征,这种能区 别音位的语音特征就叫做音位的区别特征。 10.复辅音:一个音节内两个或两个以上辅音的组合叫做复辅音。 11.肌肉紧张度说: 12.语流音变:人们说话时,具体的因素组合在一起,形成长短不一的一段段的语流。在连续的语流中,一个音可能由 于邻近音的影响或自身所处的地位的不同,或说话的快慢、高低、强弱的不同而在发音上产生一些变化, 这种现象教语流音变。 13.理性意义:理性意义是人脑对客观世界的概括反映,也叫概念意义,是词义的核心部分。
