



My speech

As we all know, a couple of days ago, a huge brownish haze covered Shanghai. Many people were forced to wear masks in order to protect themselves because the heavy haze can cause breathing problems as well diseases like headaches or even heart-attacks.

Due to the bad effects from the air pollution, a green and clear environment is the apple of the whole world’s eye. To avoid most of the pollution and help make our environment better, I have some advices: Firstly, we should go out as few times as possible. This is truly a way, but not a good one. Secondly, the government should bring out laws which limit the pollution of cars and factories. The air pollution will decrease sharply if the cars and factories stop letting out harmful gases. Thirdly, we should enhance the awareness of environment protection and build up the thought of have a green lifestyle. For middle school students like us, we should sort the trash and try to walk on foot or use bikes as transportation as much as


Air pollution has become a serious problem here in China now. Considering health problems, some timely measures should be taken to overcome this problem.

I don’t have daydreams, wishing China will become

a country with the best environment. I just hope we can breathe freely. All I want now is just a little fresh air. I think, perhaps most of you have the same thought…….

篇二:英语课前presentation—haze(以雾霾为主题) 配套讲稿

P1:Good moring every one. I appreciate to have this opportunity to give my ’ m here to talk to you about hazy weather.

P2:First,let’s see some pictures to know the present situation. P3:Tian’an men square in the haze.

P4:Some people say,the longest distance in the world is that we couldn’t see Chairman Mao even though we are right in front of the Tiananmen!

P5: Where is this Oriental Pearl TV Tower.

P6,7: How about this picture Do you know where is this P8:A journalist was reporting the serious haze in

Hefei. P9:Let’s learn some basic information about the haze.

We usually talk about ,but Who can tell me what is PM PM is an abbreviation for Particulate matter.

PM10 are inhalable particles, are particles that can be drawn into our lung, their particle size isless than P10:What cause the haze

P11:The burning of coal and oil.

With the growing number of the cars,much more pollutant let out to the air.

Second-hand pollution make by factories.

P12: Second ,The low atmosphere .The air resting near the

ground make the particular matter(we usually call that PM) floating in the specific area.

P13: Third,Multiply effect of regional pollution and local pollution.

A typical example .the car of Beijing, oil in Tianjin, coal in Hebei makes Beijing severe haze.

P14: Next,let’s see the harm of the haze. The most we concern is how it hurts may has a bad effect on our respiratory organ and cardiocascular rays will be cut

down and that will make the germs more infected.

P15: Traffic is haze will reduce the worse is that the traffic will be much busier and the possible of accident will raise up.

P16:Cause the spread is not conducive to the growth of children.

and so on.

P17: Let’s make a summary. The haze may cause acid rain and photo chemical smong , hamper transportation in air,sea and land, increase mortality, exacerbate chronic disease, exacerbate heart and breathing problems, do harm to lung and fertility,and so on.

P19: What shoug we do

P20: Some people say:“Dust and smog is crazily thick!Be strong and do not breathe!”

P21:Maybe you need a set of clothes,like this.

of course, it’s just ridiculing.

P22: What can we do to avoid this

there are some advice.

P23: You go out wearing masks.

P24: Do not open the window in the haze.

Keep light diet and drink plenty of water

P25:What we should eat better

tomatoes, garlic, vegetables, persimmons

P26:How to solve the problem

Develop and use new clean energy

Reducing the use of cars,developing the ublic transport. Increase the green area

Strengthen public supervision

P27:Finally,I want to say, We are all in this together ! We shall survive and thrive together !

P28:And we need pure air!

P29:That’s you!

篇三:Smog is harmful to our health-有关雾霾、环境污染危害身体的英语演讲

Smog is harmful to our health



Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! My topic today is “Smog is harmful to our health”. According to the American Lung Association, your lungs and heart can be permanently affected by air pollution and smog.

If we inhale too much smoggy air, it may lead to different types of short-term health problems, here,

I will cover 3 points:

First of all, smog may lead to coughing and throat irritation.

Then, smog may lead to chronic diseases.

Lastly, smog may lead to lung damage.


I have talked about 3 types of health problems, then I am going to give you some proofs:

Firstly, smog may lead to coughing and throat irritation. A study of 10 adult men exposed to .12 ppm ozone for hours , found that lung function decreased and coughing increased over the more than six hours of exposure.

Secondly, smog may lead to chronic diseases. David Abbey, doctor of Loma Linda University, studied a group of 6,340 people. Results of the study suggest long term exposure to air smog may increase the risk of chronic diseases by about 33%. In addition, it may higher the risk of developing some form of cancer.

Thirdly, smog may lead to lung damage. In a study done on rats, continuous exposure to smog caused restrictive lung disease. While removal of the smog can

reverse the disease state back to normal.


In conclusion, I have talked about 3 points.

First of all, I talked about coughing and throat irritation. The more vigorous your activity level, the greater your chances of experiencing respiratory problems.

Then, I spoke about chronic diseases. Please remember it’s necessary to limit your outdoor activities as ozone levels rise to unhealthy levels.

Lastly, I told you about lung damage. Please remember to wear a mask while the air is smoggy.


龙源期刊 .cn

















关于雾霾的英语演讲稿 We Please But But, In Look, Pollution Days Are Scientists Do It Do The Free In Why It is very easy to break, and let us like our parents Rare it Now! 各位叔叔阿姨: 大家好!今天我演讲的题目是一个关于一个严峻的问题环境。我们只有一个地球! 也许你们觉得无所谓,但是,的确无所谓吗?连年冬天天气都是雾霾;石油、金属所剩无几,最多再用上2xx年就消耗完了,其实,2xx年分的短暂。请大家为自己的后代、子孙考虑考虑吧! 国家现在倡导节约。但,连年的食物浪费,使我们这个暂时不太富裕的国家压力更重了。但,也许你们会问:“为什么别的国家现在不经常有雾霾,那我就现在给你们一个解答:外国每个城市和每个城市之间都有一片片田地、树林,俗称:绿化带。所以,城市里的空气可以被进化,保持流通状态。 在20世纪60年初,别的国家已经一开始到这个严峻的问题也就是我们还在为自由奋斗的时刻,他们已经开始执行“绿化”命令了。瞧,这是一个多么悬殊的差距啊! 在中国首都北京,这个已被称为“雾都”的城市,仍然还没有好转的样子。连年污染,北京的空气早已混浊不清,有点像:雾霾逼近北京城的感觉。天天大堵塞,尾气排放量超标。难道,这些,我们这些中国人民要不阻止吗?我们国家的环境就这么不重视吗? 从19xx年之

后,南极冰块逐渐减少。科学家预计:如果地球再这样上升平均 气温,地球,离毁灭不远了。难道,我们真的要等待死亡的来临吗? 连年的森林面积较少;世界上每六个小时灭绝一种植物、动物;世界上有20%的人类没有水喝;有40%的人类没有食物。看来,我 们真的陷入一个无法自拔的地步了。我们难道没有什么解决的方 法吗? 是有,但是就看你这个“病人”要面子还是要治病了。最 好的方法植物造林、禁止随便砍伐树木、猎捕动物。随意浪费粮食、水、电是要受惩罚的,还要限制每月、每年用水、用电的定 要珍惜它们! 我们只有一个地球一个家园,一个辽阔的土地。 它,是很容易破碎的,那就让我们像我们的父母一样珍稀它吧! xx


雾霾环境保护演讲稿 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们:大家好! 我是XX小学三7班的方XX,今天我要演讲的主题是——《雾霾,我们要打败你》 我有一个梦,一个五光十色的梦,蓝天放牧着白云,我躺进云儿的沙发里,啊,天空多么蓝,彩云多么美,空气多么清新! “今日雾霾指数289!上学路上记得戴上口罩哦!”妈妈的话惊醒 了我。走在路上,大人小孩都戴上了口罩,一个个都像生了病的人,就好像在医院里一样。 学校里,大课间活动时间,我们只能呆在了教室不能到外面去玩。周末,我们被关在了房间里,窗户关得紧紧的。 哎,望着窗外,我们想着:一定要打败雾霾! 同学们,让我们行动起来,拒绝污染,保护环境,驱散雾霾!我 相信,通过我们的努力,我们的梦一定会实现,雾霾,你等着吧, 我们一定能够打败你!到那时候,天会更蓝,云会更白,空气更清新! 谢谢大家! 尊敬的各位领导、老师、同学们: 大家好!今天我演讲的题目是:保护生态环境,远离雾霾天气!大家都发现了吧,这几年秋冬季节,我们郑州曾经发生过雾霾天气。 今年的这次,发生范围之大,污染之严重,持续时间之长,是几年 来罕见的。 雾霾天气属于严重空气污染事件,污染物排放量大是根本原因。大部分地区汽车尾气、燃煤排放、工业企业排放、农业焚烧秸秆等。因此,爱护保护我们的生活环境,应是每个公民应自觉遵守的。

那就让我们共同行动起来,保护环境,提高空气质量,尽量让雾霾天气远离人们的生活吧。 谢谢大家! 尊敬的各位评委老师: 大家好!我叫安蕊,来自北京师范大学良乡附属中学。今天我演 讲的题目是《还你一片蓝天》。 就在今年2月底,一次持续几日的雾霾天气席卷了整座北京城。那几日,湛蓝的天空逝去了它以往的光彩,好似一块灰色的幕布笼 罩着我们。有的市民甚至调侃道:“世界上最遥远的距离不是生与死,而是我们在北京牵着手,你却看不见我的脸”。阳光,我是来 向你道歉的,虽然我们之间隔着厚厚的霾,但我还是想对你说:你 是公平的,是我们犯了错,让自己陷入了深深的混沌里,我该怎么 向你道歉,才能回到童年的记忆里。 我们在同一所城市,呼吸着同一片土地的气息;我们同是北京子女,心系着同一件事情——那便是建造生态文明的绿色城市!北京啊,你给了我们生长的土地,我们必定还你一片蓝天! 谢谢大家!


关于雾霾英语演讲稿 现在的空气污染非常严重,雾霾出现的次数越来越 多了。下面是的为大家精心整理的“关于雾霾英语演讲稿”,供大家参考!希望能够帮助到大家!更多精彩内 容请持续关注! 篇一:关于雾霾英语演讲稿 Distinguished leaders, teachers and students: Hello everyone! My topic today is: to protect the ecological environment, away from the fog and haze! We have found it, this years autumn and winter, we Zhengzhou fog and haze have occurred. This time, the scope of the outbreak of serious pollution, the length of time this year, is rare for several years. Itchy throat, eye pain, eardrum pain, headache ......, many people appear haze symptoms. Protect the ecological environment, away from the fog and haze. Many of our students have to wear a thick mask, or the face with a scarf wrapped tightly, even our school calisthenics have stopped, fear of toxic air! Respiratory man surge. Air pollution, everyone is a victim, but most people are more or less


小学生预防雾霾演讲稿 预防雾霾演讲稿一 近日,雾霾天气逐渐加重,影响到了我们正常的生活,危害了我们的身体健康。那什么是雾霾呢?雾霾,雾和霾的统称。雾霾的主要组成部分是可吸入颗粒物,也就是我们众所周知的。别看的颗粒径小,却能吸附大量的有毒、有害物质,而且它们能在大气中停留更长时间,对呼吸系统,心脑血管的影响较大。 出现雾霾天气时,视野能见度低,空气质量差,容易引起交通阻塞,发生交通事故。我们知道雾霾天气的产生与我国当前所处的工业化和城市化进程有关,与城市管理能力和水平有关,也与每个人的生活方式有关。愿这次雾霾天气能给予我们更多反思和警示。 那我们应该如何减少这种情况发生呢?低碳生活,无疑能从根本解决这个问题。低碳,意指减少二氧化碳排放。低碳生活,并不仅仅是一个口号,更是一种行动。我们要从自身做起,乘坐公共交通工具,随手关上不需要的灯光,减少使用一次性物品,这都是一种低碳。同时我们也要做到积极自我防护,每一个家庭减少开车出行,减少尾气排放。可以在自家室内多种植绿色冠叶类植物,因其叶片较大,吸附能力相对较强。还可以使用空气净化器。做好个人卫生清淡饮

食少吃刺激性食物,多吃新鲜蔬菜和水果,可以补充各种维生素和无机盐,还能够润肺除燥、还可以多吃点豆腐、牛奶等食品。 队员们,环保是每个公民的责任,大家都应该为保护我们的家园贡献一份力量。让我们一起远离雾霾天气,共创和谐家园。 预防雾霾演讲稿二 老师们、同学们: 大家上午好! 今天我演讲的内容是——雾霾天气知多少。 不知道大家还记不记得,有时候我们来学校时,路上到处都是雾蒙蒙的一片,看不清楚附近的人和景物?那样的天气被称为“雾霾天气”。 雾霾是一种自然现象,是雾和霾的组合词,也称为灰霾。是由于大量极细微的干尘粒等均匀地浮游在空中所造成的,使空气普遍有混浊现象,水平能见度小于10千米。目前,在我国存在着4个雾霾严重地区:黄淮海地区、长江河谷、四川盆地和珠江三角洲。 随着空气质量的恶化,雾霾天气现象出现增多,能见度小于10公里的就属于雾霾现象,5~8公里属于中度雾霾现象,3~5公里属于重度雾霾现象,小于3公里则是严重的雾霾现象,危害加重。


关于雾霾的英语演讲稿 关于雾霾的英语演讲稿 篇一:英文上海雾霾演讲稿 My speech As e all kno, a couple of days ago, a huge bronish haze covered Shanghai. Many people ere forced to ear masks in order to protect themselves because the heavy haze can cause breathing problems as ell diseases like headaches or even heart-attacks. Due to the bad effects from the air pollution, a green and clear environment is the apple of the hole orld’s eye. To avoid most of the pollution and help make our environment better, I have some advices: Firstly, e should go out as fe times as possible. This is truly a ay, but not a good one. Secondly, the government should bring out las hich limit the pollution of cars and factories. The air pollution ill decrease sharply if the cars and factories stop letting out harmful gases. Thirdly, e should enhance the aareness of environment protection and build up the thought of have a green life. For middle school students like us, e should sort the trash and try to alk on foot or use bikes as transportation as much as possible. Air pollution has bee a serious problem here in China no. Considering health problems, some timely measures should be taken to overe this problem. I don’t have daydreams, ishing China ill bee a country ith the best environment. I just hope e can breathe freely. All I ant no is just a


关于雾霾的英语话题作文 雾霾:样题一(环境保护类) 假如你是李华,你的笔友Mike从电视上得知前段时间北京多个地方出现雾霾(haze),非常担心,写E-mail询问有关情况,请回复。回复应包括以下要点: 1.实况描述; 2.对生活造成的影响; 3.成因简析与教训; 4.你个人的情况。 要求:1.词数100-120; 2.email的开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Mike, Thank you very much for your concern. ___________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Regards! Yours, Li Hua 参考范文: One possible version: Dear Mike, Thank you very much for your concern. Last months several places in Beijing were blanketed with thick yellow fog. Everything around disappeared from oursight. Some highways were closed. Traffic jams were commonly seen in the streets. Many people, especially children and seniors, even found it difficult to breathe. As a result, local hospitals were crowded with people who had problems with their noses and lungs. Part of the cause was the dry weather, but the severely damaged environment contributed a lot to


关于雾霾的英语演讲稿 篇一:英文上海雾霾演讲稿 My speech As we all know, a couple of days ago, a huge brownish haze covered Shanghai. Many people were forced to wear masks in order to protect themselves because the heavy haze can cause breathing problems as well diseases like headaches or even heart-attacks. Due to the bad effects from the air pollution, a green and clear environment is the apple of the whole world’s eye. To avoid most of the pollution and help make our environment better, I have some advices: Firstly, we should go out as few times as possible. This is truly a way, but not a good one. Secondly, the government should bring out laws which limit the pollution of cars and factories. The air pollution will decrease sharply if the cars and factories stop letting out harmful gases. Thirdly, we should enhance the awareness of environment protection and build up the thought of have a green lifestyle. For middle school students like us, we should sort the trash and try to walk on foot or use bikes as transportation as much as


雾霾的英语中学生演讲稿5篇 雾霾问题是人们追求利润而造成的,人们曾经对环境所做的现在已经得到了报复。现在人们已经意识到了大自然的报复是多么的大,保护环境是主要的任务。无论环境变得多坏,人们仍然要去做一些事情来弥补自己的错误。下面给大家分享一些关于雾霾的英语中学生演讲稿5篇,供大家参考。 雾霾的英语中学生演讲稿(1) A terrible thick fog in imperceptible in to. Look outside, can only observe a vast expanse of whiteness, the streets of thick fog, the school should also stop the course. It was a beautiful day, because the ghost weather and become monotonous. Around only a piece of white and gray, when driving a car, people can not see the front road conditions, as if into the stretch his hand not to see the five fingers of ecstasy hole. Car owners have opened a two-way light, with a sense of driving, but many cars are out of the accident. People are no longer going out, people go out to take a mask. Because this ghost weather not only affect the line of sight, is also harmful to the human body, is said to be the human respiratory system defense


雾霾演讲稿3分钟 ----WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改---- 下面是小编收集整理的范本,欢迎您借鉴参考阅读和下载,侵删。您的努力学习是为了更美好的未来! 雾霾演讲稿3分钟篇一各位老师、同学们: 大家早上好!我是 .今天我国旗下讲话的题目是《保护环境,远离雾霾》。 这几天,新闻报纸最大的新闻呢就是雾霾天气,很多地方的学校都因此停了好几天的课。现在我们面临的最大敌人就是各种各样的环境问题!大气污染超标、温室效应增强、土地沙漠化、水污染严重、物种消失加剧、雾霾现象增多等,为什么环境问题越来越多呢?都是因为我们对自然资源和生态环境的不合理利用和破坏。 在校园中,我们也经常看到一些我们不愿意看到的情景:操场上、楼梯上、走廊上有纸屑、食品袋;雪白的墙壁上被印上手印、脚印和球印;教室里、走廊上留有难以清除的口香糖的污迹...... 千里之行,始于足下。保护环境,要从我做起,从小事做起。只要我们养成良好的习惯,不乱丢垃圾,不浪费粮食,节约用水,节约能源,节约用纸,拒绝使用一次性的“白色污染物”,多栽树种草等等。那么,我们头顶上的天空将会变得更蓝,身边的河水会变得更清,空中的鸟儿将会鸣叫得更加响亮,生活在其中的人们将会变得更加健康快乐。

让我们大家从今天开始行动起来吧,保护环境,从我做起! 谢谢大家! 雾霾演讲稿3分钟篇二尊敬的各位领导、老师、同学们: 大家好!今天我演讲的题目是:保护生态环境,远离雾霾天气!大家都发现了吧,这几年秋冬季节,我们郑州曾经发生过雾霾天气。今年的这次,发生范围之大,污染之严重,持续时间之长,是几年来罕见的。 “嗓子发痒,眼睛疼,耳膜疼,头疼......”,不少人出现“雾霾症状”。我们很多学生都戴上了厚厚的口罩,或用围巾将面部裹得严严实实,我们学校连课间操都停止了,“担心空气中有毒!”呼吸道疾病人骤增。空气污染,人人都是受害者,然而多数人也承担着或多或少的责任。 雾霾天气属于严重空气污染事件,污染物排放量大是根本原因。大部分地区汽车尾气、燃煤排放、工业企业排放、农业焚烧秸秆等。因此,爱护保护我们的生活环境,应是每个公民应自觉遵守的。 环境破坏容易,恢复却需漫长时日。“毒雾”面前,付出了代价的我们都应该反省,哪些生活习惯增加了“环境负荷”:乱扔垃圾,贪图方便用塑料袋、一次性物品,焚烧树叶、秸秆,汽车尾气排放......罕见的雾霾天气,也让人们意识到,需要改变的还有很多。为了减少污染,我们每一个有车的人都应该有意识地尽量减少开车的次数,哪怕少开一公里,一个星期少开一天车,甚至不开,或者,大家轮流开一辆车,以最大限度地减少空气污染。

Smog is harmful to our health-有关雾霾、环境污染危害身体的英语演讲

Smog is harmful to our health Chris #Introduction Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! My topic today is “Smog is harmful to our health”. According to the American Lung Association, your lungs and heart can be permanently affected by air pollution and smog. If we inhale too much smoggy air, it may lead to different types of short-term health problems, here, I will cover 3 points: First of all, smog may lead to coughing and throat irritation. Then, smog may lead to chronic diseases. Lastly, smog may lead to lung damage. #Body I have talked about 3 types of health problems, then I am going to give you some proofs: Firstly, smog may lead to coughing and throat irritation. A study of 10 adult men exposed to .12 ppm ozone for 6.6 hours , found that lung function decreased and coughing increased over the more than six hours of exposure. Secondly, smog may lead to chronic diseases. David Abbey, doctor of Loma Linda University, studied a group of 6,340 people. Results of the study suggest long term exposure to air smog may increase the risk of chronic diseases by about 33%. In addition, it may higher the risk of developing some form of cancer. Thirdly, smog may lead to lung damage. In a study done on rats, continuous exposure to smog caused restrictive lung disease. While removal of the smog can reverse the disease state back to normal. #Conclusion In conclusion, I have talked about 3 points. First of all, I talked about coughing and throat irritation. The more vigorous your activity level, the greater your chances of experiencing respiratory problems. Then, I spoke about chronic diseases. Please remember it’s necessary to limit your outdoor activities as ozone levels rise to unhealthy levels. Lastly, I told you about lung damage. Please remember to wear a mask while the air is smoggy.


雾霾成因英语作文 【篇一:关于雾霾的英语作文】 关于雾霾的英语作文 haze is air pollution in which is mixed up with dust, smoke and other dry particles ,and it obscure the clarity of the sky and interacts with the natural environment. 雾霾是空气污染和灰尘,烟雾和其他干燥粒子,它掩盖了清晰的天空,与自然环境进行交互。 雾霾原因 this kind of air pollutant come from a variety of natural and manmade sources. natural sources can include windblown dust, and soot from wildfires. manmade sources can include motor vehicles, and industrial fuel burning, and manufacturing operations. the one of the main cause that touches off haze is manufacturing operations. many factories were over measure produced the smog that had over the standard and the smog seriously influence the air become air pollution.这种空气污染物来自各种自然和人为来源。天然来源可以包括风沙、烟尘从森林大火。人为来源可以包括机动车辆、工业燃料燃烧和制造业务。触动了烟雾的主要原因之一是制造业务。许多工厂测量产生的烟雾对标准和烟雾严重影响空气成为空气污染。 雾霾危害 the components that make up haze may have negative effect on peoples health especially that of the children and the elderly. also not excluded are those who have certain diseases such as asthma, allergy, and pneumonia and lung disease. workers working in the open air have a high risk in their health.组件构成烟雾可能对人们的健康有负面影响特别是儿童和老人。也


有关小学生环保的演讲稿 有关小学生环保的演讲稿一 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们,大家好: 不知从何时起,天空不再蔚蓝,云儿不再洁白,空气不再清新,吸一口浑浊的空气,“咳,咳”声此起彼伏到底是哪个“凶手”造成了这些,我在新闻上找到了这个“恶魔”—雾霾。 雾霾的形成是由汽车排放的尾气,化工厂排出的废气和燃放烟花爆竹形成的。雾霾还会对我们的身体造成很大的伤害,比如:急性气管炎,鼻炎,哮喘等,特别是对我们青少年的生长发育有极大的危害。“ 以后我们要少开窗,少开车,少出门;多吃蔬菜、水果,注意环保,这样才能减少雾霾的形成。我们还不能燃烧秸秆,多栽树,少砍伐。 我再给大家介绍了一些预防雾霾危害的蔬菜、水果,比如:银耳、百合、木耳……虽然这是很多同学我平常不喜欢吃的,但是以后一定要多吃它们,增强身体的抵抗力。 ”人人一小步,文明一大步“,我们一定要从自身做起,做环保小卫士,让地球家园变得更加美丽! 有关小学生环保的演讲稿二 亲爱的朋友们: 成都,这座来了就不想回去的天府之国,如今雾霾降临在这里,

使成都形成了一道独特的风景,别有一番”风味“。 早晨,雾霾悄悄地笼罩着成都,高楼大厦在雾霾中若隐若现,仿佛像大海上的海市蜃楼,高大而虚无;太阳出来了,像一个生了病的孩子,在烟云笼罩中显得面黄肌瘦。人们也出来了,盲目地在这片祥云之中前行。每当我行在其中,就会觉得自己有魔法师的气质,腾云驾雾,吞云吐雾,多么的气派! 下午雾霾正值旺盛之时,太阳开始下降,留下一点余晖还在勉强支撑着,全城都笼罩着一层淡淡的黄色,走在其中,身体就变得绵软无力,双腿就像跑了两千米一样,一下变得”骨质疏松“,只感觉飘飘欲仙,睡意沉沉。 伦敦用60年的时间可以改变那样严重的污染,为什么我们不行?所以让我们从此刻开始保护环境,保护成都,让成都成为真正的”来了就不想离开的城市“而不是”来了就回不去“的城市。谢谢大家。有关小学生环保的演讲稿三 亲爱的同学们: 听长辈们说,以前的北京不是这样的。以前的北京天是湛蓝的,没有这么多人,也没有这么多车。但现在的北京却是另一番景象。 为什么会产生雾霾呢?原来产生的原因主要是由二氧化硫、氮氧化物以及可吸入颗粒物这三项物质所造成的。而这三项物质的主要来源是汽车的尾气、冬季烧煤供暖所产生的废气、建筑工地和道路交通所产生的扬尘等。雾霾的危害也不小呢!它可以导致各类疾病的产生,特别是呼吸道感染,它还给人们出行带来诸多不便。


有关雾霾的英语演讲稿带翻译 雾霾英语演讲稿篇1 Distinguished leaders, teachers and students: Hello everyone! My topic today is: to protect the ecological environment, away from the fog and haze! We have found it, this years autumn and winter, we Zhengzhou fog and haze have occurred. This time, the scope of the outbreak of serious pollution, the length of time this year, is rare for several years. Itchy throat, eye pain, eardrum pain, headache ......, many people appear haze symptoms. Protect the ecological environment, away from the fog and haze. Many of our students have to wear a thick mask, or the face with a scarf wrapped tightly, even our school calisthenics have stopped, fear of toxic air! Respiratory man surge. Air pollution, everyone is a victim, but most people are more or less bear responsibility. Fog and haze air pollution is a serious incident, a large amount of pollutant emissions is the root cause. Most areas of automobile exhaust, coal-fired emissions, emissions of industrial enterprises, agricultural burning straw. Therefore, care to protect our living environment, should be every citnsciously abide. Environmental damage easily, but need a long recovery time. In

The cause of the haze雾霾原因(英语)

The cause of the haze There are many reasons for the formation of haze, among them, as far as I'm concerned, there are five cases playing more important roles than others. First of all, the atmospheric air pressure is low and the air doesn’t flow, so that the small particles in the air are all accumulated, and then they will be floating in the air. This is the main factor of all. Second, there are a lot of dust on the ground and the air humidity is low, people and traffic flow make the dust stirred up. Third, automobile exhaust is the main pollutant emissions, in recent years, since the number of the cars has increased largely in the city , automobile exhaust emission is gradually becoming one of the main factors in the formation of haze. The fourth reason lies in those factories which produce pollution. At last, winter heating has increased CO2 emissions and other pollutants. In most northern cities, the winter heating is inevitable, for which we are obliged to burn more fuel. As we all know,the energy we used mainly derived from non-renewable resources such as oil, coal and natural gas. Burning coal will lead to air pollution and endanger public health. the situation in some northeastern cities is even worse , where people have to suffer from serious haze problem.


雾霾天气演讲稿 ----WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改---- 下面是小编收集整理的范本,欢迎您借鉴参考阅读和下载,侵删。您的努力学习是为了更美好的未来! 雾霾天气演讲稿篇一各位老师、同学们: 大家早上好!我是 .今天我国旗下讲话的题目是《保护环境,远离雾霾》。 这几天,新闻报纸最大的新闻呢就是雾霾天气,很多地方的学校都因此停了好几天的课。现在我们面临的最大敌人就是各种各样的环境问题!大气污染超标、温室效应增强、土地沙漠化、水污染严重、物种消失加剧、雾霾现象增多等,为什么环境问题越来越多呢?都是因为我们对自然资源和生态环境的不合理利用和破坏。 在校园中,我们也经常看到一些我们不愿意看到的情景:操场上、楼梯上、走廊上有纸屑、食品袋;雪白的墙壁上被印上手印、脚印和球印;教室里、走廊上留有难以清除的口香糖的污迹...... 千里之行,始于足下。保护环境,要从我做起,从小事做起。只要我们养成良好的习惯,不乱丢垃圾,不浪费粮食,节约用水,节约能源,节约用纸,拒绝使用一次性的“白色污染物”,多栽树种草等等。那么,我们头顶上的天空将会变得更蓝,身边的河水会变得更清,空中的鸟儿将会鸣叫得更加响亮,生活在其中的人们将会变得更加健康快乐。 让我们大家从今天开始行动起来吧,保护环境,从我做起!

谢谢大家! 雾霾天气演讲稿篇二美丽中国,众所期待。党的提出建设美丽中国,为生态建设、环境保护确立了新的目标。如果中华大地被雾霾笼罩,如何看见她的美丽?”当“美丽中国”迅速成为高频词之时,曾有网友如此发问:“雾霾笼罩,是危机,亦蕴藏转机!”党的把生态文明建设与经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设并列,作为建设中国特色社会主义的总任务。一场覆盖百万平方公里的雾霾,更使生态文明建设的重要性、迫切性前所未有地突显出来。 坚持环保为民,应对雾霾带动深层次污染防治。 面对大范围雾霾天气,多部门紧急行动起来,首先将灾害天气对公众的影响降至最低。1月28日,中央气象台历史上第一次专门针对霾发布了预警;环境保护部及时发布部分城市大气环境质量状况,要求各地做好监测预警工作。 对于憧憬美丽中国的人们来说,雾霾是当头一棒,更是一记警钟,公众需要透明的数据,更需要一个澄澈的天空。建立长效机制、全力做好污染物减排,我们还需付出更多努力。2月6日,国务院常务会议确定实施“国四”柴油、“国五”汽、柴油标准的时间表,解决长期难以突破的车油不配问题看到了曙光。不仅如此,各地正在积极行动起来,以唤回蓝天为突破口,加紧推进大范围、深层次的污染防治。 推进绿色转型,改变生活和生产方式刻不容缓。 无论在哪里过年,今年春节人们普遍感觉鞭炮声少了。民间的“禁鞭”活动,折射出全社会的环保意识正从抱怨污染走向自觉践行


环保演讲稿800字3篇 环保演讲稿800字篇1 放眼望去,有的只是凹凸的地皮,大片大片的树林遭人砍伐,变成人们生活上的木制品。人们只为一己私利,使成群的动物流离失所,奔向它方。这并不是虚假的幻想,这是血淋淋的事实。 曾几何时,世界上大批的动植物遭到灭绝,还有许许多多的动植物濒临灭绝,这都是为什么?这都是因为人类乱伐树木,破坏了生态环境,这才是根本原因。 土地资源是三大地质资源(矿产资源、水资源、土地资源)之一,是人类生产活动最基本的资源和劳动对象。人类对土地的利用程度反映了人类文明的发展,但同时也造成对土地资源的直接破坏,这主要表现为不合理垦植引起的水土流失、土地沙漠化、土地次生盐碱化及土壤污染等,而其中水土流失尤为严重,乃当今世界面临的又一个严重危机。据估计,世界耕地的表土流失量约为230亿吨/年。 有人认为酸雨是一场无声无息的危机,而且是有史以来冲击我们最严重的环境威胁,是一个看不见的敌人。这并非危言耸听。随着工业化和能源消费增多,酸性排放物也日益增多,它们进入空气中,经过一系列作用就形成了酸雨。 赤潮虽然自古就有,但随着工农业生产的迅速发展,水体污染日益加重,赤潮也日趋严重。我国自1933年首次报道以来,至1994年共有194次较大规模的赤潮,其中60年

代以前只有4次,1990年后则有157起。石油类污染对水质和水生生物有相当大的危害。漂浮在水面上的油类可迅速扩散,形成油膜,阻碍水面与空气接触,使水中溶解氧减少。油类含有多环芳烃致癌物质,可经水生生物富集后危害人体健康。二氧化硫主要由燃煤及燃料油等含硫物质燃烧产生,其次是来自自然界,如火山爆发、森林起火等产生。二氧化硫对人体的结膜和上呼吸道粘膜有强烈刺激性,可损伤呼吸器管可致支气管炎、肺炎,甚至肺水肿呼吸麻痹。短期接触二氧化硫浓度为0.5毫克/立方米空气的老年或慢性病人死亡率增高,浓度高于0.25毫克/立方米,可使呼吸道疾病患者病情恶化。长期接触浓度为0.1毫克/立方米空气的人群呼吸系统病症增加。另外,二氧化硫对金属材料、房屋建筑、棉纺化纤织品、皮革纸张等制品容易引起腐蚀,剥落、褪色而损坏。还可使植物叶片变黄甚至枯死。 保护环境,人人有责。 环保演讲稿800字篇2 亲爱的老师,亲爱的同学们,大家好!我是河北省秦皇岛市海港区铁新里小学五年级二班的学生王芃达。 你们知道吗?全国有13亿人,竟然有7亿人饮用大肠杆菌超标水,164亿人饮用有机污染严重水,3500万人饮用硝酸盐超标水。 一棵生长50年的树,光合作用后,每年产生31250美元氧气和2600美元蛋白质,同时可防大气污染62500美元,涵养水源、促进水分再循环37500美元,防止土壤侵蚀、增


柴静关于雾霾调查的演讲稿 柴静2月28日上传某知名网站的纪录片视频《穹顶之下》触人心弦,一部自费制作长达103分钟的环保纪录片短时间内获得了巨大的传播,24小时内在各大视频网站的点击数破亿。以下是的小编为您搜集整理的关于《穹顶之下》柴静演讲稿全文,供参考阅读。 大雾霾后得知怀孕:女儿健康就好。 2020年1月份北京,一个月里头25天雾霾。 那个月里头,我还去了四个地方出差:陕西、河南、江西、浙江。回头看视频里的天空,当时的中国正被卷入一场覆盖了25个省市和6亿人的大雾霾,但有我的嗓子有意向,在西安那天晚上咳得睡不着觉,我就切了一只柠檬放在枕头边上。回到北京之后,我知道我怀孕了。 听到她的心跳的那一瞬间,我觉得我对她没有任何别的期望了——健康就好。但是,她被诊断为良性肿瘤,在出生之后就要接受手术。我还没有来得及抱她一下,她就被抱走的。我是一个非常幸运的人,后来我辞职陪伴她、照顾她,只要一家人在一起平安就好、健康就好。 以前我从来没有对污染感到过害怕,去哪我都没戴过口罩。现在有生命抱在你怀里,她呼吸、她吃、她喝,都要由你来负责,你才会感到害怕。那场雾霾持续了差不多两个月(2020年底),它让我意识到这件事情不是偶然发生,也不可能很快过去了。 这是2020年整整一年的北京,只有空气和良的时候,我才能带她出门,但是这样的天能有多少呢?污染天数175天,这意味着一年当中有一半的时间我不得不把她像囚徒一样关在家里面。十年前那个环保局长对我说了一句话,“孝义是山西的缩影,山西是中国的缩影”。短短十年,我眼睁睁地看着它成为现实。 连续40天空气影像记录显示: 天津2020年空气污染天数197天, 沈阳2020年空气污染天数152天,
