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4、关于我们About Us


China International Investment Promotion & Talent Introduction Network is a world's leading investment promotion Cloud Service Platform, and bridges for “bringing in”and “going out”. Platform possesses unique Cloud Merchants Technology and high-volume

S peciality Database. Keeping online 24 hours for each 365 days per year, platform aims to connect "Government- Enterprise-Talent",

"Project-Capital-Knowledge", "Government-Commerce-Industry" sharing adequately, docking wisely.

We offer government Precision investment, render a service for enterprise investment and financing consultation, and provide talents with efficient innovation and entrepreneurship, hailed as a "No ending investments ".

5、平台优势Platform Advantage

精准的信息发布渠道Accurate information distribution channel.

海量的企业机构资源Large quantity of enterprise establishment resources.独有的前沿核心技术Unique cutting-edge technology

全面权威的专家智库Think tank with comprehensive and authoritative experts

经验丰富的服务团队Experienced service team

6.主要业务Main Business(主要业务分三页)


Provide investment promotion service for government/development zone ATL&BTL.

线上合作:Collaboration ATL



Build Online-Merchants for Investment Promotion Bureau& Merchants---------- to form a network investment team and make the investment team all over the world; Build Online-Zone for all kinds of "Development Zone"

线下合作:Collaborate BTL

联合举办招商引资活动Hold investment promotion activities.

委托招商或园区托管服务Entrust investment promotion or Online-Zone trusteeship service

园区托管一事一议。Online-Zone trusteeship will be treated case by case.代理北京招商办事处Agent Beijing investment promotion office

招商引资专题培训Offer special training courses on investment promotion.

城市/园区战略及产业发展规划City / Development Zone strategy and Industry Development Planning

共建或托管创新创业园Co-construction or agent Innovation Park


Partner Name: Zhongguancun Pioneer Park ** branch park/ China International Investment Promotion & Talent Introduction

Network E&I demonstrative base


Provide enterprises with investment financing consultation and investigation services


1、Project issued: Project can be issued constantly, autonomous, You

can generalize the project through the platform server.


1. Provide investment advisory services to foreign investment in China 3、为外商投资项目选择投资地点

1、Select investment location for Foreign investment projects


1、Hunt for partners.


1、Search for investment project of high quality.


1、Commend suitable expert, professional talents, New&High-tech to



Other Collaboration.


Industry trends, study report, market analysis and other consulting



Serve enterprise for registration, taxation, social security, laws and regulations,etc.


Provide industrial policy,

New&High-tech, intellectual property protection and other services ?专家顾问及人力资源服务

Expert advisers and human resources services


Coordinating leadership of City/Development Zone meeting with investors


Search for strategic partners企业海外投资服务


Enterprise examination report


Enterprise overseas investment services


Individual demand Services


Provide talents with achievements transformation and entrepreneur employment services


Larger datasets of think-tank. Promote achievements transformation of experts


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Analyze professional prospects Dock venture money

Company Registration Services


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Successful Case


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1.东莞市微星净化科技有限公司 DONGGUAN SHI MICROAIR CLEAN TECH CO. LTD FFU无尘送风机组系列手册 Production manual of Fan Filter Unit (FFU) 2. 为人类创造高品质的生活 To create a high-quality life for mankind 微于心,净于远 MICRO in the heart , CLEAN in the far. 3.简介:Brief introduction 微星净化公司成立以来,公司不断致力于空气洁净领域的产品开发与开拓,巨额的资金和技术投入确保了客户能享有先进的技术,高品质的产品和最专业的优质附加服务,二十一世纪以来,微星在全球范围内服务于世界每个角落,并不断积累经验和应用知识,以及提供更优更全面的产品和服务。微星净化科技公司是国内同行业中首批同时通过ISO14001和ISO9001的企业,拥有世界一流的过滤器生产洁净车间和生产线及先进的过滤器检测设备,是全球著名的洁净室配套产品专业研发、设计、生产基地之一。产品及生产工艺拥有多项专利,至今已拥有全球各个领域领头企业客户的支持。本着“全球化思维”的经营理念,微星净化科技公司的销售渠道正在全球蔓延,遍布亚洲、欧洲,美洲,不论您在世界哪里,我们都在您的身边。 Since the MICROAIR was established, our company is committed to research and develop the production to purify air. We are inputting a large amount of fund and technology to ensure that customers can enjoy the latest technology, high-quality and the most professional services. MICROAIR is the first enterprises to pass the ISO 14001 and ISO 9001 in this purifying filed. We own the top-ranking filter production line and high-end process equipment of different types. Such as high-speed turret punch, CNC bending machine, laser cutting machine and so on. We also own the advanced test equipment for air filter and sterile products. MICROAIR is also can produce the equipment of Fan Filter Unit, air filter, purification equipment and biological medical and so on. Our company is one of the leading manufacturers to research, design and produce the relative production in clean room. The products and production processes was obtained many national patents. Now, the products are widely used in semiconductor, LED, photoelectric electron, precision instrument, chemistry, hospital, food, research institute, universities, automotive manufacturing and so on. With “To create a high-quality life for mankind”highest mission, MICROAIR productions are spreading throughout Asia, Europe, America. No matter where you are, we are always at your side. 公司愿景:Prospect To become the world top-rank brand 公司使命:Mission To create a high-quality life for mankind 经营理念:business idea 做行业应用技术标准的制定者


制作企业宣传册必须把握一条原则,即根据企业自身风格、实力慎重选择制作符合自己身份的制作物。避免让顾客产生错觉,提供错误的信息,从而产生一些负面的印象。 参加展览已经成为必不可少的商业推广手法。但是,行业调查数据表明,参观者走过一个标准的2×3米的展位前通常只需3-5秒,在这么短的时间内,引起并抓住观者注意的几率是很小的。换言之,有很多潜在的顾客甚至都没有机会让他停留并与之交谈,各种展销行为在还没有开始之前就已经结束了。所以,展会上分发的各种资料,能否引起顾客适当的回忆并将其吸引为自己的客户,与展示会上的其它工作同等重要,甚至会更为重要。 通常展示会上的平面物种类繁多,如:企业宣传册(产品目录)、便捷手提袋、印有企业标识的明信片等等。本文将以企业宣传册作为专题,对其设计过程及设计中间所需要注意的地方就个人经验做一些讨论。 1企业宣传册的装帧设计 1.1企业宣传册的定位 制作一本企业宣传册的第一步是要确定体现多少信息,是一个大型企业的宣传信息,还是小型企业的。展示会上使用制作的企业宣传册与日常所说的目录不尽相同。对于大型企业,参展的目的多在巩固其已有的品牌地位并进一步推广旗下产品。所以不可能也没有必要制作详细产品目录作为展览会的赠品发放。因此,作为赠品发放的可以说是体现企业和产品风格与形象特征的产品宣传手册,或者是当季所推广的系列产品目录。这部分产品目录内容和信息量不应太大。 而小型企业,特别是国内大多以制作为主体的企业,面对客户的机会较知名企业少,所以在展示会上希望表达较为全面的内容,这种目的下企业宣册的制作要具体、详实。 1.2产品宣传册的形式 在宣传册定位确定后,接下来就要考虑宣传册的形式了。这包括其尺寸大小,以及装订方式--是装订还是折叠。 1.2.1开本 宣传册的开本有很多种,也可以根据制作者的意愿进行变形,但是尽可能不要浪费纸张,如果开本比较特殊,裁切纸张也需要另外指定,这样不仅会提高成本,还会延长工期。因此这些工作都需要尽早确定。 选择不同的开本还应当依据企业产品的风格而定。长方形开本相对传统一些,如正度16开(210cm×285cm)最常用的杂志、艺术类书籍的尺寸,产品目录也常使用这种开本。这种尺寸的版面较大、放置大型图片视觉冲击力强。一般大中型企业可以选用这种开本。方形开本是较为时尚新颖的一种开本。这种开本较小,但跨页版面仍然很大,做大尺度图片的排版也会有很好的效果。中小型企业选用这种开本即符合企业身份也不会影响版面效果。 1.2.2装订 展示会上使用的宣传册,最好设计成标上页码能展开的一种,而避免将它装订成册。而用骑马钉即U形钉装订的方法较其他装订方法也最便宜。大、中型企业通常使用这种方法。由于印务上的要求,这种方法装订的书页总页数必须是4的倍数。 另外,不用装订而直接折叠制作的手册称为折页手册。折叠方法大致分为两类:返折和卷折,书籍通常采用返折的折叠法。卷折又可分为4卷折、蛇腹折和观音折,后两种比较常用。 一般大中型企业若选用折页手册,务必选择克数较高的纸张,并增加"折纸"工序,以避免宣传册显得过于单薄,进而影响企业形象。大部分小型企业可选用卷折式的传单,选用克数小的纸张不仅可以减少成本(如90克雪铜),制作过程中也不需要进行"折纸"这样的工序。除了展览会上的发放,目录还可以在平时通过邮递的方式传弟。此种方式的目录即所谓的 DM(邮政)广告,又称直接函件。为了节约成本,也可以明智地将目录的尺寸直接设计成符合邮寄标准或能够放入公司平时使用的DM广告专用信封里内的大小。

工业设计团队宣传册资料中英文 团队口号 服务范围

Crset公司是一家追求高品质服务的设计顾问团队,成立于2001年,一直以来持续为国内外知名品牌以及发展中企业提供产品设计、结构设计、UI设计和品牌设计。目前主要服务范围囊括数码电子、医疗器械、仪器设备、时尚消费、公共设施等产业领域。 Crset is a design consultant team of pursue of high quality service , founded in 2010. Crset The crest has provided product design ,Structure design, UI design and brand design for famous domestic and international brands and developing enterprise continually. Service scope mainly include digital electronics, medical equipment, instruments and equipment, fashion consumption, public facilities etc 我们认为,好的设计来自生活的细节,我们更擅于思考; 我们认为,好的设计是为人而服务的,所以我们更懂得谦虚礼貌; 我们认为,好的设计是不矫揉造作,顺应自然,我们才思敏捷见解独到; 我们是用“心”做设计的人;我们具备,勤奋的激情、简单的智慧、温和的力量、分享的视野。 我自己的部分: NAME:于蒙蒙

AGE :21 今天奇思妙想,明天硕果累累。 Fancy is today , productive achievements are tomorrow. 设计来源于生活,创意无处不在。 Design is from life, originality is on everywhere. 这款衣钩设计巧妙,一个简单的金属带通过弯曲再由螺母固定,就形成了一个优雅的衣钩了。它使用的材料是0.4毫米的不锈钢弹簧钢,粉末涂层。 This clothes hooks are designed cleverly, a simple metal bending again by nut fixed by, formed an elegant YiGou. It used materials is 0.4 millimeter stainless steel spring steel of powder coatings. It is made by 0.4 millimeter stainless steel spring steel of powder coatings A simple bent metal is fixed by screw nuts.Then formed an elegant clothes hooks



Air Technologies Nihot Recycling Technology was established in 1945 and started their business by producing air ducts for small wood furnaces. Today Nihot is a proven market leader in the supply of solid waste air separation technologies, systems and components, using controlled air. Nihot’s air technologies reflect a superior reliability, offering the highest waste separation efficiency. From consulting, developing, designing and manufacturing to delivery, installation, commissioning and operator training, it’s all in-house expertise. Since no two customers and installations are the same, we design all of our systems uniquely to the individual needs of our customers. Why Nihot ? Nihot has more than 70 years of experience and is a recognized player in its field ? Expertise and knowledge: a global supplier and market leader in air technologies to separate waste ? Systems and components of a proven quality (see our references), to be utilized for virtually all kinds of solid waste ? Highest degree of separation (up to 99%)? A full scale test center in our factory to experiment and test with different materials from customers ? 100% made in Holland ? Global presence (>90% export)? >750 operational references world wide ? The Nihot systems operate at the lowest cost per ton Unique Characteristics & Advantages Each type of product or system has its own unique advantages and characteristics, such as the Windshifter’s proven operational efficiency and the Drum Separator’s high capacity and reliability. Those proven benefits result in:? Minimum maintenance ? Maximum availability ? Fast Return on Investment ? Low operating costs ? High reliability ? High flexibility ? Dust free operation 3


工程技术公司简介 公司简介 中海油能源发展股份有限公司工程技术分公司(简称“工程技术公司”)是一家为油气田勘探开发提供综合研究和专业技术服务的公司。公司总部设在天津市滨海新区,现有员工4800余人,总资产35亿元。在中国天津、湛江、深圳、上海、惠州、晋城,及国外的阿联酋的迪拜、印度尼西亚的雅加达、澳大利亚布里斯班和尼日利亚拉各斯共设有21个分支机构,包括4个研究机构、10个专业公司、4个海外公司和3个区域公司。并在天津、惠州和重庆等地设有生产基地。 公司的主要业务包括油气田勘探开发综合技术研究,钻采综合技术服务,配套产品开发、生产及现场技术服务。工程技术公司持续以油气田增储上产为目标,以提高油气田勘探开发生产效率为核心,以技术创新为动力,不断提升油气田开发一体化专业技术服务能力,建设成为国际一流的能源技术服务公司。 组织机构 业务介绍 一.地震数据采集(处理)及综合解释

工程技术公司围绕海上油田勘探开发需求,加强地球物理方法研究、地震资料处理解释一体化技术、开发地震技术以及随钻辅助决策服务能力建设,不断拓展国内外市场,成为技术领先的物探技术研究机构和专业技术服务商。公司具备地震数据采集支持、处理、解释一体化综合研究服务能力,已经成为服务中国各海域及海外的一支重要勘探开发技术力量。 8项特色技术 ●常规地震数据处理技术 ●联片匹配地震数据处理技术 ●高分辨率地震数据处理技术 ●低信噪比地震数据处理技术 ●叠前偏移技术 ●地震数据综合解释技术 ●储层描述技术 ●烃类检测技术 二.油气田勘探开发技术研究 在多年的油田技术服务过程中,工程技术公司在地质油藏综合研究、油气田开发方案调整部署、油田生产动态一体化分析等方面具备雄厚的技术服务实力。公司拥有各种试验仪器640余台套,全面满足原油评价、油气水分析、入井工作液鉴定等试验要求。 12项特色服务 ● 钻前技术地质研究、随钻跟踪分析及钻后综合地质研究 ● 油藏精细描述 ● 老油田综合治理 ● 剩余油分布特征研究 ● 开发方案优化部署 ● 油藏数字模拟研究 ● 油气藏生产动态分析 ● 古生物试验技术与地层综合研究 ● 地球化学分析与烃源岩评价 ● 岩心分析与储层评价 ● 岩石矿物分析及研究 ● 油气水分析与评价


学院宣传画册中英文对照最新版 (2011-11-14)修订 ①页 封面 Logo 苏州工业园区职业技术学院 Suzhou Industrial Park Institute of V ocational Technology 用明天的科技培养今天的学员为未来服务 Train today’s students with tomorrow’s technology to serve the future. 两张照片更换。(大黄蜂+电子屏前跳跃) ②页 封面内页 苏州工业园区是中新两国政府间最重要的合作项目,截止2010年底,累计引进外企4000余家,其中,世界500强项目137个、上亿美元项目112个,16年间平均每天吸引外资近600万美元,是中国最具竞争力的开发区。 As the most important cooperative project between China and Singapore, Suzhou Industrial Park had attracted over 4000 foreign enterprises by the end of 2010, among which there were 137 “Fortune 500”projects and 112 “hundred-million-dollar”projects. With an average of 6 million dollars of foreign investment per day coming into the Park in the past 16 years, it now boasts the most competitive development park in China. “在中新苏州工业园区项目上的成功合作,给双方带来了切实利益。”——胡锦涛The successful cooperation in the SIP project has brought substantial benefits to the both parties.


STTE ? ?? ? ?? ?????? SCHOOL OF TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING SCHOOL OF TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING According to the national strategy of infrastructure and transportation development, as well as the prospect of regional economy, the School is committed to take the leading place in China and plays a relatively important role in the development of traffic and transportation. It will keep its dominant position in the following fields: Road Structure and Materials Road Design and Safety Traffic Flow and Experiment Transport System and ITS Railway Transit Planning and Design Railway Engineering and Dynamics Transportation Analyze Railway Signal and Control During the state-funded Project 985 (21st Century Education Rejuvenation Action Plan), the School will devote to develop the national key lab and other experiment facilities with two major projects. One is Accelerated Pavement Test, and the other is Traffic Behavior and Driving Environment. The goal is to keep advanced in the following aspects: Integrated Transportation Planning Analyze and Design of Road and Railway Intelligent Management and Simulation Evaluation of Traffic Safety System Address: 1239 Siping Road Zip code: 200092 Tel: 86-21-65980178Fax: 86-21-65983216 Address: 4800 Caoan Road Zip code: 201804 Tel: 86-21-69589487Fax: 86-21-69589487, Siping campus Jiading campus Strategies Lab Construction


天津港的历史最早可以上溯到汉代,自唐代以来形成海港,1860年对外开埠。建国后经过三年恢复性建设,天津新港于1952年10月17日重新开港通航。 The history of Tianjin Port could be traced back to Han Dynasty. It emerged as a sea port in Tang Dynasty and opened as a commercial port in 1860. After the founding of the P.R.C, it was made a restoring construction for three years and reopened on Oct. 17, 1952. 天津港是世界等级最高的人工深水港,位于海河入海口,处于京津城市带和环渤海经济圈的交汇点上,是首都北京和天津市的海上门户、我国北方重要的对外贸易口岸,是连接东北亚与中西亚的纽带。天津港现有水陆域面积近260平方公里,陆域面积72平方公里,规划到2010年港口陆域总面积达100平方公里。目前,天津港主航道长35公里,水深—19.5米,25万吨级船舶可自由进出港,30万吨级船舶可乘潮进出港。天津港共拥有各类泊位134个,岸线总长2.8万米,其中万吨级以上泊位81个。 Tianjin Port is the largest artificial port in China. It locates at the estuary of Haihe River and the cross point of Beijing-Tianjin city band and Bohai Rim economic circle. It is the sea gate of Beijing and Tianjin, the important international trade port in northern China and the link to connect Northeast Asia and Central and West Asia. Tianjin Port covers water and land area nearly 260 km2, in which land area is 72km2. By Year 2010, it will be planned to cover total land area of 100 km2. At present, the main navigation channel is 35 km long with water depth of -19.5m, which is available for ship of 250,000 tons to enter and leave port freely and ship of 300,000 tons with high tide. There are totally 134 various berths in Tianjin Port, including 81 berths over 10,000 tons. The total quay length is 28,000 m. 天津港经济腹地广阔,包括天津、北京、河北、山西、内蒙古、陕西、甘肃、青海、新疆、宁夏及辽宁、河南、山东、四川的一部分


Singapore Singapore is a southeast Asia island nation,and it is also a city country. Because it is near the equator, where the difference is very small all year round. Its average annual temperature is between 23 to 33 ℃,so you can travel to Singapore all the year round .Next,let us go to appreciate the charm of Singapore together. This is the Singapore at night

Singapore is a young and vibrant city, its clean streets and modern buildings and scenery along the river at night could let you feel the prosperity of the Asian tigers and the clean and tidyof the garden city. The merlion

The merlion is a blur out god beast,which has been a symbol of Singapore, when arrived in Singapore you don't forget take a photo with the merlion park. Sentosa Boarded the merlion tower and overlooking sentosa illuminated at night.


宣传册 策划文案 企业产品宣传册的策划设计与软件企业为用户开发设计软件是一样的,成败的关键取决于开发设计前的需求定位。即:要做好前期的客户沟通,了解客户真正需求,本着为客户提供基于实际产出的整合解决方案为出发点进行策划。 ·总体思路 根据目前对公司的了解,初步拟定如下策划思路,以备再次沟通。 分为:封面目录篇企业篇文化篇产品服务篇产品功能篇技术篇应用篇客户篇未来篇 宣传册的本质就是广告媒体,因此同样需要有较强的针对性。公司的产品宣传册将要面对的目标客户类型,是企业大型软件系统的采购者和决策者,更多时候,采购者并不完全等同于决策者,采购者倾向于信息收集、技术性分析,而决策者侧重于宏观把握、方向理解,所以在设计时必须根据两者的不同偏好习惯进行针对性设计,以求两者兼顾,互相呼应。 针对公司目前的企业形象建设现状,在宣传册中,有关企业介绍方面的设计采用写意的科技图加人文感诉求,以求达到揭示企业专业科技却不乏现今社会人性主题的目的。而在具体产品的介绍上,则力求翔实深刻、形象直观,富于说服力,能在较短的时间内让客户了解产品以及帮助客户完成从感性认识到理性认识的升华。既有艺术感染力,也有商业感召力,采取国际化科技与中国设计元素相结合的设计手法,

既有抽象意念的具象传达,也有物质本质的精神揭示。 ·主题线索 全册贯穿的线索,“产品是企业的形象,质量是企业的信誉。” “提供创意智力服务,帮助客户提升价值!” 这个极具独特性的意蕴,将作为贯穿全册的一条主线。通过企业文化形象和产品两个方面的描述来全面介绍和展示公司的企业状况、人才结构,产品特征,技术专长,售后服务,未来发展等方面内容。一个企业的文化力决定了它的核心发展,而产品力决定了企业是否可以长久发展。 这本宣传册的设计要旨,就是要向客户传工尔科技公司及产品的力量和价值,即:提供创意智力服务,帮助客户提升价值! ·风格形象定位 科技感和人文感,大气洗练,注重文化品位和亲和性。 内页设计格调以简约明快为主,整体协调统一,突出亲和性和视觉舒适感。 ·具体内容编排 ·内容:公司名称、标准色(蓝色、白色)、logo ·创意:具企业特性的科技感写意图结合公司文化图。 封二-P1:提升价值(企业篇) ·内容:主要安排清新优美的企业简介文字。 ·视觉设计元素:现代化都市背景下的企业实体形象。大气的具有寓意的象征性图形


Company Introduction 公司简介 Titan Wind Energy was founded in 2005 as a tower specialist with the largest manufacturing scale worldwide. The total asset values 2,000 million (USD$328 million). In Dec, 2010, Titan was listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. (Stock code 002531sz) 天顺风能(苏州)股份有限公司成立于2005年,是全球最具规模的专业风力发电塔架制造专家。公司注册资本20,575万元,总资产超过20亿元,于2010年12月31日在深圳证券交易所成功上市(股票代码:002531SZ)。 Ever since its establishment of head quarter located in Taicang, it has founded 7 factories: ●Taicang factory, China ●Lianyungang factory, China ●Shenyang factory, China ●Baotou factory, China ●Taicang new offshore factory, China ●Europe factory, Denmark ●India factory (under construction) 公司以太仓为总部,拥有7个生产基地: ●太仓生产基地 ●连云港生产基地 ●沈阳生产基地 ●包头生产基地 ●太仓港区海上风电生产基地 ●欧洲生产基地 ●印度生产基地(建设中) Titan Wind Energy is the only tower supplier who was approved by world top WTGs, such as Vestas, GE, Siemens, Gamesa, Goldwind, etc. 天顺风能是国内唯一一家同时获得多个世界顶级整机厂商合格供应商认证的公司,例如:Vestas,GE,Siemens,Gamesa,Goldwind等。 In the past years, Titan Wind Energy has obtained a serial of international certificates: 天顺风能拥有国际认证: ●JIS (H-Grade, mandatory to Japan market) ●EN1090-1() ●EN1090-2 EXC3 ●DIN18800-7E ●ISO3834-2 ●CE ●CWB ●ISO9001 ●ISO14001 ●OSHAS18001


Word文档仅限参考 我们期盼您的到来,因为在和平您会找到家一般的感觉; 我们相信您会来,因为我们高的是星级酒店的品格,低的是社会餐饮的价格;永远不变的是我们为您热情周到的服务风格。 酒店聚贤阁西餐厅装饰独特,以简洁、高雅为主要架构的时尚设计及自然建材的搭配将餐厅内的氛围呈现出内敛简约的舒适感。 聚贤阁西餐厅位于酒店一至二楼,可同时容纳360人用餐,由经验丰富的名厨主理各式环球美食,选料正宗,菜式琳琅满目,味道创新健康,酒吧出品独具风格,精美丰富。 同时我们为您特意精心准备了现磨花式咖啡和中国茗茶。 二楼VIP房、会议室、麻将房是您商务和休闲的理想场所! Welcome to the Peace Hotel and you will be reluctant to leave for the star enjoyment, general consumption and superior service. The collecting wisdom cabinet in the ground or 1st floor, which provide the Western-style food can take over 360 people to have dinner together, and the compact elegant unique decoration with nature material will give you more comfortable. Our famous and seasoned cooks select the food material strictly to ensure the food fresh, delicious and healthy. Here you can taste all sorts of cate of the world, good drink, grinding coffee and famous Chinese tea. The VIP room, council chamber and mah-jongg room in the 1st floor is ideal for your business and amusement. Word文档仅限参考


企业简介: Company Profile Guangzhou Ocean Link Rubber CO., LTD.(formerly known as "Guangzhou Panyu Hualong Rubber Co., Ltd." and " Panyu Ocean link Engineering Rubber Products Co., Ltd.) is a Sino-Hong Kong joint venture with more than 30 years of history of rubber products production since 1976. So far, the company has become a professional rubber products enterprise integrated with research, produce, trade and service. Also becoming the first specialized enterprise which can provide the whole scheme design of fender systems in China. The company owns 25 million of registered capital, 10.03 million fixed assets, more than 12900m2 occupied area and more than 8200 m2 workshop area. So far, there are 230 staffs, 10 production workshops and 7 management departments. With complete production and inspection equipments, all operations are complementary complied with ISO9001:2008 Quality Management System. Rubber fender series and bridge rubber products series are the two leading products, of which rubber fender series is always ranking forefront in terms of reputation, market share, quality guarantee and custom service in China. Industrial Position: 1、Executive director of China Port Association 2、Executive director of Port and Waterway Engineering Magazine 3、Director of Guild of Chinese Waterborne Construction Continent 4、Director of Credit Association of Guangdong Province 5、Drafting unit. of Rubber fender industry standard HG/T 2866-2003 6、Drafting unit. of Cone Rubber Fender National Standard GB/T 21537-2008 产品系列 Products Family 1、Series of Super Cell Rubber Fender 2、Series of Cone Rubber Fender 3、Series of Super Arch Rubber Fender 4、Series of Cylindrical Rubber Fender 5、Series of D-type and GD-type Rubber Fender 6、Series of Rubber Accommodation Ladder 7、Series of TTV-type Rubber Fender 8、Series of Roller Rubber Fender 9、Series of π-type Rubber Fender 10、Series of H-type Rubber Fender 11、Series of Corner Rubber Fender 12、Series of ST-type Rubber Fender


为什么要出国留学的原因及其分析 客观地说,出国留学对每个人乃至每个家庭都是一个重大决定。我在咨询实践中常常提醒学生(或家长)应该首先要多问自己几个为什么:我为什么要出国?我期望从留学中得到什么?我为留学将要付出的代价值得吗?现在合适留学吗?这里提出为什么要出国留学的四点理由,希望大家在做决定前仔细考虑。 人生经历 现代社会的信息已经非常发达,你可能觉得在媒体、互联网上可以了解到发达国家的一切,完全可以想象得到在国外是如何生活的。但是这种想象绝对与你实际在国外生活是两码事。呼吸清新的空气,体会人文的关怀,这将是你在国内无法效仿、无法品味的一种经历。留学生活会极大地开阔你的视野、真实体验多元文化、锻炼独立思考的能力、培养坦然面对胜利和失败的心态,并且有助于你以更全面的眼光理解人性和社会,还会让你更加关心和热爱我们的祖国。 专业选择的机会 这有两层含义,一是国外大学开设的专业非常广泛,很多专业在国内还是空白,或者国内同等专业不被国外普遍承认,典型的包括临床医学和法律专业。如果你想在国外执业,那么你只有选择拿国外的学位。二是在中国,报考研究生时大多仍然要求有本科同专业的背景,而去国外读硕士则比较灵活,不需要学术考试,而且转专业比较方便。比如,英文专业的毕业生可以申请会计、教育、传媒甚至IT专业———这在国内几乎是不可能的。 资源利用与读书效率 一方面,发达国家在教育方式、理念、教学设施上比较先进。另外一个优势是时间,我们知道,国内大学的标准读书时间是本科4年,硕士3年,而在澳大利亚、英国、新西兰等国,本科仅需三年,硕士只需一年,这就大大降低了留学的机会成本,因为你可以比国内的同龄人早3年硕士毕业开始职业生涯! 改变现状的愿望 我的咨询客户中,有不少这样的人,他们已经在国内拥有非常好的工作,但是他们渴望一份在职业发展上的超载。尽管收入颇丰,但是他们鉴于企业中的竞争压力,认识到要保持持久的竞争力需要不断地充电和学习;或者他们已经达到了一定的职位高度,觉得再难以向上突破了,这时候选择出国深造可谓是恰逢其时。还有一些希望改变现状的人,是对自己目前的工作不满意,希望通过留学获得一个相关的海外学位后转行到自己喜欢的行业去发展,这也是可行的。 关于留学目的,大多数留学生的留学目的非常明确,主要是为学习他国先进的专业知识、语言及了解所在国的文化。在对留学中学习什么最重要的认识上,留日者与留欧美者有所不同:留美者认为“学习专业知识最重要”者的比例高达66.3%,而留日者则为51.9%;留美者认为语言最重要的比例为15.2%,而留日者比例则达28.8%。 此外,留学所获得的能力也颇为引人关注: 语言能力76.7% 专业知识74.1% 对国外社会的了解52.6% 与国外人建立联系36.4% 处理人际关系能力 7.8% 忍耐力13.1% 意志力19.3% 柔软性10.2% 如上所示,留学生在外国留学的收获,列前三位的分别是:语言能力、专业知识、对国外社会的了解。被选择率最低的是“处理人际关系的能力”,仅占7.8%,由此可见国外重能力轻关系的社会风范对留学人员的潜在影响。
