


I.Reading Comprehension(30%)

Part A(20points)

Directions:There are2reading passages in this part.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center


It seemed to me,and still does,that the system of American business often produces wrong, immoral and irresponsible decisions,even though the personal morality of the people running the businesses is often above reproach.The system has a different morality as a group than the people do as individuals,which permits it to willfully produce ineffective or dangerous products, deal dictatorially and often unfairly with suppliers,pay bribes for business,abrogate the rights of employees by demanding blind loyalty to management or tamper with the democratic process of government through illegal political contributions.

I am not a psychologist,so I can’t offer a professional opinion on what happens to the freedom of individual minds when they are blended into the group management through process of business.But my private analysis is this:Morality has to do with people.If an action is viewed primarily from the perspective of its effect on people,it is put into the moral realm.

Business in America,however,is impersonal.This is particularly true of large American multi-national corporations.They are viewed by their employees and publics as faceless.They have no personality.The ultimate measure of success and failure of these businesses is not their effect on people but rather their earnings per share of stock.If earnings are high,the business is considered good.If they are low or in the red ink,it is considered a failure.The first question to greet any business proposal is how will it affect profits?People do not enter the equation of a business decisions except to the extent that the effect on them will hurt or enhance earnings per share.In such a completely impersonal context,business decisions of questionable personal morality are easily justified.The unwavering devotion to the bottom line brings this about,and the American public until now has been more than willing to accept this.When someone is forced into early retirement in a management power-play or supplier is cheated out of sale by under-the-table dealings,the public reaction is generally,“Oh,well.That’s business.”And management’s reaction is often,“It’s what’s on the bottom line that counts.”A person who shoots and kills another is sentenced to life in prison.A business man who makes a defective product which kills people may get a nominal fine or a verbal slap on the hands,if he is ever brought to trial at all.

1.In the author’s view,if an American business makes an immoral decision as a group,the managing individuals______.

A.may be excused from trial

B.are often above reproach

C.may differ in interpreting morality

2.What American business often do to the government is to______.

A.influence its administration

B.contribute towards government democracy

C.act in the government’s name

D.collaborate with government for the bottom line

3.From the passage we may well understand that the author______.

A.appeals relentlessly to the law court for justice

B.finds personal morality sometimes questionable

C.knows much about immoral dealings of American businesses

D.regards profit-making as a business’s primary goal

4.The public attitude towards immoral business decisions is generally______.





5.“A verbal slap on the hands”in the last sentence may be interpreted as______.

A.punishment done physically but mildly

B.punishment carried out without delay

C.no punishment in fact

D.a contradiction to the law


1.B根据文章第一句话It seemed to me,and still does…is often above approach.所以答案应


2.A文章中第一段最后一句提到tamper with the democratic process of government through

illegal political contributions.,可见其会通过一些手段干预政府的统治,A项符合文意。



4.A由文中倒数第四句the public reaction is generally,…“Oh,well.That’s business.”可知公众


public until now has been more than willing to accept this.只是说与原来那种根本反对



5.C A verbal slap on the hands有名无实的惩罚。


The official logo of the Information Awareness Office,the Pentagon’s secretive new terrorist-detection experiment,isn’t subtle.A picture of the globe,under the watchful gaze of that spooky pyramid on the dollar bill,the one with the all-seeing eye of God at the top underlining that,the project’s motto:SCIENTIA EST POTENTIA(knowledge is power).

All in all,not a bad description of the office’s lofty—and controversial—ambition.Quietly created after the September11attacks,the office’s Total Information Awareness project aims to enable federal investigators to engage in a kind of super“data mining”—inventing software to trawl through commercial and government computer databases in search of suspicious patterns that might indicate terror plans.

The9-11hijackers,for instance,enrolled in flight schools,rented apartments,used credit cards and bought airline together.The details of all these transactions were routinely stored in various companies’computers.The Feds argue that if they had had the ability to scan the computers that logged the terrorists’movements and purchases,they might have been able to connect the dots between the men.

Yet from the day the research program was launched at the start of the year,it has been the target of intense suspicion,from both right and left.In order to identify possibly conspiratorial behavior by a few individuals,the computers would have to sift through the personal information of millions of innocent people—without their knowledge or consent.Potentially,the government could keep track of what you buy,whom you call,where you travel—just by tapping into the files that various businesses already keep on you.Advocates insist safeguards will be built into any search system,but critics are not reassured.“Put the pieces together,and you could build a capability to track the city-to-city movements of any citizen,”says the ACLU’s Katie Corrigan.

The project’s PR hasn’t been helped by the fact that its leader is retired Navy Adm.John Poindexter,best known for his part in the Iran-contra affair.Poindexter was convicted of lying to Congress about the Reagan administration’s plan to divert profits from Iranian arms sales to fund the Nicaraguan rebels.His conviction was later overturned,but that doesn’t mollify those worried about his return to power at the helm of such a sweeping program.

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld brusquely waved off the criticism.“I would recommend people take a nice deep breath,”he said.“Nothing terrible is going to happen.”But on Capitol Hill Democrats and some Republicans—including retiring House Majority Leader Dick Armey—are concerned that the project is part of a wider White House strategy to erode civil liberties in

pursuit of security.(A court recently granted the government expanded surveillance powers.)They are especially irritated that they knew nothing about the$10million experiment,since the Pentagon quietly buried it under“technology development”in the Defense bill.Now they’re demanding greater scrutiny.Democratic Sen.Dianne Feinstein says she wants to freeze the program’s funding until Congress can hold hearings.Poindexter may not be able to ignore the rumblings.“He forgot the question you always ask,”says one Pentagon official.“How would this look on the front page tomorrow?”

6.Which of the following statements about the Total Information Awareness project is Not mentioned in tile passage?

A.The project enable the Feds to identify every terror plan.

B.The project was created after the September11attacks.

C.The project has been the target of intense suspicion.

D.The project is headed by Iran-contra’s Poindexter.

7.Which of the following may replace the phrase“trawl through”(Para.2)?

A.keep track of

B.sift through

C.store in

D.sap into

8.What’s the purpose of this passage?

A.To introduce the main purpose of the project to the readers.

B.To express the author’s opposition to the project.

C.To appeal to the public to fight against the project.

D.To inform the readers of the controversy over the project.

9.Why are Democrats and some Republicans concerned that the project will erode civil Liberties?

A.Because people worry about Poindexter’s return to power at the helm of such a program.

B.Because people would not know or agree when the Feds trawl through their information.

C.Because people know nothing about the$10million experiment of the Information

Awareness office.

D.Because people argue if they can scan the computers that logged the terrorists’movement.

10.Which of the following may summarize the main idea of this passage?

A.Iran-contra’s Poindexter heads the Pentagon’s new terrorist-alert program.

B.The Pentagon plans to eyeball America’s databases.

C.The Pentagon’s new terrorist-detection project is drawing fire.

D.White House is going to erode civil liberties.




7.B trawl through详细审查与sift through意思一样。keep track of追踪;store in储存;sap


8.B作者虽然一开始介绍了这个项目的情况,但只是引入主题,紧接着作者就说“Yet from

the day the research program was launched at the start of the year,it has been the target of intense suspicion,from both right and left.”主要就开始谈各方对此的反对理由。从文章大篇幅论述其缺陷可以很明显地看出作者对此项计划的态度,即持反对态度。9.B文章第二段第二句提到了这个计划的实施方法:sift through the personal information of

millions of innocent people—without their knowledge or consent.所以答案应该是选B。



Part B(10points)

Asbestos(石棉)is tile generic name for a number of naturally occurring fibrous mineral silicates of which the most common types are crocidolite,also known as blue asbestos,and chrysotile(white asbestos).

Employed for at least2,000years,it is valued by industry because of its tensile strength and flexibility,and its resistance to acids,heat and friction.Asbestos has had a very wide variety of applications.It has been commonly employed in the building industry as a fireproofing agent and as a strengthener.The metal frames of buildings were sprayed with an asbestos solution to prevent the spread of fires,while asbestos was routinely mixed in with cement to provide greater resistance to weathering agents.It is also used in motor-vehicle brake linings,gas-mask filters, certain types of talcum power,fire-resistant clothing,corrugated-iron roofing and in water and air pipes.As a result of such wide employment,it is likely that most people have been exposed to at least a small quantity of asbestos fibers.

During inhalation,all particles which enter the respiratory tract pass through a series of filter mechanisms.Particles are filtered out at different points of the respiratory tract depending on their size.The smaller the particle,the further into the respiratory it may penetrate before being arrested.The first set of filters consists of the hairs and mucous(黏液的)lining of the nose and mouth which prevent the entry of larger particles.When large particles are inhaled,they stimulate this mucous lining,which results in coughing and the consequent expulsion of the

particles.The mucous lining extends downwards through hair-lined bronchial(支气管的)tubes of increasingly fine diameter which further filter the air before it reaches the respiratory bronchioles,a series of very fine tubes attached to air exchange chambers known as alveoli(肺泡).The alveoli are composed of a thin layer of ceils through which oxygen passes into blood vessels and is then distributed to the blood-stream.

Particles smaller than eight micrometers may reach the alveoli.This is the case with blue asbestos particles,which are very straight and slender and tend not to be arrested by mucous and expelled.As a result,they may reach the alveoli and penetrate the delicate cells lining the walls.

Some asbestos fibrils(particles)which reach the alveoli may be surrounded by scavenger cells known as macrophages,which serve to remove the fibrils from the body by expectoration (吐痰)or excretion.Other particles may remain in the alveoli with no adverse effects in case where the asbestos particles have penetrated the alveolar wall,scar tissue develops.This reduces the effectiveness of the alveoli and so less oxygen passes into the blood and less carbon dioxide is removed from it.This condition is known as asbestosis(石棉沉滞症).The process of scarring may take place gradually and the disease may not be diagnosed until20or30year after the initial exposure.

Directions:The passage below summarizes the main points of the passage.Read the summary and then select the best word or phrase from the box below,according to the passage.You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

A coughing K mucous lining

B versatility L small

C reach M penetrate

D asbestosis N efficiency

E scarring O inhaled

F extend P30years

G20years Q particles

H applications R used

I smaller S blue

J filters T progress

Due to its versatility,asbestos has been1since ancient times in a wide range of 2.When asbestos3are4they pass through a series of5which arrest their 6The stimulation of7causes8which expels them from the respiratory tract.If particles are very9,which is the case with10asbestos,they may11as far as the alveoli.Some of these particles may12the alveolar wall and cause13to develop. This reduces the14of the lung and causes the condition known as15Symptoms of the disease may take up to16to appear.


2012年厦门大学考博英语真题及详解 科目代码:1101 科目名称:英语 考生须知:所有答案(包括选择题、填空题)均必须写在答题纸:在试题纸上作答的内容均不予评阅、判分,后果考生自负。 Part I.Vocabulary and Structure(15%) Directions:There are30incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1.The weather wasn’t favorable and both teams had to______icy rain and a strong wind during the match. A.pin down B.get stuck in C.take control of D.contend with 【答案】D 【解析】句意:天气不太好,比赛过程中两支球队还不得不应对冰冷的雨水和狂风。contend with对付;与…作斗争。pin down确定;使受约束;阻止。get stuck in陷入了…;加紧进行。take control of控制。 2.People planning to travel by car to North Dakota in the winter are advised to______their cars with snow tires and warm clothing. A.install B.purchase C.provide D.equip 【答案】D 【解析】句意:计划冬季开车去北达科他州旅行的人们应当给车安雪地轮胎并备上保暖衣物。equip…with为惯用搭配,意为“装备;以…装备”。install安装;任命;安顿。


厦大考博辅导班:2019厦大数学科学学院考博难度解析及经验分享我校博士研究生共有四种选拔方式:直接攻博、硕博连读、申请考核与普通招考。我校2018年实(试)行申请考核的招生单位或学科如下:物理科学与技术学院、航空航天学院、电子科学与技术学院、数学科学学院、化学化工学院、材料学院、生命科学学院、海洋与地球学院、环境与生态学院、海洋与海岸带发展研究院、信息科学与技术学院、软件学院、医学院(厦门大学附属医院在职医务人员计划除外)、建筑与土木工程学院、药学院、能源学院、公共卫生学院、萨本栋微米纳米科学技术研究院、经济学院、王亚南经济研究院、邹至庄经济研究中心、管理学院、财务管理与会计研究院、法学院、知识产权研究院、南海研究院、公共事务学院、公共政策研究院、台湾研究院(部分专业)、教育研究院(专业学位)。 下面是启道考博辅导班整理的关于厦门大学数学科学学院考博相关内容。 一、院系简介 厦门大学数学学科办学历史悠久,1922年成立算学系,是厦门大学最早设立的系之一,2003年成立数学科学学院。九十多年来,厦门大学数学学科培养了以柯召院士、陈景润院士、林群院士、陈纯院士为代表的科学家,以印林生、王友德、苏育才、李竞等“国家杰出青年基金”获得者为代表的优秀数学专家及一大批优秀人才。 学院设有数学与应用数学系、信息与计算数学系、概率与数理统计系、公共数学教学部、福建省数学建模与高性能科学计算重点实验室、厦门大学精算学研究中心、厦门大学数学建模创新实验室。现有数学、统计学一级博士学位授予权和数学、统计学博士后流动站,涵盖基础数学、计算数学、概率论与数理统计、应用数学和运筹学与控制论五个二级学科博士点和硕士点,其中基础数学为国家二级重点学科,数学为福建省一级重点学科。“数学与应用数学”本科专业是国家一类特色专业、国家“理科基础科学研究和教学人才培养基地”,入选国家“基础学科拔尖学生培养实验计划”。“信息与计算科学”为福建省特色专业。《高等代数》、《数学建模》为国家精品课程和国家级资源共享课程。 二、招生信息


考博英语历年真题 北大2013年考博士英语真题及答案 Part Two:Structure and Written Expression20 Directions:In each question decide which of four choices given will most suita bly complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked.Mark your choices on the ANSWERSHEET. 21.The nuclear family__________a self-contained,self-satisfying unit compose d of father,mother and children. A.refers to B.defines C.describes D.devotes to 22.Some polls show that roughly two-thirds of the general public believe that e lderly Americans are________by social isolation and loneliness. A.reproach ed B.favored C.plagued D.reprehended 23.In addition to bettering group and individual performance,cooperation_____ ___the quality of interpersonal relationship. A.ascends https://www.360docs.net/doc/ee17558919.html,pels C.enhances D.prefers 24.In the past50years,there________a great increase in the amount of resea rch_____on the human brain. A.was…did B.has been…to be done C.was…doing D.has been…done 25. “I must have eaten something wrong.I feel like_____.”“We told you not t o eat at a restaurant.You’ d better_______at hom e when you are not in the shape.” A.to throw up… to eat B.throwing up…eating C.to throw up…eat D.throwing up…eat 26.Parent shave to show due concerns to their children’ s creativity and emotional output;otherwise what they think beneficial to t he kids might probably_______their enthusiasm and aspirations. A.hold back B.hold to C.hold down D.hold over 27.According to psychoanalysis,a person’ s attention is attracted________by the intensity of different signals____ ____by their context,significance,and information content. A.not less than…as B.as…just as C.so much…as D.not so much… as28.They moved to Portland in1998and lived in a big house,_______to the south. A.the windows of which opened B.the windows of it opened C. its windows opened D.the windows of which opening 29.The lady who has_______for a night in the dead of the winter later turned o ut to be a distant relation of his. A.put him up B.put him out C.put him on D.put him in30.By standers, _______,_________as they walked past lines of ambulances. A.bloody and cov ered with dust,looking dazed B.bloodied and covered with dust,looked daze


厦大考博辅导班:2019厦大财务管理与会记研究院考博难度解析及 经验分享 我校博士研究生共有四种选拔方式:直接攻博、硕博连读、申请考核与普通招考。我校2018年实(试)行申请考核的招生单位或学科如下:物理科学与技术学院、航空航天学院、电子科学与技术学院、数学科学学院、化学化工学院、材料学院、生命科学学院、海洋与地球学院、环境与生态学院、海洋与海岸带发展研究院、信息科学与技术学院、软件学院、医学院(厦门大学附属医院在职医务人员计划除外)、建筑与土木工程学院、药学院、能源学院、公共卫生学院、萨本栋微米纳米科学技术研究院、经济学院、王亚南经济研究院、邹至庄经济研究中心、管理学院、财务管理与会计研究院、法学院、知识产权研究院、南海研究院、公共事务学院、公共政策研究院、台湾研究院(部分专业)、教育研究院(专业学位)。 下面是启道考博辅导班整理的关于厦门大学财务管理与会记研究院考博相关内容。 一、院系简介 厦门大学财务管理与会计研究院(TheInstituteforFinancial&AccountingStudies,IFAS)是国家“985工程”全国唯一的财务与会计创新基地。研究院致力于世界同行认可的财务与会计原创性研究和国际化教学。 自2005年建院以来,研究院以厦门大学会计发展研究中心和厦门大学管理学院为依托,以全球视野广纳贤能,已从美国、英国、日本、新加坡、澳大利亚、比利时、荷兰及中国香港和内地著名高校陆续引进优秀青年学者。这些学者已在AccountingReview,JournalofAccountingResearch,ContemporaryAccountingResearch,International JournalofAccounting,FinancialManagement,JournalofCorporateFinance,JournalofBankingandFina nce,JournalofEmpiricalFinance,JournalofFinancialResearch,AdvancesinEconometrics,andAppliedF inancialEconomics等财务、会计和经济领域国际知名期刊发表学术论文。研究院热切期盼更多海内外优秀学者加盟本院。 研究院大力开展与国际同行间的交流与合作,努力为现有团队提供广阔的学术发展平台。 二、招生信息


Reading Comprehension (35 minutes) Directions:There are 4 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage: When Kathie Gifford ’s face was splashed across the newspapers in 1996 after her lucrative line of Wal mart clothing was exposed as the work of underpaid laborers in New York City ’s Chinatown, the Department of Labor and the White House teamed up to condemn such practices. With much fanfare, President Clinton’s administration launched the “No Sweat” campaign, which pressured retailers and manufacturers to submit to periodic independent inspection of their workplace conditions.; This campaign urged manufacturers to sign the Workplace Code of Conduct, a promise to self regulate that has since been adopted by a handful of retailers and many of the nation ’s largest manufacturers, including Nike and L.L. Bean. However, the Department of Defense, which has a $ 1 billion garment business that would make it the country’s 14th largest retail apparel outlet, has not signed the Code of Conduct. In addition, it has not agreed to demand that its contractors submit to periodic inspections.; Because the Department of Defense has not agreed to adhere to the code, the job of stopping public sector sweatshops falls to the Department of Labor. Federal contractors that persist in violating wage laws or safety and health codes can lose their lucrative taxpayer financed contracts. But Suzanne Seiden, a deputy administrator at the Department of Labor, says that to her knowledge, the department has never applied that rule to government apparel manufacturers. “I just assume that they are adhering to safety and health requirements,” she says. According to records obtained by Mother Jones, through a Freedom of Information Act request, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration has cited Lion 32 times for safety and health violations in the past 12 years. 21.What is this passgage mainly concerned with? A)The functions of the Department of Labor in America. B)A serious problem threatening American economy. C)The successful attempt of regulating sweatshops in America. D)The seriousness of the problem of sweatshops in America. 22.According to the passage, Kathie Gifford ____. A) was one of the underpaid laborers in New York City’s Chinatown B) was one of the well paid laborers in New York City ’s Chinatown C) made much money from cheap laborers in New York City’s Chinatown D) wrote a newspaper article exposing the practice of employing cheap laborers 23.The underlined p hrase “to submit to” is closest in meaning to ____. A) to accept unwillingly B) to refuse coldly C) to welcome warm heartedly D) to blame strongly 24.Which of the following statements about the Department of Defense is true? A) It will become the count ry’s 14th largest retail apparel manufacturer. B) It hasn’t acted according to the Workplace Code of Conduct. C) It has demanded its contractors to sign the Workplace Code of Conduct. D) It has teamed up with the Department of Labor to launch a campaign. 25.What was the purpose of President Clinton’s administration launching the “No Sweat” campaign? A) To urge manufacturers to obey the Workplace Code of Conduct. B) To remind the manufacturers of the Workplace Code of Conduct. C) To urge the Department of Labor to take its responsibility. D) To urge the Department of Defense to inspect manufacturers. Passage Two Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage: The term investment portfolio conjures up visions of the truly rich-the Rockefellers, the Wal Mart Waltons, Bill Gates. But today, everyone-from the Philadelphia firefighter, his part time receptionist wife and their three children, to the single Los Angeles lawyer starting out on his own-needs a portfolio.; A portfolio is simply a collection of financial assets. It may include real estate, rare stamps and coins, precious metals and even artworks. But those are for people with expertise. What most of us need to know about are stocks, bonds and cash (including such cash equivalents as money market funds).; How do you decide what part of your portfolio should go to each of the big three? Begin by understanding that stocks pay higher returns but are more risky; bonds and cash pay lower returns but are less risky.; Research by Ibbotson Associates, for example, shows that large company stocks, on average, have returned 11.2 percent annually since 1926. Over the same period, by comparison, bonds have returned an annual average of 5.3 percent and cash, 3.8 percent.; But short term risk is another matter. In 1974, a one year $1000 investment in the stock market would have declined to $735.; With bonds, there are two kinds of risk: that the borrower won’t pay you back and that the money you’ll get won’t be worth very much. The U.S. government stands behi nd treasury bonds, so the credit risk is almost nil. But the inflation risk remains. Say you buy a $1000 bond maturing in ten years. If inflation averages about seven percent over that time, then the $1000 you receive at maturity can only buy $500 worth of today’s goods.; With cash, the inflation risk is lower, since over a long period you can keep rolling over your CDs every year (or more often). If inflation rises, interest rates rise to compensate.; As a result, the single most imortant rule in building a portfolio is this: If you don’t need


育明考博 免费咨询报名电话:400-668-6978咨询QQ:493371626(李老师) 2015考博QQ交流群105619820 2015考博QQ英语群335488903 2015考博QQ专业课群157460416 2015长安大学考博英语分析 一、招考介绍 从整体上看,由于博士生招生形势的不断发展各院校博士生入学考试的难度越来越大,对考生的外语水平要求也越来越高,特别是听、说能力。攻读博士学位的学生,一方面应该具备坚实的专业理论基础和扎实的科研能力,另一方面还应该具备较高水平的外语能力。 二、联系导师 在初步定好考博学校之后,就要和所报考院校中意的老师取得联系,询问是否有招生名额,能否报考,这是我们考博成功的关键第一步。 大多数考生会在九月中下旬与导师取得联系。因为太早,学校里面直博名额什么的还没有确定,报考的导师也不清楚是否有名额;太晚的话,怕别的学生比你早联系就不好了。一般情况下,导师对一个学生很中意的话,后来联系的学生,导师一般也不会答应其报考了。在此说点题外话,联系导师的过程中,如果读研期间的导师有关系,可以尽量利用。如果没有,也没关系,凭着自己的本事也是可以和考博导师很好的沟通的,这就要看自己了。 通常跟导师初次联系,都是发邮件。导师回复邮件的情况一般有几种: (1)、欢迎报考。这种答复最笼统,说明不了问题。我们可以接着努力和老师多沟通,看看具体的进展,避免出现初试之后却没有名额的情况。 (2)、名额有限,可以报考,但有竞争。很多人说这样的回复不满意,认为希望很小一般会被刷。其实这样还是比较好的一种回答,最起码导师没有骗你而且给你机会去证明自己,考的好就可以上。 (3)、你的研究方向和我一样......各种一大堆他的研究方向和你相关,欢迎报考什么的话。不


2018厦门大学考博英语作文范文带译文 导读:本文2018厦门大学考博英语作文范文带译文,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 厦门大学(2013) Directions: You are asked to write an essay on the following topic: Many universities and colleges offer qualification: through some sort of distance learning using the Internet, rather than by face-to-face contact in a classroom. In your opinion, do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages of learning in this way? You should write at least 250 words. You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence. 【参考范文】 Online Learning Never Outweigh Face-to-face Learning With the development of internet technology, many educational institutions including some colleges and universities begin to provide online course for those who cannot or are not willing to attend the class. Undoubtedly, it is very convenient for people, especially those in remote areas to learn knowledge. They neither need to move into the same


厦大考博辅导班:2019厦大管理学院考博难度解析及经验分享 我校博士研究生共有四种选拔方式:直接攻博、硕博连读、申请考核与普通招考。我校2018年实(试)行申请考核的招生单位或学科如下:物理科学与技术学院、航空航天学院、电子科学与技术学院、数学科学学院、化学化工学院、材料学院、生命科学学院、海洋与地球学院、环境与生态学院、海洋与海岸带发展研究院、信息科学与技术学院、软件学院、医学院(厦门大学附属医院在职医务人员计划除外)、建筑与土木工程学院、药学院、能源学院、公共卫生学院、萨本栋微米纳米科学技术研究院、经济学院、王亚南经济研究院、邹至庄经济研究中心、管理学院、财务管理与会计研究院、法学院、知识产权研究院、南海研究院、公共事务学院、公共政策研究院、台湾研究院(部分专业)、教育研究院(专业学位)。 下面是启道考博辅导班整理的关于厦门大学管理学院考博相关内容。 一、院系简介 厦门大学工商管理学科历史悠久,早在厦门大学创建之初就成立了商学部。如今的管理学院已经发展成为中国最具竞争力的十大商学院之一。在2003年全国工商管理一级学科的评估中,厦门大学管理学院位列第三。2007年,厦门大学工商管理学科被教育部评为全国首批五个“工商管理一级学科国家重点学科”之一。2013年教育部学科评估,厦门大学工商管理一级学科在参评高校中位列全国第三。 厦门大学管理学院现提供完整的管理学本科、硕士和博士研究生学历教育,在会计学、企业管理、财务学、市场营销学、技术经济及管理、管理科学与工程、旅游管理等7个专业设有学士、硕士和博士学位授权点,工商管理和管理科学与工程2个一级学科均设有博士后流动站。拥有会计学科中唯一的教育部人文社科重点研究基地——厦门大学会计发展研究中心,并建立了国家哲学社会科学创新基地——财务管理与会计研究院,这是中国财务管理与会计学科中唯一的一个“985工程”二期的哲学社会科学创新基地。是中国大陆第一所提供会计博士学位教育的院校,历史上培养了中国近1/3的会计学博士。厦门大学管理学院毕业生中有将近1/2从事财务、会计和金融工作,被誉为中国“CFO的黄埔军校”。 二、招生信息


2015华南师范大学考博英语历年真题 一、招考介绍 从整体上看,由于博士生招生形势的不断发展各院校博士生入学考试的难度越来越大,对考生的外语水平要求也越来越高,特别是听、说能力。攻读博士学位的学生,一方面应该具备坚实的专业理论基础和扎实的科研能力,另一方面还应该具备较高水平的外语能力。 二、华南师范大学考博英语题型 英语题型介绍: Part1:词汇和结构15分30道题 Part2:完型20分20题 Part3:阅读理解25分5篇25个小题 Part4:翻译25分英译汉10分汉译英15分 Part5:写作15分 三、考博英语必备参考书 育明考博教研部主编,河北大学出版社出版的《考博英语真题解析》和《考博词汇》是考博人必备的两本书。在当当网,亚马逊和全国各大书店均有销售,也可以联系我们直接购买。 四、联系导师 在初步定好考博学校之后,就要和所报考院校中意的老师取得联系,询问是否有招生名额,能否报考,这是我们考博成功的关键第一步。 大多数考生会在九月中下旬与导师取得联系。因为太早,学校里面直博名额什么的还没有确定,报考的导师也不清楚是否有名额;太晚的话,怕别的学生比你早联系就不好了。一般情况下,导师对一个学生很中意的话,后来联系的学生,导师一般也不会答应其报考了。在此说点题外话,联系导师的过程中,如果读研期间的导师有关系,可以尽量利用。如果没有,也没关系,凭着自己的本事也是可以和考博导师很好的沟通的,这就要看自己了。 通常跟导师初次联系,都是发邮件。导师回复邮件的情况一般有几种: (1)、欢迎报考。这种答复最笼统,说明不了问题。我们可以接着努力和老师多沟通,看看具体的进展,避免出现初试之后却没有名额的情况。


灯塔之光--就业小贴士之一:关于考博 经常有同学问起,考博需要准备多长的时间,现在准备是否还来得及等等,关于考博时间安排的问题,结合个人了解的情况和一些和朋友们交流的经验,简要介绍以下时间的安排,按以下几个部分分开讨论 考博的时间主要分以下几个部分: 1、确定学校的时间。 2、联系导师的时间。 3、英语准备的时间。 4、专业课准备的时间。 其实从这些时间的安排大家也就可以知道了整个考博的准备的过程。关于确定学校和联系导师的时间,没有什么固定的时间可言。可是却在整个考博的过程中却是决定成本与否最关键的一个时间段。关于考博学校的选择,个人觉得还是学校第一,地点第二,导师第三。当然如果三者都可以兼顾上当然更好。读博本身就是一件成本很高的一件事情,所以如果要想读,而且不让自己留下太多的遗憾的话,就读好的学校,这样也许才不会让自己留下太多的遗憾和懊悔。在城市方面北京、上海我觉得是首选的城市,毕竟一个人的发展,个人的能力是很重要的,机遇也很重要……我这里要提到的就是一个人的视野非常的重要,在大的城市读博,在人生面临选择的重要关头,通过在大城市宽广视野的洗礼,我想大家都会作出正确人生选择的。哪怕回到内地,发展毕竟曾经对大城市了解过,经历过,对于以后的发展都是会有帮助的。其实就那几个城市,一个城市也就那几所大学,等到大家确定好城市和学校以后,就到了第二个时间段了,联系导师的时间,这个也是不定的,是不是越早越好,这个将在下一篇文章中讨论,这里只是谈一下时间“长度”的问题,关于导师联系点,我认为大家可以采用广撒网的方法,首先结合个人的学术经历,个人的学科背景,个人的兴趣爱好等等一些方面,选择一些自己感兴趣的导师,这里大家不要过多的考虑导师是否会要我这个问题,每个导师对于学术方面的发展有其自己的规划,你是否是最适合的,只有导师站在他的角度去考虑才是最真实的,所以不需要自己给自己找个理由就放弃了,确定好导师以后,就给他们发email,通过他们回信来判断导师是否对自己有兴趣。在这种方法下再去确定导师是最有效的,也是最节省时间的。根据导师的回信,一般会找到几个对自己感兴趣的导师,最后再根据个人的情况有所取舍,留下一到两个继续保持联系,继续保持联系的目的,一是找到一个最自己最敢兴趣的,这样可以在保证分数够的情况下,肯定录取,二是为了对于导师的为人还有课题有进一步的了解为最终的判断提供信息。到目前为止学校、导师都确定了,这一步走好了,才能保证你一下的复习是有意义的。


考博英语(词汇)历年真题试卷汇编39 (总分:50.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、Structure and Vocabu(总题数:25,分数:50.00) 1.As its______grew, funds began to accumulate and the union got more and more powerful.(分数: 2.00) A.recruit B.size C.membership D.expansion 2.Little boys seem to enjoy______ train sets more than little girls.(2003年中国社会科学院考博试题)(分数:2.00) A.capture B.departure C.fixture D.miniature 3.Concerned people want to______ the risk of developing cancer.(2002年春季上海交通大学考博试题)(分数:2.00) A.take B.decrease C.minimize D.claimed 4.This price is his ______;he refuses to lower it any further.(分数:2.00) A.minimum https://www.360docs.net/doc/ee17558919.html,st C.maximum D.final 5.Why do you look so ______? You never smile or look cheerful.(分数:2.00) A.miserable B.unfortunate C.sorry D.rude 6.John complained to the bookseller that there were some pages ______ in the dictionary.(分数:2.00) A.losing B.missing C.dropping D.falling 7.The blunder of Argentina's goalie cost them the game in the match against Brazil.(2003年中国社会科学院考博试题)(分数:2.00) A.triumph B.beat C.mistake D.straggle 8.Americans are highly______, and therefore may find it difficult to become deeply involved with others.(2003年上海交通大学考博试题)(分数:2.00) A.moving B.mobile


资料目录:厦门大学近年考博真题+考博经验分享 1.2018厦门大学考博经验分享 2.2019厦门大学考博经验分享 3.2018双非学姐的厦大考博逆袭之路——本硕求学生涯历程 2018厦门大学考博经验分享 初试 1英语: 词汇:比较难,但没有考语法 阅读理解:比较简单,反正比考研英语简单 翻译:好像是2010年的真题 写作:类似雅思的命题思路,可参照雅思的方法准备 2人文基本素质 客观题:不是行测那种,基本都不会,有考考研政治的哲学题,还有考厦大校训的出处。感觉比较难准备 主观题:三选一。文科——国学热为主题写作2500字;经济——中国经济与世界经济平衡1500字;管理学——忘了 3西方经济学,能回忆起的只有以下几题 价格下降对产出的影响 简述总供给三种模型 标准费排污许可证 IS-LM模型计算 MC不等的情况下古诺、斯塔伯格模型 感觉没有偏题,和前几年的真题有许多重复的地方,只要认真复习就不会考的太差。可是要考比较好,就必须复习的时候尽量深刻理解。

复试 笔试:分专业。各专业有道统一的金融英译汉。国际金融专业是——汇率决定论;人民币扩大波幅评述;欧债危机;还有些想不起来了,反正把国际金融的教科书及当前热点都准备了就差不多了。但这是考博,准备的程度要比考研尽量深入一些。 英语口试:与外教对话几分钟。除了自我介绍,还会针对个人情况问一些问题,以及经济方面的问题 综合面试:陈述个人科研成果(这个环节非常重要,以往成果越多越加分);外汇储备管理;银行盈利问题 2.2019厦门大学考博经验分享 2019年厦大国贸系的拟录取名单已经公布,虽然早已得知自己被录取,但还是长长地舒了一口气,不为别的,就是为自己一路以来的坚持而倍感欣慰。3年前,当我还是那个长彻案椅,为考研而发奋的孩子时,厦大就是我的目标,但最终我成为了失败者。尽管如此,在调剂的硕士学校读研期间,为了厦大的梦想,我还是努力坚持着。 今年我报了厦大和暨大两个学校,专业都是国际贸易学,两所学校考分竟然相同,都为231。今年厦大是改革的第一年,大家原以为这种改革方式会增加难度,却恰恰成为我们的机遇。今年厦大博士报考全面缩水,以我专业来说,只有3人报考,最后3人上线,最终取2人,而去年光一个博导报考就有10几人,我个人分析有三点原因:第一,厦大的专业课,也就是我们说的专业2在初试中取消,而被人文素质取代,由于题型和范围都未公布,之前一些同学很担心会考些非常规类的,或类似公务员考试的内容,因此打了退堂鼓;第二,厦大今年不再招在职生即委培对象,为保证生源质量必须是全日制培养,因此很多在职考生倍感压力,纷纷转向其他院校;第三,今年厦大和北方一些高校的考试时间重叠,我认为是比较重要的原因,因为以我学校为例,考博的学生一般会选择南开和厦大两所学校的经济类,而这两所学校从未时间冲突,坦诚地说我当初也准备报这两所学校的,但是厦大恰恰与几所北方高校的考试时间相同,我之后也很同学讨论过,


历年真题 2000年北京大学博士研究生入学考试英语试题 PartⅡStructure & Written Expression Directions: In each question decide which of the four choices given will most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Put the letter of your choice in the ANSWER SHEET. (25%) 1.Thomas Wolfe portrayed people so that you came to know their yearnings, their impulses, and their warts-this was effective______. A.motivation B.point of view C.characterization D.background 2.The appeal to the senses known as______is especially common in poetry. A.imaginative B.imaginable C.ingenious D.imagery 3.If you've got a complaint, the best thing is to see the person concerned and______with him.A.tell it B.have it out C.say it D.have it known 4.There have been several attempts to introduce gayer colors and styles in men's clothing, but none of them______. A.has caught on B.has caught him out C.has caught up D.take roots 5.The retired engineer plunked down$50,000in cash for a mid-size Mercedes as a present for his wife______a purchase with money made in the stock market the week before. A.paid off B.paid through C.paid out D.paid for 6.He has courage all right, but in matters requiring judgment, he has often been found sadly______. A.lack it B.absent C.in need of it D.wanting 7.Danis Hayes raised the essential paradox and asked how people could have fought so hard against environmental degradation______themselves now on the verge of losing the war. A.only found B.finding only C.only to find D.have only found 8.The once separate issue of environment and development are now______linked. A.intangible B.indispensable C.inextricably D.incredibly 9.The need to see that justice is done______every decision made in the courts. A.implants into B.imposes on C.impinges upon D.imprecates upon 10.Two thirds of the U. S. basketball players are black, and the number would be greater______the continuing practice of picking white bench warmers for the sake of balance. A.was it not because of B.had it not been for C.were it not for D.would it not have been for 11.No one would have time to read or listen to an account of everything______going on in the world. A.it is B.there is C.as is D.what is 12.If there is the need to compete in a crowd, to battle______the edge the surest strategy is to develop the unexpected. A.on B.for C.against D.with 13.Just as there are occupations that require college or even higher degrees, ______occupations for which technical training is necessary. A.so too there are B.so also there are C.so there are too D.so too are there 14.It is a myth that the law permits the Food and Drug Administration to ignore requirements for______drugs while brand-name drugs still must meet these rigid tests. A.specific B.generic C.intricate D.acrid 15.The very biggest and most murderous wars during the industrial age were intra-industrial wars that______Second Wave nations like Germany and Britain against one an other. A.pitted B.drove C.kept D.embarked 16.The private life of having each individual make his or her own choice of beliefs and interest______without the overarching public world of the state, which sustains a structure of law appropriate to a self-determining association. A.is not possible B.would not be possible C.will not be possible D.cannot be possible 17.From Christianity and the barbarian kingdoms of the west emerged the medieval version of politics______in tum evolved the politics of our modern world. A.of which B.from which C.on which D.by which 18.The Portuguese give a great deal of credit to one man for having promoted sea travel that
