

With the emergence of new media, people can now connect with each other more easily than ever before. In recent years, the internet has become the most powerful tool for communication and information sharing. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have transformed the

way we interact with each other. This paper will provide an overview of the impact of new media on society.

Firstly, new media has revolutionized the way we access information. The internet has become the most popular

platform for accessing information, and search engines like Google have made it easy to find information on any topic. Social media has also played a significant role in the dissemination of news and information. Through social media, individuals can share news, opinions, and updates with their friends and followers. The ability to share information

quickly and easily has made it easier for people to stay informed.

Secondly, new media has changed the way we communicate. Social media has made it easier for people to connect with each other, regardless of their location. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have become the primary way for people to communicate with their friends, family, and colleagues. These platforms have also made it easier for people to meet and socialize with new people, creating new opportunities for social interaction.

Thirdly, new media has affected the way businesses operate. The rise of e-commerce has made it easier for

businesses to sell their products and services online. Social media has also become an important marketing tool, allowing businesses to access a wider audience and connect with new customers. The ability to interact with customers and potential customers directly has become a crucial aspect of business success in the digital age.

In conclusion, the impact of new media on society has been profound. The internet and social media have transformed the way we access information, communicate with each other, and conduct business. While there are certainly challenges associated with new media, its benefits are undeniable. As we continue to embrace new technologies, it is important that we also consider the impact they have on our lives and our communities.


新媒体营销外文翻译文献 (文档含英文原文和中文翻译) 译文: 研究微博中承诺和信用对消费者行为倾向的影响 ——基于关系营销的角度 摘要:本研究的目的是探索消费者对企业通过微博进行关系营销的观点。这项研究是以承诺-信用理论以及消费者对企业微博形象、承诺、信用、满意度和社群意识对消费者的行为倾向的研究为基础的。这项研究的成果可以成为企业利用微博进行关系营销的准则。这项研究显示消费者的满意度对承诺、信用、社群意识和消费者的行为倾向具有积极影响。企业形象对承诺和信用的影响是成立的,但对行为倾向的影响需须经由承诺和信用产生中介效果。信用对承诺和社群意识的影响是存在的,但是对行为倾向的影响须经由承诺和社群意识产生中介效果。最后,承诺和社群意识对行为倾向的影响是成立的。 关键词:微博、关系营销、满意度、企业形象、承诺、信用、社群意识、行为倾向 1、引言 当我们在新的经济时代面临着现今的商业环境时,许多企业在短时间内就变成了一个以顾客为中心的企业。为了提高竞争力,企业必须了解他们的顾客,了解顾客的需求,并且通过专项服务满足顾客的需求。随着技术时代环境的改变,企业已经通过信息系统与客

户建立了关系。随着顾客上网历史的增加,企业可以提供给他们更多的产品信息并且在第一时间获得顾客的回复。通过这种方法,客户服务的成本可以降低;企业与客户的关系可以变得稳定;企业与客户之间可以建立更多的联系;企业与客户之间的沟通可以个性化。 基于格朗鲁斯的研究,他认为关系营销意味着企业通过发展、维护和提高与顾客的关系来达到企业的目的。越来越多的企业发展其吸引力来构建自己的形象以留住和吸引新的顾客。因此,一个企业的专业性和企业形象的构建对企业来说是很重要的。一个公司是否可以提供服务或产品以满足客户的需求影响着客户对企业的信任和忠诚度。 基于Web2.0大流行,大众媒体已经覆盖了许多拥有新颖、有趣故事的网站,吸引了更多的公众关注互联网。这些问题对因特网的常用用户来说都不是问题。因特网发展很迅速。近来微博服务供应商例如Facebook、Twitter和Plurk是新闻的热点话题,已经聚集了大量用户。根据市场研究公司的成员尼尔森最近的一份报告,在2008年二月到2009年二月间,Twitter是用户增长速度最快的一个社交网站(从475000个用户到17600000个用户)。它的绝对访客增长率在美国是1382%。在2009年五月,全国用户数量达到37300000,这是一个令人吃惊的数据。博客用户一直在讨论是否微博可以取代博客。因特网用户最关注的是微博是否可以缩短他们与朋友们之间的距离,是否可以帮助他们交到新朋友。然而,商人们最关注的是微博是否可以替代博客变为一个新的营销武器。 博客营销是指不仅让因特网用户变的亲密,也是指需要“可信的”网络发言人的赞语。博客成为值得信赖的网络发言人是由于他们长时间在某些话题上努力花费时间。通过写文章,他们在互联网用户的心中构建了“大师”的形象。结果,即使他们的一个“好”字也对有科技非常强大的影响力。这就是博客营销的有效性。博客的权利:检查实际操作者在博客上的使用对公共关系产生的影响。 对于微博,我们可以在Twitter上看到谷歌。在谷歌在Twitter上的账户建立后,立马就有16000个追随者。现在谷歌在Twitter上的追随者有1670000人。这意味着谷歌每在Twitter上发表一条新闻,1760000个人在下一秒将在互联网或手机短信上被通知。这种传播新闻的速度和范围是令人吃惊的。 再来说说戴尔,一个主要的国际电脑制造商,例如,通过微博的能力来提供信息,特别提供了可以通过短信迅速传递给所有微博用户信息的功能。因为价钱很合理,许多用户已经立即决定变成戴尔的追随者。并且戴尔继续提供给追随者们更多的第一手优惠券。结果,通过微博达到的总订单金额已经达到了新台币100000000元。通过微博,消息可以更加迅速地传递给互联网用户。然而,这并不意味着任何一种营销信息都可以通过微博随意


中英文对照外文翻译 (文档含英文原文和中文翻译) 原文: Social Networks and the Mass Media Adapted from: American Political Science Review,2013,107 Social networking has become an every day part of many peoples’lives as evidenced by the huge user communities that are part of such networks. Facebook, for instance, was launched in February 2004 by Harvard under graduate students as an alternative to the traditional stud ent directory. In tended to cover interaction between students at Univers ities–Facebook enables individuals to encourage others to joint he netwo

rk through personalized invitations, friend suggestions and creation of s pecialist groups. Today Facebook has a much wider take up than just s tudents at Universities. Facebook now facilitates interaction between peo ple by enabling sharing of common interests, videos, photos, etc. Sharin g, Some social network populations exceed that of large countries, for example Facebook has over 350 million active users. Social networks provide a platform to facilitate communication and sharing between user s, in an attempt to model real world relationships. Social networking ha s now also extended beyond communication between friends; for instanc e, there are a multitude of integrated applications that are now made a vailable by companies, and some organizations use such applications, su ch as Facebook Connect to authenticate users, i.e. they utilize a user’s Facebook credentials rather than requiring their own credentials(for exa mple the Calgary Airport authority in Canada uses Facebook Connect t o grant access to their WiFi network). This ability to combine a third party application (including its local data) to authenticate users demonstr ates the service-oriented approach to application development. By tappin g into an already established community around a particular social netw orking platform, it becomes unnecessary to require users to register wit h another system.


新媒体与新闻媒体监督外文翻译文献 标题:新媒体与新闻媒体监督的外文翻译文献 一、引言 随着科技的飞速发展和全球化进程的加速,新闻媒体在我们的日常生活中扮演了日益重要的角色。与此同时,新媒体的崛起更是对传统的新闻媒体构成了挑战,也对其形成了有力的监督。本文将对新媒体环境下新闻媒体的监督进行外文翻译文献的综述。 二、新闻媒体监督的定义与作用 新闻媒体监督是指通过新闻报道和信息传播,对政治、经济、社会等各个领域的行为进行公开、公正的评价和揭示,以维护公众的知情权和舆论的公正性。它是新闻媒体的一项基本职责,也是现代社会民主制度的重要组成部分。 新闻媒体监督能够揭示真相、防止腐败、促进公平,对于维护社会公正、保障公民权益、促进政治稳定具有不可替代的作用。 三、新媒体对新闻媒体监督的影响 新媒体的出现,使得新闻媒体监督的形式和范围都发生了重大变化。首先,新媒体的实时性特点,使得信息传播速度大大提高,新闻媒体能够更快地揭示真相,对公众进行引导。其次,新媒体的互动性,使

得公众不仅是信息的接受者,更是信息的生产者和传播者,这大大扩大了新闻媒体监督的主体和影响力。 然而,新媒体也带来了新的挑战。例如,网络的匿名性和开放性,使得虚假信息的传播得以便利,这对新闻媒体监督形成了新的挑战。此外,新媒体环境下,传统媒体的权威性也受到了挑战,新闻媒体监督的效果可能被削弱。 四、结论 总的来说,新媒体对新闻媒体监督起到了积极的推动作用,但同时也带来了新的挑战。因此,我们需要在充分利用新媒体优势的同时,也要加强对新闻媒体监督的管理和规范,以确保其有效性和公正性。 参考文献: 1、John, D. & Levine, M. (2018). Media and society: an introduction. Routledge. 2、Gentzler, E. (2010). Media and society: an introduction. Routledge. 3、Sawhill, J. W. (2017). Media, Markets and Democracy. Wiley Blackwell. 4、Entman, R. M. (2007). Framing:Toward clarification of a


新媒体营销参考文献 1. Li, X., & Liang, W. (2019). The Influence of Social Media Marketing on Consumer Purchase Intention: The Mediating Role of Brand Awareness and Attitude. International Journal of Online Marketing, 9(3), 1-20. 2. Kim, A. J., & Ko, E. (2012). Do social media marketing activities enhance customer equity? An empirical study of luxury fashion brand. Journal of Business Research, 65(10), 1480-1486. 3. Mangold, W. G., & Faulds, D. J. (2009). Social media: The new hybrid element of the promotion mix. Business horizons, 52(4), 357-365. 4. De Vries, L., Gensler, S., & Leeflang, P. S. (2012). Popularity of brand posts on brand fan pages: An investigation of the effects of social media marketing. Journal of interactive marketing, 26(2), 83-91. 5. Chaffey, D., & Ellis-Chadwick, F. (2016). Digital marketing: strategy, implementation and practice. Pearson UK. 6. Wu, P. C. S., & Yeh, G. Y. Y. (2016). The effect of online social network activities on brand equity. Journal of Marketing Communications, 22(4), 456-474. 7. Kabadayi, S., & Price, K. (2014). Consumer–brand


文献信息: 文献标题:Elements of strategic social media marketing: A holisticframework(战略性社交媒体营销要素:整体框架) 国外作者:Reto Felix, Philipp A. Rauschnabel, Chris Hinsch 文献出处:《Journal of Business Research》,2017,70:118-126 字数统计:英文2632单词,15772字符;中文5082汉字 外文文献: Elements of strategic social media marketing: A holisticframework Abstract Social media marketing is an integral element of 21st-century business. However, the literature on social media marketing remains fragmented and is focused on isolated issues, such as tactics for effective communication. The current research applies a qualitative, theory-building approach to develop a strategic framework that articulates four generic dimensions of strategic social media marketing. Social media marketing scope represents a range from defenders to explorers, social media marketing culture includes the poles of conservatism and modernism, social media marketing structures fall between hierarchies and networks, and social media marketing governance ranges from autocracy to anarchy. By providing a comprehensive conceptualization and definition of strategic social media marketing, this research proposes an integrative framework that expands beyond extant marketing theory. Furthermore, managers can apply the framework to position their organizations on these four dimensions in a manner consistent with their overall corporate mission and objectives. Key Words: Strategic social media marketing; Holistic framework; New media; Definition of social media marketing; Social media strategy; Digital marketing


关于新媒体的外文文献 一、介绍 新媒体是指利用互联网、移动通信和数字技术等新兴传媒平台进行信息传播和交流的一种媒介形式。本文将从不同角度分析新媒体的影响以及其在当代社会中的重要性。 二、新媒体与传统媒体的对比 2.1 媒体形式 •传统媒体:报纸、电视、广播等传统形式的媒体主要通过纸质或电信号等载体传递信息。 •新媒体:互联网、社交媒体等新媒体形式更加多样和灵活,可以通过文字、图片、视频等多种方式传达信息。 2.2 参与度和互动性 •传统媒体:传统媒体主要是单向传播,受众通常是被动接受信息。 •新媒体:新媒体具有较高的参与度和互动性,用户可以主动参与、评论和分享内容,为信息传播带来了更多可能。 2.3 时效性和传播范围 •传统媒体:传统媒体的传播速度较慢,而且受到地域限制,覆盖范围有限。•新媒体:新媒体的传播速度快,可以实时更新信息,并且覆盖范围广泛,能够同时影响全球各地的用户。 2.4 营销和广告方式 •传统媒体:传统媒体主要通过平面广告、电视广告等方式进行营销,价格相对较高。 •新媒体:新媒体为企业提供了更多的营销渠道,可以通过社交媒体营销、influencer合作等方式与目标受众更直接地互动。

三、新媒体的影响及重要性 3.1 新闻报道和信息传播 •新媒体使新闻报道更加立体、多元化,也提供了更多渠道让信息传播均衡和公正。 •新媒体的广泛传播范围让新闻更加及时,可以迅速传播重要的社会事件和突发新闻。 3.2 社交互动和人际关系 •社交媒体成为人们日常生活中重要的交流工具,强化了人与人之间的联系和互动。 •通过新媒体平台,人们可以轻松地分享生活、观点和意见,拓宽了社交圈子的范围。 3.3 商业和市场发展 •新媒体为企业提供了更多的广告和营销渠道,能够更准确地定位目标受众。•通过新媒体平台,企业可以主动与消费者进行互动,了解他们的需求和反馈,进一步提升产品和服务。 3.4 政治和社会变革 •新媒体在政治和社会领域的影响也日益显著,为民众表达意见和参与公共事务提供了便利途径。 •社交媒体成为政治人物和政府机构进行宣传、信息传递和形象塑造的重要工具。 四、新媒体发展的挑战和前景 4.1 隐私和信息安全问题 •新媒体的发展带来了个人信息泄露和隐私保护等问题,需要加强相关法律法规的制定和实施。 •需要加强对新媒体平台的监管,保障用户在交互和互动过程中的合法权益。


文献出处:Jones Robert, The origin and development of new media [J]. International Review of Business, 2014, 7(2): 157-169. (声明:本译文归百度文库所有,完整译文请到百度文库。) 原文 The origin and development of new media Jones Robert Abstract The concept of new media is distinguished from the mass media. New media research fields regards it as a new research field which is different with the mass media. Academic researches on new media follow the path of mass communication research in later development in the process of becoming the new force of original communication research paradigm shift. Key words: New media; Mass communication 1 Introduction In the current communication field, the concept of "new media", is well known. The concept of scientific and new media research would be able to form independent, academia or opinions vary, unable to agree. Many new media researchers just coping with new media technology emerge in endlessly, and for the scientific nature of the new media and new media itself is the lack of attention. 2 How to understand new media In 2000, the international academia about the mainstream of the new media research journal "new media and social issue one year discovers language wrote:" we recognize that the new media is the concept of a relatively vulnerable, but it points out the focus on technology, media, are intertwined with social life affect the importance of the potential for change." Although the "new media" is a relative concept, but it has some common into the culvert. For example, the government set woven (NGO) this


毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译 2013届 译文一:建立一个品牌必须做对的一件事 译文二:如何建立一个有效的社会化媒体品牌

THE ONE THING YOU MUST GET RIGHT WHEN BUILDING A BRAND Patrick Barwise and Sean Meehan Yes, new media give us powerful tools and speed—but that’s not enough. As usual, marketers are turning hype into hyperventilation. This time, it’s about the supposed end of marketing as we know it, thanks to the rise of social media and the shift of power to consumers. But it’s wrong to think we’re entering a world in which traditional marketing activities, and brands themselves, will become irrelevant. In fact, the opposite is true. Social media make it more urgent than ever that companies get the basics right, developing and reliably delivering on a compelling brand promise. It has always been risky for companies to disappoint customers, at least over the long term. But today the scale and speed of social media can make falling short instantly painful. Consider the internet-fueled backlash against Kryptonite’s expensive but easily picked lock and Dell’s flammable laptops. By the same token, companies that consistently deliver what they promise benefit mightily when social media amplify their reputation. The obvious danger is failing to keep pace with social media developments. But an equal, less obvious danger is getting distracted by them and losing sight of the fundamentals. We’ve long worked on marketing strategy with companies across industries; over the past 15 years we’ve focused on new media, and recently on social media marketing. And we’ve been directly involved in successful new-media start-ups, including one specializing in customer advisory panels and online brand communities. Our conclusion? The companies that will succeed in this environment are exploiting the many opportunities presented by social media while keeping an unwavering eye on their brand promise, and they are judiciously revising the marketing playbook rather than trying to rewrite it. Leverage social media Most companies have cottoned on to social media as tools for engagement and collaboration. Marketers at leading companies have created lively exchanges with and among customers on sites such as OPEN Forum(American Express), https://www.360docs.net/doc/fc19242968.html,(Procter& Gamble), myPlanNet(Cisco), and Fiesta Movement(Ford), tapping into participants’ expertise


关于新媒体的外文文献 With the emergence of new media, people can now connect with each other more easily than ever before. In recent years, the internet has become the most powerful tool for communication and information sharing. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have transformed the way we interact with each other. This paper will provide an overview of the impact of new media on society. Firstly, new media has revolutionized the way we access information. The internet has become the most popular platform for accessing information, and search engines like Google have made it easy to find information on any topic. Social media has also played a significant role in the dissemination of news and information. Through social media, individuals can share news, opinions, and updates with their friends and followers. The ability to share information quickly and easily has made it easier for people to stay informed. Secondly, new media has changed the way we communicate. Social media has made it easier for people to connect with each other, regardless of their location. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have become the primary way for people to communicate with their friends, family, and colleagues. These platforms have also made it easier for people to meet and socialize with new people, creating new opportunities for social interaction. Thirdly, new media has affected the way businesses operate. The rise of e-commerce has made it easier for


微信营销中英文对照外文翻译文献 现状: 微信营销是一种新兴的营销方式,迅速成为品牌制造商除官方微博外的另一种互联网营销热点。自2012年8月18日微 信公众平台正式推出以来,媒体、品牌和名人使用更多的方法向粉丝推送各种信息,越来越多的微信营销效果不可忽视。微信营销逐渐传播到国内行业销售领域,并在改变现有营销模式方面发挥着重要作用。本文是对前人相关微信营销研究的总结,通过分析、总结学者们的微信营销研究,概括了微信营销模式的优缺点、微信营销前景、存在的问题和对策,并提出了思路方向。 主题 1.微信营销模式的诞生 In recent years。XXX。they are still XXX face risks in the marketing process。the associated costs increaseXXX。XXX greater returns on sales with small XXX mode。The main way XXX is through a nal code。The emergence of this code has been a XXX enterprises。both domestic and nal。and has XXX to the

development of the marketing and media XXX's increasingly competitive market。many enterprises are using WeChat's nal code。which offers a low-cost。quick ork marketing mode. From a WeChat business perspective。dealers XXX into the platform to XXX n。industry n。business activities。the official website。XXX their business。build their brand。and push n to customers. WeChat marketing has four main modes: LBS+ "nearby" n。O2O+ "nal code scanning" n。WeChat public platform+ "circle of friends" new features。XXX。open up new sales channels。boost brand virality。create new modes of enterprise n。XXX. Zhang Li (2013) analyzed the use of XXX different enterprises with different products and services should adopt different marketing methods when using WeChat。For example。dining。entertainment。and other closely related enterprises should use O2O+ and nal code XXX is cost-effective and has the potential to attract XXX.


新媒体社交媒体营销外文翻译文献 本文旨在介绍新媒体和社交媒体在营销中的 重要性和潜力,并概述外文翻译文献的主要内容。 新媒体营销是指在社交媒体平台上进行市场 营销的方法和策略。它利用社交媒体平台的特点 和功能,以吸引和与目标受众进行互动,从而推 广和销售产品或服务。 新媒体营销的目标是提高品牌的知名度和曝光度,增加客户群 体和潜在客户,促进销售和业务增长。通过在社交媒体上建立品牌 形象、发布有吸引力的内容、与用户互动和建立信任关系等手段, 新媒体营销可以有效地吸引目标受众的注意力并激发他们的兴趣, 进而促成购买行为。 新媒体营销的特点在于其互动性、即时性和广泛性。与传统的 市场营销方式相比,新媒体营销能够实时与用户进行互动,即时获 得用户反馈,以及通过社交媒体平台的广泛传播效应,将品牌和产 品信息快速传播到大量的目标受众中。

在社交媒体平台上进行新媒体营销的方法和策略包括但不限于:建立和管理企业官方社交媒体账号,制定具体的社交媒体营销计划,发布优质的内容,加强品牌形象宣传,与用户进行互动和回应,跟 踪并分析社交媒体数据,不断改进和调整营销策略等。 综上所述,新媒体营销在社交媒体平台上的定义与特点包括利 用社交媒体平台进行市场营销,提高品牌曝光度和知名度,吸引目 标受众的注意力,促进销售和业务增长,以及具有互动性、即时性 和广泛性等特点。 该外文翻译文献总结了对新媒体社交媒体营 销的讨论,并归纳了一些关键观点和研究结果。文献中提到的一些重要概念、案例研究和最佳实践对于了解和应用社交媒体营销非常有帮助。 请注意,由于语言上的简洁性要求,文献的具体内容在此并未 详细概述。建议您根据文献中提到的关键观点和研究结果进一步深 入研究和了解新媒体社交媒体营销的相关内容。 文献内容的具体摘要请参考原文翻译文献。 文献内容的具体摘要请参考原文翻译文献。


一、概述 新媒体产品在当今社会中扮演着越来越重要的角色,它们通过互联网 和移动通信技术,为用户提供了全新的信息获取、交流和娱乐方式。 然而,针对新媒体产品受众的研究仍然是一个热门话题,因为理解受 众的需求和行为对于新媒体产品的设计、推广和运营至关重要。本文 将梳理和分析关于新媒体产品受众的相关参考文献,旨在为研究者和 从业者提供参考和借鉴。 二、关于新媒体产品受众的现状调查 1. Smith, A. (2018). Understanding Digital News Audiences: The Implications for News Outlets. 在这篇研究中,作者通过调查和分析数字新闻受众的行为和需求,发 现了他们在不同评台上获取新闻信息的偏好、互动模式和付费意愿。 这对于新闻机构在推出数字产品和商业模式方面提供了有益的启示。 2. Wang, Y. (2019). Understanding Social Media Users: A Comprehensive Review. 作者通过总结各种研究,万钧社交媒体用户的特征、行为和心理状态,以及他们对于社交媒体评台和内容的期望和需求。这对于社交媒体评

台和品牌在用户体验和内容创作方面具有重要的指导意义。 三、新媒体产品受众需求分析 1. Kim, S. (2017). Understanding the Needs of Mobile Gaming Users. 这篇研究聚焦于移动游戏用户的需求和行为,发现了用户对于游戏品质、社交功能和付费模式的关键关注点,为游戏开发和运营提供了有益的启示。 2. Li, H. (2016). Understanding Video Streaming Audiences: Implications for OTT Platforms. 作者对于上线视瓶流媒体用户的需求进行了深入研究,发现了他们在内容选择、观看环境和付费意愿上的变化和偏好,从而为OTT(over-the-top)评台的运营和内容策略提供了重要的参考。 四、新媒体产品受众行为分析 1. Liu, J. (2018). Understanding Emerce Consumers: A Meta-Analysis.


新媒体对社会经济发展的参考文献 一、概述 随着科技的不断进步和信息产业的飞速发展,新媒体已经成为了人们获取信息、交流思想、参与社会活动的重要评台。在这个信息爆炸的时代,新媒体以其高效、及时、全面的特点,对社会经济发展产生了深远的影响。本文将从各个角度探讨新媒体对社会经济发展的作用,并列举相关参考文献,为读者提供更深入的了解和研究。 二、新媒体对商业发展的影响 1. 参考文献1:《新媒体时代背景下商业传播模式的创新与发展》这篇文献从新媒体时代的背景出发,分析了新媒体对商业传播模式的创新和发展的影响。通过对新媒体特点和商业传播模式的关系进行深入剖析,为读者提供了丰富的理论知识和实践经验。 2. 参考文献2:《社交媒体营销对品牌忠诚度的影响研究》 这篇文献围绕社交媒体营销对品牌忠诚度的影响展开研究,通过实证分析和案例研究,探讨了新媒体时代下的品牌营销策略,为商业发展提供了宝贵的经验借鉴。 三、新媒体对传统媒体的冲击与整合 3. 参考文献3:《新媒体对传统媒体传播格局的冲击与整合》 本文通过对新媒体对传统媒体传播格局的冲击与整合进行深入研究,

探讨了新媒体对传统媒体产业链、用户需求、传播渠道等方面的影响,为传统媒体转型升级提供了新思路。 四、新媒体对文化创意产业的推动作用 4. 参考文献4:《数字化时代下新媒体对文化创意产业的影响》 这篇文献通过对数字化时代下新媒体对文化创意产业的影响进行细致 分析,挖掘了新媒体对文化创意产业的推动作用,为文化产业的发展 提供了理论支撑和实践指导。 五、新媒体对政府治理与公共服务的影响 5. 参考文献5:《新媒体对政府治理与公共服务的影响研究》 本文通过对新媒体对政府治理与公共服务的影响进行案例分析和调研,探讨了新媒体在政务信息公开、民意表达、公共服务等方面的作用, 为政府机构和公共服务部门提供了指导意见和建议。 六、结论 新媒体作为当今社会的重要组成部分,对社会经济发展产生了广泛而 深刻的影响。本文列举的参考文献对新媒体在商业、传统媒体、文化 产业、政府治理等方面的作用进行了全面深入的研究,为读者提供了 丰富的理论和实践资料,为新媒体的进一步发展和社会经济的持续增 长提供了有益的借鉴和指导。希望本文所列参考文献能够为广大研究 者和从业者提供帮助,促进新媒体的健康发展和社会经济的可持续发展。七、新媒体对教育行业的影响与挑战


新媒体研究梳理 关键词:西方当代新媒体研究梳理 数字化、计算机等技术进行的一系列新媒体实践的迅速发展。一时间,“新媒体”及其相关话题成为了21世纪的新热点。新媒体不仅是一次传播方式的巨大变革或者经济意义上的新商机,更重要的是,它以一种前所未有的全新媒介实践方式介入了人们的日常生活,对人们关于世界和生活的认知产生影响。 国外研究者通常将研究聚焦在新媒体的社会功能上,更多地关注于其所具有的超越技术层面的文化力量及历史影响力。因此,在西方学者眼里,新媒体并不是简单的传媒生态中的技术革新,他们对于新媒体的考察是回到其所处的社会与历史的进程中去,在文化的维度之下对其进行解读和研究。 西方新媒体研究的意义 新媒体(new media)一词最早出现在20世纪90年代中期。从技术的层面来说,新媒体主要是指计算机技术及网络(主要是internet)为媒介方式的传播媒介形式。新媒体的出现迅速抢占了之前多媒体(multimedia)概念在商业及艺术领域中的位置,取而代之成为新一轮“信息浪潮”的先驱,并继而在全球化过程中形成了广泛的影响。 伴随着“新媒体”一词出现的不仅仅是一种新的媒介技术和形式,同时新媒体也代表着西方学者对媒体的一种反思。与之前的各种媒

体不同的是,新媒体与之前媒体的兼容性相比更具有一种颠覆性的力量,它之所以“新”很大程度上是对之前的媒体形式宣告了其“死亡”或者“陈旧”。无论是从新媒体的形式还是内容而言,都具有传统媒体所不具有的不可替代性,这种不可替代性一方面体现在计算机及网络技术是传统媒体所不曾具有的内在物质与技术基础;另一方面体现在新媒体对于人们的认知方式、日常生活体验及交流上所产生的影响是前所未有的。 若对新媒体进行进一步深入的考察,我们不得不提出疑问:“新媒体为什么称之为‘新’媒体?”。对该问题的追问是对新媒体概念的进一步确认同时也是对新媒体研究领域及内在逻辑的一种划定。 首先,新媒体的“新”体现在与之前媒体的社会功能的兼容性相比更具有颠覆性的一种表现。从麦克卢汉提出“媒介即讯息”的20世纪60年代开始,媒介的“新”或“旧”就成为一种相对。新媒体从技术层面是对之前媒体的一种超越,同时新媒体对受众的影响、对交流方式的改变都是前所未有。 其次,新媒体的“新”还体现在一种流质的互动性关系上。新媒体尽管很大程度上依赖于数字技术,但是数字技术并不可能直接导向一种新媒体。媒体作为一种文化形式与实践活动,已经超出了技术所能发挥作用的范围,更多的是一种离散性的互动交流模式,与它所依赖的信息一样具有独立性的分流形式。
