

Unit 1 A Working Community

1. This is a fairly new subdivision of our economy ,and yet he finds his sense of place in it.


2.None of us, mind you, was born into these communities.


3.Yet it seems that more and more of us are identified by work these days, rather than by street.


4. and many of us, without small children as icebreakers, would have trouble naming all the people on our street.


5.It‘s not that we are more isolated today. It‘s that many of us have transferred a chunk of our friendships, a major portion of our everyday social lives, from home to office.


6.The kaffeeklatsch of the fifties is the coffee break of the eighties.


7. It‘s not surprising that when researchers ask Americans what they like best about work,they say it is ―the shmoose factor.‖


8. We assume that we have something ―in common‖ with other teachers, nurses, city planners.


9.We have replaced ethnic identity with professional identity, the way we replaced neighborhood with the workplace.


10. People who move from city to city seem to put roots into their professions.


11.I don‘t think that there is anything massively disruptive about this shifting sense of community. 我并不认为这种社区概念的变迁会造成大面积的混乱

12.The balance has tipped, and we seem increasingly dependent on work for our sense of self.


13.Selfworth isn‘t just something to measure in the marketplace.


Unit 3 Help Yourself through the Hard Times

1、Some years ago I had what most would call the American Dream:


2、Months of murderous interest payment gobbled up my savings. I couldn‘t make ends meet and

lay awake nights in a cold sweat.

连续几个月支付要命的利息,耗尽了我的积蓄。我入不敷出,经常彻夜无眠,一身冷汗。3、With no idea what to do next, I resolved literally to ―sail off into the sunset,‖ following the coastline from Connecticut to Florida.


4、From that moment, I knew I had to see things through.


5、―It‘s your desert experience‘-a time of feeling barren of options, even hope,‖


6、―The important thing is not to allow yourself to be stranded in the desert.‖


7、―Tears aren‘t a sign that you‘re simply feeling sorry for yourself but are expression of sadness or emotion that must find an outlet.‖―眼泪并不意味着你仅仅自我垂怜,而是表达必须发泄的忧伤或情感‖。

8、And it doesn‘t matter if the grieving takes a while to surface, as long as it finally finds expression.

如果悲痛需要一段时间才能表现出来,也没有什么关系,只要它能最终找到表现的方式。9、a ―first-line defense that shields the consciousness from some extremely unpleasant reality.‖ Kelb couldn‘t begin her healing process until nature had allowed her time to sort out her tragedy.


10、She reeled at the thought of her imminent death, and withdrew.


11、Her anger, formerly crippling now sparked her. It helped see her through a harrowing, but ultimately successful, bone-marrow transplant.


12、Another obstacle on the road to health after a significant loss can be denial.


13、The man who rarely touched a drink will begin hitting the bottle.


14、―It was like I‘d run into a brick wall and my whole life had been shattered,‖


15、Admitting failure was the toughest part but I had to before I could get on with my life.


16、I urge people recovering from loss to get back into a routine,


17、The idea that there are things to look forward to reinforces that you are forging ahead into a fresh future.


18、Exercise gets you out of your head and your troubles.


19、Experts resist being pinned down to time frames.


20、I‘m still here, I‘ve made it this far!


21、Sailing is a slow business. I made it to Florida in five weeks.


Unit 4 What Is Happiness?

1、Jonathan Swift seemed to being w elldeceived.‖ The felicty of being ―a fool among knaves.‖


2、It is, of course, un-American to think in terms of fools and knaves. We do, however, seem to be dedicated to the idea of buying our way to happiness. We shall all have made it to heaven when we possess enough.


3、There were calling upon Americans, as an act approaching patriotism, to buy at once.


4、Once past the vaguely uplifting fiction and feature articles, the reader finds the other face of the dream in the back matter.


5、The idea ―happiness,‖ to be sure, will not sit still for easy definition: the best on e can do is to try to set some extremes to the idea and then work in toward the middle.


6、Contemplation is his joy and he achieves it through afantastically demanding discipline, the accomplishment of which is itself a joy within him.


7、Yet these extremes will still serve to frame the area within all of us and must find some sort of balance. Thoreau-a creature of both Eastern and Western thought-had his own firm sense of that balance.


8、The active discipline of heightening one‘s perception of what is enduring in nature would have been his idea of the high.


9、There is no happiness except as we take on life-engaging difficulties.


10、Happiness is never more than partial.


11、What they might have underlined,could they haveforeseen the happiness market, is the cardinal fact that happiness is in the pursuit itself, in the meaningful pursuit of what is life-engaging and

life-revealing, which is to say, in the idea of becoming.

假如他们当初预见到现在出现的幸福市场,他们就会强调指出这样一个基本事实:幸福在于为之奋斗的过程,在于我们终生为之努力并从中获得启迪的事业,也就是说在于追求。12、But drop any real spiritual capital at those bazaars, and what you come to will be your own poorhouse.


Unit 8 Europeans Just Want to Have Fun

1、Walking across Boulevard St. Michel in Paris, on the night before Bastille Day I bumped into an old friend-an American who has lived in the city for 25 years-who told me he was taking up the tango. When I asked him why, he suggested I take a stroll along the Left Bank of the Seine, opposite Ile St. Louis and so of course I did.


2、It was one big party. A drop-dead-gorgeous crowd was tangoing away in a makeshift, open-air amphitheater. Nearby a multiethnic group was doing the meringue. Hundreds of others were tucking into picnics by the river as a full moon rose in a cloudless sky. Much later that night, after a perfect fish soup in the Place des V osges I walked into the narrow passages of the Marais District and stumbled upon an impromptu block party. Someone had set up a sound systom on the sidewalk, and the street was packed with people-straight and gay, young and old, black and white-dancing to salsa.


3、Europe is enjoying itself. O.K. in late July, it always does. The weekend I was in Paris, an estimated 500,000 kids descended on Berlin for the annual Love Parade, a carnaival of techno music,dope and sex. Meanwhile, tens of thousands of families started their treks from the damp north of the Gontinent to their vacation homes in the warm south. But even when the sun isn‘t shining, Europeans seem to eb throwing themselves into fun and festivity with unprecedented zeal. Each weekend, central London is one great bacchanal Cities that for reasons of politics or religion were once gloomily repressive-Madrid, say, or Dublin- now rock to the small hours. In Prague the foreign visitors who get talked about are not the earnest young Americans who flocked there in the early 1990s, but British partygoers who have flown in for the cheap beer and pretty girls. The place that British historian Mazower once called the true dark continent- and from whose curdled soul the horrors of fascism sprang- has become Europa ludens, a community at play.



4、Funny. This is how the U.S. was supposed to be. In a famous series of essays collected in his 1976 book, The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism, Daniel Bell noted how the decline of the Protestant small- town ethic had unhinged American capitalism from its moral foundation of capitalism (had ) become hedonism, the idea of please as a way of life.‖ In a 1969 cover story titled ―California: A State of Excitement,‖ Time reported that, as most Americans saw it, ―the good, godless,gregarious pursuit of pleasure is what California is all about…. ?I have seen the future,‘ says the newly returned visitor to California, ?and it plays.‘‖


5、But the American future didn‘t turn out as we expected. While Europeans cut the hours they spend at the office or factory-in France it is illegal to work more than35 hours a week-and lengthened their vacations, Americans were concluding that you could be happy only if you work hard and play hard. So they began to stay at their jobs longer than ever and then, in jam-packed weekends at places like the Haptons on Long Island, invented the uniquely American concept of scheduled joy, filling a day off with one appointment after another, as if were no different from one at the office. American conservatives, meanwhile, came to believe that European‘s desire to devote themselves to the pleasures of life and-the shame of it-six weeks annual vacation was evidence of a lack of seriousness and would, in any event, end in economic tears.


6、Why do Europeans and Amerians differ so much in their attitude toward work and leisure?I can think of two reasons. First, the crowed confines of Western Europe and the expansive space of North Amerians value stuff-SUVs, 7,000-sq.-ft. house-more than they value time, while for Europeans it‘s the opposite. Second, as Bell predicted, America‘s sense of itself as a religious nation has revived. At least in the puritanical version of Christianity that has always appealed to Americans, religion comes packaged with the stern message that hard work is good for the soul. Modern Europe has avoided so melancholy a lesson.


7、Whatever the explanation, the idea of a work-life balance is a staple of European discourse, studied in think tanks mulled over by policymakers. In the U.S., the term, when it‘s used at all, is said with the sort of sneer reserved for those who eat quiche. But it might still catch on. When Bill Keller was named executive editor of the New York Times, he encouraged the staff to do ―a little more savoring‖of life, spending time with their families or viewing art.


8、Even better, they could take up the tango. 还有更好的呢,他们还能跳跳探戈。

Unit one

1. The restaurant industry has one thing in common with the film industry: the high failure rate


2. His greatness lies in his outstanding ability to connect the qualities of a scientist with those of an industrialist.


3. We have replaced ethnic identity with professional identity, the way we replaced neighborhoods with the workplace, which is quite obvious among the mobile professions.



4. Plainly, in any large enterprise the boss cannot be directly involved in everything, and some means have to be found to transfer his belief to others.



5. No one was willing to experience the feeling of being out of control and dependent on someone else‘s approval, at someone else‘s mercy.


Unit three

1. 当一个人处于―经历中的沙漠‖——一段感到毫无出路、甚至毫无希望的时期,最重要的是不要让自己陷入荒漠之中无法自拔。

When someone is in ―desert of experience‖— a period of feeling barren of options, even hope, the most important thing is not to allow himself to be stranded in the desert.


With financial resources exhausted and the pressure of a big family to support, Jimmy wanted to escape at first but finally his courage and good humor saw him through.


Someone believes that it is never too late to embark on a new career in any period of life.


What makes sense is to face the challenge rather than run away from the troubles after suffering a significant loss.


With the small income from her restaurant job, Mary could barely make ends meet.

Unit four


In modern society, advertising has become one modern form of expression almost completely dedicated to depicting happiness.


Lectures will never entirely disappear from the university scene, because they spring from a long tradition in a setting that rightly values tradition for its own sake.

3.这对夫妻永远体会不到做父母的乐趣, 除非他们有了自己的孩子。

Short of having their own children, the couple can never experience the pleasure of being parents.

4.他把别人的成功看成是一种挑战、一种动力。他不断告诉自己他应该比别人做得更好。He takes other‘s success as a kind of challenge and motivation. He keeps telling himself that he


If fun and pleasure are equated with happiness, then pain must be equated with unhappiness. The truth is that things that lead to happiness involve some pain.

Unit eight

1.现在人们谈论的不再是如何享受校园生活,而是怎样发表论文,怎样找到一份好工作。Nowadays what get talked about is not how to enjoy life on the campus, but how to have a paper published, or how to find a good job.


Campus life is supposed to be happy and relaxed, full of fun activities, but my life is under great pressure.


If you‘re still wondering what this internship program is all about, check out the company website, 4.很多年轻人相信,一个人只有拼命工作,疯狂玩乐,才会幸福。

Many young people believe that one could be happy only if one work hard and play hard.


My new life as a postgraduate student didn‘t quite turn out as I hoped, but I tried to adapt myself to Unit ten

1. 我们应该常常回顾过去,让过去的经验为我买你提供指导,这样我们就不会再重复同样的


We shall always look to the past experience for guidance, so that we would not repeat the same mistakes.

2. 一些教育家认为,与严厉的惩罚相比,积极的策略是制止学生考试作弊的更好办法.

Some educators believe that compared with strong sanctions, practive strategies serve as a better way to prevent students from cheating in exams.

3. 为了提高办公室的工作效率,经理决定订购这一套管理软件.

The manager decided to subscribe to the management software to improve the efficiency of the office.

4. 我想弄清试卷上这些英语单词的意思,但没能成功,所以我忍不住偷偷看了看电子词典.

I tried to make sense of these English words in the test paper, but in vain, so I took a peep at my


If these new methods don‘t work, we‘ll have to fall back on our old system.


1. The company has planned to strengthen its corporate identity .

2. The results of this survey demonstrate clearly the fact that younger people are the most mobile.

3. More than 100 development groups throughout the world are working on the technology, many of them attempting to update old designs to work with modern engines.

4. But to ignore the evidence of differences in performance between gender or ethnic groups can lead to unjust treatment of individuals.

5. I am pleased with the progress to date and I believe that you are not finding the process too disruptive .

6. The markets are smart enough to guests when a realignment is coming.

7. You simply cannot assume that because the report has been well received that it will

8. Academic qualifications cannot be the only criteria in judging a person.

9. If difficulties do arise during your time abroad, you may feel isolate _ and vulnerable to pressure both from local management and head office.

10. Many museums employ_ specialists to offer teachers sample worksheets.

1. The country is heavily dependent on its oil exports. reliant on

2. An alternative approach is to define words according to the sentence contexts in which they occur. explain

3. A second hospital has been accused of mixing up a baby‘s name tag, making the mother fear she had the wrong child. label

4. The director will have to shift his roles and expectations when he‘s asked by the rest of the


5. Japanese computer makers are turning to scientists overseas to help them develop software and applications for massively parallel supercomputers. immensely

6. There is also evidence that younger people expect to transfer the source of their main emotional support to their spouse when they marry. move ... to

7. Psychometric tests which attempt to measure students‘ ability to use the library have been


8. Consequently, the neighborhood they live in, the interests they have, the lifestyle of their friends

residential district

9. The aim is to help participants identify their own learning needs in this area and then to suggest ways in which they can increase their knowledge. recognize

10. As we shall see later, they have been one of the factors that have helped to tip the economic

balance firmly against the nuclear option. tilt


I remember viewing half a dozen men in a chair factory whose job was to bend several pieces of steel and attach them so that a folding chair would result. The men knew they were good. When I talked with them, each expressed enormous pride in being a part of the fastest, best team. And this sense of belonging to an accomplished work group is one of the distinctive satisfactions of the world of work .

Unlike many other aspects of life, relationships among people at work tend to be simpler, less complicated, somewhat less emotional. This is not to say there aren‘t arguments and jealousies, but, on the whole , behavioral research discloses that 8) human relations at work are just easier, perhaps because they are more regular and predictable and thus simpler to adjust to than the sporadic, the more intense and less regular relationships in the community. And the work group also gently pressures its members to learn how to adjust to one another so that the ―rough edges‖ are worked off because people know they must do certain things with and through one another each day.

Beyond the team and the work group, there is the organization, whether it be company or hospital or university. The same pride in being part of a well-coordinated, successful unit is derived from being part of a larger collectivity.

Working for a company that is thought of as being part of the best in the community can provide employees with both status and self-confidence. They assume, usually with good reasons, that others regard them more highly , even envy them, and that they are more competent than the average because of this association with a ―winner,‖ a pre stigious institution. Unit 3

A.1. As house prices plummet , the new breed of renters escape the danger of falling into debt traps and save their spare cash for the future.

2. Nothing could daunt me and I talked to everyone with the same message: ―Cance r was absolutely great because it put you in touch with yourself and the world‖.

3. The 19-year-old model Saffron Domini needed little persuasion to appear in a harrowing

film about racism and violence.

4. Carefree and full of youthful enthusiasm, his happy disposition attracted whites and Indians alike.

5. In British political life of the previous twenty years, latent anti-Jewish feeling had been apt to surface _ in response to particular events.

6. With standards often being poor, unregulated, and uncontrolled, disaster seems imminent .

7. After walking for an hour, she wasn‘t sweating, but there was a pleasurable sense of _ exertion .

8. Particularly worrisome were the fruit drinks, which projected a wholesome image while containing sugar in some form or another.

9. With the rising tide and bad conditions it was possible that the stranded man might not survive until the lifeboat arrived.

10. One study estimates that the headquarters and related functions of big American companies gobble up almost a fifth of their annual profits.

1. With a(n) thriving network of committees, sports clubs and societies, each student is encouraged to play a full part in this aspect of student life.

2. They may pick up ideas almost at random from skimming journals, ideas that may_ spark _ new trains of thought or fruitful new cross-connections.

3. Being a good listener is not only useful because you will hear what others miss, but you will find that people will tell you things that they shield from others.

4. What right did he have to come back into her life like this, trying to shatter it into small pieces that couldn‘t be put back together for a second time?

5. In many areas local services were provided by numerous different authorities, which often gave rise to acute co-ordination problems.

6. The awful truth that he was suffering from lung cancer dawned on him, though his family members tried very hard to keep the secret.

7. I suppose yoga enthusiasts would find it painless, but for most of us an hour spent in this position was a(n) ordeal .

8. But rules that strengthen banks in good times can cripple them in recessions.

9. There are few more barren places on earth than the plains surrounding a volcano in the aftermath of its eruption.

10. The minds of many of these young offenders appear to have been numbed by greed and indifference to violence.


Everyone wants to be successful in life, but where are the keys to success? When we begin to examine life, we can see that it is divided into two aspects — life within and life without; internal life and external life — and we can see that these aspects are of equal importance. Even one who has renounced the world has to understand the word relationship properly, because life itself is actually relationship. The body is related to the breath, and the breath is related to the mind. The body, breath, senses, and mind all function together as a unit. So life virtually means relationship, and thus the art of living and being requires an understanding_ of one‘s relationship to the external world and the relationships within oneself .

All human beings have inner potentials, but many people are not aware 10) of those potentials and do not know how to use them to have a successful life. Those who are not happy internally can never be happy externally; those who are not happy within themselves can never make others happy. Those who do not love themselves can never love others.

If we are not happy, how can we be successful in life? Success lies in our happiness. The keys to happiness lie within us, but our modern education does not teach us how to find them. It is helpful to have a few formulas to practice in daily life to make it more successful. They are derived from observations based on experience. There are five points to remember: first, how to decide things on time; second, how to study personal habit patterns; third, how to conduct ourselves in the external world; fourth, what attitude to take; fifth, where to find happiness. To attain success in life, one should learn and apply these five points.

Unit 4

1. His way of staying sane was to compose poems in classical Chinese which he somehow kept with him.

2. The children‘s insatiable curiosity will be satisfied one way or the other, as there are plenty of museums, libraries and children‘s palaces in the city.

3. Examination of the theory which purport to provide an answer to this question is nonetheless important for a number of reasons.

4. It is impossible to forget the uplifting speech that the president gave at the commencement ceremony.

5. The athlete, a devout Christian, like his parents, died in 1945 in a Japanese internment camp in Shandong province.

6. The picture drawn is a static one, and it has been unable to provide a convincing account of

7. The choice of players for the team seemed completely arbitrary .

8. He listened in rapt concentration as Mr. Mercer described how one soldier shot off his leg and threatened to kill him until he shouted back at him.

9. Respect for life is a cardinal principle of English law.

10. Building a home is a more demanding business compared with buying one.

1. Her reputation suffered a mortal blow as the result of the scandal.

2. In explaining this situation, it might be possible to point to sources inherent to the nation: its culture, mentality, religions, or geography.

3. His perceptual difficulties may make it impossible for him to recognize you and his family.

4. He had never previously thought of himself as acquisitive or even as particularly materialistic.

5. Like a dreamer, the young artist is absorbed in contemplation of something outside himself and does not identify with it.

6. The club, where I am staying, releases forgotten gusts of memory, like those lilies which only _ _ exhale their sweet perfume at night.

7. If it is a technique which works for you then, use it by all means .

8. You would take on some responsibility immediately for particular areas and additional responsibilities are available to those with the ability and enthusiasm to undertake.

9. This raises the question whether the education of children in rural communities is prejudiced by the imposition of a curriculum devised for urban conditions.

10. The weak point in the school is due to the_ folly of parents who remove their sons from the school at too early an age.


Happiness is basically a state of mind. Happiness depends 1) more on one‘s disposition and outlook. Only 2) by connecting to your real identity, deeper than merely the body and 3) mind , can one reach real happiness because that is where such happiness is always 4) found . In this way, very little is needed to have a happy life. It is all within 5) yourself. Thus, we can attain a state of being satisfied 6) with what we have without being anxious to attain all our temporal desires, without 7) worrying about the future, and without concerning ourselves with 8) unnecessary hopes and fears. When you are really and naturally happy from within, 9)everything else that you accomplish can be viewed as icing on the cake, an extra sweetness to life. But such external activities are not where true happiness 10) lies .

The only 11) reason why people cannot attain their inward spiritual bliss right here and now is because they put too much 12) focus on their external situation and what they feel they need and how to get it. Or they focus on the 13) problems that they think they have. Actually, what people need to be happy is 14) right inside them, at all times, 15) regardless of whatever trials and challenges may happen outside and 16) around them. As I‘ve always said, it is not what 17)

happens to you, but it is how you perceive it and how you 18) react or respond to it that makes the difference. We have to understand that happiness and distress is a constant flow in material 19)

life . We are affected by it 20) only if we identify with it. One has to learn to rise above that by connecting with your true self, or higher self. So how do we do that?

Unit 8

1. Slender and graceful in light furs, the model wore a jeweled girdle, fine clothes and a gorgeous hat.

2. During these amazing years of unprecedented expansion, Greater London grew at a much city.

3. Complete your visit with a leisurely stroll around Cardiff Bay and enjoy the remarkable historic buildings and the delightful specialty shops.

4. As a judge who believed that there was either good or evil, with no gray area in between, he was stern with lawbreakers but generous to the poor.

5. The new ruler was condemned for his introduction of a repressive political system that allowed no freedom.

6. The pressure of population growth within the confines of a small island of only 29 square miles led to the development of an innovatory, intensive system based on very effective soil conservation techniques.

7. Then I pretended to notice him for the first time and engaged him in conversation in an _ impromptu manner.

8. Roughly one-half of the world‘s population, including almost all of East and Southeast Asia, depends on rice as its principal staple food.

9. The bank planned to charge card holders a ten-yuan annual fee from next year, which invited strong opposition from its customers.

10. Intrinsically motivating activities are those in which people will engage for no reward other than the interest and enjoyment that accompanies them.

1. While the new college was being built in Oxford Street, the students worked in a makeshift laboratory in apartments rented in a nearby street. temporary

2. He has great zeal for nature and dreams to be a biologist when he grows up. eagerness

3. It is only when foreign brands land on our doorsteps and people flock to buy them that the local manufacturers will respond to the competitive threat. gather

4. She refused to travel abroad unless accompanied by massive quantities of prescribed drugs because she could only survive the small hours by swallowing incautious numbers of sleeping tablets. the early morning

5. Nearly everyone had a very positive outlook and the plans for action to revive the area were discussed. revitalize

6. When she stayed away from him, he would wander out into the stony streets, hoping to bump into her, to glimpse her sitting in a bar or on a park bench. run into

7. Many Fine Art graduates take up professional practice as artists, and this course encourages them to consider their role as artists in the community by providing opportunities for short-term placements outside the Faculty. adopt

8. I was in some doubt as to whether the Corporal had stumbled upon us accidentally on his way out of the town. bumped into

9. She took the report, went out into the department and threw herself into her work with

tight-lipped determination. busied herself with

10. The statement said the people of Srebrenica appealed to the presidents of the United States and France to help halt the offensive. urged


Japan‘s rise from the devastation of World War II to economic prominence was not without human cost. People cannot work for ten or twelve hours a day six and seven days a week, year after year, without suffering 1)_physically_ as well as mentally. But during the first three postwar decades no one paid any special 2) _attention_ to the larger than usual number of men in their 40s and 50s who died of brain and heart ailments. It was not 3) _until_ the latter part of the 1980s, when several high-ranking business executives who were still in their 4) _prime_ years suddenly died without any previous sign of 5)_illness_ , that the news media began picking up on what appeared to be a new phenomenon.

This new phenomenon was quickly 6)_labeled_ karoshi, or ―death from overwork‖, and once it had a name and its symptoms were broadcast far and wide, it just as quickly became obvious that Japan was 7)_experiencing_ a virtual epidemic. It is 8)_estimated_ in 1990 that over 10,000 people were dying each year from overwork.

A recognized authority on karoshi says that most of the victims of death from 9)_overwork_ had been putting in more than one hundred hours of 10)_overtime_ each. He said the 11)_victims_ did not receive any overtime pay for their 12)_extra_ work, but were members of the élite managerial class who 13)_worked_ themselves to death ―out of a samurai-like pride‖.

Because of 14)_peer_ pressure to keep up with 15)_co-workers_, out-do competing groups and 16)_increase_ market-share at the expense of competitors, hundreds of thousand of Japanese managers are 17)_caught_ up in a vortex(漩涡)of psychological pressure that forces them to work 18)_at_ a frenzied pace.

After years of such 19)_intense_ over-work, most managers find that they cannot 20)_rest_ even when they do take time off. They are so wound up that not working leaves them disoriented and suffering from serious stress.

Unit 10

1. To most women, diamond is an irresistible _temptation_.

2. Don‘t worry. Even if the road is cut off by snow, we have _sufficient_ food to last a week.

3. Much should be taken into consideration when one _budgets_ for a research project.

4. People doubt whether prison is the best _sanction_ against a crime like this throughout the country.

5. I don‘t think he is qualified for the position. He _panics_ easily and is therefore useless in an emergency.

6. With a 30-year effort, the company has built a reputation of _innovative_ designs, and quality manufacturing.

7. A _suspected_ kidnapper was caught after a rush-hour police chase along a London Underground tunnel yesterday.

8. Intellectual property rights represent _exclusive_ rights for intellectual wealth created in the field of science, technology, literature and arts.

9. Since there is no better way to evaluate one‘s intellig ence, we have to place our _reliance_ on IQ


10. I hereby _affirm_ that all the information given in this form is true and correct.

1. If someone is honest and firm in his moral principles, he is a man with _ integrity _.

2. The director tried to wave aside these issues. He said they are _ trivial _ details and could be settled later.

3. The symbols and _ notations _ used in this document are essentially those in current use in North America.

4. In China ginger is not only a spice for food but also a _ remedy _ for colds.

5. We can‘t just wait for new technologies to solve our problem. We shall make _ optimal_use of existing technology.

6. I was _ intrigued_ by the report about a new plagiarism detection software.

7. The taxis in this small town have no meters so it is essential to _ negotiate_ the fare before setting off.

8. The organization aims to support projects which _ address_ the issue of campus integrity.

9. You need to _ designate_ someone to take over your affairs while you are in hospital.

10. Using another person‘s phrases or sentences without putting quotation marks around them is considered _ plagiarism_.


Students are getting better and better at cheating, and it‘s time for college faculty and administrators to do something about it. The latest scandal to rock the academic world happened last month at the University of Maryland, where 12 students in the undergraduate business school were 1)_accused_ of using their cell phones and PDAs to cheat on an exam.

Academic cheating has been around ever 2) _since_ the first time a student successfully stole an answer key, or took someone else‘s intellectual 3) _property_ and put their own name on it. What‘s new is how easily students are exploiting 4) _technology_ to get the right answers –– or produce the perfect essay –– without their professors 5)_suspecting_ a thing.

Whether or not it is always 6)_acknowledged_ , students and professors often stand on

7)_opposite_ sides of a digital divide. The current generation of college kids has grown up on

8)_instant_ communication in the form of computers, the Internet and cell phones. They 9)_adapt_ quickly to new technology. Most professors, however, are constantly playing a 10)_catch-up_ game when it comes to technological gadgets.

Sending signals with pencil-tapping or hand gestures used to be the most 11)_sophisticated_ way students could cheat on exams in the classroom. They could also steal answer keys and memorize them in 12)_advance_, or write 13)_answers_ on small pieces of paper and sneak them into the exam room. Now, students have many more 14) _options_ , thanks to the explosion of technology in the past 15)_decade_. Students can 16)_store_ information on their calculators and 17)_access_ them discreetly during tests –– making it more 18)_difficult_ for watchful exam proctors to detect cheating.

The creation of committees to 19)_prevent_ 19 hi-tech academic fraud would help make professors aware of such cheating tools and help college campuses 20) _bridge_ the digital divide between faculty and students. In the meantime, professors and students should work hard to prevent a repeat of what happened at the University of Maryland.


Unit One 核心员工的特征 大卫·G.詹森1核心员工究竟是什么样子的?几乎每次进行调查时,我都会从雇主们那里听到“核心员工”这个名词。我请一位客户——一位正参与研究的人事部经理,给我解释一下。“每家公司都有少数几个这样的员工,在某个专业领域,你可以指望他们把活儿干好。 在我的小组中,有七名化工流程工程师和生物学家,其中有那么两三个人是我赖以生存的,”他说,“他们对我的公司而言不可或缺。当请你们公司替我们招募新人的时候,我们期待你们会去其他公司找这样的人:其他公司经理不想失去的员工。我们只招募核心员工。” 2这是一段充满了鼓动性的谈话,目的是把猎头们派往竞争对手的公司去游说经验丰富的员工们做一次职业变更。他们想从另一家公司招募核心员工。然而,每家公司也从新人中招人。他们要寻找的是完全一样的东西。“我们把他们和公司顶级员工表现出的特质进行对照。假如他们看起来有同样特征的话,我们就在他们身上赌一把。”只是这样有点儿冒险。 3“这是一种有根据的猜测,”我的人事经理客户说。作为未来的一名员工,你的工作是帮助人事部经理降低这种风险,你需要帮助他们认定你有潜力成为一名核心员工。 4特征1:无私的合作者 职业顾问和化学家约翰·费策尔最早提出了这个特征。关于这个特征,人们已经写了大量的文章。它之所以值得被反复谈及,是因为这一特征是学术界和企业间最明显的差别。“这里需要合作,”费策尔说,“企业的环境并不需要单打独斗,争强好胜,所以表现出合作和无私精神的员工就脱颖而出了。在企业环境中,没有这样的思维方式就不可能成功。” 5许多博士后和研究生在进行这种过渡的过程中表现得相当费力。因为生命中有那么长一段时间他们都在扮演一个独立研究者的角色,并且要表现得比其他年轻的优秀人才更出色。你可以藉此提高在公司的吸引力:为追求一个共同的目标和来自其他实验室和学科的科学家们合作——并且为你的个人履历上的内容提供事迹证明。这个方法,加上你在描述业绩时开明地使用代词“我们”,而不是“我”,能使公司对你的看法从“单干户”转变成“合作者”。更为有利的是,要在你实验室内部,以及在和你们实验室合作的人们之间,培养一个良好声誉:一个鼓励并发动合作的人——还要保证让那些会接听调查电话的人们谈及你的这个品质。 6特征2:紧迫感 唐-豪特是一位给aaas.sciencecareers@org 网站论坛频繁写稿的撰稿人。他之前是一名科学家。许多年前他转向了企业,并一直做到高级管理的职位。他在3M公司一个部门负责策略和商业开发工作,这个部门每年上缴的税收高达24亿多美元。他就是一个重视紧迫感的人。 7“一年365天,一周7天,一天24小时,生意始终在进行,那意味着一年365天,一周7天,一天24小时,竞争也同样在进行,”豪特说,“公司取胜的方法之一就是要更快地到达‘目的地’。这就是说,你不仅要把所有能支持公司快速运转的功能都调动起来,而且还得知道如何决定‘目的地’是哪里。这样,不仅对那些行动快速的人们,也对那些思维敏捷,并有勇气按自己的想法行事的人们都提出了要求。这需要全公司各部门的运作,而不仅仅是管理部门的工作。” 8特征3:风险容忍度 企业要求员工能承受风险。“一名求职者需要表现出仅凭不准确、不完整的信息就做出决策的能力。他或她必须能接纳不确定因素并冒着风险做出结论,”一位客户在职业描述中写道。 9豪特赞同这一说法。“商业成功通常有这样一个特质:那就是能接受不确定因素和风险——个人的,组织上的和财务上的。这就让许多科学家感到不适应,因为学术上的成功其实是依靠认真而严谨的研究。更进一步说,伟大的科学常常是由找寻答案的过程和答案本身两者同时来定义的。因此科学家们往往沉迷于过程。在企业里,你需要了解过程,但最终你会迷上答案,然后根据你认为该答案对你的企业所具有的意义来冒风险。像这样敢冒风险是一套技能组合,是所有雇主在他们最好的员工身上所寻找的东西。”


Unit5 An Alpine Divorce 1.John Bodman was a man who was always at one extreme or the other. This probably would have mattered little had he not married a wife whose nature was an exact duplicate of his own. 1约翰?伯德曼是一个常常走极端的人。这本来应该没什么,但可惜,他妻子的性格整个儿是他的翻版。 2.Doubtless there exists in this world precisely the right woman for any given man to marry and vice versa; but when you consider that one human being has the opportunity of being acquainted with only a few hundred people, and out of the few hundred that there are but a dozen or less whom one knows intimately, and out of the dozen, one or two close friends at most, it will easily be seen, when we remember the number of millions who inhabit this world, that probably, since the Earth was created, the right man has never yet met the right woman. The mathematical chances are all against such a meeting, and this is the reason that divorce courts exist. Marriage at best is but a compromise, and if two people happen to be united who are of an uncompromising nature there is bound to be trouble. 2毋庸置疑,对于任何一个男人,这世上总会有一个相当合适的女人能和他成家,反之亦然。但是如果你考虑一下:每个人仅有机会结识几百个人而已,在这几百个人之中熟知的只有那么干几人甚至更少,在这十几个人之中又最多只有一两个知心朋友;别忘了,居住在这世上的人有多少个百万,因此显而易见:自地球存在以来,这合适的男人极有可能从来就没有遇到过他那个合适的女人。。从概率上来讲,这样相遇的机会微乎其微,这也正是离婚法庭存在的原因。婚姻充其量不过是一种妥协,而如果恰好两个个性上互不妥协的人结合了,那就肯定会有麻烦。 3.In the lives of these two young people there was no middle distance. The result was bound to be either love or hate, and in the case of Mr. and Mrs. Bodman it was hate of the most bitter and egotistical kind. 3对于两个这样的年轻人来说,生活没有什么中间点,其结局注定要么是爱,要么是恨,而就伯德曼夫妇而言,他们到头来有的是那种最刻骨、最傲慢的恨。 4.In some parts of the world, incompatibility of temper is considered a just cause for obtaining a divorce, but in England no such subtle distinction is made, and so until the wife became criminal, or the man became both criminal and cruel, these two were linked together by a bond that only death could sever.' Nothing can be worse than this state of things, and the matter was only made the more hopeless by the fact that Mrs. Bodman lived a blameless life, while her husband was no worse than the majority of men. Perhaps, however, that statement held only up to a certain point, for John Bodman had reached a state of mind in which he resolved to get rid of his wife at all hazards. If he had been a poor man he would probably have deserted her, but he was rich, and a man cannot freely leave a prospering business because his domestic life happens not to be happy. 4在这世界上的某些地方,夫妻性情不合就能够成为离婚的正当理由,但是在英格兰,并没有如此微妙的区分,所以除非妻子犯罪,或丈夫犯罪并且为人残暴,否则两者的婚姻关系将一直维系下去,直至死神将他们分开。没有什么比这种事情更糟糕的了,而更令人绝望的是伯德曼太太为人无可厚非,而她丈夫也并不比一般男人差。然而,也许上面的表述只能说在某种程度上是正确的,因为约翰?伯德曼已经忍无可忍,下定决心不管付出什么代价也要摆脱他的妻子。如果他是个穷人,也许他会抛弃她,但是他很富有,而一个人不能因为家庭生活碰巧不幸就轻易放弃一份蒸蒸日上的事业。 5.When a man's mind dwells too much on one subject, no one can tell just how far he will go.

人教版初二英语上课文翻译 (2)

如对您有帮助,请购买打赏,谢谢您! 人教新目标八年级英语上册一单元课文翻译:Unit 1 How often do you exercise? SECTION A 图片周末你通常做什么?我经常去看电影。 1c她在周末做什么?她经常去看电影。 2a你多久看一次电视?每周两次。 2c你多久看一次电视?我每天看电视。你最喜欢什么节目?《动物世界》。你多久看一次?Grammar Focus你周末通常做什么?我通常踢足球。他们周末做什么?他们经常去看电影。他周末做什么?他有时看电视。你多久购物一次?我每月购物一次。程多久看一次电视?他每周看两次电视。 3格林中学学生做什么?大多数学生每周锻炼三或四次。一些学生每周锻炼一两次。一些学生非常活跃,每天都锻炼。至于家庭作业,大多数学生每天都做家庭作业。一些学生每周做三或四次家庭作业。没有学生每周做一两次作业。关于“看电视”的结果很有趣。一些学生每周看一两次电视,一些学生每周看三或四次电视。但大多数学生每天都看电视。 4谁是最好的英语学生?你能做什么来提高你的英语水平?你多久读一次英语书?我每周读两次英语书。 SECTION B 1a垃圾食品牛奶水果蔬菜睡觉咖啡 1b刘芳,你多久喝一次牛奶?我每天喝牛奶。你喜欢牛奶吗?不喜欢,但我妈妈想让我喝。她说牛奶对我的健康有益。 2c你多长时间运动一次?我每天都运动。你多长时间……一次? 3a……但是我非常健康。我每天都锻炼,通常是在我放学回家的时候,我的饮食习惯非常好。我尽量多吃蔬菜。我每天都吃水果,每天都喝牛奶。我从不喝咖啡。当然了,我也喜欢垃圾食品,我每周吃二或三次。噢,还有,我每天晚上都睡九个小时。所以你看,我爱惜我身体。我的健康的生活方式帮助我取得了好的成绩。好的食品加上运动帮助我更好地学习。3b我认为我有点不健康。我几乎不锻炼。我每周吃两次蔬菜,但我从不吃水果。并且我不喜欢喝牛奶。啐!我喜欢垃圾食品,每周吃三到四次。我也喜欢喝咖啡。因此或许我不是很健康,尽管我拥有一个健康的习惯。我每天晚上都睡九个小时。 4 你多久吃一次蔬菜?你做什么运动?玛丽亚每天锻炼。她喜欢玩…… SELF CHECK 1妈妈想让我六点起床跟她一起打乒乓球。爷爷十分健康因为他每天都锻炼。大量的蔬菜帮助你保持健康。你必须得尽量少吃肉。你有健康的生活方式吗? Just for fun你健康吗?噢,我很健康。你最喜欢的运动是什么?我喜欢打篮球。哇! 二单元 SECTION A 图片怎么了?我感冒了。怎么了?我胃痛。我背痛。 1c怎么啦?我喉咙痛。 2a 1.发烧—d.多喝水2.喉咙痛—b.加蜂蜜的热茶 3.胃痛—a.躺下休息 4.牙痛——c.看牙医 2c怎么了?我牙痛。也许你应该去看牙医。好主意。


①A. 从更大的范围上讲,选民们往往仅因为某个政客的外表整洁清秀而对他做出有利的反应。他的对手则因为没有生就一副令人信任的外表而常常遭到否定的评价。这种判断是错误的,其后果可能是灾难性的。就算许多选民投一位候选人的票完全是出于政治原因,但本不该当选的人,如果他有整洁清秀的形象,就会使他在势均力敌的选举中占有优势。我们常常根据一个人的表达能力而做出轻率的判断。再回到政治这一话题上来,许多选民仅仅根据候选人公开演讲的方式就对他的能力做出判断。然而,一个候选人可能非常善于演说,但并不一定能胜任他所竞选的职位。我认识许多才能杰出的人物,他们只是没有培养自己在公开场合演讲的能力,但在与别人一对一的交流中却表现极为出色。这种能充分表达自己见解的能力,固然十分重要,但我们对于那些让人感觉善于辞令的人,往往产生错误的印象,因为很多情况下这种优点仅仅只是“表面现象”。不难想象,一位外表整洁清秀、讲话娓娓动听的政治家会轻而易举地战胜一位不事张扬但更为合格的对手。他之所以取胜仅仅是因为他的形象令人信服。 B. If you want a winning image with others, your first concern must be a winning self-image. The individual who has a losing self-image will never be able to project a winning image to others. He may be able to fool some people for a while, but his poor self-image will eventually make it impossible for him to relate favorably to others. Throughout the ages, great philosophers have stated, “You are what you think you are.”It is imperative for you to have good image of yourself if you want to create the same impression in others. No matter who you are, everything worthwhile will depend on your own self-image. Your happiness will be based on it. You will live only one life, and in order to enjoy it, you must have a winning self-image. Since we can all choose how we want to think ourselves, we should try to have positive, winning thoughts. In your own attempt to build a winning image you must begin with the self —otherwise, the image you strive for will be supported by nothing but a sand foundation. Any athlete will tell you that you must know you’re a winner in order to be one. To many, this kind of message will sound like double-talk, but it contains an essential truth. Although you can apply this same message to anything in life, I will use athletics as the basis for illustrating my thoughts about self-images because sports involve physical exertion by which desired results can be achieved. ②学习艺术的过程可以很方便地分为两个部分:一是精通理论;二是善于实践。如果我想学习医学,我必须首先了解人体结构和各种疾病。当我具有了这些理论知识以后,我并不能胜任医学工作。只有经过大量的实践,我才能掌握这门学科,直到最终我把所掌握的理论知识和实践收获结合起来,并融合为一体——即成为我的直觉知识,这才是掌握任何一门学科的本质。然而,除学习理论和实践以外,在任何一门学科上想成为专家还必需有第三个因素——那就是,掌握这门艺术是你最关心的事情,在这个世界上肯定没有比这门学科更为重要的东西了。这一点适用于音乐、医学、木工——也适合于爱情。这也可能正是问题的答案所在:为什么在我们的文化中人们即使已遭遇显而易见的失败,但人们很少去尝试学习爱这门艺术。虽然人们内心深藏着爱,但他们几乎把所有其他的东西如成功、名誉、金钱、权力都视为比爱更重要,几乎把所有的精力都用来学习如何实现这些目标了,几乎没有人去学习爱这门艺术。只有那些能赢得金钱和荣誉的东西才值得学习,而爱只是一件我们无权为之浪费许多精力的奢侈品,它只能使心灵获益、而毫无现代意义上的好处可言。难道果真如此吗?B. Intimacy, passion, and commitment are the warm, hot, and cold vertices of Sternberg’s love triangle. Alone and in combination they give rise to eight possible kinds of love relationships. The first is nonlove—absence of all three components. This describes the large majority of our personal relationships, which are simply causal interactions. The second kind of love is liking. “If you just have intimacy”, Sternberg explains, “that’s liking. You can talk to the person, tell about your life. And if that’s all there’s to it, that’s what we mean by liking.”It refers to the feelings experienced in true friendships. Liking includes such feelings as closeness and warmth but not the intense feelings of passion or commitment. If you just have passion, it’s called infatuated love—“love at first sight”that can arise almost instantaneously and dissipate just as quickly. It


人教版新目标八年级英语初二英语上册课文翻译【全册】 一单元 SECTION A 图片周末你通常做什么?我经常去看电影。 1c她在周末做什么?她经常去看电影。 2a你多久看一次电视?每周两次。 2c 你多久看一次电视?我每天看电视。你最喜欢什么节目?《动物世界》。你多久看一次? Grammar Focus 你周末通常做什么?我通常踢足球。他们周末做什么?他们经常去看电影。他周末做什么?他有时看电视。你多久购物一次?我每月购物一次。程多久看一次电视?他每周看两次电视。 3格林中学学生做什么?大多数学生每周锻炼三或四次。一些学生每周锻炼一两次。一些学生非常活跃,每天都锻炼。至于家庭作业,大多数学生每天都做家庭作业。一些学生每周做三或四次家庭作业。没有学生每周做一两次作业。关于“看电视”的结果很有趣。一些学生每周看一两次电视,一些学生每周看三或四次电视。但大多数学生每天都看电视。 4谁是最好的英语学生?你能做什么来提高你的英语水平?你多久读一次英语书?我每周读两次英语书。 SECTION B 1a垃圾食品牛奶水果蔬菜睡觉咖啡 1b刘芳,你多久喝一次牛奶?我每天喝牛奶。你喜欢牛奶吗?不喜欢,但我妈妈想让我喝。她说牛奶对我的健康有益。 2c你多长时间运动一次?我每天都运动。你多长时间……一次? 3a……但是我非常健康。我每天都锻炼,通常是在我放学回家的时候,我的饮食习惯非常好。我尽量多吃蔬菜。我每天都吃水果,每天都喝牛奶。我从不喝咖啡。当然了,我也喜欢垃圾食品,我每周吃二或三次。噢,还有,我每天晚上都睡九个小时。所以你看,我爱惜我身体。我的健康的生活方式帮助我取得了好的成绩。好的食品加上运动帮助我更好地学习。 3b我认为我有点不健康。我几乎不锻炼。我每周吃两次蔬菜,但我从不吃水果。并且我不喜欢喝牛奶。啐!我喜欢垃圾食品,每周吃三到四次。我也喜欢喝咖啡。因此或许我不是很健康,尽管我拥有一个健康的习惯。我每天晚上都睡九个小时。 4 你多久吃一次蔬菜?你做什么运动?玛丽亚每天锻炼。她喜欢玩…… SELF CHECK 1妈妈想让我六点起床跟她一起打乒乓球。爷爷十分健康因为他每天都锻炼。大量的蔬菜帮助你保持健康。你必须得尽量少吃肉。你有健康的生活方式吗? Just for fun你健康吗?噢,我很健康。你最喜欢的运动是什么?我喜欢打篮球。哇! 二单元 SECTION A 图片怎么了?我感冒了。怎么了?我胃痛。我背痛。 1c怎么啦?我喉咙痛。 2a 1.发烧—d.多喝水2.喉咙痛—b.加蜂蜜的热茶 3.胃痛—a.躺下休息 4.牙痛——c.看牙医 2c怎么了?我牙痛。也许你应该去看牙医。好主意。 Grammar Focus 我头痛。你应当上床睡觉。我胃痛。他不应当吃东西。她牙痛。她应当看牙医。 3a怎么啦?我觉得不舒服。我感冒了。什么时候开始的?大约两天前。噢,那太糟糕了。你应当休息一下。是的,我也是这样想的。我希望你快点好起来。 4怎么啦?你喉咙痛吗?不,我不痛。你头痛吗?是的,我头痛。你应当躺下来休息一下。 SECTION B 1a疲乏的;劳累的饥饿的口渴的紧张的;有压力的1b吃个苹果。早点上床睡觉。喝些水。听音乐 2c吉娜怎么啦?她累了。噢,她应当早点上床睡觉。她不应该去参加聚会。 3a健康的生活方式,中国方式 传统中医认为我们需要阴阳食品的平衡以保持健康。例如,你经常没有力气并感到疲倦吗?这或许是因为你吃了太多的阴性食品,你应当吃含阳性较高的食品,像牛肉。吃党参和黄芪草对这方面也是有好处的。但那些太紧张和易怒的人也许吃了太多的阳性食品,中医认为他们应当多吃阴性食品,像豆腐。现在中药在很多西方国家很受欢迎。拥有一个健康的生活方式很容易,均衡饮食很重要。 3b每个人都会不时地感到疲倦。当你疲倦时,你不应当晚上外出。你应当几个晚上早儿上床睡觉,并且你应该锻炼以保持健康,你也应吃水果和其他健康的食品。你不应当在你感到疲倦时学习。


LESSON 1 1.因为英语是个杀手,正是英语造成了坎伯兰语,康沃尔语,诺恩语和马恩语等语言的消亡.在这 些岛上还有相当多的人使用在英语到来之前就已存在的语言.然而,英语在日常生活中无处不在.所有的人或几乎所有的人都懂英语.英语对现存的凯尔特语:爱尔兰语、苏格兰盖尔语及威尔士语的威胁是如此之大,它们的未来岌岌可危。 2.同时,他认为这些政策和他称之为语言歧视(和种族歧、,性别歧视的情况类似")的偏见密 切相关。在菲利普森看来,在以白人英语为主导的世界,最重要的机构和个人(有意或无意地)鼓励或者至少是容忍了(肯定没有反对)英语霸权主义式的传播。这种传播始于三个世纪之前的经济及殖民扩张。 3.总的来说,我们现在或多或少地把这些语言看作有利的语言。在谈到与之相关的文化及其为 世界所做的贡献时,我们常怀有崇敬与赞赏,而且这样做也没有太大的风险,因为这些语言现在已不会构成什么威胁。 4.然而,许多人把英语看成是一件幸事。在此,我暂且不谈任何世界语言所具有的明显优势, 例如广泛的通信网,强大的文化传媒体系,及强有力的文化教育机构。 5.讲英语的南非英国后裔并不强烈反对种族隔离政权,而黑人反对力量,其成员讲多种语言, 在初期软弱无力且缺乏组织。 6.这一象征表明这种世界通用语的使用者应充分发掘这一幸事为我们带来的好处, 同时尽可能避免招来灾难。 LESSON 2 1.年初布什总统签署了一项《不让一个孩子落后》的重大法案,誓言要把“困在那些教学质量不佳又不进行改革的学校里的孩子”解救出来.2007 年7月1日美国教育部宣布有8652所学校被列 为“长期教学质量低下”的学校,现在这些学校中的学生必须在今后的几天内考虑决定他们是否 要转学, 同时各个学区也在忙着为符合转学条件的学生提供帮助和服务以抓住选择的机会。 2.对于那些在教学改革旋涡中挣扎的学校的校长、老师和学生来说,这一法案的直接后果则是迷惑与混乱。他们认为该法案制订的教学改革标准太高而又没有说明各学区如何达到这些标准。3.我们必须对公众负责,不过我们必须研究所有衡量指标。 4.一所学校连续两年在州水平考试中没有表现出“足够的年度改进”就会被认为是不合格的学校,但是联邦教育部并没有提供一个具有权威性的不合格学校的名单让学生家长作为参考,而是要求各州各自确定不合格学校的名单,并且要求他们把学生的考试成绩按照学生的种族和家庭收入进行分类。新法案还规定各州要公布便于学生和家长查找的不合格学校的名单,但是没有几个州能很快拿出来。 5.教育部次长,前宾夕法尼亚州学校总监Eugene Hickok 也承认“该法案的实施可能会引起一些混乱”,但是他又说各州也不应为此而大惊小怪。教育部长Rod Paige 已经向各学区主管人士就有关改革事宜做了扼要指示并通报了全国。他说,即使在如纽约和芝加哥这样的大城市“接收择校生比较困难”,但“法律就是法律”。 6.Wooten 说,“人很容易放弃自我,而去赶别人的潮流,但正如其他的美国人一样,我们都有成功的机会。我们为什么不开创自己的潮流呢?” LESSON 4 1.无论作为法定婚姻的前奏还是其替代品,同居现象的频繁出现都进一步弱化了婚姻区别于其他结合形式的独立特征。不管怎样,所有这些打破传统的结合方式一直以来都是建立在亚当一夏娃模式的异性恋基础之上的。 2.有报告说曾发生过外星人为了做繁衍后代实验而绑架地球人的事件,但不论这些报道是否只是人们的幻觉,地球人探索宇宙寻找外星人却是事实。


研究生英语系列教材综合教程(上)课文翻译 Unit 1 核心员工的特征 1核心员工究竟是什么样子的?几乎每次进行调查时,我都会从雇主们那里听到“核心员工”这个名词。我请一位客户——一位正参与研究的人事部经理,给我解释一下。“每家公司都有少数几个这样的员工,在某个专业领域,你可以指望他们把活儿干好。在我的小组中,有七名化工流程工程师和生物学家,其中有那么两三个人是我赖以生存的,”他说,“他们对我的公司而言不可或缺。当请你们公司替我们招募新人的时候,我们期待你们会去其他公司找这样的人:其他公司经理不想失去的员工。我们只招募核心员工。” 2这是一段充满了鼓动性的谈话,目的是把猎头们派往竞争对手的公司去游说经验丰富的员工们做一次职业变更。他们想从另一家公司招募核心员工。然而,每家公司也从新人中招人。他们要寻找的是完全一样的东西。“我们把他们和公司顶级员工表现出的特质进行对照。假如他们看起来有同样特征的话,我们就在他们身上赌一把。”只是这样有点儿冒险。 3“这是一种有根据的猜测,”我的人事经理客户说。作为未来的一名员工,你的工作是帮助人事部经理降低这种风险,你需要帮助他们认定你有潜力成为一名核心员工。 4特征1:无私的合作者 职业顾问和化学家约翰·费策尔最早提出了这个特征。关于这个特征,人们已经写了大量的文章。它之所以值得被反复谈及,是因为这一特征是学术界和企业间最明显的差别。“这里需要合作,”费策尔说,“企业的环境并不需要单打独斗,争强好胜,所以表现出合作和无私精神的员工就脱颖而出了。在企业环境中,没有这样的思维方式就不可能成功。” 5许多博士后和研究生在进行这种过渡的过程中表现得相当费力。因为生命中有那么长一段时间他们都在扮演一个独立研究者的角色,并且要表现得比其他年轻的优秀人才更出色。你可以藉此提高在公司的吸引力:为追求一个共同的目标和来自其他实验室和学科的科学家们合作——并且为你的个人履历上的内容提供事迹证明。这个方法,加上你在描述业绩时开明地使用代词“我们”,而不是“我”,能使公司对你的看法从“单干户”转变成“合作者”。更为有利的是,要在你实验室内部,以及在和你们实验室合作的人们之间,培养一个良好声誉:一个鼓励并发动合作的人——还要保证让那些会接听调查电话的人们谈及你的这个品质。 6特征2:紧迫感 唐-豪特是一位给aaas.sciencecareers@org 网站论坛频繁写稿的撰稿人。他之前是一名科学家。许多年前他转向了企业,并一直做到高级管理的职位。他在3M公司一个部门负责策略和商业开发工作,这个部门每年上缴的税收高达24亿多美元。他就是一个重视紧迫感的人。 7“一年365天,一周7天,一天24小时,生意始终在进行,那意味着一年365天,一周7天,一天24小时,竞争也同样在进行,”豪特说,“公司取胜的方法之一就是要更快地到达‘目的地’。这就是说,你不仅要把所有能支持公司快速运转的功能都调动起来,而且还得知道如何决定‘目的地’是哪里。这样,不仅对那些行动快速的人们,也对那些思维敏捷,并有勇气按自己的想法行事的人们都提出了要求。这需要全公司各部门的运作,而不仅仅是管理部门的工作。” 8特征3:风险容忍度 企业要求员工能承受风险。“一名求职者需要表现出仅凭不准确、不完整的信息就做出决策的能力。他或她必须能接纳不确定因素并冒着风险做出结论,”一位客户在职业描述中写道。 9豪特赞同这一说法。“商业成功通常有这样一个特质:那就是能接受不确定因素和风险——个人的,组织上的和财务上的。这就让许多科学家感到不适应,因为学术上的成功其实是依靠认真而严谨的研究。更进一步说,伟大的科学常常是由找寻答案的过程和答案本身两者同时来定义的。因此科学家们往往沉迷于过程。在企业里,你需要了解过程,但最终你会迷上答案,然后根据你认为该答案对你的企业所具有的意义来冒风险。像这样敢冒风险是一套技能组合,是所有雇主在他们最好的员工身上所寻找的东西。” 10风险容忍度的另外一个要点是求职者对失败的承受度。失败很重要,因为这表示你不怕冒险。所以各家公司总会寻找有可能犯错误并敢于承认错误的求职者。大家都知道如何谈论成功——或者当他们在寻找工作的时候应该知道。但很少有人乐意谈论失败,更少有人知道如何从失败的边缘吸取教训和获得经验。“对我的企业来说,求职者需要坦然地谈论他或她的失败,而且他或她需要有真正的失败经历,而不是特意为面试而杜撰的东西。如果做不到的话,那么这个人冒的风险还不够,”豪特说。 11特征4:善于处理人际关系 瑞克·李奇在迪科德遗传工程公司从事业务拓展。李奇最近才转行到企业,做业务方面的工作。我向他咨询这个重要特征,是因为在他的新业务角色中,人际沟通能力在成功和失败之间发挥着很大的作用。“科学家毕生都在积累知识,培养技术上的敏锐感,”他说,“但为企业工作需要完全不同的东西——人际交往的能力。想转行到企业界的科学家们必须优先考虑他们的社会关系资源而不是技术资源。对一个以前一直根据专业知识水平被评价的人来说,突然之间要根据他的人际交往能力来评价他,真是十分令人恐惧。” 12然而,如果认为只有像李奇那样的生意人才需要熟练的人际沟通技巧,那就错了。事实上,我所遇见的在企业工作的核心费工们之所以取得成功,很大程度上是因为他们能够与公司上下各种各样的人共事。 Unit 4 爱和情感连系 1爱,对于人类的生存是不可或缺的。它既是一种情感,又是一种行为。家庭通常是我们最早和最重要的爱和


Unit 1 ●翻译:(黑体的汉字表示与教师用书不同,斜体的汉字表示重点翻译不要遗漏) https://www.360docs.net/doc/8a16440486.html,passion, wisdom, altruism, insight, creativity—sometimes only the trials of adversity can foster these qualities, because sometimes only drastic situations can force us to take on the painful process of change. (Para.6) 慈悲、智慧、无私、洞察力及创造力——有时只有经历逆境的考验才能培育这些品质,因为有时只有极端的情形才能迫使我们去承受痛苦的改变过程。 2.In that moment, our sense of invulnerability is pierced, and the self-protective mental armor that normally stands between us and our perceptions of the world is torn away. (Para.12) 在事情发生的那一瞬间,我们的安全感被冲破了,平时处于我们与我们对世界的种种看法之间的自我保护的精神盔甲被剥离了。 3.They say that material ambitions suddenly seem silly and the pleasures of friends and family paramount—and that the crisis allowed them to recognize in line with their new priorities. (Para.14) 他们说物质追求突然间变得很无聊,而朋友和家庭带来的快乐变得极为重要,他们还说危机使他们能够按照这些新的优先之事来重新认识生活。 4.They cycle through the same sequence of sensations as do trauma survivors: self–loss, confusion and, finally, a new sense of mastery. (Para.16) 他们和经历创伤的幸存者所反复经历的感觉过程一样:自我失落,困惑,最后获得一种新的驾驭感。 ●复述: 1.Still, actually implementing these changes, as well as fully coming to terms with a new reality, usually takes conscious effort. (Para.13) It is necessary for people to take effort consciously in order to fulfill these changes and compromise with a new reality. 2.They are surprised by their own strength, confident that they can handle whatever else life throws at them. (Para.15) They are surprised by their power and they are confident that they can deal with whatever they experience through life. 3.The sleep deprivation and the necessity of putting aside personal pleasure in order to care for an infant mean that people with newborns are more likely to be depressed and find their marriage on the rocks. (Para.17) It is likely for parents with new-born babies to feel depressed and to feel difficult to maintain their marriage because they have been deprived of sleeping hours and they have to put aside their personal pleasure in order to care for the baby. Unit 4 ●翻译: 1.Immersing myself in a book or a lengthy article used to be easy. My mind would get caught up in the narrative or the turns of the argument, and I’d spend hours strolling th rough long stretches of prose. (Para.1) 过去总是不费什么劲儿就能让自己沉浸在一本书或者一篇长文章中,被其中的叙述或不同的论点深深吸引。我还会花数小时徜徉在长篇散文中。 2.Even when I’m not working, I’m as likely as not to be foraging in the Web’s info–thickets — reading and writing emails, scanning headlines and blog posts, watching videos and listening


研究生(英语)课后部分翻译答案 1. “一年365 天,一周7 天,一天24 小时,生意始终在进行,那意味着一年365 天,一周7 天,一天24 小时,竞争也同样在进行,”豪特说,“公司取胜的方法之一就是要更快地到达‘目的地’!这就是说,你不仅要把所有能支持公司快速运转的功能都调动起来,而且还得知道如何决定‘目的地’是哪里。这样,不仅对那些行动快速的人们,也对那些思维敏捷,并有勇气按自己的想法行事的人们都提出了要求。这需要全公司各部门的运作,而不仅仅是管理部门的工作。 “Business happens 24/7/365, which means that competition happens 24/7/365, as well,” says Haut. “One way that companies win is by getting …there? faster, which means that you not only have to mobilize all of the functions that support a business to move quickly, but you have to know how to decide where …there? is! This creates a requirement not only for people who can act quickly, but for those who can think fast with the courage to act on their convictions. This needs to run throughout an organization and is not exclusive to management.”(第一章 P29 第一段) 2. 最后,职业地位包含对职业标准的遵守。很多律师通过在行业内外把自己塑造成一个具有良好职业道德的典范来找到自我价值。对那些在所有职业行为中都表现出极度正直和谦逊有礼的律师们来说,当管理阶层对他们理应受到的特别尊重表示肯定时,便又获得了另一种形式的精神报酬。 Lastly, professional status encompasses adherence to ethical standards. Most lawyers find self worth in setting an example—both within the profession and within the larger society—as ethical actors. When management affirms the special respect due to lawyers who act with the utmost integrity and civility in all of their professional dealings, it provides yet another form of compensation.(第一章 P29 第二段) 3. 最近的调查显示越来越多的人抱怨饭菜质量平平,价格昂贵,而法国烹饪的衰落还不止于此。这在法国可不是个小问题,要知道2002年美食旅游为法国创收180 亿欧元,占到全部旅游收入的1/4。越来越多的餐馆老板反映政府的税收和经济政策限制了他们的利润,也就影响了他们投资和雇佣更多人手的能力。束缚他们手脚的是令法国不那么光彩的繁琐拖拉的公事程序,更不要说那些来自欧盟的规定,从销售税到布里乳酪里含细菌的指标统统都在严格的掌控之中。 The decline goes well beyond recent surveys that show growing complaints about mediocre quality and high prices—no small concern in a country where tourisme gastronomique earned 18 billion euros in 2002, a quarter of all tourist revenues. More and more restaurateurs say that government tax and economic policies are limiting their profits, and thereby hurting their capacity to invest and hire more staff. They have become ensnarred in the red tape for which France is infamous—not to mention edicts from Brussels that affect everything from sales taxes to the bacteria in the Brie.(第二章 P59 第一段) 4. 浙江菜口味清淡,精致玲珑,是长江下游区域菜肴的代表。西湖醋鱼是其中的一道名菜。这道菜鲜美,酥嫩,带着自然的清香。中国乃至世界各地的中餐馆大都能找得到这道菜,但口味往往不及在浙江杭州吃得那般纯正。因为只有杭州拥有来自西湖的鱼和水。 Zhejiang cuisine is light and exquisite, and is typical of food from along the lower Yangtze River. One famous dish is West Lake Vinegar Fish, which looks pretty and has the delicate refreshing flavors of nature. Many Chinese restaurants in China, as well as other parts of the world, serve this dish, but often the flavor is less authentic compared to that found in Hangzhou, capital of Zhejiang Province, which has unique access to the fish and water of West Lake.(第二章 P59 第二段) 5. 不管如何解释,工作与生活的平衡总是欧洲人的主要谈资,同时也是智囊团和政策制定者研究和考虑的主题。在美国,人们使用这个说法时总是带着几分针对那些吃蛋奶火腿馅饼的有闲人士才会表现出来的冷嘲热讽的态度。但是,它可能还是会流行起来的。时任《纽约时报》执行主编的比尔?凯勒曾鼓励员工们要给生活增加一些色彩,多陪陪家人或去欣赏艺术。 Whatever the explanation, the idea of a work-life balance is a staple of European discourse, studied
