




海上保险(Marine Insurance)

第1条:海上保险的定义(Marine insurance defined)

A contract of marine insurance is a contract whereby the insurer undertakes to indemnify the assured, in manner and to the extent thereby agreed, against marine losses, that is to say, the losses incident to marine adventure.


第2条海陆混合风险(Mixed sea and land risks)

2.(1) A contract of marine insurance may, by its express terms, or by a usage of trade, be extended so as to protect the assured against losses on inland water or on any land risk which may be incidental to any sea voyage.

(2) Where a ship in course of building, or the launch of a ship, or any adventure analogous to a marine adventure, is covered by a policy in the form of a marine policy, the provisions of this Act, in so far as applicable, shall apply thereto;but, except by this section provided, nothing in this Act shall alter or affect any rule of law applicable to any contract of insurance other than a contract of marine insurance as by this Act defined.



第3条海上冒险与海上危险的定义(Marine adventure and maritime perils defined )

3.(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, every lawful marine adventure may be the subject of a contract of marine insurance.

(2) In particular there is a marine adventure where-

(a) Any ship, goods or other movables are exposed to maritime perils. Such property is in the Act referred to as “insurable property.”

(b) The earning or acquisition of any freight, passage money, commission, profit or other pecuniary benefit, or the security for any advances, loans or disbursements, is endangered by the exposure of insurance property to maritime perils.

(c) Any liability to a third party may be incurred by the owner of, or other person interested in or responsible for, insurable property, by reason of maritime perils.

3(1) 受本法规定的制约,每一合法的海上冒险得为海上保险合同的标的。

(2) 特别是以下各项属于海上冒险:




保险利益(Insurable Interest)

第4条赌博合同无效(Avoidance of wagering or gaming contracts)

注:wager 打赌

4.(1) Every contract of marine insurance by way of gaming or wagering is void(无效).


(2) A contract of marine insurance is deemed to be a gaming or wagering contract-


(a) Where the assured has not an insurable interest as defined by this Act and the contract is entered into with no expectation of acquiring such an interest; or


(b) Where the policy is made (签订)“interest or no interest” or “without further proof (证明)of interest than (除了)the policy itself”, or “without benefit of salvage to the insurer”, or subject to any other like term.


Provided that, where there is no possibility of salvage, a policy may be effected without benefit of salvage to the insurer.




(a) 被保险人对保险标的无本法规定的保险利益,而且在缔约后仍无获得此种保险利益的可能;

(b) 保险单是按“无论有无保险利益”,或“除保险单本身外,再无具有保险利益的证明”,或“保险人无残值利益”等条件,或按其他类似条件订定的。


第5条保险利益的定义(Insurable interest defined)

5.(1)Subject to the provisions of this Act, every person has an insurable interest who is interested in a marine adventure.


(2) In particular, a person is interested in a marine adventure where he stands in any legal or equitable relation to the adventure or to any insurable property at risk therein, in consequence of which(因而) he may benefit by the safety or due arrival of insurable property, or may be prejudiced by its loss, or by damage thereto, or by the detention thereof, or mayincur liability in respect thereof.

注:therein=in that(marine adventure),灭失,损坏,滞留




第6条何时应具有利益(When interest must attach)

6.(1)The assured must be interested in the subject-matter insured at the time of loss though he need not be interested when the insurance is effected.


(2)Where the assured has no interest at the time of the loss, he cannot acquire interest by any act or election after he is aware of the loss.




第7条可撤销的利益或偶然的利益(Defeasible or contingent interest)

7.(1) A defeasible interest is insurable, as also is a contingent interest.


(2) In particular, where the buyer of goods has insured them, he has an insurable interest, notwithstanding that he might, at his election,have rejected the goods,or have treated them as at the seller’s risk,by reason of the latter’s delay in making delivery or otherwise.




第8条部分利益(Partial interest)

8. A partial interest of any nature is insurable.



9(1) The insurer under a contract of marine insurance has an insurable interest in his risk, and may re-insure in respect of it.


(2) Unless the policy otherwise provides, the original assured has no right or interest in respect of such re-insurance.





10. The lender of money on bottomry or respeondentia has an insurable interest in respect of the loan.


第11条船长和船员的工资(Master’s and seamen’s wages)

11. The master or any member of the crew of a ship has an insurable interest in respect of his wages.


第12条预付运费(Advance freight)

12. In the case of advance freight, the person advancing the freight has an insurable interest, in so far as much freight is not repayable in case of loss.


第13条保险费(Charges of insurance)

13. The assured has an insurable interest in the charges of any insurance which he may effect.


第14条利益数额(Quantum of interest)

14.(1) Where the subject-matter insured is mortgaged, the mortgagor has an insurable interest in the full value thereof, and the mortgagee has an insurable interest in respect of any sum due or to become due under the mortgage.


(2) A mortgagee, consignee, or other person having an interest in the subject-matter insured may insure on behalf and for the benefit of other persons interested as well as for his own benefit.

注:作补语来修饰other persons,意为有利害关系的人

(3) The owner of insurable property has an insurable interest in respect of the full value thereof, notwithstanding that some third person may have agreed, or be liable, to indemnify him in case of loss.





第15条利益转让(Assignment of interest)

15.Where the assured assigns or otherwise parts with his interest in the subject-matter insured, he does not thereby transfer to the assignee his rights under the contract of insurance, unless there be an express or implied agreement with the assignee to that effect.


But the provisions of this section do not affect a transmission of interest by operation of law.



保险价值(Insurable Value)

第16条保险价值的确定(Measure of insurable value)

16. Subject to any express provision or valuation in the policy, the insurable value of the subject-matter insured must be ascertained as follows:-

(1) In insurance on ship, the insurable value is the value at the commencement of the risk, of the ship, including her outfit, provisions and stores for the officers and crew, money advanced for seamen’s wages, and other disbursements (if any) incurred to make the ship fit for the voyage or adventure contemplated by the policy, plus the charges of insurance upon the whole:

The insurable value, in the case of a steamship, includes also the machinery, boilers, and coals and engine stores if owned by the assured, and, in the case of a ship engaged in a special trade, the ordinary fittings requisite for that trade:

(2) In insurance on freight, whether paid in advance or otherwise, the insurable value is the gross amount of the freight at the risk of the assured, plus the charges of insurance:

(3) In insurance on goods or merchandise, the insurable value is the prime cost of the property insured, plus the expenses of and incidental to shipping and the charges of insurance upon the whole:

(4) In insurance on any other subject-matter, the insurable value is the amount at the risk of the assured when the policy attaches, plus the charges of insurance.







告知和陈述(Disclosure and Representation)

第17条保险是最大诚信(Insurance is uberrimae fidei)

17.A contract of marine insurance is a contract based upon the utmost good faith and, if the utmost good faith be not observed by either party, the contract may be avoided by the other party.


第18条被保险人的告知(Disclosure by assured)

18.(1) Subject to the provisions of this section, the assured must disclose to the insurer, before the contract is concluded, every material circumstance which is known to the assured, and the assured is deemed to know every circumstance which, in the ordinary course of business, ought to be known by him. If the assured fails to make such disclosure, the insurer may avoid the contract.

(2) Every circumstance is material, which would influence the judgment of a prudent insurer in fixing the premium, or determining whether he will take the risk.

(3) In the absence of inquiry the following circumstances need not be disclosed, namely:-


(a) Any circumstance which diminishes the risks;

(b) Any circumstance which is known or presumed to be known to the insurer. The insurer is presumed to know matters of common notoriety or knowledge, and matters which an insurer in the ordinary course of his business, as such, ought to know;

(c) Any circumstance as to which information is waived by the insurer;

(d) Any circumstance which it is superfluous to disclose by reason of any express or implied warranty.

(4) Whether any particular circumstance, which is not disclosed, be material or not is, in each case, a question of fact.

(5) The term “circumstance” includes any communication made to, or information received by, the assured.

18.(1) 根据本条的规定,在订立合同前,被保险人必须向保险人告知其所知的一切重要情况。被保险人应视为知道在通常业务过程中他应当知晓的每一情况。若被保险人未作此种告知,保险人可以撤消合同。

(2) 影响谨慎的保险人确定保险费的决定或决定是否承保该项风险的每一情况,即属重要情况。

(3) 对下列情况如果保险人未问及,被保险人无需告知:

(a) 减少风险的任何情况;

(b) 保险人知道或被认为应该知道的情况;保险人应该知晓众所周知的事情,以及他在通常业务中应该知晓的一般情况;

(c) 保险人不要求被保险人告知的情况;

(d) 由于明文或默示的保证条款,被保险人无需告知的事项。

(4) 在每一案件中,未告知的任何特别情况是否重要,属事实问题。

(5) “情况”一词包括送给被保险人的通知和其收到的消息。

第19条投保代理人的告知(Disclosure by agent effecting insurance)

19.Subject to the provisions of the preceding section as to circumstances which need not be disclosed where an insurance is effected for the assured by an agent, the agent must disclose to the insurer-

(a) Every material circumstance which is known to himself, and an agent to insure is deemed to know every circumstance which in the ordinary course of business ought to be known by, or to have been communicated to, him; and

(b) Every material circumstance which the assured is bound to disclose, unless it came to his knowledge too late to communicate it to the agent.


(a) 他所知道的每一重要情况,保险代理人视为知晓其在通常业务中应当知晓或被保险人已通知他的每一情况;

(b) 及被保险人有义务告知的每一重要情况,除非他得知该情况过迟,无法及时通知该代理人.

第20条协商合同时的陈述(Representations pending negotiation of contract)

20.①Every material representation made by the assured or his agent to the insurer during the negotiations for the contract and before the contract is concluded, must be true. If it be untrue the insurer may avoid the contract.

②A representation is material which would influence the judgment of a prudent insurer in fixing the premium, or determining whether he will take the risk.

③A representation may be either a representation as to a matter of fact, or as to a matter of expectation or belief.

④A representation as to a matter of fact is true, if it be substantially correct, that is to say, if the difference between what is represented and what is actually correct would not be considered material by a prudent insurer.

⑤A representation as to a matter of expectation or belief is true if it be made in good faith.

⑥A representation may be withdrawn or corrected before the contract is concluded.

⑦Whether a particular representation be material or not is, in each case,

a question of fact.









第21条何时合同视为成立(When contract is deemed to be concluded)

21.A contract of marine insurance is deemed to be concluded when the proposal of the assured is accepted by the insurer, whether the policy be then issued or not and, for the purpose of showing when the proposal was accepted, reference may be made to the slip or covering note or other customary memorandum of the contract.


保险单(The Policy)

第22条合同必须包含在保险单内(Contract must be embodied in policy)

22. Subject to the provisions of any statute, a contract of marine insurance is inadmissible in evidence unless it is embodied in a marine policy in accordance with this Act. The policy may be executed and issued either at the time when the contract is concluded, or afterwards.



第23条保险单必须载明的事项(What policy must specify)

23. A marine policy must specify-

(1) The name of the assured, or of some person who effects the insurance on his behalf;

(2) The subject-matter insured and the risk insured against;

(3) The voyage, or period of time, or both, as the case may be, covered by the insurance;

(4) The sum or sums insured;

(5) The name or names of the insurance.









第24条保险人签署(Signature of insurer)

24.(1) A marine policy must be signed by or on behalf of the insurer, provided that in the case of a corporation the corporate seal may be sufficient, but nothing in this section shall be construed as requiring the subscription of a corporation to be under seal.


(2) Where a policy is subscribed by or on behalf of two or more insurers, each subscription, unless the contrary by expressed, constitutes a distinct contract with the assured.




第25条航次保险单和定期保险单(Voyage and time policies)

25.(1) Where the contract is to insure the subject-matter at and from, or from one place to another or others, the policy is called a “voyage policy” and where the contract is to insure the subject-matter for a

definite period of time the policy is called a “time policy”. A contract for both voyage and time may be included in the same policy.

((2) Subject to the provisions of section eleven of the Finance Act, 1901, a time policy which is made for any time exceeding twelve months is invalid.)



第26条指定标的(Designation of subject-matter)

26(1).The subject-matter insured must be designated in a marine policy with reasonable certainty.

(2) The nature and extent of the interest of the assured in the subject-matter insured need not be specified in the policy.

(3) Where the policy designates the subject-matter insured in general terms ,it shall be construed to apply to the interest intended by the assured to be covered.

(4) In the application of this section regard shall be had to any usage regulating the designation of the subject-matter insured.






第27条定值保险单(Valued policy)

27.(1) A policy may be either valued or unvalued

(2) A valued policy is a policy, which specifies the agreed value of the subject-matter insured.


(3) Subject to the provisions of this Act, and the absence of fraud, the value fixed by the policy is, as between the insurer and assured, conclusive of the insurable value of the subject intended to be insured, whether the loss be total or partial.


(4) Unless the policy otherwise provides, the value fixed by the policy is not conclusive for the purpose of determining whether there has been a constructive total loss.


27.(1) 保险单可以是定值保险单,也可以是不定值保险单。



(4) 除保险单另有规定外,就确定是否构成推定全损而言,保险单约定的价值并非终结性的。

第28条不定值保险单(Unvalued policy)

28. An unvalued policy is a policy which does not specify the value of the subject-matter insured, but, subject to the limit of the sum insured, leaves the insurable value to be subsequently ascertained, in the manner herein before specified.



第29条船舶预约保险单(Floating policy by ship or ships)

29.(1) A floating policy is a policy which describes the insurance in general terms, and leaves the name of the ship or ships and other particulars to be defined by subsequent declaration.


(2) The subsequent declaration or declarations may be made by endorsement on the policy, or in other customary manner.


(3) Unless the policy otherwise provides, the declarations must be made in the order of dispatch or shipment. They must, in the case of goods, comprise all consignments within the terms of the policy, and the value of the goods or other property must be honestly stated, but an omission or erroneous declaration may be rectified even after loss or arrival, provided the omission or declaration was made in good faith.


(4) Unless the policy otherwise provides, where a declaration of value is not made until after notice of loss or arrival, the policy must be treated as an unvalued policy as regards the subject to matter of that declaration.


29.(1) 预约保险单是指保险单仅作笼统的规定,将船舶的名称和其他事项在以后申报中确定。




第30条保险单术语的解释(Construction of terms in policy)

30.(1) A policy may be in the form in the First Schedule to this Act.

(2) Subject to the provisions of this Act, and unless the context of the policy otherwise requites, the terms and expressions mentioned in the First Schedule to this Act shall be construed as having the scope and meaning in that Schedule assigned to them.


30,(1) 保险单可按本法所附第一附件的式样签订。


第31条待安排的保险费(Premium to be arranged)

31.(1) Where an insurance is effected at a premium to be arranged, and no arrangements is made, a reasonable premium is payable.

(2) Where an insurance is effected on the terms that an additional premium is to be arranged in a given event, and that event happens, but no arrangement is made, then a reasonable additional premium is payable.



重复保险(Double Insurance)

第32条重复保险(Double insurance)

32.(1) Where two or more policies are effected by or on behalf of the assured on the same adventure and interest or any part thereof, and the sums insured exceed the indemnity allowed by this Act, the assured is said to be over-insured by double insurance

(2) Where the assured is over-insured by double insurance-

(a) The assured, unless the policy otherwise provides, may claim payment from the insurers in such order as he may think fit, provided that he is not entitled to receive any sum in excess of the indemnity allowed by this Act;

(b) Where the policy under which the assured claims is a valued policy, the assured must give credit as against the valuation for any sum received by him under any other policy without regard to the actual value of the subject-matter insured;

(c) Where the policy under which the assured claims is an unvalued policy he must give credit, as against the full insurable value, for any sum received by him under any other policy;

(d) Where the assured receives any sum in excess of the indemnity allowed by this Act, he is deemed to hold such sum in trust for the insurers according to their right of contribution among themselves.



(a) 除非保险单另有规定,被保险人可根据自已认为合适的顺序,依次向其保险人索赔,但他所得金额不得超过本法允许的赔偿限额;

(b) 如果被保险人凭以索赔的保险单是一份定值保险单,被保险人必须将其他保险单项下他已收取的任何数额从约定保险价值中扣除,无需考虑保险标的的实际价值;


(d) 若被保险人得到的金额超过本法所允许的赔偿额,则此种超出金额即被视为由被保险人代各保险人托管,由保险人按他们之间的分摊权利摊回。

各项保证等(Warranties, etc.)

第33条保证的性质(Nature of warranty)

33.(1) A warranty, in the following sections relating to warranties, means

a promissory warranty, that is to say, a warranty by which the assured undertakes that some particular thing shall or shall not be done, or that some condition shall be fulfilled, or whereby he affirms or negatives the existence of a particular state of facts.

(2) A warranty may be express or implied.

(3) A warranty, as above defined, is a condition which must be exactly complied with, whether it be material to the risk or not. If it be not so complied with, then, subject to any express provision in the policy, the insurer is discharged from liability as from the date of the breach of warranty, but without prejudice to any liability incurred by him before that date.




第34条何时可免除违反保证(When breach of warranty excused)

34.(1)Non-compliance with a warranty is excused when, by reason of a change of circumstances, the warranty ceases to be applicable to the circumstances of the contract, or when compliance with the warranty is rendered unlawful by any subsequent law.

(2) Where a warranty is broken, the assured cannot avail himself of the defence that the breach has been remedied, and the warranty complied with, before loss.

(3) A breach of warranty may be waived by the insurer.

(1) 由于情况变化,保证不再适用于合同情况,或遵循该保证被任何后来的法律视为非法等情况下,不遵循该保证可以免责。

(2) 如果一项保证已被破坏,则被保险人不能以在发生损失前违反已得到弥补,保证已得到遵守的理由为自已辩护。

(3) 保险人可以放弃保证的违反。

第35条明示保证(Express warranties)

35.(1) An express warranty may be in any form of words from which the intention to warrant is to be inferred.

(2) An express warranty must be included in, or written upon, the policy, or must be contained in some document incorporated by reference into the policy.

(3) An express warranty does not exclude an implied warranty, unless it be inconsistent therewith.

35.(1) 明示保证可以用任何形式的文字说明保证意图。

(2) 明示保证必须包含在或写进保险单,或包括在并入保险单的某些文件之中。

(3) 除非明示保证与默示保证相抵触,明示保证不排除默示保证。

第36条中立保证(Warranty of neutrality)

36.(1) Where insurable property, whether ship or goods, is expressly warranted neutral, there is an implied condition that the property shall have a neutral character at the commencement of the risk, and that, so far as the assured can control the matter, its neutral character shall be

preserved during the risk.

(2) Where a ship is expressly warranted “neutral” there is also a n implied condition that, so far as the assured can control the matter, she shall be properly documented, that is to say, that she shall carry the necessary papers to establish her neutrality, and that she shall not falsify or suppress her papers, or use simulated papers. If any loss occurs through breach of this condition, the insurer may avoid the contract.




第37条无默示船籍保证(No implied warranty of nationality)

37.There is no implied warranty as to the nationality of a shipper that her nationality shall not be changed during the risk.


第38条完好安全保证(Warranty of good safety)

38. Where the subject-matter insured is warranted “well” or “in good safety” on a particular day, it is sufficient if it be safe at any time during that day.


第39条船舶适航保证(Warranty of seaworthiness of ship)

39.(1) In a voyage policy there is an implied warranty that at the commencement of the voyage the ship shall be seaworthy for the purpose of the particular adventure insured.

(2) Where the policy attaches while the ship is in port, there is also an implied warranty that she shall, at the commencement of the risk, be reasonably fit to encounter the ordinary perils of the port.


(3) Where the policy relates to a voyage which is performed in different stages, during which the ship requires different kinds of or further preparation or equipment, there is an implied warranty that at the commencement of each stage the ship is seaworthy in respect of such preparation or equipment for the purposes of that stage.

(4) A ship is deemed to be seaworthy when she is reasonably fit in all respects to encounter the ordinary perils of the seas of the adventure insured.

(5) In a time policy there is no implied warranty that the ship shall be seaworthy at any stage of the adventure, but where, with the private of the assured, the ship is sent to sea in an unseaworthy state, the insurer is not liable for any loss attributable to unseaworthiness.”

注:in an unseaworthy state 修饰the ship






第40条无货物适航的默示保证(No implied warranty that goods are seaworthy)

(1)In a policy on goods or other movables there is no implied warranty that the goods or movables are seaworthy.


英国海上保险法 (一九0六年) (现行有效) 第一条 海上保险契约,系保险人向被保险人允诺,于被保险人蒙受海上损害,即海事冒验所发生之损害时,应依约定之条款及数额负责赔偿之契约。 第二条 (一)海上保险契约得因明订条款,或商业习惯,扩展其范围,凡被保险人与海程有关之内河或陆地危险均得受该契约之保障。 (二)船舶在建造中,在下水时或在其他类似海事冒险时,凡投保海上保险者,本法在可能范围内均应适用,但除本条所规定者外,对于海上保险以外之保险法律不发生影响。 第三条 (一)所有海事冒险,均得依本法之规定,订立海上保险契约。 (二)下列各款均属海事冒险情节。 甲、船舶货物或其他动产有蒙受海上危险可能者,是项财产在本法即称为“受保财产”。 乙、收益、运费、客票、佣金、利得、或其他金钱利益或垫款,借贷,或日用开支等项,因“受保财产”蒙受海上危险可能发生影响者。 丙、“受保财产”之所有人,利书关系人或负责人,因海上危险对第三者发生赔偿责任可能者。 海上危险指称因航海所发生之一切危险,例如海难、火烧、兵灾海盗、流氓、窃盗、捕获、拘捕、禁止以及君王人民之扣押,投弃,船员故意行为,或其他保险契约所注明之危险。 保险利益 第四条 (一)以赌博为目的而订立之海上保险契约,应为无效。 (二)凡海上保险契约,有下列情节者应认为赌博契约: 甲、被保险人无本法规定之保险利益者;或在订约时,无取得是项利益之希望者。 乙、保险契约订有下列或其他类订条款者,例如“无论有无利害关系”,“除本契约外无须再证明其他利害关系”,“保险人并无捞救利益”。 但因捞救无望而于契约内载有是项注明者不在此限。 第五条 (一)凡与海事冒险发生利益关系之人,均得依本法之规定认为有保险利益。 (二)凡对于海事冒险或受保财产,立于法律上或利害上,关系地位之人,于该受保财产安全时,或按期到达时,即蒙利益,于发生损失时,或扣押时,即发生损害或赔偿,即称


1906英国海上保险法(中英文对照版).txt我的人生有A 面也有B面,你的人生有S面也有B 面。失败不可怕,关键看是不是成功他妈。现在的大学生太没素质了!过来拷毛片,居然用剪切!有空学风水去,死后占个好墓也算弥补了生前买不起好房的遗憾。1906海上保险法 海上保险(Marine Insurance) 第1条:海上保险的定义(Marine insurance defined) A contract of marine insurance is a contract whereby the insurer undertakes to indemnify the assured, in manner and to the extent thereby agreed, against marine losses, that is to say, the losses incident to marine adventure. 海上保险合同,是一种保险人按照约定的方式和范围,对与海上冒险有关的海上灭失,向被保险人承担赔偿责任的合同。 第2条海陆混合风险(Mixed sea and land risks) 2.(1) A contract of marine insurance may, by its express terms, or by a usage of trade, be extended so as to protect the assured against losses on inland water or on any land risk which may be incidental to any sea voyage. (2) Where a ship in course of building, or the launch of a ship, or any adventure analogous to a marine adventure, is covered by a policy in the form of a marine policy, the provisions of this Act, in so far as applicable, shall apply thereto;but, except by this section provided, nothing in this Act shall alter or affect any rule of law applicable to any contract of insurance other than a contract of marine insurance as by this Act defined. (1)海上保险合同,得用明示条款或经由某种贸易习惯,扩展保障被保险人在与海上航程有关的内河或任何陆地风险中的损失。 (2)如果用海上保险单格式的保险单,承保建造中的船舶,或者船舶下水,或类似海上冒险的任何冒险,本法中的各项规定,只要是可适用者,均得适用之;但除本条规定者外,本法的任何规定,都不能改变或影响任何适用于本法规定的海上保险合同以外的保险合同的法律规定。 第3条海上冒险与海上危险的定义(Marine adventure and maritime perils defined ) 3.(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, every lawful marine adventure may be the subject of a contract of marine insurance.


英国海上保险保证制度改革研究- 一、问题之提出 保证是普通法系海上保险法中的一个特色制度。作为所有海上保险法的母法的《1906 年英国海上保险法》用了第33 条至第41 条整9 个条文为这个制度搭建了一个较为完整的法律框架。其中,第33 条第1 款开宗明义对保证进行了定义: 保证,是一种承诺性保证,指被保险人凭此承担去做或不做某种特定的事情,或履行某项条件,或肯定或否定某些事实的特定状态的存在。从这一定义可以看出,保证的功能,实质上是划定承保风险的范围并进一步确定保险人的保险责任范围。所以,保证一直都在海上保险实务中受到保险人的青睐,在各种类型的海上保险合同中都能找到保证的身影。保险人在实务中频繁使用保证,就使得大量与保证的理解和适用相关的争议源源不断地来到英国法院面前。法院也抓住了这些机会,通过解决争议,丰富和完善了与保证有关的法律,并对保证制度的不足不断做出反思。 法院反思的力量,再加上学术界对保证制度存在的问题不断进行的批判性评价,最终促成了英国海上保险法中保证制度的改革。2015 年2 月12 日,英国议会通过了《2015 年英国保险法》( The Insurance Act 2015) ,该法第9 条到第11条对适用了一百多年的保证制度作出了变革。新法将于2016 年8 月正式生效,将适用于包括海上保险合同在内的一切商业保险合同。英国海上保险成文法和判例法对世界上很多航运国家海上保险立法和司法实践都提供了极其重要的参考。以中国为例,最高人民法院王淑梅法官在谈到《中华人民共和国海商法》( 简称《海商法》) 第十二章的第235 条保证制度时,就坦承我国海商法借鉴了英


(金融保险)英国海上保险 法

英国海上保险法 (壹九0六年) 第壹条海上保险契约,系保险人向被保险人允诺,于被保险人蒙受海上损害,即海事冒验所发生之损害时,应依约定之条款及数额负责赔偿之契约。 第二条(壹)海上保险契约得因明订条款,或商业习惯,扩展其范围,凡被保险人和海程有关之内河或陆地危险均得受该契约之保障。 (二)船舶在建造中,在下水时或在其他类似海事冒险时,凡投保海上保险者,本法在可能范围内均应适用,但除本条所规定者外,对于海上保险以外之保险法律不发生影响。 第三条 (壹)所有海事冒险,均得依本法之规定,订立海上保险契约。 (二)下列各款均属海事冒险情节。 甲、船舶货物或其他动产有蒙受海上危险可能者,是项财产在本法即称为“受保财产”。 乙、收益、运费、客票、佣金、利得、或其他金钱利益或垫款,借贷,或日用开支等项,因“受保财产”蒙受海上危险可能发生影响者。 丙、“受保财产”之所有人,利书关系人或负责人,因海上危险对第三者发生赔偿责任可能者。 海上危险指称因航海所发生之壹切危险,例如海难、火烧、兵灾海盗、流氓、窃盗、捕获、拘捕、禁止以及君王人民之扣押,投弃,船员故意行为,或其他保险契约所注明之危险。 保险利益 第四条 (壹)以赌博为目的而订立之海上保险契约,应为无效。 (二)凡海上保险契约,有下列情节者应认为赌博契约: 甲、被保险人无本法规定之保险利益者;或在订约时,无取得是项利益之希望者。 乙、保险契约订有下列或其他类订条款者,例如“无论有无利害关系”,“除本契约外无须再证明其他利害关系”,“保险人且无捞救利益”。但因捞救无望而于契约内载有是项注明者不在此限。 第五条 (壹)凡和海事冒险发生利益关系之人,均得依本法之规定认为有保险利益。 (二)凡对于海事冒险或受保财产,立于法律上或利害上,关系地位之人,于该受保财产安全时,或按期到达时,即蒙利益,于发生损失时,或扣押时,即发生损害或赔偿,即称为利害关系人。 第六条 (壹)在保险契约订立时,被保人对于标的物固无发生利益关系之必要,但在标的物发生灭失时,被保险人必须享有保险利益。标的物之保险,系以“危险之有无”为条件者,虽然灭失发生后,始取得利益时,仍得请求损害赔偿,但保险契约订立时,被保险人明知已灭失,而保险人不知者,不在此限。 (二)被保险人如在灭失发生时且无保险利益者,无论其嗣后行为若何,均不能取得保险利益。 第七条 (壹)属于消灭性之利益得为保险,其属于本来之利益亦得为保险。 (二)例如货物承买人,虽因货物迟延交付,或其他原因,得拒收货物。或将危险责任加诸原售主时,仍有保险利益,得为保险。 第八条


英国海上保险法(一九0六年) 第一条 海上保险契约,系保险人向被保险人允诺,于被保险人蒙受海上损害,即海事冒验所发生之损害时,应依约定之条款及数额负责赔偿之契约。 第二条 (一)海上保险契约得因明订条款,或商业习惯,扩展其范围,凡被保险人与海程有关之内河或陆地危险均得受该契约之保障。 (二)船舶在建造中,在下水时或在其他类似海事冒险时,凡投保海上保险者,本法在可能范围内均应适用,但除本条所规定者外,对于海上保险以外之保险法律不发生影响。 第三条 (一)所有海事冒险,均得依本法之规定,订立海上保险契约。 (二)下列各款均属海事冒险情节。 甲、船舶货物或其他动产有蒙受海上危险可能者,是项财产在本法即称为“受保财产”。 乙、收益、运费、客票、佣金、利得、或其他金钱利益或垫款,借贷,或日用开支等项,因“受保财产”蒙受海上危险可能发生影响者。 丙、“受保财产”之所有人,利书关系人或负责人,因海上危险对第三者发生赔偿责任可能者。 海上危险指称因航海所发生之一切危险,例如海难、火烧、兵灾海盗、流氓、窃盗、捕获、拘捕、禁止以及君王人民之扣押,投弃,船员故意行为,或其他保险契约所注明之危险。 保险利益 第四条 (一)以赌博为目的而订立之海上保险契约,应为无效。 (二)凡海上保险契约,有下列情节者应认为赌博契约: 甲、被保险人无本法规定之保险利益者;或在订约时,无取得是项利益之希望者。 乙、保险契约订有下列或其他类订条款者,例如“无论有无利害关系”,“除本契约外无须再证明其他利害关系”,“保险人并无捞救利益”。 但因捞救无望而于契约内载有是项注明者不在此限。 第五条 (一)凡与海事冒险发生利益关系之人,均得依本法之规定认为有保险利益。 (二)凡对于海事冒险或受保财产,立于法律上或利害上,关系地位之人,于该受保财产安全时,或按期到达时,即蒙利益,于发生损失时,或扣押时,即发生损害或赔偿,即称为利害关系人。 第六条 (一)在保险契约订立时,被保人对于标的物固无发生利益关系之必要,但在标的物发生灭失时,被保险人必须享有保险利益。标的物之保险,系以“危险之有无”为条件者,虽然灭失发生后,始取得利益时,仍得请求损害赔偿,但保险契约订立时,被保险人明知已灭失,而保险人不知者,不在此限。 (二)被保险人如在灭失发生时并无保险利益者,无论其嗣后行为若何,均不能取得保险利益。 第七条 (一)属于消灭性之利益得为保险,其属于本来之利益亦得为保险。 (二)例如货物承买人,虽因货物迟延交付,或其他原因,得拒收货物。或将危险责任加诸原售主时,仍有保险利益,得为保险。 第八条 一部分利益,无论其性质若何,均得保险。 第九条 (一)保险人对海上保险契约,享有利益得为再保险。


协会货物保险主要险别的承保风险与除外责任 一、ICC(A)险的责任范围及除外责任 (一)ICC(A)险的责任范围 根据伦敦保险协会对新条款的规定,ICC(A)采用“一切风险减除外责任”的办法,即除了“除外责任”项下所列风险保险人不予负责外,其他风险均予负责。 (二)ICC(A)险的除外责任 ICC(A)险的除外责任有下列四类: (1)一般除外责任。如归因于被保险人故意的不法行为造成的损失或费用; 1. loss damage or expense attributable to willful misconduct of the Assured可归因于被保险人的故意不法行为造成的灭失、损害或费用 willful misconduct Attributable to 2. ordinary leakage, ordinary loss in weight or volume, or ordinary wear and tear of the subject-matter insured保险标的通常渗漏、通常重量或体积损失或通常磨损; Dodwell & Co. v. British Dominions and General Insurance Co. Ltd 3. 保险标的包装或准备不足或不当引起的灭失、损害或费用 loss damage or expense caused by insufficiency or unsuitability of packing or preparation of the subject-matter insured to withstand the ordinary incidents of the insured transit where such packing or preparation is carried out by the Assured or their employees or prior to the attachment of this insurance (for the purpose of these Clauses “packing”shall be deemed to include stowage in a container and “employees” shall not include independent contractors 4. loss damage or expense caused by inherent vice or nature of the subject-matter insured保险标的的固有缺陷或性质引起的灭失、损害或费用 Soya G.M.B.H. Mainz Kommanditgesellschaft v. White 5. loss damage or expense proximately caused by delay, even though the delay be caused by a risk insured against (expect expenses payable under clause 2 above)迟延直接造成的损失、损害或费用,即使迟延是由于承保风险引起的(上述第2条应支付的费用除外) Taylor v. Dunbar 6. loss damage or expense arising from insolvency or financial default of the owners managers charters or operators of the vessel where, at the time of loading of the subject-matter insured on board the vessel, the Assured are aware, or in the ordinary course of business should be aware, that such insolvency or financial default could prevent the normal prosecution of the voyage船舶所有人、经理人、承租人或经营人的破产、财务困境引起的灭失、损害或费用,如果在保险标的装上船时,被保险人知道或者在通常业务中应当知道,此种破产或经济困境可能阻止航次的正常执行 (2)不适航、不适货除外责任。指保险标的在装船时,被保险人或其受雇人已经知道船舶不适航,以及船舶、装运工具、集装箱等不适货。 (二)Unseaworthiness and Unfitness Exclusion 不适航和不适运除外 1. unseaworthiness of vessel or craft or unfitness of vessel or craft for the safe carriage of the subject-matter insured, where the Assured are privy to such unseaworthiness or unfitness, at the time the subject-matter insured is loaded therein船舶或驳船不适航或不适于保险标的的安全运输,如果在保险标的装于其上时,被保险人对此种不适航或不适运有私谋 2. unfitness of container liftvan or land conveyance for the safe carriage of the subject-matter insured, where

英国1906年海上保险法(doc 25)

英国1906年海上保险法(doc 25)

英国1906年海上保险法 1906年颁布,1907年1月1日实施) 第一条 海上保险契约,系保险人向被保险人允诺,于被保险人蒙受海上损害,即海事冒验所发生之损害时,应依约定之条款及数额负责赔偿之契约。 第二条 (一)海上保险契约得因明订条款,或商业习惯,扩展其范围,凡被保险人与海程有关之内河或陆地危险均得受该契约之保障。 (二)船舶在建造中,在下水时或在其他类似海事冒险时,凡投保海上保险者,本法在可能范围内均应适用,但除本条所规定者外,对于海上保险以外之保险法律不发生影响。

第四条 (一)以赌博为目的而订立之海上保险契约,应为无效。 (二)凡海上保险契约,有下列情节者应认为赌博契约: 甲、被保险人无本法规定之保险利益者;或在订约时,无取得是项利益之希望者。 乙、保险契约订有下列或其他类订条款者,例如“无论有无利害关系”,“除本契约外无须再证明其他利害关系”,“保险人并无捞救利益”。 但因捞救无望而于契约内载有是项注明者不在此限。 第五条 (一)凡与海事冒险发生利益关系之人,均得依本法之规定认为有保险利益。 (二) 凡对于海事冒险或受保财产,立于法律上或利害上,关系地位之人,于该受保财产

安全时,或按期到达时,即蒙利益,于发生损失时,或扣押时,即发生损害或赔偿,即称为利害关系人。 第六条 (一)在保险契约订立时,被保人对于标的物固无发生利益关系之必要,但在标的物发生灭失时,被保险人必须享有保险利益。标的物之保险,系以“危险之有无”为条件者,虽然灭失发生后,始取得利益时,仍得请求损害赔偿,但保险契约订立时,被保险人明知已灭失,而保险人不知者,不在此限。 (二)被保险人如在灭失发生时并无保险利益者,无论其嗣后行为若何,均不能取得保险利益。 第七条 (一)属于消灭性之利益得为保险,其属于本来之利益亦得为保险。


英国2015年保险法评述 作者:发布时间:2015-04-30 浏览量:1583 英国2015年保险法(The Insurance Act 2015, UK,以下简称“新法”)已于2015年2月12在英国议会获得通过,将于2016年8月生效,除该法第二部分(公平提示义务)仅适用于“非消费者保险”(Non-consumer Insurance)(包括海上保险、再保险等)外(因为在这方面另外已有The Consumer Insurance (Disclosure and Representations) Act 2012调整消费者保险),该法也适用于所有“消费者保险”(Consumer Insurance)。 本文根据英国法律委员会(LAWCOMMISSION)网站 (https://www.360docs.net/doc/db18267394.html,)资料、作者参加2013年4月25日 SWANSEA UNIVERSITY组织在伦敦英国保险人协会召开的专题研讨会论文集、其礼律师事务所(CLYDE & CO)上海代表处合伙人张逸伟律师提供的该所网站资料、英士律师事务所北京代表处顾问郭旭先生提供的该所中英文专题评述等资料写成,但对本中可能存在的错误,由本文作者负责,与资料提供者无关。此外,本文作者不是英国律师,本文的观点不能作为相关英国法律的参照,仅用于学术探讨,希望对中国保险法和海商法的完善有所借鉴。 英国2015年保险法被视为英国100年来,即自英国1906年海上保险法 (The Marine Insurance Act 1906, 简称MIA1906或“旧法”)以来,英国保险法最重要的变革。该法的修改涉及下述英国法律: (1)The Marine Insurance Act 1906; (2)The Third Parties (Rights against Insurers) Act 2010; (3)The Road Traffic Act 1988; (4)The Consumer Insurance (Disclosure and Representations) Act 2012; (5)The Road Traffic (North Ireland) Order 1981。 英国2015年保险法也被视为英国“无争议法律委员会立法”的典范,从2006年法律委员会立项开始,经过法律委员会、法律界和保险界的委员、法官、专家、律师和相关从业者的多次辩论和研讨,并借鉴了国际海事委员会(CMI)的比较研究成果、澳大利亚保险法和挪威海上保险条款(NMIP)等,最后的法律文本不厌其烦地对相关法律术语环环相扣作出定义,以便于业界操作和避免法律纠纷。 一.立法背景 保险合同是合同的一种,故须遵循合同法的一般原则,有效的合同须符合下述4个方面的要求:(1)要约及承诺;(2)缔约能力;(3)对价(约因);和(4)建立法律关系的意图。


浅谈保险合同的订立、保险期间及保险利益的相关法律问题 【摘要】海上保险合同的订立,与其他合同的签订一样,也是遵循要约承诺程序。“仓至仓”条款所表现的保险责任期间并不因集装箱或非集装箱货物而有所区别。保险利益的确定如果单纯地跟随贸易条件下的风险转移,则存在一定弊端,需要改善。本文通过案例对上述三个要点进行分析,对其中涉及到的法律问题进行解读。 【关键词】保险人,合同订立,保险期间,仓至仓条款,保险利益 【Abstract】Entered into a contract of marine insurance, as the signing of other contracts, also follow the procedure of offer to acceptance. The insurance period expressed by “Warehouse to Warehouse Clause” is always the same meaning however the goods held in the container or not. There are some drawbacks which need to be ameliorated that simply following the conditions of trade under the risk transfer to determine the insurable interests. In this article, analyzing the three key points as mentioned through a case, as the meanwhile to interpret the legal issues involved. 【Keywords】Insurer;Conclusion of Contracts;Insurance Period;Warehouse to Warehouse Clause;Insurable Interests


海上保险法习题集 一、单项选择题 1.从法学的角度看,保险是一种( A )。 A.合同行为 B.经济制度 C.风险转移机制 D.社会保障制度 2.以下( B)保险不属于财产保险。 A.信用保险 B.人寿保险 C.责任保险 D.保证保险 3.保险起源于( D )。 A.保证保险 B.财产保险 C.责任保险 D.海上保险 4.根据保险标的的不同,可以将保险分为( B )。 A.商业与社会保险 B.财产与人身保险 C.责任与保证保险 D.A+B+C 5.在世界上影响最大的一部海上保险法是( D )。 A.中国海商法 B.英国海商法 C.中国海上保险法 D.英国1906年海上保险法

6.保险的前提要素是( D )。 A.损失赔付 B.众人协力 C.防灾防损 D.危险存在 7.保险的基本职能是( A )。 A.经济补偿 B.防灾防损 C.发展经济 D.巩固生产8.下列有关近代保险形式的说法中,错误的是( C )。 A.近代财产保险制度始于海上保险 B.18世纪后半叶英国成为世界海上保险中心 C.第一家火灾保险公司出现在法国D.比较完整的近代人身保险始于英国 9.现实生活中,下列不能保险的危险是( C )。 A.自然灾害 B.经营风险 C.道德风险 D.意外事故 10.我国保险法中所说的保险是( C )。 A.社会保险 B.劳动保险 C.商业保险 D.合作保险 11.下列( D )不属于风险的特性。 A. 客观性 B. 损失性 C. 不确定性 D. 确定性

12.下列( D )不属于按来源划分出的风险。 A. 自然风险 B. 社会风险 C. 经济风险 D. 人身风险 11.保险价值( B )。 A. 是保险人与被保险人约定的保险标的的投保金额 B. 是保险人与被保险人约定的保险标的的价值 C. 是被保险人向保险人申报的保险标的的价值 D. 必须是保险标的的实际价值 12.保险金额( C )。 A. 可以超过保险价值 B. 是保险标的的实际价值 C. 不得超过保险价值,超过部分无效 D. 是保险标的的保险价值 13.根据我国《海商法219》的规定,保险人与被保险人未约定保险价值的,船舶的保险价值(A) A.是保险责任开始时船舶的价值 B.是发生事故时船舶的市场价

英国1906年海上保险法 中文版

英国1906年海上保险法 (1906年颁布,1907年1月1日实施) 第一条 海上保险契约,系保险人向被保险人允诺,于被保险人蒙受海上损害,即海事冒验所发生之损害时,应依约定之条款及数额负责赔偿之契约。 第二条 (一) 海上保险契约得因明订条款,或商业习惯,扩展其范围,凡被保险人与海程有关之内河或陆地危险均得受该契约之保障。 (二) 船舶在建造中,在下水时或在其他类似海事冒险时,凡投保海上保险者,本法在可能范围内均应适用,但除本条所规定者外,对于海上保险以外之保险法律不发生影响。 第三条 (一) 所有海事冒险,均得依本法之规定,订立海上保险契约。 (二) 下列各款均属海事冒险情节。 甲、船舶货物或其他动产有蒙受海上危险可能者,是项财产在本法即称为“受保财产”。 乙、收益、运费、客票、佣金、利得、或其他金钱利益或垫款,借贷,或日用开支等项,因“受保财产”蒙受海上危险可能发生影响者。 丙、“受保财产”之所有人,利书关系人或负责人,因海上危险对第三者发生赔偿责任可能者。 海上危险指称因航海所发生之一切危险,例如海难、火烧、兵灾海盗、流氓、窃盗、捕获、拘捕、禁止以及君王人民之扣押,投弃,船员故意行为,或其他保险所注明之危险。 保险利益 第四条 (一) 以赌博为目的而订立之海上保险契约,应为无效。 (二) 凡海上保险契约,有下列情节者应认为赌博契约: 甲、被保险人无本法规定之保险利益者;或在订约时,无取得是项利益之希望者。 乙、保险契约订有下列或其他类订条款者,例如“无论有无利害关系”,“除本契约外无须再证明其他利害关系”,“保险人并无捞救利益”。 但因捞救无望而于契约内载有是项注明者不在此限。 第五条 (一) 凡与海事冒险发生利益关系之人,均得依本法之规定认为有保险利益。 (二) 凡对于海事冒险或受保财产,立于法律上或利害上,关系地位之人,于该受保财产安全时,或按期到达时,即蒙利益,于发生损失时,或扣押时,即发生损害或赔偿,即称为利害关系人。 第六条 (一) 在保险契约订立时,被保人对于标的物固无发生利益关系之必要,但在标的物发生灭失时,被保险人必须享有保险利益。标的物之保险,系以“危险之有无”为条件者,虽然灭失发生后,始取得利益时,仍得请求损害赔偿,但保险契约订立时,被保险人明知已灭失,而保险人不知者,不在此限。 (二) 被保险人如在灭失发生时并无保险利益者,无论其嗣后行为若何,均不能取得保险利益。 第七条 (一) 属于消灭性之利益得为保险,其属于本来之利益亦得为保险。 (二) 例如货物承买人,虽因货物迟延交付,或其他原因,得拒收货物。或将危险责任加诸原售主时,仍有保险利益,得为保险。 第八条 一部分利益,无论其性质若何,均得保险。 第九条

英国1906年海上保险法 English Marine Insurance A

English Marine Insurance Act 1906(英国1906年海上保险法) 海上保险的定义 1.海上保险合同是一种合同,根据这种合同,保险人按照约定的方式和范围,对被保险人遭受的与航海有关的海上损失承担责任。 海陆混合风险 2.(1)海上保险合同,得用明文条款或者根据贸易惯例,将责任范围扩展到保障被保险人在与海上航程有关的内河或内陆运输风险中所遭受的损失。 (2)如果用海上保险单格式的保险单,承保建造中的船舶,或者船舶下水,或者类似航海的冒险,本法中的各项规定只要可以运用的都可适用;但除本条规定者外,本法的任何规定,都不能改变或影响任何适用于本法规定的海上保险合同以外的保险合同的法律规定。 航海与海上危险的定义 3.(1)除本法的规定外,每一合法的航海得为海上保险合同的标的。 (2)特别是以下各项属于航海; (a)受海上危险影响的船舶、货物或其他动产,在本法中,这些财产被称作"保险财产";(b)由于保险财产暴露于海上危险之中而危及的任何运费、旅客票款、佣金、利润或其他经济利益的收入或获得,或者任何预付款项、贷款或垫付费用的担保; (c)由于海上危险,保险财产所有人或对它有利益的或者负有责任的人,对第三都引起的任何责任。 海上危险是指因海上航行而发生的或与海上航行有磁的危险,即海上灾害、火灾、战争危险、海盗、劫掠者、盗贼、捕获、扣押、拘禁和王子与人民的羁押、抛弃、船长船员有意损害被保险人的行为和任何诸如此类的或所附保险单规定的危险。 赌博合同无效 4.(1)用作赌博的海上保险合同无效。 (2)海上保险合同在下列情况下,被认为是赌博合同: (a)被保险人对保险标的无本法规定的保险利益,而且在缔约后仍无获得此种保险利益的可能;

英国 海上保险法

英国1906年海上保险法 第一条 海上保险契约,系保险人向被保险人允诺,于被保险人蒙受海上损害,即海事冒验所发生之损害时,应依约定之条款及数额负责赔偿之契约。 第二条 (一)海上保险契约得因明订条款,或商业习惯,扩展其范围,凡被保险人与海程有关之内河或陆地危险均得受该契约之保障。 (二)船舶在建造中,在下水时或在其他类似海事冒险时,凡投保海上保险者,本法在可能范围内均应适用,但除本条所规定者外,对于海上保险以外之保险法律不发生影响。 第三条 (一)所有海事冒险,均得依本法之规定,订立海上保险契约。 (二)下列各款均属海事冒险情节。 甲、船舶货物或其他动产有蒙受海上危险可能者,是项财产在本法即称为“受保财产”。 乙、收益、运费、客票、佣金、利得、或其他金钱利益或垫款,借贷,或日用开支等项,因“受保财产”蒙受海上危险可能发生影响者。 丙、“受保财产”之所有人,利书关系人或负责人,因海上危险对第三者发生赔偿责任可能者。 海上危险指称因航海所发生之一切危险,例如海难、火烧、兵灾海盗、流氓、窃盗、捕获、拘捕、禁止以及君王人民之扣押,投弃,船员故意行为,或其他保险所注明之危险。 保险利益

(一)以赌博为目的而订立之海上保险契约,应为无效。 (二)凡海上保险契约,有下列情节者应认为赌博契约: 甲、被保险人无本法规定之保险利益者;或在订约时,无取得是项利益之希望者。 乙、保险契约订有下列或其他类订条款者,例如“无论有无利害关系”,“除本契约外无须再证明其他利害关系”,“保险人并无捞救利益”。 但因捞救无望而于契约内载有是项注明者不在此限。 第五条 (一)凡与海事冒险发生利益关系之人,均得依本法之规定认为有保险利益。 (二) 凡对于海事冒险或受保财产,立于法律上或利害上,关系地位之人,于该受保财产安全时,或按期到达时,即蒙利益,于发生损失时,或扣押时,即发生损害或赔偿,即称为利害关系人。 第六条 (一)在保险契约订立时,被保人对于标的物固无发生利益关系之必要,但在标的物发生灭失时,被保险人必须享有保险利益。标的物之保险,系以“危险之有无”为条件者,虽然灭失发生后,始取得利益时,仍得请求损害赔偿,但保险契约订立时,被保险人明知已灭失,而保险人不知者,不在此限。 (二)被保险人如在灭失发生时并无保险利益者,无论其嗣后行为若何,均不能取得保险利益。 第七条 (一)属于消灭性之利益得为保险,其属于本来之利益亦得为保险。 (二)例如货物承买人,虽因货物迟延交付,或其他原因,得拒收货物。或将危险责任加诸原售主时,仍有保险利益,得为保险。


2012年2月刊商品与质量理论研究 175浅论海上保险法告知义务 □鞠祎姝 (上海海事大学上海200135) 摘要:本文介绍了告知义务的起源和内涵,论述了告知义务的历史发展及深刻含义,然后分析了其性质和理论依据,指出了构成要件和后果,最后做了总结。 关键词:告知义务最大诚信保险 一、告知义务的起源及内涵(一)告知义务的起源海上保险法的告知义务制度何时在何处起源,学界并没有定论,通说认为,海上保险制度起源于十四世纪的意大利地中海沿岸。而最初的告知义务只是保险业的行业习惯。直至1766年英国Mansfield Lord 大法官在Carter v.Boehm 一案的判决中肯定了告知义务的存在,告知义务才正式成为一项法律制度。1601年,议会通过了第一部海上保险法《关于商人使用保险单的法案》。(二)告知义务的内涵《海商法》第222条规定,"合同订立前,被保险人应当将其知道的或者在通常业务中应当知道的有关影响保险人据以确定保险费率或者确定是否同意承保的重要情况,如实告知保险人,保险人知道或者在通常业务中应当知道的情况保险人没有询问的,被被保险人无需告知"。二、告知的内容1、"告知内容。被保险人在向保险人投保时,应将所有与保险标的风险相关的重要情况向保险人充分、正确地告知。《英国1906年海上保险法》第18条(被保险人的告知)规定:(1)除本条的规定外,在签订合同前,被保险人必须向保险人告知其所知的一切情况。(2)影响谨慎的保险人确定保险费或影响其决定是否承保的每一情况,被认为是重要情况;(3)如保险人未问及,对 下列情况被保险人无需告知:减少风险的任何情况;保险人知道或被认为应该知道的情况;保险人应该知晓的众所周知的事情,以及他在通常业务中应该知晓的一般情况;保险人不要求被保险人告知的情况;由于明文或 默示的保证条款,被保险人无需告知的事项。(4)在每一案件中,未告知的任何特别情况是否重要,是一个事实问题。(5)"情况"一语包括送给被保险人的通知和其收到的消息。 2、被保险人知道或者在通常业务中应当知道的重要情况。被保险人在与保险人洽订合同时,已经实际了解到的足以影响保险人对风险判断的各项情况,无论这些情况是通过何种方法、手段了解到的,被保险人都有义务向保险人做如实的告知。司法实践中,以下情况均有可能会被视为是重要情况:战争或武装冲突时期船舶缺乏护航或者怀疑被捕获;船舶可能搁浅、沉没、触礁、丢失等情况;船舶名称;对航行或运输有影响的港口的情况;船舶开航日期、抵港日期、不适航、绕航等情况;标的物的真实价值;货物状况;船舶或投保人的国籍;甲板货。 3、一般应告知的内容和无须告知的内容。应告知的重要情况主要包括以下四项:(1)足以使承保危险增加的情况;(2)为特殊动机而投保的,有关此种动机的情况;(3)显示义务人在某方面非正常的情况;(4)表明承保危险特殊性质的情况。具体到船舶保险来说,船舶的性能及特殊构造、船级和船龄、船长和船舶受损的情况以及船舶开航时间等。 至于海运货物保险,义务人还应将货物装于 甲板的情况、货物的危险性质、货物在运输开 始前有可能遭到损坏的情况、货物装卸须使 用驳船的情况等加以告知。 义务人无须告知的内容也有四种情况: (1)减少风险的任何情况;(2)保险人知道或 被认为应该知道的情况,众所周知的事情以 及他所从事的业务中应该知晓的一般情况; (3)保险人不要求义务人告知的情况;(4)由 于明文或暗示的保证条款,义务人无须告知 的情况。由于我国《海商法》规定"保险人知 道或在通常业务中应当知道的情况,保险人 没有询问的,被保险人无须告知。"因此值得 注意的是,即使保险人实际知道或推定知道 有关重要情况,但如果保险人问及,告知义务 人仍负有如实告知的义务。因此,如义务人 在以无须告知为由作反抗辩时,必须同时证 明保险人及其代理人实际知道或推定知道, 而且保险人及其代理人没有问及该情况。 三、告知义务的性质和理论根据 (一)告知义务的性质 对告知义务性质的确定有着极为重要的 意义。目前,关于告知义务性质的观点有一 下几种: 1.在英国法中,对告知义务性质的观点有 两种:(1).合同责任说,认为最大诚信义务以 保险合同中的模式条款为基础, 因此,告知义务是一种合同义务。认为告知义务来源于合同中默示条款(implied term of thecontract ); (2).告知义务是法定义务,认为它是在法治中 发展出来的法律上的义务,和合同的默示条 款无关。 2.在中国法中,对告知义务性质的认识则非常复杂,学说众多,如法定义务说、间接义 务说或不真正义务说、法定的先合同义务说、 附随义务说等。但目前,我国比较一致的观 点认为告知义务并非保险合同规定的义务,而是法定义务,即保险理发强加给投保人的 一种"不利益"的法律约束,认为投保人在订 约前,对保险标的状况的陈述,仅为缔结保险 合同前的预备行为,而非保险合同的成立条 件。因此,投保人履行告知义务并非是履行 保险合同所规定的义务,而是履行法定的义 务。中国从立法上承认了告知义务是一种法 定的义务。 (二)告知义务的理论根据 既然探讨到告知义务的理论根据,那应 当首先介绍一下最大诚信原则。最大诚信原 则在英语中的表述为"utmost good faith",最 大诚信原则至今已走过200年的历史,并被 各国的立法、司法实践和学术界所承认。在 卡特诉鲍曼的案件中,曼斯菲尔德大法官指 出:"保险合同是一种射幸合同,评价风险的 特定事实大都只有被保险人知道,保险人信 赖被保险人的陈述,相信被保险人没有保留 所知道的任何情况,从而诱使保险人确信某 一情况并不存在,并一次作为背景作出错误的风险评估。四、告知义务的履行时间根据《海商法》第222条的规定:告知义务人应在"合同订立前"将有关重要情况如实告知保险人,因此,告知义务的履行时间,应该是自告知义务人提出投保要求开始,在双方就保险条款、费率等事项进行协商的过程中持续,直至海上保险合同成立时终止。对于告知义务的履行应当注意以下情况:1、在双方协商过程中,告知义务人刚了解到的重要情况和从不重要变为重要的情况,告知义务人都有义务向保险人及时告知,以便保险人对风险重新加以评价和判断。2、在协商过程中,告知义务人如发现已告知的重要情况与实际情况不符,或由于其他情况而发生了变化,告知义务人有义务在合同成立前予以更正,否则,即构成告知义务的违反。3、告知义务人在投保时,故意隐匿或因过失遗漏的重要情况,如在合同成立前向保险人如实补充告知,则不违反告知义务。此外,告知义务人在投保时隐匿或误述的某项重要情况,如在合同成立前,隐匿的事实消失或不实说明的事实变为正确,也不构成告知义务的违反。4、在海上保险合同成立后,如告知义务人提出对原合同条款加以修改,那么在条款变更的范围内,告知义务人就重新负有告知义务,直至双方就修改后的合同条款达成一致。5、在续保时,告知义务人负有将其所知的已经发生变化的重要情况和任何影响风险的新情况向保险人如实告知的义务。6、合同订立后,告知义务即告解除,即使告知义务人所知情况对风险有极其重要的影响也在所不问。而且保险人也不得以告知义务人在合同订立后作了某些不正确的告知而宣布解除合同,因为此时告知已不影响保险人对风险的接受。五、总结告知义务制度是保险法中一个极其重要的制度,告知义务,从本质上说是保险人与投保人之间的法律关系,其核心是投保人的权利范围及其法律保障问题。随着我国航运市场的发展,我过保险业务持续发展,市场发展潜力巨大,我们应充分健全各项法律制度来迎接各种挑战,保障我国航运市场、保险市场持续、快速、健康发展。参考文献:[1]司玉琢:《海商法专论》,中国人民大学出版社,2006年版。[2]樊启荣:《保险契约告知义务论》,中国政法大学出版社,2004年版。[3]徐国栋:《诚实信用原则研究》,中国人民大学出版社,2002年版。作者简介:鞠祎姝(1982年2月-),女,上海海事大学法学院2010级研究生,主要方向:海商法。


英国1906年海上保险法 (1906年12月21日) 海上保险 海上保险的定义 1. 海上保险合同是一种合同,根据这种合同,保险人按照约定的方式和范围,对被保险人遭受的与航海有关的海上损失承担赔偿责任。 海陆混合风险 2.(1)海上保险合同,得用明文条款或者根据贸易惯例,将责任范围扩展到保障被保险人在与海上航程有关的内河或内陆运输风险中所遭受的损失。 (2)如果用海上保险单格式的保险单,承保建造中的船舶,或者船舶下水,或者类似航海的冒险,本法中的各项规定只要可以运用的都可适用;但除本条规定者外,本法的任何规定,都不能改变或影响任何适用于本法规定的海上保险合同以外的保险合同的法律规定。航海与海上危险的定义 3.(1)出本法的规定外,每一合法的航海得为海上保险合同的标的。 (2)特别是以下各项属于航海: (a)受海上危险影响的船舶、货物或其他动产,在本法中,这些财产被称作“保险财产”;(b)由于保险财产暴露于海上危险之中而危及的任何运费、旅客票款、佣金、利润或其他经济利益的收入或获得,或者任何预付款项、贷款或垫付费用的担保; (c)由于海上危险,保险财产所有人或对它有利益的或者负有责任的人,对第三者引起的任何责任。 “海上危险”是指因海上航行而发生的或与海上航行有关的危险,即海上灾害、火灾、战争危险、海盗、劫掠者、盗贼、捕获、扣押、拘禁和王子与人民的羁押、抛弃、船长船员有意损害被保险人的行为和任何诸如此类的或所附保险单规定的危险。 保险利益 赌博合同无效 4.(1)用作赌博的海上保险合同无效。 (2)海上保险合同在下列情况下,被认为是赌博合同: (a)被保险人对保险标的无本法规定的保险利益,而且在缔约后仍无获得此种保险利益的可能; (b)保险单是按“无论有无保险利益”,或“除保险单本身外,再无具有保险利益的证明”,或“保险人无救助利益”等条件,或按其他类似条件签订的。 但是,如无救助的可能,保险单可以按保险人无救助利益的条件签订。 保险利益的定义 5.(1)除本法的规定外,与航海有利害关系的每一个人具有保险利益。 (2)一个人与航海有利害关系,特别是当他与该航海或处在危险中的保险财产具有法律上或衡平法人关系,如保险财产安全或按时抵达,他即能从中获益;如保险财产灭失、受到损害,或被滞留或引起有关责任,他的利益将受到损害。 利益何时应具有 6.(1)虽然投保时被保险人无需对保险标的具有利害关系,但保险标的发生损失时,被保险人必须对其具有利害关系。 如果保险标的是按“已灭失或未灭失”条件保险,被保险人即使在保险标的发生损失之
