States and Curves of Five-Dimensional Gauged Supergravity

States and Curves of Five-Dimensional Gauged Supergravity
States and Curves of Five-Dimensional Gauged Supergravity


幼儿园教职工大会主持词三篇 根据大会日程安排,**县机关幼儿园第一届二次教代会现在正 式开幕。这次大会代表共×××名。应到代表×××名,实到25名, 符合法定人数,能够开会。现在我向大家介绍今天到会的特邀代表: 教育工会委员许友贵老师、封任辉老师;机关幼儿园前任园长曹晓虹 老师;机关幼儿园前任工会主席徐学芬老师。 现在我宣布:**县机关幼儿园第一届二次教代会现在开幕。 大会第一项:请全体起立,奏《中华人民共和国国歌》,请坐下。 大会第二项:请**县教育工会委员许友贵老师讲话。 大会第三项:请幼儿园副园长李亚丽老师代表园行政致贺词。 大会第四项:请幼儿园园长皆映萍老师做《幼儿园园务工作报告》。 大会第五项:请副园长王艳琼老师做《幼儿园后勤工作报告》。 大会第六项:请幼儿园工会主席周映存老师做《幼儿园工会工作 报告》 大会第七项:请皆园长就本次教代会所征集的提案做《幼儿园提 案工作报告》。 各位代表:今天早上的议程到此结束,请各位到西院合影留念。 下午: 各位代表,今天下午2:30—3:30我们实行了大会的第一项和 第二项议程:分组讨论各种报告和代表提案;行政领导、各组负责人 及相关人员召开了意见或建议反馈会议。 现在我们实行今天下午的第三项议程:请各位代表就提交本次会 议的报告、提案实行表决。

1、同意《幼儿园园务工作报告》的请举手。不同意请举手。通过。 2、同意《幼儿园后勤工作报告》的请举手。不同意请举手。通过。 3、同意《幼儿园工会工作报告》的请举手。不同意请举手。通过。 4、同意《幼儿园提案工作报告》的请举手。不同意请举手。通过。 大会第四项议程:请皆园长就各位代表团讨论的意见和建议作整改说明。 大会第五项议程:请幼儿园工会主席周映存致闭幕词。 各位代表:**县机关幼儿园第一届二次教代会经过一天的时间圆满地完成大会议程,现在闭幕。 【篇二】 今天是立秋的第四天,在二十四节气中,立秋寓意着万物成熟丰收的季节到了。在这个丰收的季节里,我们又将迎来一个新的学期,当看到大群孩子涌入我们幼儿园的场面,想想就觉得热血沸腾! 在过去的一学期里,在坐的各位与我们全体教职工用责任感和事业心,确保了幼儿园各项工作正常、有序的展开,我们对这个充满快乐与幸福的大家庭付出了真心,才会如此的热爱这份职业,珍惜这个岗位,并为其付出更多也无怨无悔。在这里让我们掌声送给自己! 今天的会议分为三项:第一项是分享;第二项是各园对近期工作的总结与倾诉;第三项是由经理为我们作出工作指导。 我要与大家分享的是一份《家庭教育手册》。大家都知道,七月份经理和我们分享了一篇《日本启蒙教育启示录》,看完之后,我感


日本家庭教育手册,先进的教育理念值得我们学习! 导读: 1999年4月,日本文部省颁布了《家庭教育手册》,国内教育学者 编译了中文版本,全文分为“家庭是什么”、“家教”、“同情心”、“个性与理想”、“游戏”等五大板块,内容通俗易懂,却极有深度和针对性。邻国十几年前的家教手册,在中国的今天,依然还属前沿,实在是值得反思。本手册内容齐全,科学性强,推荐大家收藏,常读常思常用。 (一)家庭是什么 孩子最大的愿望是家里人都能愉快地过日子 当问及孩子 " 你对家庭有什么更高的期望" 时,孩子回答得最多的是" 家里人都能愉快地过日子。" 孩子们在企求这么理所当然的事,作为父母应该认真面对 这样的现实。

只要给孩子提供必要的东西,孩子就能自然地成长的时代已经过去了。现在,安宁、愉快的家庭需要全家人有意识的共同努力。为了孩子,为了自己,请 对家庭进行一次再认识吧。 不会珍惜自己的人也不会珍惜孩子 养育孩子确实很重要,但是整天神经绷得紧紧的也吃不消,父母的烦躁不安 会传染给孩子。 正因为养育孩子很辛苦,所以,拥有属于自己的时间,保持心理健康很重要。 父母应互相配合,共同承担。有效利用孩子去托幼机构的时间,可让你的身 心有个 " 休整 "。 另外,有什么事别自己一个人烦恼。鼓起勇气去家庭教育咨询中心、保健中 心、儿童咨询所等处跟专家谈谈。 在家里,父母充满幸福的笑容,会使孩子感受到幸福。 "养育孩子是母亲的事 " ,有这种想法的父亲要当心 认为,在现代家庭里,父亲的权威变得越来越弱,对孩子辨别善恶、分清好 坏的社会教育也越来越马虎。通常,父亲和母亲的育儿方针基本一致,但父 亲和母亲站在不同的角度教育孩子,能纠正过于密切的母子关系。父亲自然 地参与养育孩子,发挥父亲的影响力,父母的互相积极很有必要。母亲应注


Functions 1 Phase Overcurrent Protection When the phase current exceeds the low-set I> setting value, the overcurrent low-set element starts and delivers a start signal to the display panel and a group of preassigned relay outputs. After a delay time, determined by the inverse time current characteristic curve selected and the measured current or by definite time t>, this overcurrent element operates and delivers a trip signal to the display panel and a group of relay outputs that are configured to link to the low-set phase overcurrent tripping. When the phase current exceeds the high-set I>> setting value, the overcurrent high-set element starts and delivers a start signal to the display panel and a group of preassigned relay outputs. After a preset time, determined by t>>, this overcurrent element operates and delivers a trip signal to the display panel and a group of relay outputs that are configured to link to high-set phase overcurrent tripping. 2 Earth-Fault Protection When the earth-fault current exceeds the low-set Io> setting value, the earth-fault low-set element starts and delivers a start signal to the display panel and a group of preassigned relay outputs. After a delay time, determined by the inverse time current characteristic curve selected and the measured current or by definite time to>, this earth-fault element operates and delivers a trip signal to the display panel and a group of relay outputs that are configured to link to the low-set earth-fault tripping.When the earth-fault current exceeds the high-set Io>> setting value, the earth-fault high-set element starts and delivers a start signal to the display panel and a group of preassigned relay outputs. After a preset time, determined by to>>, this earth-fault element operates and delivers a trip signal to the display panel and a group of relay outputs that are configured to link to high-set earth-fault tripping. Introduction The MK2200 combined overcurrent and earth-fault relay is a digital microprocessor based relay. This relay employs extensive advance numerical techniques implemented in real-time, for the computation of measured input quantity. Other advance features include programmable control output, metering and fault data recording. Application The MK2200 combined overcurrent and earth-fault relay is used where time graded overcurrent and earth fault protection is required. Features ? Multifunction numerical relay ? Three-phase, low-set and high-set phase overcurrent ? Two sets of low-set and high-set setting for phase overcurrent ? Low-set and high-set earth fault ? Two sets of low-set and high-set setting for earth fault ? Four selectable IDMT characteristic curves ? Definite time for low-set and high-set ? Numeric display of phase and earth fault currents ? Display of relay settings ? 9 non- volatile records of previous trip-ping currents ? Recording of relay start time ? Highly flexible programmable relay outputs ? Multifunction external digital input ? Isolated RS485 Modbus - RTU communication ? Selectable 50 Hz / 60 Hz C o m b i n e d O v e r c u r r e n t & E a r t h F a u l t R e l a y M K 2200MK2200

美国各州州名 United States

美国各州州名 United States 州名(缩写)首府主要城市 美国本土 Alabama (AL) 阿拉巴马州Montgomery 蒙哥马利 Alaska (AK) 阿拉斯加州Juneau 朱诺 Arizona (AZ) 亚利桑那州Phoenix 菲尼克斯 Arkansas (AR) 阿肯色州Little Rock 小岩城 California (CA) 加利福尼亚州Sacramento 萨克拉曼多San Francisco 旧金山Los Angeles 洛杉矶San Diego 圣地亚哥Long Beach Colorado (CO) 科罗拉多州Denver 丹佛 Connecticut (CT) 康涅狄格州Hartford 哈特福德 Delaware (DE) 德拉瓦州Dover 多佛 Florida (FL) 佛罗里达州Tallahassee 塔拉哈希Miami 迈阿密Georgia (GA) 乔治亞州Atlanta 亚特兰大 Hawaii (HI) 夏威夷州Honolulu 檀香山 Idaho (ID) 爱达荷州Boise 波易士 Illinois (IL) 伊利诺斯州Springfield 春田Chicago 芝加哥 Indiana (IN) 印第安那州Indianapolis 印第安纳波利斯 Iowa (IA) 爱荷华州Des Moines 得梅因 Kansas (KS) 堪萨斯州Topeka 托皮卡 Kentucky (KY) 肯塔基州Frankfort 法兰克福 Louisiana (LA) 路易斯安那州Baton Rouge 巴吞鲁日New Orleans 新奥尔良Maine (ME) 缅因州Augusta 奧古斯塔 Maryland (MD) 马里兰州Annapolis 安纳波利斯 Massachusetts (MA) 马萨诸塞州Boston 波士顿Portsmouth 朴次茅斯Michigan (MI) 密西根州Lansing 兰辛Detroit 底特律Minnesota (MN) 明尼苏达州Saint Paul 圣保罗 Mississippi (MS) 密西西比州Jackson 杰克逊 Missouri (MO) 密苏里州Jefferson City 杰斐逊市 Montana (MT) 蒙大拿州Helena 赫勒那 Nebraska (NE) 内布拉斯加州Lincoln 林肯市 Nevada (NV) 内华达州Carson City 卡森城Reno 里诺 New Hampshire (NH) 新罕布什尔州Concord 康柯德


李季湄日本的《家庭教育手册》(二)家教 ·不知为什么,孩子的缺点跟父母总很相似 那些“只要自己好就行,别的我不管”、不守公德的人,让人讨厌、不可信赖。如果自己的孩子这样做时,大众不予以纠正,孩子会误认为自己做得对,这样就可能慢慢变成一个不讨人喜欢的人。 应抛弃“只要自己的孩子好就行,别的我不管”的想法。孩子做错事时,要以父母之爱严正斥责、严加管教。 同时,大人自己也要注意尽量不做出轨的事,做能一直让孩子依赖、尊敬的父母。 ·“规矩”是为谁定的 在家里,孩子们有时候守规矩,有时候“犯规”,由此逐渐学会处理人与人之间的关系,了解社会规则的重要性。 家规不仅包括日常问候、门限时间、关灯时间等,还包括不给别人添麻烦、不撒谎等社会规范。 为了让孩子懂规矩并一直遵守规矩,父母要经过认真讨论,定出明确的家规,父母和孩子一起遵守这个家规。另外,倾听孩子 __、和孩子共同定家规也很重要。 ·如果你想让孩子不幸,那就什么都给他买吧 如果父母不加考虑,尽给孩子买东西,容易使孩子失去为了得到自己想要的东西而努力、忍耐、多加思考的精神,而变得什么都想要、不能自控。

不管孩子怎么闹缠人,不必要的东西不给买。不要给太多的零花钱。让孩子在定额的零花钱中自己安排、调整怎样花。 如果真为孩子着想,比起在孩子身上花很多钱,更应在孩子身上花费心血,倾注父母之爱。 ·如果让孩子帮着做家务,他将变得很能干 孩子们有自我中心的言行、自立推迟等倾向,主要因为自我责任感没有形成。日本的父母太宠爱孩子,好多人没有受过“自己的事儿自己做”的家教。 在家里定出规矩,让孩子分担家务,对培养孩子的责任感、自立心、感受到自己是有用的人等方面很重要。 让孩子从“把用过的东西好”等小事做起,养成和父母一起做家务的习惯。 ·如果孩子最好的朋友是电视,那太寂寞啦 如果孩子整天呆在屋里看电视、看录像、玩电子游戏的话,容易造成与他人、与大自然接触的体验不够,与他人不能很好地交流,缺乏同情心,生与死的现实感薄弱,不能区别现实与假想世界,给孩子身心的健康成长留下阴影。 给孩子创设与其他小朋友一起玩、自然体验的机会,并让其积极参加。定出不多看电视、录像,不多玩电子游戏的规矩,并使孩子养成遵守这些规矩的习惯。 ·给孩子单独房间的同时,也给他定好规矩吧

曲面曲线 curves and surfaces for CAGD

Curves and Surfaces for Computer Graphics

To the memory of Pierre Etienne B′e zier(1910–1999). Only for you,children of doctrine and learning,have we written this work.Examine this book,ponder the meaning we have dispersed in various places and gathered again; what we have concealed in one place we have disclosed in another,that it may be understood by your wisdom. –Heinrich Agrippa von Nettesheim,De Occulta Philosophia,(1531)

David Salomon Curves and Surfaces for Computer Graphics With207Figures,12in Full Color

David Salomon(Emeritus) Department of Computer Science California State University,Northridge Northridge,CA91330-8281 U.S.A. dsalomon@, ISBN-10:0-387-24196-5e-ISBN:0-387-28452-4Printed on acid-free paper. ISBN-13:978-0-387-24196-8 ?2006Springer Science+Business Media,Inc. All rights reserved.This work may not be translated or copied in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher(Springer Science+Business Media,Inc.,233Spring St.,New York,NY10013,USA),except for brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly,e in connection with any form of information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation,computer software,or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed is forbidden. The use in this publication of trade names,trademarks,service marks,and similar terms,even if they are not identified as such,is not to be taken as an expression of opinion as to whether or not they are subject to proprietary rights. Printed in the United States of America.(HAM) 987654321SPIN11360285,


三年级下学期《家庭教育手册》第一次授课教案 许巧霞(梅花学区木连城小学)魏宇(兴安学区西里村小学) 第五课:《男孩也能跳皮筋》 培养孩子性别平衡的观念 第六课:《天有不测风云》 ——帮助孩子应对突发事件 教学目标: 1、让家长认识到培养孩子的性别平衡观念和帮助孩子营造性别 平衡家庭氛围的重要性。【教学重点】 2、了解孩子在应对突发性事件上的缺陷,能与孩子平等交流,了 解孩子真实想法的意识。【教学重点】 3、掌握简单的平衡性别意识的家教理念和掌握帮助孩子应对突 发性事件的行为技巧。【教学难点】 教学准备:《家庭教育手册》课件 教学流程: (二)精讲三年级第五课 《男孩也能跳皮筋》——培养孩子性别平衡的观念。 教材简介:那么现在请我们打开三年级的课本,首先让我们来看看目录,本学期,我们要学习5—8课。本次授课学习前两课的内容。第五课《男孩也能跳皮筋》培养孩子性别平衡的观念。第六课《天有不测风云》,帮助孩子应对突发事件。这两课的内容都是关于家长的科学育子方法的指导,有的思想在我们看来是很西方的,甚至也许是

超前的,觉得没有必要的,不容易想到和接受的,但却是我们不能忽视的两部分内容。我们不妨先试着来认识,慢慢在生活中去尝试、去理解和实践,依据这些理念去改变我们的家教思想,关注孩子在成长过程中的思想变化,认识到性格的形成对孩子今后成长道路的影响, 一、事例引入,点明课题 下面我们来放松一下,听一首歌——《贵妃醉酒》。多么动听的歌曲,委婉,柔美。大家对歌手肯定也非常熟悉,他就是中国歌坛反串第一人——李玉刚。无可厚非,他成功了。我们来看一下他的个人成长轨迹。 李玉刚,中国歌剧舞剧院国家一级演员、全国青联委员、青年表演艺术家。他在舞台上游刃有余地穿梭于男人和女人之间,其表演将中国民族艺术、传统戏曲、歌剧辅以时尚包装,被海外媒体称为“中国国宝级艺术家”。2006年,获央视《星光大道》年度季军,以超高人气成“无冕之王”。2007年《凡花无界》北京演唱会反响空前。2009年悉尼歌剧院《盛世霓裳》演唱会受世界瞩目并获悉尼市政府颁发的“南十字星”文化金奖。2010年《镜花水月》演唱会全球巡演11场盛况空前,其中日本东京站和中国人民大会堂的演出更为轰动。 从1998年到2012年,整整14年时间,李玉刚都在学习男扮女装。对于他的反串也引起了极大的争议,他没有在乎,一直执着于自己的追求,为什么在中国现在如此开放的时代,现在还有一些人不能认同呢,关键是我们个别人的思想观念没有改变,艺术是不分性别的,想

Katz v. United States 美国关于搜查

KATZ v. UNITED STATES 389 U.S. 347 (1967) MR. JUSTICE STEWART delivered the opinion of the Court. (1)The petitioner was convicted in the District Court for the Southern District of California under an eight-count indictment charging him with transmitting wagering information by telephone from Los Angeles to Miami and Boston, in violation of a federal statute. 1 At trial the Government was permitted, over the petitioner's objection, to introduce evidence of the petitioner's end of telephone conversations, overheard by FBI agents who had attached an electronic listening and recording device to the outside of the public telephone booth from which he had placed his calls. In affirming his conviction, the Court of Appeals rejected the contention that the recordings had been obtained in violation of the Fourth Amendment, [389 U.S. 347, 349] because "[t]here was no physical entrance into the area occupied by [the petitioner]." We granted certiorari in order to consider the constitutional questions thus presented. (2)The petitioner has phrased those questions as follows: "A. Whether a public telephone booth is a constitutionally protected area so that evidence obtained by attaching an electronic listening recording device to the top of such a booth is obtained in violation of the right to privacy of the user of the booth. [389 U.S. 347, 350] "B. Whether physical penetration of a constitutionally protected area is necessary before a search and seizure can be said to be violative of the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution." We decline to adopt this formulation of the issues. In the first place, the correct solution of Fourth Amendment problems is not necessarily promoted by incantation of the phrase "constitutionally protected area." Secondly, the Fourth Amendment cannot be translated into a general constitutional "right to privacy." That Amendment protects individual privacy against certain kinds of governmental intrusion, but its protections go further, and often have nothing to do with privacy at all. Other provisions of the Constitution protect personal privacy from other forms of governmental invasion. But the protection of a person's general right to privacy --- his right to be let alone by other people --- is, like the [389 U.S. 347, 351] protection of his property and of his very life, left largely to the law of the individual States. (3)Because of the misleading way the issues have been formulated, the parties have attached great significance to the characterization of the telephone booth from which the petitioner placed his calls. The petitioner has strenuously argued that the booth was a "constitutionally protected area." The Government has maintained with equal vigor that it was not. But this effort to decide whether or not a given "area," viewed in the abstract, is "constitutionally protected" deflects attention from the problem presented by this case. For the Fourth Amendment protects people, not places. What a person knowingly exposes to the public, even in his own home or office, is not a subject of Fourth Amendment protection. See Lewis v.

机械CADChapter 2 Curves

Chapter 2 Curves 2.1 Introduction Curves are one of the basic entities in the CAD/CAM systems. All existing CAD/CAM systems provide the users with basic wireframe entities. A wireframe model is created by specifying each edge of the physical object or by connecting an object ’s constituent vertices using straight lines or curves. Wireframe is used in visualization of the underlying design structure of a 3D model. Since wireframe representations are relatively simple and quick to calculate, they are often used in cases where a high screen refresh rate is needed. 2.2 Curve Representation Curves can be described mathematically by nonparametric or parametric equations. Nonparametric equations can be explicit or implicit. The explicit nonparametric representation of general 3D curve has the form of [][]T T )x (g )x (f x z y x P == (2.1) Where P is the position vector of point P, and (x y z) is the coordinate of the point. The curve described in Eq. (2.1) can be solved by finding the intersection of two surfaces as ? ??==0)z ,y ,x (G 0)z ,y ,x (F (2.2) Equation (2.2) is the implicit form for the curve, where F(x, y, z)=0 and G(x, y, z)=0 represent the two surface equations. However, the equation must be solved to find its roots(y and z values) if a certain value of x is given. This may be inconvenient and lengthy. Besides that, other limitations of nonparametric are: (1) If the slope of a curve at a point is vertical or near vertical, its value becomes infinity or very large, and it is difficult to deal with. Other ill-defined mathematical conditions may result. (2) If the curve is to be displayed as a series of points or a straight line segments, the computations involved could be extensive. Parametric representation of curves overcomes all of the above difficulties. It allows closed and multiple-valued functions to be easily defined and replaces the use of slope with that of tangent vectors. In the case of commonly used curves such as conics and cubics, these equations are polynomials rather than equations involving roots. Hence the parametric form is not only more general but it is also well suited to computations and display. The parametric equation for a three-dimensional curve in space takes the following vector form: []max min T T t t t ,)t (z )t (y )t (x ]z y x [)t (P ≤≤== (2.3) Equation (2.3) implies that the coordinates of a point on the curve are the components of its position vector. There are many advantages with parametric form given by Eq. (2.3). Points on the curve can be computed by substituting the proper parametric values into the equation. Parametric geometry can be easily expressed in terms of vectors and matrices which enables the use of simple computation

nicknames of 50 states of America

1.Alabama 阿拉巴马州Camellia State Cotton State Heart of Dixie Y ellowhammer State 山茶花州 草棉州 西方强国南部各州的中间金色啄木鸟之州 2.Alaska 阿拉斯加州Great Land Last Frontier Land of the Midnight Sun Mainland State 大地 最后的边陲 午夜阳光之地 大陆州 3.Arizona 亚利桑那州Apache State Copper State Grand Canyon State 阿帕契州 铜州 大峡谷之州 4.Arkansas 阿肯色州Bear State Land of Opportunity Natural State Wonder State 熊洲 时机之地 天然之州 异景之州 5.California 加利福尼亚州Grape State El Dorado State Golden State Golden West Land of Milk and Honey 葡萄州 艾尔多拉度州 黄金之州 黄金西部奶与蜜之地 6.Colorado 科罗拉多州Centennial State Last Frontier Last Old West State Mile High State Mountain State Rocky Mountain State Switzerland of America 世纪之州 最后的边陲 最后的老西部州 哩高之州 山脉之州 落矶山州 西方强国的瑞士 7.Connecticut 康乃狄克州Arsenal of the Nation Constitution State Nutmeg State 国度军工场 宪法之州 肉豆蔻之州 8.Delaware 德拉瓦州Diamond State First State Land of Tax-Free Shopping Small Wonder 钻石之州 第一州 免税购物之地 小异景 9.Florida 佛罗里达州Everglade State Orange State Sunshellone State 湿地之州 柑橘州 阳光之州 10.Georgia 佐治亚州Empire State of the South Peach State 南边帝国州 桃子儿州


《家庭教育手册 家庭是什么? ●孩子最大的愿望是家里人都能愉快地过日子 当问及孩子“你对家庭有什么更高的期望”时,孩子回答得最多的是“家里人都能愉快 地过日子。”孩子们在企求这么理所当然的事,作为父母应该认真面对这样的现实 只要给孩子提供必要的东西,孩子就能自然地成长的时代已经过去了。现在,安宁、 快的家庭需要全家人有意识的共同努力。为了孩子,为了自己,请对家庭进行一次再认识吧。 ●不会珍惜自己的人也不会珍惜孩子 养育孩子确实很重要,但是整天神经绷得紧紧的也吃不消,父母的烦躁不安会传染给孩子。 正因为养育孩子很辛苦,所以,拥有属于自己的时间,保持心理健康很重要。父母应互 相配合,共同承担。有效利用孩子去托幼机构的时间,可让你的身心有个“休整”。 另外,有什么事别自己一个人烦恼。鼓起勇气去家庭教育咨询中心、保健中心、儿童咨 询所等处跟专家谈谈。 在家里,父母充满幸福的笑容,会使孩子感受到幸福 ●“养育孩子是母亲的事”,有这种想法的父亲要当心 一般认为,在现代家庭里,父亲的权威变得越来越弱,对孩子辨别善恶、分清好坏的社 会教育也越来越马虎。通常,父亲和母亲的育儿方针基本一致,但父亲和母亲站在不同的角度教育孩子,能纠正过于密切的母子关系。父亲自然地参与养育孩子,发挥父亲的影响力,父母的互相积极很有必要。母亲应注意不要在孩子面前贬低、瞧不起父亲。父亲也应注意,不要在孩子面前大声斥责母亲。 ●未必“一说就知道”,但不说就更不知道了 在现代社会,如果什么都不说,要互相理解是很难的。不断增加夫妻之间、父母和孩子 之间的对话,是建立幸福家庭的基础。无论是夫妻之间还是父母和孩子之间,不管什么事可以交谈是最好不过了 全家人一起吃饭,一起交流各自的近况,早晨的问候,让孩子帮忙做家务,和孩子一起玩,一起参加社区的义务活动等等,这些对增加交流都很重要。 ●全家人一起吃饭这件事真的很重要 饮食生活不仅对儿童身体的健康,也对儿童心理的发展有深远的影响。全家人一起吃饭 的愉悦、父母费心做出的饭菜等等自然地将父母的爱传达给孩子。由此得到的满足感、信赖感能使孩子开朗、坚强地成长。 注意饮食的营养均衡,设法定好一起吃饭的日子,养成全家人一起吃饭的习惯吧。 ●父母积极向上的生活姿态,孩子一定能领会到 由于家长要一边工作一边养育孩子,容易使家长与孩子接触的时间变少。但是,疼爱孩子,为了更美好的未来而努力奋斗的家长的形象,一定会深深地铭刻在孩子的心中。 另外,各种各样的烦恼是难免的,别一个人承受着,应请亲戚、朋友们协助,或积极利用社区的咨询窗以及育儿机构。无论何时,都要充满自信地养育孩子,表现出积极向上的生活姿态。 家教 ·不知为什么,孩子的缺点跟父母总很相似 那些“只要自己好就行,别的我不管”、不守公德的人,让人讨厌、不可信赖。如果自 己的孩子这样做时,大众不予以纠正,孩子会误认为自己做得对,这样就可能慢慢变成一个不讨人喜欢的人。 应抛弃“只要自己的孩子好就行,别的我不管”的想法。孩子做错事时,要以父母之爱

Precise control on compound curves

Precise Control on Compound Curves Robert Huott Huott Sound 214 W29th St. #1503 New York, NY 10001 914-316-1772 bhuott@earthlin, ABSTRACT This paper presents the ‘Bean’, a novel controller employing a multi-touch sensate surface in a compound curve shape. The design goals, construction, and mapping system are discussed, along with a retrospective from a previous, similar design. Keywords Musical controller, sensate surface, mapping system 1.INTRODUCTION The Bean is a development of ideas tested in the ‘Ski’ over several years [2]. As with the previous design, the main goal is to create a musical instrument with a broad sonic scope, one that can play in many styles and easily collaborate with traditional or modern instruments. Using conductive rubber materials and an AtmelAVR microcontroller [4], a multi-touch sensing pad is built on an arbitrary shape with three distinct peaks intended to delineate octaves of the instrument’s range. Notes are mapped so that musically useful intervals fall under the fingers naturally. The map combines some elements from stringed instruments, the piano keyboard, and the kalimba, making it more intuitive for the experienced musician. I will discuss experience gained on the Ski and how it was applied this new experiment. While the Ski made headway towards a viable instrument, technical improvements were needed for further development of a precise playing technique. The Bean takes a fresh approach on the instrument’s shape, and is the next step towards the kind of accuracy that will enable virtuosic performance characteristics in a new controller. 2.FORM FACTOR 2.1Choice of Shape The Tactex [3] pads used in the Ski are only flexible in one axis, limiting the choice of shapes for the playing surface. In looking for ways to include more positional cues in the shape, the idea of portions of a sphere for each octave kept coming to mind. In an early drawing, it began to look like a giant pea-pod and so the bean shape was conceived. While it is visually novel and memorable, the ends of the pod are useful for holding it under the chin or between knees. It is hoped that a roughly spherical section for each octave will help in locating notes on the surface. Another new shape element is a convex surface on the back of the instrument making it easier to grasp without stretching. Compared to the Ski, the new instrument is much shorter so that it will be easier to transport. It can have a leg added to rest on the floor, a neck strap, or can simply be held by the musician as described above. 2.2Construction A fiberglass over foam construction method was chosen for the Bean. It is similar to the way surfboards are made and has the advantages of low cost and ease of carving. After shaping, the body was painted and laminated with two layers of fiberglass cloth and epoxy. Once complete, the active sensing area was cut out, foam core removed, structure and electronics added inside, and the sensor laminate applied to the outside. The finished product is strong and light, and changes or repairs are fairly simple to make. 2.3Sensing Pad Details After seeing conductive rubber used in the HyperPuja during NIME03 [5], I experimented with using it in a position-sensing pad. Zoflex? conductive rubber [6] is available in sheets, either conductive full-time or under pressure (like a switch or force-sensitive resistor). Here a pressure-switching sheet is sandwiched between rows and columns of conductive material. At the bottom layer, aluminum tape is used for the column strips. On top are rows of full-time conductive rubber glued to the back of a leather playing surface. Contacts are made where the strips wrap around the edge of the pad. Using the Atmel microcontroller, a voltage is applied to each row in sequence. If there are pressure points on that row, the Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Nime’05, May 26-28, , 2005, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Copyright remains with the author(s). Figure 1. The Bean
