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(1)capitalize on/upon 利用(2)of one's own accord 出于自愿,主动地 (3)in the region of 在...领域,大约,差不多(4)be critical of 对...挑剔,对...吹毛求疵(5)stab sb in the back 中伤某人(6)domestic and diplomatic affairs 内政外交问题(7)residential garbage 生活垃圾(8)give offense to someone 冒犯某人(9)at a stretch 不停地,连续地(10)brain drain 人才流失(11)to the utmost 最大限度地(12)get around to (较重要的事处理完后)处理某事(13)identify with sb 与...产生共鸣(14)manage a promise 达成妥协(15)bring sb to justice 将...绳之以法(16)uphold justice 主持正义(17)a drop in the bucket 九牛一毛(18)in full career 以全速前进(19)without giving any thought for 根本不考虑 (20)

be on circuit 在巡回当中(21)out of one's wits 不知所措(22)in confidence 秘密地(23)take sb into one's confidence 把...作为知己(24)put a curb on 抑制(25)take no notice of 不计较(26)have a hatred for sb/at sth 憎恶某人/某事(27)let one's feelings to predjudice sb 感情用事(28)without predjudice to 不损害现有利益(29)a recipe for success 成功的秘诀(30)a wealth of something 大量(有用)的东西(31)at the prospect of 为...着想(32)remarkable contribution 杰出贡献(33)in the capacity of 以...身份(34)be full of enthusiasm/be enthusiastic about 热衷于... (35)be given to (doing) sth 经常做...习惯于 (36)

out of joint 出了问题(37)blow up one's own trumpet/horn 自吹自擂(37)in alliance with ..和..联合起来(38)an array of 一大批..(39)be in awe of 敬畏..,畏惧.. (40)fell bound to 感到有责任做... (41)bet on the wrong horse 做出错误的估计(42)at a full blast 一鼓作气地(43)make so bold as to 冒昧大胆(44)crow one's head off 大吹大擂(45)beneath one's dignity 有失某人的身份(体面)(46) a new international climate of detente 国际关系缓和的新迹象(47)be cursed with 受...折磨,受..之害(48)put a curse on 诅咒某人(49)be executed for 因...被处死(50)after the fashion of 仿照.. (51)first and foremost 首要的是,首先(52)have a talent/genius for 有...天赋(53)have a grudge against sb 妒忌某人(54)on the horizon 即将来临(55)hush up 隐瞒,掩饰(56)under the necessity of doing sth 被迫做 (57)

back and forth 反复来回(58)hard to pick the red 敬酒不吃吃罚酒(59)in the flesh 本人,亲自(60)intellectual starveling智力匮乏(61)with the intention of doing sth..为了干.. (62)label ...(as) sth 把...说成是...(63)lick one's tips 垂涎欲滴(64)be liable for 对...有责任(65)in a lump 全部(66)be in obedience to 服从(67)be offended with sb 对...生气(68)be offended at /by sth 因..而生气(69)have a passion for 酷)爱.. (70)get/fly into a passion/rage 勃然大怒(71)phase in/ out 逐步(不)使用(72)take precautions against 预防(73)be proficient in/at 精通 (74)make provision for 为将来或以防万一而做准备(75)immune from prosecution 免于起诉(76)provoke sb into(doing)sth 激起某人做某事 (77)be all the rage 风靡一时(78)go purple with rage 脸色发紫(79)Party Central Committee 党中央(80)relieve one's feelings 发泄感情(81)beyond remedy 无可救药(82)take up residence in 住迁(83)large sections of 大部分(84)start from the scratch 从头做起,从零开始(85)food,clothing,shelter(housing),transportation 衣食住行(86)make a sketch of 为..写生(87)string along with 随某人同行(88)on the stroke 准时地(90)massive superiority in 在...占优势(91)with an air of 带着..神气(92)the supplement to sth ...的补充(93)in full swing 正在热烈进行中(94)in sympathy with 赞同支持(95)absolve sb from 免除某人的(96)within an ace of 差一点,几乎(97)administer drugs 开药(98)be alien to 与...不相符(99)make amends (to sb) for sth 赔偿(某人的)...(100)on the analogy of 根据...类推(101)be antecedent to 先于(102)be appreciative of 感激(103)asscend the throne
