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2. What is IT? Information Technology.
3. What is CD-ROM?
Compact disc read-only memory. 4. What is PDA?
Personal digital assistant.
5. What is W.W.W? World wide web.
[点拨] 两题都考查so ... that ... 的用法。
8. And my memory became so large that even I couldn’t believe it! 句型:so… that… 如此……以致于…… 与 too…to… 句型的相互转换 And my memory became too large for me to believe it. eg He is so old that he can’t carry the box. He is too old to carry the box.
Warming up
Look at these pictures. Discuss what they have in common. Predict what it is going to be about.
What’s next?
Pre-reading questions
with a strange fever; ______, he could
neither eat nor sleep. (江西2005)
A. as a result B. after all
C. any way
D. otherwise
[点拨] 考查短语辨析。as a result结果;
after all毕竟; any way不管怎样;
have something in common 有一些共同之处 have a lot in common 有许多共同之处
1) You know, Dorothy, you and I have one thing in common. 2) We just had nothing in common and I couldn't communicate with his dull business friends. 3) I suddenly felt we had a lot in common.
myself, until in early 1960s they gave me a family connected by a network.
Task 2 Fast reading
1. Where were you in 1642? In France.
2. What happened to you after nearly two hundred years? I was built as an Analytical Machine by Babbage.
Expert at high flying exercises: Olympic standard
Performance in Wonderful turns, dives, circles 78th Olympics and dances
Prize won
Silver medal for high flying exercises
4. artificial adj. 人工的, 人造的 artificial flowers/limbs/pearls 假花/假肢/假珍珠 artificial intelligence 人工智能
5. As a result 结果;终于;因此。
[考例] My friend Martin was very sick
now Computers connect people all over the world together.
Develop Early days
ment Name
A c_a_l_c_u_la_t_i_n_g Simplify machine difficult sums
1642 The computer began as a
calculating machine.
1822 The analytical machine was made by Charles Babbage.
1936 The computer grew rapidly both in size and in brainpower.
The first generation (1945-1956)
the second generation (1956-1963)
the fourth generation the third generation
(1971- )
1. What is PC? Speak the name on the whole. It means: personal computer.
1940s Computers had grown as large as a room.
1960s The first family of computers was connected to each other.
1970s Computers were used in offices and homes.
Analytical machine in 1822. 10. Who was the computers’ real father?
Alan Turing.
Reading task on Page 58
Read the passage and then fill in the chart.
3. What were you called in 1936? A universal machine.
4. What happened to you in the 1970s? I have been used in offices and homes.
Task 3 Careful reading
Language points
1. in common: for or by all of a group
the land owned in common by the residents 居民共有的土地 in common 常常同have连用,如: have nothing in common 无共同之处 have little in common 几乎无共同之处
Develo Network times pment
_M__e_m__o_ry__ Tubes
stored in _T__r_a_n_si_s_to_r_s__ Small chips Small
Ap__p_li_c_a_tions _C_o_m__m_u_n_i_c_ation Narrow
1. What have computers changed our 2. life? 2. What changes will they bring to us
in the future?
Task 1 Skimming
1. Who is the speaker in this story? A computer.
so much that, ... I never forget anything
I have been told.
[考点] so ... that ... 引导结果状语从句。
[考例1] The weather was ______ cold
that I didn’t like to leave my room.
(2008 全国卷I)
A. really
B. such
C. too
D. so
[考例2] I haven’t seen Ann for ______
long that I’ve forgotten what she looks like. (四川2008)
A. such
B. very
C. so
D. too
6. 科学技术。 Science and technology.
7. 人工智能。
Artificial intelligence. 8.笔记本电脑。
Notebook computer.
9. Who was the first person to devise the first computer? Charles Babbage invented an
2. calculate v. work (sth.) out by using numbers
e.g. calculate the cost of sth. calculator n. 让我们一起回忆一下以or结尾的词吧:
visitor, survivor, competitor
3. analytical adj.分析的, 解析的 analyse vt. 分析;研究 analogy n. 相似;类似 analysis n. 分析;研究 analyst n. 分析家 analytic adj. 分析的;分解的
Performance in Began very well but failed 79th Olympics through no fault of his own
Reason for failure
Parachute failed to open.
Two new legs and a new bigger head
2. Write down three sentences from the story to support your idea.
1) I was built as an Analytical machine by Charles Babbage.
2) My real father, Alan Turing, … 3) I was always lonely standing there by
7 explore
8 totally 9 anyhow 10 finance
to travel around an area to find out about it completely anyway activity of managing money
The history of computers
otherwise 否则。由句意可知要选as a
6. totally adv. 整个地;完全地 totally blind 全盲 total adj. 完全的; 整个的 total silence 寂静无声 in total 总共
7. Over time my memory has developed
Mobile phones
M__e_d_ic_a_l_o_p_e_r_ations Space rockets Wide
Task 4 Fill in the blanks.
1 totally completely 2 revolution complete change
An a_n_a_l_y_t_ic_a_l Think logically machine and produce
an answer
A _u_n_i_v_e_r_sa_l_ Solve difficult
_m__a_th_e_m__a_t_ic_a_l _p_r_o_b_l_em__s__
3 simplify to make things easier
4 calculate to find the answer using numbers
5 mobile 6 solve
can be 百度文库oved easily from place to place
to work out the answer to a problem