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1.I am sorry to have kept you ____.

a. wait

b. to wait

c. waiting

d. waited

2.She found her dog ___over by a car on the road.

a. run

b. ran d. to run d. running

3. Rose is going to have her hair _____.

a. do

b. done

c. did

d. doing

4. She felt somebody ___her.

a. touched

b. touches

c. touch

d. to touch

5. She taught him _____speak English.

a. how

b. how could he

c. how he could

d. how to

6.He d idn’t enjoy the play because he ____.

a. was boring

b. bored

c. was bored

d. boring

7.I will make your dream ____.

a. comes true

b. to come true

c. coming truly

d. come true

8.He warned ____home .

a. us to not go

b. us not to go

c. we not go

d. us not go

9. Canned food does not go ____.

a. bad easily

b. badly easy

c. bad easy

d. badly easily

10.The sad news kept her ___all the night.

a. awake

b. waken

c. wake

d. to wake

11.I think ____a bad habit to get up late .

a. that

b. it

c. this

d. its

12.He found his money _____.

a. steal

b. stealing

c. stolen

d. to steal

13.Roses in bloom smell ____.

a. sweetly

b. sweet

c. sweeten

d. sweetness

14.We must have the machine ____.

a. to repair

b. repairing

c. repair

d. repaired

15.She was lying in the sofa ____a book.

a. reading

b. read

c. to read

d. to reading

16.A television set will keep us ____of the news of the day.

a. inform

b. to inform

c. informed

d. informing

17.The speaker found himself ____all alone.

a. left

b. leave

c. leaving

d. to leave

18.The speaker found himself ____.

a. misunderstand

b. misunderstanding

c. misunderstood

d. to misunderstand

19.-My watch is broken. –Why don’t you ___.

a. take a repairer your watch

b. take your watch a repairer

c. take to a repairer it

d. take it to a repairer

20.I he ard you went to the museum yesterday and couldn’t find ____the hotel.

a. how to return to

b. how you could go for

c. the way back for

d. the way back to

21.Yesterday was my birthday. My mother ____.

a. made a cake to me

b. made a cake me

c. made for me a cake

d. make me a cake

22. The teacher ____John a good student.

a. believes

b. knows

c. suggests

d. considers

23. It’s a fine day. Let’s go boating, ___?

a. will you

b. don’t we

c. won’t we

d. shall we

24. Don’t smoke in the classroom, ___?

a. will you

b. do you

c. don’t you

d. won’t you

25.Tom said he was not there then, ___?

a. didn’t he

b. did he

c. wasn’t he

d. was he

26.There used to be a temple there, ____?

a. used n’t it

b. used there

c. didn’t it

d. didn’t there

27.- ____is your sister?

-She is a teacher in a middle school.

a. Who

b. What

c. Which

d. Where

28.-How are your parents?


a. They are doctors

b. They like sweet food

c. They are fine

d. They are fifty

29. -___will you get married to him.

-In a month.

a. How soon

b. How long

c. How often

d. How much

30. There ___ a stream in front of our house.

a. lies

b. has

c. stand

d. lie


1-5: CABCD 6-10:CDBAA 11-15: BCBDA

16-20:CACDD 21-25: ADDAA 26-30:DBCAA
