商务英语模拟 接机-酒店

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甲、乙、丙三家公司被通知来大华公司进行项目竞 标。从现场看,无论从哪方面来说,三家公司都不相 上下,看不出谁是赢家。 第二天,丙公司被通知中标了。高兴之余,丙公司 问为什么选择了他们。大华公司市场部经理笑着 说:“说实在,我们确实不好选择,不过我们注意到一个 细节,当时在各自陈述时,你们在提到我们公司李总 经理时,你们称呼的是我们总经理的姓氏和职务,而 且是伸开手掌,掌心向上做的指点动作。而另外两家 公司却叫不出我们公司总经理的姓氏,并且用食指直 接指着我们老总。试想,我们怎么能选一家连我们老 总都不尊重的公司合作呢?” 礼貌的称呼以及规范的运用手势,是商务人员应具 备的基本素质。它不仅反映自身的教养而且表明你懂 得在交往中尊重别人。

Part 1:  Windy, the interpreter of Guangdong Arts & Crafts Co. Ltd. is meeting Mr. Johnson at Baiyun Airport.  (A--- Windy, B--- Mr. Johnson)
商务英语情景模拟 实训 接机—酒店

(一)实训目的与要求  1、熟悉商务接待语言;  2、知晓商务礼仪、沟通技巧等;  3.掌握商务英语谈判语言特点、翻 译,巩固商务英语专业技能;  4、培养团队合作精神,掌握谈判策 略与技巧。 (二)实训内容  迎来送往、待人接物、酒店入住等实 训

礼仪是人们在社会交 往中应遵循的行为规范。 商务礼仪是人们在 商务交往活动中对交往 对象表示尊重和友好的 行为规范。即人们在商 务场合中所遵循适用的 礼仪规范。它是一般礼 仪在商务活动中的具体 运用和体现.

商务人员的形象塑造——服饰礼仪 1.商务着装原则 (TOP原则:Time 时间、 Place 地点、 Occasion 仪式) ) 2.男士的着装礼仪和服饰搭配技巧 (西装、衬衫、领带及鞋袜等的搭 配) 3.女士的着装礼仪和服饰搭配技巧 ( 套裙的选择及其与首饰、鞋袜和 包等的搭配)

*双手呈递,以表示对对方的尊重。 *将名片的文字正向对方。 *在递交名片的同时作一下简单的自我介 绍。 *在多人交换名片时,要注意讲究先后顺 序。 *在未确定对方的来历之前,不要轻易递 出名片。

  

空手的时候必须双手接受。 接过名片后,要马上过目。 初次见面,如果一次同时接受多张名片, 一定要记住哪张名片的主人是哪位先生 哪位小姐。 当对方递给你名片之后,如果自己没有 名片或没带名片,应当首先对对方表示 歉意,再如实说明理由。 名片的存放

 

A:Excuse me, are you Mr. Johnson from the Unite States? B:Yes, I am. A:I am Windy, the interpreter of Guangdong Arts & Crafts Co. Ltd. B: How do you do, Miss Windy? A: How do you do, Mr. Johnson? Welcome to China. B: Thank you. It’s very kind of you to come and meet me at the airport, Miss Windy. A: It’s my pleasure. Did you have a good flight? Was it a direct flight from New York to Guangzhou?

B: Thank you so much. By the way, if I need something, what can I do? A: If there’s anything you need, just ring Reception. And if you want to phone someone outside the hotel, dial 5 first, then dial the number you want.

On the way to the hotel
 

B: Look, this is a brand-new road. A: Yes. Mr. Johnson, It was just completed and put to use. B: Really?So I’m quite lucky. A: Because the 2008 Olympic Games. Guangzhou making every effort to create convenience for this event. This road is built to shorten the drive from the airport to downtown. B:I see. I have never seen that change last time I came to Guangzhou .Now it has fast development, wherever have great change. A: Yes, I hope you enjoy it.

 

B: Yes, the flight was very good and the service on board was excellent. It took just 13 hours non-stop from New York. I managed a few hours’ sleep and now feeling fine. I am sure ,however ,that jet lag will catch up with me tomorrow. A: Is this your first visit to Guangzhou? B: No, the second time. A:I hope you will enjoy your stay here in Guangzhou. B: Thanks. I’m sure I will. A: Our car is waiting over there. Let’s drive to the hotel. May I help you with your luggage? B: No, thanks. I can manage all right. Let’s go.

 

Hale Waihona Puke Baidu

B: Ok, you are so considerate. A: Well, Mr. Johnson, I have draw up an agenda for your visit. Let’s go over it. B: Good, I look forward to it. A: After business we are going to have dinner in a western restaurant, and then to the Guangdong Guangzhou Pearl River night swims so that you are able to feel the charm of this seaside city. B: It’s very kind of you to do so.

(At the hotel)

 

A: Here we are at the Central Hotel, Mr. Johnson.. B: So quick. It’s only 30 minutes from the airport .Oh, It’s a five-star hotel, isn’t it? A: Yes, it is. Just one moment, I will check up what’s the room number? B: Ok, thank you. A: Mr. Johnson your room number is 99.I will take you to your room. your room is on the fifteen floor, facing the garden. It has a lovely view.