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As further proof that you can now 3D-print anything, a company called Natural Machines has introduced a 3D printer for food.
最近一家名叫“自然机 器”(Natural Machines) 的公司称他们已有可以打 印食物的3D打印机。这似 乎是要进一步证明现在3D 打印可以用于任何领域。
The idea also comes with a social element too. "There's a touchscreen on the front that connects to a recipe site in the cloud, so it's an internet-ofthings, connected kitchen appliance," said Kucsma. Users will also be able to Baidu Nhomakorabeaontrol the device remotely using a smartphone, and share their recipes with the community.
这台名叫“Foodini”的机器和其它普通的3D打印机差别不 大,但是它的原料并不是塑料,而是将食材捣成泥状装进 干净的钢制胶囊盒里,机器可以通过操作胶囊盒完成食物 的打印。 Foodini听起来像是懒 In principle, the Foodini sounds like 人的终极福利:按一 the ultimate laziness aid: press a button 下按钮,你就可以享 to print your ravioli. But Natural 受你的方饺了。但自 Machines is quick to point out that it's 然机器公司很快回应 designed to take care only of the 说,这台机器的目的 只是帮助人们省去最 difficult and time-consuming parts of 耗时最复杂的食物制 food preparation that discourage people 作工序,并且要求用 from cooking at home, and that it 户准备新鲜的食材作 promotes healthy eating by requiring 为打印原料,提倡健 fresh ingredients prepared before 康饮食。
The "Foodini," as it's called, isn't too different from a regular 3D printer, but instead of printing with plastics, it deploys edible ingredients squeezed out of stainless steel capsules.
这台机器还具有社交功能。 库斯马表示,机器前面有一个 触摸屏,它可以连接到云端里 的食谱网站,所以这也算是一 个物联网连接着厨房设备。用 户可以通过智能手机远程操控 这台机器,也能将菜谱上传到 网上与朋友分享。