



2.2023 年英国签证在职证明的要求






【2023 年英国签证在职证明的要求】

在2023 年,英国签证在职证明的要求如下:









法定代表人(负责人) 签字:













英国签证在职证明模板2023年 摘要: 1.英国签证在职证明的必要性 2.2023 年英国签证在职证明的要求 3.在职证明的模板及填写注意事项 4.签证申请过程中的其他注意事项 正文: 【英国签证在职证明的必要性】 在申请英国签证的过程中,无论是旅游、探亲还是商务活动,都需要提供在职证明以证明申请人的职业和收入状况。这是因为英国签证官需要评估申请人是否有足够的经济实力和合法理由前往英国,以及是否有能力在签证到期后按时返回本国。 【2023 年英国签证在职证明的要求】 在2023 年,英国签证在职证明的要求如下: 1.在职证明需由申请人所在单位出具,且需使用单位正式信纸。 2.在职证明应包含申请人的姓名、性别、出生日期、身份证号码、所在部门和任职职务、入职时间、月薪等信息。 3.在职证明需由单位法定代表人或人力资源部门负责人签名,并加盖单位公章。 4.如果申请人的月薪以税前收入形式提供,需要注明“税前收入”。 【在职证明的模板及填写注意事项】 以下是一份英国签证在职证明的模板:

兹证明先生/女士,出生日期年月日,性别,身份证号码,于年月起在我公司部门任职务,月薪元。 特此证明。 法定代表人(负责人) 签字: 单位名称(公章): 年月日 单位详细地址: 单位联系人: 单位电话: 在填写在职证明时,请注意以下几点: 1.使用正式信纸:在职证明应使用单位正式信纸,以体现文件的正式性。 2.详细填写信息:在职证明应包含申请人的所有个人信息和职务信息,以便签证官对申请人的情况有全面了解。 3.签名和盖章:在职证明需由单位法定代表人或人力资源部门负责人签名,并加盖单位公章,以证明文件的真实性。 【签证申请过程中的其他注意事项】 在申请英国签证的过程中,除了提供在职证明外,还需要准备其他材料,如护照、照片、签证申请表等。在填写签证申请表时,请确保所提供的信息真实、准确、完整,以免影响签证申请的结果。


Jun 4th, 2017 Consulate General of UK in Shanghai Dear Sir or Madam: Herewith we confirm that Mr. XXX is the Employee of Shanghai Chinese Medicine Hospital. He will go to visit UK from 5th Jul 2017 to 15th Jul 2017(如果和家人亲戚朋友同时在我司办理并且一同前往,请务必在职证明(孩子在读证明)的出发时间保持一致,此事非常重要,括号内此段话开在职证明时切记删除). Name: XXX Date & Place of Birth: 1st Jan 1971, Jiangsu, China Service organization:Shanghai Chinese Medicine Hospital Title: Doctor Passport: How long have you been working in this company: 15 Years Monthly Salary (including bonus): All costs relating to his stay will be borne by himself. We guarantee that during this trip he will obey laws of your country and be back as scheduled. We will resume his position in our company. It will be grateful if you issue his visa as soon as possible! Best regards, Yours faithfully, Company: ADD: TEL: FAX: legal representative: ZHANG SAN (拼音旁边还需手写中文签名哦,,如果企业法人不方便签名,可以改成人事经理签名,此时 legal representative(企业法人的意思)这个英文单词千万不要忘记改成 HR Manager (人事经理的意思),如自己是企业法人请不要自己签名,让人事经理签名。括号内此段话开在职证明时切记删除) Date: Jun 4th, 2017 注:红色字体需根据您的具体情况进行修改,正式的上面这句话要删除哦!


英国签证在职证明中英 文 Modified by JACK on the afternoon of December 26, 2020

在职证明 公司/单位抬头 在职证明中文样板:和英文一样需要抬头纸盖章签字 有关负责人: 现证明XXX(护照号码:XXXXXXX)是XXXX(公司)的 XX(职位),他/她已经在我们公司工作了XX(工作年限)年。他/她的月收入为XX元。我们知道他/她将有XXX天的假期前往欧洲度假(具体时间几号到几号),这期间所有的费用由他/她自己/我们公司负责,我们在此证明他/她在行程结束后将会回来。 希望能够得到您的支持! 非常感谢! XXXXXXXXX(公司) 此盖单位公章和负责人签名 单位联系电话: 单位地址: 日期: 英文模板在下面 请用公司抬头纸打印 TO: VISA SECTION Dear Sirs, Mr. / Ms. XXXX(申请人姓名)works in our company for XX(在公司工作几年)years. He/She will be on travelling purposes visiting your country and some other Schengen countries from XX日XX月XX年to XX日XX月XX年(出国起止日期). All the expenses include air tickets, transportation, accommodation and health insurance will be covered by himself/herself. He/She will be back on time as per his/her schedule planned and shall Your kind approval of this application will be highly appreciated. Best Regards, Name of the leader:(领导人姓名) Position of the leader:(领导人职位) Signature: (领导的签名) Company’s Stamp:(公司盖章) Company Name:(公司名称) Add:(公司地址) Tel: XXX-XXXXXX(公司电话) Fax: XXX-XXXXXX(公司传真)


英国签证在职证明模板(总2 页) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1 -CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除

在职证明 兹证明______先生,男,出生于_____年____月______日,护照号码:_________。______先生是我公司______经理,自_____年____月在我公司工作至今,年总收入约为______元人民币。 现______先生计划于2009年______月______日至2009年______月______日前往欧洲进行游览。在其出境期间,我公司将保留其职务,回国后仍继续担任原职务。我公司担保其在欧洲期间能遵守欧洲的法律,游览结束后按时回国。 有关此次游览欧洲的一切费用由______先生本人承担。 特此证明 公司营业执照号: 公司组织机构代码证号: 公司名称:___________________________ 公司地址:___________________________ 人力资源部负责人:_______________ 公司电话:_______________ 公司传真:_______________ 日期:_______________

working certificate. This is to certify Mr. ______, Male, he was born on______. The passport No. is ______. He is our ______ Manager , From______ still working for my company with annual income of about ______. Mr.______ is planning to attend Europe for tourism from _____ to _____ 2009. His position will be retained during his absence and he will assume the same position when he returns. Our Company guarantee that he will observe the local laws in Europe. He will come back to China on scheduled time after this tourism. All the expenses of this tourism will be borne by himself. Company's business license number: Company Organization Code Certificate No.: Company: ___________________________ Add: ___________________________ Hr: _______________ Tel: _______________ Fax: _______________ Date:_______________


英国签证在职证明参考样本(请使用时删除) Certification Visa Officer Consular Section, Embassy, Beijing/Shanghai(请选则使馆) Consulate Company: (公司名称) Add: (公司地址) Tel:( 区号-公司电话) Fax:(区号-公司传真) Dear Sir or Madam: I am (领导人姓名), the (领导人职务) in this company. I certify that (Ms.申请人姓名),who was born on (1999/09/19申请人出生日期), is working as (申请人职务) in our units. (His/Her) monthly salary is about (申请人月收入) RMB, and she/he has been working in our units since (申请人开始工作时间).(she/he) has been allowed for a leave to visitAustralia from (2007/07/17)出行日期) to (2007/07/17)回程日期). We will keep (his/her) position during (his/her) visit in Australia. We also guarantee that (he/she) will come back to china and continue to work in our units after (he/she) returns from Australia. Best Regards (领导本人签名) (日期)


英国签证在职证明模板英文 Subject: Template for Employment Verification for UK Visa Application Dear [Employer's Name], I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to request your assistance in providing me with an employment verification letter for my UK visa application. This letter is an essential document for demonstrating my current employment status and ensuring a successful visa application process. Below, I have outlined the necessary details to include in the employment verification letter: 1. Company Letterhead: Ensure that the letter is written on the official letterhead of your organization, including the company logo and contact information. 2. Employee Details: Begin the letter by stating my full name, position, and department within the company. 3. Employment Dates: Mention the exact dates of my employment, including the start and end dates if applicable. If I am still employed at the company, kindly state the date I began working for the organization. 4. Job Description: Provide a brief description of my job responsibilities and duties. This information should highlight


英国签证在职证明 Modified by JACK on the afternoon of December 26, 2020

英国签证在职证明参考样本(请使用时删除) Certification? Visa Officer Consular Section, Embassy, Beijing/Shanghai(请选则使馆) Consulate Company: (公司名称) Add: (公司地址) Tel:( 区号-公司电话) Fax:(区号-公司传真) Dear Sir or Madam: I am (领导人姓名), the (领导人职务) in this company. I certify that (Ms.申请人姓名),who was born on (1999/09/19申请人出生日期), is working as (申请人职务) in our units. (His/Her) monthly salary is about (申请人月收入) RMB, and she/he has been working in our units since (申请人开始工作时间).(she/he) has been allowed for a leave to visitAustralia from (2007/07/17)出行日期) to (2007/07/17)回程日期). We will keep (his/her) position during (his/her) visit in Australia. We also guarantee that (he/she) will come back to china and continue to work in our units after (he/she) returns from Australia. Best Regards (领导本人签名) (日期) The registration number as which the units is registered in the business bureau(营业执照注册号). 注: 1.在职证明需打印成英文 2.凡样本中标红的地方,均需相应填写您的相关信息,不要保留标红在完成后的在职证明中 3.()括号中为我们为您更加清晰在职证明的内容而标注的解释,不要保留在完成后的在职证明中 4.请不要将“英国签证在职证明参考样本”字样保留在完成的在职证明中 英国签证在职证明参考样本译文 (请使用时删除) 在职证明 英国驻北京/上海领事馆签证处: 公司名称: 地址: 电话:传真: 尊敬的先生/女士: 我是XXX,在此公司担任XXX职务。我证明XXX(出生日期:XXX)在我公司工作并担任XXX职务,月收入XXXX,自X年X月X日起开始在我公司工作。她/他计划于X年X


英国签证在职证明 __________驻上海总领事馆签证处: __________先生/女士/小姐在我公司_________部门任________职务,自_______年起就在我公司任职,至今已有_____年。现______先生/女士/小姐决定_______年______月前往________旅游,他/她将在_________停留___天。在________先生/女士/小姐团队旅行期间一切费用包括全程机票,住宿,一日三餐,健康保险等由其自行承担。我公司保留其职务到回国后。 __________先生/女士/小姐的月薪为RMB__________ /月。 申请人单位: 领导签字,公司公章: 联系电话: 时间: CERTIFICATE DATE: To: Visa Section of __________Consulate General in Shanghai Mr./Ms/Mi________is the _________of the ________Dept in our Corporation. He/She began to work in our corporation since ________.Now Mr./Ms/Mi________intends to travel to_______ in _______.He/She will stay in ___________for ______days.All the expenses including the transportation, the accommodation, the meals and the health insurance will be furnished by himself/herself. Meanwhile we are willing to retain his/her position until he/she comes back. The salary of Mr./Ms/Mi________is RMB _________ per month. Company: Signature and Seal: Telephone: Time: 自20xx年11月起英国领馆对英签在职证明作出如下新规定:


英国签证材料在职证明 英国签证材料在职证明 TO: VISA SECTION Dear Sirs, Mr. / Ms. XXX (申请人姓名) works in our pany from XX.XX.XXXX 〔现公司入职时间某年某月某日〕.He/She will be on travelling purposes visiting BRITAIN in XX.XXXX (出国时间某年某月). All the expenses include air tickets, transportation, acmodation and health insurance will be covered by himself / herself. He/She will be back on time as per his/her schedule planned and shall continue to work in our pany after his/her visit to BRITAIN. Name Your kind approval of this application will be highly appreciated. Best Regards, Name of the leader〔____姓名〕 Position of the leader〔____职位〕

Signature (领导的`签名) pany’s St〔公司盖章〕 Tel: XXX-XXXXXX Add: XXXXXX pany Name: XXXXXX 英国签证材料在职证明 [篇2] 现证明XXX〔护照号码:XXXXXXX〕是XXXX〔公司〕的 XX 〔职位〕,他/她已经在我们公司工作了XX〔工作年限〕年。他/她的月收入为XX元。我们知道他/她将有XXX天的假期前往欧洲度假〔详细时间几号到几号〕,这期间所有的费用由他/她自己/我们公司负责,我们在此证明他/她在行程完毕后将会回来。 希望可以得到您的支持! 非常感谢! XXXXXXXXX(公司) 此盖单位公章和负责人签名 单位联络: 单位地址: 日期:


出国签证在职证明 出国签证在职证明范本模板(通用6篇) 出国看世界,这是多么的happy啊!可是出国签证在职证明要怎么写呢? 下面店铺给大家分享的`出国签证在职证明范本,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,希望对你有帮助。 出国签证在职证明篇1 兹证明______,出生日期________年____月____日,姓别____ 在__________________公司________部门任________职务 自________年__月__日至今,迄今已满____年。 月薪________元人民币。 单位地址:____________________________________________________________ 本人电话:____________________________________(能联系到本人之正确电话) 公司联系人:联系人手写签名 联系人电话:____________________________________ 特此证明 公司名称:______________________ 公司电话:______________________ 公司印章:______________________ ________年____月____日 出国签证在职证明篇2 ________ 档案/人事管理部门: 兹有______前来______公证处申请办理______的公证。现(原)在贵单位工作/存档,请贵处协助核查,根据其档案记载或贵处掌握的情况,将________其相关资料填入下列表格,交办理人带回,以便及时为申请人办理公证书。 此致 敬礼

______公证处 ______年____月____日 出国签证在职证明篇3 ___________ 有限公司 地址:__________号电话:______-________________ 传真:______-________________样本③:单位在职证明可用A4纸或公司抬头信纸列印出来。 在职证明 兹证明: ______先生/女士 出生日期: ________年____月____日 身份证号码:____________________________________ 职务:________________ 月薪:每月人民币________元 受雇日期: ________年____月起任职至今 特此证明! ________有限公司(公章) 公司负责人:(签字) ________年____月____日 出国签证在职证明篇4 ______先生(小姐/女士)是我公司在职人员,在____年____月____日出生,从____年____月____日起在我公司任职至今,职位是____(职位名称)。 我公司批准其在____年____月____日离境前往韩国,于____年____月____日前归国,请假时间为____天,一切费用由其自行承担。我公司保证其在旅行期间遵守贵国法律,并保留其职务到假期结束。 公司地址:____市________路______号____大厦____楼________室 邮政编码:____________ 上级主管领导:______先生(小姐/女士) 出行人联系电话:______(区号)________________(固定电话号码)及手机号


英国旅游在职证明 英国旅游在职证明1 Date: xxxx Attn.: Visa Section To: The Embassy in Beijing Dear visa officer: This is to certify that Mr/Ms/Miss.xxx is the xxx of our company since xxxx. He/she xxxx is going to travel to xxxx and other European countries xxxx from xxxx to xxxx. We guarantee that he/she xxxx will obey the local laws during the tour and come back to China as soon as he/she xxxxx finishes the trip. His/her xxxx annual income is RMBxxx. His/her xxx position in the corporation will be kept until his/her xxxx return.He/she xxxx will cover all the traveling expenses himself/herself xxx , please kindly issue him/her xxx visa after your checking up! Register No:xxxx Name Sex Date of Birth Passport No. Position Sincerely yours Signature:xx Occupation of Signature: xxx Company:xxx Add: xxx Tel:xx


公司抬头纸打印(此3行内容去掉) 排版请尽量工整.所有中文去掉 下面的红蓝字仅起提醒更改作用.改完后请改为黑色 INCUMBENCY CERTIFICATION Date: 日/月/年 To: Embassy of the UK Dear Visa officer: This is to certify that MR/S. XXX works in our company as XXX since the year of 20XX. His/Her monthly salary is RMB XXX.(after-tax)He/She will have a tour to UK from XXX to XXX. All the travelling expenses, including air tickets, transportation, accommodation and health insurance, will be covered by himself/herself. We hereby guarantee that he/she will abide by all the laws and regulations during his/her staying abroad. We also guarantee that he/she will be back to China on schedule and will continue to work for our company. Yours sincerely Company Name: XXXXX Add: XXXXXXX Tel: (8621) XXXXXXX Name of the reference:证明人姓名拼音 Position of the reference: 证明人英文职位 Signature: 中文手写签字+公司盖章


英国签证在职证明模板2023年 2023年英国签证在职证明模板 To Whom It May Concern, I am writing to confirm that [Full Name] is currently employed at [Company Name] as a [Job Title]. This letter serves as an official document to support their application for a UK visa in 2023. [Full Name] has been working with our company since [Date of Employment]. They have consistently demonstrated exceptional professionalism, dedication, and commitment to their role. Their contributions have been invaluable to the success of our organization. As a [Job Title], [Full Name] is responsible for [Brief Description of Job Responsibilities]. They have consistently met and exceeded performance expectations, demonstrating excellent skills in [Specific Skills or Expertise]. Their attention to detail, strong work ethic, and ability to work effectively both independently and as part of a team make them an asset to our company. During their tenure with us, [Full Name] has successfully completed various projects and initiatives. They have consistently delivered high-quality work within tight deadlines. Their ability to adapt to changing circumstances and handle pressure with ease has been commendable. Moreover, [Full Name] is highly regarded by their colleagues and supervisors alike. They are


英国签证材料在职证明 Dear Sirs, Mr. / Ms. XXX (申请人姓名) works in our company from XX.XX.XXXX 〔现公司入职时间某年某月某日〕.He/She will be on travelling purposes visiting BRITAIN in XX.XXXX (出国时间某年某月). All the expenses include air tickets, transportation, accommodation and health insurance will be covered by himself / herself. He/She will be back on time as per his/her schedule planned and shall continue to work in our company after his/her visit to BRITAIN. Name Your kind approval of this application will be highly appreciated. Best Regards, Name of the leader〔领导人姓名〕 Position of the leader〔领导人职位〕 Signature (领导的签名) Company’s Stamp〔公司盖章〕 Tel: XXX-XXXXXX Add: XXXXXX Company Name: XXXXXX 英国签证材料在职证明 [篇2]

现证明XXX〔护照号码:XXXXXXX〕是XXXX〔公司〕的. XX〔职位〕,他/她已经在我们公司工作了XX〔工作年限〕年。他/她的月收入为XX元。我们知道他/她将有XXX天的假期前往欧洲度假〔详细时间几号到几号〕,这期间全部的费用由他/她自己/我们公司负责,我们在此证明他/她在行程结束后将会回来。 盼望能够得到您的支持! 特别感谢! XXXXXXXXX(公司) 此盖单位公章和负责人签名 单位联系电话: 单位地址: 日期:


英国签证在职证明模板英国签证在职证明 __________驻上海总领事馆签证处: __________先生/女士/小姐在我公司_________部门任________职务,自_______年起就在我公司任职,至今已有_____年。现______先生/女士/小姐决定_______年______月前往________旅游,他/她将在_________停留___天。在________先生/女士/小姐团队旅行期间一切费用包括全程机票,住宿,一日三餐,健康保险等由其自行承担。我公司保留其职务到回国后。 __________先生/女士/小姐的月薪为RMB__________ /月。 申请人单位: 领导签字,公司公章: 联系电话: 时间: CERTIFICATE DATE: To: Visa Section of __________Consulate General in Shanghai Mr./Ms/Mi________is the _________of the ________Dept in our Corporation. He/She began to work in our corporation since ________.Now Mr./Ms/Mi________intends to travel to_______ in _______.He/She will stay in ___________for ______days.All the expenses including the transportation, the accommodation, the meals and the health insurance will be furnished by himself/herself. Meanwhile we are willing to retain his/her position until he/she comes back. The salary of Mr./Ms/Mi________is RMB _________ per month. Company: Signature and Seal: Telephone: Time:


英国签证在职证明参考样本(请使用时删除) Certificati on Visa Officer Consular Section, Embassy, Beijing/Shanghai(请选则使馆)Consulate Company:(公司名称) Add:(公司地址) Tel:(区号-公司电话)Fax:(区号-公司传真) Dear Sir or Madam: I am (领导人姓名),the (领导人职务)in this company. I certify that (Ms. 申请人姓名),who was born on (1999/09/19 申请人出生日期),is working as (申请人职务)in our units. (His/Her)monthly salary is about (申请人月收入)RMB, and she/he has been working in our un its since (申请人开始工作时间).(she/he) has bee n allowed for a leave to visit Australia from (2007/07/17)出行日期)to (2007/07/17)回程日期). We will keep (his/her) positi on duri ng (his/her) visit in Australia. We also guara ntee that (he/she) will come back to china and con ti nue to work in our un its after (he/she) retur ns from Australia. Best Regards (领导本人签名) (日期) The registratio n nu mber as which the un its is registered in the bus in ess bureau(营业执照注册号). 注: 1. 在职证明需打印成英文 2. 凡样本中标红的地方,均需相应填写您的相关信息,不要保留标红在完成后的在职证明中 3. ()括号中为我们为您更加清晰在职证明的内容而标注的解释,不要保留在完成后的在职证明中


签证的在职证明模板11篇 签证的在职证明模板 (1) DATE: Visa Section Consulate General in Shanghai (Passport No.: , Date of Birth: ) is the _________of the ________Department in our Company since , and _________ monthly income is RMB . We have approved _________ annual leave from to for _________ holiday to (and other Countries如不去请将括号内话述删除). All the expenses during the travel will be borne by _________. We hereby guarantee ________will obey the laws in outbound and we shall retain _________ position till the end of the holiday. Signature:: Occupation of Signature Seal: Company: Address Telephone: Fax: 签证的在职证明模板 (2)

CERTIFICATION Dear Visa Officer: (客人姓名) works at our unit as (职务). He/She is going to New Zealand for travelling from . to .(出行时间某年某月). His/Her information is listed as follows, We guarantee that he/she will abide by all the laws and regulations during his/her staying in your county and he/she will come back to China on time. All of his/her travelling expenses will be covered by himself/herself (付费情况), please kindly issue his/her visa. Thank you very much. Yours Sincerely Unit Name: (单位名称) Unit Add: (单位地址) Tel: (单位电话) Signature of Leader(领导人签名) Position of Leader(领导人职位) Unit Seal (公司盖章) 签证的在职证明模板 (3) X X X X X X X X Ltd. To: Embassy of the United States Dear Visa officer: This is to certify works in our company as since the year of His/Her


办签证的在职证明模板(精选20篇) 办签证的在职证明模板篇1 To: visa section Dear Sir or Madam: Hereby we certify that Mr.chen fuxing (passport No. ) is the vice chairman of our company. He(She) joined our company from 05 May 20xx. We certify that Mr.chen fuxing will spend his(her) holiday in ( 国家)from 17.Dec.20xx to 30.Dec.20xx.We make sure that he(she) will obey the local rules and come back to China on time. We will keep his(her) position till his(her) coming back. His(her) salary in our company is RMB8000 per month. He(She) will cover all the expenses in Europe by himself(herself ) Best Regards Person in charge:Wang Sheng Position:HR Manager Tel: Date: Add:No.16,huangsheng Rd,shanghai Tel: 办签证的在职证明模板篇2 X X X X X X X X Ltd. To: Embassy of the United States Dear Visa officer: This is to certify works in our company as since the year of His/Her monthly salary is RMB He/She will have a tour to the United States of America from All the travelling expenses, including air tickets, transportation, accommodation and health insurance, will be
