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150 Sentences for Chinese Daily Communication

你好(nǐhǎo) Hello再见(zàijiàn)Goodbye

谢谢(xièxiè)!Thanks 不客气(búkèqì) You’re welcome!

对不起(duìbuqǐ) I am sorry没关系(méiguānxi)Don’t mention it.

1问(wèn)候(hòu)和(hé)自(zì)我(wǒ)介(jiè)绍(shào) Greetings and SelfIntroduction

(1)你好(nǐhǎo)! Hello!

(2)我叫桑德兰(wǒjiàosāngdélán)。 My name is Sandra.

(3)你是哪国人(nǐshìnǎguórén)?What’s your nationality?

(4)我是奥地利人(wǒshìàodìlìrén)。 I am Austrian.


I am not a university student.


I don’t speak Chinese.

(7)我会说英语(wǒhuìshuōyīngyǔ)。 I can speak English.


I like Chinese food.

(9)你是第一次来深圳吗?(nǐshìdìyīcìlái Shēnzhènma)?

Is this your first time in Shenzhen?

(10)你去过香港吗?(nǐqùguò xiānggǎng ma)?

Have you been to Guang An

(11)你住哪里(nǐzhùnǎli)? Where do you live?



Could you tell me your telephone number?


My telephone number is 60728915.


I’m pleased to meet you.


I’m pleased to meet you, too. By e!

2点菜和结帐(diǎncàihéjiézhàng) Ordering Dishes & Paying the Bill

(1)你们吃什么(nǐmenchīshénme)? What would you like to eat?

(2)有西兰花吗(yǒuxīlánhuāma)? Do you have broccoli?

(3)这里面是什么(zhèlǐmiànshìshénme)?What’s inside?

(4)要这个(yàozhège)。 I want this (one).


I would like two bottles of beer and three bowls of rice.


I would like to have the dishes served along with the rice.

(7)还要什么(háiyàoshénme)? Anything else?

(8)就要这些(jiùyàozhèxiē)。 That is all I want.

(9)不要了(búyàole)。I don’t want anything else.

(10)我们不吃肉(wǒmenbúchīròu)。We don’t eat meat.

(11)再来一瓶可乐(zàiláiyīpingkělè)! One more cola, please!

(12)请等一下儿(qǐngděngyíxiàr)。 Wait a minute, please.

(13)买单(mǎidān)! The bill, please!

(14)要发票(yàofāpiào)。 I would like a receipt.


Can you pack the leftover food for me?



What would you like (to buy)?

(2)我看看(wǒkànkan)。I’m just having a look.

(3)这个多少钱(zhègeduōshǎoqián)? How much is this?

(4)打折吗(dǎzhéma)? Is there any discount?

(5)太贵了(tàiguìle)!It’s too expensive!

(6)便宜一点儿行吗(piányi yìdiǎnrxíngma)?
