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Outside the movie theater in virtually and American town in the late 1910s stood a life-size cardboard figure of Charlie Chaplin. He was pictured in baggy pants, a cutaway coat and vest, impossibly large, worn-out shoes and a battered hat.The advertisement would bear the inscription I AM HERE TODAY. An advertisement for a Charlie Chaplin film was a promise of happiness, of that valuable, almost shocking moment when art delivers what life cannot.

Eighty years later, Chaplin is still here. In a 1995 worldwide survey of film critics, Chaplin was voted the greatest actor in movie history. He was the first, and to date the last, person to control every aspect of the filmmaking process——founding his own studio,United Artists, with Douglas Fairbanks, Mary Pickford and D.W. Griffith, and producing, casting, directing, writing, scoring and editing the movies he starred in. In the first decades of the 20th century, when weekly movie-going was a national habit, Chaplin more or less invented global recognize ability and helped turn an industry into an art. In 1916, his third year in films, his salary of $10,000 a week made him the highest-paid actor-possibly the highest paid person——in the world. By 1920,“Chaplinitis”,accompanied by a flood of Chaplin dances, songs, dolls, comic books and cocktails, was rampant. Filmmaker Mack Sennett thought him “just the greatest artist who ever lived”. Other early admirers included George Bernard Shaw, Marcel Proust and Sigmund Freud. In 1923 Hart Crane, who wrote a poem about Chaplin, said his pantomime手势,哑剧“represents the hopeless gesture of the poet today”. Later, in the 1950s, Chaplin was one of the icons of the Beat Generation. Jack Kerouac went on the road because he too wanted to be a tramp. From 1981 to 1987, IBM used the tramp as the logo to advertise its venture into personal computers.




Lives like Chaplin’s are now being systematically studied by social scientists. They are finding that all children subjected to homelessness and sever stress don’t turn out the same way. While many become severely disturbed adults, others, like Chaplin, surprisingly turn out to be smart and resourceful.

As adults they may go on to lead paradoxically high-achieving and remarkable lives as valued members of society. Chaplin was such a person.

Chaplin’s first feature-length comedy and masterpiece, The Kid ( 1921 ), was a remarkable film in which the Little Tramp found, adopted and raised a lost child. While The Kid derived its immediate inspiration from 30-year-old Chaplin’s personal bereavement (his first-born son had died a few days after birth, only two and a half weeks before Chaplin began shooting the film), its twin themes of emotional loss and homelessness resonated with contemporary social concerns. On everyone’s minds were the displaced refugee children of World War I, as well as for those persons grieving for loved ones killed in that war.

And among intellectuals, Charlie’s cinematic lost child spoke to a lost generation. No movie maker and no other movie ( with the exception Griffith’s Birth of a Nation ) had done as much in one single stroke to earn instant recognition for the cinema as a legitimate art form.

During the worldwide economic crisis of the 1930s, Chaplin attempted to place the serious problems of society into a comic perspective through the running satiric commentary of Modern Times.

It was his next picture, The Great Dictator (1940), that got Chaplin into the political hot water that ultimately led to his being barred from the United States. While he was on a visit to England in 1952, his reentry permit would be revoked (撤回) as retribution for his so-called communist sympathies and moral character. It was an ironic twist that Chaplin himself had forecast in a famous gag (打诨) sequence in Modern Times.








