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It 的用法(专项总结及训练)


1,it 的最基本用法是作代词,主要指刚提到的事物,以避免重复:

①They watched the train until it disappeared in the distance.

2. ,也可以指动物或婴儿(未知性别的婴儿或孩子):

②Is this your dog ?No, it isn ' t.

③They got a baby and it was a ten-pounder

3. ,也可指抽象事物或指抽象环境和情景:

③ I hate it when people talk with a full mouth. .

二、.非人称代词 有时并不指具体的东西而泛指天气、时间、日期、距离、价值、度量、温度、环境等⑴ .指天

气:It is a lovely day, isn it? 't

⑵ .指时间: It was nearly midnight when she came back.

⑶.指日期:lt is April First today.

⑷ . 指距离:It is some 3000 kilometers from Beijing to Guangzhou.

⑸ . 指价值:lt is three dollars.

⑹ . 指温度:Today it is 30 degrees centigrade.


1. 在句子的主语不太明确时充当主语,表示谁在做某事:

①Who is it there? It's I (me/you/he.....).

②l thought it was Mary, but it was not she.

③Her face lighted when she saw who it was.

2. 泛泛的指某件事:(有时泛指一般情况)

①It doesn ' t matter.

②It is a shame, is n it? ' t

③How is it going?(情况怎样)

④It says in the n ewspaper that . 用在一些词组中,it 没有特别的意思The last train's gone. Come on, we'll foot it.(来,咱们步行



1. 作形式主语替代主语从句

⑴It is clear ( obvious , true, possible certain....) that 从句常译为清楚的(显然的,真的,可能的,肯定的...)"

It is very clear that he ' s round and tall like a tree.

= That he' s round and tall like a tree is very clear.

⑵ It is important ( necessary , right, strange, natural...) that 从句常译为…是重要的(必要的,对的,奇怪的,自然的…).that后的从句中要用虚拟语气(should +动词原形),should 可以省去,建议记住该句型中的形容词。

①It is important that we (should) learn English well.

②It is n ecessary that he (should) remember these words.

⑶ It is said (reported/ learned/believed/thought/known/told/hoped..…)that 从句常译为"


①It is said that he has come to Beiji ng.

②It is reported that ano ther earth satellite has bee n put into orbit.

⑷ It is suggested ( advised/ ordered / demanded/ insisted/ commanded... ) that 从句.that

后的从句要用虚拟语气(should +动词原形),should可以省;常译为"据建议;有命令...)

①It is suggested that the meeti ng ( should ) be put off.

②It was ordered that we ( should ) arrive there in two hours.

⑸It is time ( about time ,high time ) that从句(虚拟语气:动词用过去时did)

①It is time that children went to bed.

②It is time you bought a new car.

③It is (high ) time you made up your mind.

⑹ It is the first ( second ... ) time that 从句(从句用现在完成时have done )

It was the first ( second ... ) time that 从句(从句用过去完成时had done )


It is the first time I have been here. = This is the first time I have been here

⑺ It is a pity ( a shame /an honour/a good thing/a fact,/a surprise/... ) that 从句.

that后的从句一般用虚拟语气(should +动词原形),should可省去•表示出乎意料,常译为"竟然"。没有这种意义时,则不用虚拟语气。

①It is a pity that such a thi ng ( should ) happen in your class. 这种事竟然发生在你们班


②It is a pity that he is ill. 他生病了,真遗憾!

⑻It happens (seems, looks, appears ) that从句.常译为“碰巧…,似乎是…,看起来…”

①It happened ( so happened ) that he met his teacher in the street.碰巧...

②It seems that he will be back in a few days. 看来...

2. 作形式主语替代不定式

.⑴It is kind ( of sb. ) to do sth.不定式的逻辑主语是由of引起,主句中的形容词必须是


bad , brave , careless, clever , cruel , foolish , good (好心的),honest , horrible , kind , lazy , modest , naughty , nice (有教养的),polite , rude , silly , stupid , wise , wrong (错误的)等。

这个句型可以改写为:sb. is kind to do sth. 。

女口:It is kind of you to say so. = You are kind to say so.

⑵It is necessary ( for sb. ) to do sth.不定式的逻辑主语是由for引起,主句中的形容词通

常是表示重要性紧迫性频繁程度难易安全等情况的中性形容词。常见的形容词有:important necessary natural easy safe common normal hard difficult dangerous unusual rare impossible pleasant

女口:It is importa nt for her to come to the party. = It is importa nt that she (should ) come to the party.
