






的模式有着标志性的提示词如,“Should...do...? Explain why.”









不复杂,一般的提问方式就是:Should ...do...? And explain why.







Answer A: I suppose the answer is yes". (表明观点)As we

all know, it has a lot of benefits(展开陈述). For starters,...And we can't deny the fact that ...It is very

hard to imagine how ...can ...without...! And most

importantly, ...I don't think there is anyone in the world who wants to see the day when ... (分析了两点优势最终得出结论)Therefore, let us ...!能够看出问题的回答是十分严谨的,表明观点,然后根据自己的观点实行论证,最后得出想要证明的结论。而且在表达上也是值得借鉴的,连接词的使用As we all know、For starters,And most importantly, Therefore,不是单一的

firstly,secondly,而且承接的也很自然。在句式的使用上也是灵活多变的,And we can't deny the fact that定语从句,It is very hard to imagine how……,there is……anyone in the world who wants,let us ...,虽然都是大家见过且用过的句式,但是用在这里却恰到好处,彰显句式的多变。

Answer B: I think it is a mixed blessing. It is good

for ...to... but it can be bad because ...So it is very hard to give a definite "yes" or “no” as an answer. It is just like there is a fine line between everything; try not to cross the line! 这里的回答是针对两方面都做了简单的分析,并没有直接表明自己赞同哪一个观点,虽然能够这样回答,但是小编建议考生还是尽量按照answer A的方式来作答,给出明确的观点。


PART1 Names 1.Who gave you your name? The name was given by my parents. 2.Does your name have any particular (or special meaning? I don’t know about that. 3.Do you like your name? I guess yes. 4.In your country do people feel that their name is very important? Most of people think so, because names are the first impression to other people. 5.Would you like to change your name? I don’t think it’s necessary. 6.Is it easy to change your name in your country? Maybe there will be some procedures to do. 7.Who usually names babies in your country? Parents or grandparents. 8.Do you have any special traditions about naming children? It depends on the tradition of the hometown. 9.What names are most common in your hometown?


雅思口语话题必备句式 雅思口语考试不是因为难度有多大而难倒众多考生,而是因为要面对考官直接交流的形式来考试,所以烤鸭们难免紧张。但是若是备考充分,自然不必紧张害怕,本文雅思口语话题必备句式,供大家参考。 --- 话题21 机器人 --- 考试必背句子 Robots can helpus do some household chores in future.^将来机器人可以帮助我们干些家务杂活。 Robots have nofeelings and they only accept predesigned orders.^机器人没有感情,他们只能接受预先设置好的程序。 Robots can beused in some dangerous and poisonous working conditions.^机器人能被用在某些有毒、危险的工作场合。 Robots work moreefficiently than human beings.^机器人能比人类工作更有效率。 It is amazingthat robots can understand our orders.^机器人能懂得人类的指令真是不可思议。 If robots arewidely used, we human beings will have more time to relax.^如果机器人被广泛利用,我们人类就会有更多休闲时间。 As far as I'mconcerned,robots will be widely usedin factories in future.^就我看来,将来机器人会被广泛使用于工厂。 Robots withartificial intelligence can decide to do something by themselves.^具有人工智能的机器人能自己决定做一些事。 Some robots cando what we can't do.^有些机器人能做我们做不了的事。 In future, allthose repetitive things will be done by robots.^将来,所有重复的工作会由机器人完成。 No matter how,the robots will not take the place of our brains.^无论怎样,机器人是不会替代我们的大脑的。


浅谈雅思口语保持健康类话题 本文三立在线老师将对雅思口语话题中的“保持健康”话题进行解析。 首先,根据World Health Organization(WHO)的解释,健康的定义为”a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”。从这一表达中我们可以看到对于健康的定义不仅仅局限于身体的健康,还包括心理健康以及社交方面的意味。所以对于这道雅思口语话题的答题思路,除了运动方面的选择,保持健康的方式方法实在是无穷无尽,比如; Diet: Eat a well-balanced, low-fat diet with lots of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Choose a diet that’s low in saturated fat and moderate in sugar, salt and total fat. Make sure you include a wide variety covering all of the five vegetables subgroups. That’s dark green (spinach, lettuce), red and orange (peppers), legumes (beans, peas), starchy (corn), and others. You can feast on them fresh, frozen, canned and dried. Sleep: Studies show that the gap between getting just enough sleep and getting too little sleep may affect your health, your mood, your weight and even your sex life. Getting a good night’s sleep won’t grant you immunity from disease. But study has found a link between insufficient


雅思口语新话题卡解析---A car you want to buy 2011-03-15 16:45:45 Tag: 雅思英语 英语学习资料 学英语 能飞英语网 我要评论(0) 雅思口语新话题卡解析---A car you want to buy:2009年9月份以后,雅思口语考试的一些新话题卡纷纷亮相。现在,我们就一起来看其中的一个话题卡:Describe a car or vehicle you would like to have in the future. (描述一辆你未来想拥有的车。)借着这个话题卡,我们一起来分析和探讨一下雅思口语考试话题卡的特点及考生的备考方案,也希望考生们能借此掌握一些口语中地道的短语和词汇表达。 ?雅思通关高分的秘籍! ?英语达人的英语学习计划 ?30天练成英语口语达人 2009年9月份以后,雅思口语考试的一些新话题卡纷纷亮相。现在,我们就一起来看其中的一个话题卡:Describe a car or vehicle you would like to have in the future. (描述一辆你未来想拥有的车。)借着这个话题卡,我们一起来分析和探讨一下雅思口语考试话题卡的特点及考生的备考方案,也希望考生们能借此掌握一些口语中地道的短语和词汇表达。 实例分析---A car you want to buy 1.话题卡 首先来看我们要讨论的这张话题卡的内容: Describe a caror vehicle you would like to have in the future. You should say: . which you will choose . what it will look like


考试流程事先熟悉只有事先清楚考试流程,才可以消除考试时带来的紧张感,有利于自己的发挥,所以你要知道: ID check环节属于雅思考试的暖场环节,考官只是为了核对身份,并简单问几个ice-breaking的问题。在这个阶段,考官问什么答什么就好,不要做多余扩展,更不要跟考官做没必要的寒暄。一边熟悉考官的口音和思维模式,一边调动自己进入口语考试的状态,在ID check环节结束后,雅思考试才算正式开始。 Part1 总共分三组,每组平均4题左右,每组话题的问题都是由浅入深一步步深入的。 Part1总时长4-5分钟,所以每组话题答题时间约为90s,每一小题答题时间平均15-25s。 每组新的话题开始前,考官都会明确告诉你:Let’s first talk about what you do.OR Let’s move on to something else. Let’s talk about sports.要注意听考官的引导词。这样,在分析问题的时候,不至于跑偏。 做好考试前热身准备运动员上场前要热身,歌手上场前要开嗓,咱们考雅思也是一样。 因为英语不是咱们的母语,无论是脑子还是嘴都需要一个热身的过程。所以考前的几天,无论你是裸考还是对题库早有了解,都要开口说起来。关注趴趴的烤鸭以及通过其他途径对题库有了解的考生们,建议考前的几天每天坚持做几套真题模考,让自己提前进入状态。 如果你真打算裸考(强烈不建议啊,干嘛跟自己的时间和钱过不去),考前也有必要用英文叨咕叨咕。你可以说些什么呢:对自己专业或者工作的描述,对自己居住城市或者家乡的介绍,还有对你住的房子的描述。这些都是基础题最高频话题。 此外,口语考试前,建议大家稍微早一点到达考场。在去考场的路上和等待的时候也用基础题磨磨嘴皮子。你会发现,等到你进入考场开始正式考试的时候,你的脑子和嘴已经ready啦。 俗话说,临阵磨枪不快也光。根据我们多年的经验,口语考试临阵磨枪格外有用。So, DO warm up!展现出对问题的兴趣和热情有的时候,雅思口语考试的一些问题,尤其是一些基础题的问题很boring,有些还很幼稚。但是在口语考试


雅思口语part2物品类话题解读 雅思口语part2物品类话题是雅思考试常考的话题之一,所以考生们一定要足够的重视。下面为大家带来此类话题的详细介绍,会包括比较细节的东西,所以考生们一定不要错过哦! 首先,来看一下物品类话题分类。 对于物品类话题,我们根据历年考试话题的汇总,为大家概括为两大类: 具体类物品如:Describe a book you read、a gift you received from others、a wild animal、a handicraft、an electrical appliance that is useful to you、an important letter that you received、a game you played in your childhood等; 抽象类物品如:Describe an interesting news、a useful website、 a performance you saw、a organization、your future job、your future plan、something that you don't know but would like to learn等。 其实简单的说具体类物品话题就是实实在在存在,能够看得见摸得着的一样东西。而抽象类物品则是一件抽象的东西,可能没有实物参照,而只是比较抽象的描述。所以二者比较而言,具体类物品话题将会好描述的多。雅思口语part2物品类话题详解大家可以仔细阅读一下,这里有关于两类话题具体的细节对比分析。 其次,就是关于具体的解题思路介绍。 1)当我们要描述一个具体类事物时,要把它与人物类以及地点类联系起来,丰富自己的内容。例如:描述a gift时,首先要描述这件礼物具体是什么,外观或是很吸引人的地方;然后,再说是谁送给你的,父母?朋友?同学还是同事?也可以说说这件礼物是从什么地方买的,如果是手工制作的那一定是很用心,同学们可以仔细描述一下。 2)当我们描述一个比较抽象类的话题时,要遵循互通原则。一个话题不会说就要换一种方式灵活应对,不至于哑口无言并缓解冷场气氛。 详细的解题思路分析见雅思口语话题之物品类话题分析、雅思口语part2物体物品类话题思路原来可以这样用、雅思口语虚拟物品类话题攻略。 最后,考生们也需要注意素材的积累——词汇、句式等。 雅思考场具体案例解析:仍以gift为例:Describe a gift you sent to others 物品词汇: Arts and crafts工艺品;Charm护身符;Cross stitch 十字绣;Knitting 编织品;Shell craft 贝壳制品;Mug 杯子;Multi Purpose Tools 多功能工具 物品特点词汇:


一、Events事件类常考的11个话题 Last birthday party Party you would like to arrange for someone Special meal A festival Public event Special event Cultural event Sport event Family event Wedding/Traditional wedding Interesting event 二、分为3类话题(引入文化差异) 1 Party 1.1 Cultural differences Western countries (1)celebrate every year (2)birthday cake (3)presents (4)make a wish (5)call friends and relatives (6)party for kids include hiring a clown(小丑)/magician(魔术师) (7)party decoration China (1)not every year (2)long-life noodles (3)red-envelop(红包) (4)new clothes (5)not very popular to celebrate birthdays in China on big scale 1.2 Vocabulary 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 11th, 12th, 13th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd wrap(包装)/unwrap(打开包装),candles(blow/blew),gifts/presents,wish(make/made) excited, surprise, invite,two tier cake(双层蛋糕) cake fright: cream all over our faces, in the hair special--10th, 18th birthday are very important in China and usually all the relatives and close friends are invited to attend the dinner/gathering(聚会) 1.3 Example Well, I would like to describe my 18th birthday. You see, because of different culture background in China, not all the birthdays are celebrated. The birthdays which are celebrated big are “when the child is 30 days” in Chinese we call it Manyue (meaning full month), then it is the 100day celebration known as 100Tian, and then is the first birthday, 10th birthday, 15th birthday, 18th birthday and so on. Anyway, I remember on my 18th birthday, which was the birthday I celebrate 3 years ago, my parents arranged a banquet and invited most of the relatives and friends; it’s a big party and more than 100 guests arrived. In the morning my parents gave me my presents, a laptop and a new mobile phone, later I got busy with them until it was time to cut the cake. At the restaurant, we had a wonderful banquet and I received lot of Hongbaos, you see, on big celebration in China people usually put some money inside of a red colour envelop and give it to the person celebrating his birthday or wedding, it’s considered to fortune in the future.


https://www.360docs.net/doc/0a4483061.html, 雅思口语Part2常考话题“运动” 有点贵的运动 I am going to talk about snorkeling, which is one of the amazing sports in the world. Although I have not done it before, it still stands out as the sports that I prefer to do most. I am not sure how much it costs in other countries, it usually costs about 1000RMB in shanghai. Who I usually do it with? Well, like this kind of thing, I will do it with my close friends. My friends and I have always been attracted by the beautiful world under the sea. It is unknown and mysterious for us. As we all know, there are so many fish and corals of different colors. It was miraculous. Plus, snorkeling is very easy. All we have to do is just float on the sea and enjoy the spectacular underwater world. I think I like snorkeling so much mainly because I love the beauty of world under the sea. When I am floating and looking down at everything, I just can not help but marvels at the wonders our world has to offer. 2.繁忙的时刻 Well, It happened last year. I worked in a foreign trade company. Our products are fabrics, which are the necessities for everyone. As a merchandiser, I had a lot of things to do. Usually we are very busy in November and December, because we need to prepare for the spring fabrics of next year. Time is very urgent. I came to the office at 9:00. Firstly, updated the information that our foreign customer had sent to us. Then, got the feedbacks from our factories. Plus, contacting with our mills and asked for the processes of our fabrics. At the mean time, I need to recommend fabric samples to my other customers and hopefully they could accept it. There were so many bulk which were ready to send out. It is very important for us to book a boat or a plane to make sure all the products are exported safely. At that time, I thought everyday was like a battle and time was so short. I even do not have time to drink some water. I would say that I am busy because it is the busy season and time is limited. Apart from this, the labor market has become intensely competitive and the unemployment rate has been rising constantly in modern society. Many people have to work hard to improve their jobs and so am I.


雅思口语考试形式及内容全面解析 雅思口语考试是考生与考官之间进行一对一交流的形式,考官对考生的英语口语水平进行考察。雅思口语考试分为三个部分,考生可以以此使用不同的口语表达技能。雅思考试口语部分将被录音。下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思口语考试形式及内容全面解析 雅思口语Part 1 雅思口语考试形式:考官会向考生进行自我简介,并核对考生的身份。之后,考官会就考生熟悉的话题(如朋友、兴趣习惯或者食物) 进行询问。为保证题目的一致性,这些问题都是从一个事先拟定的范围内抽取的。 考试时间有多长:4-5分钟。 这部分考察的是什么技能:这部分考察的是考生就日常性的观点和信息、常见的生活经历或情形以回答问题的形式进行交流的能力。 雅思口语Part 2 雅思口语考试形式:这部分为考生作个人陈述。考官会交给考生一个答题任务卡、铅笔和草稿纸做笔记。答题任务卡上会给

出一个话题和需要在个人陈述中包含的要点,并在最后提示考生解释这个话题的某一个方面。有效地使用答题任务卡上的提示可以帮助考生思考讲述的话题、组织内容、并持续地陈述2分钟时间。在准备时间内做一些笔记也可以帮助考生安排好陈述的结构。考生有一分钟的准备时间,之后考官会要求考生就相关内容讲述1-2分钟。考官会在2分钟后打断考生,并在最后提问一两个问题作为结束语。 考试时间有多长:3-4分钟。 这部分考察的是什么技能:这部分考察得是考生(在没有任何其它提示的情况下)就一个特定的话题进行较长时间的陈述的能力,考察考生是否能恰当地运用语言、是否能连贯地组织自己的观点。考生有可能需要联系自己的经历来完成这部分内容。 雅思口语Part 3 雅思口语考试形式:在这部分考试中,考官和考生将对第二部分中涉及的话题进行讨论,讨论将为更加广泛和抽象,在恰当的时候还会更加深入。 考试时间有多长:4-5分钟。 这部分考察的是什么技能:这部分考察的是考生表达和论述看法、分析、讨论以及深入思考问题的能力。 雅思口语范文:describe something made you laugh

雅思口语 part话题 万能回答法

雅思口语P a r t2话题万能回答法晟睿老师原创的范文: A Gift That You Received 视频中素材由本期节目原创,趁着新鲜,赶紧机智地抱走,讲给考官听! I want to talk about a gift I received on Christmas Day when we were exchanging gifts. One of my friends gave me a ceramic young Buddhist monk. I was a little bit surprised to have it because it’s very unlike him. And then he told me the story behind it. He said for this gist he went to a pottery shop which offers a service through which you can make something on your own and take it home at the end of the session. And he made a Buddhist monk for me. The Buddha is beige in color, and about 10 centimeters in height. I can’t say it’s very delicately molded because it’s probably my friend’s third try. I was impressed by the facial expression of the monk. I mean, his eyes are half closed, and there is just an air of calmness which is really contagious. I place this Buddha on my desk, and whenever my work’s not going well or my computer runs very slowly, I would feel a bit anxious, and lose my patience in such situations. Then I look at the ceramic monk and mysteriously I regain my composure. So I like this gift from my friend and I am really grateful for his work. PS:范文中到处都是漂亮的词汇、语法、句式,还有无处不在的发音技巧。这视频得看5遍才算真正Get! ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆ 5个高频口语话题 you can apply the model answer to 5 different topics: 1. A Gift You Recieved or Gave Someone Recently 最近收到或送人的礼物 (把范文的收到改为送给谁即可) 2. Sth You Bought Recently That Your Really Like 最近购买的喜欢的东西 (像蹲妹那首I Really X6 Like You一样反复说喜欢、嘎喜欢) 3. A Small Buisiness That You’d Like to Have 想开的一个小店 (注意business这里不见得是公司小商铺即可)


事物/物品篇 Sample: To be honest, I have lots of ambitions. And I'm going to talk about one of them, which is winning the first prize in a table tennis match. You know, winning a prize is always exciting and the winners are adored(受喜爱) by people. Honestly, I didn’t take part in lots of competitions. But I really want to win that one. Table Tennis is one of the most exciting sports in the world. Besides, the players are admired and respected by people. You know, I’m from China, its national sport is table tennis. Lots of students can play it well. So can I (我也能). Table tennis is played on a table and the rules are similar to tennis. Usually, two types of matches are played on table tennis – single match, team match. In a single match, usually, there is one opponent(对手) in each of the sides while the opponents become two in the team match. All of the teams or players try to hit the ball. Winning a table tennis match is difficult indeed. I have to struggle a lot for winning the matches. I usually practice the match solo though one of my friends wants to team up with(组队) me. But I declined(拒绝) him as I am not a good team player(有团队精神的人). In order to win it, I practice different techniques for hours everyday. Usually making the balls to swing is one of the difficult ways in table tennis and if someone could master it, playing and especially defeating becomes easier. So, I practise the specific way at my home with my sister. Moreover, I sometimes play table tennis with some of my friends who come to visit me at my home. Besides, dad also likes to play table tennis. So, I have lots of practice with him as well. I will try my best to play. If I win the first prize, I will be overwhelmed with joy and excitement(陷入喜悦和激动). It’ll be a proof(证明) of my ability. I will definitely feel a sense of achievement. Part3: ●What kinds of ambitions do people have?


雅思口语part1社会生活类话题分析首先,我们来了解一下雅思口语part1社会生活类话题。 社会生活类话题,其实是一些有经验的老师和学生实行的汇总,也是方便考生备考所做的系统的话题归类梳理。主要包括社会现象和生活方式等,如,健康、体育、运动、公共交通、公园、协助他人、假期等。 然后,我们在来看一下此类话题该如何作答。 考生需要明白的是part1的话题虽然看似简单,但是其难度是循序渐进的,基本上前两个问题是比较简单的,最后的一个或者两个问题是大层面的问题一般会比较难,有点类似于part3的回答。而中间的几个问题难度处于中等水平。此外,作答的时候一定要注意长度适中,内容完整饱满,切记一个单词或者一个简单句就结束了。同时还要注意词汇的灵活使用和句式的多样性。以上三点就是考生作答时需要注意的内容。 下面我们以实例来实行讲解: Part1 Health 健康 1. How do you feel about the health? Health is absolutely the top priority for everyone and a prerequisite for anyone to do anything. It is hard imagine how someone can survive without being in good health. Health is one of the very few things that can’t be measured in terms of money. 这个问题是很容易理解的就是关于健康的看法,这里的回答并不是简单的一句话,而是详细的表达了自己的观点以及想法。问题看似简单但是回答起来却不能掉以轻心。同时这里的词汇句式也是比较灵活的,如:The top priority重中之重;Without being in good


Holiday Vocabulary Part 1-style questions Examiner: What kind of holiday do you like? Miguel: I try to avoid tourist traps… I like to get away from it all and prefer going somewhere off the beaten track… last year I had the holiday of a lifetime… a two week wildlife safari in Kenya. Examiner: What do you like to do when you’re on holiday? Anna: I enjoy visiting the local places of interest… I like to go sightseeing and always sign up for guided tours as it’s a chance to be shown around and take p hotographs … one of my hobbies. Examiner: Do you have many tourists in your country? Amy: Yes … we have a lot of holiday resorts along the coast that are popular with tourists … most people come on package holidays and stay in one of the many hotels and self-catering apartments. Part 2-style task Describe a beautiful place you once visited. You should say: ?when you went to this place ?where it was ?who you went with and say why you liked it so much. Sally: A few years ago I went on a long weekend to the Lake District in the UK … it’s a very popular holiday destination in the north of England … I went on my own and had a wonderful time … I stayed in a youth hostel and met some really nice people … but the most memorable thing about the holiday were the breathtaking views… and lovely picturesque villages… it can get very busy with hordes of tourists so I decided to go out of season in the autumn … the weather was fantastic and the shops were full of local crafts… a really great holiday … it’s certainly not the


雅思口语详解Part3答题技巧 一.雅思口语Part3难点解析 都说雅思口语Part3难,那么雅思口语Part3难在哪里?它的难点是什么呢?我们来详细分析一下。 1.问题更有深度 先来说雅思口语Part3的第一个难点,问题。Part3的问题不同于part1和Part2,问题更有深度。比如你在Part2谈论了旅行,那么接下来可能会问你旅游业的利弊,或者问你交通的利弊等等。这些话题有的听起来可能跟part1相似,但却问的是更为深层次的内容。有的时候一些Part3的问题可能会让你一时无法想出合适的回答。总之,这个阶段难度上升最能直观感受到的就是口语问题难度增加。 2. 答题要求更高 雅思口语Part3不仅问题更有深度,对于回答的要求更高了,此时决不能一句话回应考官的问题,建议举出实例说明观点。比如,当问到关于城市的话题时,考官问你,你觉得住在城市有什么好处?如果你只用一句话“城市生活给人们生活提供了极大的便利”回应问题,那么口语分数肯定高不了。你要根据问题去具体地具体说明为什么生活在城市生活会便利,比如交通更方便,购物更方便,上学更方便等等。一定要注意,这一题答题要求更高,不能一两句就敷衍过去。 3.没有准备时间 虽然Part3要求大家尽可能答的具体,但是考试中并没有给大家预留出额外的准备时间,考官问完问题后,你就要立刻根据问题来回答,几乎没有思考时间。这也是雅思口语Part3的难点之一。 二.雅思口语Part3答题技巧解析 1.创造准备时间 我们在上文中提到,雅思口语Part3几乎没有思考时间,要根据问题立刻回应考官,大家要依靠一些技巧去给自己争取一些思考时间。最为实用的方式就是重复问题,但是不能原句重复,要学着用Paraphrasing 的技巧去重复问题,这样就能为自己争取到一些思考时间。如果对于所问话题一点思路也没有的话,不要沉默,可以开口讲“让我考虑一下……”讲完以后可以考虑几秒钟,迅速组织答案回答问题。 2.根据话题准备素材 每次口语考试前都会有关于雅思口语考试的机经预测,建议大家根据口语机经上的话题准备答题素材,确保在口语答题中能够举出实际例子。根据话题准备雅思口语Part3素材的时候可以根


雅思口语考试话题“运动” 今天我们来看一个9月part 2的新话题,一个有点贵的运动. 有点贵的运动 (new) 提及有点贵的运动,同学们首先想到的是什么呢?有人可能说,还真不容易想到,那么,让我们反过来思考,简单说就是“不容易”参加的运动: 1.不容易找到场地的运动:那么排除那些平时或周末随便约几个朋友就可以在学校或者市内参加的运动,比 如篮球,乒乓球,羽毛球,足球等。 2.不容易找到装备的运动:排除一些只需要简单装备的运动,比如跑步,空手道,拳击等。 3.不容易找到专业教练的运动: 可以排除,游泳,自行车等项目。 因此,有点贵的运动大多是那些距离市区较远,需要特殊装备,特殊专业人群指导,有时甚至需要产生额外花费,比如酒店或者机票的运动。 以下,给大家一些方案,看看有没有你感兴趣的呢? 1.Fencing (击剑) 2.Golf (高尔夫球)

3.Scuba Diving (潜水) 4.Rock Climbing (攀岩) 5.Paragliding (滑翔伞)

6.Skiing (滑雪) 7.Snowboarding (单板滑雪) 8.Kitesurfing (风筝冲浪)

9.Bungee jumping (蹦极) 10.Horse riding = horseback riding / Equestrianism (马术) 看完后,有没有很想动啊?下面以horse riding 作为一个例子, What it is; If you asked me to describe a little expensive sport I prefer to do, I’d say horse-riding. Coz, you know, it looks so exciting. In fact, it’s something I’ve always wanted to try but have never gotten around to doing anything about it. But just recently my friend and I were talking about this and we found some pretty good resorts in Shanghai. How much it usually costs; There are many horse riding stables or clubs you could find over the Internet. We started searching
