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例文– A traffic accident中心段赏析
It was about 7:00 on Friday morning, (Oct. 31st). (补充说明时间)I was walking through the pedestrian overpass near my school when I was shocked by the screech of a car. (事情的起因)I saw a man knocked down by a black car. Soon many cars were jammed there. I got there and found that beside a black Benz lay a middle-aged man in a pool of blood. (交代一些细节)The street turned chaotic.(事情的大致经过)After a moment, the police and an ambulance arrived. The victim was instantly sent to the hospital.(事情的结果)
补充交代时间 The event took place/happened/occurred in the early morning. The whole story happened the (first) day I entered the senior high school.
(二)人物外貌和性格的描写 He is of medium height. He is good-looking/ordinary-looking. She is plump/slim, with fair skin and curly hair. He looks handsome in a sports suit/blue jeans. He is of mild/bad temper. At first glance, you would say he is the perfect image of an obedient boy, but deep down, he is not that way at all.
Leabharlann Baidu
例文– A traffic accident
首段:首段概括交代事件发生的时间、地点、人 物等信息 A week ago, I witnessed a traffic accident in a rainy day on my way to school, which still sticks in my mind.
注意空间的移动:I got there…
例文– A traffic accident结尾段赏析
结尾段:可适当发表一点议论 In my opinion, the pedestrian should have taken the overpass when crossing the street. Besides, the driver might have driven too fast, regardless of such bad weather. Anyway, I believe accidents may be avoided if we become aware of the importance of safety.(结尾)
Last year, a terrible flu spread across the whole school. One of my classmate, John/Jane Doe, became a victim of it. He/She ran a high fever, and ordinary medicine didn’t work on him. The news quickly reached everybody in our class. Some classmates recorded the English lessons for him so that he/she could keep up with his/her studies. Our English teacher called on him/her at the weekends sometimes. With care and help, he/she was soon able to be up and about and finally came back to the class. From this event, I learn two things. One is that with love, no illness or difficulty is terrible. The other is that love and help are two-way streets. Our classmates offered John/Jane Doe kind help partly because he/she himself/herself had always been a helpful person. So I realize that when we help others, we are helping ourselves.
例文– A traffic accident
中心段:交待细节,注重在how; 交待细节时应注意的事项? 过多不必要的细节会冲淡文章的主题。
An accident This afternoon I went out in the country to see my grandparents. After I got out there I decided to take a short drive. I drove down to East Greenwich, which is about eight miles from Centreville. While coming home I was obliged to follow the railroad for a mile or two. When I had gone about half a mile I heard a terrible whistling ahead of me. On coming near to where the sound came from, I discovered that an express train had run into the rear end of a freight train. Fortunately no one was seriously hurt, although I heard on man say that he never got shaken up so badly in his life before. The engine of the express train was somewhat disabled, as the cow-catcher was broken and the head-light and the smoke-stack were knocked off. No one seemed to know the cause of the accident.
The Day My Classmate Fell Ill 1)简单描述这位同学的生病情况; 2)同学、老师和我是如何帮助他/她的; 3)人与人之间的这种互相关爱给我的感受 是……

扭伤 twist one’s ankle / give a wrench to one’s ankle / sprain one’s ankle one’s sprained ankle 喉咙疼痛 have a sore throat 痛苦的表情 an expression of pain Her face was contorted with pain. 她痛 得脸都变了样。 量体温 take one’s temperature 轮流照顾某人 take care of sb. by turns / take turns at caring sb. 发高烧 have/run a high fever 健康状况 health / condition 请假 ask for a (sick) leave / ask for a four-day leave / be on sick leave
(三)物体的描写 It comes in a variety of colors/shapes. It consists of several integrated parts. It is shaped like a circle. It is flat in shape and small in size. Attached to the bottom is…
(一)作者心理活动的描写 I could hardly believe my eyes. I felt as if I were on top of the world. I was completely shocked. I was bursting with joy.

It was the most exciting moment that I have ever experienced. All through my senior high school, I couldn’t forget … In the years that followed the event frequently floated in my mind/often recurred to my memory/kept haunting me. Last week, when I was on my way home something terrible happened. I quickly turned around, just in time to see the whole process of the accident.
(四)景物的描写 There is a wonderful array of flowers along the street. The air is filled with the scent of roses. The trees stood there on guard for generations, with branches reaching out like a canopy over the road. I feel miserably insignificant approaching the mountain. Even judging by modern standards, the town was large in population. The campus has a unique atmosphere.

记叙文用于记叙过去发生的事件或经历,以 写人、叙事为主要内容。它可以包括历史, 游记,报道,回忆,故事,琐事等。 这样的文章也要有中心。一般从第一或第三 人称角度出发,表达自己或他人的经历或感 受,使读者对事情十分明了以获得强烈感受。 记叙文通常以一般过去时为主,根据上下文 用各种时态。
例文– A traffic accident
中心段:交待细节,注重在how; 交待细节时应注意的事项? 过多不必要的细节会冲淡文章的主题。 因此,在细节的选择上应注意选择与主题密切 相关的内容,从而点明文章中心。 从首段也可看出 文章重点在traffic accident和stick in my mind
一、交代背景 文章的开头应概括地介绍事件发生的 时间、地点、人物以及事件等 二、详略得当 过多不必要的细节会冲淡文章的主题。 因此,在细节的选择上应注意选择与主题密切相关 的内容,从而点明文章中心。 三、条理清晰 记叙文一般按照时间顺序或空间顺序来描述, 要求层次清晰、条理清楚。